The Oshawa Times, 19 Sep 1959, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, September 19, 1959 § 'IN UNITED APPEAL : Ip tation 1 resentation Is Red Cross Branch Made To Pastor Is Active Group Here mus w super pio x noes WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 Manager: Lloyd Robertson INITIATION AT WDHS | Life In India gee = Told At Church The conditions of present day 4 India, were outlined in an illus iltrated talk to members of Al- 4 monds United Church, Whithy,| | Thursday evening, by Miss Mur- \jel Bamiord, a United Church mis- Almonds England where he married his United Church, Whitby, to Rev. first wife. Next month the citizens of crease of over 1000 quarts over day for a six-week period, foliow- A. ¥- Bauiond of Tofolito for » on Jie aveival pack in Conse. Whitby will be asked to give all. the previous year, ed by tests and awards at the R \Rey, rth : i . end of the season, The majority| The award was made to Rev. the north country, mal around out support to a United Appeal] A blood donor clinic is held by, Bamford by clerk of the session Cochrane and the Chapleau dise |campaign, to raise money re-the Red Cross twice a year, in Of the children passed the var- y ts. H Jater transferred to tied Dy Y eal or- whic onl 3 .dlious tests in their respective| Elmer G. Hames, tricts. He was later quired by a number of local or- which all work is done by unpaid miord' inisterial Toronto. ganizations to carry on their volunteers with all expenses paid Erades. Rev. Bamford's ml rs a eat Rev. Bamford officially retired {humanitarian work. for by the Whitby branch. FOR NATIONAL sor Started 3 Joh raile o ng in 1956 in Dunbarton but is still glonary to India. Much of the money raised is! The Society also offers a free, part of the money raised by | land At that time, an appeal was quite active at the Almonds Unite | Miss Bamford spoke on the spent in Whitby, and in ¢.der to sickroom loan cupboard com-the local branch must go to sup-/made for volunteers to go to New-{ed Church in Whitby. While in Ineeds of the Indians, and told the make everyone aware of the plete with six hospital beds, port the National Red Cross, be-|foundland to preach for a proba- Dunbarton, Reverend Bamford's congregation of the medical care work being performed by par- seven folding wheel chairs, cause this is the only way money | tionary period for two years, after wife died, and later he married | that was being given to the In-|ticipating groups, a series of crutches and a large variety of is available for the wide range which they were allowed to enter again, ; dians to cure them of various dis- short articles is being L.#tshed sickroom equipment. All this of goods and services given bY the ! ministry He has two sons and a daugh- cases. to outline what is being done by equipment has been bought and the National Red Cross through- i de that he ter Muriel, who is a missionary A missionary since 1946, Miss/the various organizatiohs to paid for by the Whitby branch. |out the world. | Seciaion was made hat ie in India. . Bamford recently returned from achieve the necessary goal. ! Approximately 50 gift parcels| with the growth of Whitby India, where she was superinten-| various aspects of work arelare distributed every Christmas every year, the cost of services| or Ree. wo od ive, dent of Sharansthan Hospital inipeing done by the Whitby Branch/for veterans at the Ontario Hos- gis increase with more demands! With the veal and energy of the 24-HOUR 0 Banswora Rajasthon provinee.