The Oshawa Times, 20 Oct 1959, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 20, 1959 STAY ALIVE LONGER! 'The High Cost Expulsion Of TORONTO (CP) -- Expulsion of unruly students is one way of making the problem worse, a British delegate told the Inter- national Association of Pupil Per- Only Worsens Problem Students |dren had a greater respect for the education system. hh, Acadian By JOE DUPUIS Canadian Press Staff Writer LANTZ, N.S. (CP) -- A stylish | Mr. Haig said visiting t the discipline found in invariably expressed surprise at p.itery ¢ shop has become highly successful in this planned com- Shop Successful Pottery He and his brunette Acadian, Edmund G. Brown's denial ofthe death sentence hanging over clemency was the political act ofhim since 1948. Convict-Ruthor's a man who is "presidential Chessman sald he didn't ask timber." for clemency in the first place, Appeal Denied The copvict - author held astill hoped the U.S. Supreme SAN QUENTIN, Calif. (AP)- prison press conference shortlyCourt would save his life, ale Caryl Chessman, facing deathafter announcement in Sacra-ready has made his will, Friday in gas chamber,mento that - Brown refused to 'The governor's opinion is just charged Monday that Governorcommute fo life imprisonmentwhat 1 expected," he wife came here 10 years ago on the invitation of Lloyd E. Shaw, owner and founder of the brick plant on -which the whole econ- Of Mind Tensi By LELORD KORDEL Installment - Seven John Stanton is still in his thir- ties. Yet high blood pressure is al- ready wrecking his chances of living much longer. John was a Pharmacist mate in the United tes Navy during World War 11. His wife was the daughter of a successful drugstore owner; so when John came back to join his wife and family, it was decided that John should take over his father-in-law's prosperous busi- ness. This he did, without consult~ ing his natural aptitudes. For fourteen hours every day of the week including Sunday, John worked to make the suc- cess and profit his father-in-law expected. He was mentally and physically exhausted by the time he came to see me. "Just tell me how I can British cess 35 miles northwest of Hal- omy of the village of 500 is bullt. tax. (NO DUPLICATES EARLY. MARRIAGE PROBLEM yo owners say they are afraid The Lorensens use designs that The 200 delegates also dis-ly, advertise because theylcannot be made commercially, cussed attitudes to early mar-|youidn't be able to handle more|that is, on a mould. "We want it riages in states with compulsory|pysiness. so that Mrs. Jones can buy a vase school attendance. Should al wwe want to run our own busi-/from us with confidence that her young married girl of 15 or 16 be(,..c "not let the busi run us,|neighbor or the nearby store permitted to attend school with) 4 that's what would happen if|won't have one similar," said Mr, unmarried girls of similar age?|we tried to do more," says Dan-Lorenezn. asked one ish-born Ernest Lorenzen. Both b interested in pot. "The school must take them N tery at Moncton during the war, back, unless their presence is when he was an interpreter at detrimental to other students for Leisurely the international airport. They some other reason," said Robert began working the Clay as a E. Minnich, Albany, N.Y. hobby, and their work caught the MONTREAL (CP) -- Things in Canada now are moving too fast (attention of a reporter who wrote en article about them. for veteran farmer James Ache- son, who arrived as an Irish im- sonnel Workers convention Mon-|schools. day. Lawrence Haig, Birmingham, England, said that in his city's school system of about 185,000 students, an average of only one every three years was expelled as unruly. "We don't feel anyone is hope- less and we have ial school for every kind of difficulty, either at home or in London," he said. A A United States delegate asked Mr. Haig whether British chil- TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiiton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel S5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2----Baffale WEBEN-TV Channel {Buffalo When should you buy Life Insurance The best time is when you are young because then annual premiums are low. But many young married men face a dilemma. They decide to postpone the purchase of life insurance till their family situation creates a greater need. However, they find later that premiums are higher and in the meantime, they run the risk of being uninsurable. Here's a sound formula for meeting the problem. It's Manufacturers Life's "Security Graph plus G.1.B." -- Security Graph helps