mmawane SEPez®8 BSE a SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Playoff The officers of the Oshawa Minor Softball Association met last night at Simcoe Hall and drew up their playoff schedules, for both the Midget and Kiwanis WEEK-END SPECIALS: -- The annual mixed trebles tournament at the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, goes today, with the Fred Hobbs Trophy as the coveted award. This veteran Oshawa sports enthusiast always draws a banner entry for his popular competition. Then there's a soccer doubleheader tonight at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, of course, and for the cricket folk, there's a game at Lakeview Park this afternoon and an- - other one tomorrow. Also on Sunday, the Oshawa "Imps" have a Junior Football League fixture, up at "Pantry Park" in Toronto, against Balmy Beach Juniors. "Pantry Park" is located just off Queen Street, about two or three blocks east of Old Woodbine, and football fans who want some entertainment on Sunday after- noon, might well take in this event. Balmy Beach and the "Imps" put up a fine brand of entertainment here on Wednesday night, and when they renew hostilities tomorrow afternoon, a similar performance can be ex- pected. DIAMOND DUST: -- This week-end finds six Osh- awa softball teams and two baseball clubs, engaged in playoff action. For the most part, the games are out- of-town. However, there are at least three carded for Oshawa diamonds and each has a special interest. UAW Local 222 team meets Hamilton Moose Lodge in the OBA Juvenile "A" Major baseball semi-finals opener, at Alexandra Park, this afternoon at two o'clock. This evening, at five o'clock, over at Bathe Park, the UAW Del's open their All-Ontario Inter. "A" finals against the Florence Chicks. The Oshawa girls have been knocking at the door for a provincial ladies' softball title, for several seasons now, and this could be their turn. Then at 5.30 p.m. at Sunnyside Park, the classy Oshawa Sunr le Park boys' team, played the second game of their OASA Midget softball Ontario quarter. finals Toronto Gazzola Paving team. Sunnyside won the first game Thursday night in Toronto and they can clean up the series with a win on their home dia- Bantam Leagues, with the quar- ter-final rounds in each league, to open on Monday of next week, Sept. 14th. BANTAM STANDING W L Woodview Park 1 Simcoe Hall se . 19 4 Eastview 'essere 6 Southmead J Radio Park 9 Bathe Park ............ 11 Thornton'S Corners 11 Fernhill Park 12 Nipigon Park .... 16 Kingside Park . North Oshawa Rundle Park Storie Park BANTAM PLAYOFFS 'Minor Softball 7 |Woodview Park : {MIDGET PLAYOFFS i SPORTS Dates CALENDAR SOFTBALL each team will pay for one um- PWSU Inter. "A" Fimals -- (Ist pire. game of series) -- Florence IMPORTANT -- In case of a/Chicks vs Oshawa UAW Dels, rained-out game --- it is auto-/at Bathe Park, 5.00 p.m. matically ordered for the follow-| OASA Modget Playoffs -- (2nd VU! ing day. All Bantam League same of 2-ovt-of-3 series) -- To-|vears, raising funds has proved . {ronto Gazzola Paving vs Oshawalone of the greatest stumbling playoff games are called for H ng vs . : 5.45 p.m. |Sunnvside Western Tire, at blocks to improved achievements |Sunnyside Park, 4.00 p.m. in amateur athletics. | MIDGET STANDING | OASA Pee Wee Playoffs -- (1st| Few have realized this more! | W L game of 2-oul-of-3 series) -- than Merv Ferguson, Bob Os- {Sunnyside Park 1 'North York vs Frenchman's Bay borne and XK. D. McKenzie of | {Fernhill Park 7 (at Frenchman's Bay, 3.15 p.m. Vancouver. | Kingside Park ......... 