The Oshawa Times, 22 Sep 1959, p. 13

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CG 14--For Rent 44--For Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 45 Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale | THE OSH/WA TIMES, Tuesday, September 22, 1959 1% TWO large reoms. plus Kitchen, bai ra -- mee fo - Whois id i / Om; Berry Ta iehen - bath, TWO ur irnished rooms in quiet hogue, [Two room furnished apartment, sink, LARGE room, ST wuitable living ata iers SIL 000 NEA "resale, $2400 down, $64 | LOTS. 05" x 160°. at Courtice, Paved $2 ACRES for sale. For particulars farage. Children welcome. 217 Oshawa | abstain i without childs IRA's: cupboards, refrigerator. Phone jor two girls. Phone RA 5.4371 221f| monthly; landscaped; near sou B| stoects. Appraved for mortgages, close|Sall at "14 Wilsop Rend' Rorth.- RAAS Ri i i Soulevard North, RA 80137. le ners: nu erate, all conveni-|RA 8-0147 1t | - - plant 793 Gaspe Avenue. RA 5-2873.[to schools. RA 8.5579 217t 45--Real Estate For Sale | 47--Automobiles for Sale 4 i Cha AE Lp -- | NICELY situated lot 78 by 200 it. be 21¢ " Slt ist {THREE room unturni shed apartment, nwa 1 1} cman +0 pow NEW country residence, features two §1190¢ NH. re-s: ivate 2 |'66 CHEV, sedan, ra 'les or, central. No children. Apply 253 FOUR - roc lf . contained apari-|stove and refrigerator, north end off na po1ot and, Oshawa. Phone; won MUST bo sold, threshedroom _Drick | replaces, bulllun stove and oven, Cir house with. Aluminum window hd Hi) 3 EN em 0 room furnished apartment, | ment 2 " ¢ ed oi {ost *a Phone RA 8.0147 11 {RA | 8-0194 21 STOREY and half three bedroom brick, and 'stone bungalow, large kitchen, cular drive, panorama windows gordi ise wi i a minum windows Bas Bepler he Slearance price His -- ! ---------- I SE | broadloom main floor, finished recrea-|four.piece bath, oil heated. aluminum third acre lot, with many Tees. ten Bafa 8 an, dseaped pncipal Sng in. EA 5 Bory ry "Stew" at We ie in Suphoards in Kiiehen, refrigera-| to She tre sonable ~ 1 fWO acres or more land with new, | roo d h | TV pe » central: No children. Apply 253] 5 b FE TE RNISHE D b 8 EW | tion om, ry room and wash gt i screens, TV roter aerial; au ; . pply 285 Avenue edrooms for rent 1 in Courtice. s , . {storms and screen rial; 'minutes to Oshawa. Asking $14.600. ing to U.S.A. RA 5.2873 23 G - jthol Street East 221f {home of quiet business couple, el ire Toom a Dungal agi m. jToom paved , two-car garage; |very central, Call Mary Hobbs, RA Nick Lakas, RA 3-463 Bh 3 or 733 Gaspel 5 pomp, clean and "reliable Septem- ARGE EH ONE furnished bedro one girl.|bathroom, near Simcoe bus and North|' © fy. Sonven ent a 291 landscaped. RA 5.0431 after 5:30 p.m. 3.9869, J. Wacko Realtor 219f | {ber clearance price $1095. Easy terms. room for two good friends or|py, p hod ak iag ooms| Simcoe School, RA 5-0145 2168 mediately. Phone RA 8-0194 f No agents please 291 ee jaa 5 orth west Oshawa, t k - AR ne Try "Stew" w i om coe Se 5-0145 216¢( as hr Saale oe 8 west Oshawas toom, two storey brick house, | ew" at Wellman's, RA 5-798. 1 large rooms, two kitchens and garage, -- - 221e pgp sogle heds, garage if n or couple 1 fie - p--b-- " central. 5-8150 2214 > ih '220¢ ONE room In few neuse. for one al tom buili for cwner, includes storms or JOHN A. J J BARNOSKI and screens, landscaped and decor- school. $1,500 down. 268 Clark|:s5 CHEV. Bel Air hardtop in. excel FURNISHED room, suitable ! iwo gentlemen Apply 637 Albert Street) rivate Hom, i, Suit ible for 4, ol LARGE housckeepin rooms Apply - mn t-------------- . ated. $8! monthly .includes tax - CATIA lent condition, radio, whitewails, spot Celina Stree e RA 8.52 A THREE large clean rooms, near Shop- Please call Nick Lakas, RA 3 hit, EIGHT room 'older "house well | Kes, light and other extras 1 accept ¥ desired. 89 Roxborough Avenue. 