The Oshawa Times, 26 Sep 1959, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY The person who follows the line of least Tesistance generally winds up at a lower level. dhe Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy and warmer to- day and Sunday. Afternoon thundershowers likely Sunday. 88--No. 225 OSHAWA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1959 Authorized As Second Class Moil Post Office Department, THIRTY-TWO PAGES Ottawa a PRESIDENT EISENHOWER | White House for a shows the way to Soviet Prem- | flight to Camp jer Khrushchev as they pre- | dential retreat. They are con- pare to board a helicopter on | ferring on world problems. 'At grounds David, pfresi- | | Blood Bath 'Seen In S. Africa | | LONDON (Reuters) -- A tele-| vision reporter expelled | from| 'South Africa expects "one of the| biggest blood baths which has, aver taken place" in South Africa! ® [within five years. Henry Barzilay, 38 - year - old| Londoner, told a press confer-} ence today he is "the first victim| of the new South African police state." | He expected others to be ex-| pelled as the press became more} | "muzzimuzzled." |" | "There is plenty going on inside South Africa. They don't want] neople outside South Africa to) E know what is going on." | He said in no other country ex-| cept possibly Russia could a man| be arraigned, tried and sentenced without even knowing the charges against him. 10 Airmen centre is a member of the crew, --AP Wirephoto PICKERING TWP. GIVEN WATER, SEWAGE PLANT Company Pays Total Costs | | BROUGHAM (Special) -- Cru- property on the Liverpool! road sader Developments Corporation belonging to Grant Hiltz is re. Ltd., who plan a 2600 unit in garded as most suitable from an Pickering. township, has agreed engineering point of view. He [to assume full responsibility for|s2id that he did not think that {the costs of establishing a com- expropriation proceedings would |plete water supply system and a be necessary and that the town- -|sewage plant for the township. ship could probably negotiate for i [took the previous deal. | ture, with the development cor- | This was revealed by Reeve J. S, the transfer of the property, Scott at a special meeting of the, The agreement calls for the {township councii Friday night. township to pay for any "over. {Cost is expected to amount to|size" installations from the serv {more than an estimated $1,085, ices. {000 The complete water and|. Reeve Scott, who described the {sewage plants will not cost Pick- new agreement as most geners {ering township ratepayers a ous, said that 300 acres will alse sent, be nrovided for narks in the new | The deal was described by one development, szid that the de. |councillor -as "the best sub. partment of highways has beem division and development deal kept aware of what was going on ver executed by a municipality and that suitable access and Sgrecs roads would be estab ished. Standard Time Will An amendment to the existing "Crusader" bylaw is being pre-| pared to handle the new develop- ment in the negotiations which! {have been going on for some| {time. Council representatives] calling for the townshin to raise the initial cost of $350,000 by deben- {poration underwriting the deal. i Rescued { : |The - Ontario Water Resources Soon Return | ; Ike, Mr. K. Agree | ' On Minor Iss CAMP DAVID, Md. (CP) --|stated that the two leaders could an exchange of information of at ues about President Eisenhower and Pre-|reach certain understandings on devel mier Khrushchev were expected world issues - which could be|plants--a potential new venture ; i : Commission had approved the Y u er ; Vann lventure, while Metro Planning SEATTLE (AP) -- Ten United States Navy airmen whose twin- engined patrol plane ditched Fri- day 110 miles off the Oregon coast were rescued from the stormy Pacific by a coast guard to reach agreement foday on/placed before the Western Allies in Soviet-American co-operation. the men were suffering warm up relations I world's two leading powers. | conference. But there still was no certainty] iL | that any major progress would ATOMIC INFORMATION be made at this stage on the 4 15 to ®t formal summit |peacefal wses of atomie energy may alse be arranged. | Expected to join today's discus: [the publie stage Sunday after- eritical issues that divide East 5ions was chairman Jokz A. Me- noon, following the Camp David if favored, could|Visiis of scientists working on the shock and ex wise appeared. Khrushchev will reappear on! good shape, The rescue came nearly 12 hours after the P-5M patrol plane |from the Whidbey Island, Wash., naval air station was forced