12 9 | OASA Juvenile "AT Playoffs --| That's why they sowed the| [Storie Park RS, 10 |{1st game of 2-out-of-3 series) -- seeds from which grew the Brit-| 10 |Cshawa Scugog Cleaners Vs ich Columbia Amateur Sports| 15 Belleville Bobcats, at Belleville, council, a voluntary group de- {North Oshawa 0 19 >A Pam. a oF {voted to encouragement--prima- (Fernhill Park protest against! OASA Senior "B" Playoifs --| 4 through financial assistance [Woodview Park, . re game of| (2nd game of 2-cut-of-3 series) -- participation of B.C. ath.| July 31, wag upheld by the execu-| Oshawa Merchants vs Port Perry) io. in "1 ational and international | Itive). Merchants, at Port Perry, 8.15 competitions | | ions. | P- Disa Junior "C" Playoffs -- Its objectives are clearly set By JIM PEACOCK Canadian Press Statf Writer VANCOUVER (CP)--Over the| [Southmead a feo i ut and its success in its first Quarter-finals -- Sept. 14; Ser-| (2nd game of 2-out-of-3 series) --|© ; lies "A" -- Woodvien Park at VS Port Perry, at Port Perry,|Year bas been reasonably good. 2 {Fernhill Park; Series "B" al FOUR-YEAR TARGET 3.00 p.m. ; OASA Intermediate - Industri When the council was formed] raf Lo dg Rr a mg Be four - year financial goal, with B.C. branch of the Canadien Le- $30,000 the 1959 objective, and it|gion. listed a three-point aim: . To stimulate province - wide interest in international competi- tions such as the British Empire, Olympic and Pan - American Games; fo provide continuing financial support to supplement individual clubs and sports when they had extraordinary expenses; | Sul to stimulate B.C. athletes to raise their performance standard. Professor Osborne is head of the physical education faculty at the University of British Colum. bia. Mr. Ferguson is president of the 3.C. Amateur Athletic Un- ion, and Mr. McKenzie is a for- mer president of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada. The plan they fostered has grown through the AAU. of B.C., the university, the B.C. Olympic arid Empire Games As- i A J er British Columbia Boasts Amateur Sports Council uarter-Finals -- Sept. 14, Ser-|Storie Park at Kingside Park;| OA Bois -- Radio Park at Wood-|Sept. 16 -- Return games. Sept.|Playoffs -- (2nd game of 20m view Park; Series "B" -- Bathe|18. -- Third games, if necessary.(0i-3 series) -- Oshawa Dup ale Park at Simcoe Hall; Series "C"| NOTE -- If a 3rd game is me-|V¢ Toronto Marathons, at Dover-| early this year it set a $190,000/Chamb sociation, the Vancouver Junior} of C and the former Vancouver -- Thornton's Corners at FEast-|cessary in any series, it is to be|court Park, 2.50 p.m. view Park and Series "D" ..|played at the same diamond as/ BASEBALL BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS LACROSSE CHAMPIONSHIPS Fernhill at Southmead; Sept. 16 the first game (at home grounds| OBA Juvenile "A" Major Play-! -- Return games. Sept. 18 f team higher in the standing) |offs -- (Ist game of 2-out-of-3/ Third games, if necessary. Plate umpires will he assigned series) -- Hamilton Moose Lodge ! NOTE -- If a 3rd game is ne- for both quarter-final games and vs Oshawa Local 222 UAW, at teessa ov in any serich it Is to ve payment will be the responsib-| Alexandra Park, 2.00 p.m. l¢ |plaved al' the same "Hamond of lity of the "home team". A/LAWN BOWLING {first game (at home grounds of Dive pple ust also be sup-| Mixed ls chor in th nies |D1 | ar {team h gher in the standing :| Semi-Finals -- Sept. 21 -- Win-lawa Lawn Plate umpires will be assigned| ugh series at winner of p.m. X 1 rter-fi i RICKE for all quarter-final games and "A" geries; Sept. 23 -- Return CRICKET Trebles Bowling Club, "hicago |Cleveland tournament |New York | (Fred Hobbs Trophy) -- at Osh-!Detroit 1.30 Baltimore {Boston Milwaukee 520 000 03x--10 10 0 BL Hook 5-4 Pena (1) Schmidt (2) Acker (7) and E. Bailey; Jay [5-10 and Crandall. HR: Cin-Pin-| ison (19); Mil-Maye (2). | Lang 000 000 001-- 1 3 '0 010 000 001-- 2 6 1 Miller, Blaylock 4-6 (8) Bridges) (9) and McCarver; Anderson' American League W L° Pot. GI Leading Scorers Meet In Mann Cup By BOB TRIMBEE Canadian Press Staff