The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1959, p. 2

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--_-- TEER 20 $7 E%. 5 = RAT es an 0 HEIs ors Sp Ftc a 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, September 12, 1959 GOOD EVENING --- Bf JACK GEARIN | BUS FUTURE POSES BIG PROBLEM Despite the sizzling heat wave, some members of city council's select bus committee must get a chilly feeling these days when they glance at the calendar, There are only 105 shopping days left until Christ- " mas, or, te put it bluntly, there are only 110 days left until the CNR packs up, bag and baggage, to vacate the bus business in Oshawa, Little wonder that the committee's current theme song, after Wednesday's decision by the TTC, is "Where Do We Go From Here Boys?" Hundreds of Oshawa's bus-using population also get a chilly feeling when thev glance at the calendar. They ask: "Will we be going to work on foot, and possibly in the snow, when next January rolls around?" This select bus committee has a special date Mon- day night at City Hall--a meeting in private with coun- cil of the whole to decide which course to follow. There's a strong feeling in some City Hall circles that the select committee will ask Council to turn the bus operation business over to the Oshawa Public Utili- ties Commission. As an indication of the lax interest in the bus pic~ ture in Oshawa, only 23.9 percent of the possible vote cast a ballot last June 8 when the J. S. Dickson proposal was rejected at the polls in a plebiscite---4,727 voted "no" and 2,319 "yes." Much could be decided Monday night, and prob- ably will, as the clock is running out fast and the select committee must come up with an effective play fast if face is to be saved, if busless days are to be avoided. The. select committee is confronted with a major problem, but it has as a guide the recently-completed survey of A. H. Foster on Oshawa's bus picture. Mr, Foster, an expert in transit problems, recently spent four weeks here on the survey at a cost to the city of $1,200, fs Too bad the colorful Allan Lamport was unable to convince the TTC it should run Oshawa's buses. Such af arrangement would have been ideal, especially from a spectator's standpoint; can't you just see the Peck's Bad Boy of the TTC tangling with Finley Dafoe or Ald- erman Thomas on a bus issue? Whatever the committee and Council does Monday, it should keep one point in mind--There are only 110 days left until January 1. That could be a big date. MRS. GIFFORD IN TOP ORATORICAL FORM Mrs, Lyman Gifford, wife of Oshawa's mayor, was in top oratorical form at the Ontario County wardens pienic this week, Despite the galaxy of top political speakers on hand, and the sizzling heat, she put the erowd in good humo» with her friendly barbs and spoofing of politi- cians in general She told residents of Ontario County north not to be too discouraged if County Council appeared to "over- look" them, "Its the same in Oshawa," she quipped. "The mayor lives in the south end of the city, but all the real money is spent in the north, Too bad Mrs. Gifford isn't in City Council -- her sharp witticisms and dynamic personality eould enliven some of those drab meetings no end. Remember her performance in 1957 st the mayor's dinner here? PORT PERRY IN THE HEADLINES Remember the famous Teapot Dome scandal that rocked the U.S. during the corrupt administration of President Warren Harding? There's a new book on the subject, "Teapot Dome" (The Viking Press) by M. E. Werner and John Starr; undoubtedly it's the most-informative and best book on the "Dome" scandal ever written. The village of Port Perry near Oshawa comes in for prominence in this sensational volume because it was the headquarters for Continental Trading Co. 1td., a firm that figured in the scandal. Continental was headed by H. S. Osler, Toronto barrister; it made a pro- fit of $8,333,333 in four days from the sale of oil. The story is more exciting than most cloak-and-dagger mys- teries, NEW P.EL LEADER HAS OSHAWA LINK When Prince Edward Island voters returned a Progressive Conservative government Sept. 2 for the first time in more than 24 years, the result had more than a passing interest for Dr. Walter