The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1959, p. 17

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- vow. he AA eo se a a AS pu EG SR a le x 5 " i - Fos - rit my mg ' vivid ' 37--Male Help Wanted [37--Male Help Wanted 31 Raom and Board 144--For Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Jeturdey, September 12, 1959 w 2 WANTED -- Reliable man as dealer (SINGLE man to live in, wanted for |ROO) five - day week, single FURNISHED or unfurnished apa U SOM CORRE BOREL. -_: EE = y . Tt OUR-ROOM { fine. ops Experience not necessary. |dairy farm; atiractive hours, good lo- beds, Ps meals, lunches packed, ment in new modern home in "the woun. ent, stove and cu aned un LOT, 50 ft. by 138 ft,, west end, water,|NEW five.roam brick bungalow, "ail 4 | opportunity fo step into oid cation and modern equipment, Person. [parking near South ose 10 (try Brooklin G54R2. 213¢ house, clase to own own. Availaile sewer; near schools and churches, RA|full price. For more information call 47 Automobiles for Sale |50--Articles For Sale Products have been sold fo Jl Wterview and good references need. (downiown. RA $948, i 2 | EVE room bungalow in central Bow.|OCt. 1. Phone RA 5-456, 21213.9768 or RA 88429, 4 's0 GHEV. deliixe, good condition, radie SUMP pump, excellent condition, $35. grofts. Products pod tor ours 14 Fr a Ty Hopder, Blacksiask: Woon and bodrd for yeniienics, Hugs anville, Newly Sseoraiad a hari od SINGLE and double room for gentle-| errr oo IMISCEL: TANEOUS ems Sell oul "ery 1% |§25. Phone RA 3.4377. "Tea! RA Sit. 213 ri ¢ bod rome vileg one 377/54 with four-piece le a wood sale -- yee » ARE Fon raat ern Richotien pms (Dept. 1310-163, 403 | Sp RTENCED drapery man for [or 147 Mill Street, Near South GM. 212t flooring. Phone MA 3.3485, Ton. Arey 78 Oshawa, BlyS, SLT * wn | "Articles" for sale" IPs where sens CASH for your car -- immediate cash,| USED German Combination baby car 23a ( casuring, and installation, with abil side B, tg Bemen ng THREE . room basement brick, North-west séction, $2000 down. |iooi . . . Dial RA 3-349 Dow 0 8tart|liens paid off. Seaway Motors, Whitby, (riage and stroller. Phone 5-0236. EXPERIENCED tinemith, must belto sell. RA s ity ROOM and board for gentlemen, to|FIVE - room house, central, $85, } heat private bath, separate entrance, heavy |One mortgage. RA- 5.7263. 210¢ your ad.' : 22 first class layout man, all Found sheet | or mn oo: 2088 (share, separate beds, good meals, close led, lease to responsible party. Wrile wiring. RA 5.7471 also two-room apari- '56 CADILLLAC sedan, all new tires, k metal worker. Steady employment, | WILL exchange $90 for 40 hours work. (to Fittings and North GM. Apply 252 Box 608 Oshawa Times. 2i3¢ ment. 212e hotles, $2095. RA 57182 211¢ [TWO beds without mattresses, one 'Must have car. Write Box 414, The Arthur Street, RA 8-0 rm ammatit wood and one metal. Cheap for quick RA 5-3043 i .|FOUR room house, three-piece bath, (TWO - rooms gartly furnished, sink, '54 CHEVROLET deluxe waar, veally {cole Phone RA 5-7868. 2 EXPERIENCED mechanic rer Oshawa Times. __| ROOM and beard for two or t en, (heavy duty wiring, $65 monthly, in Ajax. (built-in cupboards kitchen, every- sharp, red and hte witone with | te FULL time pin setters wanted, home comforts. 30 Avenue Street. 210f Tindall Real Estate, 43 Bond Street |: supplied. Cl relco custom radio, [ONE 222 Savage, high powered rifle, tain oil company trucks, Write: Box 2s pin guar. plie Children wele f : Oshawa mes anteed wages. Apply Motor City Bowl- ron A x 0 ose | West, Oshawa. RA _5-0429. 213¢ RA 579 5.7970, white walls ONLY Ys785 Van Heusen | Phone RA 5-7477. 211ec Ee. Sa " cess ----- PAINTERS wanted. Call RA = |) is dichmond West rb to down. town and. G> hone 8.5160. FIVE - room house, all conveniences, 45 Real Est F Sale Motors, King Street, W _____ |ELECTRIC fryer, electric stove, wash. after 7 REL, a 9 CAN accommodate one single girl, immediate possession. Apply 214 Celina 5--Rea ate or 55 700 Mercury dump excellent cod (ing machine and dryer (10 months) etal cme ------ a ("M50 {WANTED -- Young man to drive light{in vrivate room. Pleasant surround. after 7 » 213a dition. Phone Ajax 431 refrigerator, -eléctric mower used MEN type sal Aboxe | deli: also 1 3 hard busi ings. Call at 580 Athol Street East or in FOR sale, lot, 75 ft, by 200 ft, between times, kitchen suite, RA 520859 211 Ny cutive . very, 80 learn ardware business 3 "- "288 » » average financial arrangement plus [in phi 4h chance for ad-|phone RA 8-1064. 