avoid costly postponements by setting up a plan for buying insurance according to future needs and ability to pay. G.LB. is a new | policy rider that enables the buyer of a'new policy to purchase more insurance at regular rates at specific dates in the future -- regardless of changes of health or occupation.' P. Andrey Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA. 3-2231 TUESDAY EVENING 8.30 P.M, P.M 7---Devotions 4:3 P.M 9:00 6--Friendly Giant 5-2--Split Personality 4--Edge of igor WEDNESDAY P.M. 5:00 P.M, {1--Family Theatre 6--Art in Action 5--Playhouse 4--Fun To Learn 2-Gene Autry 5.15 P.M, 4--Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 7--My Friend Flicka 6--Huckleberry Hound 6:00 FP. M. 7--Early Show 11-6--News 2-Jet Jackson 6:15 P.M, 6-8Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. 11---Family Theatre 5-4-2-News: Weather 6:45 P.M. S--Huntley-Brinkley Report 6-4-2--New 7:00 6---Tablold S5--Leave it to Beaver 4--Cannonball 2--Manhunt 5.00 P.M. 11--Family Thegtre M. 6---On Safari 5--F 4--Fun To Learn 2-Three Flooges 5:13 P.M, 4--Feature Film 530 P.M. 7--Rin Tin Tin 6-Sky King 2--McGraw 600 P.M 7--Komedy Korner 5-Ding Dong School 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Man' Called X 9:30 AM, 7----Romper Room 5--Burns and Allen 4----Life of Riley 2--Helen Neville i 10:00 A.M. 4-0On The Go 5,.2--Dough Re M3 10:30 AM, 7--Morning Show ,5,2--'I'reasure Hunt 4--December Bride 11:00 AM, 11--Jane Gray Show 5,2--Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11.6--News 7--Early Show 2---Willie Wonderful 615 P.M, 6--Lawrence Welk 630 P.M. ? 11:30 AM. 11--Anything Goes 5.2- Concentration Top' Dollar R. J. Branch Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA. 3-2231 Talk to the Man from Manufacturers Life about this new security formula today, 2--Sergeant PETAL ra 7.3% P.M. See the Man from Manufacturers an i Weather 7:80 PM THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE SURANCE COMPANY 7--Black Saddle 6--Leave it to Beaver 5-2---Wagon Train 4--Lineup 8:00 P.M. 11--Frontier 7--Keep Talking 6--Have Gun Will- Travel Mr. Shaw saw the article and was impressed. He thought that a shop selling home-made poi- tery, particularly for the tourist trade, - would fit in well with plans for the model village. The clay for the pottery comes from the brick kilns, LONG HOURS migrant 50 years ago to start al It's been a profitable relation- dairy farm near Brockville, Ont.|ship, although the Lorenzens say In an interview here before|the work day might run 18 hours. leaving for his native Ireland, Mr. Lorenzen is an amateur pilot Mr. Acheson told reporter s:|and manages to find time for fly- "This country is moving too fast.|ing on weekends. That's why so many fellows are| He came to Canada at age 19 to killing each other on the roads." study forestry at the University He recalled the days of a more/of New Brunswick. It was while leisurely Canada, when milk cost/working at this - profession in three cents and a bottle of whisky/Nova Scotia that he met 'his wife, could be had for 60 cents. who hails from Antigonish, N.S. Of his early days near Brock- They have two teen-age daugh- ville, where he settled with his/ters. Mrs. Lorenzen says the Irish bride, he said: "We lived girls "are not interested in pot- mostly on cornmeal bread. We|lery -- perhaps because it's so plowed with oxen and went to|™uch work. church with oxen. "I used to buy livestock at auc-| 1 tions all through the seaspn and| Anglican Rector sell them to packing-houses and dealers in Toronto, Hull, Mon- Moves To England treal and Troi -Rivieres. Once we drove cattle all night in the Ot-| LONDON (CP -- Rev. Lewis tawa Valley when our truck's|Carl Swan, rector of St. George's wheels, broke and we had to go|Anglican Church in St. Cathar- ahead on foot." ines, Ont., is to become vicar of Now a Swidower, Mr. Acheson|the 14th century church in Bridg-| sailed for Ireland with his sister, water, Somerset. Mrs. Georgina Ferguson, not sure] He will move from Canada to when he would return to Canada.| England sometime in November, | "If my health stays good I'll be] Canon Swan was a chaplain in' back in the spring," he said. "If{the Canadian Navy from 1943 to it's not good I may not come|1946 and was chaplain to the back." University of Toronto from 1946 IN [¢ He was bound for Enniskillen|to 1952 when he moved to St.| in County Fermanagh, | REQUIRED by today Catharines. 7--For the Ladies &~The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7-Day in Court 6--TBA 2--Queen For A Day 4--Better or Worse 2:15 PM. 11-6--Nursery School 2:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. 