go i ET , days and Inursaay, ¢ p.m. wil DALAL LAMA SKEKS Alp [11bet before tne United Nations. be the closing hour. Friday, 9| SAN SALVADOL, El Salvador presiden¢ Jose. Maria. Lemus 'in- p.m. and Saturdays, 6 p.m. Shops (AP) -- El 8 Ivador announced would will remain oper on the last two Friday the Dalai Lama S dicated Hs govenyment Mondays prior to Dec. 31, to 7|asked it to take the question of. agree. p.m. E38 (ice SIEVENS Ee a DIARY. ANNE FRANK in the wonder of Figh-F deity STERUOMHONS, SOUND Saturaoy, September 19, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Rjax Barbers Now Licensed AJAX (Staff) -- Acting on a| etition from town barbers coun- oi has passed two bylaws, one| LIZ AND EDDIE HOME to licence all barbershops, the| HOLLYWOOD (AP--Elizabeth other to regulate hours of busi-|Taylor ard Fddie Fisher are ness. back in Hollywood for the first Barbershops will be closed on time vince their marriage. They all holidays, and Mondays ex-|/flew in Friday afler & long stay cepting anv week in which therelin Europe, saymng. "We're very is a holiday. Tuesday, Wednes- happy, couldn't be happier." # Ajax Neophyies Are Initiated AJAX (Staff) -- It was initia-| owed, willy nilly. A dash of salt tion day at Ajax High School Fri- was provided in some cases. day. It was a day of fun for most| Shaving lather.and toothpaste of the students, but a day of were used freely. It was appar- "humiliation" for freshmen, ent that the drug store had ex- * even though they had some fun. perienced a rush of business. It was mandatory that the Lipstick was used with carefree boys wear either skirts or short|abandon, and there is little doubt jeans above the knee. Blouses|that freshmen will remember were required to complete the| {Friday, Sept. 18, 1959 until ensemble. {around the same date next year, Cards bearing the name of the when they wil revenge them victim, address and telephone selves on the freshman class of number were an additional order |1960. and they were to be worn on the back. At the noon hour the torturers were ai their best. Many of the freshman were odered to push|, grapes up the east ramp with | their noses. While in this undigni-| fied and defenceless position they were anointed with sundrey con- coctions, perfume, shaving lath- er and weird concoctions from the scliool lab Midday refresher for the initiates were slices of lemon or onion. The lemon, unsweetened, broughi - agonized expressions on the victims' faces. The onions were hot, but relief was not given. T The i initiate ate ate and swal- Confirm Date Liquor Vote The Ontario Board has ap- as the day for FEATURE DAILY AT .., Prices Jor Jus &ngagement 2:10, 5:25, 8:45 MATINEE EVENING ADULTS ADULTS 60¢ STUDENTS = 40¢ STUDENTS CHILDREN 25¢ STUDENTS LOGES 10c EXTRA URL LYLE DRIVE-IN' sox ort TONIGHT ! OPEN AT 7:30 * 85¢ 50¢ 25¢ PACKED WITH ACTION and SUSPENSE "PAT WAYNE IS SENSATIONAL IN HIS FIRST STARRING ROLE!" CF oui NEY prments JIVE] SCONE; J BND PAT YVONNE DENNIS WAYNE - CRAIG - HOPPER OVERLAY A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE ZEPPO MARX WEDS * LAS VEGAS, Ncv (AP)--For- mer comedian Zeppo Marx, 56, and 29 - year - oid fashion model (B Barbara Blakely were married | Friday night. Now retired, Marx [once was the straight man in the | Vlarx brothers coluedy team. His { brother, Groucho, :s still active in television. ¥ "show STARTS 8:00 TECHNICOLOR® The Mother of The Year. ..in REGISTER NOW FOR FALL SHENT... SAVAGE... TERROR] Irenie Harvey A.C.C.M. 424 KING ST. W R.A.D. BALLET -- "TECHNICOLOR® WARIYN MAONELL: REGINALD GARDINER - BA AND ADDED THRILLS ! r a | od VaR Durty VAIN VINCE EpwARDS Released by COLUMBIA PICTURES AJAX (Staff) Liquor Control proved Nov. 2i : the liquor plebiscite. This will be the Ajax voters have had such a ref- erendum. In the previous vote, all' eight questions were submit- ted to the