The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 33

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36--Female Help Wantad 37---Male Help Wanted ANTED URGENTLY «-- woman WANTED a in No her Father at work, RA 5 6166 after 4 p.m. BX work, RA 32240. EXPERIENCED hairdresser MAWRIED map for modern gd ain close to city and lechools. Ph or write to Morris Eh ET ai sh [43--Wanted to a." i | 43--Real Ustate For Sele 43---Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 1, 1999 33 or six room FIVE © AN [Phas WA $7000 Ask for Ralph. Sa = room, self-| WORKING couple, three Segal, 733 Grove Street, RA 34131 28¢ APPLE pickers wanted. Phone Brosh lin, OL 5-4753 after § p.m. oS Ty, 1$100 per week. Apply Box 53. The Oshawa Times. Soire ud/38 Male or Female 228 EE Help Wanted willing to work 15 hours weekly, car 30 boxes piirson- SAKES Sal os 3 oun free sample A i i No, expe experienc: nec. i dio, Ia cniit, WOMAN for housework, lve in, Fa Semis 5 or 7 days per week. Phone AITRESS, full or rt order cook for My. Campbell, G extra money? $23 and more can rs earned by showing our fabu- lous Chtistmas cards, gifts, toys, ete. to friends and neighbars. Our huge, hl color Christmas sata Akes ds easy to get pleaty ol rs. 2 SE Send no money. Write for samples of fast Sulliag items on phroval and free ca Mon- eeting Card oy dul . « ast Avenue, Hamilton. AVON OFFERS OPPORTUNITY Need money to help your family budget? Coll day for information how you can earn $2.00 an hour on a parti-time schedule, 1®hone (collect) between 8-9 om. -- MISS E. QUTERBRIDGIE, HU 7-0319. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER IMMEDIATELY Apply Fashion Village, 26 Simcoe Street Sauth RA 5-2722 229 SECRETARY with legal experienie for Jones & Greer 130 KING STREET EAST RA 8-6246 2294 37--Male Help Wanted SERVICE station attendant. willing to work evenings. Must have knowledge of cars. Write Box 608, Oshawa Times. 20 LICENSED | MECHANIC "= "= Excellent wage. Reply | toe PO Box 117, Began: 'e. Ont, 229¢ EATON'S in Qshawa require an EXPERIENCED FURNITURE SALESMAN ,. Apply at Customers' Accounts Office, T. EATON <0., LTD, ing Centre, 229¢ YOUNG MAN "with ot least Grade 12 sduces vate home, dry done. 118 Summer Street. GIRL OR BOY Aged 17 to 19 years. For general office work, with minimum of two years high school * Write Box 546 Oshawa Times. 223¢ willing to i vied For a tment write Box 311, Gab |} near bus, smokers, 2270 oto 8 pam Phone RA 0 39194. child, apart. 'ment with private bath, Found" floor erred but not essential. Phone RA i ! i u i |44--For Rent TTRACTIVE three-room heated apart. ment, bath, heavy trally Moe mediate HY DE WITH we NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341 Salesmen: -- | Don Mountjoy MA 3-3950 Rose Devidson, Bethany 211 é | $12,500 for 100-acre form close to a highway; L-shaped bank- barn, water on w drive shed, etc., 7-roomed home with modern i H fee on iit dh for business Phone RA 5-4277, HOUSE Tor veal FIVE - 100i 3 i sf Lf : sion Phas Loy RA 5 12.30 and 3 p.m. on MODERN six-room bungalow, sit |garage, natural fireplace, living room, EARN EXTRA CASH in spare time. No experience necssary, w beoutiful Christmas Cords to your friends. Large variety of Christmas and Everyday Assortments, Stationery, Ribe bon, Wrappings and Novel- ties. Free folders showing Personal Cards. Generous profits and bonus en volumg. Write todoy for samples. Douglas Greeting Card Come pany, S50-R Bleecker St, Toronto. » extra Boy vy Jaye ft fenced i lot. Immediate possession. RA "Hine COMFORTABLE room, In new home, close to ity bus service, kitchen il- eges may be arranged. RA 8-0504, 220 NICELY decorated room for girl, 600k. ing privileges. Abby 348 348 Arthur +) ONE furnished room for two