and West--the future of Berlin|Cone of the U.S. atomic Energy talks. He is scheduled to hold an|g,un with one engine afire. Commission. McCone and and Germany d the means of enforcing an to the arms a ' race. Emelyanov, The agreements that might be|the groundwork for have already an jecis as enlarging the exchange between the two countries in the! cultural field -- such as films his hour-long Washington press con-| Russian opposite number, V. A. ference and make an hour-long| cone shortly after the' laid | television speech prior to his de-| Eisen- parture for Moscow Sunday reached would be on such sub- hower-Khrushchev agreement on night, SUCCESSOR NAMED books and music--and co-opera- tion in the peaceful development of atomic energy Such co-operation may not be of major interest to countries outside the Soviet-United States ephere, but they would signify| ° that links between them are be-| ing strengthened, that channels 1eS are being widened--all conducive to hopes that eventually a way| COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP) may be found to a more lasting, prime Minister Solomon Banda- peace. ranaike died today from an as. U.S. AIDES MYSTIFIED sassin's bullets, apparent victim And while White House f the str e between Eastern were still not convinced Western ways that 'swept that Khrushchev would agree to him into power 3% years ago Western proposals as solutions to The frail, 60 - year - old cham- world issues, they seemed to be pion of Asian neutralism suc- bordering on the edges of un- cumbed almost on the eve of a certainty, The impulsive Soviet! visit to the United Nations leader, in fact, had them mysti- yananda Dahanayake, a fied. They could not be sure what 57-Ye Id politican from Banda- his next mood, his next decision ranaike's cabinet, was imme- might be. ditely sworn in as prime min- Khrushchev, attired in Dahanayake in the past usual beige suit, and Eisenhower, as ranged the political spectrum dressed in charcoal grey, irom reve onary red fo con- plunged into world talks imme- Servative diately on arrival late Friday by, His most recent exploit was to helicopter at the president's force the resignation of Marxist Camp David mountain . top re- ministers of food and industries treat, about 65 miles north of from the cabinet of this Common- Washington. wealth island in the Indian The two were in a good mood, Ocean The weekend talks are to bel Bandaranaike failed to survive eoncluded at noon Sunday with! following a 'five-hour operation to an announcement of decisions Temove three bullets which taken. Also to be worked out is Pierced his liver, spleen and aides x and today . his ister Ceylon PM f Shots A reliable source said that 15] minutes before Bandaranaike| died he turned to his wife and! asked whether she knew why the monk had shot him The death plunged Ceylon into mourning. A/ mile-long line of wailing women formed outside] the hospital, Ayurvedic medicine men, who favor hot compresses, massages| and secret herb formulas handed | down from father to son, have practised in Ceylon for 2,000 years. In recent years they have emerged as a political power. Ayurvedic supporters, along with the Buddhist clergy and teachers, were among the three influential groups who boosted Bandaranaike to power in 1956. The buddhist clergy press him to declare Ceylon a Buddhist! state, Bandaranaike, who had been raised as an Anglican, em- braced Buddhism but refused to bow to the monks' demands, The cutter arrived "on the ghter Olympic Pioneer r the Flares guided the two ships to the two life rafts in which the three officers and seven men had ridden out the Pacific storm. Board, and the Department of Planning and Development had given tacit anproval to the whole PLEA TO KHRUSHCHEV By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario is going back to stand- ard time--sooner or later. jon bu ether: 4 MEN FLEF CAR plan with some minor modifica- tions, which were apparently] The province's cities can't made, seem fo get together of a com- . mon _date to change i 50 PER CENT BOND daylight Reeve Scott told council that the Ontario Municival Board" was not 'too satisfied with the guaran tees from: 3 coms. pany, and the amount of protee- pl ptteat Votes George kita Khrushehev in got ua 2, With his second wife he looks u, apenson, 39, plans to , out a. - t a drive to Washington in hope | penson left Latvia in 1943 and | * 2 Photo of his son of seeing Soviet Premier Ni- | hasn't seen his son, Egil, since. ~--CP Wirephoto LAE time. A midnight, Sept. 6. tion offered the township. The| A pypular date among others pany, to show its