people, but two only received an atfirmative vote, to establish a brewers' warehouse and liquor store in town. The other questions referring to men's and women's beverage rooms, dining rooms, wine stores and cocktail lounges were all | voted down. A meeting of the "drys" is schedried for next week to plan strategy. The "wets" have yet to make any move. RA 5-6122 C.D.T.A. TAP | 1st OSHAWA SHOWINGS fecont time -- | STARTS TODAY DANCING AT ITS BEST or len LEARN TO BE A ? | (Goo CiNEMaSCoPE - olor Fadl amid = FREE FREE TORONTO MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY CRESTS FOR THE KIDS TONIGHT! CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CART THE EASY tURp o> ne AR DANCE PARTY BENNY LOUIS AND HIS ORCHESTRA 3 ; 0 % PAVILION 5 a. good lathering at the hands | of tormenters Jean Neill, left, feeds | Maurine lemon slices. Carol is wondering what comes next. Bottom, Lynn Carmichael gets TOP PICTURE shows fresh-| initiation men Maurine Gibson and Carol Smith submitting to the will of seniors at Ajax high school ALONG THE LAKESHORE Commission's Work Must Be Kept Quiet |be the right expedient. At least some sort of alit has tossed the ball right back sites for the at the zouncils, who undoubtedly will at this time be considering = RC \ (] nite DNIPRO HALL EDITH STREET One Block East of Corner RITSON AND BLOOR ---Photos by John Mills lesson only sjo0 [EXE EERE RX COME and DANCE Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra at the Yes, there's a fun way, a really quick way to learn to dance, thanks to Arthur Murray's famous "Magic Step", In your first lesson you learn 'the key to the Cha Cha, Samba, Foxtrot--all the latest dances. Parties are part of your lessons, so you can count on meeting hosts of new friends-- have more invitations than ever before. By ANGUS GORDON councils with a District Editor Bowmanville's industrial com- mission has been under fire for ber municipa: promise to get decision on the schools. DANCE TONITE OLD TIME -- MODERN : Music by the some little time by various groups for its apparent inertia. This is a pity because if there is one body whi ch must work under wraps, it he industrial commission.Any ttempt to disclose what the com- mission and its officers are work- ing on is liable to result in the los: ss of an industry to the town. municipality in Ontario ious to expand. All are|; ng money to attract new in- All are offering various of ements and e their ears to the ground 1e potential industry which > persuaded to locate in at reason, the industrial on which gets the pros- st has a reasonable » of taking the prize the same token, it is wise give reasons why an indus- did not choose to locate in plar municipality. The reasons may not occur to a ct unless he is made aware ultural exhibits were up dance was down at the ording to the statistics rm Dav at the big show. » farmer, the Ex has un- edly progressed with the , and agriculture, which of- y provides the biggest sub- the event, has taken a seat to some extent. The Roral Winter Fair, of course, is regarded by agricultural ex- hibitors as the big rural attrac- tion, but a big part of the CNE's revenue over past years was irawn, from the immediate detro area, but from the smaller and rural populations ghout the province t too long ago, this fact was recognized hy the CNE directors who at that time were publicity conscious. Of course, it is obvious that the present management is ¢ also publicity conscious . . . hence it's ery that bad publicity is re- sponsible for poor attendance this year. In this respect, we might add that there's a feeling that bad publicity is better than no' pub- ticity Il. It is obvious that a + concludes that the ess is not worth con- g for a so-called "interna- ignal" show, and which directs its appeal to Metro, is not g to be patronized nationally, r fprovineially ACTION