22lc|= . : | Stn Ti unt SRT BD awa susiest | BOLAHOOD REALTOR 3 res BORE om Sh, oF en ah ab 21 2 $2000 DOWN Ritson and Eulalie af Fiye. rooms down, three up "56 CHEV. Bel-Air fourdor, V-8 werd two new unfurnished rooms, with! pressure m, to respectable fam EE a duh, vor couple, first floor. Phone RA lily, 10 minutes drive to GM prone CLEAN furnished rooms, central, close REAL ESTATE FIRM x 18 BOND ST. WEST trict, solid brick, siz =oms, modero| And bath. Good income home. Would)yity power glide transmission, pow. ys 221f {Oct. 8. Inspection © sppointmeny. | to shopping district. RA 8-8402 or apply | LIMITED kitchen. good renting area Call RA |irade for two-bedroom bungalow. Close |brakes, radio, Best offer Hilton Mo. FURNISHED apartment, two jarge| Phone RA 54941 f Indstone Avenue 218% ENINGS REALTORS INSURANCE RA 5.7231 81773 {to bus. Phone RA 3-4162 218 | tors RA 86891 rooms, rh " oti nfurnished | 3 S ---- N EVENING -- hs % WRIEERMEL om, Soe Secorate, Fon ih a cup TWO Age, 3 tive, untgrnigh "dl rour room basement apartment OPE g 9 - v Best M Values on |BUILDING to be moved off site. 20x11 | | 00 DOWN, new six-room solid ori | ops BEL AIR hardiop VS, automatic, rnished housekeeping room P i F 8 st HAT three - piece bath, private entrance, AND SATURDAYS 169 SIMCOE S. our Dest oney es feet, winterized; finished inside and] bungalows, pl for $19 weekly Pull] radio, whitewalls, Call Bowmanville RA 80933 Pi, monthly, heated. Apply 164 Elliott These Homes. See or "Phone out; oil neate ctures. Price $850, | Price only 11,700, Model home av of MA 33156 after 5.30 pam 2010 k co : CLOSE "t N tre, house for|Avenue 2% $10 900 FULL PRICE RA 5-6544 fe Appointment Fone RA 3.2542; enings RA 5 6147 able, alt A 5.6544 John A Ak a ------ ™w Ee] wd 0 K ot We 291 --- . ' P 217f | Bolahood Ltd trs, 55 STANDARD Ponlia , radio, ND atoms, pari urnished, newly 2 [LARGE ofl heated, three - room fur-| pw. 7 06m brick home . t or : exceptional condition 2 sudan, radio hd n ad North. | ROUSE SIN a good loca [ni 1( yartment for couple, three Of » ke i x CLOSE TO SCHOOLS $1500 Down. N.H.A, Resale. SOLID brick ranch style home, large EIGHT - reom, rug brick, $2500 down. | oon Blvd. North after 5 br Pet----e sei 221] tion th v tl piece private bath, laundry and park close to schools and shop- Quic possession 5 room jot, landscaped, six rooms, bath Local |Garage, rec room arge modern il Bo, a. Bm, ig PORT PERRY = farm house. Needs! : oF Sarde wd b "Box 205|ing facilities, electrically equipped y Complete with, hea in the fi >f town rick 'bungalow. Jasper St ed on quiet residential street 9 Freder chen; gentral R 9228. If no answer "34 PONTIAC, two 'door, radio, signal some' inside decoration, hydro, paved o a imes tir . of em-|5.5216 2 oe wiring and oil: heating ist egst of p: 'Sof \ ! L * ick vet Phone Bowmanville MA | jeall RA 5-4150 Sghes, ete. abi, 150 condition through. toad, . very reasonable, Cower, 325] : ro eenta. ali fon s ey a i 5( 5 | FISHING and hunting lodge, 300 [out. Reasonable. 150 Burk Street 218¢ W al 8 ve 0 $= } 5 vith ' ( wn. 5 rool 0 ee - SHING 2 intin 180, 300 ALTED) | emaricmisemmeeasmmmesn ae ~ Palmerston Boulevard, Toronto, Ont - men, close to down EE Io! 1. cress ments Bea bison ¥ 4h 30 doy poy home oy % Sa erage Tow hr ' Joom suns' SIX-room brick house, with finished|75 acres workable Yond, rest in bushi CHEV conch, two tone, 36.800 221a n poly 8 Street East. | FOE Apply 464 Eulalie Aver i session OF gl e, $0 @ gleaming hardwood and tile v rec garage 9 attic, ofl heated; very eentral. Phone|Good house and barn, well waieied.|mijes $1650. RA 5-8057 2188 COZY central fat, h i : { Available immediate fast! For more . information, floors, all large rooms, tog dee good home on RA 5 0437 after 6 n 2c Maynooth district. Phone RA 3-74 re phat oir ao I 2h three rooms and | pore pr a Iwe call Dick Young, RA 8-5123 | n. and. all for only 4 a ee 230¢ | "55 CHEV. deluxe two-door clean inside ath. Phone RA 13-3076. king facil. STORE for 34 Simcoe St 3 E : : p LOVELY six-room brick house, Brock - : ; p and out. Low down payment Hilltop . - " x , North. Ph 462 2 nis must be seen, ¢ a y 5 14 ACRES land for sale, good cation, A 8.0801 SIX-room house in Port Perry A ene i bet 0. 