208¢ [FOUR room house for rent. Phone |Whithy and Oshawa. Apply 235 Athol * 38 MORRIS coach, owned by TCA. N bonus, I one year . No Harry D. Wilson, Hard: 39040, 236 Street East. Noi BUNGALOWS low 1 GERMAN made sloop sailboat, y, married man|ware, 28 King Street West 213¢ | ROOM and board. One single roor: and | gow ™ (nicked rooms, refrigerator, price. Hilltop Motors, RA 8-691. stainless steel brass rigging main with good Our | one to share. Phone RA 8.6382. Five sive, ete. Apply 3 Gladstone Avenue. | eo oil $1500 for quick "1 BOIOK fordor hardiop, blue and (ond Sib dacron 63 sq. ft, fast saticr, 4 v, 4 WANTED fourth class ry steady | minutes 8. plant. { 4 " charming five-room white ph * may be listed as motor boat. Like Qualifications are high. We want only, t itable. Apply Ralston 213 | bungalow with garage, College Hill white, spotless interior and finish, {Noy '5400. Phone MO. 8-459 With the best. We will pay for the best, if |S Rioymen if suitable. Appl A ROOM and board available for tn | SMALL yo a ge, ge radio, automatic transmission, NeW. A Purina Co. Ltd., Hopkins Street, wht le beds. Ph RA 3 " district, new ce, . aluminum : ; [after § o'clock. you have faith in yourself write Box |, 'TOR SO le SOR 11¢ | Mens 'single beds.. Phone 1862, He: couple. otside conveniences Town |storms and sereens, modern through- =iN--.r gighteen thousand miles SINS. King 801 Oshawa Times giving ny 210 " (West Motors, Opposite Shopping Cen-| FREE af Bdgar's Line North, 355 a month. 680 Tasler out, nicely decorated. Only $9000 with nomber. VAL replies confiden - i" aie ONE single, one double room. Close Avenue. terns to suit. For appointment please i & pe - EAL fi : poe BE TT e - nt . FOOD PROMOTION {to South GM plant. RA 8-5631. 212 | FURNISHED, single room with _-- Be RA_ 8.852. a ppm aires 2% CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS = DODGE ade ya tordor ty patterns, Regular and pre-pasted pat COMPANY {ROOM and board for geniiomen, lose room, stove and Hig, private entrance. | DUPLEX house, 15 rooms, three bath. Hog > Foi hout ton Hpmamiate terns available. 211 x : to downtown, Apply 23 Elgin Street 'Also two rooms wi private entrance, (rooms, large lot, ask An SALESMAN requires two - salesmen for [East Phon 37814, very 'central. Apply 9 Centre Street, |$7000 down. Monthly tyments "SL (OPPOSITE SRANCY IEW GARDENS) Heusen Motors, open till ten TW cribs, foal condition, 81 X 7 in Oshawa and area. Salary $75 |ROOM and board for six girls, ih uy income. Property 65 CHEV. deluxe two-door clean inside For majo: oil com Sal weekly and hon 2 r uf THREE rooms, vrivate bathroom, |Slear. Ne agents. Phone RL RA 88587. 213 and out, Low down payment. Hilltop | LARGE of dith slo PONY, ely Di { Ii fence pre o Heavy wiring $60 monthly, covers heat, | TRI-PLEX one year old, three ceramic RELIABLE, LOCAL BUILDERS RA 86891 TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- and commission, Experience f recs Ne Denelii, . | a2 Room Som oh ond Board bot water, hydr. Phone RA 8:8597. 213 er hrooms, three refrige and Ey PONTIAC DeLuxe, good condition. |c0¢ Street North. BE 5 en ; , fully decorated and landscaped. $505. RA 5-510. 211c|ORDERS taken for storm sashes, preferred but not necessary: W ! THREE - bedroom bungalow, in Whit. RA 8.6061 after § . rite to Box 503 | Wanted by, in new distriet, $95 per month. r 6 p.m. RA 80010. 212 N.H.A. FINANCING FROM $3,748 DOWN "5 BILLMAN hardtop, good runnin tree. Smart appearance, cor an ad- : Plone RA 81544. 212¢ | RESTAURANT and confections: on . oe EY ry on {economical car. Private. RA 50310 or (T vantage. Write giving full Oshawa TIVES law NTL ENAN oni ple room wih THREE - room unfurnished apartment hivid best Jocation in Osbdwa, With Hv. DOZENS OF PLANS RA 55697 evenings. 210 particulars to Toa PL 041 45 Box 509 Oshawa Times. EN DI CE van as, pe over. Asking $7700 for fxs and bust. PREPAID SERVICES Sino, Jourdot. ¥3 wngihe fice for nalf price. - ~~" |143 Huron Street. 213¢ | ness, $2700 down. 42 Osh. op M eleatsie range from % to inch, for { -- ----- brakes, a. ent offer, Hill Mo: [© . 4 43-- Wanted to Ren - "awa Times. 2104 Il threads, with complete set of dies Box 60 | ep 212 a. on, SEVEN - Toom Touse, close fo Gen. 50-ACRE farm, large barn, Six-room AND tors. RA $175. D tank, large, with aw 3 WANTED for October ist four - room boarding or rooming house. Call RA {house, water in both bya soo and ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up tomatic heaters, $125. Portable air 5 Oshawa Times |apartment or house in good area. o A to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For compressors, piston type. two cylin. i! {Apply Box 438 Osh T 33141 during the day. 212f (with pond near buildings, Newtonville pei ply Im Sn awa Aimes. -- area. Asking only $11,500 with $3500 : personal 'service at your home call RA (ders, gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, 212b WANTED TO RENT -- artment of | FU RNISHED room for gentleman, . * 5-2802. $60. Jointer 8-nch, 2 HP, new. Apply | Apartment or down. W, McAuley, Realtor, RA itt min . : {duplex within 10 minutes of Four Cor centrally located. Apply 32% King by, MO 8-323 : H fu ~---- |507 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. RA Examinations for Jour |mers, by couple with two-year-old Best (Street West. Phone RA 8.5121. 