2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 30, 1959 YW CAMP HOLDS EXERCISES OBITUARIES JOHN F. ANDREWS John F. Andrews of 860 Col- borne street cast, died early to- day in the Oshawa General Hos- pital. He was 43. Mr. Andrews was a foreman in the parts department of General Motors of Canada, @shawa. He had been with GM for 23 years. He was ill for 10 weeks. He is survived by his parents, Hugh Andrews and Mary Fore- man, and was married to the for- mer Madge Moses. Mr. Andrews was born in Osh- awa and lived here all his life. He was a member of St. An- drew's United Church. He is suryived by his wife and | parents; one sister, Miss Eileen; | 'and two' brothers, Ernest and Russell, all of Oshawa. ! | The bodv is at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel where service) will be held Saturday, Aug. 1, at| 2 p.m. with Rev. Dr. George Tel-| ford of St. Andrew's United Church officiating. Interment will follow in Mount Lawn Cemetery. | DR. STANLEY R. P. | MONTGOMERY | : A EL, The death occurred at Ross; als AS dyn Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, | x ir ih Monday, July 27, of Dr. Stanley | ia ; ; y en : R. P. Montgomery. The de-| 2 ; . : , . a " 4 [ceased was in his 62nd year. # i i The deceased, born in Toronto, | was graduated from the medical | |school of the University of To-| |ronto in 1923. He did post-gradu- ate work in tronical diseases in |London, England. | Following this he was a medi cal missionary in Southern Rhodesia. In 1928 he began work with the |Ontario Department of Health in the psychiatric department of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby. In 1939 he was appointed as- sistant superintendent of the On- tario Hospital in St. Thomas. In {1941 he was appointed superin-| |tendent of the Ontario Hospital on Queen street west, Toronto. He served with the Royal Canadian Medical Corps during the Second World War. In 1849 he assumed the position 4 super- | intendent of the Ontario Hospital School in Orillia. In 1951 he was appointed direc- tor of the child guidance clinic of the East York - Leaside Health 4 |Clinie, a position which he held 4 until his death. | His late residence was Strath- |allan boulevard, Toronto, | a | Doctor Montgomery was mar- [ried to the former Janet Hislop | of Whitby. The marriage took place in Whitby. He was an active member of the Whitby United Church. Dr. Montgomery, who lived in| wi i Whitby for 11 years, Ne | : dad =. A va. | itby | ant Janet Brown. The children | the winning group, group six, i oy os club| THE CLOSING EXERCISES | with an enroiment of some 12 of the month-long YWCA day | campers was conducted every | engaged in a wide variety of i ) . i ; = camp were held Wednesday | day of the week but Friday il and tivities = hog o | of the eptite camp, Each Trem [president in 1035 and 1936. night at Adelaide House. The | from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Staff Sports an ac ivities such as | ber of the group received a | d exercises featured entertain- | for the camp comprised 20 fe- | 8ames, music, drama, hiking, | YWCA crest. Shown top, is [two sons, Robert of Toronlo an ment and pleys in which every | male counselors, mostly high | crafts, sketching, dancing, | group taking part in Indian Joma of Mig i Rr camper took part. The event | school students, under the di- | swimming and entertainment, play; below are some of the jaaugiiier, 3 os, eorge was Siended br Tore Dhan 100 | rection of Miss Ruth Naish, | The evening was climaxed by parents and children. oar was held in ts s. amp, i > ist- sent ati 2 Y parents and friends. The camp, | camp director, and her assist- | the presen ation of awards to Toronto. Wednesday afternoon. CAPSULE NEWS Fire-Ravaged Gaspe Plan Concert | He is survived by his wife and| NATTY NEW UNIFORMS tive new unifirms that will be Members of the Band of the Ontario Regiment will have a bra new look tonight at their weekly concert in the Mc Laughlin Bandshell. This new look is exemplified br Bands- man Bill Martyn shown wear- | | ing one of the bapd's attrac- | No Limit For Human | WEATHER FORECAST A Little TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts is- sued by the weather office at 5 am.: Synopsis: The hot and humid weather will continue today in Southern and Central Ontario. Somewhat cooler and much drier air which began moving across Lake Superior and northwestern Ontario overnight will bring re- lief to northern regions later to- day and to Central and Southern Ontario tonight, Regional forecasts valid until midnight Friday. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Nia- gara, Lake Ontario, Haliburton, | Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake re- | gions, Windsor, London, Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury: Variable ' cloudiness with scat- tered showers or thundershowers and continuing hot and humid to- day. Friday mainly sunny and a little cooler with less humidity. Winds south to southwest 15 to- day. West 15 Friday. | 8. Thomas Cooler Expected Friday Timmins - Kapuskasing: Vari able cloudi with ttered showers and thundershowers, clearing and turning cooler this afternoon. Friday, mainly sunny with some afternoon cloudiness. Winds soptherly 15 shifting to west 20 this afternoon and de- creasing to west 15 Friday. Forecast Temperatures: Low Tonight High Friday Windsor Wingham London Toronto Trenton St. Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe Earlton Sudbury North Bay Kapuskasing White River Moosonee gana anzRaaRe VEIT RSNSARRARNRSER first time. Bil: came up through the junior ranks of the band to become cornet soloist. He is a fourth year Honor English stu- Victoria College, Uni- versity of Toronto. Jury Ponders Man's Death HAMILTON (CP) -- Continued police investigation was recom- mended Wednesday night bv a coroner's jury which heard evi- {dence from 14 witnesses in the | death of 74-year-old Apostolas Mi- chael, who staggered from his | home last Wednesday and died on| {the sidewalk from a stab wound | in the throat. Among .the 14 witnesses was Forman Ross, 52, a stevedor originally held as a material wit- ness in the case but later re- leased. Mr. and Mrs. Ross both testi- fied that they had been negotiat- ing with Michael, former restaur- ant owner, to rent the delicates- sen which formed the lower part of his house. The Saturday before the slay- ing they were told by Mr. Mi- to someone else although they had deposited $110 with a real estate company to get the lease. [FOR LAST TIME some practical way of slowing the process down oi even bring- ling it to a standstill," he says |in the article. |AGING LIKE DISEASE "In the terms I am using here| ye denied a statement read by CTOs! |aging can be regarded as a dis- police that he returned to the ho- Putiosttian walk ou. wich tel he had lain down to rest on a nearby grassy spot. ease. Like any other disease, it|te] on awakening. Instead, he had {is probably preventable or cur-| Life Span "And since tissue is technically immortal, the 'normal' life span of a human being may be de- TORONTO (CP)--A world-fa-| Quinn. death was the result of a car ac- cident. READS STATEMENT A statement by Mr. Quinn was read into the record. In it he said {he told Mr. and Mrs. Ross *'Old {Nick was knifed"' and Mr. Ross had said "You mean Old Mike." Under cross - examination, Mr, {Ross said Mr. Quinn might have {told him "a man was murdered" but he did not connect it with Michael. Five witnesses all testified that they could not identify a man |they saw in the vicinity of Mr. | Michael's home about the time of {his death. | Ome, Norman Manketelow, said (he saw a drunken man go into Michael's home the night of the |stabbing. He said Michael wasn't chael that he had rented the shop|home at the time. When he re- |turned, Mr. Manktelow said, he {had not noticed the other man {leave the building. Mr. Ross said this was the Jast| Crossw alk Cl aims time he saw Michael. He felt bo i ity toward him over the fact the rental deal fell through. Life Of Girl 11 Mr. Ross testified that he had ' |been drinking most of last Wed-| moRONTO (CP)--An 11-year nesday since there was no work . at the docks. After leaving"a ho-|0ld girl died of injuries Wednes- day night as her mother launched a plea for removal of a the girl was hit by a truck. Beve returned home and he and his|erly Garland of suburban Scar- wife went back to the hotel, he|borough had lain unconscious im said. Later they drove to the hospital for three days with sev. docks where they met James|ere head and internal injuries and a broken leg. Game Birds | WaitsIn Uneasy Calm mous Montreal medical scientist Mrs. Ross said that Mr. Quinn | » ST. BERNARD des LACS, Que.