single men, five minutes from South GM. Ap. ply 241 Bloor West. 229f | suit wn payment cri 15,500 tull price for 100 acre farm, commuting distance ~shaped L m, cement silo, etc. 7 roomed oii Big Togo $5,500. $5,000 down tor 95 ocre farm, 8 miles from Oshawa. All work- able, large barn with wateibow's, Z silos, drive shed, etc. 7 roomed hume in excellent shapa of repair, Consider good home Oshawa es down payment. $3,000 down for 100 gere fam 60° x 30' bankbarn, new well, drive shed. 7 roomed home a good repeir, heavy duty wired, Full price $9,000, $5,000 down tor 250 gere farm, 120 acres workable, glay-loam, 50 ocres wood, flowi pring, x 52' pankbarn, running water, drive shed, mi oy 8 roomed home with all a conveniences in pone Hi shape. Price $18,000. rooms and a kitchen, share TWO bath, Phone RA 54183 after 6 p.m, TWO - room unfurnished Apartment, with private bath, rent 355 month includes hydro and heat. RA iiss 163 Warren Avenue N -room furnished apart. 39--Agents Wanted WELL-BUILT run vacant in "your lo- ment with bath, built in supboards, 228¢ | NICE ihree-room apartment, weifosn. tained, heated, stove frig, aerial, near south ax. Avensis --~ RA §5-3703, 0st 228¢ [FIVE bedroom house right en Nan, way 32, east side of Whithy, large working family, imamies Available October first. RA 3-7906. 226¢ refrigerator and range. mediately RA 5-9641 after 6 p.m, 2508 cality. We are looking for |dealers. 225 daily necessities, easy to sell in every house: culingries, medi. |cines, cosmetics, ete. 45 per cent com: mission. 30-day trial plan. JITO, Der, 22, 5130, St. Hubert Street, FIVE - room bungalow for sale or rent, brand new, on 148 Tresane, for more imformation apply 91 Celina Street, 228f TWO spacious rooms, working couple 9302. 228¢ "ot preferred, Phone RA 5- THREE . room apartment, unfurnish- ed, $55 a month, water and lights, heated, newly decorated, south end, school-age child welcome. RA nas THREE - riom heated spariment, up- stairy, mew stove and Adults R le. Central. "tr #5715 after 5 p.m. 41--Room ond Beard ROOM and board for three men, home privileges. $15 weekly. RA 58441, 229c 290M and board for two gentlemen, share room, single beds, private home, 143 Clark Street. ROOM and board for gentleman, seven day week. Apply 353 Verdun Road any- 229¢ time after 5 p.m, ROOM and board for genfleman or girl, five days a week, im new home. Near South GM. RA 5-3718. ROOM and board for i gentlemen, or two willing to share room, Phone RA 3-2781, 228¢ BACHELOR apartment, centrally lo cated on bus line, private home, feach- er preferred. RA 5-1089. 29a room flat, heat, Haute, FOUR . room apartment te rent, very central, heavy duty range, Frigidaire, |Broo Private entrance. RA 229a |0¢0 TWO . bedroom bungalow, very cen: tral, $80 a month, Immediate posses- sion, Call RA 5-8133. 220¢ ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds, corner store, Wiliam and Mary Streets. FARM HOUSE, three acres of garden, oil burner, two miles east Oshawa, near 401, Apply 351 King Street Bast, a ROOM and board for gentlemen, home privileges. RA 5-7043. ROOM and board for lady or gentle man, seven days a week, close to SGM, ~~ |all conveniences and privileges. RA 5- 5-3231 2 78 free 15. RA 5-434. ATTRACTIVE, three - room, self « con. tained apartment, north section, $65, RA 5-8226, 229 LARGE three - blocks north from Ap TRA "ylde Brooklin, Ask for Mr. Bokola at Sun $2,500 down for 150 acre farm, 35 acres hardwood bush, 70 acres workable, 100' x 30' bankbarn, drive shed, etc. 7 roomed hoe with 3-piece both, running hot and cold water, Price 9,500. $1,000 down for semi-detached ircome home in Newcastle, good size lot, close to school and shopping grea. $1,500 down for ingome home, which could be made into 