good faith, |for making the change is Oct. 25, immediately proposed that 1tiat midnight or 2 am, Cities should undertake the cost of eon-| switching then include Toronto. struction of the new plants, with|Ottawa Hamilton, Niagara Falls, a promise to pay a bond of 50 Welland, Oshawa, Peterbo po per cent of the fotal costs tm-| Brantford, Kingston, Orillia, mediately. iHe, Guelph, Owen and This, of eourse, said Reeve Belleville. ; Scott, means that the township, Five others -- Sudbury, Brock- does not have to raise any de-|ville, Kitchener, St. Catharines Gangster, Blonde Killed In Cadillac : gs | NEW YORK (AP) -- Anthony, Carfano, short and pot-bellied, Little Augie were indicted on|of the costs of the project. (time Oct. 24. KHRUSHCHEV VOTED DIRECTOR RICHMOND, Va, (AP)-- The world's No. 1 Communist received 1,500 votes Friday in an election to a purely cap- italistic post--director of a large corporation. Morton Adler of New York cast the votes for Premier Khrushchev to be a member of the board of directors of Virginia - Carolina Chemical corporation. The Soviet leader didn't get the job. A frequent critic of the cor- poration, Adler termed Khrushchev "a master export salesman." |Carfano, veteran and underworld wore a dark blue silk suit. Mrs. bribery charges in connection| puoiier and Redfern, consult- FIVE CHANGE SUNDAY [kingpin known as Little Augie Drake wore a smart blue cock-| with a union welfare fund racket. |; engineers for the develop-| Anoilier five are making the Pisano, and his beautiful blonde! tail dress and a mink stole. Louis B. Saperstein, a Newark, ment corporation, state it will be change this Sunday. They are companion were shot to death! Police said the weapon used in N.J., broker, had been sentenced necessary to expropriate land for London, Sarnia, Stratford, 6t. Friday night in a flashy black both killings was a .38-calibre re-|for contempt of court for refus- the project. Reeve Scott said Thomas and Woodstock. But Cadillac volver. Carfano's trousers pock-|ing to testify about the racket. that town engineer, R. Jefferson, North Bay and Cornwall will de- Th 62 1d Cart ets bulged with $1,500 In 50-and He later changed his mind and has pointed out two logical sites,/lay until Oct. SL e 62 - year - old Carfano--| 0 + "ro Lill and $433 in appeared before the grand: jurylone at the foot of Liverpool road,| Windsor has solved the prob- EE of smaller bills that indicted Little Augie and the|and the other on the French-|lem. It stayed em standard time [Frank Costello, was shot from Police said Mrs. Drake was the other two man's Bay road. However. the all summer. the rear seat of his car. The wife of comedian Allan Drake, lauto, apparently moving at the who has been appearing at the (time, veered onto a curb in the Lotus Club in Washington with Jackson Heights section of Long singer Tony Martin. Police said Island Drake had: been notified of his Neighbors told police they saw vife s death and was en route to [two men flee from the car after NEW York {they heard shots. No weapon was Carfano, who lived in a palatial | found. Carfano was shot twice in|Long Island mansion, was a [the back of the head and once in familiar name in underworld in- Ihis left cheek. The girl, Janice vestigations for 35 years. {Drake, about 25, was shot in the During prohibition, he was in-| back of her neck and in the right volved in bootlegging in Brook-| temple. lyn and was a top lieutenant of Stalemate In Steel Strike NEW YORK (AP)--The steel lindustry's top negotiator in the with Labor Secretary James P Capone, the Chicago gangland king. In 1933 he was tried and acquitted in connection with the slaying of Detective Sgt. James {Knight during an attempted theft # {in Union City, N.J, 8 | After Costello was wounded in {the lobby of a Manhattan hotel {by a gunshot in 1956, Little Augie was questioned and released. {ing the weekend in Washington prIBERY CHARGES In 1955 Sol Cilento, a former The new prime minister indi- steel strike says he's ready to Mitchell to review the stalemate socretary-treasurer of the AFL a schedule for Eisenhower's trip arm cated there would be no major|resume talks here Monday. 0 ju lhe comsac) Yispite. Finegan Distillers Union, George Scalise, to Russia, perhaps time az ichanges in his predecessor's Stenlworkers Union esident indicated the talks might be , Brooklyn lab Keteer, and n periaps some UNC DECLARES EMERGENCY |Nehru-style neutralist policies. |David J. McDonald says he's|shifted from New York when 2. 