The Oshawa Times, 11 Sep 1959, p. 18

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--_ in ov alias ccna 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 11, 1959 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale HOUSE and furnishings must be sold immediately. Owner leaving for USA by Oct. 1. Phone RA 5-3673 King East, 210c SOLID brick rancn style home, large lot, landscaped, six rooms, bath: Laces RESTAURANT and confectionery on very best location in Oshawa, with liv- ing quarters, free parking, good turn- over. Asking $7700 for fixures and busi- ness, with $2700 down, Box 442 Osh- awa Times. 21 9 Freder. $11,900. NHA Resale, $2300 down, 363 10d) way Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 47 --Automobiles For Sale 47--Automobiles for Sale 48---Automobiles Wanted 50--Articles For Sale 1956 BSA motorcysle, Phone RA ss CASH for your car -- immediate cash, liens paid off. Seaway Motors, Whitby. *55 MONARCH two tone custom sedan, automatic, very low niileage, Lady must sell, leaving for U.S.A. Phone Ajax 622. 212a 55 PLYMOUTH, Swo-Soor DeLuxe two- tone. Phone RA 3-927 212¢ '53 MONARCH, fully '56 CADILLLAC sedan, all new tires, spotless, $2695. RA 5-7182. 211c USED German Sembination baby car- riage and stroller. Phone RA 5-0236. "54 CHEVROLET deluxe tudor, really sharp, red and white (utome with Te custom radio, regular in perfect condition. RA 3-9066 Anytime. 212a tching white walls, mal upholstery ONLY $795. Van Heusen Motors, King Street, W. Phone RA 8-1954, or 175 Oshawa Blvd. North, '55 900 Me a 12¢{dition. Phone Adox 431, con ONE Paceship, 25 Johnson motor and Teenee trailer, $450. Fully Phone RA 5-9549. NY Spanish guitar, almost new | $25, regular $40, Covey 22 repeater, $15, LAWN equipped. | be 212a 1956 FORD Fairlane sedan V8, -- original light blue finish, white walls, radio, dual exhausts, etc. $1495. Sea- 58 CADILLAC sedan, Jly powered, excellent condition, $995. Terms or trade. RA 5-4513 or RA 57456. 207% MO 83331. Your local Ford dealer. 210¢ od on quiet residential street. Avenue. Phone 5147 sparkling clean, central going concern, only $3000 sown, Hurry for this one. W. McAuley Prince Street. RA 3-2512 MO 8-3231 scaped; near south plant, Phone =a Two | 2873, 733 Gaspe Avenue, B0-ACRE farm, large barn, six-room house, water in both, hydro, good land with pond near buildings, Newtonville area. Asking only $11,500 with $3500 USES and farms wanted for clients. cash or your equity For quick sale W. McA altor, Prince Street, Oshawa, RA 3-2512: Whitby MO 83231 AJAX -- 79 Hurley Road, two years alow 11,500, Jou 4 down pay- ment. Owner RU: Toronto. 21 $1100 NHA re-sale private six room house with aluminum windows, TV landscaped. Principal and in- terest $63 monthly; down, Mov- ing to USA. RA 52873 or 733 Gaspe Avenue. NEW NHA five - room bungalow, Sim- coe South. Twenty-foot living room has stone fireplace.' Four - piece colored bathroom, $72 monthly, $2000 down. RA FORCED sale -- $395 down payment, full price $4495 carries for only $60 r month. For full particulars call flova Corson RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty, 101 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. List with Lloyd then call your mover. 211f EIGHT - room bungalow, private beach} $8500 full price, four bedrooms, chen, large 23 by 11' 6" livingroom | with natural fireplace, two dining | rooms, three-piece bathroom, large, ou. ble garage. Ideal for swimming and small or big crafts. After 6 RA 5-6873. 85 Muskoka Avenue. THREE - bedroom brick bungalow, with aluminum storms and screens,; tiled bathroom, hardwood floors, finish- ed recreation room, lawns and drive- way laid, all Services, 45 x 180 ft. lot, $1500 down. L. Guy. Phone RA 83-6646 or RA 5- 40 'after 5 p.m. 207 SOMERVILLE Avenue, five room brick bugalow® hot water heating. Asking $12,500. Terms, Gerald Barrow, broker. RA 5-3852. 212¢ APPLE orchard near Oshawa, 24 acres, Spies, Macs, Delicious, about 900 trees, 15 years up. Price includes down. W. McAuley, Realtor, RA 3-2512, | Whitby, MO 8-3231. 208f |$2000 DOWN. Ritson and Eulalie dis |eriet, solid brick, six rooms, modern kitchen, good renting area. Call RA 81773, SIX room, two storey brick Boi large rooms, two kitehons a arage, beside school. $1,500 down. 268 Clark Street. SIX room brick res Bie lot, apple and cherry trees; low down payme Private, no agents, 253 Verdun Road, RA 5-5877. '57 PONTIAC sedan delivery, auto-|; matic, very good condition, Will trade '53 model, or Jater, as down Payment. Phone RA 5-71 211¢c * 58 MORRIS coach, owned by TCA WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. Bo 178, motors and Jralers, New and Easy terms Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa, price. Hilltop Motors, RA 8-6891. ALERS for sale, 50 cents a dozen. 