The Oshawa Times, 19 Aug 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 19, 1959 Mountainside that slid down as a result of earthquake covers Montana Highway 1, 'West Indies Leaders Relieved After Vote | By H. L. BRUNTON Canadian Press Correspondent PORT SPAIN, Trinidad (CP)--Lead of the West In- dies federal government, headed by Sir Grantley Adams, breathed a sigh of relief following the vie- tory of Premier Norman Manley in Jamaica's general elections last month. Manley's People's National Party, affiliated to the West Indies Federal Labor Party, won a clear majority of 11 in Jamaica's 45-seat House of Rep- resentatives. Manley is president of the federal party. In Jamaica's federal elections {two years ago, the Jamaica |Labor party, affiliated to the Democratic Labor Party of The § West Indies, won 12 seats to the WORST SLIDE AREA [.200 to 300 féet deep with dirt | and trees. The highway was covered for about a half mile near Hebgen Dam in south- | Entire side | eastern Montana. way and | of mountain gave | flowed like mud. --AP Wirephoto CAPSULE NEWS OBITUARY FUNERAL MRS. N. R. WEIR PNP's five. GREEN LIGHT Sir Grantley saw Manley's vic- |tory as the green light for the success of the federation, hitherto ruling Slogan to threatened by Jamaica's seces- sion calls. It now appears that Manley will press for reform of the fed- eral constitution to give Jamaica more seats, on a population basis. But he is not to arch-rival, Lr Alexander B 5 Opp |leader and DLP chief, whose the Jamaicans has {been: "Lead or Secede." As it stands, Jamaica has only 17 seats in the 45-member fed- eral House, although the popula- tion of the island is 1,650,000 about * half of the federations be as drastic as his cousin and| Bus- jections from London. The sec-| retary for colonies has already intimated that Britain is adr to hand over power to The West Indies as soon as the territories are ready for it. On the troubled questions of freedom of to take any prejudice the aims of the federa- tion, unlike Bustamante who has' beep making "fighting" speeches | on federal issues and more or less putting forward an isolation- ist policy as far as Jamaica is concerned. 8,225,000 people. The preliminary conference on| constitution reform will be held in 'to the colonial office. | As long as the islands can | agree on a constitution, it is not | expected there will be any ob-| Trinidad in September. Then units, a West Indies delegation will pre- lands, sent the constitution agreed upon|to see signs of the federation suc- Manley's claim for representa. tion on a population basis is sure to be supported by the other especially the smaller is- which are only too happy ng. | These small units are the ones | ot 'enthusiastic about federa- tion. CITY AND DISTRICT MORE MEMBERS Oshawa and Ontario County Flying Club has increased its membership to five, since Aug. 1. The new members are Wen- dell Nufer, Miss Laurel Gates, Barry Walters, an Oshawa Air Cadet and two Scarboro Air Cadets, Gordon Price Michael Blake, CHEQUE RACKET Oshawa merchants and banks were being warned today by the police to watch for bogus cheques [issued on replica notes of the |Northspan Urainium Mines and and Labor Shortage Feared | | Funeral services for Mrs. N. Massey - Ferguson Company. On- (ited, Ajax; Meadowbrook Home- builders Co-operative Limited, Oshawa; R. E. J. Promotions { Limited, Oshawa and Siksay En- |terprises Limited, Oshawa. | PET SHOW Grand champion pets will. be selected at a pet show at the Oshawa Fair, Saturday, Aug. 22. This pet show is sponsored joint- lv by the CRA and the Ontario County Agricultural Society. Each entry is a previous winner companied by an essay by the owner. Both pets and essays will be judged. at a playground and must be ac-|replied Top Cabinet Shuffle Set* / Thursday OTTAWA (CP) -- New cabinet appointments will be made Thursday, Prime Minister Diefen- baker said Tuesday. | Asked by a reporter whether the list of cabinet changes would be long or short, he chuckled and | r : | "It will be short to some and long to others." I Speaking to reporters after a| cabinet meeting, he said Gover-| Beyond ( opal 4 5 Heigh-He vv .. . Come to SPROULE'S COUNTRY FAIR , . . for QUALITY FOOD VALUES beyond compare! EVERYWHERE -- makin, INGS SHOW of the ENTIRE SEASON! ALL . . . come SHOP and SAVE PLENTY dur- Maufels 2. 