The Oshawa Times, 29 Sep 1959, p. 14

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3U--ATrTICies For dale USED television and radios, recondi: rom 33.3 up. Guaranteed TV 4/-----AUTOMODIIeS TOr dale |JU--AITICIES FOr dale SFACE heater, ideal for cottage or '58 PLYMOUTH only 7000 miles, no down payment necessary, take over|®mall house. Complete with drum and payments, Call RA 55225 after 6 p.m. (Pipes, $30. Phone RA 83-5487. 2274 227¢( LUMBER, hard wallboard, doors, wiin. "56 PLYMOUTH sedan, push button veiling some. A five room house, 59781. 226¢ [#9--Keal EsSrare ror >aie COLONIAL white frame, 2 storey 3- roomed newly painted house; forced air oil heating. Good garage on land: scaped lot 132° x 135°, Mill Street S. Newcastle, Price $14,500 with $4,000 down payment and balance 1st. Mort- gage at 6 per cent Interest. Immed- iate po if desired. Phone New- castle 37 27 PRIVATE "SALE == Attractive cen- tre hall, brick and stone ranch bun- galow, attached garage, Winona Av- enue, North Three large living room, open and broadloom. Good terms or will lease to suitable temant. Phone RA 5-8157. 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September Z¥, 1739 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 100 ACRES Sonya, real good wheat/ FOUR - room bungalow, two acres land, steel hip roof barn, cement floors, |land, three-piece bath, hot water tank, ¥mplement had, ig spring creek, |$1000 down, RA 3-9192 after 5. 227% 0,500. state. 43 Bond ¥ Sie wa Gees A Soi, "21 PRIVATE, em, ol, Tek $12,250 -- Fall price for this out-|ment, oil heated. Price $10,000, Open to offers. No agents. RA 85-5504. 222f 227a * featuring -- family kitchen with LOT for sale. 75 foot by 200 foot. ted 3 ant ot barn} ell lou A Cr nt eh Dets, new Rotor TV aerial. Low down 255 Athol Street East cation, Not in subdivision. Large fam. payment will handle. Low monthly pgm room bungalow, Ty beach |ily kitchen, carrying full price, four kit- | modern 4-piece bathroom. Oil heated. charges of $78.00 include | $8500 eB oy or vedroo " OL 5-3745 on axes OL 53745. W. P. Mittler, berry natural fireplace, Pil .. ble g: e. Ideal for small or big crafts. After § RA 56873 55 Muskoka Avenue. NEW, six - room bungalow on large corner lot, paved streets, close to schools, buses. Pollard Subdivision, Courtice; RA 8-5579. VOLKSWAGENS, THAMES Makeshift Bus Service drive, V-8, two-tone, whitewall tires. leigh. RA Perfect shape. RA 3-4887. 2271 AE ARZNGE = 5 Oo of 1959 wallpaper pat- 51 sedan, also '50 Pontiac and terms. sedan. Phone Hampton CO 3.2302. 227¢| 35", ot RASar's Paint and Wallpaper, ot verdun Road. 0 CHEVROLET, excellent condition.|ceive one roll free. Regular and pre-|USED 2l.inch floor model G.E. tele- Apply Don Down, Texaco Station, pri pasted patterns available. 223 Jision hg A one Lloyd baby carriage Simcoe 3 new , reason, mo overseas, "#9 FORD sedan, $125 or best offer. RA 32015. Apply 408 Mary Street 2872 In Mich. Community BAY CITY, Mich. AP)--Small sex, blue suit, all sizp 16, Reasonable, foreign station wagons shuttling out of the main downtown dis- trict are this city's answer to the thorny problem of red-ink bus transportation. The tiny wagons--Volkswagens =i.|or English Thames--are painted bright red, get up to 30 miles to the gallon and can as many as a dozen passengers in a pinch. They run roughly from sunup on half-hour sched-| ules between downtown Bay City and six major outlying residential "HA X" spanish guitar, like new. Reg. $30 will sell for $25 cash. Parlogt condition. Phone RA 3-9066. 9 to MASON and Rich piano, walnut case, nearly new; maple dining room suite, nearly new. Both in beautiful condi- tion, M. A. Digkering, Highway 2, New- castle, Ontario 248 SED Seiigeratons and ranges, $29.95 to all house- hoid appliances. All parts 7,350,000 in 1946 to just over 1,000,000 in 1957, and it was going deeper in the red despite a series of fare increases. VOTERS REJECT PLAN The city commissioners went to the voters with a guaranteed sub- sidy plan, hut the voters over- gly rejected the proposal. Meanwhile, this city of more than 8,000 was without bus serv- ice of any kind, The peuple com- plained, the shoppers and mer- chants protested. Then Hibbler organized his commuter corporation, bought an English station wagon, outlined six routes, and won commission pproval for a 90-day trial per- couldn't make this service go un- less its operators owned and drove their own vehicles to cut overhead." The corporation plays fair with its operators. Each week, routes are rotated so that every oper- ator runs over each of the six Giflareut routes in regular