212a ay 2 Oshawa and Whitby, RA 8-6891. JACKET heater, 22 ga. galvanized tank, also electric janitor, Honeywell thermostat control for coal furnace. 65 Third avenue. 211c EASY chair with matching oftoman,| electric guitar with amplifier, movie 57 BUICK fordor hardtop, blue and white, spotless interior and finish, sutomatic transmission, eighteen miles $1795. ming 55 GMC 3% ton a cab and chassis, ready for the road, $995. Seaway tre Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, MO 8-3331, your local Ford dealer. 210¢ '54 FORD custom _Fordor, est Motors, Opposite Shopping Cen SIX Veraton blinds, various widths, in perfect condition. RA 5-7742. 21 TWO beds without mattresses, wood and one metal, Cheap for Suiok "|sale. Phone RA 5-7868. 212¢ ry BUICK Century sedan, radio, two- tone, A-1 condition, $750, can finance. RA 54513 or RA 5-745. 207% green finish, automatic, etc. $795. Sea. way Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. MO 83331. Your local Ford dealer. 21 1957 PONTIAC convertible, black top, turquoise body with white, radio, auto. matie, white walls, excellent condition. Apply 480 Eulalie 'Avenue. 209¢ "58 OLDS. super 88 hardtop, perfect "57 DODGE Crusader V-8 fordor tu- tone blue, deep tred tires, immaculate condition throug! hout. Only $1595 Van till ten. 0c| Heusen Motors, open Phone RA 5-7: 21lc ELECTRIC Ls electric Save, wash- ing machine and dryer (10 months) refrigerator, electric mower 6 times, kitchen suite. RA 5-0859, 211f 12' GERMAN made sloop sailboat, ONE 222 Savages high powered rifle. "55 CHEV, deluxe two-door clean inside and out. Low down payment. Hilltop RA 8-6891 48--Automobles Wanted stainless steel and brass rigging main and jib dacron sq. ft., fast sailer, may be listed as motor boat. Like New, $400. Phone MO 8-4598 Whitby |U: after 5 o'clock. 211c geiger counter, deer rifle. RA 86128. i one | BIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sgl} al and exchange, Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone A B13, USED refrigerators, chines, electric ranges, televisions, radios, all reconditioned -- best offer. guaranteed pais to all makes of television, radio, and all electrical ap- Barons' Radio and Electric, ) South, Phone RA washing pliances. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. F. Gocdrich Stores, RA 5-4543, , like new, Se Seven bang sSddie ig active, very condition, power brakes, custom radio. Contact Brooklin. 611-31. 207% 56 six and "55 Ford 14 ACRES land for sale, good South Oshawa, close GMC. Phone RA 5-1577, 6 p.m. a NEW, six - room bungalow oa Jarge rner lot, paved streets, close schools, Ay Pollard Subdivision, | Courtice, RA 8-5579, LOTS, 105° x 160°, at Courtice. Paved streets. Approved for mortgages, close to schools. RA 8-5579. REAL modern white clapboard, four room, four-piece tile. bath, large kit- chen, ample cupboards, heavy wiring, large living roam, two good size bed- oe Horde all floors hardwood and tile, full basement; hot water oil heat, laundry tubs, large lot nicely land- scaped, paved lot, school across road. Price $10,700, terms arranged. Write Box a, Oshawa Times. 209¢ JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS - INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 equipment, 7-room brick bungalow, modern conveniences; landscaped lot, running creek. Apples harvested Sep-| tember 30, see now to fully appreciate Phone Brooklin 635 R 14 for informa-| tion. 212¢ | 15 ACRES level garden land near| Hampton, $4500 with easy terms. Call Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd Real- tors, MA 3-3393 Bowmanville. 212b #8 ACRE farm, corner of two paved zoads, 15 miles from Oshawa; good] building. Would consider trade against| Oshawa home. Full price $25,000. Call Waiter Frank, McQuay and Kidd Real- tors, MA 33393 Bowmanville, _ 212b| NEW five-room brick bungalow, $9500 full price. For more information sail RA 8-1546. 212 LOVELY three-bedroom bungalow = large lot, newly decorated, with all conveniences, 8 miles from Oshawa in| Prince Albert. Phone YU 5-7862. 