THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 25, 1959 '5 FILMS DEVELOPED 24-HOUR SERVICE Do justice to your pictures, make sure they are sharp end clear, bring them to RIGLER'S STORE 200 BROCK ST. 8. MO 8-9022 Y a T 40 Whitby Scouts WHITBY and DISTRICT 40 Whitby Scouts Manager: Lloyd Robertson Commerce, Whitby right away. Your message will gladly be ac-|tion for the ship's company is of cepted also at Whitby Town|the highest possible standard Hall, Mr. Weaver's home, the istent with the limited space secretary's office or you may available in such comprehensive- call Mrs. S. L. Burns. ly equipped ships. ENTERTAINMENT CAPTAIN'S HISTORY To make the task of fair allo-| Commander Cassidi, the cap- cation easier, all are urged to|tain of HMS "Whitby" first went contact any of the addresses|to sea as a midshipman in 1942, given as soon as possible. serving in such fighting ships as Suggestions for group enter-|assuming command of HMS tainment in addition to the| "Hardy" and after receiving HM will provide program already drawn up Commission, in HMS '"Ramilles" .|are also welcome. |and HMS "Protector". Before Note should be made that ajassuming command of HMS public dance at the community | "Whitby" he served on the Di- arena is planned to commence recting Staff of the Naval Staff [never realized before. {at 8.30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 7. | College. : | Parents of Sea Cadets ¢ sea|Ladies wishing to receive guest| Commander Cassidi is mar- |Scouts resident in Whitby and|cards for this dance should con-|ried, has three children. His |district should contact Fred tact any of the forementioned home is at Limavady in North- Weaver, who is a member of the (addresses or direct to John A.|ern Ireland. Chamber's special committee| Mitchell, member of the com- and in charge of this particular mittee in charge of this fuse. STATISTICS was bail bY we aspect of the '"Whithy's" visit to tion. Mes: Ca Laird and Co ". Whithy on Sept. 6 and 7 Private individuals, stores, Ep SSIS. A - in the Ltd. at Birkenhead (across from groups and industries 3 we "7 ALLOW 40 whole area are invi ted to co-|Liverpool in England). Launched "icidiannd®h | There is sure lo be a very operate with Whitby Chamber of July. 1954, she was completed great demand for accommoda-| Commerce to make this an occa. abbut two years later. tion and so requests should be|sion "Whitby" and her crew --| Her hull is all-welded and spe- lodged right away. There is, of as well as Whitby and district, [cially designed for high speed course, no charge, but no more will remember with great pleas. Steaming in bad weather. She than 40 young sea-lovers will be!yre for many years to come. Hae Tin nly hows Big Bigs IN THE TOWN OF WHITBY the lucky ones ers, Her m S | ma Of the 220 total officers and LEAVING SHORTLY advanced design, giving high | i hersoy Yaquested te. ioks netics rd 99VaIn men manning the 'Whitby', HMS "Whithy' 8,3 Diesel, speed, pid Aecelermion au HARRY W. JERMYN, about 150 will be able to stay|lving at Portland in England but, good endurance. Special double | ayor ashore on the night of Sunday,|for the young sea-lovers in par- reduction gearing makes for DATED Sahe Town Holle SVhiiby, Sept. 6 and it may be that thelticular a few extra facts about, maximum efficiency. THE QUEEN | parents of sea cadets would like this modern frigate might be Anti-submarine mortars, at the to take a couple of men from the more than teresting. after end of the ship, consist of | Grain Carrier Freed By Tug SARNIA (CP)--The grain car- rier Karl Julius, which went aground about midnight Sunday on a sand bank three miles north of here in Lake Huron, was freed Friday night by the tug Superior of Detroit. I The 3,000-ton vessel had taken) on a full cargo of grain in Su-| perior, Wis., and was bound for| her home port of Hamburg, Ger- many, when she ran aground. She anchored at Port Huron, Mich., and will depart today. | cials said .the carrier had un "| Port Huron coast guard offi-| loaded part of her cargo intc the| motor vessel Redriver, owned by Beconsfield Steamships Limited| of Montreal. The captain of the recently of nuclear warfare. Accommoda- |commissioned modern frigate HMS "Whithy', Commander A. D. Cassidi, has written to the special committee of Whitby Chamber of Commerce stating that "Whitby" will be able to afford passage for a total of 40 local Sea Cadets from Toronto to. Whitby on the morning of