rota- on. ROUTES PAY OFF "This way we let everybody get in on the runs with the best vol- ume, and then take their turn on those that aren't being used so much," Hibbler says. "It 'works out pretty well," The plan has worked out so well, in fact, that Hibbler won commission approval for a three- year (ranchise running through June, 1962 And he reports that the routes are paying off. *"No- body is going to get rich," he comments, "but on the other hand, nobody is getting poor either. - "We have an operation that is flexible enough to be adjusted to meet changing needs. Our buses will continue to run, at a low in- vestment and at low operating costs, so long as and wherever people want them." Yukon Paddle-Wheelers' Fate Finally Sealed By DON ATTFIELD Canadian Press Staff Writer WHITEHORSE, Yukon (CP)-- The historig Yukon paddle-wheel- '58 PONTIAC motor, also 48 Pontiac| __ starter and senersiof i trans: , RA 38-0118. PRUNED Scotch Pus Surisimas rees, 5 feet in height. Davi rcher, '59 CHEV Bel-Air, sedan 8, powerglide, BI X bob ord RR 3. 82R13. 226b b radio, white walls, tinted 3-9892. 225¢ $2650, RA 3 LARGE of TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North. EICHEST prices paid for used furni ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. your dial . | $1000 DOWN, si Toaded with extras, across the street, pul schools two blocks, bus one block. All je: for only $12,000. These homes can be seen anytime by call- ing Howie McCabe at RA 5.6544. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Ritrs. and farms wanted for cients. 46--Real Estate Wanted All cash or your equity ¥ For quick sale N call W McAuley Re ce| FURNISHED house or lower duplex | 28 Street, Oshawa, RA Hert Whitby MO Fequin Som December to April by am! three COLONIAL white frame, two-storey,| quits Miss M. Doucette, Ashburn, eight-roomed newly painted house; |on: Phone Claremont 3-0709. 2250 forced air ofl heating. Good garage on landscaped lot 132° x 135°, Mill 47--Autombiles For Sale street south, Newcastle, Price $14,500 with $4000 down payment and balance [55g PONTIAC "Station wagon, In top blue. Will first mortgage at 6 per cent interest Immediate possession if desired. Phone consider Rony Can be financed. RA 2270137941, 27 Newcastle 3766. EIGHT - reom, rug brick, $3500 G0WN. | 5 MEms0R custom, four-door ranch wagon, also '53 Monarch sedan. RA | arage, rec. room, large modern kit- 5-8161 days only, G chen; central. RA 59228. If no answer A 5-4150. all 3 '48 CHEVROLET four-door, good con- dition. RA 3-7019. 2271 Parkwood Manor [ma wee Apartments "51 METEOR, Taio white walls, above Park Road & King St. Now Renting by, MO 8-2631, '51 CHEV, sedan, good condition, Proms New 2-bedroom apartments, Stoves, refrigerators, etc. RA 39178 after 6 p.m. VAUXHALL Victor sedan, super model $100 ond $105 monthly. Bachelor Apartments, $65. PHONE RA 5-7272 available. Barons' Radio an and Electric; 426 Simcoe South, phone RA 3-2263. USED washers, reconditioned, $29.95 Street, up, guaranteed Service to all makes and available. ELECTRIC veltigetators, models, parts le Electric, 436 Simcoe oompletely olied. 30-day free South. Phone RA 3- wapsanty, from $65.59. Irvine Appl AUTOMATIC a gas range, USED television sets, 17° and 71", com cellent condition, Phone thy $3070 ater 5 clock pletely reconditioned. Free Stay "war iat 4 en FOUR-burner gas siove, excellent con-|Pliances, 3 area, The fares: 20 cents one wa; posite the brewery. dition, MOhawk 8-5113. 225 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. (for adults, 10 cents for pe Rin '58 CHEV. Bel Air sedan, radio, auto-|Npw firenlace screen, 'kitchen chrome |Parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- matic, ver ysharp car, no down' pay-|.es suite, Beatty Jaghing teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free,|Under 11 years of age. There are ment. Hurry for this one. Van Heusen machine, office desk, new pong 224f Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv-|no transfers. Motors, opposite the brewery. fable, sundry items. MO 84175. . ice. RA 8-108] anytime. : : 53 PONTIAC del with radio, re- AWN The city commission turned to take over § oe Ber ON outboard motors 30 Wi elec. Morland S. Hibbler's Bay City month, price $497. Van Heusen Motors, sf * Muckoka Seaflyer, Seinch beam, | I commuter service last fall as a opposite the brewery. Bal ding "windshield. steering wheel, last resort after failing to come '58 sedan, take |tarpaulin, ; heavy -nee ; " over payments, $38 a month, immacu- trailer, including 3rd wheel, $150; out- up With =n answeat for continuing late inside and out. Van Heusen board controls, complete, $25: extra Tegular bus service. ho, Balcer Brothers Motor Coach Mo ery ohnson 5 gal. tank and se, $20; tors, ibe brewery, f water skis and tow rope, $17.50; 17-volt Company, whose buses had oper- ated here since 1921, pulled its 1950 MORRIS Minor, best offer. Apply battery, almost new, $12. Or sell 831 Mary Street Oshawa. 