| + Rain a \ EE A ere Cena e dmt § aced Distance Runners ; WINNIPEG (CP)--Joe Keeper is beginning to have a little trou- ble with his teeth, aad his legs are stiffening a bit, but he still likes to recall the races he ran against the best of the world's = distance runners. During a brief stay at Deer a : Lodge Military Hospital in ad- Joining St. James, the 73-year- old Cree Indian talked about his past efforts and achievements. Keeper represented Canada in the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, ran for the Canadian Army in France during and after the First World War and made a name for himself in Manitoba racing. FINN THE GREATEST He says the greatest distance runner he ever encountered was H. Kolehmainen, a Finn who won the 10,000-metre race at the 1912 Olympics. "It was a great race," recalled Keeper. "I finished fourth, only 80 yards behind him." "About a third of a mile from the finish four of us were all bunched together and then Koleh- © mainen started to go. An Amer- ican Indian came second, another * Finlander third, and 1 came © fourth." . 3 Keeper won his heat in the 5,- © 000 metres at Stockholm but was unplaced in the final. He joined the Engineers when war broke days in France met other top- notch runners. He defeated Can- ada's famed Tom Longboat, who represented Canada in the 1908) Olympics in London, in both one- mile and three-mile races. BIG TRIUMPHS Other victories were over Teddy Wood of England and Jack Kidd, the Camadian mile cham- pion in 1910 and 1911 The highlight of his army run- ning came in 1919 during an inter-Allies meet in Paris. "I ran in the 10 - mile race through the streets of Paris against the crack distance run- ters ef the Allied army," he said, "put an American just beat me out, and no more." He was just as active on the Manitoba racing scene. Every Thanksgiving Day the YMCA staged a five - mile road race from Deer Lodge to its Winnipeg headquarters and Keeper won this fr om 1910 to 1913. BRANDON EVENT | Among the top-flight Manitoba runners conquered by Keeper was Tom Towne of Brandon. "The Brandon Sun staged a 10- mile race through the Brandon streets," Keeper said, "but I won out and during sports mat A Sab World's Top Indians Crying For Old Hurlers By ED WILKS that backed a four - hitter by Associated Press Staff Writer (Camilo Pascual (15-10). Harmon Early Wynn has a 19-9 record|Killebrew, tying Cleveland's this season for Chicago White|kocky Colavito for the league Sox. Bud Daev is 15-12 for Kan-|lead with his 40th, Jim Lemon and sas City. Hoyt Wilhelm is 14-11|Lennie Green tagged the homers, for Baltimore. All three have|ali two-run shots. winning records over Cleveland.| Dick Donovan (9-8) was the So what? So it's a bit ironic|loser, his third straight loss to that the Indians, who once owned the Nats, who dropped the season all three, now are so hard up for series to the Sox 6-16. pitching while trying to stay| Wilhelm missed a shutout over alive in that American Leaguejthe Indians in the eighth inning pennant race that they're goingon a walk, two passed balls and to give infielder Granny Hamner|an infield out. Russ Nixon singled another crack at it. for two of Cleveland's hits and |ior Canadian lacrosse champion-|pan Am Games in 1943 and we're | Su i SE Eee gil, LAT a i a Se A Pwr how We FEU he XE aaa bch THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 11, 1959 13 Canadian Gymnasts Playotf Dates | Intend To Continue For Canadian | mor cn sme Lacrosse Title {be also rans in the Pan-Ameri- can Games, has formed the still fundlecs Canadian G #1) TORONTO (CP)--Playoff dates! sociation: and sites for the senior and jun-| «we are going back to the running a clinic at the Canadian|about 18 months ago and is now of | National Exhibition and' will put|developing a program to train on a display Saturday .night. h ionship - calibre gymnasts The CGA began to organize|in Canada. pre -- As- ships were announced Thursday in." 4 by C. W. Rowan, secretarv of Soiug iv win aa Sant. hy the Ontario Lacrosse Association.