|or the Canadian Red Cross So-\pital and free candy is supplied |There, Miss Bamsford headed aloiety which includes a work-|to the annual Christmas onli Beli loco ranch, Dut ung, 'he canvassed the miners staff of eight and looked after 28,50 jy which volunteer work-|in Fairview Lodge. |is the same as the previous year, in the area for a building, which students under her direction. Be-| make clothes for needy chil.| 'when later erected was to be fore leaving India for a year, Miss| jo. The branch buys the ma- WATER SAFETY The Whitby branch of the Red called "Bamford Hall". Bamford turned over the reigns terial and the work is then com.| Substantial financial aid is Cross Society looks to the people The building was used as a lof the hospital to an Indian] vot iC fhe members, |given to the Red Cross Water|of Whitby to Support all their| oo 4vino the week-days, and! nurse, Mrs. Naku. i : Safety campaign held in the necessary services by their gen-|, gy qay wag transformed into a | She spoke on how rewarding her BLOOD SERVICE Whitby community swimming erous gifts in a once-a-year ap-| hurch. In 1911, Rev. Bamford be- {work nad been and told the con-| In addition to clothing, the Red|pool every summer. During the/peal for funds through the efforts |) og |gregation that she would be re-|crogs supplies a free blood trans-|last summer, 300 Whitby children|of the Whitby United Appeal oi v0 ona College in Toronto. turning in a year to take up an-ifusion service. Among otherireceived free instruction each!campaign. | During his last year in college, {other post. Film slides were (pinoe they support a voluntary -- : v Friday was an unforgettable day for students of the six | Grade 9's at the Whitby Dis- trict High School as they were officially accepted into second- ary school by initiation. In the upper photo, Lynn Henderson and Arthur Hambly, dressed in"the attire required for initia- | | a 4 "4 shown of the various parts of the provinces of India pertaining to a missionary's work, Miss Bamford was at the church along with her father, Rev. A. F. Bamford, who was pre- sented with an award for being in the ministry for 50 years. : A graduate of the Toronto Bible College in Toronto and the United Church Training School, Miss Bamford also graduated from Welsley Hospital in Toronto as a trained nurse. After leaving To- conto, she worked in the Oshawa Nurses Training School prior to her departure for India She added that when she was 16, she decided that she would like to take up the life of a mis- sionary and has since seen her ambition come true CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, Sept. 21 visiting committee which spends two hours each week with pa- tients in the Ontario Hospital, as well as buying cigarets, candy and other gifts for the patients. Other deeds done by the Red Cross are: the supplying of 3975 quarts of free milk for the chil dren of needy families, an in- WHITBY DUPLICATE | BRIDGE CLUB Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club opened its fall season on Tues- day night, in the Council Cham- bers, with seven tables playing. The following were the top scores North and South: Miss Lawler and Mrs. Frost, 73; Mr, and Mrs Heron, 67%; Mrs. Stiner and Mrs. McMahon, 63%; Mr. and Mrs. Wells, 62. East and West: | Mrs, Carscallen and Mrs. San-| derson, 72; Mrs. Welsh and Mrs, Henderson Signs For 4th Season One ot the most famous faces of the Whitby Dunlops will return to the