M. Shaw of 773 Glencairn avenue, The leader of the new PC government is his father, Walter Russell Shaw, a 71-year-old farmer-cattle buyer from St, Catharines, near Charlottetown, P.E.I. He was also a P.EL civil servant for 30 years. Dr. Shaw, who specializes in internal medicine, has practiced in Oshawa since 1952. He did post-graduate work at McGill University after receiving his MD de- gree from Dalhousie University. He flew to P.EL to be with his father immediately after the victory and found him "completely relaxed" despite an intense pre-election campaign that emphasiz- ed the need for "a united team" of PC governments in PEI and Ottawa. Dr. Shaw was accompanied on the trip by W. E. H, Thompson, Pickering Township lawyer who is prominent in PC circles in Ontario riding. The new premier's cause was helped by Prime Minister Diefenbaker who let it be known that he was in favor of a survey on the feasibility of federal support for the island's pet project -- a nine-mile, $60 million causeway between Borden, P.EI and Cape Tormentine, N.B. Shaw's forces made much of that cautious prom- ise and proclaimed themselves "the party of the cause- way." This was good enough for the Island's 50,000 voters. Premier Shaw holds a science degree in agricul- ture from the University of Toronto. He served both Tories and Liberals as P.EL's deputy minister of agri- culture from 1934 to 1954. He lost his first try for the assembly in the 19556 Liberal sweep; two years later he won the Tory leadership and was allowed to sit in an all legislative meeting as a non-voting observer. He stumped the province plugging for the causeway and the federal farm-aid program. He worked so hard for other candidates he almost lost his own riding. "He promises: "There will never be a time when the humblest citizen can't come and talk to me." MARINA APARTMENTS BRING $100,000 The 16-suite Marina apartments at 281 Simcoe street south were purchased this week for $100,000 by Harry O, Perry from Anthony Mayer, Mr. Perry said an extensive exterior and interior renovation plan will be started . immediately on the building that was originally constructed in the 1930's, with an annex added in 1941. The renovation plan was designed by William M Caldwell, Oshawa industrial designer. Mr. Perry's firm handles petroleum products and has seven branches in this area. } DIG FOR RELICS in blanks 'n the early history of the province. At the site may be seen the outlines of what was the first long house. It is pre-Iroquois end dates back a th d years. Di The "dig" is continuing at the Indian Village on the Valley Farm Rocd, Pickering. Walter Kenyon, curator of the Royal Ontario Museum terms the finds as outstanding in filling AT PICKERING 57 by 4 feet, In the middle ices" weed fof sooxiat ond ert of In the photo, bearded Walter Kenyoh is showing an interested group how discolora tion of the soil may represent WEATHER FORECAST Ruto Speed Record Cut In Utah Corporation Healey Sprite), averaged 146.95 miles an hour in a one-hour spin around the 10-mile circular track. That was 9.6 m.p.h, faster than issued by the weather office at pressure over Ideal Weekend For Oshawa TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Sunny and a little warmer today. Sunday sunny with a little change in temperature. Winds light. Timmins - Ka; H today and Sunday A Title Sy Winds light, Forecast temperatures :30 a.m.: ! Synopsis: An area of high Southern Ontario provided clear skies t winds which permitted to drop to a class G record set in 1957. ing lorthern today is expected to extend into southern regions Sunday, to give set a 200 - kilometre 146.64 m.p,h., faster by 6.45 than the mark made in 1957. The Connecticut speedster broke four other niernational records, travelling 80 kilometres and 50 miles at an average of 145.56 a=4 100 kilometres and 100 miles at an average of 146.17. The thind and final stage of a week of {ime trials in BMC cars a continuation of fine weather with seasonable temperatures for the ind. of "thy \? ad midnight Sunday; Lake E Ontario, ara, Bay, gions, Windsor, London, Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury: © M Regional forecasts valid until rie, Lake Huron, Lake Sudbu sere eeR F333 post