om EE ahaa = ab x aa. ou | Toronto Saturday was attended, Nora Venning, Lindsay, spent spent the weekend with Mr. and B the Barker Trophy at Maple THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 9, 195% 7 ys 1 F t d lby Mr. anc Mrs. Lewis Swain, the weekend at home. [Mrs. G. Staniland. Sailin Leaf Stadium last week RR. hid sisi BELL . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain, Mrs. ig " 2 inte] Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford Jr. The Township Softball playoffs| | : oup e e e pe . % Mr. acd srs Dalton Dorrell nd Roberta and Jean Ford, Tol ' |begin Tuesday at 7 p.m, in Pick-| The Anis family celebrated and Joyce Harris left Monday to Percy Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Herk|, 4 oils visited friends in Kirk- three oirthdavs Dick Anis' birth-|take up their duties as nurses-in- Swain, Mr i Mrs. Harold|d ; [ronto, spent the weekend with| ering Village. ! i : ig Mr. Pi Fly cd field Sunday Mrs. Robert Ford Sr ] | IRS 1 |day was Aug. 21. Their son John|training at the Ontario Hospital, At Blackstoc [Marlow Mrs. M. Carley, and - Mrs George Wolfe is attend: | Mr. and Mrs Norman Som- u esu S PERSONALS was 12 Aug. 31 and Mrs. Dick Whitby |Ralph Strong, the groomsman,|ing the Canadian Women's Press/mer, Sheila, Norman and Glen,| Mrs. Seerchall, her son and Anis will celebrate her birthday, Ann Woodyar: left Wednesday a th {from Blackstock Club Conference in Ottawa and|Toronto visited Mrs. J. Henry,| By MRS. EILEEN FERTILE his wife, visited Mr. and Mrs.[O0 Sept. 4. for St. Joseph's Hospital in Pe- By MRS. R. C. HILL I'he young couple were then) vee -Grahi : Montreal. {Melville and Doris Griffin, Sun-| CRM ANE y John Henderson Sunday. They, Mrs, W Fertile and Sandra terborongh where she : begins Jovce Graham has returned [ FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- The were former residents of the Bay. are spending a few days in Bui: training. presented witt a living-room) Mr, and Mrs. George Dunbar day | : 2 . ar, a Mrs g i {Frenchman Bay Yacht Club S hel Mr. and Mrs W. Dobson cele: |falo. Mr.' and Mrs, B. Moase have ro CTO, a wer a hair. blanket, elothes hamper. | {00 a dnp tavgy We Wed and Denise spent Monday with) Mr. and Mrs Harold Collins, open class sailing results for th I or ob NE aug Bre Don Ellis and miscellanecus gifts : Mr. ana Mrs. Milliard Fallis, [ROY Ferguson, {Bruce, Palma and Wanda visited [2040 Re ay BE po Holl brated their 20th anniversary] Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swan are moved into their new home on (Eleanor Schemilt) in the Com.| Lunch was served per ich adden spent Wednesday with Mr.| Mrs. Osmond Wright is spend-| Mr: and Mis. WD. Ferguson, Brian East. time. 54 min, 55 Saturday, Aug. 29 J | visiting their daughter in Buffalo. Main street north munity Hall Thursday. Charles(d dance wa: Age wh the land Mrs J. A Johnston and call-|ing two weeiss with, her daugh- Oshawa Sua. Kirby. 'calla sags 3. Job Berda - Rokt Per Mrs. Harry Alexander is still Mr. and Mrs. H. Lowes have Veming was MC for a program DE¥eT LIE : A ed on other relatives Thursday. [ters in Toronto {on Cell Hill pH Rg y= "dle, 58 min 10 sec.: 3. Jack Me-| Hospital I Tonle, wean ORONO Ec gv a Merely which included a vocal solo by #08 | sipaidh hg 's Walter Ferguson,] Mr. and Mss Roy Taylor and! ge ndav callers on »1|Inermy, 60 mins. 18 sec. {Fospilal. : : (vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W Leonard Saunders, accompanied |™"S¢ a a erguson: Mrs, J. Forder spent a day JastipSnday callers on Mew, 20 ny y ' Ne Poh Ausah has Undergone, | Wath, by Catherine Bailey, a reading|pprsoNALS f Mr. and Mrs Fred Dayes and|week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Anson|\wiceman and daughter. Dougal| PAYOFFS AT BABY ee = Toronlo General) By: MRS, J mn. by Laurence McLaughlin: pianol oy, . , ... of Mr and Mrs.|attended decoration service at|Taylor at Rice Lake and Sunday nepougald and Edna Vance, To-| The Frenctman's Bay Pee The marriage took place in ¥ Ng. 4. FORBESTER - | NEW EXHIBIT Tr rand ot mpanied by [Archie Dysart, Caesarea, suffer | Vestleion |with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor |rono, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert|Wees play the first game of Halifax of Gerry Allen, RCN, son|p ORONO -- Diane Gilburtl op yvpy 'ou (CP) -- The EI i pa Th ed considerable damage whe | Mr. and Mrs Claude Hillman, at Gull Lake. Vance, Port Perry. OASA Central Ontario playoffs' of Charles Allen, Bay road, to ik SStursed Some after SUT-| ar anby Zoo has acquired a trop- mouth organ: reading by Mrs, J lightnidg struck Wednesd? | gpronto. are spnding two weeks Mrs Wesley Bradburn is visit-|-- - pe against North York at the Bay Kk, ounise Wessman. of Liv- ' Ts Eo » . fecal Hlaek widow spider four \ McArthur Heather Mosme-| norning | ith Mr. and Mrs. John Ven- ing M: and Mrs. Lorne Brad- PRIVATE COINAGE diamond Saturdav, Sept. 12 erpool. N.S. Mrs. R.A Forrester is spend-'jjches ia diameter, It was found ot Toronto .on the piano accor-|. The wedding of David (you. | 'ng. burn, Toronto | Individual cities. and even This team won the Eastern On. wendy Gilduer had the ten- 8 a week at Leake Baptist, Ban- ymong bananas by a fruit im- dion. and Clifford Daves on thefest son of Mi. and Mrs. Lewi | Gary Venuing spent the week-| Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hammell, [great families, issued their own tario OASA trophy for the second dons of her foot cut on a broken | croft. : porting company at Trois - Riv- guitar. Swain) and Joyce Cornforth, in end in Walkerton. Ralph' and Dianne, Montreal, coins in ancient Europe. Iconsecutive year. They also won'bottle snd it is in a cast. | Joan Vagg, Marilyn Cobbledick'ieres, Que. ®, BOY 1111.1" pe kimerp) GIGANTIC ~-- SAVE 10¢ SEABROOK FARMS PEAS AND CARROTS FROZEN FANCY QUALITY 11 OL ¢ PKG. FOR (REG. PRICE 23¢ PKG.) A SAVE 16¢ SEABROOK FARMS. 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SEPT. 19/°59 ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1--ELBERTA FREESTONE 6 QUART : BASKET # BSKT. ig i g ' ON RED TOKAY--IMPORTED U.S. NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN--GRAND DUKE Fea iy : Lia GRAPES 6 ar. : Y : 3 iss, 2 1) LUMS BASKET 6 q / inberqs AL in ngs F - FORMERLY GRAND UNION & ¥ oH SUPERMARKETS NORT : NE PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 9 TO 12 Ey A] AX : DUNDAS WHITBY LOCATIONS OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. EE 3 ¢-