11-6-Live A Borrowed Life 7--Ossle and Harriet 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Men Into Space 00 P.M 11-6-5-2--Perry Come 4-Millionaire 7--The Hawaiian Eye 9.30 P.M, cret 3 M, 11-6--Studio Pacifie 7--Boxing 11-6--Open House 7--Cmie Storm 5~Home Cooking 4--House Party 2-Thin Man 3:00 P.M. 41 Got a Se 10:00 P 00 today's driving conditions 10:30 P.M. 11-8--Exploration 5-2-Wichita Town 10:45 P.M. 7-Time kor Sports 11:00 P.M. 11-7-6-5-4-2--New Weather: Sports 1:15 P.M, 7---Playhouse 6 Viewpoint 11:30 P.M, 11--Late Show 6--Playhouse 4--Theatre §-2--Jack Parr - 11-6---PM Party ' H 7~Beat The Clock Ss cars in 5-2--Doctor Malone 4--The Biz vavolt ots 2 3 0 You Trust : 6-TBA 5,2--From These Roots 4--Verdiet 1s Yours 100 P.M. LELORD KORDEL keep going," he pleaded. you've told me what your blood luncheon tables, on the factory as- thing, you're working too hard,|don't have to wear the gray flan- your're not suited." o|shiny blue serge, or even Levis! nervous tension and feelings of| More than one-fourth of the-na- |tense and often emotionally upset, You have all these things to con- migraine headaches, arthritis --|{1--Family Theatre or sleep regularly. Don't you 4 | untley-Brinkley "I'm beginning to have an I'm gnmng [ " 12:00 Noom that cause it, I'l! know what to do/bow?" | 4--Annie Oakley 5.2-Tic Tac Dough ar ffs, 6--Matinee John 1 asked mark. "Why Bron 12:30 P.M. you ask that?" {can't fondle the hand I'm fond of, | iio vo" 11-6--Chevy Show 5,2--It Could Be You you screw. down the nozzle 10/gorre not suggesting that I hold T--Wyat Earp 11--Movie Matinee something similar happens within suggesting this: If you don't like 53~-Fibber McGee 2-Mid-day Matinee 4--Meet the Millers the heart has to pump harder to/jixe" jt or else quit and get' an.| IzRifleman meat, 9:30 P.M. THE RESULT OF PRESSURE crease your blocd pressure." | 4--Red Skelton Either your overworked heart|late high blood pressure and dis- | 7--Aleoa . Presents turb the sympathetic nervous sys-| 10:30 P.M. heart failure or, because of in-| 11:00 P.M. the body may give way and|Sentment and unresolved frustra- h:1s P.M, | 11:30 P.M. development of atherosclerosis--| Hypertension is something that gy 11--Festival of Fashion These two blood conditions are C8! and mental ways. And many s.3 Jack Parr 7--Who Do WEDNESDAY down in the prime of life. They the necessary effort? 8:00 A.M "I can't tell you to go back to| You hear the word *'tension" that store," 1 said. "Not since everywhere in offices, at pressure is. There are two things sembly line, and, p y, . wrong with your job: for onmelon buses and in subways. You for another, you don't like your|nel suit of Madison Avenue, You work -- it's something for which/can be just as tense in your old "There is an increasing belief," a I told John, "that such things 2s| TENSION COSTS BILLIONS anxiety, insecrity, and worry tion's industrial labor force are affect a person's blood pressure. psychosamatic lls of Work. tend with in the store. Then, So ers -- high blood pressure, ulcers, say you don't eat a balanced diet] ost industry three billion dollars | S-News: Jest k : imen do-| each year in_ unproductive wages| Huntl ing ¢ Whe! Jus legis tis |and in damage to the workers] pry is ey 1 themselves and to their machines. |643-News jdea," said John. "But go on.| "John," I said, "did you ever| g_rabioi Maybe if I can find out the things see a show called Finian's Rain-| 5--The Rifleman 1~Cartoons on 19.0 Bilk y to prevent further hypertension."| "No," said John, looking startl- iho 4-News and Weather "Do you water your own lawn, ed at my seemingly irrelevant re- 2:18 P.M. 4-Speaker of the "Well, sure," said John, "when| «qnere's a song in it that says, 6--Donna Reed House I have the time. But why something to this effect: 'If I|%2- Laramie HNews pr "] 7--Love That Bob Then, you know what hap- I'll fondle the hand at hand'." Jal cold 8 pens inside a garden hose when John grinned a little.. "Surely 4--Am Sothern arch lor, Lomorrow throw a stream of water fartheriy ogc with my customers?" 