«8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 19, 1959 HANDICAPPED KIDS WILL DEMONSTRATE SKILL TOP PICTURE shows some of the beginners at the water therapy classes for handicapped children at the Sun Valley Pool, Pickering, Each child has an individual helper. Bottom pie- ture shows some of the more proficient children who are more at home in the water than they are ashore. Most of the "veterans" of the course which has been in operation now for Kids Will Show Skills Acquired In Swim Pool AJAX (Staff) -- Handicapped, The hot weather this year has children of Ajax and Pickering|been beneficial. The pool water area who have been taking part has been much warmer and the in the water therapy project and|children could remain in the pool swimming classes at Sun Valley|for longer periods, Consequently Park will wind up the season|greater progress has been made are invited to witness the clos- ing exercises on Saturday. They will also be invited to contribute toward the cost of the program, which is solely supported donations from the public, local soon. Saturday next they willlby most of the y 4 S, stage a demonstration of their] Mrs. Harry Cook, one of the acquired skill in the park pool. {pioneers in the project, said that This demonstration will mark most of the children are diving fhe closing of the fifth year forithis year, All are swimming to fhe classes, The first year only/some extent. Special attention is four children enrolled in the given to the child's disability so class held in the Wheeler swim- that limbs can receive a maxi- ming pool on Brock road, Pick- mum of exercise in the water. ering. | Some of the children are al- This year the enrolment top-/most helpless on land, but can ped 50 with an average attend- move quite freely in the water. ance of 40. As each child needs The program is conduced on a helper on land as well as in!similar lines to that carried on fhe water a roster of about 80 by "Gus" Ryder, noted swim- volunteers is required to care ming coach of Toronto. for them. | Parents and the general public e ils and service clubs. The work has grown and so has the cost. This year's budget exceeds $1000. Transporting the children is the largest cost. The children come from euch widely sep- arated places as Whitby, Ajax; Dunbarton, Claremont, Uxbridge, Rosebank, Rouge Hills and Frenchman's Bay. A helper must accompany each child from its home to the pool and back again, Donations may be sent to the treasurer, Mrs. David Donald- son, Valley Farm road, Picker- ing. N. S. Fishermen Hope For $1,000,000 Haul by (trate R. I. Moore in police eourt Indonesia entered its 15th year of independenc festivities and pledges by the new government to seek a revolution: ary answer to the nation's prob- lems a eign capitalists in Indonesia that their firms might be taken over if 35%. PARADES, FESTIVITIES government has begun to grapple with the republic's grave eco- nomic problems, the series of re- volts on the outer islands and the political turmoil that has given Indonesia 18 cabinets since Inde- pendence Day--Aug. 17, 1945, The army, Jpatient with what Lt.-Gen. Abdul JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) e today with parades, President Sukarno, speaking at pics vr og rally, warned for- Indonesia In 15th Year Of Independence army and Moslem religious groups. The army's Jakarta city com- mand Sunday ordered the Com- munist party to postpone its sixth national congress, due to begin got seats in the presidential cab- inet, installed a few weeks ago, and in the proposed new People's Consultative Congress. 180 PEAR COMMUNISTS | The army fears that the Indo- nesian Communist party, which claims 8,000,000 supporters and is one of the most powerful in the non-Communist world, may gain further strength through mass discontent. The Communists will have some say in Sukarno's "guided they played "negative roles." undreds of thousands of cheer- Indonesians outside the free- democracy" but they have been kept out of the cabinet, top dip- 60 Chosen § AsPEL Candidates CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) -- A full field of 60 candidates will contest the Sept. 1 Prince Ed- ward Island general election. When nominations closed Tues- day, the Liberals and Progres- sive Conservatives had entered two candidates in each of the 15| voting districts. - Voters select al councillor and assemblyman for each district, a total of 30 legis- lature seats. No other political parties are taking part in the election called Aug. 3 by Liberal Premier Alex Matheson who will run in Kings Fourth distrirt. The Liberals will be gunning for their sixth straight term of office since tak- ing over from the Conservatives in 1985. At no time since the Liberal sweep in 1935 have the PCs had more than 10 seats. In the last election, the Liber- als elected 27 members and the PCs three. The Conservatives later picked up a Liberal seat left vacant by the death of a m T. The PCs, headed by Walter R. Shaw, are banking on the Con- servative sweep of the four fed- eral seats in the last dominion election. five years, can dive and per- form quite proficiently as swim- mers. --Photos by John Mills Fined For lomatic posts and key govern- "MENACE ON ROAD" Toronto Man Sent To Jail BOWMANVILLE (Staff) [time he left Toronto, Wiggins "You're a menace on the high-|aigued that he was still in To- way if ever there was one," Tonto, Magistrate R L Mouse 100d a To The jail sentence was divided ronto man, Jose 1gBInS, 2,5, 14 days for the impaired driv- drive, as he sentenced Belhaven days in the county jail|ing charge and seven days f at Cobourg Tuesday on charges the driving while under suspen- of