Writer powered New Westminster to the western crown, scoring a Cana- payment will be the responsibil-| ity of the "home team". A hase | | ner of "C "A" series; ies at winner of "B"" geries; Sept. | 23 -- Return games. Sept. 25 -- Third games, if necessary. If ali game, Sept. 25 -- Third game, if| 000 000.000-- 0 3 0 001 001 10x-- 3 10 1 13-14 and ' Ser ima 000 000 000 000 000 0--0 6 0 timore {12-10 and S. Taylor, | NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. {Pittsburgh 000 001 120-- 4 7 1/(CP) -- Jack Bionda of New Los Angeles 000 011 012-- 5 11 0 westminster and Bobby Allan of | Peterborough, leading modern- day lacrosse scorers, are pitted {Rose against each other as their teams | Mejias (6); LA-Moon 2 (14). |clash for the Mann Cup and the [Pittsburgh 000 000 000=~ 0 8 2 Canadian senior lacrosse cham- {Los Angeles 000 081 00x-- 4 9 0|pionchip here next week. | Green 1-1 Porterfield (6) Dan-|" Bionda, a bruising 200-pounder, dian record of 144 points -- 4 goals and 70 assists. Allan, a shifty 145 . pounder, fired 87 points in leading Peter- borough Mercurys to the eastern title. 89 GOALS IN 1955 Until Bionda broke the mark this season. Allan was top point. PO ss a RI rep i will be played on a neutral dia-| { iF 000 000 000 0000 000 0--1 8 Oliels (8) and Burgess, Kravitz| Latman, Staley 84 (1) and (6); Sherry 52 and Pignatano. {Romano, Lollar (10); Walker 11-8 HR: LA-Moon (15). | |and Ginsberg. Phila 000 000 100-- 1 5 0 Argos And Riders In Thrille mond, this evening. 3 {8rd game is necessary, it is tol mond. 3 be played at the home grounds, pg, ir . si or Ina ; MINOR PLAYOFFS: -- Oshawa Minor Softball [oe EN me ros i 4 WHpires Wile Assigned. rooms PAYS GAMES Assoc. officers met last night and drew up their 1959 [ing |games, with payment being the brovinci i | ith pa; 8 | Interprovincial Rugby Football| 110 000 020-- 4 9 2!San Fran 000 000 000-- 0 3 0 By THE CANADIAN PRESS getter. He collected 39 goals and 38 assists with Nanaimo Timber. men of British Columbia is 1968. It will be the first time Allan has played out west since 1955 |although he was the centre of a {playoff controversy which re {sulted in 16 Ontario players be- ing suspended for one year by the Canadian Lacrosse Associa- tion in 1956, In addition to their differences, Allan and Bionda also have contrasting style. Allan, a great stickhandler, is primarily a marksman. His 8 goals with Nanaimo was the only tam League teams. Sunnyside Park club has a bye to (Sept. 28-30 - Oct. 2-5-7. If a fifth|team" -- except in case of alr py s" vs Bal Beach, at To-|Wash | the Midget League finals, with four other teams named (fame is necessary, it will be fifth game in the finals, whenixonto "Pantry Park 2.00 o.m.| Grant, Garcla 36 (8) Harsh Cormick 11-14 Miler (9) and for the playoff eliminations while in the Kiwanis Ban [paves ons petal Ba od, toleach team will pay for one um-/CRICKET {man (8) and Nixon, FitzGerald Landrith, Hegan (9). be Ryn Tg 3 i nam y the president. | pire ot A shaw cl (7): ok. | tam League, eight of the 13 teams, will enter quarter- ' P P Port Hope vs Oshawa CC|(7); Ramos 13-17 and Korcheck. Today's Games ies z 010 001 010-- 3 10 2 Robinson (13) vs § Tones picks. 3 Sole Tips, quar ind Storie Park at Kingside|New York = 202 201 20x-- 9 13 1/(19-12). Jie pin neler Mg sili Park; both games at 5.30 p.m.