212 in 53 MONARCH, fully equipped. Phone | gy1q, A = i RA 5.7709 after 7 { good Toca GO MODERN -- GO EAST RA 81954, or 176 Oshawa Bivd. North. stag. SIAN ARMY | neymen ond Master [Selercnces DAS dtr Tom, pon aparimett, untuaiit |g Close. 10 'GMC. Phone - 212 BOAT, motor, ele. complete ouifl ln of e ne small ehi welcome. ly cluding skis, trailer, tarpaulin el TRAINING Plumbers Certificates [8a--For_ Rent [480 Drew Street South. 219¢ ha 3; .m. to 3 pan : RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS Te Rotor ie Wonted ius ute EE oF A . ------------------ . 2 ¥, six - room bungalow on large W EA ee (tras, $1000 or clos offer. ay | will be held at the City [THREE - room, centrally located, sep- HEATED store, central location, €0r-| corner 'lot, paved streets, close to WANTED 50 or '57 model, §00d Car. seen 451 Miller Avenue or phone RA OPPORTUNITIES | Hall, on September 18 [arate entiance, ulin CAPboutds. [Diy Sam Annis, 105 King Street East, |ichocls, buses Pollard Subdivision, RA 5.4165 RA 53412 Cash, RA S42). Hy 2.200, ' eavy wiring, ' session, | Pl , » A J Cash, 5h HbR hr oan | and 19 at 7 p.m, Appli- |Phone RA 53259 212f | Bowmanville. 0 ing Courtice, 3a 35878, 19 ATHOL STREET WEST OSHAWA LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want |TENTS, camp cots, camp stoves, sieep- . Mapihbis lwo brick house, [THREE . room apartment, with bath, LOTS, 105° x 160°, at Courtice. Paved ___ | cars for wrecking. Higien prices paid. (ing bags, tarpaulins, dunnage bags, Recent expansion of the cations to sit must be in [T%° 2 yiorey six -room nek on Se, | ompletely furnished. Central. Phone Streets, Avniaved for mortgages, close -- RA 51161 or RA 51 rentals. Big Hardware, 8 Church Royal Canadian Corps of 5 | mediately, central, Phone RA 35-0230, [RA 33531 days, RA 3.3067 evenings, 2.310018 . ve ® Street, RA 3 nna ---------- Signals. has created a need by 5 pm Tuesday, ' 212¢ 212( (SOLID brick ranch style home, large Builders Sacrifice VACUUM cl vepeairs, all makes for limited ni b f September 15th, 1959. P HREE riment. sink. | ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and [lO landscaped, six rooms, bath. Locat | CASH parts, attachments, brushes, snaran ae limited number © H. Ch ia IRE wrtment, sink, €4P- path, maid service. RA 3.4641, Genosha [2d 00 quiet residential i street. LJ Rreden As low as teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free young men to be trained as: apman, | boards, privat th Si. per Geta or Hotel. ick Aveta. Phone FOR YOUR CAR Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv Secretary, og oa li I GT Be s {1st ) d u . 0 i 5, room, a RADIO and TELEGRAPH Plumbers Examining |g 33224 2131 | stuiable for two gentlemen, the other WET boa 3 HEUSEN AWNINGS, plain, colors, or fay | Board. Om Mor ane genfien Apply 313 Humber [i toOmE: Sparkling clean, central Full Down Payment VAN stripes, prompt service, Free esti. OPERATORS 1 |TWO furnished housekeeping TOOmS |, y.;;, 'RA 8.0 210¢ ation, & going concern, only $3000 mates. Order now for early Jelivery t 212¢ | with refrigerator, private entrance, car | ue, : a down. Hurry for this one. W. MecAule 1 ICE 42 = | parking, central. Apply 246 Lou IGHT housekeeping room with refrig- |Realtor, 2% Prince Street. RA 2512 $11,990 FULL PRIC M Since. North! nestle. Clee rox RADIO and TELEGRAPH 38--Male or onic f Help | street. ris = | ator, gentleman preferred. Apply 103 Nisthy BO pam 6 Room solid brick bungalows 149 KING ST, W. TI Daerah oo TWO bedroom apartment available = USES arms wanted for clients, i RE Rn % MAINTENANCE Help Wanted | October 1st Upper half of brand new | THREE room Apariment, kitenen_eup- All eath a your equity For quick sale some split levels SABYAN MOTOR ee ageifies._ RA = ; war o vw = |duplex, 23 # g n d- | boards and sink, share bath, 15 Fair-|eal cAul Realtor, 26 Prince ain " 0) able, Duncan ,» wainul TECHNICIANS EXPERIENCED tomato pickers want, [S0PICE, 23 fo LIVING 10000 or ve. [bank Phope RA 52389. 210 | Street, Psi 3, 32513: Whitby MO finished recreation room finish, with glass top. Good condition ae Sreloal, Mearns Avenue North, MA |... .tor, washer and dryer, good | THREE - room basement partment, 3231. aluminum. storms 'and screens SALES LTD: Phone RA 56062 2081 DRIVERS A rt h]BE.T- Fo ee Siri, Call Winslow Briley, Slows vives. wan iden welcome: |KIAX -- 78 Hurley Road, "two yesrs Wolk out basement USED tires, most i wp A an illen Days: 5-7052; Ehts Iso one ght house! eeing roo, ick bungalow $11,500, low down pay- KSWAGEN B. F. Goodrich tores. n a 213 |p To 3 a : ™ You must be 18 to 35, fit, | EARN EXTRA CASH RA 3-200" 13c [Phone RA _3-5253. BE. ment. Owner RUssell 3.0345 Toronto, Choice of 3 different plans STUDERARER, hy' ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings \ and able to meet high opti: | i [THREE rooms. Turnished. ontlemen | XOOMS in private | home, walking dis. sii " u Close vo public érid Separate schon) 133 ETSON RD. SOUTH Average window $19.95 complete. Call A | in spare time. NO experience | SOU ance of us stop a oor, NHA re-sale private room 10se to publi rote S. * 7 tude and educational - stan- | necessary. Show beautiful |trance. Phone RA 3.3307 __ 212 | Bloor street west. RA 5-1238. 