lineup for the fourth sea- son, Dunnies' manager Blair announced this week. Long John Henderson, netminder for the Dunlops for the past three seasons has inked his 1959-60 con- tract. Long John joined the Dunnies midway through the 1956-57 sea- Wren § | he preached at Lambton Mills. After his examinations at the col lege, he was given a month's va-| KODACHROME--8mm, Reg. 4.90. NOW ONLY 3.85 ANSCOCHROME--35mm. Help Wanted Male applications will be re- ceived by the undersigned for son and has been with them ever § since. Last year, as the Dunlops won their second Allan Cup, Hen- derson came up with the finest § performance he has ever shown and won the David Pinkney Award named the most out- Whitby Baptist Church Explorers Odlum, 70; Mrs. Butt and Mrs. standing goal tender in both OHA Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE Florence Davev Group . All Saints' Angiican Church Eve- ning Guild Branch { St. John Men's Club Port Whitby TUESDAY, Sept. 22 ! [Faith Baptist Church Young Peo- | i : 4 § i : (Whitby Girl Guide Association most frosh oo TE & a had the opportunity shoving a peanut the full length of the school gymna- sium with his or her nose. All | ended well, however, with a | Get Acquainted Dance last night in the gym. tion, wash a car, a penalty im- posed for a "major offence" according to senior students. In the lower photo, three stu- dents show the mode of attire required. Left to right they are Esther Ross, Bob Nesbitt and Anne Gray. In addition to the car washing and odd clothes, Chamber Receives 'Whitby's' Thanks | The Whitby Chamber of Com- orating our visit and they will speaker at the general meeting! merce has received a letter of ap-/long treasure them as memen-|of the Viscount Greenwood Chap-| ; . : {ter IODE in the United Church Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tutt, Byron The visit of the Whitby was ar-|Hall on Monday, Sept. 21, at 2.30| street north. has begun studies at r ! p.m. Everyone interested in hear-| MacDcnald Hall. Guelph. She is|'} pitality shown the officers and chamber, when it was learned that|ing of the work being done is in- beginning a preciation from Commander A. D Cassidi, of the HMS Whitby, thanking the chamber for hos- men of the Royal Nav during her visit to Whitby Labor Day week end. The letter was received by Chamber presi- WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. J. G. Spragge, of Osh- awa, a vice president of National Chapter IODE. will be guest toes." ranged through the efforts of the display at the Canadian National Exhibition. The Clover Leaf Club mem- bers were entertained at a hot --Oshawa Times Photos | ple"s Assoclation St. John The Evangelist Church Cubs and Scouts 1st Whitby Scouts Mothers' Auxiliary Whitby Baptist 3 B's Whitby United Church Band and Cubs | Colborne Home and School Assn. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 23 Dundas St. E. Home and School Association {Canadian Legior Ladies' Aux. St. John's Anglican Church work meeting | THURSDAY, Sept. 24 Salvation Army Women's Home League |FRIDAY, Sept. 25 {Salvation Army Youth Fellow- ship {Women's Institute | SATURDAY, Sept. 26 {The Preshbvteens St of Andrew's Presgyterian Church 3 |SUNDAY, Sept. 27 United Church Young People's i Unioa four-year frigate the Whitby, along with other ships|vited tc this open meeting and|course in Household Science on of the NATO fleet would be on/each member will bring a guest. | Mr. and Mrs. Claud Rey nard, of Frances street, and