----E ~CGIT MEETING , making him eligible to enter the | district competition. His | be entered in the provincial com. | ' petition at the convention to be 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 26, 1959 AT BOWMANVILLE Advance Poll Liquor Vote BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|more than 50 per cent support. Advance polls for the liquor ple-! Glenholme Hughes, president biscite were opened at the townlof the C ity Adva t hall today with Returning Officer| Association, acting as relator in R. Reynolds and his staff in|an appeal before Judge J. de charge. The ballots pose two|Navarre Kennedy, of Peterbor- questions for the electors. 1. Arelough, in a county court hearing you in favor of the sale of liquor|at Cobourg, was successful in fogr consumption with meals inywinning the appeal and calling a licerised dining lounge? 2. Are|for the re-vote. you in favor of the sale of liquor, Mr. Hughes says he and his in a licensed lounge? : committee are "absolutely confi- The date set by 'the Untario/dent they will win this time." Liquor Licensing Board 'is Sep-| "The people are now convinced tember 30. It is the second time that it will benefit Bowmanville within a year that voters will go to have the licensed dining lounge to the polls on the question. The|and a cocktail lounge," he said. first result, a negative by a lit-| Mr, Hughes is campaign manag- tle over 40 per cent of the voters, er for the affirmatives. was set aside on an appeal by the| Mr. Hughes says that his group faction lookinge for an affirma- has been accused by the Bow- tive vote. They require a 60 per manville Citizens "Vote No" cent vote to get permission to committee of being backed by establish more liquor outlets in| brewers and distillers. the town. "That is not a fact. We have In the November, 1959. plebis-| received nothing from any brew- cite, both questions Brooklin Scout Mothers Meet By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT |, Next meeting will be held Tues. BROOKLIN -- The September Sept. 29, at 7 p.m. Plans for meeting of the 1st Brooklin Scout|fall activities will then be dis- Mothers' Auxiliary was held at cussed, and the election of offi- the home of Mrs, Ray Kennedly. cers for the year will be held. Presicgent Mrs. Ray Kennedy, was in the chair when tentative PERSONALS plans were made for a "Hard| Mr. and Mrs. George Boake, Time Party." at Hallowe'en Sat-|Ralph and June, visited rela. urday Oct. 24 A report of sum- tives at Beaverton at the week- mer activities of the Cubs under|end. Mr. Boake's mother, Mrs. Cubmaster Irwir. Gibson was pre-|G. Boake, returned with them sented {for a holiday. The nominating committee was! Mrs Cyril Davies is a patient appointed to present a slate of in Oshawa General Hospital. officers for the October meeting.!| Mrs R. Borton has returned It is composd of Mrs. Don|to the home of her son-in-law and Roberts, Mrs. Bruce Miner, and|daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mrs. W Godfrey. Mettler, after three months' visit Next meeting will be held at to friends and relatives in Eng- the home of Mrs, Lorne Gray|land. Thursday, Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott |visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kee- MISSION BAND MEETS {yist a : The Mission Band met Tues- nan, Oshawa, Wednesday. de' in the Sunday School room| of the United Church with Presi- rcelve nothing from them," said|work yet to be done before the| vote. We have held two commun-|one vote Mr. Hughes, \ J 4 . officer ity meetings of prayer and a pub-|in any way by irregularities. If outlets," he said, commanding the Salvation Army Citadel, acting campaign-manager for the negative side, said the Bowman- ville Citizens *Vote No" eommit- tee is confident, yet mot over-|Dr. Linton spoke." confident of winning its appeal to citizens to keep liquor out of the/man Alex MeGregor, "However", he said, "we rea- pletely unnecessary expense to lize there is still a lot of hardithe tax payers of Bowmanville." be a cleaner, better, more pros- Ge ne ie Se hee She Ton Jia Fh Sm mw a Norman Coles, |the plebiscite as being '"'a com-[VOles. Bowmanville|lic 'meeting Friday night. Mrs.