MEO AO SIE SO i ts SS J ari avs on ot au Foto Pip CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 52--»Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES City of Oshawa, Province of Ontario. To Wit:-- By virtue of @ warrant is- sind by the Mayor of the City of Oshowa bearing date of the 15th of July, 1959, a sale of londs in arrears for taxes in the City of Oshowa will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the fourth day of November, 1959, unless the taxes and costs ore sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of land: for sale for arrears of taxes hos been published in The Ontario Gazette, on the 1st Doy of August, 1959. Copies of the said list moy be obtained ot the office of the City Treas- urer. = 1 : Treasurer's Office this 4th MAYEE JONTO WILL STAY WITH doy of August, 1959. YEP, JUST A COMMON, { / WAIT FOR MAGS SLOWPOKE MULE TO CATCH UR MAG AND EXPLAIN HER d THE ™ ORDINARY, EVERY fo ; PART IN OUR PLAN. H. E. TRIPP, PAY: RUN«QF-THE = il COMMON MILL POSSUM ! // H), DAISY. JUST CALLED | |f WELL, DIDN'T you TO SAY THANKS FOR LIKE THE CAKE, THAT DELICIOUS PIE! MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON : J / : y j Clerk's Notice of First / ; bi \ : 4 Posting of Voters' List FOR YOUR EDDYCATION, TWINK wn THAT'S A POSSUM! SW Voters' lists, 1959, Municie EVN : u ) / # pality of Darlington, County ' : (§ of Durham. : h v, = J Notice is hereby given that | THE LONE RANGER AS \\ have complied with section / 9 of The Voters' List Act and that | have posted up at my office at Hampton, on the 15th day of October, 1959, % R PT the list of all persons entitled |] . . i to vote in the said Munici- E TE Prergcr 1 ZR , | pality at municipal elections oh 4 and that such list remains there for inspection. And | hereby call upon oll voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected ace cording to law, the lost day for appeal being the 29th day of October 1959. al \ ; I ; Dated this fifteenth doy of i IN THAT LIGHT YOUR AND HAIR ARE LIKE I KNOW ALL ABOUT | | TIME I EVER BUY FACE HOLDS ALL THE EFFERVESCENT Fi THAT POKER GAME S JEWELS IN A RADIANT TONIGHT HERB DIADEM OF BEAUTY | | <3 sas ag ENCHANTMENT OF A MODERN MONA LISA a -- 9, King Pastures Syndicate, Inc., World rights A DON'T MOVE, DEAR-| | i] oo LIPS AND EYES "NII SAVE YOUR BREATH: | [THAT'S THE LAST Lusi (| \ f Azaed [Hist BRC = October, 1959, ( fe BL 4 5 ~ W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk | NT /A = Township of Darlington N 2) 4 / . 244¢ a Ethiopian Royalty 2 ip . ' A a - OTTAWA (CP) -- The crowa ; , % prince and princess of Ethiopia L Pin " . arrived in Ottawa by air Mone day night from New York City See And Test Drive If Today AI... CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, "gl @ es Mrs, Diefen- SECRET AGENT X 9 Y'RE ALL. SHWCKS, IT HAPPENS REMEMBER, THIS IS TH 4 NAYAR® BOW WITH EVERY YEAR ABOUT ANN a'TH RED- NECESSITIES NOTHING BUT \ PATIENCE, MY PETSKYI| SO GROUCHY | | SOMETHIN../ THIS TIME../ FLANNEL SEASON// NECESSITIES! WHY CWT | AFTER THIS CRUISE, I'M PULL SOME STRINGS SURE T0 BE MADE SO WE CAN HAVE ADMIRAL, AND YOU , LUXURIES? ois waluow ss =e | = _ | lp ; 5 ' : 7p ; ; Vi. dh -- a / . Fa ; oe? li : Y Nag R HE'S MARRIED TO NONE OTHER o 1S BRILLIANT, Bo CREBRATED Shc. Race EGOVITCH, | § LEAPA JUMPSKY, LITTLE DO THY VAINEST AND WILIEST OF ALL RUSSIAN | o Bt GN KNOW WHAT A SHE-DEVIL LEAPA 15, SUBMARINE COMMANDERS 00 BRICKS HAR 15 QUICKLY PYEDwe « ¥ NO, BRICK! SHES YOKAY, OKAY! FLASH CONTI KROYS COUSIN! | MORE CARDS! ILL BE SENTATION MEE ES, MISTAKES LIKE THAT | GLAD WHEN THIS IS 14 in, CAN TRAP YOu/ OVER! % *Select what you'd lke, dear, 3 and we'll go out and opder it." of VES! AND IT'S BEEN QUITE ADA: + WE'RE BUSHED JAFTER 1'WRITE SY ~ Ay NEED A NEW GARAGE DOOR... WE CARRY ALL TYPES AND SIZES NE TR A pn yr AT VERY REASONABLE NOW, WHAT DO YOU SPOSE HE MEANT i 5 LIKE RY! [Ea oF (WELL, IVE STUCK My NECK P WHEN HE SAD I COULD GO BACK HOME TO 2 pe Rb 24 WIVQUY THis Vig DONT 1 RICES AT ++ THE BAYOU AN' ANNIE COULD STAY pdf » ; HERE 7? WHERE'S SHE <a [J BRICK BRADFORD : ae i Ev ™ Ni Sr win sour, 7 Millwork & Ng as {| [1 Building Supplies LTD. 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-4694 i. | WHAT *\e OF A \ TRAP THS 7 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MERRY MENAGERIE Home Owners and ir Gardeners HEPES RY el Yi; \\ : : : Fall is the time ot FILL wey, Pd Ni a i > > es | . % 7 to use ... PEAT MOSS \ RN 1 MICKEY MOUSE 73 TILCRRE SNES | [SAE MLS Ar Seer WFO > BONE MEAL Lh Seno) at Te ow pri FERTILIZER Get Your Supply Now SPECIAL PRICE ON 25 LBS, BONE MEAL 1.16 MASTER FEEDS (OSHAWA) eo Free Customer Parking o 54 CHURCH ST. RA 3-2229 [ ROY ROGERS