210 house with aluminum windows, TV Salesmen on location this weekend. OSHAWA, ONT. 4 PO CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66. 2 | Christmas Cards to your [SIX - "room Jase tor vent, tise vio APARTMENT, furnished, three rooms, |2eHal. so iveaten. E00 Gown. Mov. Go south on Park Rd. past General Motors TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 This includes full size eid, spring, 5 eke rooms and kitchenette, furnished, re-|puiltd board: h 0571 }: - . emo ads. nbe- Enquire now from your near. | friends, Lorge "variety of |ioorudr and stove. Jor couple, ii] "vin eurboards. Phane RA S057). [ing to U.8.A. TRA or 733 Gaspe Plant to lake tum left on Stone St maltites and Oe I Yoo est Army Recruiting Station | Christmas ond Everyday As. It Street -- 0 TRE Toor er er tied, Avenue. Aas Rae : HIGHEST PRICES ishings, 424 Simeoe St. S locoted of: | sortments, Stationery, Ribbon, SE unfurnished room with kitchen | hydro and gas range, Apply 730 Simcoe | VEW, NHA five - room bungalow, Sim- Watch for our model home signs or PAID FOR BAR~AINS of a life time! Serta iw ; ; coe South. Twenty-foot living room h | F rappings and Novelties privileges, man Fag Jrepiace 20d South stone fireplace, od Hh po Beier Call Mr Simsovil OX 9-9673 Good: clean cars, Trade up spring-tilled mattresses, regular $49.95 507 oll + - | ree folders showing Personal bay window. Apply 271 Simcoe Street | gp ment, separate . p . 4 --three only, $22.50. Apartment size jo Su ge Se. Yorante, | Cords. Generous - fits ond |North RA 86510 fifa | THREE . Tom apartment, sepafale babueii 472 monthly, $30o0 down, RA Brethour & Morris Real Estate or down. Liens paid off. chrome suites, Arborite table and " 0 s Midi , , : i - Snitz Telephone EM 6.834) bonus on volume, Write fo- [FOUR - room apartment, separate, piece baihroom, sinks, cupboards. Busl-| FORGED sale -- $367 down Payment 213a| DODD MOTOR SALES 3%0 or ra i es 65 moi eat, an w down pay y 95. C local 27 day for somples. Douglas Oy a or bth Sater (hess or middle-aged couple preferted, lousy pins S495 carries for only 960:--" 314 PARK RD. S. carriages, $28.50 Continental beds, Greeting Cord Compan [1313 Cedar fing Teoe Si. 8, ADDIY)Abstainers, 425 Jarvis Street. 20% 'ver month. For full. particulars call RA 3-9421 single size, complete $27.50. GE floor Please provide me details on | 50-R Bleeck S T 1d mm | THREE room basement apartment, Lloyd Corson RA 8-523. Lloyd Realty, "top , regular $49.95--slashed to Royal Canadian Corps of Sig- | -- leecker St., Toronto. |THREE rooms, sink, cupboards, refrif- |heat, lights and water supplied. Apply [10 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. List We are planning our fall building program and $26.95. Fabulous savings during the ps of Sig- | nails career opportunities 41 Room and B d ~ |grator, stove, a adul ga, private, available, Whitby. 209f {with Lloyd then call your mover. 2114 Cl EAN CARS WANTED liquidation sale. Wilson Furniture, 20 a f unit -- | 1615 3 ---- TT + : : oar ibilon Street... furnished room, suit one girl. [EIGHT room bungalow, private beach | will have 6 brick veneer bungalows available to the Church SHO 5 ' dl TWO gentlemen that will share large ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avall-|Two unfurnished rooms for couple. 48|$8300 full price, four bedrooms, kit: For out of town dealer ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, wou ike an interview at room, close to south GM plant. Phone | Able in private home. 82 Park Road | Drew Street, Phone RA 3-4153. 209i [chen, large 23 by 11' 6" livingroom TRADE UP OR DOWN [completely re tioned. 90-day free my home { RA 56278. 213f [North § . 7 p.m. RA 8-8671. FOUR - room sparimenl, ail conven: with matural fireplace, two dining] custom buyer. warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appl ROOM THREE . bungalow, 4 A fooms, difes.pidoy Dballitooms | 1atde LIENS PAID OFF ances, 50 Bond East. and board for ladies and gentle- "room bungalow, in Brooklin |ences, separate entrance, hot water |screened verandah. all furnished i i Gi Ng TT ETL at the recruiting stotion [7] men. two can share, single beds Close | Subdivision, $90 per month Apply, with | heating, RA 3.3096. 