The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1959, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 12, 1959 15 Problems In Health Insurance BE rE day that , although unforeseen problems have emerged since the province instituted a health in- surance scheme eight months ago LJ wl it will eventually provide better ; care than the province had be- fore. He told the World Medical As- sociation, which closes its 13th w A ® \ ' assembly here today, that pa-| tients now are inclined to stay in| hospital longer. He cited women having babies as an example. They used to stay five or six days but now stay a y couple of days longer. It was not necessarily a bad thing because five days was a little soon to re. ON + sume normal activities, but On- a i 4 5 aN IMCS 1 You receive the Oshawa Times, . before it caused a formidable shortage of beds. The Soriumistion was Pops rking on plans to put diagnostic cases : 2 And you have free selection of any four of the 53 on an out - patient basis which would eliminate their use of hos- . = emagazines listed or alternatively you may choose Life Magazine plus any other magazine from the list. HUSBAND Or WIFE SHOULD PAY BL 3 One payment of 60c weekly, at our carrier's regular husband od wif take 8 hand ! e-ollection period, covers the entire cost of both the ae i newspaper and magazines should handle it. If you need bill paying J family" 20 Tonger. necds with 4 Your Oshawa Times will be delivered by our carrier how sust Pig MARA wand your magazines will come by mail. to place your ad. Your order will be acknowledged by The Oshawa BE with a postcard. Keep this card because it will . - Minister show you when to make your first and last magazine Unaware Of or f CBC Change | 6 We fully guarantee each order. . 3 OTTAWA (CP)--Revenue Min- a LOOK WHAT Directors at the time the direc- tors changed their chairman. "I don't know wh should 7 . 4 have," he said in Ag Bn 7 Allow four to eight weeks for first magazine to arrive. He described it as "a matter for ° the internal management of the Mr. Nowlan, who reports to commenting a ie 8 A Ww 3 E . Tonto Star that the public was de- This offer is open to residents where nied information for eight weeks when CBC pai Apis WILL BUY regular Oshawa Times carrier est Bushnell 3 a chairman dr rill sig 4 * . . . . Wectively, of the CBC board. service is maintained The newspaper said that at a CBC board meeting June 24 two CBC directors, Robert L. Duns- more of Montreal and Charles - en me mn we we Gen em we a --------y Leeson of Stratford, were named Tow" sopotments were Bor a -- rT" ew] | | Mark an "X" BEFORE Any FOUR Magazines i nounced until Aug. 17 when Mr. {7 sast £4 GF ANNE FRANKS BURY Nowlan issued a statement on the Tag 2 AEN Sr TZ 8 4 ges New Renewal New Renewal ¢ ' ao [1 CATHOLIC DIGEST ..... Nn r change. Mr. Nowlan said Friday he did | not learn about the change until he was asked. | [J CALLING ALL GIRLS . MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY CHILDREN'S DIGEST ... POPULAR SCIENCE . .... HUNTING & FISHING FREE PRESS WEEKLY .... MODERN ROMANCES .... HARPER'S BAZAAR SATURDAY NIGHT FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE CHRISTIAN HERALD .. POPULAR BOATING .... HUMPTY DUMPTY ..... TRUE ROMANCES sane INSIDE DETECTIVE ..... ATLANTIC ADVOCATE .. FIELD & STREAM HOUSE & GARDEN ] LE SAMEDI ' LA REVUE POPULAIRE . .. LA REVUE MODERN .... 