|part of the Amateur Athletic Peterborough Mercurys, East- Union of Canada. ern Canada senior ch i ently leave here by plane Saturday for The 1s sam the best-of-seven Mann Cup ser- jes with New Westm'ncter O'Keefes, Western Canada cham- pions who will be defending the trophy. The senior series opens in New| Ppt) [ Get Hamner tried once before. One Woody Held doubled for the of the whiz kids who brought the other. National Leagve pennant to Phila-| Brooks Robinson drove in four |delphia in 1950, he took a shot runs for the Birds, hammering a at pitching with the Phils in 1956/three-run homer in the eighth because of an -ailing shoulder|off reliever Herb Score. He that gave him trouble when he doubled home their first run as batted. {they scored three in the fourth The experiment didn't work. against loser Cal MeLish (17-8). West MORE POWER with a TOWER on RA.8-6781 ===} / 4 / i Sept. 15 with games continuing on Sent. 17, ", 21 »7 if necessary, Sept. 23. 25 and 26. New Westminster Salmonbel- lies, Western Canada junior, champions arrive in Toronto Sat-| urday to open a best - of - seven series against the Eastern Can-| ada champ Brampton Arm-| He pitched just nine innings in! four games over two seasons for 7 Johnson's Bat Potent an 0-1 record and a 4.00 earned run average. | STREAK STOPPED | Wilhelm, the knuckleballing! their winning streak at six with a| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS three-hitter as Baltimore beat the! Deron Johnson's bat may hold second-place Tribe 6-1, That left/the secret of why the supposedly Cleveland 4% games behind the docile Richmond Vees now |righthander Cleveland didn't) |want, hung the Indians up to dry| White Sox, whe were belted 8-2(a 2-0 edge on the pennant-win-| again Thursday night, clipping {magic number to 11. national League's best-of-seven | | New York regained third place semi-final playoff series. |with a 12-1 romp over Kansas) Johnson clubbed a homer] : City, the A's 13th straight loss, | I'hursday night in leading the holm in the 5000 and 10,000 | while Detroit dropped to fourth|Vees to « 4-1 viciory. He had one metres, finishing fourth in the |yith,a 7-3 defeat at Boston. the night before that gave Rich-| JARs IOR CHR SEOr SREOUTORS FORMER TRACK GREAT -- | Joe Keeper of Norway House | on Lake Winnipeg is still ac- tive and vigorous at 73. A Cree Indian, he represented Canada in the 1912 Olympics in Stock- against the Wheat City's favorite Company staff at Norway House, son." {near the northeast tip of Lake | Keeper is a non-smoker, a tee-| Winnipeg. totaller and an active member off Now living in retirement at the United Church of Canada. Norway House, Keeper says he For more than 30 years he was does a little hunting and fishing, the winner. He once beat Tom |in a row from Washington, were vored Bisons, 8-4. Longboat in both one-mile and |knocked over by three home runs| In other semi-final game, three-mile races. - --- ---- {Havana took a 2-0 lead over Co- . . |lumbus with a 5-1 triumph. B dd |" Richmond clustered seven hits Igos 1 ng off loser Art Mahaffey in six in- nings for all of its runs. Jim Bronstad was the winner. ers |" Mike Cuellar struck out 14 Co- or . ay {umbus batters and retired the a member of the Hudson's Bay.and polishes his racing trophies. TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Ar-|last 12 in onder Dan Norelone Wy -- |gonauts, desperately eyeing Na- homer and doubles i i ti Fi 3 Cardenas - | Fitzpatrick, Sr., Charles Fitzpat- tional Football League rosters for|Shearer and Leo Harness Racing I Herbert Colhoan ana G |aid, have asked Commissioner kayoed loser Al Jackson in the {Harv i s G. Sydney Halter of Winnipeg to six 3 - |Harvey Tingle. All horses under fa) ven to Ri od. to- {Fi ick' ...put two players from Green Bay| Bu falo movi chmo Suspends Trainer {Fite Ratrick 5 sontrol also are, sus Packers, and another from Los night for the first o three Games: NEW YORK (AP)--The trainer" py 0 1 iccionot said he has Angeles Rams on Argos' negotiat- Hank Mason js Bison Saget of the winger of a $50,000 Roose-|, "informed by the state labor- 0g list. ; ow x IRerby Yarrel 8 UNE tay in velt Raceway race last Friday i A spokesman for the Big Four, Havana winds up its stay i Ded atory the urine tests taken on A SPOKES ; . ith Walt Craddock night has been suspended pend-|c Jo "or ope Hi ietory in football club said Argo coach Columbus with Cra ing further investigation of a re-|o II Noo 1 Paving Hamp Pool has learned by tele-/due to oppose George Blackburn. je a Jationa acing phone that end Steve Mellingerj--mmm--"" port indicating the horse was] Re a ira EY doped. {Derby Friday Was positive, indi- and tackle Al Buckingham