226f | a8 outfit, $800. Terms may be $4 BUICK sedan, arranged. Phone RA 33609. 225 vehicles off city streets i $900. RA §-5119, 2%6c (ATR compressors "Brunner," § 1958, after Bo Fi B Nay: deficit of more than $152,000, Balcer had seen its passenger HP, in good condition, | Mod. H31, also 1 HP, Mod. H3, sacri: 226 volume drop from a high of fice for half price. T ¢| Phone RA 5-4935 ©| electric, range from % to 2inch, for 50--Articles For Sale 8 FT TRAILER, liveable, 3 month oid *s7 BUICK fordor hardtop, blue and|all threads, with complete set of dies, white, spotless interior and finish,|$175. Degreasing tank, large, with au- radio, automatic transmission, tomatic heaters, $125. Portable air eighteen thousand miles $1795. King compressors, piston type. two eylin. West Motors, Opposite Shopping Cen-|ders, gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, tre, $60. Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP, new. Apply for information RA 5-5951. 14 Foot Ross showboat, trailer, 35 hp Johnson Motor, model, complete controls, running lights and tarpaulin, $895. RA 3-3952. 227% 58 J OLASWAGEN deluxe, radio, very PP rooms, ly 109 Bruce Street. B RA 8-0179. '57 DODGE Crusals V8 fordor tm tone blue, deep tred tires, immaculate condition throughout Sy $1585 Var Heusen Motors, open till tem. '55 700 Mercury dition. Phone Ajax 431, 3 CHEV, Bel Air sedan, very low mile take over pay Palance $1087. Van Heusen Motors, = om 105° x 160°, at Courtice. Paved Approved for mortgages, close an to geno CRES land tar sale, good I Oshawa, close to GMC. Phone RA 5.1577, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. CENTRAL -- six '-room brick house, "bnew oil furnace, modern kitchen, low down payment. RA 5-1972. 2231 REGISTERED lot, 77 by 210 feet, 2% miles north of Whitby on Number 12 highway. MOhawk 8-3126. 223 JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 WAITING FOR A BARGAIN? Then you will enjoy living in this 5 room bungalow loc- oted close in to town with large lot, plenty of room for the kids to play. Hot water oil heating and only $9,900 full asking price. Must be seen, call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544. $1000 DOWN $1000 $65. A MONTH For this beautiful bungalow in the country, Equipped with two bedrooms, nicely decora- ted living room and kitchen with counter and sink. Alsg for the same money is a real modern bathroom; let this be yours. Phone Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, brick shopping plaza lic and all makes, ve ex- * MO 225¢ 9. , plain, colors, or gay stripes, prompt service. Free esti- mates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeos N 4 PO CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66 This tncludes full size crib, spring, mattress and bumper pads. Unbe lievable value! Barons' Home Fur. ishings, 424 Simcoe St. 8. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent dow, Dominion ee Sones 48 Bond Hibbler started with one bus, and it caught on. Under his tem. porary franchise he sold five other routes to independent oper- ators on condition that they pay him $1 a day each bus for fran- chise rights, purchase and main- tain their own buses, and live up b i provisions with e Explains Hibbler: "The volume of patrons is so smail, and our margin of profit so slim, that you body, up- 27¢ good WINE and Silos barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Eardware, 8 Church, RA 3.7624. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store. RA°3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re: frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. GIRL'S winter outfit, size 7, complete Brownie outfit, size 8, "52 Prefect, Pre- fect motor. RA 5-8521 3 -- |RECORD player--three speed; roll ONE set of bed springs, good condi- tion, also storm windows. RA 5dods,| Away bed. ike new; studio couch, rea 227a RCS dim its " MOBILE home hunter? Trailers move, COAL furnace and pipes, in good condi- but the place to find them is always tion Phone Brooklin OLiver 5-4898. 