| Foytack 13-13 Burnside (5)| Only games scheduled a on biggest busts in Big|scoring mark Bionda failed to (Kiwanis Bantam League Play-|{Smith (7) and Wilson; Coates 5-1 OFF THE CUFF: -- Oshawa Merchants must win their Senior "B" playoff game in Port Perry this after- noon, in order to extend the series to a third game ... SCUGOG CLEANERS Juveniles open their Eastern On- fario zone finals in Belleville this evening and the re- furn game is here at Alexandra Park on Wednesday night . SCUGOG CLEANERS Juniors will meet Hamilton in the Southern Ontario finals, with the first game here a week from this afternoon. Winner of this {Woodview Park at Fernhill Park! Detroit International League Members of the Kawartha Fox- Hound Club, an organization that originated in Peterborough in : ! Both umpires will be assigned,|] IMPORTANT -- In case of a (Friendly game) -- at Lakeview HR: Wsh-Ramos (1). Ang Probable Pitchers final rounds. Both leagues open their playoffs on Mon- ( responsibility of the "hom e|ing day. All Midget League Po SOFTE | Tsitourls 4-2 Grunwald (7) and|St, Louis at Chicago -- Gibson) given elsewhere on this page. il a] | LJ 1 'Fox Hound Enthusiasts | I oe et | ; Four football action, oppose each Surpass this season. ause {offs) -- Radio Park at Woodview and Berra. HR: Det-Maxwell 2 { Buffalo 010 000 100-- 2 8° 0tion whether their coaches have/Sition with his ball-handling. Male puppy--Bob Huras, of Fernhill Park at Southmead. All a ow. Vor si] |Petroit at New York -- Mossi, i Coker; W. Short and Darrell spot along with their teams, Tor-{T0gged play and uses his thrust playoff schedules, for both Midget and Kiwanis Ban- FINALS --- 3-out-of-5- series, [responsibility of the "hom ely. h ra Clevel pia; ie po 0M € Union, Junior League -- Oshawa Cleveland 012010 0-- 5 8 3 Roberts 14-15 and Thomas; Me. {in both semi-final and finaljrained out game -- it is auto-/park 2.00 p.m Kansas Cit | i i : ¢ , 2.00 p.m. {Kansas City 001 006 001-- 8 14 2!cy kee -- New- day evening. Team managers, coaches and all players |games, with payment being the | matically ordered for the follow-| ; : a | Boston 100 101 120-- 6.11 2 oo ig i on are advised to read the listings and full instructions,® teers" except in case of ajoff games are called for MONDAY'S GAMES af " : " X 5 |Smith; Brewer 9-11 Fornieles (6)|(1.5) vs Ceccarelli (5-4). } fifth game in the finals, when/'p.m. Oshawa Minor Softball Assoc.|q.: 1 hit lara Ronnie Knox and Frank Tri : -- -- (Midget League Playoffs) _|Schroll (8) and White. Philadelphia at San Francisco-- ar Ta: ther in Sunday and out of it|his smallness, Allan depends om [Park; Pathe Park at Simcoe|(30); NY-Richardson (2). Best-of-seven Semifinals (CF TREE CN Jor the ques.|shifting his opponents out of pe- 0 opu al enc ow {Hall, Cowan's Park; Thornton's Today's Games D |Corners at Eastview Park and And Probable Pitchers |Richmond 200 080 00x-- 5 9 1/heen oversold on them. Bionda has the size to over games at 5.45 p.m Mason, C. Short (4) Hacker (7)| Knox and Tripucka are on the power the defence. He thrives in Milverton, took both 1st and 2nd, 8 . ! «1% Fa. ( ) with "Pat" and "Topper" CER {(12-9) vs Ford (148), { Johnson, onto Argonauts and Ottawa/as a scorer to set up teammates. series goes north to Sault Ste. Marie, for the All-On. tario Junior "A" championship finals, on the Thanks- giving week-end . . , KINGSTON defeated Peterboro's Orchard Park team in their Senior "B" OASA playoff round and will take on the winner of the Port Perry- Oshawa series , , . CHARLTONS of the Liftlock City are one game up and play their second game of Inter. "A" Eastern Ontario zone finals, in Kingston today .. , CO- BOURG was eliminated from Inter. "B" playoffs by Oakville, losing at home 5-0 on Wednesday night, in what was a real upset . . . EARL WALLS (not exactly an authority) predicts that George Chuvalo will whip Frankie Daniels in Toronto on Monday night and regain a spot in the world's boxing ratings . . . PHEASANT HUNTING in King, Markham, Vaughan townships, opens Oct. 21st and lasts 10 days. Ontario County dates are Oct, 14 to Oct. 31 except in the townships of East Whitby, Pickering and Whitby, which have the Oct. 21st-to-Oct. 31st dates . . . TORONTO ARGOS play their first Sunday game, tomorrow, with Ottawa Roughrid- ers as the opposition -- in a game that Argos had bet- ter