of] FOXX HAS CORONARY ¢ Green Bay and halfback - line " 5 lcating presence of 'large Robert A. Glasser, chairman a A : Soi of tlie newly. created New York| amounts of procaine, a drug in backer Jimmy Jones of Los SALESBURS, 1. (APM State Harness Racing Commis-|"¢ Rovocaine family used as a x;oeles will soon be placed on Jimmy xR nem. in hospital sion, announced Thursday the|Pain Killer. waivers by their NFL teams, . |ball's hall of ame. if ho pital banning of Charles Fitzpatrick | The Argos hope to pick them after suffering a m sed Jr., of Southern Pines, N. C., HOUSEHOLD BOON lup if no other NFL team wants|ure, attendants 2x3 ou ne 52 and Blue Ken Stable of Dagsboro| The first coffee percolator was them anc if they are not already| Thursday. Foxx, w y Testor: Del., owned by William F. Wil-/invented by a Frenchman, Jean/on some other Canadian team's|next month, manages gus Jr., the estate of Charles|Baptiste De Belloy, in 1800. Inegotiating list. lant here. Bowmanville--MA 3-2 Make Oshawa Wood Products Your- | HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS ® Downtown Showroom: 84 Simcoe St. S. -- RA 8-1617 ®* DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. © Planning to remodel, modernize or repair your home? Make this your one-stop headquarters for everything you'll need in the way of building supplies from lumber to paint . . « including a complete line of hand and power tools, to make easy work of any project you intend to do yourself in whole or part. WE'RE READY, TOO, WITH EXPERT ADVICE, IDEAS, SUGGES- TIONS AND ESTIMATES . . . ALL FREE! LIMITED ® Main Office and Showroom: Courtice -- RA 8-1611 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU 130 Ajax -- ZEnith 2-9600 by Washington but reduced their ning Buffalo Bisons in the Inter-|p ave won 22 straight games this | long race only 80 yards behind | The White Sox, who had won 11/mond ite first win over the fa- itp Bo Wo Toy 0 are Les Vien. strongs in the Brampton Arena Sent. 14, | Other games will be held on] Sept. 16, 19, 21 and, if required, | Sept. 23, 25 and 26. The Sept. 19] games will played in Dixie Memorial ens Arena he- cause of a fall fair at Brampton, where all other games will be| contested. f The Brampton club is gunning for its third straight Canadian junior championship and the Minto Cup. The Salmonbellies <"ANTENNA SALES # TY SERVICE BRING YOUR TV 70 us IND SAVE YOUR MONEY 171 BOND ST.EAST 50 FT. TOWER Let Us Give You A Displayed on our Drive-In Location Free Estimate and more of them! Good reasons fo choose o full-power Willard next fime you need a battery. Guaranteed up to 4 years... factory-filled or dry charged... sizes fo fit every car -- prices to fit every buyer... A Willard pecler's everywhere! x J season, There will be 23 players travel- ling on the visiting junior and se- nior squads. | Brampton Thursday announced W. R. CHAPMAN AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. 16 CHURCH ST. PHONE RA 3-2261 pel, Bob Davidson and Gerry| Ahearn from Long Branch and| {Wally Thorne of St. Catharines. | |Vienpel and Davidson were two three in the OLA junior scoring |race. Tjuet took it around the block.. and youte right | VAUXHALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE REPORT = ALL THESE FEATURES AT NO THE SAME ENTHUSIASTIC REACTION EXTRA cost! FROM ALL VAUXHALL DRIVERS! ra Heater and Defroster L ted Glass Wrap d Vauxhall's smart, snappy Victor is always a pleasant Windshield « Five Passenger Comfort » Four Door Convenience * Extra Spacious Trunk * Economy Carburetor « Effortless' Steering * Hydraulic Foot Brake » Stiering Column Gear Shift « Level Ride Suspension « Integral Body Construction « Oil Bath Air Cleaner. surprise to people who drive it for the first time. First thing they discover is Victor's comfort and roominess compared to other cars in its class. Then there's the ride « + « NO sway or dip. Biggest thing though is Victor's pep THE BRITISH CARS BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS... SERVICE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT! Vouk) CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED | 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. WHITBY, ONT. and pick-up and overall handling ease . . . parking is so easy, it's fun. But you're right, why just read about it... take a Vauxhall around the block yourself, today!