Sun- day, Sept. 6. He states that it is doubtful, however, if a substan- tial breakfast could be provided for that number. This* passage youngsters with a unique tunity to see and travel with a {modern unit of the British Navy| |--a chance often dreamed ~f but PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY Whereas at a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of thé fown of Whitby held on Monday, 6th day of July, 1959, it was resolved: That Monday, the 3rd day of August be and the same is hereby set apart as a Civic Holiday, and that his Worship the Mayor be authorized to issue the necessary proclamation thereol. THESE ARE THEREFORE TO MAKE KNOWN THAT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION | HEREBY PROCLAIM MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1959 A CIVIC HOLIDAY "inst Riihopos. BUSINESS BUILDING front-end loader in clearing up some of the mud from the floor of the excavation --Photo by Alex McCulloch GOD TRAVEL SAVE han wd . . 4 & WORK RESUMES ON NEW resumed on proposed new three-storey of fice building at the corner of Dundas street and Brock street The building, which will house 7 Goals In 7 Minutes Unity Club Give Excelsiors Win Has Picnic Thursday night the Whitby [Excelsiors started to go to town ia At Cottage Millers met the Minto Cup Cham-/ against the locals rapping in pion Brampton Excelsiors at the seven goals in less than seven Whitby Arena. Play was close for minutes. With nothing to lose and 16.26, The meeting of Unity Club the first 50 minutes of the 60- their play-off hopes gone, the Naylor. Club (Rebekah) was preceded by minute game which ended with Millers turned in their finest per- a picnic held at the summer home Brampton Lacrosse Juniors de- formance of the season, a display of sister Donna Martin, at Port| Perry. The day was a very plea- sant one the ladies arrived | | . f | | Sailors Queasy EXPERIENCED feating the local squad 14-6 which would have carried them JR ALKER The opener was one of the best high in the league standings had : around 3 p.m. in two cars and But Oo t ain were made welcome by Mrs, Mar- periods of junior lacrosse seen in they played as well in other, Penalties: B. Gibson DETROIT (AP)--"I'm old tin the arena in a long time. Both games James, W. Thompson, enough to watch where I Some members brought their) By HRRY CALNEK water for the first 24 hours. Then| teams came up with some fine! Gord Platt who came through 3rd Period walk. The police don't need passing and ball handling, with ith three goals and checked like 10. Brampton, Foster to be spending all their time children who enjoyed themselves| . ivi yen ist. swimming, playing in the water] Canadian Press Staff Writer hey Ste survival Jationt somsit HALIFAX (CP) -- Twenty-nine| 18 Sill only three penalties in the per-|; demon played his best game of (Naylor) watching me," 79 year - old iod, which ended in a 53 countithe year, and was a standout for Brampton, Foster Kolman Shkolnik complained fot ue Extelgiors the local cause (McCauley and later in the evening were piece of fruit cake, 12 energy Trey 3 Je Jaid the 27th e middle frame only one (pn Wednesday the Millers play Whitby, Lotton taken for a boat ride by Mr. gai iday 4 > aywalking ticket he has Te- goal was scored, an unassisted their last home game of A (Unassisted) Martin. [gaan retina) FIDY Set id tablets and five ounces of water| 'ceived in four yecrs. effort by Gord Platt, who de- season, when they host the St. Ca-|13. Whitby, Platt The picnic supper was very|the Atlantic aboard rubber life Man. Shkolnik's latest violation served the tally after stubbornly|tharines Athletics. This game! (Grandy) . much enjoyed, each having rafts. They wi "bloody sea- Leading Seaman James Oakes| cost him $5. refusing to be knocked off his pins starts at 9.00 p.m. instead of the Brampton, McClure brought a favorite dish, and at Ta: b 2 ere it V 3€3°|,f Welland, Ont. said he has Shkolnik blamed police for by half the Brampton team. The a] 8.30 and should be a fitting (Ronalds) 13.19 8 p.m. the meeting was opened sic oh oy 0 1 again. |peen in just about every type of| his troubles as he stood be- second frame also featured some finale for the 1959 season, since 15. Brampton, Naylor by Sister Kathleen Brough, presi.