35° ALLENS ORANGE OR GRAPE DRINK SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING GREEN GIANT FANCY 'GREEN PEAS i 60e SR S------ 3¢ OFF PACK -- HEINZ PORK & BEANS 15-02. 29¢ Tins AUNT MARY'S SLICED BREAD 24-02. 1 F: J Loaf For Refreshing Drinks REAL GOLD ORANGE Preserving Needs SUGAR': PURE CANE 75¢ HEINZ lance your IG T You'll find 'em here this our GREATEST SAV. Come ONE budget by stocking BUYS, today! "rn 28° 32-01. 5g Jor RED AND WHITE TEA BAGS 15¢ Off Pock Toe 94° RED AND WHITE Evaporated MILK 3 To 39° GLISTEN WAX WASH Tin 99¢ Household Items VELVET TIP For Tobacco Harvest TILLSONBURG (CP) -- Farm- ers told the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Marketing Board Tues- day that a labor shortage has veloped in the area. They re ported workers who waited for jobs during the last few weeks have either moved away or taken work outside the industry be- eause of the late harvest PASS PHONY CHEQUES de- | Russell Weir, a former Athol St.|tario banks have lost $30,000 dur- | resident who died at Fairview ing the last month by a gang of | Lodge, Whitby, Aug. 15, © were confidence men passing such . of {held in the McIntosh Funeral cheques. The bogus cheques have SIGN UP ASTRONAUTS |Home dhapel, Tuesday, August been cashed in the Muskoka dis- NEW YORK (AP)--Life maga-/18 at 3:30 p.m. Rev. J. K. Mof-| trict and in Metropolitan Toronto. zine said Tuesday it has signed fat, Simcoe St. United Church, | Police warned this may be just contracts with the seven prospec- officiated. {the beginning of a "lucrative tive andes Men-_the Astrmavis- Members of the Sunbeam racket. |for exclusive rights to publish the Chapter, Order of the Eastern| personal stories of their experi-|Star, held services in the funer-| § SCENE SHIPS a 229 ences. Another luce publication,/al chapel Monday, Aug. 17, at yaw sini today that the Time, said the sum paid for 'he|7.30 p.m. tote of the UAW - Duplate nego- rights was about $500,000. The Interment was in Mount Lawn|iiations nas shified from Oshawa {men will split it seven ways, re- Cemetery. Pall bearers were Dé Windsor Negotiations will gardless of which one goes into Peever, R. Dunlop, Frank Train| probably continue there for the E. ORILLIA (CP) -- About $1,000 : first. | ili ; fn phony payroll cheques made space firs and William Henderson out in the name of the Massey-| MASSEY TO OTTAWA | FUNERAL Ferguson Limited of Toronto] MONTREAL (CP) Gover- MRS. ROBERT WILSON have been passed here, police re-|nor General Massey was to leave About 12 cheques were hospital here today to return to/ert Wilson, 24 Colborne St. E. Funeral services for Mrs. Rob cashed at the rate of $85 a day.|ottawa for about 10 days. His son! Who died at Fairview Lodge, WATER SUPPLY SAFE | TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto's| water supply still is safe although Jakefront pollution has increased, A. B. Patterson, deputy commis. sioner in charge of wa'erws and secretary Lionel Massey said the governor-general's kidney in-|held in the fection has been successfully| treated. The governor - general plans to be available for a swear- ing-in ceremony after new cab-| Whitby, Saturday, Aug. 15, were Mcintosh Funeral Hame chapel, Tuesday, August 18 at 2 pm. Dr. A, J. Wilson, officiated. Interment took place in Union | remainder of the week. when they are expected to move to Oakville| for another week and then return {to Oshawa. The master negotiat- "ling committee only is concerned lin the move. The Duplate bar- {gaining committee is under the {chairmanship of Tom Green. JP APPOINTED The Ontario Gazette carries the information that Wesley Guard Tomkins, of Uxbridge, has been appointed a justice of the peace REVIVE YACHT CLUB Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club which has been inactive for the past few years will be reorgan- ized soon. A general meeting has|emony Thursday. i |been called for 8 p.m. Aug. 23) Mr. Massey is in Montreal, | {at Moore's Marina when plans where he has been receiving] (will he made and a temporary |treatment for o kidney infection. | |executive chosen, | Mr. Diefenbaker also said he {had nothing new to announce, ple FOR