4 apartments. Good water supply, extra lot, Price $8,000, $10,000 full price for 5 roomed bungalow, next to school in Bowmanvitle, with all modern conveniences, hardwood and tile floors, perio, attached garage, Terms, $1,000 down for S-roomed home, almost mew, with new oil furnace, hardwood and tile floors, water on top. Garage, Large lot. $8,500 full price for 6 roomed home, centre of Bowmanville with 3 piece both, kitchen cupboards, running hot and cold water, Garage. Terms arranged. Besides above mentioned we have many, many more farms and homes to choose from. 22% gas station. Wie SIX -room solid brick bungalow for vent, $100 a month, Call 103 Ajax.227¢| THREE - room apartment, separate] entrance, three-piscs bataroom, sink and middle usiness monthly. 438 Re aged. So MR "355 Jarvis Street. THREE bedroom apartment, centrally located, $110 monthly includes hydro, water and heat, Call RA $8925. 27 THREE room apartment, heated. a re and ges range. Apply 730 Simcoe out! ded in private heme, very Seawal, self - apartment, very ry available * if ROOM and board for Street. rate beds, central. Apply 252 'Arthur Fie ap sos a month, Adria YUson $2215. is ONE lovely room for gentleman ia pri- RA 3.7070. ont | HOUSE for small family, Te Sieat sast loca: tion, south Oshawa, one mile from GM, garden Write Box fog Oshawa Times stating place of ROOM and board for two in Germ ROOM and board for lady or gentle man, two can share. Single beds, close to hospital and bus stop. Apply 20 Jones Avenue. a ROOM and board for two girls. 15x40 room, twin beds. ih, Laces rent, RA 8-8478. Bf | ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to downtown, Elgin Street East, Phone RA 3.7814 ROOM and board. One single room and ang 3a share. Phone RA $6383 Five ROOM i beard for gentleman, South district, home cooked meals, pr an home, or RA 38378. 225¢ vate home. Phone RA 3. WANTED -- business woman, or widow with pension, to share home, with an. other widow, RA 5-0556. 2284 | ROOMS for gentlemen, close fo down. town. Apply 23 Street East. Phone RA 37814, FURNISHED three - room apartment with bath, available immediately, East end, bus. Phone RA 5-7530. 228¢ re SIX - room stairs apartment for he ated, BASEMENT apartment room for two single men, single beds, parking facil- ities. Apply 187 Wilson Rd. 8. ROOMS for gentlemen, clean, down: rent, cocking stove modern per 'month. Courtice. Phone RA 8200, |CENTRAL, three - $1500 DOWN INCOME HOME In excellent condition a two- storey rug brick with a large modern kitchen downstairs, living room and bedroom. Three rooms upstairs suitable for renting with kitchen fa- cilities ond 3-piece bath, High dry basement with Tim- kan oil burner, garage. Full price only $10,800. 30 doy possession, $1000 DOWN SIX ROOMS $8,900 Full Price. One mort- age for the balance for this brick home with 3 rooms and @ sunroom down and 3 bedrooms up. The home is very clean. Oil heats ing. Low taxes. 2Y2 STOREY $1000 DOWN A very centrally located brick dwelling consisting of six rooms with a stairway leading to the third floor, This home is in nice condition ond would be ideal for a fom- ily wishing to be near school and shopping or as an income home, Oil heating, garage. Early possession. $11,800. GROCERY STORE GOOD LOCATION $2500 obtains a business of your own, completely equip- ped, to be sold as a going concern. This lock up busi- ness is in g location north of King St. and hes @ steady turnover. Price ine cludes oll equipment with stock ot invoice. Terms or d. Owner ill, Ne only. Please call RA 5-7063. North. THRER _ bedroom sa clean accommodation, RA $3710 FOUR - room a it Phone RA 3 dowi| replences. +. tion to truin as sports writer, A Sop tiunily. Applicant enthusicstic ROOM and board for have txosic know- = oo om na most popular .. Canadian sports. Apply, giv- - Ing age, educctian ond ony sports background, te BOX 740 OSHAWA TIMES |6-room bungalow, ences, private bath, TV outlet. Now available. COCR ANE Shree Wiltssew| 1p Toe erin Sssststen {RA Whithy, = Port MO s.4211. FOUR-room apartment, stove "fridge; garage. 