win, if they hope to salvage third place and a play- off berth in this year's Big Four scramble, 1947 but now with about 30 Osh- awa members, actvally has more of a local "flavor", staged the Ontario ammual "Bench Show" recently, at Royal Lee's farm, Leskard, near Orono, With 57 hounds entéred in the various classes and an attend-- ance of almost 300 people, the event proved an outstanding success, even though this year, Oshawa and District owners did| prizes as in previous years. | Members with entries were on| hand from Ottawa, Milverton, Smith Falls, Preston, Galt, Spen-| cerville, Cad's Hill, Bradford, To-| ronto, East York, Scarboro,| Brooklin, Courtice, Raglan and| Oshawa. | Clayton Bennett, 263 - Court| Street, Oshawa, secretary of the| Kawartha Fox Hound Club, who was a top winner in the 1958 show, took third place in the Derby female class with his SPORT FROM BRITAIN "Silky Yazoo" "while his "'Sing- ing Sam' was third in the male puppy division. {| Following are the winners in | the six classes and in the special spectively. re-| SOC CE | Oshawa and District Assoc. - leveland at Female puppy--Roy McNish of|Strila vs Italia, at Kinsmen Civic| (9-6) vs Kemmerer (8-16). Kingston, {Memorial Stadium, 7.00 p.m. and Kansas City at Boston -- Daley| alte Gay Lage Tenors WAI Old Country Club vs Uxbridge, a¢|(15.12) va Delock (11.6). Ic € g Kinsmen Stadium, 8.45 p.m. also best in its class. Derby male--"Alaunor Blaze",| Chicago at Baltimore (1949) vs O'Dell (9-10). Washington--Grant | Wynn hi (Richmond leads series 3-0) Havana olumbus {Lines (3) Giel (9) and Baich. 622 000 000--10 15 3 020 000 010-- 3 9 2 Craddock and Gonder; Black-ireal Alouettes, play two g urn, Lovenguth (1) Jiminez (2) jouto Riders, as these clubs ts and Mont. PETES SUSPENDED | and the two others in the league, | In 1956 off controversy com- Hamflton Tiger-Ca M cethed Allan's eligmiity to bo Fe. each in five days. cruited for the playoffs by Peter borough Petes. Petes refused to The Tiger-Cats and fhe Alou: play Victoria Shamrocks without derby female class, as well as not annex as many ribbons and wom by Al Norris, with his "Al London, Peterborough, Kingston, London. "Richwood Tomboy" was owned by Al Norris of Ottawa! . = N was first and his '"'Alaunor's Activity In alional League Janies" took top honors in the w San Francisco 78 ' RIN {Los Angeles 78 | Milwaukee | Pittsburgh At Goli Club [gc {Chicago 67 " r . «12: St. Louis 64 ' Winners of the Oshawa Goll Philadelphia 0 19 being best in the derby class. | inc S 1 og vest in whe cervy cas. | | adljeg' Section aunor's Christopher", All-Age female went to "Richwood Tom- boy" owned by Jim Eadie of! acclaimed the best hound in the Club, Ladies' section, Swee Bi : entire show, with *'Alaunor's|Stakes Competition declared on | Cincinnati Christopher" as best in. the op-|luesday last, when the ladies|---------- posite sex. played off under a blistering sun Jim Eadie of London won priz-|i0 hot, humid weather, were as es for both the "best pair" and|follows : "best pack' (three or more en-| Low gross : was captured by tries) while Mike Tinnes of Pres-|Mrs. Merl Corrin and low nef| ton won the natural carriage] Winner was Mrs. G. Giroux. award, with his entry "Blackie"'.| LOW pet winners for the usual In addition to the permanent|Ladies' Day Tuesday gompets | trophies, for top honors in the|tion were Mrs. M. Corrin, Mrs. | major classes, there were also(G: Giroux and Mrs. F. Marsala,| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ribbons and prizes, with donors|respectively. g | being Carling's, Labatt's, Master]. Quite a few ladies competed pry Feeds and Cooper-Smith firms|il the twoball tournament ati... jn 19 years, and Columbus Pet. GBL 100 010 000-- 2 4 1iMinneapolis at Omaha (N) Bisons, Columbus At Crossroads Buffalo Bisons, who won their | International