165 Verdun Road. [ble garage. Ideal for swimming and These homes include storms, all mahogany trim, USED television sets, 17° and 21°, com- Nea . Lee bus stop. Aly eve Hox 2, Diyos. _ 4 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail. Small or big crafts. After § RA Sars, ity on i tile. is bth J : WILBAK MOTORS Fis" on daha 4nd. pare 90-day war NOR. + seus ge. ... ree - room furnished |able in private home, 8° Pard Road usko he vani a ceramic tile in bathroom and customers 7 KING W R 732 ROOMS, with or without board, very] Apartment for two business girls, Phone |North § « 7 p.m. RA 88671. SOMERVILLE Avenue, fivi 13 . A 5-0 pliances, 50 | , L] room - Ad ba central. Apply King Street East RA : 9984 208f prose -- + : : LAWN Cruiser power i mowers 25; GENES. xxx svrasvusanels, near Rithon, 21% | Twi argeFooms™ with mingle Beds; | ar RA Se. "Amel wy Avert Bt | Asking S130, Terms. Germ Burrow] Choice of colors, located in the King St. East area. | \4 ACKIE MOTORS 18 in. deluxe mowers, ust arrived for ' FURNISHED room for two gentlemen, |C00king privileges: gentlemen only. broker. RA 5-3852, 212¢ our huge sale, regular price 5, our City/Town must be oT Smen 2114 Droke ? ly $59.95, This i / Fans nigrenr clean, GM preferred. Phone | APPlY 138 Celina - -- low low sale price only 5, is is {RA 81773 or 235 - SIX - room "house--28 "Rossland Road APPLE orchard near Oshawa, M4 . . a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Da Province Pha iF 773 or Eulalie Avenue . 2132 [THREE large rooms, private en. West. Available September 26, Phone acres, Spies, Maes, Delicious, about Price $13 300 --- $13 200 | will buy good clean cars. be disappointed. [Hurry out to the Hi ne... {ROOM ana board for "gentleman in pri ber heats win. veh, bun hot | RA 5.5179. 211f [900 trees, 15 years up. Price includes ' ' { Pay off liens, Sell on consign |top Snack Bar on Highway 2 Pa Last school grade success. dry done. 118 ne. bods, pA ae: 782 Ritson Road South. Soot APARTMENT three rooms and bath, on ni TE EE ani | ment. Trade up or "down, Ouiawa and. Whithy: RA ou : oo ROOM and board private entrance, TV outlet, laundry 4 » a, galvanized fully completed Diy 283 Guebos Street ott Pres RAL; THREE - oom apartment," upsta \5%; | facilities and garage. Adults preferred; running creek. Avples harvested Sep. Down Payment $1 ,750 cf $ ,850 NEW LOCATION Be acts jmior, Honeywen 213a |South. 212f | Oshawa Boulevard South. RA 52817, [conn RA 33823 2(ic| tember 30, Ste 20w to fully appreciate, thermostat eontrol for - coal furnace. |SINGLE or double rooms, close to to THREE rooms, and bathioom. odern Son, 2 KING STREET EAST 5 AVSHuS: : [North GM, central, all conveniences. nome. Large closets and storass s ny [16 ACRES level garden land / EASY chale with matching Giioman, Apply 204 Bond Street East. Nome. Lage viosets and storage rod Tey $4300 RR nso Frossnlllly' od --- BUILDER | Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in joie strie guitar with amplifier, movie ce -------- itie en! } d- L 3 THREE - room heated apartment, pri- don Avenue. RA §-1121 211c | Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd Real- | -5743 le. RA ri es 3; [vate entrance, central, continuous hot | rere To r= Torr tors, MA 3- Bowmanville, 212 RA 3.7122 sop vcs names ae ere a | HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ent ) ee furni- ne Sgn of ar Sak ante for} private entrance, heavy duty wiring, [9 ACRE farm, corner of two paved 213¢! ture, also sell and exchange, Contact FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment) FOR RENT -- kitchen sink and cupboards. Middle. |roads, 15 miles from Oshawa: good } fire, mim Furniture Store, Prince p | FOR RENT Completely furnished late possession. Apply 37 Louisa Street. i J di Tr ry Pe | iid stove and refrigerator. 233 Palace | apart: nent, private bath and entrance, 209f | ARed couple preferred. Apply 137 So Dl ng A unt i Tr Street. Phone RA 38-1131. SHARAN t Ww y 0 8 t shawa home, x " a reget, Whithy, or RA 5.4302 209 no children. 1121 Dundas East. MO 3. |ROOM for two gentitmen, Phone RA | ore oorect East. an TE LA rae Mauer and Kidd Real] $8,900 CASH PRICE USED refrigerators, washipg ma- FOR SALE -- Child's wardrobe, iis) 11c | 8.0283. 210f | SINGLE, furnished bedroom, clean, tors, MA 3-3393 Bowmanville. 