211¢| LOT, 50 ft. by 135 ft, | - west end, water, | sewer; near schools and churches. boi 3-9768 or RA 8-8429 f| 3600 DOWN buys exaeaionaliy well- | planned split-level bungalow and beau- CLOSE TO SCHOOLS In the north part of Town, just East of Simcoe, &-room home with 2-car garage, gleaming hardwood and tile floors, top location and all for only $12,700. This must be seen, call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544. MAKE AN OFFER Only asking $10,900 for this 6-room home with massive 3-car garage, all large rooms, vendor will take low down payment. This house must be sold at once. Call now for Bill Swarbrick and make on offer, at RA 5-6544. $1,500 DOWN $1,500 Large family home, lots of |RA 5-0879 V-8, 51 Monarch, '55 LAK want cars for OR Hi righest prices paid, b|RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182, FREE at Edgar's sale 34 King Street West. Buy one roll receive one roll free. Clearance of 1959 patterns. Regular and pre-pa: pat- and chassis, '50 Ford 2-tom, '51 Fora half-ton, "54 Ford one-ton, Eight -25 truck tires, fifth wheel for tractors, |also Allis Chalmer garden tractor Bowmanville MA 3-5756. '58 PONTIAC DeLuxe, good ndition. $595. RA 5-5101. 211c '56 PONTIAC four door deluxe two- tone, sacrifice $995. Phone RA 5-1413 or 106 Rosehill Blvd, 211b 51 VAUXHALL $185, very clean and in fine running order, has radio. Phone MO 8-2285 evenings. 211b 1930 CHEV,, $125, Phone RA 8-6318. 211b '52 AUTOMATIC hardtop Oldsmobile 88 | good condition. Phone after 6 p.m. RA 5-7547. 210f '53 HILLMAN hard-top, good running, economical car, Private. RA S030, 'or RA 5-5697 evenings. 210f RANCH wagon, '57 Ford V8, beautiful grey finish with red trim, CASH { FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN ' MOTORS 149 KING ST, W. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD- SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 radio, etc. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, MO 8-3331, your local Ford dealer, 210¢ 1957 FORD Fairlane 500 V8 sedan, sharp two-tone, blue and white, radio, | automatic, power steering, white walls, {back-up lights and many other extras. New car condition. $1995. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. MO 8-3331. Your local Ford dealer. 210¢ "58 PONTIAC Strato-chief, four door, excellent condition, $2000. Private sale, Phone RA 5-8747. 210¢ 1956 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, beau- tiful coral and gray finish with match. |ing interior, radio, whitewalls, ete. Guaranteed, $1495. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, MO 8-3331, Your local Ford dealer. 210¢ 1953 STUDEBAKER sedan, immaculate light grey finish, excellent mechanical- ly, 30 miles to gallon, ideal second car, $575. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. MO 8-3331, Your local Ford dealer. 210c '56 CHEV. two-door, V8, new white. wall tires, radio, excellent condition. 211b 1958 FORD tudor V8, sharp two tone gold and white, $1995. Radio, white walls, ete. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331, Your local Ford dealer. 210c 1958 FORD convertible, beautiful black and white, many extras, $2495. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, MO 8-3331. Your local Ford dealer. 210¢ 1953 PONTIAC deluxe coach, spotless, two tone tan and green, $695. Seaway HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] Cl EAN CARS WANTED For out of town dealer TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING W- RA 5-0732 MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens, Sell on consign- ment, Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in 5-5743 terns 211f TWO cribs, i condition, §1 x n" fn Phone RA 8-0310. LARGE selection of TIT TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North. ORDERS taken for and Please order early. RA 3-4989. AIR compressors "Brunner," $ HP, Mod. H31, also 1 HP, Mod. H3, sacri fice for balf price. Threading machine, electric, range from % to 2-inch, for all threads, with complete set of dies, $175. Degreasing tank, large, with au- tomatic heaters, $125. Portable air compressors, piston type. two cylin. ders, gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, $60. Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP, new. Apply = Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, RA 5-9216. BOAT, motor, etc., complete outfit in- cluding skis, trailer, tarpaulin etc., 30 hp Johnson, auxilliary tank, many ex- tras. $1000 or closest offer. May be seen 451 Miller Avenue or phone RA 5-2609. TENTS, camp cots, camp stoves, sleep- ing bags, tarpaulins, dunnage bags, storm sashes, pe _-- err, $2.95 gallon, all colors. Guaranteed, flat gloss. Osh- awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street, RA 3-7624. i bp with two "starting models. %|Come in and chonse and (Pedy Cy Preece Gatager Gliddon at Verdun Road. WE pay highest prices in the city for Doubles Club | Holds Picnic At Kedron KEDRON -- Rev. R. H. Love conducted the service at Kedron United Church Sunday. A mixed quartette composed of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mountjoy, Ron and cial music. Albert Wood acted as Sunday School superiniendent, Eleanor ceived the offering. DOUBLES CLUB PICNIC Jeanine Werry provided the spe- in Mountjoy was pianist and John-|When, ma- ny Ogle and Harley Davis re-|him with a chair as he sought to Officers Injured In Teen Scuffle DETROIT (AP) -- Four police- men were injured Thursday night in a scuffle with several teen-age boys after an officer was struck with a chair when he sought to break up a reported gang gather- Five youths, all Negroes, were arrested and charged with felon- ious assault. Two were examined at a hospital and returned to po- lice custody.. None were reported Patrol Walter Suchara, 38, suffered back and rib bruises he said, a 16-year-old hit question him. Three other officers were treated for bruises and sprains and released. In Session By RONALD FARQUHAR PEKING (Reuters)--The stand- ing committee of Red China's parliament, the National People's Congress, assembled here today to discuss the frontier dispute with India, surrounded by a wall of official silence. Foreign ministry officials Vii reporters that zll they knew about the session was a brief announce- ment issued late Thursday night that the meeting would take place today. A weiner and corn roast was held at Camp Pretoria Saturday by the Doubles Club. In addition ic convenors Mr, and Mrs. Ray Scott, Mrs. D. Bar- nett led in worship, Bill Werry in campfire singing »nd Mrs. F. Hncock ir games. WA MEETING Mrs. Douglas Love was hostess for the September meeting of Kedron Woman's Association Wednesday evening. Mrs, Starr, Mrs. W. L. Kfountioy and Mrs. used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ar i srs Used Funk H. A, Werry were the program research executive, says that Ca- committee, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. CHROME kitchen suite, table and four chairs, in god condition, RA 5-4691, 206f MUSKRAT fur coat, in excellent condi- tion, also men's and [dies clothing; five pair mew curtains, also several pairs of ladies shoes, RA 5-3673. 210c COAL and wood stove and Fangelss. RA 3- 3868. 212a JET actio sallow well pressnre sys- tnem, one unit construction for home or cottage. No belts, no pulleys, excellent condition. RA 5-6757. 212a WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Eardware, 8 Church, RA 3-7624. Mrs. W. Woodward presided for the business session and Mrs. C. Hopkins called the roll and read the minuics. Mrs, H. Pas- coe read the correspondence. Worship was led by Mrs. H. A. Werry assisted by Mrs. H. C. Bo- haker ana Mrs. J. Glover. Mrs. Starr was hy The Missionary Study Book was introduced by the speaker, Mrs. Robert Werry. Following au interlude of music, Mrs. R. WErry concluded the program with letters from field ies, Mr. and Mrs. Allo- rentals. Oshawa Hi 8 Church Street, RA 3-7624. VACUUM cleaner repeairs, all makes parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates gree. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice, RA 8-1081 anytime, 1450 UNUSED bricks, white stock, Jus. assorted. Phone Brooklin 2. PRIVATE -- 11 cubic foot ST electric stove, 5-piece bedroom suite, vacuum cleaner, 21" TV set. Phone RA 8-8742. 21 AWNINGS, plain, colors, or gay stripes, prompt service. Free esti. mates. Order now for early Jelivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 4] Simcoe North. LARGE size grey arborite chrome table, 102 Buckingham Avenue. 212b 3|SEVEN-piece blond oak dining room suite, in very good condition. Phone RA 8-8184. 12a 131; - FT. plywood boat and tal trailer, one month old, 5-4513 or RA 85-7456. Ee 0" $275. ia PIANO -- concert pitch; also Reed ¢ organ, good working order, RA 5-7001. 212¢ NEW and used power Ss, 3 hp garden tractor, all and rototiller. Excellent condition. Fergu- son's Service Station, RR 1, Hampton. Phone CO 3-2791. 