|south shore, said communities For Tonight | (CP)--An uneasy calm hovered along the shoreline will be in| scribed as any number of years asked if they had heard an old the medical science of the mo-|man had been killed. She said |says there is no theoretical limit Notice EE EE-------------- a UA . |over the fire-stricken northeast-|danger if the south wind picks! The Band of the Ontario Regi: ts human life expectancy. [ern Gaspe Peninsula today. An up. The fringe of the fire is about ment will appear tonight on the| Dr. Hans: Selve noted for his ment is capable of making it-- [they had not discussed it further. |Increase in wind velocity could three miles away, he said. [McLaughlin Band Shell concert i = y seventy years, a hundred, two| Mr. Ross said he assumed the \ {rekindle 'the conflagration in| Another fire which has burned resplendent in their new uni: Ton (CP) -- A total|loaded Wednesday after being which 300 miles of timberland an area near St. Paulin, 30 miles forms. Ji 31m Phestunts have Deen re- picketed for six days Jn a pro- was destroyed and a village southwest of here, was creeping| These suits, which have been dada e June i y the pro- test by the Seafarers' Interna-|partly razed. |east toward St. Octave de I'Ave-|provided through the generosity yinsia JI erymants game bird | tional Union over conditions on| Two days of respite in the nir. It was reported burning of Col. R. S. McLaughlin, are of | i "ly Adin 25 the ship and wage rates. A con- wind has given firefighters a fiercely but channelled away an entirely new design, with scar- Theat 000 Sak of Peterborough. tract was signed at Montreal be-|chance to dig fire - breaking|from human' habitation. [let replacing the red as the basic d on chicks, 12,500 poults|tween the SIU and the ship's|ditches and re-organize their de-| Red Cross emergency shelters color. | se oo Mo agent, ealling for Canadian fences, at nearby Ste. Anne des Monts| The tunics are trimmed with| 8imeoe, Tweed and sy Hu ory Wages for the crew while in| This village 350 miles northeast |and Cap Chat and shoreline resi-|yhite piping around blue collars, | tricts to improve hunting anadian waters, and better food |of Quebec City, nearby Sacre Co-| dents have taken in evacuees and continuing down the front and| g |and living conditions. leur des Landes and St. Octave |homeless. The Red Cross said 487 around blue pointed cuffs. Silver ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Mal-| FREE METHODISTS MEET |de I'Avenir, 15 miles southwest of | Persons have registered for aid.|echain mail on the shoulders along eolm S. Campbell of St. Cathar-| THAMESFORD, Ont (CP) A| here, were still 'evacuated Wed-|Eighty - four were reported 0 | with five Regimental gold cat ines has been appointed superi a y . A nesday night. |have lost their home in the buttons and white belts complete {the tunic design. N° inew superintendent for Western tendént of th: stern distrie " i flames. a dern Mt patario will be elected during FIRE THREE MILES AWAY The weather forecast for Gaspe| Semi-form-fitting blue trousers | ity, which handles the. Welland e 12-day annual district confer-| Mayor Romuald Rioux of Ste.