115 Mary Street, ne SINGLE and double rooms for gentle men with privileges. Apply 135 Celina Street type, rent no |Oshawa Times, WHITBY CLASSIFIED yom RENT == Three room cottage. Apply 840 Dundas 'Bast. 200 FOR RENT -- Furnished bed sitting yoom, eooking facilitins, modern galow, central I19:atiom Call MO 8-3433. bun-|FOR RENT -- Four-room house. Ap- ROOM and Jasre for gentleman, new house, 'Whitby, laundry | Street. done. MO 4765 a after § pm. 29 SIX-room house, available November 1, close to shopping centre.' RA 35-1053 after § p.m. an ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, aval able in private home, 82 Park Road North, § - 7 p.m. RA 3-367L ROOMS by the week, fled shower shower and ath, maid service, RA 3-464], Genosha If Selling or Buying @ Home, Give Us A Call Our experienced Service is at your Disposal. ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR 204 KING ST. EAST RA 5-2363 Kelly Bolohood, Representative, RA 5-2363 229 45--Resl Euate For Sale 45NCReal Estate For Solo LOOK! - NEW HOMES ALMOST FINISHED L SHAPED AND CENTRE HALL RANCH BUNGALOWS SOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGES Choose your own orick color, tiles etc. INTERIOR CUPBOARDS AND TRIM ALL STAINED AND VARNISHED * FORCED AIR OIL HEAT ONLY $1250 and $1820 DOWN ONE 6% N.H.A. MORTGAGE AT $70 PER MONTH TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOME COME DOWN PARK ROAD SOUTH TO THE LAKE. LOOK FOR LAKESIDE AVENUE SALESMAN ON SITE OVER WEEKEND RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 22% Carries for $1,300 down, balance on one N.| \ lows on good * $69.00 monthuy, P, & I, New lots close to schools and shopping. Atrtactive (1- 4g ae how fg, divided into three apartments, 3 kitchens ona wow aater, goal fumace. Ap RL "Tow oo id 000 down, lose to oe Three-bed-oom brick Nigely decorated. $11, with good terms, LOTS 160 ft. Highway frontage. trees. 'Good garden mortgage. bungal $2,200. Excellent building lot, $5,000. 10-qere lot, some nice shade PORT PERRY AREA 72.acre highway farm. 2-storgy frame house with modern kit chen and bath, Good hip root burn, litter carrier, and water inside. Implement shed, et:, Buildings all painted and in good repair, Well fenced, mevei- foiling spring. Good gravel possibilities. Terms, BOWMAN & GIBSON INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE WHITBY MO 8.3521 229 WHITBY HOME 8-roomt frome house and rage. Bathroom end il furnace, $ block to public school Priged to sell at $9,000 with $2,500 down, PORT PERRY Only $5,000 buys house in good location In this thriving village. Je wom frame house, town water, lot gpprox, 66° x 200°. $2,- down, CALL MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN OL 53159 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED 22% WEST AND NORTH WEST HOUSES WANTED Reasonable Down Payment Two or Hee hedrqors. For good out of buyer, CALL MRS. AMELIA VINCENT 460 KING ST. W, OSHAWA . RA 5-5376 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD. REALTORS EXCRETE office space with private 3: iled 24 hour hE rvies. RA 34841, TWO large oihaenishied rooms, aap ¥ in kitchen, parking garage; able, Apply 6 Charles Street. b+ 7} THREE-room, self-contained ment, near Shop Centre, guupls, 963. RA 351 ® apart. suit _|THREE - room, self .contained apart. possi room house, elose to Ee Motors and downtown. Call Ra 33141 day time or RA 5-8943 evenings, 226f Drew Street South, 27 ONE furnished room, in private home. ply 812 Byron North, Whitby. 