20 TRAILER, lent fully D -- dining room suite, bedroom suite, large refrigera- tor, range, kitchen table, 415 Masson Street. dressing 7¢ table, and many other articles. Apply Way, formerly of Oshawa. Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. H. Cross- man and Mrs. R. Lee assisted the hostess in serving refresh- 2¢ | ments. PERSONALS Rev. Donald Neish of Antigon- guest oi his aunt, Mrs. H. C. Bohaker. Mr. and Mrs. and Wendy camping near Sault Ste, Marie. Mr. and Mis. and Mrs. wired for lights, Bargain, $200. Double bed, mahogany sideboard, drawers etc. MO 8-2842, 207¢ chest of COMBINATION coal, Phone RA 3-9087 wood and elec- tric stove. Very good condition, $50. 212¢ Mr. and Mrs. cottage on Lake Simcoe. 5 HP Buccaneer motor, has never been used, sacrifice. RA 8-6891, COFFEE table, Duncan Phyfe, wainut Phone RA 5-6862. USED tires, most all sizes, B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543, ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings. Average window $19.95 complete. Call $3 up. finish, with glass top. Good Yondition, COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS 134 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PRE FALL SPECIAL: ish, Nova Scotia, was a recent Ben Hitchens enjoyed holidays J. Dyck and family were recent guests of Mr. Larry May, Belleville. Mark Hancock and fanily spent a few days at a Bush Fire Research Criticized WASKESIU, Sask. (CP)--Low- ell Besely of Montreal, a forestry radian forest fire research appar- nly is lagging far behind the needs of forest fire organizations. Mr, Besely, chairman of the one-man research department of the Pulp and Paper Research In- stitute of Canada, said a poll of about 15 fire control agencies re- vealed that "no one knows enough about forest fire research." The poll, in questionnaire form, indicated government budget re- strictions are largely responsible for the lag. Some of the agencies questioned advocated increased participation by the federal fi service. Mr. Besely tola delegates to the third national forest fire research conference, Mr. Besely suggested a com- its ignition and burning potential. BLAMES LIGHTNING plete study of forest material and Lightning was singled out as Observers said there were signs that the committee began is Be liberations this morning in "Palace Steeped in Comp: (Huai Jenn Tang) inside 4 high vermillion walls of the former im- perial city which now houses the government quarter. Scores of cars drove through the gate in the western wall of the imperial city, guarded by armed sentries, up to the red- pillared palace with a green-tiled roof which is the usual meeting place of the People's PERMANENT BODY The committee is a permanent body elected by congress to act on its behalf when congress is not in session. Its functions and powers include interpreting laws, adopting decrees, supervising the work of the government and rati- fying or gbrogating treaties with foreign states. The committee has 62 mem- bers, but the fact it is meeting in an enlarged session could mean that important government and party leaders who are not members also were present. Observers thought it likely that the standing committee would meet under its usual chairman, veteran Communist Marshal Chu Teh, and probably hear a report on the frontier dispute from Pre- mier Chou En lai. Observers said it was unusual to a st tee meeting in advance, as first fires in the nation in 1957. The map lightning paths, Iceland Angry After Action means." Another fhe Host Sctious single cause of orest fires anada. It caused|arily com hen it is . 14.4 per cent of the 6,080 forest RrIY nes A ove institute recommended a research program to locate and to make clearer thundercloud and light- ning movements and to develop equipment and methods to fore- cast and locate lightning activity. The next step would be to "de- velop equipment and methods to reduce lightning activity through cloud modifications and other study recommended the use of better statistics as a news of such a session custom. Preston Fim Goes To General Foods TORONTO (CP) General Foods Ltd. today announced ac- quisition of Hostess Food Prod- ucts Ltd. of Preston, effective Oct. 1. E. W. Vanstone, president of Hostess Food Products will act as a ltant to the which will be operated as a sub- sidiary of General Foods. Hostess employs 126 on a year- method of stimulating forest fire research. Direct telecasting from forest fires was thought to be a good way of making the public more HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM DOORS ONLY $39.50 INCLUDING FREE GRILLE (installation $5 extra) RA 5-7405. 