|announced warm weather for to- with a gold stripe, and blue peak | ship, canal and the Soo ternal at ence of the Free Methodist Anne des Monts, 10° miles north- day but a chance for thunder- [caps trimmed in scarlet and gold | Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Campbell huh, Wiije opened Wednes-| west of here on the St. Lawrence showers in the evening. |combine to make this a very out-| had been senior civil engineer for. y. The conference will hear the |randing and golotsal st ident. / ol. M. C. Finley, of | RED CROSS SOCIETY NEW TELEPHONE : LISTI See you tonight 24 HOUR SERVICE od RED CROSS OFFICE in he Starlite. RA 3.2933 AIR CONDITIONED HOM AA ay oT studies of the effects of stress on health, relates in an article in|/hundred, or perhaps more. Maclean's Magazine that body| s'There is no theoretical limit issue from rats has been ke, : alive and ros has been kent although by this 1 do not mean tory conditions for a period equi-|to suggest immortality for man- valent to 1,000 years in the kind. human scale. | "There will always be a prac- "If the causes of aging can be tical limit set by imperfect med- found, there is no good medical ical skill and knowledge, and the reason to believe that it will not|risky but unavoidable adventure be possible for science to find of living outside a test tube." 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS Government Graded--Red Brand Beef EGGS ... 47° FIRST GRADE Wednesday 250 barbiturate pills Ne hey He to remain in Kh band to the people in their new | --enough to kill 25 persons--were ges. Iu sh chev look. CITY AND ama ook The coy." dy" rags, ard, Weds Not Safe Bet Soon Shore SE le Woden he va it ng meso cy COULD. WE, atc winee (Pt FU, LO a Ee Fame or vi Fo Hamad, Jf BevSpapers hat Vit. Ereuert Sha To oats 408 egy As RETR Sule Be ian Ee a Sirs ons 20. livia preston) would make ohh pon BL CR 3 jo 'reading of the appointments' | the Welland canals since 1956. | 4 PPO | ; oe |pne. % when ministers of all IKE HESITANT Ontario Regiment, will be master | PILLS STOLEN ree Methodist churches from of ceremonies for the concert] stolen from a dentist's office] FIRST SHIP Tuegday night. The thieves prob-| ably, thought the pills bso CHURCHILL, Mas, {CP)--Th e Sotids, police said. Thee acrad captain of the first ship to reach po sand. y as this Hudson Bay port during the DISTRICT | TWO BREAK-INS . CREW ON STRIKE |avan went to Capt. H. W. By HAROLD MORRISON [seas rumors that the 86-year-old] Two Oshawa business estab-| HAMILTON (CP) -- Members Char ton of the freighter North| Canadian Press Staff Writer | Khrushchev suffered a number of [lishments were broken into dur- of the Seafarers' International VevoR of Newcastle, WASHINGTON (CP) -- Presi-|ailments but his television per-|ing the night, the Drive-In The-| Unidn halted unloading of the| prom was WIDESPREAD dent Eisenhower still seems cool formance showed him as a atre restaurant and the Jubilee | Pangma-registered Pheodoros A BEIRUT Xebanon (AP)--Iragi to the idea of inviting Premier frisky, peppery individual in fair Pavilion. In each case, an earlier | : for simultaneous uprisings in all How woul B8-year- i / vas crew members walked off. One|'°F, 3 prisings In all past.West progress at Geneva. W would the 68-year-old Eis-|however, a money box was stolen claimed many men had not been Major cities of Iraq July 14. Kas-| Another may gre Khrushateos enhower fare against him in a|from the restaurant. Police are paid. for five months. {sem said the uprising material- propaganda skill. {verbal propaganda fight? Despite investigating. | . [ized cnly in Kirkuk because the ident' three major illnesses including a PM TO CHICAGO army was able to snuff it out president's coolness was heart attack and a slight stroke, | couver-Burrard, sald Wednesdav tions for "the chaos in which the peared to be considering whether | is no doubt the in-| Lj i Prinfe Minister Diefenbaker will country finds itself.' [be Fovomunend al Kurushohey nesses have left their mark. Now | Liberal Candidate | in Chicago Sept. 3. He said fi CLASH IN VIENN Well, replied the. president, | "en. some of his comments] MARMORA, Ont. (CP) -- Wi in Ti ago So. 3 : & Sad it} VIE 1 IN yen) A Pia 0 ple b e res en 2/3 Press conferences are hard to Jjam Shannon, reeve-of Marmora, | 5 ume a -anacian "NNA, Austria (AP)--Scores | y rig scuss | follow. was nominated Wednesday night | | i + : street fighting thus far in the 8ative of the