|anyone has cause to | who is|Dr. Cyrus Slemon led the meet-|it is the Citizen's "Vote No" ing Wednesday and Friday nights| Committee, because we only lost| the general secretary of the Ca-lon the liquor store question by nadian Temperance Fedération,|23 votes. G - . -- . - Fi > re vo. vo. L O88 cB J Oh a i ek ow i dn an ha Ca . AD - ow - quilt "It is our opinion that it woulc|across the United States. in Confusing End The Community Ad-| To Daylight Saving vancement Association lost on the "Vote No" committee chair- dining lounge by 210 votes and NEW YORK (AP) -- Daylight deplored (on the liquor lounge by 302)ime ends Sunday in a Yrazy DST at t pattern of communities| Standard time returns Sunday who cal! themselves the Red Hot(red feathers, in support of Indiana Redheads are off to Bath, Ont. |tawa's United Appeal, and and dates. the last and some the last .Sunday California, Nevada, es Susy" Scteni Red Hot Redheads October, depending on local choice. And communities in more| Enter Bath Derby {than 2 Sates do not observe] by red-bearded Bill e lations. is made up of in neuve of Granby, Que. Jacques Plante and Paul of Quebec City. OTTAWA (CP)--Four students Boss, university's director of publie Te Flaherty of Ottawa, Paul Ville and "It is my firm belief that not|perous and law - abiding town mer time schedule generally be-lof Pennsylvania and northeastiresenting the University of Ot was changed or altered without adding two more liquor|gin in April bu the end comes/Ohio and the eastern perimeter tawa, the Bath tub races. jin a confusing welter of areasof Wesi Virginia. The red-headed crew, coached the re They will wear red hats with Ot the received|er or distiller and we will re-| dent Pat Mitchell in the chair. | Mrs. Wilson led devotions. | Plans were completed for the, annual thankoffering services to be held Saturday, October 3 at| 3 p.m. Mrs. Carolyn Wilson con-| ducted the senior group and) Mrs. Don Mitchell, the junior) group for a study period. Small Homes Are BUSINESS with Oshawa's Busiest Reol Estate Firm The CGIT of Brooklin United Church held an informal meet- ing Monday conducted by Mrs. | Robert Humphries, I A discussion was held on the | grouping of girls Mrs. Dave Bur- leigh and Mrs. Joy Purkiss will assist with the project. Myrtle Boy's Birdhouse Is Top Exhibit By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- Tommy Lawr- ence, aged 9, som of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Lawrence of Myrtle was awarded a first prize for his bird house exhibit at the dis-| trict annual meeting of the On-| tario Horticultural Society in| Lansing United Church hall,| North York township, Tuesday. | His exhibit also took a first prize at the Brooklin Horticul-| tural Society show in March, | For Professional Service Doug Gower Bill Millar frwin Cruikshanks Lloyd Corson Dick Young Lioyd Bolahood Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 107 Simcoe St. N, RA 8.5123 "'bird- | house for a nut-hatch" was the best of 15 entered from all parts of district number five. His prize was a camera. | Tommy's bird-house will now LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER held at Hamilton in October. New yi3 Toni with professionally pre-mixed neutralizer! IT'S SQUEEZE * EASY! Just a few creamy drops on sach curl do the trick. -) FIRST and only neutralizer that's proe fessionally pre-mixed to give you profese sional wave results at home! No more measuring! No messy mixing! No mishaps! New No-Mix Toni is the nicest . . . easiest , , , most fool-proof héme permanent ever! ve Smits, 08 1. SNIP OFF THE 2 * 7iP and you're #\ all set. No powder or water to bother with. wi .\ost areas observing the sum- and Wisconsin, in some sections today to enter, as a team rep-juniversity's maroon Jacket. Now! You can enjoy built-in --- electric home heatin No other heating system offers you so many advantages ~...for new homes, added rooms, hard-to-heat areas ROOM BY ROOM CONTROL Electric heating is the simplest of all to operate. Set one room for 72° another for 65° if you wish. Automatically turns off the heat in a room warmed by the sun while leaving it on in others. No complicated control equipment. EXTRA SPACE Electric heating units are completely self-contained. You can have your electric heating system installed out of sight in your plaster ceiling, in compact baseboard units or panels recessed into