227c|wponile Homes" in Classified. Look PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, now all colors. Guaranteed, flat gloss. Osh-| ype EE quarter continental bed, 9 x ava Awa Electric, 8 Chureh |; rc' and pad; platform rocker, 2 matching trilight lamps, telephone B. F. H Stores -- tires, bat-|table and chair, walnut; large chrome teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-|table and four chairs; Norge auto- visiva. Thrifty Budget plan. RA 5-4543, matic dryer, 3-piece sectional chest WEDDING dress, size 12, regular $150, erileld, paint sprayer complete, electric will sell for 1% price or best offer sander--All A-1 condition, 1090 Ritson Phone RA 5-8105 after 5 p.m. Road South, 227c taken for storm sashes, mea-| VIKING automatic vacuum cleaner, compan . a surements and estimates free. Please one year old; also, Viking floor polish- pany that has provided land|tained on Whiskey Flats, a run- order early, RA 3-4989. or. three years old. Good condition, (and water transportation in the/down squatters area on the ERE wn oor covering RA 5-8606. 227¢| territory since the Klondike gold| Whitehorse waterfront which the of yards of latest patterns, clearing] ONE beginner's guitar and case, good rush of 1898. department plans to convert into condition: one boy scout uniform, Nearby, the waters of the|a park. complete, size 12. Apply 66 Fisher yy, on River tumble on their way| The Whitehorse, the last of the to Dawson City--the 25,000 - fi i ; king. sq. yard, half price 99¢. Wilson Furni- pop-ifive, is yours for the tal ture, 20 Church Street. gear ( 300 MARLIN rifle with case, one 3 it|ulation gold capital of half a cen-| Mr. Schoeppel said any of the ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings. tury ago, now almost a ghost five might be refloated for $20, Average window $19.95 complete. Call 51--Swap and Barter town--and on to the Bering Sea, [000, but none ever will be. Even ONE Lloyd baby carriage $10; CCM |BOAT. motor, and trailer, pressure LOVES OLD SHIPS if they got into the water they bicycle, $15. Phone RA 3.7047, 223p|Systems, sump - pump, three - piece] Mr. Mackintosh, chunky and|could go no farther downstream ) bath sets (colored), water softener and |Jeqther.gkinned, now is 71. He|than Carmack here ONE building, 29 by 11 feet, finished filter, piping and plumbing supplies (all li n CKS WwW. a new inside and out, with oil stove and fix-|kinds). Three piece chesterfield suite lives with his family in Vancou-|bridge, too low for them to pass H. Chinn, Hillside and Park Road|ver part of the year. But each|under, has been opened on the summer he comes out of retire-|Mayo-Dawson Road. tures, to be moved off site. Phone RA bs 222¢| South BOF. Goodrich Stores. RA sabes, | 92--Legal Notices ment to work at odd jobs for the|LAST SAILED IN 1950 BAR"AINS of a life time! ! Serta spring-filled mattresses, regular $49.95 THE AJAX PUBLIC carume "Sian, AT SCHOOL BOARD x Apartment size Arborite table will receive tenders for the supply of approximately 70,000 GALLONS OF INDUSTRIAL NO. 2 FUEL OIL up to 5:00 p.m. o'clock, Oct- ober 2nd, 1959 Tenders to be mailed to: The Secretary-Treasurer, P.O. Box 341, Ajax, Ontario 49 Hillman $75, 597 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, RA 5-9216. LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95. This is a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Don't be disappointed. Hurry out to the Hil top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA 8.6891. PIANO, practically new, walnut, $495. Apply 124 Switzer Drive. 222¢ WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and ends, some slightly marked: Walnut double bed reg. $49 close out $9. Un- painted four drawer chest $17. Lane cedar chest, reg. $69 clearout $48. End tables, reg. $15 3 arborite desk $19. New, apartment size electric refrigerator, reg $169 one only $99, Table lamps with shades $4. Bordered congoleum rugs $5, Wilson's Furniture 20 Church Street. 222¢ YOUR living. furnish. ed at one low price. 2-piece Davenport set, 2 end tables, 2 table lamps and Hassock, magazine rack, 2 mats, 4 wall pictures. Great savings, Entire 16-piece ensemble $139. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street 222¢ HOUSEHOLD furniture -- dining room suite, bedroom suite, large refrigera- tor, range, kitchen table, dressing table, and many other articles. Apply 415 Masson Street. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door sedan, power glide, new car Cost $3250. Will sell for $2400, Private. RA 5-9865. '56 FORD fordor, very clean, priced right, See this one. mn Motors 52 STUDEBAKER Commander, V-8, automatic, radio, perfect condition, only $295. Van Heusen Motors, opposite the brewery. 