8 : TA GOING GOING FOR 7 Swa ck at RA 241 Low > 1 YM Deyment "$6000, RA. 53387. 0, it 444 South ivy pn to ame. Phone YT -- veniences Phone YUkon 5-7580 220f | ROOMS fo zentlemen, clean, quiet THREE room apartment, upstairs ' SEE Jaok ; b 5. Payn = RA 5-1577, 6 p.m. to 8 pa ALLSTATE Aute Insurance, Save up hoi sini lulet quiet neighborhood, close to conveni $11,500 -- $11,500 3 By He ; WELL . furnished boarding Bouse. two . to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For r : OD= on Annapolis personal service at your home call RA goad SUITE | ¢ North THREE room furnished bass P i ences. C care 'for working mbther ark ! THREE-bedre hoy Fac as 0 tA oe. 0 6034 7 atk Brick 1 { : e bathrooms, sparkling clean, central E-bedroom house ORD apartment, newly decora ed, all GEAR - -- if required RA 8-603 f ork brick bungalow with at- BARGAIN re} e. Balanc location concern, only $3000|Avenue. Price $9250 with w , | 5-2802 lences, private hath Suit » or] BEA] i ree Our TOOT na] NEWL v decorated, - $¢ . contained tached garage, oil heating, all : 3 3 J ssion eel down § this one. W. McAuley balance $45 monthly. RA 3.9768. 2 54 BUICK dynaflow, custom usiness couple. Phone RA 3-26 . : vat ) 1 con aluminum storms. and screer his 5-room home in north Realtor, 2 Prince Street. RA 3.2512) two-tone, whitewalls, tinted glass w veniences Apply 381 Division Street isd » est is onl } ¢ Whitby MO 8.3231 SIX room cattage, Lake Simcoe, 60} 0, x . ONE single furnished room, private go i she wr Pts Bhi : » taxes, lot size 45' west is on ! [ 7 brick 2 miles from Whitby, completely ~fur.| cellent tires, clean inside and out, me- entrance Close to Gene ¢ 7 <ha| FOUR oom, self contained one Pr t ' eg: on. args. | 1.8 bungalow. E t. W. near TWO . bedrooms, living room, kitchen nished, refrigerator, electric range, lg, LT Sonn 95. SLRS ry north plant, Phone RA 3-7112 or 2 4 J Xo aba tm Ive r. Ask for Bilt M for RA f f dern K ' r t. N t Open [builtin cupboards three-piece bath, |etc., inside plunibing, all modern con) Stew" at Wellman's. RA 5-781. aie 273 Jarvis Street 20f A a r Tater 3 al able Gotobe 4 a A did iar, to d screens al ' ¢ is sun room, large lot, oil heating, alum veniences, $2500. Phone MO 8-5329. 217f|'54 MERCURY twotone, clean car = - CURE « ( 40 meoe North partment 4, 20123 um vindow. Tk -2187 oor paint job but THREE room ground floor ap: i gas \pply 730 Simeoe| RA 5-6309 216¢ -arrie y $5 ont num w ndows. YUkon 3.21% Port HOUSES and farms wanted for clients iy light but ho Tus Needs since ment. private entrance. Suitable for |S ET room Tor Iwo single $2,000 DOWN on N.HA. 5¢ srtgag 000 Dowr 100m BACK. |e i jan cash Oy Sick Jule $605 terms. Try "Stew" at Wellman's N 1 2 t RIShe a it room, x s ht housekeeping. Lots of park full price only p bunc lo ely home room brick and stoi A 57981 220f yapd North Phone RA 5-8266 betwee em, ote Thank. AD this brand new 6 room : ¥3' 4 : vey " BE EO od sarage good loca. Street, Oshawa, RA 3.2513: Whitby MO| 2 om 3 apd 4 or 6 to 8 pu ; ; en Ping sp minutes sou Pp D von ca ; k $10 Off Wilson tion ibstantial down payment re. 8:3231 5¢ Buick Century sedan, radio two. ene i i 11 Bloor Stre e v ottached garag for I Swe ot A iS quire ate sale Phone RA 5-5778 |x ORI e | t00E, A-1 condition 3150 Terms, trade. FOUR rooms, unfurni riv : . 216i | THREE room apartment, upstaif y ireplac Featuring an a 215¢ NEW. six room bungalow on large ga or RA 5-7456 216f trance, kitchen cuph: 1s p HOH | Business couple or gir o 1 . corner lot, paved streets, close 10}------uor ry Simcoe Street South SELF-CONTAINED nt, four Oshawa Boulevard South 5-28 Y arge kitchen. an v TWO O \ JOV f FOR sale, lot, 75 ft. by 200 ft., between schools, buses Pollard Subdivision, 56 YOLES : AGEN deluxe, In excellent - ' f , sida x . gf y de Ww NLY LEFT A hec th Oshawa. Apply 255 Athol Courtice, RA 8-5579 condition. Phone 1 5 or 682 ROOMS, single beds, corner s 16¢ | THREE 00 apartmer i A 2 BE Ga. p Bryon Street North 2161 liam and Mary Streets 2 entrance. Phone RA 8-6386 after 6 p.m nna one n ) h-west a . f y 10 move - ~~, 53 Cadi -- - DOWNSTAIR f ¢ f she d iust r . " ¥ me a REE bedroo brick house, one DY 1 adillac sedan, fully powered ONE large furnished house ac C176" ke i r " 12,900 v > ; EE al garage, paved. drive ROOMING OR xeellent condition $983. Terms, trade ; 216¢ | COZY, central flat, three roonts and 2 90 17¢ J v Ww 1 choice f : : way, lot 80° x 200°. 