chil dren have returned from Baby | 7-8ix Gun Theatre honor a vaca- Barrons, 68; Mrs. Spratt and Mrs. Wilson, 67. Sr. A leagues He also had a brilliant season TELEVISION LOG CHCH-{V Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WKBW-TV Channel 7-Buffale WROC-TV Channel S5---Rochester |WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WEEN-TV "Channel 4---Buffale 7-New Ho 6-Good Li 2-Baseball SATURDAY EVE. 5:00 P.D 11--Popeye 6-~Jim Bowie 5--Three Stooges | 4=Film Featurette 7--This 1s 8:00 11-Vincent 7-Texas R ols 6:00 P.M. S-Roliday 11--Century Stories 7-Early Show 6--Fishermen's Reunion 5-Dick Clark 4-Wrestling | 2--Rendezvous | 6:30 P.M, 11--Leave It To Beaver 6--Mr. Fixit 5--Lawrence Welk 45 P.M. 7--Bowling 11+6--Lassle 5--All Star | 8-4--~News: Sports Why | 7:00 P.M 1-Why Ja |11--The Rifleman 7--Mike Hammer 5--Wisdom | 8-~Ivanhoe e st W | 4=U of B Round Table 2--African Patrol 7:30 P.M, 11--8aber of London | 7-Dick Clark 6-~Swing Easy 5-2-- Bonanza 4--~Reckoning 8:00 P.M, 1-6-~Millionaire 7-Jubilee U.S.A, +--Face th 4~Behind 2-People's 6--Naked City 5-2--Challenge 4---Wanted--Dead or 6-~TBA Alive * 9:00 P.M. «| 116--Great Movies 2--Bish 7--Lawrence Welk . 7:00 11.8--~Country Calendar 3:30 P.M. 8~-This is the Life 4:00 P.M, 11--Mr, Adam and Eve 620th Century 5--The Christophers 4:80 P.M. 4-Film Featurette 5:00 P.M. 7-Brave Eagle 6---Object - Matrimony 11-6--Bob Cummings 7--8ergeant Preston 5---Meet The Press Lawrence Welk 6150 P.M 11--~Father Knows Best 7--Playhouse 5--Maverick 4-20th Century rizons 4--News: Weather fe Theatre | 12.30 P. 11--News 7--Pantomime Quiz 8,2--1t Could Be You §--Search for lomorrow 12.45 P.M, 11--~Movie Matinee 4--Guiding Light 1.06 P.M. J-Music Bingo bS--peature Movie 4---Burns and Allen 2-Mid.- Day Matinee 1.30 PM, 7--For The Ladies &~The World Turns 2.00 P.M, 11---Babytime 7=Day In Court 4~For Better or Worse 2---Queen for a Day 215 P.M, 11~Movie Tim 2.30 P.M, 7--Gale Storm 5--Home Louking 4~House Party 2-Thin Man the Answer P.M. Massey asslin Edition Theatre It So Li P.M. 11.6--News Magazine 7--Lone Ranger 3.00 P.M S5--Frontiers of Faith 7--Beat The Clock oth 5-2--Dr. Malone e Nation ~The Big Payoff 330 P.M, 11--Anything Goes 7-Who Do You Trust 6--Movie Matinee 5, 2-From These Roots &~The Verdict Is Yours 4.00 P.M. 11--~Bugs Bunny 7--American Bandstand $-2---Truth or Consequen- ces The News Court Sheen P.M. i | LONG JOHN HENDERSON the first year he was with the Dunnies, when they won the Allan Cup in their first year of Sr. A hockey. This was followed by sa mediocre season in which the Dunnies toured Europe, later to come home wiih the World Ama- teur Ice Hockey Championship. Then be re-joined his mates again last season for a spectacu- lar year. Long John played his Junior A hockey\with the Toronto Marlies. After turning pro, he played minor pro with Springfield, then went to the Boston Bruins and played there curing the 1954-55 season. The following season he played with Hershey Bears. in hockey in North America, at six feet three ad one-half inches. % | with He is reputedly the tallest man| an operator at our Water Works Pumping Station. Only those perience need apply stating age, experience and salary ex- pected in first letter. JAMES ROSS, Chairman, The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Whitby Whitby, Ontario rapid-sand filtration ° RIGLER'S | Reg. 2.43. NOW ONLY 2.15 I] BLACK & WHITE-- || 120-127-620 2 FOR 1.00 Do justice to your pictures, make sure they are sharp and clear, bring them to STORE 200 BROCK ST. S, MO 8-9022 5 Fd (World 95 Days, 14 Countries, 31,000 Miles. From DEC. 22 I JAN. 19 .... FEB. § .... FEB, 25 .... MAR. 18 ,.. APR. 14 ,.., APR. 19 18 days 18 days 15 doys 13 days 12 days 300 DUNDAS STREET Phone MO 8-33 Cruise FROM NEW YORK FEB. 5th, 1960 RETURN NEW YORK MAY 10TH, 1960 18 Ports, $9 875 00 ] L] West Indies (Cruise 12 days . 