1 AMERICAN HOME CAN. HOMES & GARDENS ] LIVING FOR YOUNG HOMEMAKERS BETTER HOMES & GARDENS. ] SCREEN STORIES oF HOUSE BEAUTIFUL . LIFE weekly | 3 vol CHATELAINE McCALL'S HAMPTON | ; [0 J MACLEAN'S Ce 2 0 [J U.S. CAMERA : . . C] [1 TRUE STORY By M. HORN ; LIBERTY HAMPTON--Mrs. Nellie Petti- 1 ] 0 HI FI REVIEW bone, Brampton, spent the week- / . 0 [J AMERICAN GIRL end with her sister, Mrs, R. 1 5 [J [J ARGOSY Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl - ; } [] MODERN SCREEN Webster, Glen and Linda were be Bh : ] [] FLOWER GROWER visitors for Labor Day. : iY CJ] CJ COMPACT Marie Prescott, Toronto, spent ; EI O SPORT the weekend with her parents, i --- x 1 C1 PHOTOPLAY Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott. 3 : [7 GLAMOUR Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, John. + ; : & {] © MADEMOISELLE ny, Judy and Terry vised his TTYL « © ©] ESQUIRE J §+ I | ] [1 OUTDOOR LIFE Rev. Ted Kersey, Jimmie and % ro i 1 0 PARENT'S MAGAZINE Susan, Scarborough, spent Mon- ; Bl | O 7 SPORTS AFIELD ..... day with his parents, Mr. and SPORTS CAR ILL. .... Mes. 5 Rewer. Kel. Cavers' VOGUE PATTERN BOOK oy averly POPULAR GARDENING visited son, Bruce, and WEEKLY SCOTSMAN Mrs. Caverly, Oshawa, during] POPULAR ELECTRONICS the weekend. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Mr. and Mrs. Henry McArthur| of Egg Island in the Pacific, and Mr and Mrs. C. Ouellette and family, Harmony, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gallant at the) Soene of Mr. W. W. Horn, Mon- : 4 Do Not Write Here A es MEPS, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shelton] " : Re 1 i; Carrier's Neme Vana ysine ies soba na AlCl 000000000000000000z 10000a00000000000 oooooo Oo Www a Ws A A UU WA Wao - Qoooa and son, Paul, of Merlin, visit-f i 4 7 ' » i ed es Mrs. A. E. Billet. ' a © Ol \ Yom Carrier's Route No. rs Iton, th, 1 . : % Brown, was a air n i | hereby agree to subscribe for or etxend my preesnt subscription ot current rates to of Hampton School teaching staff | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Oshawa Ont., for 36 months and the magazines chosen for the term Mrs. 8. Kersey visited Rev. as indicated. | agree to pay 60c weekly for 36 hs with the und g that this : a o ; | amount represents full payment for rot only the mogezines but also the mewspaper. NAME and Mrs. Merwin Mount- | g ] i g% Joy spent Sunday at Mussel-| wn if de 4 j 2ObRESE man's Lake Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, ; / hi CITY : Arva, Ont., were overnight guests ' 81 | ORDER TAKEN BY .. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink. | ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS I [1 NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER [J OLD NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER NOTE: If you are already subscribing to one of the magazines chosen, the new term Morl . i A 2 ah pt ; ited Wey Rasnge, Toronts, Ye i 5B 4 J hy i [1; os indicated will be added on the copies you still have coming. cock Saturday. Beverly and Betty Balson, Oshawa, visited their grand- mother, Mrs. J. W. Balson. MANCHESTER MANCHESTER-W. W. Holthy is 1 in Port Perry hospital Mr. and Mrs. Allan Craig and ; Dred boys have returned from a vaca- / d 4 £2 % 5 ; 7 ? § 3 % tion in Timmins. 3 j \ f 4 3 ¢ ' 3 PY no Timms, Hand Coupon to Be drid 1 » ol Mark an "X Bos "ia" 1st veokend Your Carrier or A 1] : Yd n} ; ALL "/ Before The Magazines i Terge avsadone 'Cran wos Mail To-Day! TULA Fi tn sh . of Your Choice! lr. ll od ci NO MONEY DOWN! rrrriiedll (oodHouschonnion bliss ine. DRONA C0 | FILL OUT THE COUPON TO-DAY Manchester WA won first - Mag exhibit at Port Perry

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