212v ' Shities, Les, rages, televisions, he, dinette suite, sectional = eouch T E Will "y [auiet, private home, central Gentle. | orm N Ritecs and Bulslic dis | © room brick home on Division Si., just off King St., very good M T R Tadios, all reconfitioned = bes : hat i fs TWO - room cottage, furnished, lights d, abst $2000 DOWN. Ritson and Eulalie dis o. re \ ol g ot, very g uaranteed repairs to all makes of and. ehaiy, 715 Centre North. = lie vo ena n, while mother dng water, on bus line. Adults, RA [RA 5.075, abstainers. Will board. | ict, solid brick, sl rooms, modern| condition; features oil heating, 3-pce. bath, 3 large bedrooms up, Itelevision, radio, and all electrical ap- saa dows, iB ontily ence 1 2 | 8.8125 AT TE eR or TT kitchen, good renting area Call RA| hardwood ond tile floors down lino covered floors up. Can be URGENTLY ance Barons' Radio and Electric, Prt Wont: ne rout, WOULD share furnished bungalow, cen. | EXCELLENT office space with private FOOT: TRIY a IRITTE mur -- seen only by cppointment. Call Czzie Addison RA 3-2254. do Simcoe Street South. Phone RA e to schools and fos: ratio G location, private living room. tiled bathroom, = 2i-hour switchboard | vate, modern, stove, sink, refrigerator, LOVELY three-bedroom bu -2263, -- o gehools and transports on, Gv business couple preferred, reference 3 service. RA 3-4641, Genosha Hotel Yates oder, stove, Sik: TeITiEeralor: large Jot, Bewly decorated, with al $12 900 FULL PRICE REQUIRES pie tires, most all sizes, $3 up. MO 38-4703 211c intl ®iiwo room, unfurnished basement [Adults only, RA 5-5676, 211f | conveniences, 8 miles from Oshawa in ' | B, F. Goodrich Stores, RA 54543. phic Rg A ; FOR RENT -- Three room unfurnished | apartment, Three - piece bath, heavy | LOWER soar ; Phone YU 57862. 21M| Only one yeor old N.H.A. resale 'no qualifications necessary). UNDERWOOD typewriter, like new, HOUSE ano bungalow wanted. Good . Available October 1. Phone | t. Phone I 7 avy |LOWER apartment, new, modem, four i 150 GO D | down payments W MeAuley Realtor or he {yirin ione RA 5.4087, 208i ronms, stove, frig, washer, dryer, TV |SE storey brick house, 3 bedroom brick bungalow on Easthaven St. close to new Public $40. Seven bang adding machine, very MO 5321, Oshawa RA 32313 HS CRRYALER Winieor Fee susseagey |FCCM 1b privile Nome. very central, joutlel. MO 3.4758 after § pm. 32ile large givin hig 7 a ciuny| School, Separate school and Collegiate, extras include 4-pce. | good condition, 330. RA 3-443}. ] sttress - -- ee 14d : ) FOR RENT -- sleeping rooms or light car, good condition, new Bova white. Spring sere suit gentleman 102| FOUR - room apartment, all conven- Street tiled bath, built-in vanity, colored fixtures, aluminum storms | CLEAN CARS PAINE, interior, exierior, $235 gallon, housekeeping rooms, All conveni N . Y | .. |lences, private bath, TV outlet; central, . a r e . i ji » ' % ADDly 700 Centre Street South, Whithy. | wine! irs. Phone" M0 To otra oto [HOUSE for small family, #00d loca adults, RA 51384. Weekends call RA [SIX room brick house; big lot, apple nd screens. Easy terms. Coll Ozzie Addison RA 3-2254. | awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church . a ™ 7 | Lon. south Oshawa, one half wile |5- 1061. 211f aud cherry trees; low down payment. CHOICE LOCATION 1 FROM 1955 Street. RA 3-7624. FTE TTT -- 1172 [from GM, garden land Write Box 205 = + " rivate, no agents, p by SEE the spectacular eers! FOR RENT -- Two, three room a p oa ™a : {OIL heated furnished apartment for | 5 b ments light hes! and wat e Deicke +; aw os 2m Set. I \ouhewa lex stating place of em: couple or two lady teachers, living RA soon. | One of Oshawa's nicest areas--Ilaige 7 room brick home com- MODELS UP 310 88 Bp will the staring meses bath. Apply 301 Green St, Whitby. 210f Et Be ors 4 i yae] Two room unfurnished apartment Sd genie gl I Piece Five hundred dollars down pletely modernized (on Greto St.), Sentral to all schools, main | gop out-of-town dealers. Top and terms. Cy Preece Garage. Gliddon TV RADIO repairs. Day and evening, | Parker, MO 83486 collect Sept. 14 |stove and 'frig included, adults, Cen. ing space, laundry facilities. RA 5-516. floor features living room 12 x i broadloom covered, dining cash prices for your car, See |i. Verdun Road. ee A oun a RY ce uelay. | FILES, ceramic, plastic for walls; [Leh every convenience. RA 5.5340. 209¢ 212¢| ond. twenty dollars per room 12 x 12 broadloom covered, hall broadicom, den, T.V. Don Armstron ye at | WE ay ighest prices in the cily for 2458. CTVICes Oct. 12 |lnoleum, vinyl for floors; inlaid lino: (MODERN four-room, self-contained [TWO single rooms, furnished, cooking month sccures 7 acres of room or extra bedroom 14 x 16 ft, 3 bedrooms up, A- -pce. | 9 ay Qt used furniture, Pretty's. Used Furni- -- eT |leums. Greg Rivers. _8-5235 |apartment, refrigerator, stove, washer Privileges, separate place for cooking. ith igh d tiled bath plus 2-pce. in basement, forced air oil heating, gorage. H | LLTOP MOTOR ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South FOR RENT -- Small cottage Apply | and dryer. Reasonable. Phone 14W |RA 5-1904 zi( lend with an eight rcome Full LLIN itare? We'll buy it, R 840 Dundas Street East '2ise ROTO-TILLING, gardens, lawns. A. angst hone 14W | ull price $15,500 with $3,500 down. Owner will carry bolance be " SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- vi sini » | Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA 8-1386 rooklin Ly THREE oom basement apartment, house, close to town, posses- tween Oshawa and Whit: frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, r ement ap | , on one mortgcge. Call Ozzie Addison ot RA 3-2254. 