DONALD DUCK werrna DTA 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 19, 1959 KHYBER PASS SENTINELS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) S50---Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale OSHAWA'S GREATEST BOAT SALE 18 MODELS MUST BE CLEARED THIS WEEK REGARDLESS OF COST NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED TERMS 10% DOWN . . . BALANCE TO SUIT TAKE YOUR CHOICE... 12' Fiberglass cor top. Special. WHAT'S YOUR OFFER. 13' Nipissing Sportsman. Special. WHAT'S YOUR OFFER. : 14' Kipawa Special WHAT'S YOUR OFFER. 14'9" Sabre "by Nipissing. WHAT'S YOUR OFFER. Nipissing. 1 eke. Reg. price $299.00. 7 left. 15' Javeline by Nipissing. 3 left. YOUR OFFER. 14' Peterboro Plywood Specials. WHAT'S YOUR OFFER. 12' Aluminum Cartop. YOUR OFFER. 1 left. Reg. price $249.00. 15%. "V"" Stern Fiberglass Conoe. WHAT'S YOUR OFFER. DOMINION TIRE STORES 48 BOND ST. W. OPEN 8 AM. --- 6 P.M. By RUSSELL ELMAN PESHAWAR, Pakistan (CP)-- Jet fighters of the Pakistani Afr Force are the new sentinels of the Khyber Pass, a traditional gateway for invading armies to the Indian sub-continent. A member of both the Middle [of East and Southeast Asia security pacts, Pakistan today is the West's strongest link in Asian de fence between the Mediterranean and the Far East. In this role, the storied Khyber and the north. west frontier have a special strategic importance. New airfields and a key Amer- lican-staffed communications cen- tre are being established and U.S. arms and equipment have been supplied. Army cantonments, once the pulse of British military power on the frontier, now are Pakistan army bases. CANADIAN AID Recently, newspapers reported that Pakistan Air Force head- quarters may be moved from Karachi to Warsak near the foot of the Khyber. Here Canada is aiding construction of Pakistan's largest hydro - electric scheme, due to go into operation néxt year. A self - contained colony, com- plete with staff houses, adminis- trative blocks, hospital and rec- 2 left. Reg. price $220.00. 1 left. Reg. price $285.00. Reg. price $485.00. Reg. price $595.00. WHAT'S 2 left. Reg. price $299.00. WHAT'S Pakistan Link For Str Canadian and Pakistani workers on the Warsak project. It would |provide a ready-made new.home for air force headquarters. With aerial warfare, the Khy- ber Pass itself is less important as a military bastion. Indicative ici this is the Pakistan govern- | i ong West ment"s d re- Probe Into Park Board Advocated urged Tuesday an im- termeyer y |mediate investigation into the Niagara Parks Commission. from Kitchener "home he believes the .|inquiry is necessary in the light of disclosures by George R. In- arms |glis, a former mayor of Niagara Fas. strictions on ome in the pass. Today, more tourists than sol- diers can be seen on the Khyber, whose now largely . unmanned forts command every bend on ig) 20-mile mountain read and way. Permits are surly Bi en- road. MAKE OWN GUNS Pathan Tribesmen, who provide Pakistan with some of its best Idiers, still facture their own guns in village workshops. They wear their weapons like a woman adorns herself with jew- els stroll fully-armed through P war bazaars. welding its armed forces into one of the most efficient fighting units in Southeast Asia, Pakistan spends more than half its dom- estic revenue budget on defence and receives a large slice of American military aid. A threat- ened reduction in U.S. assistance ter tribal villages off the main /Kban, viet influence in Pakistan, argues that Pakistan's defence of her 1,400 - mile northwest frontier in reality is a defence of India too. His imvitaiicz to India to share in a common defence of the sub- continent has not been taken up. Meanwhile, bitterness is in- creased by non-seftlement of the Kashmir issue and repeated bor- der incidents. Although many are purely local in origin, the in- cidents often tend to be blown up produced strong Pakistani pro- reation centre, has been built for tests, out of proportion by both sides e parks com. i Mr. ells resigned as last month at the request of Labor Minister Daley, commission chairman, following differences of o isin over park manage- The resignation. of Mr. Inglis and his Suvsequent charges con- cerning the administration of the Nisgara Parks Commission re- quire a full and impartial investi- gation," Mr. Wintermeyer said. Mr. Inglis listed the following points of disagreement with the commission: Pulls Rigid carried out with- out ¢: tenders, taking prop- erty out of taxation through pur- chase, purchase of supplies and road construction without tender, and lack of information given the press. He also criticized the attitude of Mr. Daley and commission General Manager Maxim T. Gray. Mr. Inglis said that on July 13 he received a letter from Mr. Da- ley asking him to it appears interest in the affairs of the com- mission . ® INTELLIGENT ANIMALS ; The chimpanzee, orangutan and| More than 60 per ceut of th elephant are considered the most/gross returns of Danish agricul ture come from exports. resign "you have no further a intelligent land animals, Ned any... PAINT . . . we mean. Here at Mill- work & Building Supplies we have all the necessary types of paint to suit your particular job. Indoor and outdoor en- durance paints in all colors, plus the fact that our men will advise you as to what color and type of paint will be best 'suited for your need. Come in and pick up a free booklet illustrating how you can beautify your home with our help. MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED 1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-4694 for propaganda purposes. 