1043 King Street NURSING HOME F i513 or RA 5.7456 216f J C 215¢ > 58 MGA sportscar, like new, priced roo ig one or two gentle ¢ € bath Phone RA. 3-3078 2164 on 2 0 A nthlv ; Ray: > I 0 $10,000 c year business anc for quiek sale. never raced. 121 High I. Apply 268 Malaga R ; : -- : SINGLE or double rooms, close to| poyments © $70.0 r wn ea 3 v futile. r TWO storey six-room brie ise on 7 Alice near Ms modern 1, Dew modern home combined: Idea Street, Ma 3-2706, Bowmanville, 217f ACCOMMODATION for tw . By "© North GM, central, all con noes - Wr EK st " . Phone MO. 8.433, Wh gy 2214fAbply 204 Bond Street East Py Fut oil furnace. Low dgwn payment. RA ully equipped with [57 BUICK fordor hardtop, blue and -- ROOMS str 5-1972 15¢ all conveniences. Re y gc white, ~ spotless interior and finish UNFURNISHED three r ent |f \ M. 216f (ply 116 Stevenson's rtf R LLOYD REALTY LTI ry ; elusive loca : $1000 DOWN, six-room brick bungalows So il dowr nent 3 radio, automatic transmission apartment, suitable fo ple ' ied. retrig. | LARGE four-room apa at oy . 0 sare ¢ t Ch i 250d G6 loaded with extras, shopping plaza 1g gown, -¥ tN re eighteen thousand miles $1795. King lus h a Hee : H : EALTO g across the street, public and separate PHONE RA 5-1168 West Motors, Opposite Shopping Cen cot | FIVE room bu dro RA 742 BACHELOF Tar ¢ Availab floor, private bat t 3 WwW, | wa . : Arr t ( pa Tara ; chools two block s one block. All UNFURNISHED three n a t RA } 16£ e. RA 572 r ly r 8 \} C R 5544 school o blocks, bus one ment i ne : , i. | Road South 2211 . , [these features for oniy $12,000 These 939 CHEVEOLET Biscayne four-door ment, heated, hea y, kitchen cur ) : « --. : otis b 5123 ; r G » Land homes can be seen anytime by ca ower glide, new car condition Oshawa, RA 51953 ting. RA io, waler TWO. yooms 30a _ Kitchen apa / 5 j ng $1200 |ing Howie McCabe at RA 5.6544 Sonn {1-S: SNELGROV st Will sell for $2400, Private , erdun Road |Adulis nly, Avaliable Of ne LIST WITH LLOYD ; A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Rltrs TWO or thr " ATTRACTIVF s, avail. | 8:172 <r : : Membe TE or ad ome Co. 1 NT CY x load F 1 J J WISH to exchange steady Inco Lo ) 3 Special this week oiling ard Road FURNISHED two-roomed apartmer THEN CALL YOUR MOVER y Ad \cKnight Rd business, with = quarters, for poy ly Two-door AE only 5 ge } al write Box] 43 PARK hil SOUTH sally sharp car. Hilltop Motors on couple, or woman w i dren, who wishes ¢ a nal th 5 . IA "Fr washroom, pris ate entran . District a a ; . Asking house in Oshawa district RA 8-6894 . : » Avenue, | also singl oom. Reaso able. Cen 2210 . el Lo SRG 618 Oshawa Times Highway No. 2 between Oshawa and FOUR . room apartment, private bat none RA Ay anfurmidied" spat. hh FIGHTS RANCH BUNGALOW [Whithy. Phone RA 86801. and entrance. Children welcome 2 rge roomed, unfurnished a \ DNC SUNSET HEIGHTS . 5 PONTIAC, radio, in good cond! RA 5-9457. 2 v " rete 'block [WEL OO en, SChidren. $1,000 DOWN $1,000 BARNOSKI SU Immaculate, 6 rooms, Spa- tion. Apply 77 Gibbon Street before APARTMENT, furnished a : ; y of FE ra Dg 216f REALTOR Want a family kitchen? This cious L-shape living foom |3 pm 291e A { shed, bi x ove, | Pho! o p---- - room and kitchen, private ba k v te nme pos- APARTMENT two. rooms, kiteher BAR AIN ay 6-room brick, 1V2- -storey has and dining room, ultra mod 59 PONTIAC classic cream, two-door, water, and electricit andry f ym 65 'mon tin cupboards, sink, suit couple © JINLY a charming kitchen 12 x 14 ern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 » new, low mileage Many extras Fife, feasousple re bstain IA t If one or two