| The sailors, volunteers fromighip the navy has and was never| fore traffic court referee great lacrosse by both clubs with there is nothing the locals would (unassisted 15.20 dent, with the saving of the Lord's|the destroyer Crescent, conduc |seasick. John D. Carney. Prayer. One visitor was wel-/ted what pro bably was thel "BytI was seasick in that raft, comed, Sister Helen Lambert, of Worlds most elaborate evalua- and I don't mind admitting it," again a minimum of penalties like better than to give the Ath- 16. Brampton "One thing I don't want to : - letics a run for their money. (unassisted) do is get killed in traffic," BACK IN THE GAME e y ; Y ; ) Zn He Going into the final period.| SUMMARY . Brampton, Thomson Queen Mary Lodge, Cannington. | ton of inflatable life raits. he said. "At night there's no light] Shkolnik said. "I take care the Millers were down 5-4, until al (unassisted) The members were pleased to| One raft was the standard navy at all and you just pitch and| of myself in the streets better Foster came through with a pair 1st Period Brampton. Thomson learn that Sister Lottie Plaskitt design that has been in use for|roll--and you get sick." than those policemen who of goals to make it 7-4 for the| 1: Brampton, Naylor Wanless is now at home and improving seven years. The others were| Lt.-Cmdr. R. C. Thurber said| ive me tickets. They give Excelsiors. The Millers, display-| onalds) Brempion nicely after being in the hos-|commercial rafts and experi-|each raft was found to have ad-| me a ticket just for walking. ing more get up and go than they| ind Th iii pital with two broken wrists. They mental models. vantages an d these probably had before this season, came back edo AA . ; were sorry to learn that Sister 2 origi wi 'hed. | Would be incorporated into a new with Glen Lotton and Gord > Brampton, Riddell . (Wanless 19.30 mena Roberts has a cold and| iG tes originally was sched | design. U. S. Navy rafts were not (unassisted) 6.52 Penalties: B. Campbell, Mc : uled for 87 hours, but later short 4 hope she will. soon be better. | |used because "'our equipment is 3 5 ened to 37 hours. The next meeting will be Sep-| better than the USN's"' and far tember 9 at the home of Sister QN SURVIVAL RATIONS [superior to conventional life Fish, puting the locals into the 4. Whitby, Platt Cauley, M. Campbell B. Camp- : (B. Gibson 8.28 bell (misconduct) Isabel Meier. At the close of the| The men went without food or|boats. meeting a social evening was|-- -- _ Near the end of the period, the Brampton, Wanless Whitby had 41 shots on goal and spent. Winners of the card game (unassisted 12.09! Brampton had 54. The officials Ld Brampton, 'were Grann Gallagher of George- rien S ete were: Sisters Isabelle Saunders, | Jane Anderson and Lena Pellow. N 1 Ki orine nime | B " Titli t LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) "I am oh so very happy," she (unassisted 12.24 town and Scoop Hayes of Mimico. WHITBY PERSONALS |e ves | Miss Norine Kime who to The pearl crown of Miss Universe said in her faltering english and ed bringing to a close a very en- be married on July 25 at Whitby was placed Friday night on the | then tears glistened in the cor- joyable day. Probed Whitb Faith Baptist Church, Whitby, to Io e it Y Mr. Gudmund Forenfen, of Den- ering - Mrs. 1. G. Smith and daughter, For Oil In ners of her almond eyes. | pretty head of a statuesque fash-| | mark, was entertained at a mis- Margaret, of Moose Jaw, Saskat- War Years ion model from Japan, the firey NORWEGIAN SECOND cellaneous shower by the ladies chewan, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. Metherel | More fuel seems to be adding Oriental to win the international |, runners-up, in order of fin- and Mrs. to the oil findings at the Con- Ish, ship for a drive in the afternoon; "Whithy' also known as twin three - barrel mountings | of the sixth and to dinner after-F 36 -- is part of the Fifth Fri-| which fire a pattern of large f= wards and have them stay the gate Squadron of the Royal Navy projectiles around submarine night at their homes. leaving Britain for a visit to targets. There are also 12 anti-| A night ashore is a pleasant Canada from July 31 to Sept. 15.