4 PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66. This includes full size crib, spring, mattress and bumper pads. Unbe- lievable value! Barons' Home Fur ully treed lot, oil heat, aluminum| doors and screens, and other extras. | $11,650 cash price carries for $75 in-| eluding taxes. Owner transferred. This| is an outstanding NHA re-sale. Call me W. P. Mittler, Real Es-| Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, MO 8-3331. Your local Ford dealer. 210c 51 FORD tudor, A-1 shape, Phone 1 5-6102 after 6. 1952 M TRY 3-ton van, Phone 4] room to move around on this double lot. Here is a huge two-car garage. Brick bun< galow with four bedrooms, 0f U.S. Guard NEW YORK (CP) -- The New York Times says an American round basis with an additional 120 at peak periods. General Foods said the potato chip products will continue to be manufactured im HILLTOP now collect. tate Broker, Brooklin 291. 212a | PRIVATE sale -- $11,900, two storey brick, North-west section, $2000 down. One mortgage. RA 5-7263. 2108 71 ACRES within the City of Oshawa; 45 acres under cultivation; 12 acres of | raspberries, barn fully equipped for 4000 chickens; six-room house with in-| side plumbing, new forced-air furnace, | fall 60 x gr . Will} vent with or without machinery. For| farther information phone Toronto LEnnox 12-3210 after 6 p.m. BUSINESS Location. Centre of village. 1V2-storey brick, 7 rooms, suitable for dentist. Owners have reduced price to $15,000.00 with terms. Will consider offer. Early posses- sion. 70 Acres. Fisherman's Club. A sportsman's opportunity. One half mile fast running trout stream. Natural location for ponds. 9 miles to Oshawa. Taxes low, early possession. Lylia M. McBrien REAL ESTATE BROOKLIN Telephone Brooklin 60 and a fireplace. All in a price range you are looking for. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544. $9,500 FULL PRICE If you've got about $4,000 your going to land yourself a house worth the money, Here we have a large 2- storey brick house with four bedrooms, close to the shop- ping centre, if you want that extra bedroom and more liv- ing room downstairs, contact Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, NEW--N.H.A. $11,500 At Oshawa Shopping Centre, 6 rooms, brick, large, 3 bed- rooms, $1,665 down ond carries for $62.80 per month with one N.H.A. mortgage. Many extras, to inspect phong Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544, or RA 3-339 Open Evenings Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 212a $700 DOWN LAST CHANCE --~ONLY TWO LEFT Six room three bedroom brick located, close to schools, kitchens, colored baths, slide ma features for easy living. and stone bungalow, centrally buses ond shopping. Ultra modem ster windows. Lots of other fine DON'T DELAY -- CALL TODAY RA 8- 8921 212b A: J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8-3337 OSHAWA 5-8461 OPEN HOUSE FURNISHED MODEL HOME n for inspect'on this wezken Ope left, "CRESTON PARK", d. Only a few fo these homes located on the North side of No, 2 Hwy: on the East Limits of Whitby. Lovely cosy 6-room bungalow ceramic tiled bath, divided bosement, $2,877. For particulars on these, call Bill Schatzmann, even- only $15,200 dcwn payment. balance. ings, MO 8-3253. with attached garage, colored fully decorated, price One mortgage for the INVESTMENTS 11-plex, all two-bedroom, breadloom throughout, electrical location. For particulars call 5-8425. Hollywood kitchens, ample parking, y equipped. Incinerator. Ideal A. J. SCHATZ, evenings, RA HILLCREST -- WHITBY $17,400 -- 6-room Large combination living-dinino dows, colored tile bath. Exceptional One mortgage. $85.00 monthly toxes, Call for appointment to i ings, RA 5-7420. Co-op 7 No ultra-mooern bungalow with Completely modern kitcher. carport, room with huge picture win- 3 spacious bedrooms, 4-pc. value with many costly extras. includes principal, interest and nspect -- Helen Simpson, even- 278 A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PH OTO CO-OP 3-2062; after 7 p.m. RA 5-9197. 211b 1956 CHEVROLET deluxe four door sedan, power glide, radio, two tone, Al Apply 163 Hoe SPECIAL, 52 Pontiac, mew muffler, battery, etc. Best offer over $275. Apply 77 Gibb Street, RA 5-6442. 210c '56 CHEV. Bel-Air fourdor, V-8 engine with power glide transmission, power brakes, radio, Best offer, Hilltop Mo- tors. RA 8-6891. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For Jetéonal service at your home call RA BESTWAY MOTORS DUNDAS & CENTRE STS, WHITBY MO 8-4792 BRAND - NEW METEOR MONTCALM V/8, automa- tic, whitewall tires, wheel disc, backup lights, padded dash, clock, . Must go for cost price. BRAND-NEW 859 METEOR NIAGARA, V/8, whitewall tires. Make an offer. '55 OLDSMOBILE, Holiday, 4-door, hardtop, automatic, power brakes, radio, heater, © whitewall 'tires, showroom nue, MOTORS URGENTLY. REQUIRES 150 GOOD CLEAN CARS FROM 1955 MODELS UP For out-of-town dealers. Top cash prices for your car. See Don Armstrong today at-- HILLTOP MOTORS between Oshawa and Whitby on No. 2 Highway ishings, 424 Simcoe St. 8. SAVAGE automatic shot gun, model 745, select choke on barrel, $65. Phone Orono 36 R 3 210¢ MODERN variety store, restaurant and kitchen equipment and stock room shelving, serving an area of 17,000 sq. ft. Priced to clear. Formerly the prop- erty of 8. 5. Kresge Co, Ltd. Phone or apply on. premises at 3010 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Phone BE 17731. Ask for Mr. Tully. 207 BARCAINS of a life time! ! Serta spring-filled mattresses, regular $49.95 --three only, $22.50. Apartment size chrome suites, Arborite table and matching chairs, regular $59.93 seven sets only $20.95. Car bed baby carriages, $28.50. Continental - beds, single size, complete $27.50. GE floor polishers, regular $49.95--slashed to $36.95, Fabulous savings during the liquidation sale. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, {completely reconditioned. 90-day free warranty, from 9.50, Irvine Appl ances, 50 Bond East. 49--Automobile Repairs BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. condition. Call Us For Your New METEOR, MERCURY 212b Sup reme SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance and Safety Endurance, Reliability --NOW ON DISPLAY-- {WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. | NONQUON ROAD--RA 3-4431 | 50--Articles For Sale B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget plan. RA 5-4543, SHOP and save on fine foods every day at Glecoff Supermarket, Ritson Road South. Free bonus gifts, open daily to 10 p.m. We cash pay and pen. sion cheques, CHILD'S crib, wuatural finish, full panels, adjustable position of spring, beautiful condition, $25, Steel chain link gate, $5. RA 5-3338. 210c LLOYD baby carriage and go-cart, good condition, $30. Apply 107 Me- Laughlin Blvd. 210 MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just Eust of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE SEE THE NEW Volvo, equipped with window washers, white wall tires, turn signals, undercoating, twin carburetors and "many more extras. WILBAK MOTORS 137_KING ST. W. RA 5-0732 FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER | PRODUCTS . . . TRY Van Heusen Motors 149 King West RA 5.3557 | WINCHESTER 30-30 rifle, in very god condition. Phone RA" 5-7685 BICYCLE -- In good running order, $15. Phone RA 5-8381. '58 MOFFAT range, 30-inch, as new. Phone RA 5-1956. 207¢ A RUG and cushion 6 x 9, hall runner 3 x 6. Phone MO 8-3141. 210f LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS | DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 COMBINATION storm Soor. Cheap, 95 quick sale. Phone RA 5-4927. 1960 T.V.'s ARE NOW IN STOCK SEE THEM SOON AT PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 FOR SALE---A quantity of late model typewriters, 3 and 4 years old. These have been replaced by new models and are in first class condition. Price each, $75, an excellent buy for students, Phone RA 5-3375. These may be seen ot the, Oshawa Business Coll- ege, between 8 and 5. NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. Ist, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1651 SINGER SA LE-A-THON BIG 5-DAY SALES MARATHON Save $20.00 on the beautiful Young budget portable. SALE-A-THON PRICE Save $50.00 on the streamlined Singer Automatic, brand-new electric portables Also SALE-A-THON specials on Also 101 FIRST COME--FIRST SOLD SINGER SEW 16 ONTARIO STREET other big volues, $99.50 30% off $48.88 Singer vacumm cleaners REDUCED TO some one-of-a-kind: ING CENTER 7 Windows and 1 Door $1.95 per week CALL RA 8-8571 NO OBLIGATION guard's action at Keflavik airport in forcing two Iceland officials at gunpoint to lie in puddles of water has caused a sharp rise in anti- American feeling in Iceland. The paper reports that the in- YOU'VE TRIED THE REST now TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12' CARTOPS to 21' CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOAD SALES AND SERVICE EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE CALL 1266 AJAX GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 51--Swap and Barter BOAT, motor, and trailer, pressure systems, sump - pump, three - piece bath sets (colored), water tener and filter, piping and plumbing supplies (all kinds). Three piece chesterfield suite H, Chinn, Hillside and Park Road South. 