girls. RA 8-1880 RA 5-72 a large living room and din piece 'tiled bath, f rced air 0 RA 3-3113, 5 - 6 p.m 21a e 35 2 ea RGE ntlema all FOUR room furnished basemen CAI ECAMEN 3 and three good oil heating, attached garage, 1955 FORD custom sedan, four door COMFORTABLY f Pedros ; : A [FOUR 00 I $7,500 FULL PRICE SALESMEN : ODM. Ape. ied eel hog, red Re oot | automatic transmission, custom radio nice home, near 1 gh ea available October lat ne EHAM 26 pon Icey scaped 10%, nO windshield washers, white wall tires, school. Phone RA 8-885 bs DIVE ""!111 Windsor Ave. RA 3.9379 ached garage on th room cement. brick bungalow. lovely : t Decorated in ex section. Asking $15,300.00 immaculate condition. Can be financed room, suitable living au L ind gin No LARGE foe - ¥ OE BARNOSK! taste. Heating is Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 $1095. Can be seen at Orpwood Texaco, § R N € I 2 iE ousekeeping roo ¢ batt , r 5 y i 00 tuated rage Sen H . ¥ girls Phone RA 5-4371 2 = PARLEY. builtin e Ro i h r 2 e e living room, situated on larg 2 f ed air oil. Large nicely or RA 5-4162 evenings Park Road South. Phone RA 8-601 . C landscaped and fenced yard "56 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, -1 Cy, more mortgage for the $12,900. $9,000 FULL PRICE condition, four mew tires and radio private Apply / 0 d we Road South 21 t : r t ot au t slunce at $65 thiy Uo be late: and mis Price rey ced 30 ic To Terms available, Hilllop Motors on et us show you this home 6-room family dwelling, cen Highway No. 2 between Oshawa and NOW RENTING [Fas = wos a Bri Sy Ti men Saves Warten Avante, 92 779. se sold tonight, Call Bill Rotcliffe at 5-654 SCHOFIELD : : y Whitby. Phone RA 8-689]. . ¥ - trally located, spotless! hitby. one 9) MASSON ST. ' |'54 CHEVROLET deluxe tudor, really FOUR garage fo jults only. Ap JOHN A. J lean and moder ew tile Clean, or nD Hl isharp, red and white cutone with nces ADELAIDE ply 1 Celin ) 218f | THREE-room apartmen : J ; : phone e ; nsurance Associates Ltd Located only 3 blocks from floors, modern kitchen, tiled | ,atching . upholstery, custom radio, | ONLY $795. Van Heusen cme led, TV aerial, 7 aITe io Tv: ; bX avajl fober 15. Apply 820 Sylvia Street. 21 B 0 L A H 0 0 D i i North Collegiate This 12 bathroom, full size basement, white walls MANOR North 5 . 7 XA 8-867 FURNISHED room, suitable for one RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 storey, 6-room brick on beau oil furnace, large lot with |Motors, King Street, W. THREF roomé apartment with | GE two. Plenty of hot whiter, Co cer tifully treed ond landscaped small barn suitable for work |'58 MGA, red, in good condition, 17,000 3 bedrooms and tiled shop or garage Asking $2, [miles Phone RA 5.4275 after 5 22 B Abst Apply 48 Brock Street, ' APARTMENT heat and water lied, separate hot Abstainers poly rok Street, LIMITED REALTOR CENTRALLY LOCATED lot has wate a sink a - 20 gh . | boards in kiichen, Private bath, sep-| LARGE, furnished room, ground floor, ' Large 6-room, 1%-storey bathroom up, living room 200 down. Co-op listing. Coll i SLLMAN. uiee condifion, naw fis BUILDINGS arate entrance, on Highway NO. 2./separate entrance, private bath. Gentle. home with ottached garage, dining room ond kitchen Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. ish, S350, PHAR) boy Ma, tier {Near Janple Grove, Immediate fossss- men preferred. 78 Cadillac A" give | located on Central Park down. Forced air oil heating BRICK AND STONE 5.30 p.m 220¢ |sion. Phone 2248. wmanville. | North. c AM C ; 3 Own. ing, ¢ LOUISA STR T i ib seaman 318 LENT office space with CO N \ERCIAL SITE-WH ITBY Blvd. S., 1% blocks off King garage, ond hafitop drive. STON 55 BUIOK, super hardtop in good con- FE ONE furnished room for rent, 10 min: tiled bathroom, 24-hour with private Goroge and body shop on' corer dot on No. 2 highway. Lot size St Living room with natural Occupancy October 1st. BUNGALOW {dition. Phone RA 3-4303. 