1 left. Reg. price $189.00. By MRS, R. CAHILL BLACKSTOCK -- Mr. and Mrs. | __|Harold Martyn and boys return-| ed Saturday from a week's mot. or | trip. They visited Mr. and actor RA 56511 50--Articles For Sale Bud Thompson, Sault Ste. Marie, former Blackstock residents. 50--Articles For Sale Mrs. Goldwin Faint, Valerie GIRL'S sidewalk two-wheel god condition, Reasonable. Phone KA | 3. 9681. 193¢ | portable compressor, TWO-piece chesterfield suite in new |RA 59727. condition, grey rug ¢ by 12 tone on.| tole, drapes for cottage or sunporch, neutral tode. Apply 346 Simcoe Street South. 193¢ bizycle, [FORD tractor, | cultivator, bucket, "two Faint, and Mrs. Osmond Wright wheel trailer, buzz sa, made a trip to Buffalo during 193c | the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, To-| {EASY dryer, almost new; also baby | tenda, - perfect condition. Phone 2. |Fonto, and Marilyn Archer, Whit- 3.56% 1% |hy visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert | 8 for & sale, "barn rollers, Phone | Archer, Saturday. LARGE 1 of TV's at Parway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North. ELECTRIC razor service depot, cut- ting heads, cords, etc., for all makes of | electric razors, Meagher's, 5 King St.| Ea st. 'est. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. BOATS, motors and trailers. New and used, Easy terms at Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa. Hy 5-685, RR 3, Thornton's Road. 190c| Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris and| ELECTRIC ranges, pletely reconditioned. 90-day waLaity, {Flett, Bowmanville Sunday. {from $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 SMALL cook stove for cool evenings |Brooklin, have returned from a| at your cottage; chen chairs. Phone RA 35-2090 after PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 al Jeslors Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh. | alsp four wooden Be cruise on the upper lakes. p.m: 1905 -- |the weekend with the Dalton Dor-| gallon, [1.1], ° and Electric. 8 Chures| Earl Dorrell and grandson, | LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for opr huge sale, regular price $90.75, our| low low sale price only $59.95, This is | a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Don't be disappointed, Hurry out to the Hil- top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA 8-6891 | Street. RA 3-762 |Martin. of Oshawa, visited rela-| SMOOTH top mattresses, 252 coil, ann|tives in Midland Sunday. sizes. This is a repeat of a previous sellout, Barons' Home Furnishings, St South. Mrs. R. Bush, Pichbourne, Ont., Mrs. Dazil Bush and family, Odessa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Werry. $59.95 value, mow only $20.99, Simcoe ALUMINUM windows, doors, sailigg, Average wiatow $19.95 complete. Call 5 ho jes, Fkerqmator retrigeraiars, Thrifty RA 5-4343, completely 95 | warranty, ances, 50 Bond East -- | TENTS, camp cots, camp stoves, sleep- r| Street. RA 3.7624, TENTS, sleeping camp cots, Coleman stoves, picnic cool- | ers and lanterns. Best prices. Dominion Tire Store, Mrs. John McKee is visiting Mrs. Herb Galbraith, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanlan and| Donna returned Sandy from aj three-weeks' holiday in Lindsay and Kirkfield. | Mrs. Charlotte Forder, Port| Perry, spent the weekend with| bags, aif matresses, Mrs. Alma Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, Nor- wood, were Sunday guests of Mr. tores--tires, batter. television, Budget plan. ELECTRIC refrigerators, reconditioned. all makes, 90-day free m $69.50. Irvine Apple ing bags, tarpaulins, dunnage bags, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church 48 Bond West. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. -lhand operated, eight years old, valued $200, any reasonable offer accepted. USED Gravity fursace, with oil burner and all controls. treet | 3.2496. ZENITH television, with space com. § mand tuning -- you can control the volume from across the room, change Mr, and Mrs. F. Staniland. stations, _ |her's, 5 King Si ARC welder, Lmcoln, ~ isi volts, 60 cy. single phase, AC; ba - v saw, Delta, metal and wood, combina- tion, inches, 1 HP; metal lathe, South Bend, Mrs, FU beak thesis WE Sle ems Al 20 Bill Horton's Garage. 