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the estate of SIDNEY ALBERT GODDARD, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Retired, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of Aug- ust, 1959, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the under- signed Personal Representa- tive of the said deceased on or before the 2nd day of October, 1959, full particu~ lars of their claims, Immed- iately after the said date the Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 1st day of September, 1959. BESS THOMPSON, Executrix, By her solicitors, Messrs. McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario TENDERS WANTED McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY For fuel oil during the coming year. Approximately 20,000 galls, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Oshawa Public Library Board 2)2¢ NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX ONT. cident last Saturday right 'has already caused more friction than anything else since Ameri- can forces arrived here in the spring of 1951." Foreign Minister Gudmundur Gudmundsson is reported to have called a meeting of his advisers on the Keflavik NATO base and has discussed the case with the Keflavik chief of police, The air- port is a joint civilian interna- tional airport used by transatlan- tic passenger planes and also has a United States-staffed NATO[ base. The Times says the incident oc- curred when the Icelandic offici- als, one of whom was in the uni- form of the Icelandic airport serv- ice, were stopped by an Ameri- can guard as they escorted two German pilots to a hangar where their aircraft was under repair. The guard claimed the area was restricted and the officials con- tended that there was no indica- tion it was a closed area. During the dispute the armed guard made the officials lie down on the tarmac, which was pud- fire conscious. Preston by the same employees. tHE AMAZING NEW CELLULOSE FILLER SIMPLY WOR'T FALL oUT! dled with water. British Build Machine Cow LONDON (AP)--British scien- tists have unveiled a *"mechani- cal cow' which operates on a grass diet and is claimed to be 10 times as efficient as the farm- yard beast at producing protein for human consumption. The £30,000 ($34,000) plant was shown Thursday to newspaper men in a South London factory. Scientists have been working for seven years to perfect the pro- cess--aimed at breaking down vegetable matter into components of fibre, carbohydrates, oil and protein, The makers beiieve, that used % 7 ll 7 iif J Fill that woodwork Plug cutouts in doors ete, POLYFILLA will not shake loose, ever on vibrate surfaces. in underdeveloped parts of the world, the plant will help over- come widespread protein defici- encies--a major cause of chronic malnutrition, The heart of the mechanical cow is a three-feet long, electric- ally-driven rotating shaft which sets off shock waves through an encasing shield of water by the use of beaters. Vegetables are fed into the water and decomposed by the shock waves. The protein goes into a solution and it comes out as a water paste. The water is then extracted and a powder Te- mains, Seme experts consider the veg- etable protein yielded by his method is up to 10 times as rich as milk protein from a cow or meat protein from a steer. GERMAN PRODUCT EDMONTON (CP)--A 60 - ton condenser for a new steam tur- bine will be moved into Edmon- ton on five railway flatcars, Built in West Germany, the machine will boost the Fdmonton power plant output to 255,000 kilowatts from 180,000. POLYFILLA when doy. Fix that window pame POLYFILLA makes an excele lent Swedish putty for glazing in wood or metal frames. There Is nothing as good as Your first need in home decorating 1 pound pack 39¢ Economy 4 pound pack $1.20 Polycell Decorating Products Lid. 550 Church Street, Toronto, RO. 3-119 Ask for POLYFILLA at your Paint or Hardware Stossd

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