219¢ OSHAW utes walk from SGM s at door, Ap- service. RA 3-464], Genosha Hotel 78 oe 2493 A 5 room sens dwelling: Splendid fireplac 96" x 13', good TERMS TO SUIT PUR- Large modern kitchen, fiving | 755 PONTIAC fwo-acor, fairly ciean car A ply 3% Park Road South. _ NMIgGoa for gentleman. 74 Oshawa Bivd 4 EE et he a Ee ot 25,000 size dining ares, and large CHASER. I home or but Phone RA 8-5074 219¢ THREE - room apartment, private en-|South. zi9f] service sto apurtm age. Or business, 'Priced at '»20,000 kitchen, 3 'bedrooms, mas ' 75s PLYMOUTH ~4door sedan, with %.bedroo - trance Phone RA 8-6386 after 6 pm with $15,000" down. N i; aster room, 3-room basement [38 FL XMOH oO RA 5.4263 with Fre Ho THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and a 20" x 13. Oil WILSON RD. N apartment with modern kit- |') BUICK, motor in A-l condition, corner lot with garage $325, Apply 297 Festhubert Street. 21ef : 216¢ | - equipped, range, refrigerat -- >| cupboards Newly decorated. Apply 71 o c aluminum storms : D ¢ {OYD y Warren Avenue. 2104 4 ul By owner leaving City we are chen, 9 bamboo drapes, b LLOYD REALTY TT ENNISKILLEN HOUSE ne on Substantial offering this nd om bunga- $3,000 down ond toke pos- 57 DODGE Crusader V8 fordor tm yment required. 4 i tone blue, deep tred tires, immaculate throuahout REN {ROOM "in private | nome, ra carpets Proughotty woo RENTAL AGENCY [spring mattress; suit gentleman 102 wth of Bowmanville, 6 room house on paved road, : ye q low, with 3-room basement session. Call Keith Peters, re -- facilities, locke TV : |Elgin Street East. Please call Don radeski bli RA 5-8761 RA 5-4162 condition throughout Only parking $105. $120 € han @ vo- | : pi | own ling due to illness. Price $7,000 with $3,000 down. avenings RA 38-8423 apartment at $9,000. On a 2 |Heusen Motors, open till tem = : ancy y screened and ser I on wekoome i : large i 60 x 250. Oil heats evenings "3 DODGE, six cylin inder. and "$5 Ford i = nant ) F ng on nto oron: v-8, '51 Monarch, * ternational cal For information call | mear school, bu Phone RA 5-579. 218i MERV BIRD-BROOKLIN | INCOME POSSIBILITIES ing. Convenien: te Cor ne $1200 DOWN v3, "Si Monarch, 55 Intemational, cab J. A. Daly a a 4 9 SNORE . [SIX room house, four-piece bath 6-room brick, 2-storey home in A ; half-ton, '54 Ford one-ton, Eight 25 aly, evenings A aE rl [hardwood floors, large lot, landscaped, ith 'goroge, located 1 block appointment to see 7-room income home, central [truck tires. fifth wheel for tractors. 8 {newly decorated, garage, near school PHONE 255-W off 'Simcoe St. N.. close 10 Yala location, large lot with [also Allis Chalmer garden tractor. | c , clos WANT TO SELL YOUR double ' garage, Call Sid . [Bowmanville MA 357%. MO 8-4775 3- bus, Available October 6 $100 monthly, 1 Fo) School. 3 | references. Box 620, Oshawa Times. 216f ort} aws - School. 3 HOME, PHONE NOW FOR Martyn, RA 3-9810. CASH for your car -- immediate cash. ie | liens paid off. Seaway Motors, Whitby SCHOFIELD RE Sage Toried housekent oms up and 3 rooms do A gle furnished housekeeping | go ms wn, A J SCHATZ J wisi Tv Sg og |B A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED Oil_heating. List price $11,- AN APPRAISAL WITHOUT N HA RESALES |" MORRIS conch. owned by TCA . » ~ Fernhill Boulevard _after 3 5 p.m. 216f 1 500 with $2.000 down. COST OR OBLIGATION : { | stewardess, low mileage. Reasonable REALTOR AND RE! ITAL 'SERVICE [NICELY furnished front room, "rest | Balance one open mortgage. Extreme value in 5 and 6- price. Hilltop Motors. RA 8-68 an N ; A nb | dential, close to hospital, suit business To see th 0 thi h | room bungalows, many extras 55 700 Me: on Baur oon GENERAL INSURANCE r y J . Li Te your {couple or two friends. Must be cloak | f 35€ | n Eom, LUCAS PEACOCK include aluminum bak sh and | dition. Phone Alex wi CREE a FOR THE FINEST tenants and quiet. RA 8-5984 216¢ | venings RA 5-1726 screens, fully landscaped, MO 8-3337 We hove a wait $500 DOWN A fo Ce - _ . , patio, er ti " , SIX ROOM HOUSE > I o : PRETTIE HOME IN REALTOR Sing £2,100 down isin? REPAIR PRvicE on ER room stucco 0 8 acre and shawa. New : SAY $2,500 down. Call Keith FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSL mm. EE M-------------------------------- One year lease, forced air, air ccnd tio ning oil Fevand unit, 3-p bath, gorage he RA 5 4330 Peters, RATS 876) or eth PRODUCTS . . . TRY i oh Licos Peocock RA 85-4330 5-4162 evenings - WHITBY CLASSIFIED sw ron roo win ce | KRG MEET ne ght: 0 ag Apply 268 Haig St $1,000 DOWN n r oH B /d Pat Winter RA. 5-230 DOWN "on 5 y Cer ) Elva, = Jean Peacock RA 5-4330 Modern store and apartment, RA 5-3557 AT POR RENT -- Two apartments; 1|/REASONABLE Rents $ apart Phone RA 5-6178 N.HA. resale 5-room, 3 bedroc i b OV r y : central location, hot water & - roomed; 1 3 -roomed, Ne e / fing. tronsferred, 4-pce. tiled bath f wood pri > living room and 2210) peatin a 13 ed le C vood i Py 1 g, set up your own $12,500 : wih orch be heating, set up your own MERCEDES BENZ decorated. 121 Brock South, MO 82408 || , RA 8 and tile floors, priced to sell o 4 a : ween. | ern kitchen, 4 i a Ww AT FOR RENT -- 3 - roo ent, "11 BUICK " | p ath, 3 bedrooms, 2 o ST Ef HE AC 0 opproximately the price of DKW. Fi ry ind heat | NOW REN ING $12,900 FULL PRICE I rn Sie N M K To Sia a Authorized Sales & Service #elf-contained, 1 erat . 3 very central, Phone MO 2 291% Bai : s NIA. tte a ian | y ve third 11 x 10°, The REALTOR DY NAGY'S 4 Fi Festile. ING: QUAlicOliOnS Jet ensal) c e house has taken Farms, homes, building lots AND SHOP ¥OR RENT --New modern JR RENT - ee room I X ok i c very centrally io ated, availabl : . y hx $ ] 00 MONTHLY 4.5 gon Iie bungal w on Easthaven St, close to new Pubiie pride in the londscap- RA 5-0771 and acreage in the surround- mediately, | and Collegiate, extra nclude Reason for sellin § a ) lling -- ing district 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 Apply 605 Gree treet § i 22 5 ' Camara FOR -- RH . 9 J p ¢ J \ in vanity, colored fixtures, aluminum storm wner is ovir $ a SPE FALE ~ Fiveroom frame bu. LUL SALE -- Hot air twmace, oil 2-BEDROOM APTS sty terms. Coll Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254 Neo colf Jay Bowe, cour. | IDEAL INCOME HOME |-~n ¥2la| galow. corner lot 66 x p t " t x ir. STOVE & 'FRIG 8 olf heating, aluminum stor 1 y > Pp ! at , 5 5-537 og Toh wy andl, I 291 . 3 Very centrally Incated, 2) VOLVO $9300. down, $63 per. month. MO 8 4 Ju jdtax Monday to) CHILDREN WELCOME CHOICE LOCATION GOOD FARM, CHEAP TR STEPHEN MACKO Emediate pos " 216f | Sou : . o One of Oshawa's nicest areas---iarge 7-room brick hom 8-roor frame home with use by three Big) Nani SALES AND SERVICE ea oh an : Phe CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE pletely modernized (on Greta St.), central to all schools, ank born. Tocated on income 3 $ 0 ny REALTOR SEE THE NEW fl features living room 12 x 18 brea p i ) )0 acres east of Oshawa only $13,600 with $4000 Volvo, equipped with window from site, Best offer accept jlier information apply at ; ; . k afte ALL EXTRA LARGE 12 x 12 broad! wered, ho , de " ' from highway. Hy- down RA 5-0771 washers, white wall tires, TOBE oe Siraion nies OVERSIZE APARTMENTS: som or extra bedroom 74 x 16 i edrooms up, 4-pc gro. in i pulldings Rind OFF KING ST. WEST Turn signels, undet coating, y ce. in be eo ore iv ¢ ng ! Lins hrough Form lond c win carburetors and many 4 . A : THE LASTEST IN orice $ 5 ( $ ( % ¢ Hy : Price $10,500 with Two storey income or large Taunton village Sitobl on more extras. SHV RADIO repairs. Day ar ROO MODERN LIVING : € Tongoy EE 0G 3-2 Sasongble terms. Stock ond family Home. Tis Degutitul building. $500 per acre. §¥ Rapio « LD ROOM : SA implements may be pur- modern home has 2 kitchens Phone RA 5-0771 WILBAK Anth Teunissen TV Serv te 1 FOR INSPECTION TODAY LLOYD J AYERS chased s ately. For fur- and 2 bathrooms -- 4 bed- . a i 2/ apply Ae . the information, please rooms. Reasonable Down Pay- 12V2 acres in north end of ANT cuffing and altera ns for men ir ~ REALT call Henry Stinson, evamings ment, Close to Shopping City. Frontage zoned as 2A, MOTORS ; LTOR RA 