driving while impaired, and gion, In addition Wiggins' licence was suspended for a further three ment jobs at the insistence of the| watch for OPEN HOUSE DATE IDEA HOME built by , McCULLOUGH HOMES LTD. FURNISHED BY while under suspension. | Wiggins was charged following years. EATON'S OF CANADA Oe a = an accident on Highway 2 about a half mile west of Bowmanville | August 13. I oP Constable Len James said| Wiggins was driving a 1954 model car, without licence plates, and| travelling eastbound on Highway | 2. He crossed to the south side of the road, then veered to the| north side and came to rest be- tween a tree and fence in front of | the Brooks farm. On checking with the depart- ment of transport he found the accused's licence had been sus-| pended and the licence plates re-| moved from the vehicle. f The officer said Wiggins was Wrong Pass BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Roy J. McLeod, 33, of 162 Curzon street, Toronto, was Tuesday fined $25 and costs or 14 days when he appeared before Magis- Advertising Employees Arrested on a charge of improper passing. OPP Constable Bruce Tillson said the accused was involved in an accident at the junetion of Highways 7A and 35 August 2. He said accused pulled out to pass intoxicated, He smelled strongly | of alcohol and when asked Li ~ BROOKLIN By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- Jillian Coe re- turned Sunday to Highland Creek after visiting Linda Oldham, Mrs. Norman Alves, Mrs. Al- NEW YORK '(AP)--The owner, jet Hunter, at Lake Chemong. another vehicle attempting to turn on to Highway 7A. The cars came into collision on the west side of Highway 35. Skid marks leading to the Me- Leod car were 154 feet on the |left side and 64 feet on the right. {Damage amounted to approxi. imately $300 to each vehicle. and two employees of an adver- tising agency here were arrested Tuesday on charges of engaging in false and misleading advertis- ing. District Attorney Frank S. Ho- gan accused them of 'huckster- ing" a series of so-called *"'won- der products," including a "'mir- Gwen Thompson of Toronto, spent the weekend with her par-: son. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Bertram, Charles, Tony and Bill, of La Puente, California, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Agar. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley Education Of Police Essential KITCHENER (CP) acle, pocket-size" portable radio, a 'remarkable' rejuvenating skin cream and a battery additive ble of Ai arrived home Friday after a two- week trip to the Owen Sound dis- trict. Mr, and Mrs, Mervyn Bird and Pp y P battery trouble for all time, Hogan said the radio actually was an old-fashioned crystal set, the cold cream "quite ordinary," and the battery additive neither harmful nor' helpful, MORE PRODUCTS Hogan said other products ad. vertised by the agency included: Roll-a-Shine car wax, supposed home after a three-week motor trip to Yellowstone, Vancouver, and the west coast. RECRUITING DOWN LONDON (CP) -- Recruiting by ail three services in Britain] was 4,441 in June compared with 5,062 in the same month last ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Thomp-| "|Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Milner are| OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS GIVE YOU a CIIETICAMP, N.8, (CP)--Fish-| New methods are clicking and|ture . and our future sure The to end the need for car waxing; year. ermen in this Cape Breton com-|the fishermen hope to have a munity hope to haul a $1,000,000 million-dollar industry within a payload from the Atlantic next year, year Fant vas Ten years ago the fishing| FUTURE GOOD fleet's profit stood at $200,000, | Caft, Henry Aucoin of the ves- Then came new ideas, boats and|sel St. Theresz, a $30,000 boat diversification. Earnings are ex-|built under special provincial > to. reach $850,000 this/loans, says 'it's diversified fish- jing that holds the key to our fu- Tight Money Only Temporary OTTAWA (CP) -- Bank loans|--in the last analysis, the indi- are being rationed across Canada vidual bank managers. because there isn't enough money| Whatever the government's pri- te go around. But Finance Min-|vate attitude toward monetary ister Fleming expressed the hope policy, looks good." quack" doctor is no more of a Mini Shine floor polish, to end The Cheticamp fleet, made up| threat to society than the ignor- floor waxing; the Bark of Canada evi-'it Tuesday it's only a temporary si- tuafion. | He gave no indication that the government plans any steps to al-| leviate the present tight - money situation. It's all a matter of money supply being unable to) keep up with the demand for| credit, he told reporters om his way to a cabinet meeting. | Although the chartered banks! have applied '"'severe restric tions" on credit, "as far as the government {is concerned, no tight-money policy is being fol- lowed." | The government had no power | to increase the supply of money. | That was solely in the hands of] the Bank of Canada. As for rais- | ing the present statutory limit of! six per cent on the interest rate] the chartered banks may charge borrowers, no thought was being given to such action. It was in| the realm of Parliament's pow-| ers. RATION CREDIT SEVERELY Meantime across Canada, bank credit was being severely restric. | ted and rationed out in attempts! to satisfy legitimate loan re- guests, still pouring in regardless' of interest rates. I Banking officials in Montreal | said the way loans are rationed out is up to the individual banks | dently has been following a pol- icy of credit restriction--as far as this is within its power--be- ginning about last