marks From the left are David Owen, Dr. Walter Tovell, curator of geology, ROM, Da- phene Webb, public relations department, ROM, Dane-Daw- son, Walter Kenyon and Laura Owen. --Photo by John Mills is scheduled Sunday. Ed Leavens of London, Ont, will pilot the EX21p) over a straightaway course, a for records in the fly. ing five-mile and five-Iilometre marks aud the national! ene-mile record for class G. Chief Defines Police Duties BOWMANVILLE (Staff) The operations division is the The history of police work and|day-o-day work of the policeman the functions of a police depart- and has five divisions, patrol, ment were Friday defined for the traffic, detective, vice and juve- Rotary club as Police Chief Ber-|nile. The services branch also nard R. Kiiney presented his has five divisions, records and classification talk, communication, laboratory, jail, Chief Kitney said police work maintenance and the laying of is defined as municipal service|charges. with a sub-title, public safety. Six divisions are included in In 1066, when William conquer-|the administration branch of the ed England, the office of Shire Rieve was created. He was the chief law enforcement officer of the country. This was later short- ened to Sheriff. In 1665 Oliver Cromwell iniro- duced military police, He divided England into 12 police districts, They constituted the first mount. ed police. Their orders were modern police department. They incjude planning, insp get and accounts, personnel, pub- {lic relations and intelligence, | By the end of 1959 all eight |town constables will have attend- ed the Ontario Police College. To date six of the officers have al. ready graduated, one is now at. tending, and the others will at- +4 ion, . somewhat the same as given to recruit policemen today. "Watch persons who live beyond their morals. | Through the ages, this has been | changed so that the police depart-| ment today has three main fune- | tions: operations, services and | administration. Ottawa In Search For Manager OTTAWA (CP)-Ottawa Rough Riders' search for a general manager, to take qver on a full time, salaried basis at the end of the current big four football means, as well as those of low Rob tend in November and Decem- ber, said the ehief. Saturday, Rotarians spent at son Motors, King street east, washing cars. The club sold tiek- ets for the motoring public to have a car wash for a $2 fee, They expect to wash 500 cars, the proceeds going for Rotary community work, Elkhart Lake Weekend Ahead ELKHART LAKE, Wis, (AP) car enthusiasts arriving for the biggest weekend of ama- teur of the US, season overran home of the Road America layout Friday. One of them inadvertently ran over the president of the Road American track as well, but he and entering before Magistrate escaped serious injury, Cliff Tufte was attaching a de cal to his own car, parked at a village curb, when a sports car trafler started up beside him. He was bowled over and the trailer passed over his right leg. He was But he carefully avoided say-|examined by a physician and season, is slowly picking wp steam. "We are delibera taking our time, examining all possible avenues in the hope of finding the right man," said elub presi- dent Barry O'Brien. CITY AND DISTRICT $150 DAMAGE An accident during the busy rush hour traffic Friday in downtown 'Oshawa caused an es- timated $150 damage, The acc. dent occrred on King sireet near the Four Corners. Ernest Fudge, 19, 119 Garrard road, was travelling east on King street as John Ross was pulling out from a parking space, when the accident occurred, NO INJURIES A $275 crash Friday at the intersection of Rosedale and French streets resulted in no injuries to the occupants of two pane] trucks. The drivers of the vehicles were James Merill Dobbins, 304 Haig sireet and Chesley Burton, 63 Scott av. enue. LONG BEAN Martin Dica, 48 Harris Ave. is justly proud of his prowess in his garden. He recently found a green bean measuring 20 inches in length and believes # is something of a record. REMANDED FOR SENTENCE Two Toronto youths pleaded guilty to m charge of breaking S. Ebbs in court Friday. Walter Jordan, 20 and Thomas Boyd, 18, were remanded until Monday after admitting break. ing and entering a