224f '57 BUICK four-door hardtop, fully equipped, cash or older car as down payment. RA 5-1343 after 6 p.m. 222f 59 CHEV. Impala two door hardtop, fully equipped. Phone RA 5.9579 be- tween 4.30 and 6.30. 224 50 'CHEVROLET, top op condition, $350 or near offer, RA 8-0239 after 5 p.m. Tee-Nee 1958 Robinsol (Oshawa) Ltd. 574 Ritson Road South. RA 5-6518, 222 ONE '55 Meteor. Special this week only. Two-door sedan for only 3895. A really sharp car. Hilltop Motors on ghway No. 2 and Whitby, Phone RA 8-6891, 1955 FORD custom sedan, four door, custom radio windshield 'washers, white wall tires, Can be $1095. Can be seen at Orpwood Texaco, Park Road South. Phone RA 8-6011, '55 AUSTIN HEALEY, in excellent con- dition. Must sell car. Cash or terms. Phone MO 8-2714, Whitby, after 7. 222f 1956 CHEV. Bel Air hardtop V8 auto- whitewalls. Call w- 3-3156 after 5:30 p.m. 23¢ ing disposed of. The Aksala has, been sold for scrap. The Casca was sold for $2,500 to the Eagles Lodge of Whitehorse, which plans iil will Heyer sail again. Their|to set it up on a waterfront site is sea |as a clubhouse But old Alex Mackintosh still/traction. a ik says: "Maybe next year." The department of northern af- The remaining five vessels of|fairs is to take over the Klondike the fleet today sit boarded up on|and the Keno. A plan advanced ways in the yards here of the|by Deputy Minister Gordon White Pass and Yukon Route, a|Robertson would see them main. 227e ED. DISNEY Realtor -- Insurance LOTS: OUT IN THE COUNTRY $3,500 full price, $1,000 down for outstanding corner lot near Brougham, on two good roads, on beautiful creek with old trees, over | acre of land. Call Art Weinberger, RA 3-2333 or evenings RA 3-7244, HARMONY RD. $3,000 all cash for lot 52° x 150', close to King. Call Art Weinberger, RA 3-2333 or evenings RA 3-7244, ~OTTACFS: LAKE 5IMCOE Beautiful fumished 7-room cottage on Joyland beach, sandy and safe for cihldren. $6,000 full price, low down payment, Call Art Wein- berger, RA 3-2333 or even- ings RA 3-7244, RICE LAKE Outstanding furnished cot- tege, 24' x 30' on 75' x 180° fot on Long Island, dock on shallow beach, inside conveni- ences. $5,000 with $500 down. Call Art Weinberger, RA 3-2333 or evenings RA 2.7244. Ed. Disney 82 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-2333 47 PLYMOUTH H convertible, with Olds- mobile motor, $454 or best offer. RA 5-343. 222¢ CUSTOM built car radios, complete with aerial and installation, transistor models from $49.95. Terms $5 down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. 56 DODGE, six cylinder, ard '55 Ford V-8, '51 Monarch, "55 International cab chassis, '50 Ford 2-tom, '51 Ford matic, radio, "54 Ford one-ton, -25| manville, MA truck tives, fifth wheel for tractors, also Allis Chalmer garden tractor Bowmanville MA 3-5756. CASH for your car -- cash, liens paid off. Seaway Motors, Whitby. "8 PONTIAC, four door sedan, 6 ¢vl- inder, white, blue ingetisy Sacrifice, price $2375. Call RA 8-04 2226 | 3 51 PONTIAC ti excellent condition. Would have to seen to be appreciated. Phone RA §5-5366 or apply 420 Eulalie Avenue, 2221 's5 BUICK, radio, power steering, only $1095 no down payment. Van Heusen Motors, op- posite the brewery on King Street. 224f 52 ONE ton GMC panel truck. Good body; new moter, a good running truck. Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Ltd. 574 Ritson Road South. RA 3.6518. 222¢ 56 PONTIAC, SE "sedan, Al condition, four new tires and radio. Terms available. Hilltop Motors - No. Whitby. Bee RA 8-6891. ALLSTATE Auto to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. '54 PONTIAC four transmission. A very A Clearance Robinson Motors price. Osnavs) Ltd., 574 Ritson Road South, RA 35-6518 nu 1960 RAMBLER The sales success sensa- tion. Most imitated car in America. 1960 HILLMAN Now On Display SHARPER LINES MORE POWER 227a LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS $7,900 FULL PRICE 'or this compact, 5 room house with 3 piece bath on a very large lot, 55' x 600". For full particulars, dial RA 8-5123 and ask for Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123 YOU CAN'T GO WRONG FOR $1,000 DOWN Seven room brick home, ideal for a large family or income possibilities. If you want this house for $75. monthly, hur- ry and call RA 8-5123 and ask for Dick Young, RA 8-5123. BROCK ST. EAST $12,900 FULL PRICE _ Seven room duplex home in good condition, with two kit- chens, two complete bath- rooms, four room apartment down, three room apartment up, can be purchased for $2,000 down. Excellent terms for balance, Phone and as for Bill Millar, RA 8-5123, LLOYD REALTY LTD, REALTORS 101 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 22/0 