president. wily Khrushchev, " NB ARC ES Communist - sponsored World|. Averell Harriman, former The ose has not yet been an will be mo srr (CP) -- There youth Festival. The festival has|NeW York governor, said after . "The seat ly w ar arges aie i fe been marked by fist and verbal his Iv Soviet tour that Khrush- Seek Identit me bi hod bi ro f nine-year-old. Walter |p. 10. . chev harbored a lot of misconcep- Y xe 3 Minister Sidney Weich of Newmarket who was battles between Communist and; ng about the U.S. and oe Smith who died in April. | into TORONTO (CP) -- Police sai Windsor to Niagara Falls learn and will formally present the| pardnts to caution their child~en|jgs9 navigation season received Wedhesday when a crew mem- |Khrushchev to the United States. |Physical form. check had been made of the VANCOUVER (CP) -- John elsewhere before it could begin. |) dent at his press conference Eisenhower Is alert and ever-con- | Reeve of Marmora! prime minister has attended an of Communist youths clashed|the merits of such a visit but he| There is some question how the as Liberal candidate for Hast-| dumped from a raft Sunday anti-Communist delegates. Rod Webb, reeve of Norwood, | ao ; | visit might help dispell them. ' oud A | I: e by a gang of youths.) PREPARE FOR TROUBLE | M Bod was previously nam as Pro- Crown Attorney Arleigh Arm.| MADRID (Reuters)--The Span.| MOSCOW DEBATE | an S Y gressive Conseravtive candidate. | strong said there were not suf-|jg p | That was before Nixon's visit| not suf-fish parliament Wednesday passed and the NIXOn RE usher, ai! TORONTO (CP)--Police in sub-| ficlent grounds for laying a a law empowering the govern- vehi | 27 HAVE POLIO knuckles debate before the Mos- Urban Toronto Township said to-| ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--New-! charge. 4 ment lo declare a state of emer-|.,."olavision cameras. Eisen-|day they have practically ruled! i i SUE JUSTICE MINISTER gency, foi owed if necessary by hower thought Nixon acquitted t ; i practical ruled foundiand's Poliomyelitis. coud PRETORIA, South Africa (CP) martial law, in event of a "seri-|pi 0 "splendidly » of Tite out foul play in the death of alfor 1959 rose to 27 Wednesday Plath for are rics (CP) ous alteration of public order.' a ated Bild man whose bodv was found in a| Twelve patients now are in iron most £33,000 have been served ers Somaiued is the law in-| chev showed himself as a shrewd |c0rnfield Tuesday. (lungs. m South African Justice ie. ss censorship. Aigt [1 » South Atri an dus ive Minis: US. To STUDY POLICY 20d cunning propagandist. The body was brought to the | Swe mm beh: nahh - erican /inei i ae BR, Svart oa behall WASHINGTON AP) me Thotr? py, 2 en aler provineial crime laboratory here| njured in police action during White House disclosed Wednes-| the opportunity of a tour of the oisy for an autopsy by Ontario's fisturbances last Feb. 26 day @ Tew study will be ade of U.S. would give him also the op- [chief coroner, Dr. Smirle Lawson. ial : J.S. policy. Charles t t ake propaganda esti i FREIGHTER UNLOADED A. Coolidge, Boston lawyer, will por Ey Boi gs" anda gig Joe 3 Viewty ST.. CATHARINES (CP)--The head a joint review of disarma An ae e Lie 3s. , Then he the body through fingerprints or Jeismymanng, a Greek freighter ment policy on behalf of the state story to his people son Te yews, A S210" Dias found Liberian registry, was - fer artment : . (hearty may have been involv 1 Y, was un- and defence dgvartments, | There have been various if in the death. n involved FOUR SEASONS KING ST BUTTER.67* NO. 1 NEW ® Round S Lom 1. 80 teaks on Potatoes...' 49° or FINEST FRESH PORK 6-qt. Bskt. PRIME RIB .. 69° | SHOULDER .. 43° . MEATY LEAN FRESH PORK 4 95° LB. « Ao--- BLADE .59¢( BUTT Mh 275 PLATTER MEATY LEAN FRESH PORK--TENDERLOIN END VA = SHORT RIB..65¢| LOIN .55%° BONELESS, ROLLED PEAMEAL 49+ LR. BRISKET Cottage Rolls.. 49°* BONELESS, SHOULDER DEVON RINDLESS POT ROAST. 59+ FRESH YOUNG (OVEN READY) BACON ...99° TURKEYS .49° . RECIPE ON CREAMETTES PACKAGE * Creamettes 10° SPAM 49 FULLY COOKED MAPLE LEAF PICNICS . 49° |