EE a TP a et LOSES PLACE PORTSMOUTH, England (CP) The oldest warship afloat in Brit" ain, the 150-year-old wooden frig- ; ate Foudroyant, has been moved | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smithto another part of Portsmouth y gra 2 |Ajax a the t of| harbor to make way for the new- ; i nd their daughter, Sharron Dawne,|®St submarines, ir " 53 "ito Mr. Kenneth John Chafen, son ! : | 'lof Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chafen, ; Boa ; ~ |Greap River, Ontario. The mar- c ARPETS | 1 |riage to take pla Satur- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Se 3 FoR inity, « i | SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT 3 {the Church of the Holy 7 > |Ajax. * | ENGAGEMENT The nt is of Myrna Audrey, daughter of {Mrs. Ralph Harvey Johnson of |{Raglan, and the late Mr. John- {son, to Mr. Nielvin George Bur- |gess, son of Mrs George Dawson {Burgess of Whitby, and the late Mr. Burgess. The ma is to [take place on Saturday, tem. {ber 26, at 4.3¢ p.m, in the Unit. Mr. Alan Cawker was best man ¥ {ed Church, Whitby, for his twin brother and the ush- ers were Mr. William Harrison ; ¥ - - - Of Distinction land of Colborne and Mr. Grant Caw- HAIRSTYLES easy to care for. | Perry. ker of Port Perry. The Reverend A. C. Young of A guard of honor was formed HAIRSTYLES to suit and flatter you. HAIRSTYLES by HALL ot , . , |ficiated and Mrs. James Glenday outside the church entrance hy HALL'S BEAUTY PARLOR [played the wedding music. Mr. the Sea Rangers of which the; 15 KING ST. EAST RA 3-7011 From The Four Corners of THE WORLD All shapes and sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mary St. RA 5.0433 |" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sturdy, September 12, 1959 | Arthur Cawker, Port Perry, Weds 'Carroll Ann King In North Bay | Calvin Presbyterian Church, |ble. They all carried pale pink North Bay, was the setting 'for|gladiolus petals and white hea. the marriage of C ther, { , daughter of Mr, and Mrs, {E. J. King, of North Bay, to Ar- | thur Edward Cawker, son of Mr. Mrs. S. A. Cawker. of Port { bride is a leader. " | playing "The Lord's Prayer" and Seption was held in the Church no Peougise rine the sign To receive, the bride's mother | MR. AND MRS. JOHN BRAY |wore a frock of navy chantilly ; Given in marriage by herilace with white accessories. As- mk father, the bride wore white sisting her, the mother of the| PERSON ALS |peau de sole with valenciene|hridegroom chose pale blue chan-| * lace bodice, featuring a backitilly lace with mushroom acces- - - IR Well Known Brooklin Pair | Y . | ee] panel Salling Buty 2 ud ., head |sorles. Both wore ersages of Mr. Mrs. Th Martin, | pi rimmed wi arls, held pj t ros it 3 Celebrate Golden Anniversa 2 hy 5 ih Labor her fingertip veil and she Pt Tone rb og oY vale | p | : gi t G idge, Tied a bridal eascade of white] When leaving on a wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Bray of|cessful larmers on the: ome{Dey. Weekend at Glen Ridge, ; iiojus petals and white hea-\trip to the Laurentians and Mont. Brooklin were at home to their/farm north of Raglan for nearly STUSRORS. "I'M ONE TOMORROW" Son of Mr. and Mrs. George is the grandson of Mr. and | Yule, Easthaven streel, is Craig | Mrs. Charles Yule and Mr. and Thomas who is celebrating his | Mrs. Harry Bates, all of Osh first birthday tomorrow. Craig | awa. --Plioto by Hornsby laccessories. Both wore corsages| of roses. | Following the reception the cou-| ple left by motor for a wedding Davey-Barnoski ther. |real, the bride wore a mint green family and friends on Sunday af. The executive of the WA of Miss Barbara McCauley was wool ensemble, with a white hat 49 years. A son, Earl, now opel] Nuptials Held trip to points rorth and are mak- - rRton lates ¢ farm. ; i - n white orchi 8 on 80 Siuin., prised gM be have nine children King Street United Church met male on he A ti returp i wedding anniversary. living, Mrs. Reid Cook (Reta) at the home of Mrs. Jack Perry, | Lachine, Quebec and Miss Lin-|couple will live in North Bay. The bride's mother, Mrs, W, J.