ON HIGH SCHOOLS The Durham High School Board decision to sit tight on its build- i program until the member municipalities make move seems to have been wise. At least it resulted in fast action from Bowmanville which has call- ed a meeting of the eight mem- TIMES BUREAUS RJAX John Mills ficial sidv for back not a Ajax 426 BOWMANVILLE Rae Hopkins Ma. 3-7282, This sounds promising. At least one council is determined to do something abou! a situation which is deteriorating rapidly the matter view of polls in weeks. TORNADOES Featured on NORTH BAY TELEVISION from the point of the next few with a threat of leaving at least 500 high school pupils without a school. cation, high schools branch talk to the council More them that the department can get powers to move in and make VICTORIA It is intended to bring in an lacks authority to pass a bylaw official of the department of edu- allowing blind persons' to dogs to enter restaurants on a members. leash, than likely he will remind dermen. | with CALLER--BOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1.00 - RED BARN DOGS BARRED (CP)--City council guide the city solicitor told al- the decision. This would be a bad precedent, and a worsening of a situation where the provincial government is already perform- ing functions which are the na- tural and inherited rights of the municipal governments It has been pointed out before that it is getting increasingly dif ficult to persuade able citizens to take on duties such as high school board member because of the lack of understanding by the people who appoint them The Durham board has exhibit- ed great patience and tolerance 2nd a lot of people are wonder- ing why the members have not POLISH NATIONAL EVERY SATURDAY 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! UNION HALL 8:30 - Come in and have a hal See for yourself how qu ARTHUR | 11%2 SIMCOE S. OPEN 10 AM. 0000000 00PER00000000000000000000000 f-hour $1.00 trial lesson. ickly you learn to dance. MURRAY RA 8-1681 10 P.M. CLLIB BAYVIEW Dancing SATURDAY NITE, 3-12 p.m. 3.00 PER COUPLE resigned before this. However, the decision to sit tight seems to AE. GRAND OL'OPRY NASHVILLE, TENN, PRESENTS SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER in air-conditioned comfort GENOSHA HOTEL CR.A. FALL PROGRAM The C.R.A. is prepared to conduct classes in the following should there be sufficient ADULT registration. C POTTERY DRAWING & PAINTING COPPER TOOLING ALUMINUM ETCHING LEATHERCRAFT METAL JEWE ART LLERY BOX-LOOM WEAVING JUDO WEIGHTLIFTING TABLE TENNIS CLUB SQUA $H HILDREN LEATHERCRAFT TUMBLING WOODCRAFT TEEN AGE DANCING CLUB FOR REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION CALL C.R.A, RA 5-1111 BALLET ART S & CRAFTS BOXING RE DANCING ELLCRAFT | ¢ Frank iB EDWARD 6. Pika GNES RriTER Wink IN A roy FRESH, VERY FUNNY, VERY FRANK CAPRA LOOK AT LIFE! A HOLE IN THE JJEAD oA CoE SER ibm; EDIE sacs FRANK CAPRA rman? "COLOR 1 ue re on (NED QE AETSTS STONEY COOPER WILMA LEE GRANDPA JONES MAC WISEMAN BIG SLIM CLINCH MOUNTAIN CLAN PLUS RITA RANDALL TORNADOS 2 BIG SHOWS WED. SEPT. 23 ADVANCE TICKETS WILSON & -LEE'S RED BARN JADMISSION 1.50 OPENING DANCE GET-TOGETHER CLUB SAT., SEPT. 19, 8.30 P.M. 0C.V.L "As tense and thrilling a shocker as has come along in years!" LIFE MAGAZINE "Until the trials over, you're going to be a meek little housewife in horn-rimmed spectacles -- you're going to stay away from men, juke joints, booze and pinball machines. You're going to wear a skirt, low-heeled shoes and a girdie--especially a girdle!' ADMITTANC 10 PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGH on Over JAMES STEWART | LEE REMICK BEN GAZZARA ARTHUR O'CONN EVE ARDEN KATHRYN GRANT "ALIAS JESSE JAMES" --PLUS-- "THE HANGMAN" Offo PREMINGER'S _/ also starring JOSEPH N. WELCH as Judge Weaver a performance you will rem: -iber for many years fo come