League pen-| {ettes got the battles under way {today when they clashed in Mont- American Association [Peal with undisputed possession ' Semi-finals of first place at stake. ro seven Self | The Riders and Argos tangle in ON [Toronts Sunday with Ottawa (Havana leads series 3-0) (Fort Worth leads series 1-0) Minneapolis 3 Omaha 1 | (Minneapolis leads series 1-0) Today's Games Worth at Louisville (N) {straight defeats and Toronto try- ling to snap a three-game losing {streak as they fight for third |place. The same clubs meet again Wednesday night with the scenes shifting to Hamilton and Ottawa. Ottawa will make two changes in their lineup Sunday. Jon Je- [lacte, big defensive end picked {up this week from New York |Giants, will replace Mack Yoho iwho has been cut. Al Romine, a {former Argo end who was re- floated Jag} Sek by Green Say in semi-fi Packers, e over from [Ro Ceturn in semifinal playolls back Dick Hunter and will Either Buffalo tops the Vir-|Play defensive half. Fort Allan and the CLA suspended the team and players for one year. The series continued with a sub- stitute eastern team. The 1959 series was originally scheduled for Eastern Canads seeking its first win after four (= s was shifted here when Peter- borough w.a the final. Mercurys' home arena was not available. WHY SUFFER of RHEUMATIC PAIN, SCIATICA or LUM- BAGO when RUMACAPS may bring you welcome relief? . . . Thousands have benefited. At your druggist, |ginians at ichmond and Colum- award events. of Oshawa, the Kawartha Fox Port Hope Golf Club recently andro who rode a late surge to|bus spills the Sugar Kings at Ha- a very creditable showing was| C0 Wb OC BE ea. [vana or the two underdogs will Hound Club, Ivan Taylor and made by the ladies from the| Owner Loses Money To Cliff Bennett, Osiaw The Kawartha Fox Hound Club|VShawa " » i will hold its annual ""Field-Trials"| The annual "Guest Day" was Woodview Bantams Keep A Winning Horse By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer [lected the prize, however, she Want to lose £5800? Win ahad to pay 6,800 guineas, or Horse race |£7,140, to keep the good-looking That was the disconcerting ex-(50n of Fair Trial in her barn. erience of Mrs. Hannah Lerner, | win of a promising British two. | IKE CLAIMING RACE i year - old most inappropriately] 3 vas ause Fair Re- Even before Mrs. Lerner ool) held recently and was the most| x Fesne, m the week-end of successful in quite some time. The weather was near perfect for the occasion and the ladies| entertained their guests to 18] Beat Radio Park Woodview Park Bantams de- {fcated Radio Park boys 21-9 last {night in Club. is The Society of Tndustrial and (ost Accountants OF ONTARIO | in! every Junin to earn their one- ». - sided decision, with an| splurge in the fifth proving their| Wins Trials el i big effort. McNamee, with thre Woodview Park scored runs named Fair Reward. |ward's victory occurred in a sell- kome-run blows, was the team's! LJ] | their Kiwanis Bantam | Ch th G Joie of golf, with dinner on the| League action, at Radio Park. a am 1I club verandah afterwards. | on, are to the point of win or|Wrap up the final playoff berths [still slugging, made it 3-0 in the M t D t hi at Richmond Friday night, John. ee u C 1S son drove in all five runs with whether for their golfing efforts|Okla., dropped bv the Kitchener-| from Peterborough Golf Club, Ka- with the opposition Saturday ~---- in the minimum four games. {best-of-seven set with Buffalo, KITCHENER. (CP) -- Quarter- lis third and fourth home runs or otherwise. Guests were here| Waterloo Dutchmen, will | wartha Golf and Country Club,|when Detroit Raiders meet the| |of the series and Billy Short scat: tered eight hits for the pitching victory. SIX RUNS IN FIRST Havana completed a three (game sweep at Columbus 10-3, R.ILA. EVENING LECTURE AND CORRESPONDENCE COURSES conducted by University Extension, University of Toronte Mrs. Lerner's racer went to the trouble of winning a 24-horse event at York racetrack, and all the owner collected was money of £1,354. 