HAMPTON (|about the possibility of the Cana-| Bs ~ the changeover 10/gjan government inviting Soviet the dial system for Hampton premier Khrushchev to visit Can- {subscribers are complete, ac-iada when he makes his United | lcording to Bell Telephone offi-|States visit this fall. ! awa and Bowmanville ame "BANG-BANGS' UNPRODUCTIVE Hampton will be free. The same PORT MORESBY, New nor-General Massey is expected here Wednesday night and he hoped Mr. Massey would be available for the swearing-in cer-| lapplies to callers to Hampton from Oshawa and Bowmanville, STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed today for construction: Ritson road south, from Bloor to Conant streets; Mary street, closed at Alice street; Park road north, closed at King street; Te- cumseh avenue closed from Sim- coe street north to Somerville Guinea (Reuters) -- Villagers in the Sepik district of New Guinea have been trying to make money grow by storing it in boxes in special houses known as "bang bangs," says native affairs directr, A. Bach 1.23 TWINKLE Coper Cleaner For Copper Pots and Pans Pkg. ge CONCENTRATED Steam Iron Cleaner EL EASY OFF OVEN CLEANER Jar 45¢ BLACK FLAG INSECT SPRAY " 49e * KAN KIL BUG CLEANER Pickling Vinegar Gallen 93 Pickling Salt oy 21° Pickling Spices 2 Ge 25° ZINC RINGS vos, 7° MASON JAR TOPS Dos. &1° SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER FAMOUS CANNON BATH TOWELS 4 colors, size 20 x 20. Regular price 1.99, CONCENTRATE 2 6Y32-01. a5¢ Tins Y REAL GOLD " LEMONADE CONCENTRATE Va.ox. 2 '5 35¢ WYLER'S LEMONADE MIX Complete iwth Sugor Just Add Water 2 Pkgs. 29° WYLER'S 'ORANGE DRINK Complete with Sugar Just Add Water 2. 29° APPLE AND RASPBERRY ,. inet appointme: unced | Cemetery. Pall bearers were C. ---- #3 We 30 |M Wallace, Daniel Ross, J. H. street; Prospect street closed] Roberts. 89¢ Tin said Tuesday night, The ef in and for the County of On- 4 water intake pipes ex'"» Lake Ontario for 1% miles, well beyond dirty water limit of 3,000 feet, said, - KHRUSHCHEV TO CHINA ASHINGTON (AP) -- USS. of- f#iclals indicated Tuesday there is Connor and E. 0. Phillips, sie oe FUNERAL OF BRISBANE, Australia (Reut- ers) -- The people of Brishane W. C. HOOD hauled office chairs and tables linto the streets Tuesday and| th stood on them to welcome Prin-(Cy vel e possibility that Premier|cess Alexandra as she drove into| l,i Woipta ld Poi Karushchev may end his Ameri-|the capital of Queensland. The) ! Funeral services for William Corridan (Cory) Hood were held Armstrong Funeral 18. He Mr. Hood died at his home, 206 tario. FIRMS INCORPORATED The current issue of The On- tario Gazette apnounces the granting of letters patent of in- corporation to five Oshawa and district firms. They are: Colon- ial Aluminum Industries Limited, Whitby; Kemp's Pharmacy Lim- Several small villages had been practising this crude banking system, he said, and three of them also had been imitating Western customs by appointing local kings and po- lice. "Patrols from King street east to Athol street east and Grandview street south closed from King street east to Bloor street east. When- lever possible these streets will be partially open to permit move- ment of local traffic. Extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain, may result in the closing of other streets. Roberts added: have been sent to the villages and every effort made to con- ru 1. Fh DOG FOOD 3 im 25° RED AND WHITE Instant COFFEE ond APPLE AND STRAWBERRY 4-Ib. Tin 69 DUZ DETERGENT Giant Special Feature !' CHEF BOY-AR-DER PRODUCTS BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS ean tour next month with a jet|princess flew from Canberra t0| Guebec street Saturday, Aug. 15. Pkg. 83 vince them 'that economic or 35° flight to Communist China by way of Alaska. The propaganda effect on Asians of his nddén ap- pearance at Peking's 10th an- niversary celebration star ting Oct. 1 is not being overlooked bere. STAGED MANY HITS NORWALK, Conn. (AP)--Ther- esa Helburn, 72, an influential figure behind Broadway's foot-| Mghts for more than 25 years, died Tuesday of a heart attack. As a director of the Theatre Guild, she staged Oklahoma in 1943, Carousel in 1945, The Ice- man Cometh in 1946, As You Like it, and Come Back, Little