service sta. tion and then stealing $01 from 8 desk drawer. $35 AND COSTS Borden Brannigan, Varcoe's road north, was found guilty of having liquor in an illegal place and of leaving the scene of an accident, Magistrate ¥, 8. Ebbs Reappe MOSCOW (AP)--Boris Paster nak, Russian poet and novelist, reappeared in public Friday, He! turned up unannounced at a con-| cert of the New York Philhar-| monic. and cheered, applauded) and kissed conductor Leonard Bernstein, Of Paternak arance Bernstein, seated next to his beautiful Chilean - born wife, | blushed as he and Pasternak em- braced and kissed one # heartily. In reply to (friends Bernstein, choked by emotion, said: "I only want to listen, not | speak." CAPSULE NEWS $11944 Cash For Computer who alleged that he came home late and frightened her. No further details of Mrs, Liberace's mental cruelty charge were sented in the uncontested COMPOSER DEAD SARANAC LAKE, N.Y. (AP) Ernie Burnett, 75, composer of Melancholy Baby, died Priday after a length illness. He also wrote many songs. WAS LEADING CONTRALTO LONDON (AP) -- Amn OTTAWA (CP) ~~ Wing Cmdr, 5 , of Liver was presented in cash awards for the RB Theta i navigational or speed aircraft, The RCAF said this is the largest cash amount even presented to a member of Canada's armed forces for an invention, . EYE WAYNE, SHUSTER | TORONTO (CP) -- Hiram Me-| Callum, Canadian National Ex-| Pasternak had lived in seclu-| Enjoying every minute of it sion many months since he was was Bernstein's father Samuel awarded the 1958 Nobel prize for Joseph Bernstein of Boston, The literature after public ation|father aiready has had a joyous abroad of his novel Doctor Zhiv-|reunion with a long lost brother ago. It was banned from publica- who has been an engineer in Friday that Canadian col ] Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster "will be very seriously considered" for top billing in next year's grandstand show, He said they would probable have tion in the Soviet Union and he charge of Siberian coal mines rejected the prize after first ac- cepting it. Pasternak appeared in good health. He told reporters he is living well and working at capae- ity. Making his way to Bernstein's dressing room at intermission, Pasternak said: "I've never felt so close to the | aesthetic truth." "When I hear you I know why you were born." he told Bern- stein. FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- Doe- tors were warned Friday night that they must accept the re sponsibility for keeping down the cost of medical care in Canada. fined him a total of $35 end costs. YOUTH FINED $50 A Pickering township youth was fined $50 and costs or a month in the county jail, here Friday, on a charge of having liquor under age. Russell R. Tripp, 18, was convicted of the ing just who the nine-manm club went back to directing the racing executive is considering for the Program. charge before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs. job, He wouldn't even confirm or! = deny whether seme of the names mentioned in speculation are on a list of seven men now under | study. | Two former Ottawa Rough! Riders, Don Loney and Ted Mec- Larty, have been mentic in| the past, and the name of Carl] Voyles, former general mana coach of Hamilton Tiger - Cats came up O'Brien said, however, are several schools of thought on jhe type of man the club should ire to execute the policies laid | down by the executive. {Toronto June 24 James P. (Jim) McCaffrey, Mr. Fraser was commenting 63, has been handling the job for/on & Toronto Star story which more than 35 years on a part-(82id news of removal of Presi time unsalaried basis. This sea-|dent Alphonse Ouimet and Vice- son he turned down a chance to [President Ernest Bushnell as take the job on full-time. He is/Chairman and vice-chairman re- registrar of trade marks in the | spectively for the CBC Board of federal government. However, he Directors was withheld from the will continue as a director aft~r public for eight weeks. | HALIFAX (CP) -- Public rela-| tions director R. C. Fraser sald] there Friday night the CBC "emphati- cally denies" any implication that "something nefarious' o¢- curred at a hoard meeting in CBC Denies Allegations Ot 'Nefarious' Changes chairman from among nine of the 11 directors, Robert L. Dupsmore and Charles Leeson were elected to one-year terms on June 24. The Star also said the June meeting followed by one day the levelling of charges of *"'clandes- tine political interference" against the CBC and added that the election of Mr. Dunsmore and Mr. Leeson was not made public until Aug. 17 by Revenue Minis- ter Nowlan, ,"The charges of political inter- ference had nothing to do with the meeting," said Mr. Fraser. managerial duties. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes, to the following resi. dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating street; Teddy 337 Buena Vista; E. F. Bas. tedo, 142 Alexandra street; Gilmour Graham, 208 Celina street; Nelson Hatfield, 248 Harmony road south; Greg- ory Hatfield, road west. Those who celebrate om Sunday are: Donald Bishop, 164 Brock street east; Bar. bara Henning, 37 Duke 8t., Bowmanville; Darlene J. Stezik, 739 Albert street; Karen Whyte, 68 Grasmere avenue; Mary Ann Bint, 172 Mitchell avenue; Paul Weid- mark, 97 Athol street east. The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The cur- rent attraction is Walt Dis- ney's "Darby O'Gill and the Little People." Reports on birthdays will be received only between the Dec. 1, when he gives up the Mr. Fraser said on June %4| "The date had been set months before." Mr. Fraser said the June changes were not considered news, 'because they made no change in the operating policy." Because of the necessity to| 'If The Star had called us the ave a presiding officer, Mr, next day we would have told Fraser said, the bylaws were them the story," Mr. Fraser said. changed to provide for the elec-|""There certainly has beem no ton of a chairman and vice-|suppression." Mr. Ouimet was recovering from 2 heart ailment and an opera- tion and Mr. Bushnell, who had been acting president, was "on he verge of exhaustion." Production Superintendent For nationally known bedding and upholstering manufacturer located in Toronto. Must be fully ex- perienced in all phases in plant operation, scheduling production, a labor relation, etc. ALL REPLYS CONFIDENTIAL BOX 444 TT / -- "Individual members of the professioh must never 'let the |oath of Hippocrates be replaced {by the science of economics," Dr. William W. Wigle, of Dry- iden, president-elect of the 5,747 | member Ontario Medical Asso- ciation, said. | | Speaking to the annual meet- {ing of OMA District 10, he urged all members of the profession to |take another close look at the Hippocrates oath. He drew to Itheir attention that in no place {did the oath say anything about a doctor "receiving a fee for {service or being placed in an {economic bracket equal to highly | paid professions." {ENTITLED TO RESPECT { "It only says that I, as a practitioner of medicine, shall ex- pect thé respect of the people! around me." | Dr. Wigle, who becomes presi. dent of the association at its an- nual meeting 'next May, said, | "The profession. should be posi- {tive in its stand with regards to {so-called state medicine, national health or socialization or what- ever one wishes to call it." "Doctors must declare them- selves as prepared to participate in any medical plan that can be shown to be positively designed and destined to improve the na- tional health, We, the medical profession, mus! give leadership. It is our duty and obligation to go to government and insurance companies, and anyone else in- terested in this business of medi- {cal care, and let them know that lwe know a great deal about medical plans from those that Lave beén administered by doc- tors in Canada and throughout Doctors Urged To Keep Down Costs been signed for this year's show if their commitments in the United States and Great Britain "had interfered. and now is retired. | Later Pasternak told reporters {he is writing a prose play about (freeing of serfs in the mid-10th| conpgm oN LEADERSHIP {ponty. | BRANTFORD (CP)--A lawyer 8 But ii will be no more happy | tor the hereditary chiefs of the [nor pleasing_for me than my Six Nations Indian reserve said novel," he said, Friday a conference may be held | Asked whether he knew of any|ghortly to seek D soleton to the {plans to publish