4--Many Loves of Dable | 4--Guiding Light across the lawn. In hypertension "Hardly that," I said. "I am Gillis 00 P.M " 7--Music Bingo your abnormally contracted ar- your job, you must, for the sake 11.6~Front Page Chal- | 5--Feature Movie teries. Pressure increases, andor your health, either learn to| lenge i 52--Arthur M force blood Suronsls Shese 'Hey other job. Your nervous tension, ¢-Tightrope contracted small vessels. |anxiety, and worry tend to in- 11.6-5-2--Startime | 7--Philip Marlowe As a result of increased pres-| Fear, anger and anxiety are sure, two things can happen. some of the emotions that stimu- | P.M, { | 4--~Garry Moore becomes excessively enlarged ffer from congestive a a |" 7--Man Without & Gun aud you_ suite 8 | Harboring resentment or frus-| 2--Bold Venture creased pressure within it, a|tration can be equally harmful. |i; 7.65,42--News: weakened artery elsewhere in|Ine stress caused by pent-up re-| Weather Sports canse a stroke, |tion is dangerous -- a veritable Ih ayiouse Sn emotional time bomb. | Hypertension also hastens the lant nr. the disease of clogged arteries.|Can be controlled, in both physi- Er poitierback Cun y |long, useful years can be added | ne PM test t tor, the 4A ne | ik gb liar wd Teg life. Are you willing to make ®--BorEX . thi f ths in | 7--Window on the World Eom swe ot Tenino l1--Popeye 7--American Bandstand 6--Our Miss Brooks 5-2-House on High Street, Tomorrow: Don't Defeat you! Life is for the living, | if you want it to be, ... 4--News Roundup Few of you can tell, without a 8:15 AM, physical checkup, that your blood | 4--Captain Kangaroe pressure is high. One of the most common symptoms is persistent headache. The headache may make you pessimistic, irritable and morose, which further in- creases your blood pressure. You may suffer dizziness and light- headedness. Vertigo, with th~ feeling that the world is spinning around you, occurs in extreme cases YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE Your blood pressure goes up and down, perhaps varying during the day or from day to day. It varies with your activities, or even your peace of mind. In the normal person, these rises of pressure are temporary. Your ar- teries are dependent upon the functioning of the arterioles -- the very small terminal portions of the arteries -- which in turn are dependent upon the function-| 7 ing of your nervous system. Looking at John's tense "and haggard face, 1 had a hunch that his functional high blood pressure was due to stress or anxiety rather than physical difficulty. 5 a---- Morning rush-hour traffic PROD FIRST B oy to the supermarket... stopping and starting, Day after day... CED... the youngsters to school... KEEPING CHECK LONDON, Ont. (CP) Be- cause of frequent cases of pilfer- ing during the last few months, the Victoria House Museum now makes it compuisory for all visit- ors to sign a guest book. Exclusive "mortgage payment protection" with the short, short runs , ,, Idle-engine driving. THE FIRST MOTOR OIL PRODUCED SPECIFICALLY FOR PASSENGER CARS OPERATING IN TODAY'S DRIVING CONDITIONS Because of today's driving conditions, modern engines demand a new type of motor oil with maximum detergency in stop-start, idle-engine operating conditions as well as on long high-speed highway runs. Now B-A offers the first "MS" * motor oil available in all grades-- formulated especially for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. New all-purpose B-A Peerless Heavy Duty Motor Oil protects your engine from the impurities, gums and sludges that are produced by short-run, stop-and-start driving, keeps engines operating at peak capacity . . . helps you to more miles of carefree, trouble-free driving--in city traffic and on the open road. ALL-NEW Rest assured Once there was a beautiful mother who hardly slept a wink at night whenever she and the children were alone. Now she sleeps peacefully all through the night, knowing the doctor, police, firemen and friends are only a reach away! Because, as you see, she had an extension telephone installed right beside her bed. Thanks to that extra phone her daytime is more peaceful too! The extension saves many a step when she's doing housework . . -and when the TV is on, or the family is noisy, it's wonderful to slip into the bedroom for a quiet call. Private too when she has guests. Moral: The family with extension phones lives happier ever after! An Extension Phone costs only $1.25 a month--even less in some communities. The installation charge is only $2. To order, just call your Telephone Business Office, 'or ask the man in 1%» green truck, Jor all kinds of modern driving... : YOU CAN'T BUY A BETTER MOTOR OIL MS" --the official industry classification. Insist on "MS" motor oil for your car! AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED For more information, call your Acadia Agent today! A. S. ROSS Demirion Bank Building RA 3.4932 | THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA EE it i | THE BRITISH |

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