13 days .... $365 .. $395 . $525 $525 $415 $350 . $300 sen Sports cas 5 ports seve YY ports vase 10 ports 8 ports 7 ports . 6 ports ress And Many Others DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE EAST WHITBY 04 or RA 5-4831 He will be between the pipes again on Saturday, Sept. 26, when the Dunnies open their (training camp for what should {prove to be their toughest season {in their short Sr. A careers. Grace Harris 'Named NG Of Whitby Churches LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY St. Andrew's Presbyterian EMMANUEL REFORMED 4--Serials dent Thomas R. Scott "30 Said Commander Cassidi's let-| ter 'In the regrettably short time that we had here (Whitby), you laid on a great variety of entee- tainment both for my officers and lunchesn by the hostess, Mrs. G. 4--Brenner 11-1 Love Lucy 7~You Asked For It 6---~Father Knows Best 4--Lassie 2--Riverboat 7:30 P.M. Church CHURCH REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Brock N. I : {tion spent at a cottage at Picton. | g3 The Deput Northam, Port Whitby. The table yy | Y Miss Shirley Skinner arrived at 9:30 |was prattily decorated with carna- . 4 3 Dy 52-VIP Report (3) |tions. Bingo was played with Malton Airport on Saturday from | ave Gun, will Trav. BOWLING prizes given. Mrs. week trip to HR. Breton, el opal LADIES' CIGARET LEAGUE port \hithy, was the winner of b diand where she visited RB High singles: Hazel Prescott, the house prize. The luncheon wag her fami. 4---Gunsmoke 11--Popeye 5-2--County Fair 4--Kdge of Night MONDAY EVENING 00 P.M. Rebekahs {] BYRON ST. S. AT ST. JOHN ST. The regular meeting of Besev-| 0 olent Rebekah Lodge, Whitby, | was held in the IOOF Hall with a| E. Larson, |2 four . Newfou 11--Family Theatre 6-On Safari & 9:45 AM, i Ehapacdy SUNDAY" SCHOOL 11 a.m.--Dutch Service ship's company. We are all most grateful for this." "The Whitby Chamber of Com- merce certainly did a wonderful 221, 231; Bea Hudson, 220; Hazel view (lie autumn leaves. The next guests at the home of Mr. and| Grace Sandford, meeting will be held at the home Marg of Mrs A. C Townsend of James nut st'eet, on their way to Ed- Snelgrove is Miss Lucille Tutt, daughter of attending the Alberta University. job. Thank you very much in- deed." "Could you please also convey my thanks to all those many peo- ple who did such a lot to make our visit so enjoyable and memor- able and in particular to the firm of Stokely-VanCamp who so kindly provided all the corn on the cob." "All the ratings very much ap- preciated the pennants commem- » 310; Marion Peake, 258; Connie followed hy a short talk concern- Denyer, 228, 248; Betty Sackett, ing a trip by the members to Hickey, 215; 211; Elsle Fernley, 209; McCoy, 206; Audrey Sharman 203 Triples over 550: Connie Den yor, 64; Hazel prescu, 63; CROSSWORD PUZZLE street Marion Peake, 63 Sackett, 630. Points to date: Exports 8 ACROSS 2 Co Players 1; Buckingham 4, Win-! 1.The Hope chester 0; Cameo 3, Winstons 1. Diamond, ne out into view BROC Now Playing Feature EVENING SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. 