[of Whitby; Mrs. Harold McDiar- Beverley street, to make ar-da Robertson of Notth Bay,| Out-of-town guests were pres- Cook of Myrtle Station, who is|mid (Dorothy) of Oshawa; Har- rangements for the "Feast of the peices of the bride. The atten-|ent from Lachine, Quebec; Cop- 9%. was present. old of Raglan; Jack Port (Seven Tables" supper to be held znis wore identical gowns of tur-|per Cliff, South Porcupine, Lon- Mis. Harvey Attwood welcom- Perry} Stewart and Bart of Rag lin the centennial hall. |quoise brocade styled with fitted don, Hamilton, Sudbury, Por BE es ee ow of Whitby; Mrs. John Phil-| Mrs, F. R. Stephens, president, D0 Ce8 38d neckline taperiss lo ol oot, Kisklield: C if Melusrmid 3 Zuest woth was jis ee x TO a he ke to be held atin cummerbunds, hats and borne, South River and Bowman- a rin. i Arner Fer Marjorie, 'bell group of the WA of St. An.|uttens Sompicted their ensen{ville. isther the bride was gowned in Mary and Margaret Cook, Mrs. died in 1945 drew's United Church. Tea host-| Ee a i Melville Lamb and Mrs. John| There are 34 grandchildren and esses will be Mrs. A. W. wa GROUPS CLUBS BUXILIARIES NR EL he. Phillips. (five great grandchildren. {strong and Mis. George Telford. | ' py hare hat and oeied a bougues of The marriage of 50 years ago] Mr. and Mrs. Bray received an Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser | white gladiolus petals and baby took place in the parsomage at| "occasional" ehair from the fam- were Chrysanthemums, : -. Mand son, Dale, of Norwalk, Cali-| JESSIE PANTON AUX. Minutes of last ; Prince Albert by the late Rever- ily, a large picture from Mrs fornia, formerk" of Oshawa, were| (East Group) Iread by secretary and Mrs. E. A.| Miss Josie Barnoski was maid- end Snell. Mrs. Bray is the Bray's brothers and sisters and and the! § 4 iecent guests at the home of] ol i |Seeley gave the treasurer's re-lof-honor for her sister daughter of Mrs. W. J. Cook of mother, a bouquet of 50 yellow vy Mined a other. He Si por aes Sromp of Me Jeske port, bridesmaid was Miss Naney Es-| | Myrtle Station and the late W. J.|roses from the Srahdchildren, 2 art A. Sleemar. and Mrs. Slee-| 1 oeting in the parlors of St. An-| Mrs. S. W. Wotton read United /Dosito. Both were identically Cook" and Me "Bray + Te, son banker, pr and table loth imino "Gvs, Toca bus. pes Ute Core, Oshews. | Toankoonie | prapers en (reseed in Hc organs. Shor e late Mr. a TS. Jong- v vard oe {3 i Ii " i : |veils complimented their match- 3 Bay oral. in yihes fis bon On behalf of the neighbo Ma Wd Abderson, me TA Whig 13, ing braided coronets and they car- / - h t s oh sided, Bh | pie hi 7e Sar: ud Miz. Bray were ve Wiends Os View AT Mrs.| The treasurer's report was suh- Miss ce E. Wesson fead Me cay. Hed nosegays ur Nite and mauve |Roy Li re ssent {mitted by Mrs. William Bear. An-/respondence. Mrs, Thomas Keast|®" 754 wi : Rey a Fecunily Veasented Bios 0 was made that an- Save report on ealls and visits to, Mr. Fred Davev, brother of the nd Mrs gr Fice on the oe- nual Jessie Panton bazaar would | sick and shut-ins. bridegroom was best. man and 0 Se |easion of their recent marriage. be held in the ehureh banquet/ Mrs. James Brook gave a re- Mr. Red Barnoski usherec pens ason | hall on November 18, The mem- port on doreas work. Sewing A reception was held at C {| Mrs. W. J, McLean, convener, hers were alse reminded that the) meetings start Thursday, Sep- bride's home Nag Ritson 3 held a meeting of her commit-| annual Christmas dinner wou tember 17. north, For the occasion ith Corn Roast | A corn roast at Camp ng their home in Oshawa. I 185 The Fabric Doctor | ""Is There A Secret For Cool Summer Clothing?" Mis E. H. T. The marriage of Dollie Frances -- - Barnoski, daughter of Mr, and] Mrs. Josenh Barnoski and Allan| Frank Davey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey, all of Osh- awa, was solemnized recently at Albert Street United Church with the Reverend 8. C. H. Atkinson | officiating. | Given ,in marriage by her Dear Miss E. H. T. Hot-weather clothing ean be much codler than many of ys per- mit it to be. Too many ef our fashion-conscious ladies. under standably seek stylish and often tight, figure-revealing summer garments, These fashions may at- tract admiring glances, but they also strangle the arteries, slowing olapd circulation and eause greater warmth. member, to check the label on your cottons to make certain that they are pre-shrunk so that they will remain comfortable ond loose-fitting. meeting Be certain that the term "/vat- dyed' is on the label of your hot- weather fashions so that long hours in the sun won't couse ex- cessive fading, Vat-dyes are the best obtainable. Other dyes while color-fast to sunlight may not be fast to the sun's direct rays. Vat- dyed cottons are mest likely to retain their originat eolor for the life of your garment. WOof So): [7 9%) = Loose-fitting moke ideal hot- weather clothing. In eddition to being loose-fitting summer gar ments should have simple lines to keep in step with the season's fashions, Sleeves, if any, should be short and roomy. Choose loosely-woven fibres, too. They permit the bedy heat to escope, Cottons ebsorb body moisture and create more surface for evaporas tion, making you feel cooler, Res gyal (Ns) Ayes gO Almost any fibre makes good summer clothing, if loosely woven, There is no real "secret" to selec- ting cocler summer wear. Simply use your good judgment when you make your ehoice, You are heo- utifyl when you are comfortable. Choose with comfort in mind, the road i | the i tees at the home of Mrs. Donald held on the second Tuesday in| 14 is hoped to have a rum. 2Fide's motner wore brown sum-| § !A. Sutton, Highland avenue, t0|December in the banquet hall. mage sale on October 22. The Mer satin with matching acces. ! the autumn| Mention was alse made that the her 3 sories. The bridegroom's mother deanery meeting will be held on as in powder blue with white | T sale was y EAS Fretoria finali lans for / ST { the fall meetings of the|l."212€ Pans ; ! €& REA ¥ Northminster Come Double Club, |8tyles fashion show to SPOR- mite boxes were to be brought iniQctober 6 at Ajax (Holy Trinity). W 1 i : Satisfaction ' Guaranteed by the following members BOWMANYVILLE CLEANERS GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE MODERN DRY CLEANERS ALDSWORTH CLEANERS- duced and welcomed, Mr. and : n : Mrs. Geoffrey Jacobs and Mr. Morley Lionel Yeo, Miss and Mrs, Earl Wagar. Lou Salbrajh us hosored a ard repo sever: e-nup arties. Mrs, | H. - Wi business was conducted by El Sosy pre Coul-|sent out -- and one thank you Juries, Dr. and Mrs. 0. and Mrs. Donald Keeler were|card received. ; Gordon [hostesses to friends and neighbors| Mrs. Dyl turned the meeting The annual dance, this year to/when the bride was presented with|over to the incoming president, be known as Kandy Kane Kap-|a living room chair and rug. Mrs./Mrs. Herbert Braiden; who pre- sored by the Dorothy Telford|at the November meeting, and 8/Bus will leave terminal, Prince for|street, at 9.30. | ' {Church. October. Mr. Mervin Perkin led in the Mrs, J. H. Connor, as hostess "|Morgan and Mrs. W. D. Hall. | gent call to service in thelitems of interest, News of teas, H CONNAUGHT PARK AUX. 4782 4 SISTERS attitude of shunning all respon-|Ings are always very acceptable the September meeting of the PYTHIAN sil { ! i itled POt luck supper, they give themselves to doing His 3-3474, 'ocal 18. President, Mrs. Stephen Dyl, [the meeting with a poem entitled Po! luck supp | ett read the minutes of the last/with Sister iva CHff presiding. | By ANNE ADAMS {menial tasks in the kitchen, she guests Mrs, Bremner's brother, Secretary's report was given by ; visitor oresent ship Rall to be held at Welland, [dress for dates Simple to cut |love. Newfoundland. 