1373 Simcoe pac television sets, 17" and 21", com- SELL your lvestock in "The Farm- er's Column', Classification 26 in the Want Ads. It's where interested buy- ers look. Dial RA 3-3482 now. KROEHLER chesterfields, Sofabeds and Sectionals -- all new floor samples. Reduced 20 to 40 percent. Save $40-5110 -- while they last! $10 down delivers. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simens gasoline engines or electric motors; or | pf ated ma gue, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Butcher, "Till sonburg, spent last week with Le ME. and Mrs. Harold Kyte. good conditicn,| Mrs, W. L. Hammell, Mont- 11s | real, spent last week and Dianne] {Hammell spent Saturday with] he |Mr. and Mrs. G. Staniland and| RA 3.4117. See. Strecs arable at Meag-| Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Drink- a3| Vater and family, Ottawa, are iting her mother, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Delle: H. Gailey, Mr. a Mrs. 4 ft; rit bookk A chine; dg JL Devine a Neil Bailey spent a few days from % to 5 HP, build to order with| with Merlin Bailey, Montreal. Dianne Goodman, = Whitby, amps. transmission type: Jjointer 8 THREE rooms of furniture $209. Pay only $29 down. This includes chesterfield, bedroom suite, kitchen |g set, mal coffee and step tables, lamps, ete. 'etc. Guaranteed better value than anywhere else! Barons Home F 424 Simcoe St. S. x FOUR-burner Gumey xis stove, fa ere out at $29.88 condition, $35. RA § HP - Buccaneer been used, sac SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial --RA 5-5332 motor, RA has never Street South. 8-689! pe ls; ream- ers, and many others. Apply to: Osh- awa Machinery Co., 587 Simcoe Street South, RA 5.8216. HIGHEST prices paid for used Fe ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Spm. Phone RA 8-1131. spent the weekend with Cath- erine Bailey . Mrs. Stuart Dorrel is attending the School for Leaders at Ontario Ladies College, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs, C. Cox, Cleve- land, Ohio, were Monday guests of Mrs. G. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry and daughter Louise, Cobourg, visit- ed Mrs. J. Henry, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Garnet Murray and girls, Cresswell, and Mrs. Joe Sedgwick, Toronto, were Sun- p|day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy 9 RUGS--$49.95 value--now being While they last! | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe USED tires, most all sizes, $3 wp. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 85-4543. oss tires, $3, up. Terms. Domisien Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. POOL table in good condition, com. plete with score boards, and supply of cues, $175; also electric Coca Cola po cooler in excellent condition, an makes, com-|Verna visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe There are, too, some who d d =a Mrs. S. A. Devitt, Mrs. David land Hill and niece, Mrs. Harry Lade, | Bonnie Holmes, Oshawa, spent [3 pears BLACKSTOCK ~ Puerto Ricans Want 'To Become U.S. State By ERNESTQ ORTIZ | SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reut- |ers)--Admittance of Alaska and [Hawai as American states has |stirred the ambitions of many | Puerto Ricans to see their island lenjoying the same status. | A number of minority political | groups are opposed to Puerto |Rico's present commonwealth |status, which, they claim, can only be regarded as temporary. a the statehood and independ when they voted for common- wealth status in a 1952 plebiscite. Informed puiitical circles here consider it unlikely that the U.S. would agree at this stage to sub- mit the question of independence or statehood to a second plebis- cite. Governor Luis Munoz Mar- in has said, however, that he will ask the legislature to approve a plebiscite on three Slematives; |complete independence for the is- The argument that Puerto {Rico's present status is tempor- appears to be supported by a before the U.S. Con- |gress to modify and clarify the |federal relations act governing the relationship between the U.S. |and the island. CONSENT NEEDED Under this act, the status of Puerto Rico cannot be changed without the consent of the Puerto Ricans themselves. Supporters of continued com- monwealth status argue that the con- rime commonwealth ates, PEACEFUL PEOPLE Puerto Rico is surrounded by island republics troubled occa- sionally by the threat of invasion or revolt and plagued much of ple, the Puerto Ricans, in Gover- nor Marin's words, have de- veloped a new form of political and economic Nelatioustip through their Sstociutivg with following the Spanish - American Puerto Rican electorate rejected War. KEDRON | KEDRON -- Morning worship was conducted at Kedron on wd day by Donald Atkinson, student | - minister at Emmanuel College, | Toronto. Hilda Humphries was soloist, accompanied by Mrs.| R. E. Lee, at the organ. Albert Wood conducted the Sun-| | {day School session, with Eleanor Mountjoy, pianist. Howard Farn-| |dale was adult class teacher.| Offering was taken by gloria Mountjoy and Dennis Werry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy are spending a week's holiday at a cottage near Minden. They are| guests of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Gannon of Oshawa. Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Mur- ray Mountjoy during the last week have included Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Armstrong of Ed- monton, Mary Tngus and John| Davidson of Ottawa, Mrs. Ivah| Angus, Susan and Andy. | Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCor- mack, Douglas and Cathie, have been guests of Mrs. McCor- asks parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Bower at their cottage near Havelock, Hilda Humphries, Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs. | Jack Francis. Sylvia and Marlene Wood spent | irs | 1921 [Faglar. Arngld Taylor Phone RA 8-0511. Mr. and Mrs. ORDERS taken for storm sashes, ang Dianne spent the weekend Please order early. RA 3-4989. Tat their cottage, Gull Lake, Mrs. {Taylor and Dianne remaified NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & "WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. 1st, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1651 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 o week per fomily of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries ond freezer. No down payment, For appointment (no obliga~ tion}--phone RA 5-3709. LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS | CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 52--Legal Notices | Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson and | | +o family, Manchester, visited Mr. I Henry A. Dubblestine, will not responsible for any debts er jand Mrs. Cecil Gibson at the 3 = name by my wife, Margaret E jweekend. B Asht ubblestine, on or r this date, Aug-| Wr. and Mrs. ruce on, ust 18, 1959. Henry A. Diibblestine. ne. Larry, Doris and Dennis attend- de an Ashton family picnic at TENDERS + |Sprine Hill Park Sunday. REQUIRED COSTLY MEDICINE By August 24 for grading at | WELLINGTON, NZ. (CP) Modo Crest Schoo). haat {Cost of the "free drugs service lin. Particulars from the un- {under New Zealand's socldl se- dersigned. |curity scheme rose by nearly W. D. Th ($2,000,000 last year to about $15,- kL Dompon, 000,000. All drugs and other med- Brooklin, Ont. licines prescribed by a doctor are Phone ' Brooklin--247-J |supplied free of charge to the - 192b'patient from government funds, several days with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid of Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and {family visited Mrs. J. J. Black, | Woodstock, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Bagg re- turned Saturday from a holiday in, the Maritimes. Donald and Dennis Werry spent | holidays with their aunf and! uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Art. Rowan, Yelverton. Mr, and Mrs. Adam Hawley |and Catharine, Peterborough, and Lyn Farrow, Port Credit, were weekend visitors to Mr, and Mrs. | Ross Lee. Mrs. W. McCulloch, Orono, and |{Mrs, W. Scott, Columbus, have |been guests of Mr. end Mrs. IT. W. Scott. Mrs. Lillian Stevens, Oshawa, was Sunday guest of her grand- |daughter, Mrs. Douglas Love. Mrs. Robert Haight and Terri, Toronto, spent holidays with the former's mother, Mrs. Greta Mc- Cormack. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Craig and family spent two weeks near Parry Sound at Whitestone Lake, guests of Mr. Craig's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parks, Walter and Wayne, spent Sunday with Mr. Park's brother, Ross | Parks, near Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Tyson and son, and Fred Sucee of High- land Grove were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott were Northminster United Oshawa: Here is & pleasant way. loose plate discomfort. Fa an improved powder, r-- No Sate oF tooling. Iv acid). Yves ok not sour, Frew 03 HELP WANTED -- MALE | Assistant to Field Engineer. Graduate Civil Engi- neer, some construction experience preferred. Re- porting to Field Engineer, assist and supplement field staff, costing on contract jobs. Inspection of construction jobs, supervision of construction in- spectors. Salory ronge $5,017.00 to $6,343.00. Apply giving complete personal dota, qualifications, to:-- PERSONNEL OFFICER, Civie Administration Bldg, OSHAWA, Ontario. Lead the PARADE to the 1959 IDEA HOME Lr IDEA HOME McCULLOUGH atch for OPEN HOUSE DATE built by HOMES LTD. FURNISHED BY : EATON"S OF CANADA Ld Pid pl ve BREE EERE ww kets, brown. Rubberized, has full zipper front, five poc- which two slash pockets. Warm, rayon quilted lining. Sizes 34 to 46. Beige and dark includes FREE-ACTION COMFORT CAR COATS FOR LADIES Short cut to good fashion is this water repellent rayon Car Coat. Has pile collar and cuffs, quilted lin- ing and two slash pockets. White, blue, red. Sizes 12 to 20. SPECIAL \ a PRE-SEASON SPECIAL! TODDLERS' SNOWSUIT Rubber backed poplin with split hood and twin zippers down front . . . warm quilt- ed lining. Royal, red, navy, brown. Sizes 2 SPECIAL DOWNTOWN STORE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STORE