829¢ SPECIAL, new chrorme chairs for only TLEAN, i Fre ny $45 and up, Plenty of Mot water, washer and dryer, parking. RA 8.4341 or RA 3-3338. 229¢ ay RADIO repairs. Day and evening, FOR SALE --- 35° frontage by 94, Phone MO 85-2991. porter, janitor caretaker. Good Sisady work. Spruce Villa Hotel, po near St. John's Catholic School vated Mid. and sewer). - WAN = 2te( WANTED _ Honest, reliable, woiiht| AVAILABLE October 31, thres - bed: NEWLY decorated, self - contained ment, immediate possession. Apply Prin apartment, private entrance, all con- Apply 381 Street pref Phone RA 51390 after 5 p.m, 271 TWO - room, self - contained apart. ment, private entrance, rent $55 month- ly, including heat and ig and eom- 29 | plete bathroom. RA 8-0964. 1 room bungalow, all conveniences. rage. Contact owner, RA 3-7416. " git 227¢| rent, SINGLE or double rooms, close to North GM, central, all conveniences. Apply 204 Bond Street East. SIX - reem bungalow for sale or oil heated. Phone RA 88457, 8-5. After six. RA 39019 2254 .|45--Real Estate For Sale living room, kitchen, bathroom, priv. ate entrance, all FOR RENT -- Bachelor BR A THREE rooms for remt. 97 King fi NEW « country residence, features two built-in pply Street East. 25¢ Ai" Tourer ™ Service, Mo Oct, 1 atl cuffing and alterations for men and ladies wear. R, H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre Street South, Oct. 1 | RE $55. MOhawk 8-2780 after 4:30 p.m. on BA NT apartmen f|room, two bedrooms, he kitchen, FOR SALE -- 1958 Volkswagen, 23,000 miles, owner left country, 504 Colborne West, Whitby, after 6 p.m, 228¢ please, walk up ve ALEX D. HENRY, (Gieneral Contractor, Repairs, Alterations. Cement, Carpen- try. RA 54543. Fletcher' Tires for A letcher's Groceries re! 120 Euclid after 6. Toon THREE ---- and, storey, hot Find heated, immaculate. Will suit four adults. Immediate possession. CO 3-2204 2254 ONE room in Sew neuse, for one er two Apply 637 Albert Street 22h | FOUR - room self - contained, unfur- stove TILES, ceramic, pinstic for walls; Mnoleum, vinyl for t¥oors: inlaid lino- leums. Greg Rivers, MO 8-5235. ROTO-TILLING, garflens, lawns. A Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA 8-1386. MARG CONNELLY !jehool of Dancing, member of the B/\TD Tap, ballet, national, baton, modkexn jazz. Trained for examinations. Re gister now for fall os Studie 310 Byron North. MO. SEPTIC tanks clemned the way, new tanks instmlied Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563 Nov, 8. FOR C.I.L. PAINT call DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 GRAVEL & FILL sanitary FOR RENT -- 5 A room b per month. Call Mr, Green, 3154 evenings only. FOR SALE --Chesterfield and match. ing chair turquoise frieze a few months old, dining room table, four chairs limed oak, lamps and end tables. Apply 231 Palace Street, lect 228¢ FLASTEREN, patching speciality. No job too small. MO asst 271 FOR RENT -- House, three rooms and bath, call after 6 p.m. at 630 Centre MO 8-2966. 227 FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms, also light housekeeping rooms, all conven. iences. Mrs. Bates, 305 Trent St. 271 FOR RENT ~-- Three room unfurnish- ed apartment, Port Whitby. Immed- late possession. MO 8-4211, Re FOR RENT -- $135 Cochrane Street, Whitby, new 6-room bungalow, decor- ated. Phone MO 8.3551 207c FOR RENT--3 room main floor apart ment, front entrance, centrally located. Adults. Phone MO 83-3723 anytime. 227¢ $85 MO 3. 228¢ 2h ished and October 1. 