3 Players Of Leals Casualties PETE RBOROUGH (CP) -- Three players at Toronto Maple Leafs' hockey training camp here are temporary casualties today after the second full day's work- out in the Memorial Centre. Rudy Migay and Dick Mattiussi were sidelined with bruised ankles and Henry Marczak wrenched his back Two absentees, goalie Johnny Bower and defenceman Roger Cote, are expected to reach training quarfers today when the National Hockey League Leafs and Rochester of the American Hockey League continue drills under coach Punch Imlach. They also have two sessions Sunday morning, and in the afternoon an intersquad game between Ro- man Catholic and Protestant players as a fraining camp novelty the players, won last year by Bill Harris, will be staged Sept. 22. New York Rangers and Leafs have an exhibition game here pext Tuesday. first of annual golf tournament for | {ing race, similar in principle to|ni¢ hitter a claiming event in Canadian I et Seach, |United States racing. {Mitchell also played big roles in | Under British rules, the winner the various successful scoring at- a selling race goes up for | tacks. auction, and the money obtained| Leaming, pitching for Wood- {from the sale is divided between view, didn't aliow any hits until D . R id Richmond, with Deron Johnson {trimming the pennant-winners 5-2 All the guests received a prize, back Mack Warren of Tulsa, | fas) Port Hope, Credit Valley, Scar- Dutchies in an Ontario Rugby borough, New Uplands dnd ' St.{Football Union game here. Georges. | "Warren knows our offensive Tuesday, Sept. 15, brings along system inside out," Dutchie In Skating TORONTO (CP) -- A 17-year- old Chatham gir! was practically| assured of a berth on Canada's| Olympic figure . skating team when she wou & unanimous first-| place vote from judges Friday| the ladies, leaving only one more| That means we'll have to try in September lo round out the|that much harder." | golfing season. Now that the heat Imports Lee Williams and Len wave is over and the draw is at{Black will be replaced by half- 1.15 p.m. it is expected that|back Mu Campbell and bo Har- nr . 7 more ladies will be on the tee|cld Dukes for the Dut chies. night at the Olympic skating for the last few competitions of Campbell signed this week after the 1959 season. being cut by Hamilton Tiger-Cats Sandra Tewkesbupy turned in| of the Big Four. Dukes is a for- an Jlimost Naview Jree - Skating] mer National Football performance to clinch the lead 'hi te. she took earlier in the he ead' 12 Horses Entered player from Michigmn Siate compulsory figures, Her marks| Friday were the highest posted | IT Playground Race for a single event in the two-day ATLANTIC CITY, NJ. (AP)-- halfback Dom Loucks, a home- brew whe played with Montreal | | he was injured last year. another CLGU competition for|coach Eob Jauron said Friday.) League| Also in the K-W lineup will be] {bus will have Joe Gibbon (16-9) Alouettes of thc Big Four until] |scoring six runs in the first in- ning off Ron Blackburn and Lynn II ili and ing for all [10 runs in the first three innings. | Lefthander Walt Craddock scattered nine hits for the |triumph, coasting after the Cu- : {ban sent i0 men to the plate in ./ (the firht inning and six hit safely. Dan Moreion led Havana's 15-hit attack with two singles, a double and a triple and three runs batted (in. The Bisons will send Dallas Green (9-5) against Richmond's Glenn Cox (4-4) tomight. Colum- lation, SEPTEMBER 14th, : For additional BURT R. WATERS, on the mound against either Vince Amor (98) or Emilio TELEPHONE Lecture courses in first year subjects leading to the degree of Registered Industrial end Cost Accountant (R.1LA.). Classes commencing October Sth, 1959, will be held at O.C.V.I. Courses include Accounting | end Industrial Legis For those unable to attend evening lecture classes, instruction given through correspondence courses McMaster University and the University of Toronto. REGISTRATION NIGHTS 7 - 9 P.M. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL & CO. 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, OR CALL conducted by 15th AND 23rd. details, write: C.A., REGISTRAR RA 5-3527 Cueche (9-8). _ Wendy Griner, Junior champion, finished second. tered for the $100,000 guaranteed trials, 15, Canadian|Twelve top two-year-olds are en- The Toronto youngster was well World's Playground Stakes to- behind Sandra iz marks. day, richest race in the history of Eleanor McLeod and Sonia|Atlantic City Race Course. Spelling of Toronto were third] The two-year-olds will tackle and fourth in that order with|the seven-furlong route for the Margaret Crossland of Calgary|first time, and there is no stand- | fifth. 'out favorite in the field. ! rr FUEL KINSMEN CIVIC STADIUM TULSDAY, SEPT. 15th -- 8:45 P.M. HARRY 0. PERR FURNACE INSTALLATION OiL BURNER SE ROY McLARITY vs FRITZ VON ERICH SAM STEAMBOAT vs THE MIGHTY URSUS {the racecourse and the owner of the third inning, when Radio {the horse finishing second. The Park struck for three, D. Ben- [reasons for this strange regula-|rett hitting a timely homer. In tion probably date far back tothe next inning, they added six {the beginnings of the British tut, |Funs, with Shapley, MacDonald, Usually the price paid at the| Noack all drawing walks while |auctions is reasonable, but horse- (2. Bennett, R Cullen, L. Lullen men immediately spotted Fair|®" got safe hits. -- |Reward as 3a Dutctanding future | prospect a e bidding was so : 1 {keen that Mrs. Lerner, intent on Fernhill Midgets retaining her colt, had to pay the 6,800-guinea figure, a record. oguinea ture. a recors. Wallop Southmead Lerner thus lost £5706 for the| Fernnill Auto Workers Credit privilege of seeing her colors|Union defeated Southmead Mid- carried to a fivelength victory. gets last night at Southmead, in And Frank More O'Ferrall, (a Midget, League game, 16-1. owner of Queen of Kiidare which! Mason, pitching for Fernhill, ran second, made a handsome|gave up one rum, in the fourth profit in splitting Mrs. Lerner's/inning, when Goodall walked, so 6,800 guineas with York race-|did Sandford and then with two course. {out, Ross got a break, that let - n Goodall score. ABSURD" RULE Fernhill batters had 'a big Racing writer Peter Scott ofinight. Burdach, pitching for The Evening Standard, piqued at|Southmead, just' didn't have it. the "absurdity" of the selling-|With two out in the first inning, race rule, said the farcical auc-|Biyth homered, then two walks tions should be scrapped. |and a couple of passed balls let "There are plenty of opportun-|Norris score to make it 24. ities for bad horses in this coun-| The winners scored in every in-| try without selling races and the ning alter thai ex in the auctioneering farces, practised|third, with Flintoff getting a almost nowhere else in the homer in the second inning and world," wrote Scott. {in the 7th, when Southmead | In Canada, claiming prices are|splurged for seven runs, Blyth fixed in advance and are vir-ihit another homer and four walks tually unifdrm. Trainers deposit(fogether with the other odd safe their claims before the race, with hit, |a draw held thas one enabled Southmead to stage] for the winner if|a seven-run rally and clinch the claim is made. win. H PAF FLANAGAN vs HOWARD MARTIN PAT FLANAGAN Tickets for these 3 fine exhibitions ot the Casine Resteurant, RA 3.9721 « $1.25 $1.00 7S¢ wil ONO¥ 285 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA RA.3- NIGHT ~ ~~ RVICE RA.3-7944 18-6836