131. A. Whiteley. The regular after- blouse sp n It was voted that the Novem- TOW 8 [2iein : ular Mary | Wednesday. y 10 eards were Mrs. Hortop read a poem en-|United Church when the Grand o> Jumper takes 3% yards 5& Mrs. Skuce announced that the, Au invitation was Ferd. from tern part. Easier, accuraie with Mr. and Mrs, Alan Dickson ron. Sh Anaraw's United Sonves | 2 : a Shments Were serve) oH LODGES AND devotional period. The Reverend| You ate vite af she Soci for the evening. served A as Keast, Mrs. Bert] oli Eos, he I Due ei ade SOCIETIES church, He pointed out that peo- surprise parties, showers, anni-| ne A RKERS ple should not take the prodigal|versaries and comings and gor Connaught Park Ladies Auxil-|, Ms: C. C. Skuce presided for ; ; ' iary held its first meeting of the yo.) yorpere (0° The Pythian Sisters resumed| SIZES 9-17 on but that with God's help,|and for which Here i Xo sharge: fall season recently with a pot|give, TOFS ap King their fall meetings by holding a | be partners with Him as Please write or telephone luck supper in the club house. | % p SEW-THRIFTY . Dail ps'! % | busi > ved | 2d work. He said that even as the| nr. ..4 mre James Bremner, |Presided roll cali showed 12 mem-|, aily Duties" Mrs. Bert How-| The business meeting followed | housewife goes about doing the|pp 3 "Oshawa have as their|Ders present. {meeting and called the roll.| Sister Jean Fitches will hold Sars Re k. fff [is given a great opportunity to Gon iable George Love, RCMP, Mrs. Edward Hubbell and tres- here were 14 members and onelthe post of Past Chief at Friend- 3 223 ve wi indnes orn hi Ye | surer's bingo reports by Mrs. , > right wool with clag- serve with truth, kindness and and Mrs. Love from St. John's, |Surers and bing Ro Mrs. Howlett took over the pro- | September 23. Several of the gig. ald Je w in bright wool Wik Slag [noon of bingo will be held in the gram for Mrs. Ernest Brown who/ters will be in attendance Sic blouse In erisp colen or- " to Mr. |clubhouse at 145 p.m. each|i¢ on holiday. Mrs. Frank Hor- ohm Hap I Honoring her marriage to Mr. itop led in the devotional, using per meeting would be preceded Ne Patten To : Card report was given by Mrs, |the theme "The Joy of Living".|py a banquet at St. Andrew's|js go 2 So "ai ™ titled "God's World" and MissiChief will attend. Sister May|nChi blouse 2 yards 39.inch. Effa Wright read the seripture. May Shields will be convener, |, Printed directions on each pat a ank i vice Send FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) Zutunn tans Oifering Service Hamilton Temple No. 6 regard- Send J (stamps cz hy We would he on Ociober 18. Mrs. H. 1,0 its Grand Chief's visit Octo- . ) GAY SHOW-OFFS | BROOKS | Turn plain towels into show-offs with colorful, easy- ider motifs, : te - teasing treats for ers, to be held at the Airport on| Galbraith was hostess at a per- Friday, November 27, was dis-|sonal shower at her home on cussed and members urged to Brock street east. 'Mrs. Douglas support the sale of tickets {Gower entertzined at a linen A singsong and games wepe shower assisted bv Mrs. William enjoyed around the campfire he-| Miller and Mrs. Lloyd Bolahood. |sided for the remainder of the| meeting, Help was arranged for bingo and for the booths for the closing night on September 25. Mrs. John Poch won the lucky |attendance draw and Mrs. the | McLaughlin and her committee will be responsible for the Oecto- ber meeting, Mrs, Edward Sills read the treasurer's report for June and the first six months of Her- the year. Mrs. Fred Ayers and Mrs. for refreshments. fore returning to the elubhouse The bridesmaids, the Misses Don- bert Braiden the prize for na Hooper and Elva Cunningham, |regular lueky draw. | Pheodore Wilkins played a piano ber 5. Sister Mae Feasby gave her rerort on cancer dressings. The charter was draped for RG( Mary Terwilliger of Mon- tana. Sister Mary Northey won the mystery prize Officers and degree staff wene cepted) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS HARWOOD CLEANERS, AJAX c-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario { EN SRR AT s or dinette cloth -- smart for bride or hostess. Pat-| 7440: transfer 6 motifs 6 x i i / "Parade jew" 5.188 present for the Oc- f -- |entertained at a miscellaneous| It was arranged to have a duet Parade Rev lew", asked to be presen Oc- § | shower at the home of Mrs. penny sale at nexi meeting on Oc-(Sills read the poem 'G ood-|tober meeting when a practice § Carl Creamer assisted by Mrs,|tober 1, (night . will be held. i inches; color schemes. |a week to spend just as he likes Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS| (coins) for this pattern (stamps eannot be accepted) to The Osh- awa Times Household Arts Dept, Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS Hopper, The bride's euchre club entertained at a cup and saucer shower at the home of Mrs, Wil lion teen-age boys and about two liam Galbraith. Following the re- million teen-age girls, Of the five Nears! the bridal party was en- boys 800,000 are still at tertained at the home of the school. The rest draw £480 mj). Tidegroom's parents, Mr, lion pounds annually -- aboyt| V's. Russell Yeo, Eulalie street. ight and a half per cent of all] EE EO Rs and girls are able to spend an average of three pounds', Now there are about five mil- ST. GEORGE'S W.A. | The business and devotional meeting of St. Geore's Anglican Church afternoon branch of the WA was held on September 3 andor 21 members present. The president, Mrs. John Baw. {ver, presided. Pravers for prayer partners, |e 1 how to set the | world on fire 1 with 5 STOLES LUXURIOUS WILD OR SAPPHIRE MINK PORTRAIT AND SHAWL COLLAR NECKLINES = PRICED FAR BELOW RETAIL. 5295 Regular $450 Value! CHINA MINK, SQUIRREL, MUSKRAT STOLES, Ete. ia ig ego od reonal income in Great Britain. the figures as they stand are| Miss Connie Colpus and Miss ing, knitting, embroidery, quilts, Whether this is in itself a good startling evidence of the rising Mabel Jones were read by Mrs. dolls, weaving. A special gift, in thing would need a sociologist {tide of purchasing-power in Brit-{'Thomas Murrall Seripture lesson the catalog to keep a child hap-|{and 2 lot of space to discuss, but lain. was read by Mrs. William Collins, pily occupied -- a cutout doll and ---- -- clothes to color. Send 25 cents , for your copy of the book. Ember Red and Pink Spark Lipstick, Autumn Smoke Eye Shadow. These two exciting new lipstick colors. Ember Red--a warm winter red, and Pink Spark--a burning pink, blend perfectly with the shadowy softness of Autumn Smoke, Miss Arden's most subtle new eye shadow-- and are brought to their loveliest radiance with co- ordinated make-ups: Click. Change Lipstick, $2.00; Rouge, $2.25; Nail Lacquer, $1.00; Veiled Radiance, $5.00 and $10.00; Invisible Veil, 74 $2.50 to $6.00; Eyebrow { Pencil, $2.50; Mascara, i $2.00; Eye Shadow, $2.00; : 24 Karat Gold Eye Shadow, $15.00; Eyelash Pomade, $2.75. Elizabeth Arden's Autumn Fires... TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY TILL 6 PM, Teen'ers' Spending Reflects Stgndard Of Nation's Living There are many ways of judg- 1g the state of a nation's econ-| RETAILERS my, the easiest being by a sta- ~ stical assessment of its stan- ard of living. But, Jike many! conomist"s phrases, this "stand- | jard of living' can beé a myster- Jus abstraction to the man who jraws his pay and ndinds his own | susiness. Now and, then we get | a glimpse of what the economist means, and one such glimpse is | afforded by a survey which shows that "the average British - Ea -_.. TO THRIFTY CANADIANS SPECIAL! 99. SCHOOL-WHITE BLOUSES SIZE 7-14. Short FROM $100.00 up "WALastTin a FURS 75 KING STREET EAST HALL'S Beauty Parlour 15 KING ST. E RA 3-701 wishes to anjounce the sleeves, some with pretty embroidery trim. Opposite Genosha Hotel , : Choose a season's supply now while they are CERULEAN®- brand, Emba natural Bh mutation mink. available at this budget saving price. CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. | 530 SIMCOE ST. S. DOWNTORYN : 21 SIMCOE) ST. 3 PHONE 7, 3.2204 appointmgnt of { '7"MA FAULKNER 10 the foff SHOPPING € TRE 226 STLVENE"N | 5. PHONE RA 3-.409 ZELLER'S LTD. | 3