2TO0XYR 8107 Tacieleer, an next month. : Governor - General Sir Olver| peo cet funeral services for through talking in New York. [they resume," but he didn't say OTHERS JOIN IN |Goonetilleke proclaimed a sta'e pandaranaike for next Thursday| Joseph F. Finnegan, chief fed. where : Among those joining in the Of emergency on the island until after a period of lying-in-state. eral mediator, plans to meet dur- McDonald broke off the nego-| the uncertain political situation is | talks were State Secretary Her- ter, Foreign Minister Gromyko and Henry Cabot Lodge, the American United Nations ambas- sador, Today, Khrushchev and Eisen- hower were being joined by Vice- President Richard Nixon Andrew Berding, state depart ment press director, said "they don't intend to negotiate, except on matters of purely bilateral in terest." [He said an extension of exist ing cultural exchanges between the two countries was an ex ample of what is considered a "purely bilateral interest.' However, informants Jater clarified On his deathbed, the mild-man- nered, British - educated prime minister forgave his accused assassin -- a professed Buddhist medical monk, who whipped out a revolver and fired as Banda- ranaike bowed in reverence to him The gunman was said to have been angered by the prime min- ister's refusal to go all the way in shedding western ways in fa vor of ancient' Eastern medicall techniques known as "ayur veda TWO IN CUSTODY The assassin was sentry while try to flee and was captured. He identified him self at the hospital as Talduwa Sovarama, 43, a specialist in Eastern-style medicine. He was being guarded today in the hos |pital ward by 35 policenien Police today seized a Buddhist monk, G. Pannasekera who was accused of having been with the gunman. shot by a! CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 [| Thero,| Rain Predicted For Baseball ST. LOUIS (AP)--The weal ther bureau said the odds are it will be raining again late today when the San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals night baseball doubleheader The weather outlook posed a thorny are scheduled to play a twi- problem for the | National League with the season scheduled to end Sunday, the Giants still not eliminated three games to go here from the pennant race, and The scheduled opener of the three-game series was wash- ed out Friday night by a hard, ing intermittently driving rain. It was still rain this morning and skies were overcast. If today's doubleheader is rained out, a Cardinal spokes- man said, a doubleheader will "Then, if the championship is ably' would be played Monday The third-place Giants, 2% for nothing better than a tie lose two and the second-place more. be played Sunday afternoon. {in coming back involved, a third game prob- ,"" he said. games out of first, can hope now if they win their three remaining games while the first-place Los Angeles Dodgers Milwaukee Braves lose one \tions {to invoke the Taft-Hartley Labor an Act. ¢ tiations here Friday--74th day of the strike--calling the sessions a| "farcical filibuster." He said he would resume only when man-| agement offers something "worthy of consideration by self- respecting steel workers." R. Conrad Cooper, chief indus- try negotiator, said: "We hope that the union will reconsider its position and join with us then in|_Three of the most realiable a renewed effort to break the united States rockets ran into deadlock. This (New York) has'trouble on opposite sides of the been our agreed seat of negotia- Florida coast Friday. We plan to be here At Cape Canaveral, a snark | We want to bargain and we want | intercontinental range guided {to reach an agreement missile crashed and exploded on would Te-\jaynching and a Nike - Cajun | Asked if the union |sume talks if the government re-|,.,.ket veered off course, ruining | an attempt to obtain the first Flop At Florida - CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) {quested it, McDonald said: * {have never resisted a call of our| pictures of a complete hurricane. | |government. But we see no sense| jig camera - carrying conel to New Yorkidropped outside the intended City. The seat of the government|area and was lost is in Washington. The seat of the] On Florida's west coast, . a steel industry is in Pittsburgh." | range safety officer destroyed an The break-off might speed any errant Bomare guided missile] {decision by President Eisenhower shortly after it was launched in! attempt to intercept a drone target. »; WRECKEGE France, killing 88 of the/ of takeoff from Borc aux, | pcr ons aboar'c AP Wire/ hote J INSPECT AIRLINER Firemen inspect wreckage of | and exploded within minutes | French airliner which crashed

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