L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 54 PARK RD. SOUTH and half-ton, shades, at 25 per foot. Large 9 x 15 Bordered d $8 below cost. Inlaid 1 Wo with canvas back, reg $1.99 48--Automobiles Wanted CASH for the best car, inside, outside and under the , no matter what make or year. No dealers. Phone RA WANTED '53 to 'S6 Chev. or Pontiac reasonable price, no dealers. RA 3 3000 226¢ LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ars for Highest prices paid. RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182. CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W. MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens, Sell on consign ment, Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in RA 5-5743 HILLTOP MOTORS URGENTLY REQUIRES 150 GOOD SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FPIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Cc ial RA 5-5332 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries ond freezer, No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. NEW OAK BARRELS FOR SALE PHONE RA 3-3096 227a LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET t ti 3-2542; evenings RA 56147. White Pass and Yukon Route and The five it ehorse be near his beloved ships. Sips st Wik all have gone out of service since A shipyard superintendent for 1950, when the road to Mayo and 20 years, he maintained the stérn- Dawson was opened providing wheelers and rebuilt some of year-around transportation. They them from flat, three - foot-|are the last retrievable vessels of draught bottom to tall, skinny an original fleet of 25 which plied funnel, the Yukon River's 2,200 - mile The five ships aren't on public|length when the gold fever was display, but Mr. Mackintosh will|at its peak. take you on a tour of the biggest] The remains of five others can and best, the Klondike. This was|be seen on ways across the river the last to sail--when the com-|from Dawson, where they have pany had Mr. Mackintosh refur-|rotted for 40 years, Another, the bish it in 1955 as an expeditionyTutshi, is beached at Carcross, boat for the Canadian Pacific|42 miles south of Whitehorse. A Railway. The project was given|12th, the Yukon, was sold to the up as a failure after three trips.|Alaska Railway and has. dete- _ Mr. Mackintosh didn't believe|riorated somewhere downriver it when he was told the Route beyond the Alaska border, was willing to give away the last| The rest either were lost in the of the vessels to whoever would|Yukon's fast waters or broken up remove, it. Manager Franklat one time or another as the Schoeppel told a reporter this. [territory's get-rich-quick pepula- DISPOSE OF FOUR tion dwindled after the Yukon's The other four have or are be-110 years of golden glory. Is The Moon Cold And Dead? WASHINGTON Scientists chrome suites, matching chairs, only to Save up F. liquidation sale. Church Street. POP cooler, Astral refrigerator, kit- chen cabinets, sinks and taps, sump pumps pressure systems 3.piece baths $75. Stainless steel sinks, hot water tanks and laundry tubs mowers, eavestroughing, fittings (all kinds), Chinn's Hillside and Road South, RA 3-7088, door, automatic Park Porch and Stairs 227a RAILINGS Interior It is fun to design your own. Over 100 designs made by our skilled craftsmen, Life- time quality construction solid steel corner posts. Rust res.c:z=5t enamels in color. Built from select new material 20 years experience. Installed by experts. Free estimates from factory. No obligation. Metal Craft Co, RR. 3 Pickering, ZEnith 4-0850, (no toll chg.). NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF REG- INALD ISAAC LOCKE, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, RETIRED, TOOL AND DIE MAKER, DECEASED. ALL persons having claims of atmosphere. If this is true, the ' KENDALWOOD SUBDIVISION Spacious 6-room brick and stone ranch bungalow, featuring family size extra modern kitchen, L-shaped living room and dining room with natural stone fireplace, 3 spacious bedrooms, 4-piece colored bath with buiit-in vanity, high and dry basement with partially finished recreation room, forced air with oil heating, laundry tubs, aluminum storms and screens, attached gurage, large nicely land- scaped lot with garden, price and terms arranged. For' appoint- ment call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. FOR THE FAMILY Suburban 8-room, 1V2-storey brick home, large kitchen with cup- boards. dining room, living room, bedroom and bathroom on main floor, 3 bedrooms up, forced air heating by oil, electric hot water heater large lot. Asking $8,800 with $1,500 down, $75.00 per month on balance. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. FAMILY HOME For the man that needs a work shop about 16 x 40 ft., plus 6-room spotlescly clean home, tiled bathroom oil heating, large lot 95 ft, frontage. List price $9,000 with $2,200 down. Co-op No. 335. Cali Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. $900 DOWN -- 5-room cottage, sandy lakefront lot. Bowman LARGER BRAKES $345 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY "Ride In Style For Less Per Mile" Better Used Cars Clearing All Used Cars at Substantial Savings Low Down Payment Easy Terms WELLMANS HILLMAN & RAMBLER NONQUON RD. RA 5-7981 Open Till 9 P.M. ville west beach. $3,600 full price. HAMPTON ~ 4-room bungalow, 3-piece bath, full basement, large iot. $8,900 FULL PRICE -- 6-room, 1%4-storey home, lar ge rooms, 4-piece bath, full basement, gara ! lot 1 4 $65.00 per menth. Co-op No 9% igs ge ¥1,400: down, For further particulars please call Sid Martyn or Keith Peters, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 "KING ST1.---OSHAWA (Just Eust of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-557 4 RA 3-9810, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. 227a MUST BE SOLD BROOKLIN-MANCHESTER AREA Farm as a going concern, This is something that is seldom offered. FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD ~ RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS , . . TRY Van Heusen Motor: 149 King West RA 5.3557 S CLEAN CARS RA 5-4632 FROM 1955 MODELS UP For out-of-town dealers. Top cash prices for your car. See Don Armstrong today at-- HILLTOP MOTORS between Oshawa and Whitby on No. 2 Highway 1960 T.V.'s ARE NOW IN STOCK SEE THEM SOON AT PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 49--Automobile Repairs BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms, Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. 50--Articles For Sale ALL KINDS OF AUTO PART ACCESSORIES for all makes of cars. Specializing in Generator and Electric. W. C. HUTCHESON 154 WILLIAM ST. E. OSHAWA TWO ladies' coats, one cashmere and one winter coat; also one buffet. Phone RA 3-2620. 227a FURNACE stoker for sale, good con- dition, RA 3.3342, 227% Immediate possession to a complete line of stock and implements, 100 acres, level with cree milk contract, 20 holsteins, 4 springing heifers, 10 open heifers, 5 holsteiri calves, 2400 by, grain, new silo full of corn, hay ond straw in barn, near-new diesel 1.LH. tractor, new plough, new manure loader and other necesscry implements. Excellent water supply with water bowls in stable. Bulk corler and mi'king machine. Fairly good house, Bark barn 50 x 70. Owner must sell within 10 days os he is leaving the province. Move in this. month! Collect $600-$700 milk cheque next month. Price only $32,000 with $10,000 MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 down. Contact MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN PHONE OL 5-3159 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED, REALTORS SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 VOLKSWAGEN 1] GAINADAY ironer, like new, $40 cash. Pickering 496. 251 WHY RUN AROUND HOLODY SALES SELLS THEM ALL ALUMINUM DOOR, WIN- DOWS, AWNINGS, PORCH GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT., PHONE 87 RAILINGS. ALUMINUM AND STONE INSULATED SIDING. Nothing Down Easy Terms 30 GRENFELL STREET Two Street East of Shopping Centre RA 5-2431 NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. 1st, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE S.. RA 8-1651 YOUR LOCAL ALUMINUM FACTORY COLONIAL HOME IMPROVENTS 134 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA RA 8-8571 To Introduce Canada's First Self-Lubricating Self Storing STORM DOOR $54.50 BUY NOW AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE --SPRING LOADED MAIL SLOT ~--DELUXE KEY LOCK OUTFIT ~--DISTINCTIVE FANCY GRILLE FREE -- FREE $12.55 VALUE NO DEPOSIT AND JUST $1.40 A WEEK Limited to One Per Customer RA 8-8571 RA 8-8571 YOU'VE TRIED THE REST now TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12' CARTOPS to + 21' CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD SALES AND SERVICE EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX ONT. inald Isaac Li Tool and Die died at the Ci August, A.D. 1 fied to send fi to the undersig fore the 15th d A.D. 1959. aft the Estate will with regerd onl which the und then have had DATED at 11th day of Se 1959. Executrix, against the Estate of Reg- on or about the 22nd day of FRANCES BEATRICE LOCKE, By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 1442 