5.0243 Centre Call RA 5-0771 137 KING ST. W. ladies wear R Centre Street Sout yet. 1.4" ipper, unk of c ontractor.l 2 Aan "22ib RA 5-6544 2 List Co-op through this office COUNTRY LIVING junction of Nonquon and RA 5-0732 D HENRY Gene airs, Alterations, Cemes SArpe FRESH t b a M 1 i RA 5-454 10 84 " Di Real awa and | With Modern Conveniences ~~ Tounton Road East. Three te Board acres zoned os R4, suitable » The Supreme ES, ceramic, plas « : FOR RENT JOHN A. J p 0! , vinyl for $4 ! R RE partme - Large modern room ranch Trim 1 ee i i ! ow : Ni : i B 0 L A H 0 0 D S. D. HYMAN £ bungalow. on' } tre fond for multiple dwellings . SUNBEAM: RAPIER To- TLL. ne i ALLOWAY u n Patra Taunton Village area: Owner Performance and Safety , phone Osha 2 anytim 8 r nis, phone es LIMITED -REALTORS REALTOR will Jonsider exchange for Endurance, Reliability city home -NOW ON DISPLAY-- ARG CONNELLY Se 00 FOR REN : , n 218d - mber of the BAD 120. allel ii, gl 39 PRINCE STREET RA 8-6286 $ 8 Q 5 FINEST RESIDENTIAL $1450 DOWN \weLiman moTORs LTD AREA : : examinations. Register now for fal) Phone ¥ 45--Real Estate For Sale udio 31 Byron Nort MO Live t feathe wanted , wanted. \HOTGRE for sal to be remo ul --RA 3- rs a mare prices pad. Phone OUAE, {or bale, 10 be, Tye ae] $600 DOWN $600 hoo: ranch ve wh $70 MON DNONOUON ROAD. --RA 34431, tanks cleaned | : i formation apply at 419 Dundas cast 4 room bungalow' located on one a t ford. You i oir "hu type with a} THLY Cl EAN CARS WANTED one tanks insta Whitby 218¢ , new . : IRA , Chestout West. Phorie n7/ / EEF Roa Sunaiiow rivets beach roritel Gli 7 ¥ie payments on yg little ge r furthe rooms, also large beautifully 6 ROOM BRICK { antl DO \/ $8500 fall price. four bedrooms. kit > a aR ) nished recreation room, Rea For out of town dealer : chen, large 23 by 1 6" livingroom ne > $500( BUNGALOW 1. PAH with antu tirepiace, two dining ~ A ip : ) $ ) TRADE UP OR DOWN J COUNTRY LIVING D ymer Completely decorated LIENS PAID OFF nD [ A rooms three-piece bathroom farge ! L i" [ screened verandah al. furnished, dou 2la : le garage Ideal for swimming and E we bur w witl iched w a I ge : ; Completély sodded lot 2 CATED smail or big crafts After 6 RA 56873 | for the fi Equipped venience y v INF AAC TC ) WILBAK MOTOR DODD & SOUTEF . 35 Muskoka Avenue aa hil ¥ : Zon ges, ss, T° ONE MOR] GAGE Vers dice. Groin' ard Walk out basement 137 KING W. RA ORs aint & Wallpaper ) di* Yours for or 800 Call 1ckKi t farm of 93 acres. One ile Recreation room ; hy Soop PRIVATE SALE 8 $69 MONTHLY from village, 'on No 7 _-- 4 BUYING OR SELLING SEE Attractive centre hall brick MARY STREET - 15 i ' ils fom Kindeey RA 5-8831 TED CAMPIN ond 3 3 : <a : % NEW N.H.A. brick house 8 rooms i 5 WT LAMSON MOTORS stone ranch bungalow, fition. This de attached garage. Winona AL "; { very r 3 own paym re rh roof. Barn very good stabling, & C Giioched | gorege. . Winans your nab'a Gown payment 3,000 BUNGALOW Ye So irs. REAL ESTATE LTD 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA i j " : : i pr i I mendes' Gere RY never failing creek. This is 221b| hg! fos of Wilson Road) 2 ; . buy! Col st R hi 4 es. 5.5574 JD MORTGAGE a good farm. $12,000 A ------------------ - -- | Frat 3 down. Terms 46--Real Estate Wanted |48--Automobiles Wanted | FALL SPECIAL RA 5 8831 ETT = - - \ - ART you, thinking of buying or sell [3900 CASH for best ar offer : Sug : able wor EL sisi A WM. J. HOWDEN [A 10% inkine of bun or e506 CRS Jor bot arate a ' | from the § A pe fc i Bis . $ Ais tion on any Co-op sign? For this in-|'n% ANTON . rom the four corners Enjoy oy the comfort : liv t A - BROKER . p. ¥ Ry 5% or '54 CHEVROLET or Pontia ERIC BRANTO PH: RA 58157 | or ly So nr ar W. T. LAMSON orn Chena On RA tra case condition mo" deaies MO 8 3226 sd immediote 'appqintment at RA 8-6286, REAL ESTATE LTD OMEMEE 101 Simeps Street A ud RA id 21a i og of R2ile! PHONE 130 W 8-5123. List with Lloyd, then call your | 3 | mover ie 23TH] (Continued on Page 14) or Delivery Pr

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