11. Beetle 12. Eagle's nest 13. Immerse again 14. Rasp Starts 7:20 & 9:40 p.m. 15. Broad i smile 16. Ship's hospital 17. Iam (con- | for one 8. Percolate Phone MO 8-3618 . Weird (var.) . Epoch . Showed compassion Fit Presage Viper 10, 16 (Babyl.) . Freshest . . Mr. Valles 5. Authorize . Chums 29. Small anchors '82, Tiresome existence 83. Female fowl 84. Yes (Ger.) 85. Gold (her.) 36. Bog 87, Baking chamber (UTR ai tm tii WE Wik COLOR by DE y Ww Y ' om i. VE i 1 eC cl Sn i i LEN LUT 89. Kind of } bear 41, Outer w= 42, Muse of lyric poetry 43. Malt kilns 44, Rushed 45. Hallowed DOWN 1, Gibberish [AVS © SATURDAY MATINEE 3? Mr. of St and Mrs Mrs. G. R monton where Mr, tumor Kind of noun . The we borealis Yesterday's Answer 86. Doom 87. Gem 38. Flower receptacle" 40, Varnish ingredient 41. Weep Vern Snelgrove, | John, Newfoundland, were 11:6 Richards, of 316 Chest- 10:30 P.M Johnny Staccato 7-Walter Winchell 4-Silent Service il--Loretta 2--Flight 11:00 P 6---Ed 7-11-6-2~News; Weather Sports 11:18 P.M, 11--The Late Ehow 7--Playhouse 6---Colonel March 4---Late Sports 2-Just Musie 11:30 P.M, 2--Late Watch 11.45 P.M, 6--Wrestling 12:00 Midnight | 4--Playhouse | SUNDAY 8:30 AM. | 2--Cartoons 9:00 8:30 7-Colt 48 9:80 T-Frontier 4--Private 0: H AM, 4--Let's Open The Door 9:30 AM, 2-Mr, Wizard 10:00 AM, 7--The Christophers 5--Christian Science | 4=Lamp Unto My Feet | 2-Bible Puppets 10:30 A. 11:15 | | 7---Morning Show { 5~Man To Man | 4 Uncle Jerry | 2---Morning Gospel | 10:45 A.M. | 5--Look at Congress 2--United Appeal 11:00 AM S5--Feature 3---Late Wa 11:30 &~Theatre 11:45 6--Camera 4~UN In Action 8.00 2-Industry on Parade | 7_.window 11:15 AM Tod 2-Sacred Heart 11:30 A M, 8-Kit Carson 4--Camera Three 2-This Is The Life 12:00 Noon 11--Bravo Theatre 7-- Herald of Truth S5--Space Ranger 4----News: Weather 2 Western Round Up 2 12:30 P.M. 7--John Hopkins File 5-Little Rascals 4--Living Word 12:45 P.M. 4--Film Featurette 2--Senate Report 1:00 7--Devotion 0.00 7--Komedy Popeye's nouse District 7--Romper 5--Favorite 4--On The 10.30 7--Morning 5 News Stooges 7=College 5-~Three 2~Faature 1:15 Baseball Leadotf 1:50 P.M 4-1 Love | 11.30 5-2 1:45 | 3~Baseball Warm-up 11--Cartoons | 2:00 P.M, |11--Rev. Roberts 53-Tie Tae 6--December Bride 5-Suspicion 4-Ed Sullivan 8:00 P.M, Sullivan M 23-Showcase 11--~Naked City 7--Lawman 8-U.8. Marshall 9:00 P.M. 11-6---G.M. Presents $,2--- Chevy Show 4~G.E. Theatre 4-Alfred Hitchcock 10:00 P.M, 11-6-~Rhapsody 7--rlayhouse 5-2--Loretta Young 7-=Not For 6--Longshot 7-11-6-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 8--News Hilites 11--Late Show 7~Playhouse 6--Background S--~Farmer Alfalfa MOND 5--Burns and Allan 9.30 AM 4-Life of Riley 2--Helen Neville 52-Dough Re Mi , =-Treasure Hunt 4--Sam Levenson 1,00 AM 5, 3-Price Is Right t 3 Congentration 4--Basebs 4-Top Dollar 12.00 NOON 7--Across The Board S5--Playhouse 4~Fun To Learn 2~Three Stooges 5:15 P.M, Young 4--Feature Film 5.30 P.M, 7-6--Mickey Mouse 3--Superman 800 P.M, 7--Early Show 11-8-~News 2-~Casey Jones 615 P.M, 6--Danger in my Busi. ness 63 P.M. 11---Family Theatre 5-44 Weather, News P.M, P.M, 8---Huntley-Brinkley Report 11:6-4-2--Weather; News 7.00 P.M, Detective 6~Tabloid 5--High Road 4--Death Valley Days 3-8cience Theatre 7.18 P.M, Hire T--News: 7.30 7--Cheyenne 6-~Scan 4--Name That Tune 5-2--Vip Repo Ww 8.00 P. M. 11-6--Danny Thomas 4--~The Texan 5-3-Love and Marriage 30 P.M, Weather P.M P.M, Movie tch PM. 116--Riverboat 7--High Road 4--Father Knows Best 53 Wells Fargo P.M. Three