the walls. You and your family gain extra space you would otherwise need for chimney, fuel storage, piping and furnace or boiler. INSTANT RESPONSE When the thermostat calls for it, electric heating supplies heat instantly --right where you want it. There's no waiting for heat to build up in a central CLEANLINESS Walls, draperies, carpets and furniture stay cleaner longer because there are "no products of combustion. Electric heat is clean as light--the cleanest heating method possible. UNIFORMITY Electric home heating provides a gentle, even warmth that chases all chills, with no drafts, cold spots or layers of cold air. Temperatures will vary only two or three degrees from ceiling to floor. SILENCE Silent as sunlight, most electric home heating systems work without moving parts. SAFETY A completely safe heating method -- electric home heating eliminates flame and the storage of inflammable fuel. CARES FOR ITSELF Electric radiant and convection heating is simple and efficient. No annual maintenance. Nothing to rust. Nofilters to replace. No moving parts to lubricate. FLEXIBILITY Heat the whole house--the added rec- reation room --or the new room you are planning to build. Electric heating can also bring comfort into a room inadequately heated by an existing heating system. EFFICIENCY All of the heat is used. None is wasted up a chimney. With a thermostat in each room, there is no need to over heat. several rooms in 'order to raise the temperature in just one. You can choose from several types of electric home heating--there is one to fit your personal needs exactly There are two kinds of heat used in the home. One warms you directly with heat waves (radiation) and the other surrounds you with warm air (convec- tion). Your electric he "eating sys- tem can be either. BASEBOARD units heat principally by convection, keeping floors and walls warm for maximum comfort. They are very efficient 'beneath windows, where rising heat dispels the cooling effect of large areas of cold glass. S80 MANY ADVANTAGES Only electric heating can provide so many advantages, Now you HEATING CABLE is usually em- bedded in ceiling plaster. The ceiling then becomes a source of radiant heat gently distributed over the entire room. WALL PANELS of either radiant or convection types may be recessed into the wall. Selection will be based on individual room requirements. j can heat your home the way you operate your toaster, iron and electric range. You can heat safely and simply with the energy that has contributed so much to modern living. BUILT-IN ELECTRIC UNITS create hat silently, instantly, automatically. Every day more and more people are discovering this great advance in home comfort. INSULATION Full insulation in your home assures the maximum efficiency of your electric heating system. The recommended insulation is 6 ins. in.the ceiling--4 ins. in the walls--2 ins. in floors over unheated areas--double windows and doors. Heat losses are drastically reduced and you gain added advantages in summar comfort too, THE HEAT PUMP, an entirely dif- ferent system, heats in winter --cools in summer --automatically. If you are planning summer air-conditioning, investigate this system. when your home fs Insulation conditioned. THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING NOW WITHIN YOUR MEANS a Electric home heating is here to stay as one of the great advances in modern living. Through its sheer simplicity of installation and operation--through its effectiveness in providing a controlled, gentle warmth wherever and whenever it is needed--through the exclusive advantages. complete freedom it provides from all furnace and fuel prob.ams-- electric heating heralds a new era in home comfort. To own and enjoy this most modern of heating systems, you pay only a few dollars more a month--well worth it when you consider its many Find out today how you can enjoy the extra comfort and convendence of electric heating. Call your local Hydro Office or consult your electrical contractor, LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY 28 KING ST. E. RA 03-4621 For further information on your electrical problems contact your electrical dealeror... THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA WM. BODDY, Chairman GEORGE F. SHREVE, General Manager