October. Since then the money supply has risen by only a relative fraction, to about $13,403,000,000 from about $13,000 000,000. Behind this poliay is the evi dent hope that by applying the brakes on Canada's current eco- mostly of «type vessels built mostly since the Second World War, roams the rich | waters between the western Cap {Breton shore and the Magdalen Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawr- {ence. Longliners, considered the most versatile fishing boat ever - [developed on the east coast, and new fishing methods have com- bined to boost catches and earn- ings. The major step was use of a net method developed by Den- mark called the Danish seine. Fishermen lay a circle of net two miles in diameter and haul on ropes until it closes into a small scoop. The fish are trapped in the centre. Cheticamp fishermen were the first Canadians to use the ethod. Others are switching to LOW COSTS "It's a great way to fish," says Capt. Aucoin. Among the over- fiean items it eliminates is costly ait. Maintenance cost for the gear is comparatively low "and we can catch fish where the trawl ers can't" Capt. Aucoin said. Trawlers drag steel mesh equip- ment behind them. nomic expansion it might be] 5 Major catches are flounders stretched out, rather than al. ant, imprudent or unskilled po- liceman. That's why it is the duty of each police officer to help attain true professionalization of police work, Police Chief Leonard Law- rence of Hamilton told the open- ing session Tuesday of the On- tario Police Association's annual meeting, Chief Lawrence said an On- tario government committee to investigate police training needs will "come up with the answers in the best interest of the police service," He said Ontario educationists candidly admit they don't know how to set up a police education curriculum, They said not enough textbooks are available in this field, instructors are scarce and there is no place tb turn to for the help they need. Moreover, he said, they are far from convinced that police courses warrant the trouble in- volved in setting up such curri- culums, and sole. But fishermen hope to use the method in the valuable cod and haddock industry. The vessels here have been av- eraging $650-700 a trip. lowed to rise suddenly--and col- lapse quickly too. FOR MISSED PAPERS i# you hove mot received your Times by 7 pm. coll AJAX TAXI __/ PHONE "AJAX 333 | All cofls must be placed | ' AT THE st Disneyland with mother before 7:30 p.m. SAVE MONEY Clip the Toronto Star Thrill coupon every day from The Daily Star. The whole family can save money on C.N.E. Grandstand matinee tickets. See your favourites -- The Cisco Kid and Pancho. Boys and girls--you may also win a fabulous holiday Details and Coupon in today's TORONTO DAILY STAR C.N.E. or dad. Green plasma, to twa grass green ; Powdered heat, to end snow shoveling; Favinol, to grow fresh skin; A flowering shade tree, whi would grow roof-high in one sea- son. . Hogan said the tree was "'noth- ing more than the allenthus tree which grows in Brooklyn," Arrested were David Ratke, 38, of Hartsdale, N.Y., owner of Parker Advertising Agency; Monroe Caine, 31, a ter, of Scarsdale, N.Y., Ag bin Liebeson, 34, advertising. mana- ger, of Stamford, Conn. All three pleaded not guilty. SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you hove not received your Times, phone your carrier bey first, If you are uneble te con- tect him by 7:00 p.m, SWAP DATES FOR CARS DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -- Ra- TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI dio Baghdad reports Iraq and Calls Accepted Between FOR YOUR BUILDING DOLLAR Come In And Let's Talk It Over An unsurpassable FREE HOME and ESTIMATING @ At Your Convenience . . . TWO MODERN SHOW- ROOMS TO SERVE YOU PLANNING Czechoslovakia are negotiating for the exchange of 5000 tons of Iraqi dates for Czech Cars. 7-7:30 p.m. only SERVICE Science Now Without Pain Shrinks Piles Or Discomfort @ HOME CONSTRUCTION DIVISION. Complete home remodelling, additions, and repairs including all sub-trades. Available at all times, QUALITY MATERIALS AT REASONABLE PRICES Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain - And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont. (Special)--For the first time science bas found a pew healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and itching hemor! been relieved dione, some of even 104070 yaats All ths, without the use of nar coties, anesthetics or astringents of any , The secret is a new hes) ing substance (Bio-Dyne) -- the di ry of a famous scientific in- stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body This new healing substance is offered in suppository or oiniment jorm called Preparation H. Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H_ Suppositories or Preparation H qintment with special applicator. Preparation H 38 seid at all drug stores tisfaction guaran or money refunded. right in the privacy of their own home without pi Bois Boy or inconvenience Pain was promptly relieved. And while gently Lin A pein, o> 8 PRY actual took place id And most amazing of all--this imp: ent was intained in eases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months In fact, results were so thorough a ---------------- MORTGAGES ARRANGED Headquarters For All Your Building Needs OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED ; Downtown' Oshawa Main Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--RA 8-1617 COURTICE---RA 38-1611 © 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU eo BOWMANVILLE--MA 3.2130 AJAX--ZEnith 2-9600 © DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. o