on the World | 7--Pantomine Quiz 5-2--Peter Gunn 4--Frontier Justice 9.30 P.M. 11, 8-C 7-U.8. Marshall s ® 4~Target AM, 5-2-Theatre 10.00 P.M, Joan Fairfax 7--Our Miss Brooks 5-2 Arthur Murray Attorney 4--Fyew!tness to History A 10.30 P.M Weekly Football 7~People's Choice 6-~Millionaire 4~June Allyson 5--~Tugboat Annie 2-Mike Hammer | 1.00 P.M, 11-7:6-8-4-2~News; Weather, Sports | 1.15 P.M. j=Playhouse Viewpoint 3-8ports Reel vey nmin py AM 11<Late Show 6--~RCA Memorial Ceremony | 5-8-Jack Parr | 4=Mystery Theatre 11.45 P.M. 6-Dial 999 Korner 11:8. Play Room | n Story Go AM, Show Dough fair attendance and was opened] by noble grand sister Dorothy Wickett, assisted by vice grand sister, Grace Harris. One visitor was welcomed. It was reported that Sister Sally Jones is ill, also sister Jean Wick- tor's care and sister McLavity, a new member is confined to her home with sickness, | Sister Gwen Halton gave the an: nual report for the property gom- mittee and mentioned that the contributions for the bakeless bake sale were very encouraging and more were hoped for, Two candidates will be taken to Orillia by noble grand sister Dorothy Wickett to. be initiated in the Rebekah Degree Tuesday, Sept. 29. Invitations were re- trict to attend their several in- stallation of officers and were ac- cepted. tion. Noble grand sister Grace Harris, vice grand sister Greta Campbell, secretary, sister Lena Pellow; finance secretary, sister Jean Wickett; treasurer, sister Lorna Stevens. The installations will take place Oct. 21 in the IOOF Hall, All business being the meeting closed and a social hour spent with refreshments served by sister Winnie- Wilkin- son and committee. | Guaranteed Roofing ® Asphalt Shingle ® Tar & Gravel ® Built Up Asphalt Roofing by men with experience GET AN ESTIMATE BY PHONING MO 8-3724 C. B. FOSTER & SON ett was at home under the doc-| ceived from the lodges of the dis-| The officers for the ensuing] term were elected by acclama-| concluded | 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM. BEGINNERS CLASS AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION 11 a.m.--Sunday School In English 7 p.m.--~English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th. Assistant: Mr. R, Roxburgh 9:15 AM, RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR 11 AM. AND 7 PM. Our Postor speaking at both services. SPECIAL MUSIC by "The Bonnie Jays" Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W, E. Summers, AT.CM. 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. REV. J. M. WARD :00 P.M. REV. J. M. WARD MORNING SOLOIST: Miss Catherine Bush | Rev John M. Smith, Mrs. J Beaton, A ANNUAL W challenging message of SUNDAY 10 AM. n Girls and, Boys 9 'years and over under Guest speaker: Mrs, S. R, Collins. Girls and Boys WHITBY UNITED CHURCH B.A., B.D. -- Minister .R.T.C. -- Organist MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. M.S. SERVICE Hear the inspiring and this dedicated missionary. SCHOOL AM. 1AM. Infant care 9 veors Junior Worship REVIVAL CENTR 307 BROCK ST. W., WHITBY, ONT. PASTOR REV, J. E. SCARR Ph. MO 8.5772 REVIVAL SERVICES CONTINUE THIS SUNDAY with EVANGELIST CHARLES BENN PRAYER FOR THE Sit ON THE AIR CKLE, OSHAWA V SUN.. 8:45 - 9:00 AM. t with REVIVAL TIDINGS EVERYONE Sunday Morning: Worship Tues. - wi 'K IN THESE SERVICES School 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m, 8:00 p.m. vangelistic ....... ww Ft, ELCOME a pi a CER EN

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