4 A FOR RENT = Two - bedr ouse, ROOMS for gentiemen, close to dewn. one or two children welcome. Phone| jon at once. See Sam Covell, { on No. 2 Highway padi TR he BRR ch sty' ouse, piece ba! town. Apply 23 Elgin Street own i 6597. Real Estate Broker, Brighton, ec ---------------- et. iin. oe Mrs. Sobczak, Watson street, Port] BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME [phone RA : : {Red er, Brighton, oO wl Whiibs, between 8 a.m to 10 nin. T0a| |NCREASE ITS VALUE ! |Fotwo ee (THREE - room spsriment. heated.| Ont. Phone 260-R. LLOYD AYERS 49--Automobile Repairs WINE and cider Barrels, aif sis, solid - ! oom, unfurnished self-contain- (ba : . d : 213a : L FOR RENT -- House, 7 rooms, solid ed apartment, stove and refrigerator, |RA 5-1953. 212¢ | REALTOR BRAMLEY MOTORS 8 Church, RA 3-7624. } } ~ 1450 UNUSED bricks, white stock, Js brick, oil heated and ly d ed, {available Octobe: ply 496 Sime: Central. Phone after Fd MO 83714. Plant | Street North, gr 4 RA kr sano | TWO, Surgishod sums in privile Somt 2130 SALES LTD assorted, Phone Brooklin 2. mal EVERGREENS | = i [LOYD REALTY i ed EOE - PRIVATE -- 11 cubie foot refrigerat hi Bd Clean ssf contained ow (FURNISHED bedroom in aulet private BOOM for rent, centrally Twenge] ; : 47 --Automobiles For Sale 47 --Automobiles for Sale 1271 SIMCOE NORTH electric stove, S-piece ig ay 4 po ental. FFhome ir [Faring A 3315 : i" Mf ». a. i oh Buglest HOT Rod, "34 red Oldsmobile convert. | 1956 6 BSA | motorcysle. Phone RA 39917, PHONE RA 3-4675 ater, ATV. PO p.¥ 13a Pyramidal Cedar 24"-30 | HOUSE, suitable for small family, good | | wi tate Firm ible with 83 Mercury motor, top A-1| 212¢ ; : wi ROO! rent, bright, furnished,] 5 location, vailabl Sy . ROOMING OR . dition. WAI trade, make offer. Apply |i i LARGE size grey arborite chrome central, for lady, wee of Nichen. MO| x 7 ; Iy. Write stating place of empioyment:| NURSING HOME | OPEN -EVENINGS area; anak offer. Apply 55 PLYMOUTH, two-door Delite a Specieling i rd Service table. 102 Buckingham Avenue. 212 8-3415. 213 ead J uniper |size of family to Box 732 Oshawa Times: | | = er PANT cuffing and alterations for ey 15.18" -- Each $3.95 * ""3ai| $10,000 ¢ year business and $950 DOWN 33 THEY: 85 MIR Be sold tonight. 5 JONTIAC sedan adeivery, "aute-| wheel balance, with latest 1960 T.V.'s and ladies wear. H et Many others at reasonable | Eats 8 room, with re modern home combined: Ideal Full price $9,650. One mort- : 53 model of late, a EJ ade type equipment. Newest type ARE NOW IN STOCK 1013 Centre Street South. Oct. prices [rises ator ; ange tte suitable for location, fully equipped with gage. $80 per month princi | MERCEDES BENZ | Phone RA 57128. T"311c | electronic tune-up equipment. sg ouple of ge en or ply 24 ' = . 3 5 -- MARG CONNELLY School of Dancing, | To De Avenue, Oshawa 5. APPLY B21 all conveniences. Ready te go pal ond interest, Large five {1957 PONTIAC convertible, black top, 50 A SEE THEM SOON AT member of the BATD Tap, ballet, | . Sl Small { : D.K.W. FIAT rticles For Sale SPECIAL: | mall down payment. bi LKLVY. | turquoise body with white, radio, auto. mational, baton, modern jarz, Trained | INISHED room, single beds, very | | room bungalow with garage { matie, whit 1 lent * conditi ee PARKWAY : for examinations. Register now for Sn | THE QUEEN |central, light housekeeping optior PHONE RA 5-1168 ond breezeway. Early posses- i 4 e walls, excellent condition. |praNG, Williams, in | excellent di- y term. Studio 310 Byron North. MO| [suitable for two gentlemen. Apply 51 -- ony. Ch hool | Authorized Sales & Service Apply 480 Eulalie RE tion. Phone RA 8-578 ot 3 3 #3218 | ELIZABETH ROSE |Cobome Siceet Ea oot a Shovels, Cros. So |. ANDY NAGY'S | Shennan. 38 iniemammioml an | ONE upright iano, _roxaford, i TELEVISION EX DH se sem IEE - ; h , c| ernational cab i tion 0, roxaton suits 4 SEP BNL SR toh $125: 3 to 5330 | mn ens beud tmiget Parkwood Manor | fier eoheon'" cl BODY SHOP mi hasta sore inl 81 wins ale tor recrston tom 5 agen |_ 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH _ try RA $4588 12 for $11.90 heavy wired, bath, L. Clemens, CO | yd Corson, -5123. 408 King St. W., RA 37132 [Buck tires. fifth wheel for tractors, PLYWOOD boat, 10 feet long. Appiy| FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT Re tanks cleaned the sanitary| Thousands blooming in field 2 a Ahi no ----e Ee also Allis Chalmer garden tractor |565 Oxford Street. 213¢ ; go: ew tanks installed. Walter Ward. | order yours now for Foil or | Oy uke, nturmished ooms with partments | RESIDENTIAL AREA "7 {Bowmanville MA 3.5756 APARTMENT sie Saimin or] 315-40 a week per family of 'est. one MO 3.2563. 