Sheba in 1950, and Picnic in 1953. HAWAII JOINS FRIDAY WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hawali will become the 50th state Fri- day at 4 p.m. That's when Presi- dent Eisenhower, it was an- mounced Tuesday, will sign the official proclamation at the White House. AID IN OPERATIONS EDINBURGH (AP) -- A new drug called trophenium that re- duces bleeding during surgery was announced today. It has been developed by a firm of 5° h research chemists. The company damage suit filed against the] said the drug has the effect of county for the death of a prisoner| lowering blood pressure. brations. PROTEST CALL-UP KONSTANZ, West Germany (Reuters) -- West German war veterans were reported Tuesday to have staged protest meetings military service. All were |in 1922, which is the first group [to be called up among those who {went through the Second World |War. FIND HAVEN | VIENNA (Reuters)--Four Yu- |goslav stowaways, including a | {unable |freighter for almost six months because no country would admit them, will be allowed to settle in Austria. The freighter, the Olaf Bjarke, is at present head- ling for Iceland from Montreal. PAY DAY, NO CASH | NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-It {was pay day Monday for the 65 employees of New Haven County. {They received their cheques on schedule--but couldn 't cash them beause $190,000 in county funds has been attached in a $300,000 in the county jail. RCAF North Star Safest Airplanes "By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP) -- The RCAF North Star is getting the reputa- tion of the Dakota aircraft -- it flies and flies and fles. RCAF bought 23 North 12 years ago and still has NTL ved in a fatal accident have logged some hours. the RCAF North 7,000,000 pounds of ,000 passengers, been used on the Korean airlifts, to the United Nations y Force in Egypt, and -the-world tours. TO EUROPE , 426 Thunderbird Squadron Trenton, Ont., which has 16 North Stars--two are 412 Transport Squadron at Ottawa and two with the opera. { : EM LH Hagtdass 8 2 2 iho L unit--majntains ajron tional ai thrice-weekly schedule in support of the RCAF Air Division .in Eu- abroad. Last year the squadron carried i - Bo # out two round-the-world training flights in North Stars and made {five other flights to Indochina, (where Canadians are serving on ithe international truce visory commission. | During the Korean War the in service. None has|squadron made 599 round trips | without a fatal accident or loss of la single pound of cargo. | EMERGENCIES COMMON Emergency calls are common. Ihe squadron flew Red Cross {looms and supplies to British Columbia and Winnipeg in the 11948 and 1950 floods and to The | Netherlands, Italy, Britain and { Austria. | Aircrew on the squadron are {used to being away from home mote than half the tims: They may return from the Egyptian desert to plan immediately a flight to the Canadian Arctic. * motto of the squad- is: "Anything, anywhere, { anytime--safely." | by 3 North Star carries a crew | of --- m with full load. over being called up for reserve born| super- | {attend the state's centenary cele- co oi 0 ware conducted by Rev. 8. C. H. Atkinson of Albert Street United Church, and inter- ment followed in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Pallbearers were Ronald Forde, L. Hood, B. Patterson, William Trotter, Wilbur Stone and Mansel Stone. | FUNERAL OF | MRS. MARY KULIGIEWCZ | The funeral of Mrs. Mary Kuligiewez (Colgovis). who died [at Hamilton Saturday, Aug. 15, was held from Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 10 am Mrs. Kuligiewcz was 77 years of age. | Rev. P. Coffey said mass and interment followed at St. Greg- lory's Roman Catholic Cemetery. | Pallbearers were Edward |Piech, B. Piech, Ernest Moni, {George Bacik, V. Lockie and {Paul Volchoff. 