Dr, Zhivago in leadership dispute at the reserve, Russia, he said: {Federal officials would attend There were rumors like that along with the hereditary chiefs | hibition general manager, said mond-Grant, noted contralto, died medians Friday. She was in her early 50s. Miss Drummond-Grant spent 26 years with the D'Qyly Carte a Company, main exponents of inert and Sullivan. AGREE ON COMPENSATION OSLO, Norway (AP) -- 'West Germany has agreed to pay Norway $0,000,000 marks Pd 600,000) as compensation for vie. tims of the Nazi occupation of Norway during the war, The agreement will be effective when ratified by parliaments in Osle and Bonn, About 40,000 Nerwe. gians were held in Nagi coneen- tration camps bul the exact number of present claimants is pot known, a little while ago but 1 do net bers of the elected {believe it, I do not believe it." mien runs Ths lacie vou, HEAVY RAINFALL city in a two. hour period, No injuries or prop- erty damage were DIVORCES GEO. LIBERACE INDIO, Calif. (AP)--Orchestra leader George Liberace was di- voreed Friday by his wife, Jayne, the world. We must let everyone know that we are Luu to assist whenever called upon to set up a plan that will be the best in the woric for the medical care of the people of Canada." CLASSICAL ¢ THEORY "oowa Dial RA-5-4581 FOUR SEASONS TRAVLL " Dr. Wigle said a special OMA committee is working on a sched- ule of fees for the profession. "I believe we should all re- member that such a schedule will only be of value if it can be assumed, by medical plans and people generally that it is a true representation of medical care costs. The public must have con. fidence that doctors will ac it and that medial plans pay the amounts set down for treatment of their patients." COMING EVENTS BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SAT SEPT. 12 8 PM, BINGO AT UAWA. HALL Saturday, Sept. 12 20 GAMES $10 A GAME | 5 GAMES $25 JACKPOTS, ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, Sept. 16th, 8 p.m. Bus leaves from Oshowa Terminal -- 25¢ Return SPECIAL GAME OF $250 $20 each horizontal li 5 games at $30; ne, $150 ¢ full card 20 gomes st $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 15t--$55, 2nd--$5 1, $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door prize and free admission tickets Proceeds go to the Building Fund WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, SEPT. 14 - 8 P.M, $1,300 CASH PRIZES--$100 DOOR PRIZES TWO $250 JACKPOTS--(50-53) ONE $150 JACKPOT (MUST GO) 20 GAMES AT $20--5 GAMES AT $30 Plus Free Passes to Person on Right of Every Regular Winmer $1.00 Admission Gives You n $100 D RED BARN One Card end Free Chones r Pr BUS SERVICE Large Fields At Woodbine TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario horsemen celebrated the end of the heat wave by making so many entries tha com- F.. 4 RA. 86201 ED WILSON SEZ: WILSON FURNITURE Bedroom Bargains. Lovely med wrol finish 3epiece bedroom ovites, Mr. and Mrs, dresser, bookcase bed ond oighing chest, Reg. $239, SAVE $100, Ed's Price $10 WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. to Saturday's program. Originally Saturday's program was to be headlined by the $10,- 000 Greenwood Handicap and the $7,300 Carleton Staks. However, when 18 two-year olds were en- tered in the leton Stakes, the Old Woodbine management de- cided to split the race into two divisions--each division having a purse of $7,500. Managing director George C.| Hendrie said: "We are pleased to be put in the Jlsition of post- ing another §7, purse. The trainers were keeping their horses in the barn during the heat wave, Now that the weather eee QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY AT KINGSTON EXTENSION TUTORIAL CLASSES IN OSHAWA Psychology 8 - Principles of Child Development GOOD FOOD AIR-CONDITIONED DINING ROOM Fortnightly lectures commencing Sept. 18 Professor Isabel Loird Fee $50 Philosophy 7 - History of Philosophy Fornightly lectures commencing Sept. 19 Professor A. Fell FEE $50 Lectures will be held ot NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL Further information from the Department of Extension, Queen's University at Kingston TO. DOOR 4 2136 T_T

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