4 if h private bath, central location: ideal for '] i i Nov, 8. ring. 100 varieties + { o Ph R TW | most new, in perfect condition. Phone| Tour, includes approximately ov. 8. Sring. for rieties to |g _souple. Thora B ALY Park Road & King Street | 3! 2,000 FULL PRICE BES AY | BUYING OR SELLING SEE a---- 213] 90 per cent groceries and | gad | For thi room hi | , 3 years old, E GRAVEL & FILL | Guaranteed healthy plants i ans 07 Wilton a. 8. facil Now Rentin Broo on Beverly i Sa MOTORS VepucaiaaIN ei MO i ean ¥ redon. i No Sor Payment | FR {ONE roo new neose. 0 lorge lot and hot water oil he ICYCLE -- A-1 condition, $25. or. appointment . (no obligo- Driveway Gravel, $7 per load| EE ESTIMATE [two gentlemen. Apply a Aor pire es 2 heating. [Excelent terms, For DUNDAS' 2 CENTREWSTS. | 407 KING $T.~OSHAWA Foy 2a} tion)--phone RA 5-3709 m LANDSCAPING {Ft RNISHED bedros ns, only, ap- ew 2-bedroom apartments more information call Dick Ls gens MOTOR -- TIRES; DID | "ices mtimiimsomspons imo { Cement Gravel, $1 60 | pi liam Street BE all Stoves, refrigerators, etc. ~ | Young at RA 8-5123. WHITEY MD 3.4792 Uust Eust of Wilson Rood) |leries Thirty Budget pram RA" ae per yd. PICKERING es $100 and $105 monthly. | BRAND - NEW. METEOR | RA 34474 Res 5-5574 op ke SEE HOME APPLIANCES i For Delivery Phone i NURSER] {ONE 1 Glurnished Others at $85. { Lloyd Resity Ltd MONTCALM V/8, automa- Sr Hy Be 2n Fine foods Ritson OSHAWA LTD. i | ES ROOT To Selita rare, 101 ii N tic, whitewall tires, wheel VOLVO Rou am Tre Boous Rig oven O00) SIMCOE SOUTH FOR | e A LN. : . | y { MO gE | on.No 2 Highway, just west gy to North GM. PHONE RA 8-5123 oe backup figs, posded { Hou cheques - SA FF IGIDARE 66 | o unbarton- Ae LIST WITH LLOYD 5 . { SALES AND SERVICE LLOYD baby carriage and go-cart, LES AND. SERVICE TH 3 " " | cost ; ! i * ig - oes 00 | Prone TEmple 92111 {Eee um aiasiiesi. coil, To RA 5-7272 | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | pRAND.NEW 859 METEOR | SEE THE NEW Laughiin Ba APY 107 Me! Domestic and Commercial FOR CiL PAINT | ami lle 20d 2130] NIAGARA, V/8, whitewall | Volvo, equipped with window | WINCHESTER 3030 rile. In very gout RA 5-5332 8 urnished room, new spring |" wei Ee ep | washers, white wa tires condition one RA 5.7685, a. 1 sss, use of phon pntral 'locas | tires. Make an offer. | ' Yipes, call IF YOU CAN'T BUY [tion Apply 180 Bruce Street afters PARKWOOD MANOR REAL BARGAIN '55 OLDSMOBILE, Holida um signals, undercoating, |MEYILE -- f_feod" rainy oider,] FOR SALE--A™ quantity 'of 5ODD . pim APARTMENTS $9,000 -- terms, five room 4-door, hardtop, automa ier twin carburetors ond: meny [Ete Bd SEU. 20} tate model typewriters, 3 and f AU 3 py ' i 4d ' tic, t] y nner i i ers, Nin & SOUTER = | RENT [rear Srvc math. four foam Wart | PARK ROAD & KING STREET | frome bungalow with garage, | power brakes, rodic, heater, |" @ Co 3 8 hone Mo atiy. "0 Nl 4 years old. These hove been Paint & Wallpaper Store. | Outboard Motors, 3, 5.7% [Cadillac No: y 215 NOW RENTING modern kitchen, new ui hr, whitewall tires, showroom WILBAK | - bore eplocsg sy new models and i . oe . i s an: ition. { ar t class conditi 107 Bvion Street South prod - dt i [10 om, trinas spat re Ne hy Bogor Th a ho bu: Iouts, neo a For Your New LES EVENISS » Price each, a on: MO 8-5231 | tral, parking area, adults. $70 monthly. | $100 and ny jut ont. RA 8-8562 buy for students. Ph and Comping Equipment; [Available Oct, 1. RA 80369. 209¢ | re © Ly gné 3103 Nant | Better hurry, METEOR, MERCURY | MOTORS SALES LTD. 5-3375, ore Ry a i GRADING--EXCAVATING Boor: Lawn pity Sane : SCHOFIELD ; ; 208f | 213f 2125 | 137 AS07532 ALUMINUM at me Oshawa Business Coll- i Equipment; C TM | eee | | a ege, between 8 and 5. og TRUCKING Miscellaneous foot, the Insurance Assoc. Lid. | RENTAL AGENCY | LOTS FOR SALE SUNBEAM RAPIER | "AW ¥ i nd, Gravel. Fill, Top Soil h ar IE | FOR THE FINEST | NO PA "A 4 M. O. CRAWFCRD Wilde Rental RENTAL SERVICE Cur fee is less thon o va Seg], fomation, 13 minutes | Performance and Safety FORE IR VICE oN NINGS AMINES ON, rami , v Why » ancy, Or ned-and ra Nahe 4 LT RS IDO y Pickering 372J1; ¢ ice and Sales j cy. c Ore a, one minute Endurance. Relichility PROC] ~ CHRYSLER DOC RS Sibi ws Scr JEENS wi NDOWS UNTIL LEN DeGEER, MO 8.3417 | '413 Lunds Eout, Wiito, We have a waiting list Realty (Oshawa) Lu hom lie, good 1004, 'new --NOW ON DISPLAY ACCESSORIES . Ist, 1960 ' : { : alty awa) Led 5 : L Van Heu | CE ES sti2l MO 8-3226 | area Tazes | MO Smece St Noth © | oooh hydro phone, high (WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. vy a | ..15 PRINCE STREET C MONT - - i school bu: d4R1 ; d | A | s, Orono 2. | NONQUON ROAD--RA 3-443) RA 5-3557 RA 5.4632 oh NUM PRODUCTS 4 $ 7 1651 ig

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