'Five Men 'Menace Customers MONTREAL (CP)--Five men armed with baseball bats invaded chance of afternoon thunder-| la downtown auction room Tues- gions Thursday, Winds light to- Minister Yaremko said pn !day, menacing 35 customers and | smashing a plate glass window, {show cases and merchandise. Auctioneer Louie Goldsmith es- timated damage at $7,500. Assistant auctioneer Marco Co- rolla said the trouble started {when two young men started a fight in the front of the shop, "Intold the crowd to let them said. "Then three more men came in [through the back door and | started smashing the place up. "One threw a heavy television set ornament through the front WEATHER FORECAST progress could only come through productive work." | TORONTO (CP)--Oificial fore- casts issued by the public weather office at § am.: Synopsis: Warm and humid air |is again approaching. This will result in cloudy skies for the north while hine is ted New Heat Spell In The Making DARE BACKFIRED Hampshire city for a £1 bet, but the dare cost him £2 when he was fined for using abusive lan. guage to a policeman called to |the scene. coming southerly 15 to 25 this aft- ernoon. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Thursday 70 ORGAN MUSIC Nightly at the {to continue in southern Ontario. | Thunderstorms will be scattered |across the north today and Thurs- |day. Thursday will be hot and {humid in southern and central |regions, with isolated thunder [storms developing in the late aft. ernoon. | Regional forecasts valid until | midnight Thursday. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake |Ontario, Niagara, Southern |Georgian Bay and Haliburton re- gions, Windsor, London, Hamil ton and Toronto: Sunny and warm today, sunny and hot Thursday. Increasing humidity. day, southerly 15 Thursday. | Northern Georgian Bay and Kirkland Lake regions; North |Bay and Sudbury: Cloudy with sunny periods this afternoon, a few showers or thunderstorms to- day. Mainly sunny, hot and hu- mid Thursday with scattered aft- and thunderstorms Thursday. Warmer and more hu- mid Thursday, winds light be- ernoon thunderstorms. Winds i {alone and I'd call police," he 3 Trenton ........,.. 8t. Catharines Hamilton Muskoka ... Killaloe .. Earlton Sudbury North Bay .. Kapuskasing . White River See you tonight Note Starlite AIR CONDITIONED IRRRRNS2BBR2B8BS £33282288223388: Driving Teachers ' Must Be Examined TORONTO (CP) --- Transport FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA ONT < RA360 -- that Ontario driving school in- ow |structors are being allowed 90 jdavs grace from July 1 for regis-| tration with his department. Legislation at the beginning of last month made it compulsory for each instructor to register, obtain a temporary licence and then pass department examina- OSHAWA'S POPULAR RENDEZVOUS TALLY-HO ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER in Ottawa, Hamilton and Toronto this week. Selling Your Home? window. Others hed show- cases and one of them struck cashier Victor Rossabli with a bat." {| The five men fled through the {rear door. Three men were ar- [rested later. | Protesting Roman Catholics Arrested PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (AP) Steel-helmeted club-wielding po- lice entered Port au Prince cath- a2 number of Roman Catholics {protesting the government's éx- pulsion of two French priests. President: Francois Duvalier ulsion of Rev. edral Tuesday night and arrested | ! TUES., THURS., FRI, & SAT.--2 to 11 p.m. believed to have been silently | SUNDAY--8 am, to 1 p.m. | RE-OPEN AGAIN PHOTO CO-OP Sells First! OSHAWA | STEAM Open for Men: Open for Women: FINNISH | BATHS | GET THE BEST For Less At WEDNESDAY--2 pm. to 11 p.m. | UPHOLSTERING 42 BLOOR ST. EAST at ALBERT OSHAWA 9262 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 5.9093 RA 8-6451 or RA 3-413) 67 BOY-AR-DEE BEEF RAVIOLI "on 696 Household Items TAT ANT TRAPS Bach 25¢ MAPLE LEAF DEODORANT BEAUTY SOAP Juliette Bra Offer 4..43 AN QUALITY MEATS WITH FRIENDLY PERSONALIZED SERVICE Sproule's beef is red brand beef--Canada's finest PRIME RIB ROAST . 69° LB. 39 PEAMEALED BACON =m". 49 COOKED HAM ...... 89 EE Y FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PLUMS sur. asker @ Qe SPARERIBS FRESH SLICED A 69 BROOKFIELD SAUSAGE ov 43° en. sek 89° ONTARIO GROWN TOMATOES JUICY RIPE WATERMELONS wen 69* sNbw white CAULIFLOWER - ... 23° Now available for pickling: pickling onions, cucumbers, dill, green and red peppers. ~ We are big enough to serve you -- Small enough to appreciate you YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE PROULE FOR FOODS THAT QUALIFY, AT PRICES THAT SATISFY

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