496 Simcoe North, Apt. 4. RA 35-6809. Large two bedroom and half home, oil heating, three-piece bath, in city, north east section, only Good W. McAuley Real $12,900. tor, RA 3-2512; Whitby MO 8-331. $11900 NHA re-sale private six hig thy . ing to USA. RA 5:2073 er 733 Gaspe Avenue. AJAX, %0 Emperor Street, brick bun- galow, 3 bedrooms, $14,700, low down apartment, Kitchen equipped. Simcoe and Rossland Rd. RA 3-9207 2274 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a vo- cancy, Only screened and re liable tenants. boyd Re Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Simece St. North RA 8.5123 NEWLY th apart. ment, at 1515 Dufferin Street Whitby, ready October 1st, Heat sup- plied, three-piece bath, TV outlet. RA 5.3090. 2271 Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd. For Delivery Phore ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 If You Can't Buy... RENT Cartop boots, cances, shot. guns, rifles, decoys, sleep. ing bags, gorden tillers, lawn seeders, rollers and mowers, skill saws, drills. For sole, pong boots, motors ond troll' "WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES WHITBY FOR RENT -- Three - room unfurn- ished apartment, private bath, $65 monthly includes heat and hydro. Phone MO 83-5709. iki J and bungalow wanted, Good down payments. W MeAuley Realtor MO B31, Oshawa RA 3.2513 SCHOFIELD RENTAL Assoc. Ltd. AL SERVICE i worry, we will rent your property, to relioble tenants, We have a waiting list. il 'toda DAYTIME--RA 3.2268 FRESH water service. Phone any 0 84172. Oct, 17 ALLOWAY Cartage, moving, Contract jobs also. MO 83175 anytime. Oct. 25 LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. Highest market prices paid. Phone collect MO 83-3486 Whitby, Oct. 15 NHITBY BADMINTON CLUB THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 7:30 P.M. WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL CALL MO 8-5775 EVENINGS 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. "1 MO 83226 | p Parkwood Manor Apartments Park Road & King St. Now Renting. New 2-bedroom apartments. Stoves, refrigerators, ete, $100 ond $105 monthly. Bochelor Apartments, $65. PHONE RA 57272 2284 payment. HO 56365 Toronto. L.S.SNELGROVE COLD, 43 PARK RD, SOUTH RA 3-9810 or RA 5-876] BALDWIN AVE. N.H.A, resale -- S5-room, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, horde wood and tile floors, 4-piece tiled both, recreation room, forced air with oil hecting, aluminum storms and screens, nicely dec- orated and landsccped. Asking $12,800 with terms. 40 ACRE FARM 7-room 2-storey home, modem kitchen, 4-piece tiled bath, forced oir with oil heating, 28 x 40 ft. barn with running water, 15 x 20 ft. hog pen, opproximately 900 ft, frontage on No. 2 Highway end 340 ft. frontcge on Maple Grove Rd. Future subdivision possibilities, 292, $8,500 FULL PRICE 50-acre form -- é-room bungalow, 30 x 50 ft. barn, 20 x 40 ft. hog pen, all clear productive lond. Asking $3,000 down ond balance on one open mortgage. Co-op No, 100-acre form, 2-storey brick home of 7 rooms, excellent barns ond outbuildings, hydro tiroughoui, all Fp workable lond presently in pasture. Open to offer with $5,000 cosh, 154-0cre form -- 125 ecres workable, good 8-room modern home, 'foir barns and other outbuildings, located 12 miles from Oshawa. Asking $5,500 down, balonce on one open mortgage. For further particulars please call RA 3-9810, RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings. 22% 67 KING ST. E. RA 5-7732 EAST END Would you like an eye eatch- ing home? This is truly one for you, 5 room brick bunga- low on beautifully landscaped lot. 3 bedrooms, living room, 4 pc. both, large modem kitchen with cupboards to spare and plenty of room for table and chairs, Finished recreation room, Awnings, storms, screens, garage. Close to all facilities. Asking price $11,000. For further parti- culars call Irene Brown RA 5-3867. 