18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 30, 1959 NEW YORK GIANTS FIND nd a IF GRANDMA COULD FIVE QUARTERBACK STARS ERR. | see pomINION SOW Tork rant of the Nationa | It 190. and amther high ora 2 af F< AND THE WONDERFUL pick later this year, Football League today found | ".,. ' sormer Oregon passing he \ \ 2 7ABLE READ, themselves with five quarter- ace, who lost his first-string job rs | / i = a y FOODS {RY -- backs, including newly ac- | with the colts to Johnny Unitas quired George Shaw, and coach | when he suffered an injury Jim Lee Howell was confronted midway of the 1956 season, with a big question. asked to be traded. The question Howell has to | with Shaw reporting to the answer is whether to abandon | Giants' training camp here to- the experiment to make a | gay, Howell has, in addition to guarterback out of allleague | the ex - Colt, veteran signal halfback Frank Gifford. Right | caller Charlie Conerly, now 38, now Howell intends to go ahead | pon Heinrich, capable as a with his original plans. What | team general but not in Con- takes place in the future is up erly's class as a passer, and to Shaw and Gifford. Gifford. Dut to report after the Shaw was obtained from the | all-star game is another quar champion Baltimore Colts Wed- | terback hopeful, rookie Lee | mesday night in exch for ' Gr p of Utah. PICKETS GET SHOTS JETS DROP IN GUELPH (CP) -- Strikers left| WINDSOR (CP)--Windsor air- their picket lines Tuesday at the port was "invaded" Wednesday W. C. Wood Company here and morning by three United States | entered the plant office to re Air Force jets rerouted from ceive their third shots of Salk|Selfridge air base near Mount polio vaccine. One hundred and |Clemens, Mich., because of a se- twenty-five employees went on|vere storm, The planes were re- strike at the refrigerator plant | fuelled before they took off in the April 3. afternoon. In Grandma's day, hours of tedious sandwich-making usually went into for a family picnic! The outing was loads of fun then, --- but asier it is today to pack a picnic basket! A 'One-Stop' visit £ how mt 1 to y rier DOMINION store is all it takes! In a matter of minutes, i at DOMINI you can select from wide assortments of tasty pre-pack- ag s table-ready meats -- plus all of the trimmings to make ar mplete and enjoyable! Plan a good old-fashioned icnic th with modern day fixin's from DOMINION and SAVE . | : be, 3 | AYLMER-DOMINION VACATION _PATIO PARTY FEATURES! | ooo oorccrn 14 | C CAMERA AYLMER PERS. 2327 | TURKEYS &:4 ™ ! SERVE PEACHES 'N' CREAM SPECIALS Ww CHOICE QUALITY--SLICED nod SCIAL MAPLE LEAF-SWIFT'S PREMIUM (Short shank-whole or shank half) AYLMER PEACHES 2 35° Hainan Cooked SMOKED HAMS = 39¢ AYLMER--IN TOMATO SAUCE SPECIAL FOR THE 35 M.M. FANS! || Brave' Ci PORK Oc GRADE "A" YOUNG HEN TINS | FRUIT COCKTAIL 25° RINDLESS BACON =» 39<| SERVE SOUP'N' SANDWICHES ECONOMICAL--MAKES 6 FULL GLASSES FOR WRAPPING SANDWICHES, ETC. AYLMER CREAM OF SPECIAL ASSORTED FLAVORS SARAN WRAP 25-FT. 39+ MUSHROOM SOUP 3": 4g- FRESHIES 5.20 SABANWEAP FRENCH'S PREPARED 12-01. # ADD VARIETY TO YOUR TABLE YELLOW MUSTARD or Bg WHITE ONIONS 20 39+ AYLMER CHOICE SPECIAL JAR PEAS and CARROTS 233 MAYONNAISE wx ame SALAD OLIVES "35° AYLMER--CHOICE CREAM STYLE PICNIC BRAND SWEET CLARK'S ASSORTED REAL VALUE REFRESHING SPARKLING IDEAL FOR SANDWICHES OLDEN CORN 3 = 39° MIXED PICKLES "J" 23* MEAT SPREAD 2 7 27° WIRGIN 19 . J --mmm-- sorte HUNT'S CHOICE { AMERICAN DRY PURITAN BRAND MWe. riomm 1.9 lens | Sed | WHOLE GINGER | CANNED A-- 5 §Qc eacn | APRICOTS ALE BOLOGNA R | CALIFORNIA--THOMSON GREEN a" | | 1 28.0Z. 32-02 12-0Z. eputed copal 1/500 second shutrer | S dl GRAPES Ibs. 9 | 3 | 00 ¢ 3 1 00 : TINS BOTTLES TINS | Seedless 2c 00; 2.22.27 " (¢ ' ; CALIFORNIA EXTRA FANCY SWEET L PLUS DEPOSIT ood for all the family $1zE16s dog 49: ALL MERCHANDISE IS Vv Y | Bartlett PEARS | L " - CUARANTEED | * FROZEN FOODS B..o a built-in Sekonic light Ji DELICIOUS--REFRESHING HORSEY Meter | FOR SALADS OR COOKING-- ST. LAWRENCE i TO GIVE 100% LEMONADE 4 vor 43° BB etre J] SO SN OIL, w 33° "53° GATISFACTION {ome vawe soon on with a deluxe leather carrying case |§ MAKES FOUR QUARTS IN A JIFFY--INSTANT DISSOLVING ORANGE DRINK 3 ws 49° Regular 89.00 Value MIL-KO ne 39° we 99° PAN) § [Ry EmmamsiQUEBSWIPYS. c 2 C § SOFT ABSORBENT TOILET TISSUE--WHITE 1919-1959 (/ Hamburg Patties PKG. 53 .00 WHITE CROSS wa ¢ 3) FRASERVILLE FANCY a onvO3 aie i 2 ve 79° Strawherries sac IDEAL FOR COLD PLATES--PLUM ROSE BRAND JURYZLOVELR PORK SHOULDER w 89° () a =» a . . bn HANDY FOR PICNICS--BARBECUES ETC. BRAND WHITE Ww hA 1 WS 10 MM ve te SCE | SERVIETTES or 250 BB€ 40™ ANNIVERSARY EPH NEV FIRST RAR (1 special OFFER! HAPPY HENRI'S SOY Celebrate with Savings / STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA ORANGE DRINK oe 25¢ Z VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORES | IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY, JULY 30-31, AUG. 1