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, ocke, Retired Maker, who ty of Oshawa 959, are noti- ull particulars ned on or be- ay of October, er which date be distributed ly to claims of ersigned shall notice. Oshawa, this ptember, A.D. LAND FO Province of On To Witi-- By virtue of City of Oshawa of the 15th of sale of lands i taxes in the Ci o'clock in the Wednesday, th of November, paid. the list of land arrears of tax published in August, 1959. urer. day of August, CALL 1266 AJAX TREASURERS SALE OF City of Oshawa, sued by the Mayor of the will be held in the 'Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa, at the hour of ten the taxes and costs are sooner Notice is hereby given that Gazette, on the 1st Day of said list may be obtained at the office of the City Treas- 'Treasurer's Office this 4th R TAXES tario. a warrant is- bearing date July, 1959, a n arrears for ty of Oshawa forenoon on e fourth day 1959, unless s for sale for es has been The Ontario Copies of the 1959. H. E. "TRIPP, Treasurer. are taking a new look at the moon's familiar pocked surface, which may be marked now by the remains of a Russian missile. Dr. Harold C. Urey, a Nobel prize winner and expert on the chemistry of the stars, recently offered a startling theory: far from being a cold, inert body, the moon has a hot 'interior and erupting shifting surface. His theory is supported by Russian astronomer, Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev, who reported ob- serving an active volcano in the moon crater Alphonsus last year. Dr. Kozyrev believes that most moon craters were caused by volcanoes. PUFF OF DUST? Some experts believe Dr. Kozy- rev saw either gas escaping from the moon's interior or a puff of dust and gas erupting after being heated by natural radioactivity. Other scientists ac- cept his theory that 'internal energy" within the moon could lead to volcanic eruptions and the formation of mountains. Astronomers also disagree about the mysterious moon dust, the National Geographic Society says. A Harvard astronomer says the moon may be covered by a layer of dust two-thirds of a mile deep. The top few feet prob- ably would be extremely loose and more dangerous than quick- sand. Others suggest that the lunar mantle may be no thicker than the dust on a table top be- fore spring cleaning. Whatever its depth, many sci- entists are convinced that moon dust is chemically active. Some think it has been made unstable by cosmic rays and other radia- tion bombardments. The first man who plants a rubber boot on a lunar surface may be in for an unpleasant surprise -- a lunar hotfoot, It is 'possible that the dust con- tains a record of the origins of life. Biologists have speculated that simple organic compounds which are the precursors of life are being formed continually in space. They may have been de- Josie, on the moon and remain- un db of its lack moon dust would bear a logical record of the process. PEPPER MOON As for the craters, the theory of volcanic origin has support, but a more widely held supposi- tion is that they were created when giant meteorites crashed. The moon's only atmosphere is believed to be a wisp of heavy gases near the surface, which a|does not retard and burn up ob- jects as does the dense air of earth. Consequently, the moon has been peppered by meteor ites, according to this theory. Another suggestion' is that craters were created by frozen heads of comets exploding against the moon. Dr. Zdenek Kopal of Britain's Manchester University points out that comet heads are mainly frozen hydro- carbons with an admixture of un stable chemical = compounds. They would behave like high ex- plosives on impact. Two other British scientists speculated recently that huge bubbles of gas bursting through the moon's surface caused the craters. Drs. A. G. Gaydon and R, C. M. Learner reported that craters formed in laboratory exe periments were strikingly sime ilar to the lunar craters. Youths Return To Canada SARNIA (CP) -- Detectives from London, Ont., took charge of two Kitchener-Waterloo youths Monday after they were arrested Saturday by Port Huron, Mich., police as they emerged from the St. Clair International Railway Tunnel. Stanley Wright, 17, of Kitch. ener, and Gary McMillan, 18, of Waterloo, will appear before a London magistrate today om charges of theft of firearms. Police found mine pistols and revolvers, seven of them loaded, when they arrested the boys. A stack of 11 more guns were later found buried near the tracks om the Canadian side of the tunnel.

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