26 MILES FROM OSHAWA Why not buy: that cottage now ond beat next summer's heat. We are offering on ultra-modern four bedroom cottage on Lake Scugog. Completely furnished, Shep- herd inboard, beautiful land. scaped lot. For an inspection eall J. Miller RA 5.2993. 22% JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR -- RA 5-9870 BUILDERS OWN HOME -- $12,900 Inciudes -- 3 spacious bedrooms, Redwood stained trim, larger than average living room, nctural stainea kitchen cupboards with sliding doors. Gleaming hardwood and tile floors. Beautiful stylish vanity in bathroom. A host of other extras designed ond included in this Srsaptoncl home. located on a scenic lot in the west end o: . Excellent reason for selling. Fair down payment required. Loge lot, west eity limits, 75 feet by 200 feet. ONLY $78 MONTHLY INCLUDES TAXES Custom built ranch bungalow on Curininghem Ave, 2 yrs. old. This home is iccated on @ quiet street, safe for children and the spacious end well planned interior of this home will delight you. Aluminum storms ond. screens, T.V. antenno, decorated, land- scoped. Close to bus and all schools. This beautiful home is being offered at @ very reasonable figure as the owner is leaving Oshawa. Nick Lakas--RA 3-9635 Joseph Bosco--RA 5.9870 $2,400 full Warren J Mowat INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 115 DUNDAS oT. W. WHITBY PHONE MO 8-2601 $1,000 DOWN $1,000 Down = 3-bedroom brick semi-detached basement, laundry tubs, low cost gas heating, full N.H.A. mortgoge carries for only $63.00 per mo. $13,500, $59.00 PER MONTH $2,500 Down -- 3-bedroom bungalow, semi-detached, This home is completey decorated with front and back lawns sodded. Full basement, laundry tubs, gas furnace. Many extras, Full price $12,500 LIVE RENT FREE 8-room solid brick duplex. Both units completely separated, Oil furnace, and happy tenants. Totel rent $145.00, Owner asking $10,000 with $3,000 down. Corner building lot, 77° x 135. This is one of Whithy's most sought-after home i Full price $5,000. We have o long Vit of reliable tencnts withing te tent aus if you have a vacancy, call us FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL MR. DEAN BAKER, MO 8-2601 EVENINGS -- MO 8-2478 low, Full -p¢. bath. Full price 6 ROOMS OF FURNI- TURE AND APPLIANCES CAN BE INCLUDED IN THE PURCHASE PRICE. KITCHEN TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS, WESTING- HOUSE RANGE, FRIG. AND WASHER CHEST- ERFIELD AND CHAIR. 2 "END TABLES, 2 TABLE LAMPS MATCHING FLOOR LAMPS. SET OF BUNK BEDS, CHEST OF DRAWERS, LAMP CONTINENTAL BED, CHEST OF DRAW- ERS AND LAMP. MASTER BEDROOM: 3 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, SMOOTH TOP MATT- RESS, HIGH RISER SLAT SPRING, PAIR DRESSER LAMPS, PAIR PILLOWS. FULL 2 - AND PAID FOR BY THE 5.D.HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE ST. RA 8-6286 PRESENTS | FALL PARADE OF HOMES COLDELL YOUR NEW "GOLDELL* HOME WILL HAVE ALL THESE FEATURES: 6 ROOMS, CARPORT CERAMIC TILE BATH EXHAUST FAN, CHIMES ULTRA MODERN KIT- CHEN, OAK FLOORS, NON- DRIP PANELYTE COUNTERS, FULL BASE- MENT, ELECTRIC EN- AMEL HOT WATER TANKS, ELECTRIC FIX- TURES, FRONT SODDED, OVER 1040 SQ. FT. IN EACH HOME, SANITARY SEWER, ROADS AND WATER INSTALLED DIRECTIONS: Rossland West to Gibbon North to Glendale and fol- low. the arrows to the MODEL. N.HA. MORTGAGE AT 6%, A LOW DOWN PAYMENT WITH IM- MEDIATE POSSESSION AND MONTHLY PAY- MENTS OF $89.00 WHICH INCLUDES PRINCIPLE AND INTER- EST FOR 5 SHORT YEARS, THEN DROPS BACK TO $70.70 PER MONTH FOR THE RE- DEVELOPER. MAINING 20 YEARS, PRICE ONLY $13,900 MODELS OPEN DAILY FROM THURSDAY & EVERY DAY THEREAFTER P.M. TILL 9 P.M: FULL DOWN PAYMENT CAN BE ARRANGED ON OUR "HOME OWNER'S BUDGET PLAN" ASK ABOUT IT!

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