| submarine torpedo tubes. For-| {change for a sailor and this is| The Squadron consists of three ward there is a twin 4.5 inch | SHIPPING SCHEDULE te end from still very true however small the of the latest Type 12 anti-sub- | turret and aft twin stabilized | room or home and bed where he marine frigates (HM Ships Whit-| mm weapons. A high and Soot | THE UNITED KINGDOM |is guest {by, Tenby and Scarborough) and ate rate u fire sl be main: ond vi y ever, | t; 61 aircraft direction) against surface and air tar-| who a hoagh wishing to take. a frigate (HMS Salisbury). _Al-|gets, which can be located and| EUROPEAN CONTINENT couple of men or officers for although the ships are specialized held at high speeds. The entire| for 1960 ere now ovailable drive and perhaps a meal, may |in their respective primary | gunnery armament system can RESERVE YOUR SPACE EARLY to assure desired accommodation not be able to accommodate | roles they are capable of many be controlled by radar. REDUCED FARES EACH WAY |them overnight. Whatever youl!tasks in war and peace. HMS "Whitby' has: Standard | 13 to April 14th end reutrn before June 21st Work has offices and several is expected to be completed at the | beginning of January. Work was held up for several days the after a heavy downpour of rain | hit the Whitby area, flooding the excavation. Photograph shows operator working the stores {may wish to do to make this a; Both types incorporate radical displacement of 2200 tons; over- | pleasant change for our visitors, | changes from orthodox warfare all length, 370 feet; breadth, 41 you are urged to write or tele-|design and attention has been | feet; complement, 220 officers phone to Whitby Chamber of | paid to the possible requirement|and ratings. { a | Brampton, Foster (unassisted) 8. Whitby, B (Lotton) Penalties McCauley 3 Jon Gibson Further particulars et-- DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE MO 8-3304 RA 5.483% 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY B. Gibson 2nd Period 9. Whitby, Platt (unassisted 13.01 Riddell, Finnegan. 3.48 11 5.46 12 8.39 10.47 Ashbee 16.13 16.43 18.07 Thomson 18.25 Fitzpatrick There's music and fun and laughter . . . when skaters get together! Let's waltz . . . let's skate and enjoy ourselves tonight! 8 P.M. that can give you experience Travel places and The Agency from personal Tips on particular customs. FREE DELIVERY OF TICKET" PAY LATER PLAN EUROPEAN GROUP TRAVEL INDIVIDUALLY ARRANGED TOURS BY BUS, SHIP, RAIL end AIR OVERSEAS CONTACTS No Service Charge No Parking Problems DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY PHONE MO 8-3304 Naylor and Mrs. Edward Willowdale, and Mr. Base Line, Pick- Fred Woodward, of Cal- nephew Mr Lickie, of Mrs Art Thompson gary, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson of Victorid St. E., Port Whitby Mrs. Woodward's grandson, Ser- geant Allan Woodward, of To- ronto, is the driver of the car for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip during their Canadian and family tour | Paul, son of Mr is of Almonds United Church. Serv- ing the tasty lunch were: Mrs. W. Newton, her daughter Cath- erine, and Miss Carol Lee. On Thursday evening, Mrs | WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA were: Ewen MacDonald, of 601 Euclid St., was hostess a miscel- laneous shower. During the eve- ning social games were played with Mrs. Scar in charge. In serving the dainty refreshments at Recent visitors at the home of Mr. 4nd Mrs. W. Mottershead were: the on-in-law and daugh- ter, Rev. E. S. Kerr, and Mrs. Kerr, of Montreal, Rev. George Worling, Mrs Worling and daughters Beverly and Ruth Ann Louis Grenier, of High St., will!solidated Dredging Compan be celebrating his 3rd birthday | property in Port Whitby. Harbor-| on Sunday. Many happy returns of the day wishes are extended to Paul master Dave Ross told The Times gojima, 22, had won the crown|eight inches and vi beauty pageant. Announcement that leggy Akiko Miss Norway, Jorunn Kristian- sen, 18, who stands five-feet, or RA 5-4831 | es 35-24- | that people have been calling him brought a roar of applause from 3. {and coming around to see the |property at all times of the day {4,200 spectators. { "I didn't think I would win," Miss United States, Terry Lynn Huntingdon, 19, of Mount Shasta, TIMES Churches St. Andrew's Whithy Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kent, of land evening ating 5 Gilbert St. W., have returned! Mr. Ross' house is on the|said the Tokyo beauty, who Lali. five-feet, 61 inches and 36- after spending 10 days in|dredging company property. On|stands five-feet, six inches and &"9%- Timmins, where they were visit-| Tuesday &* small hole in the|measures 37-23-38. Miss the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Selby. | LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO 8-3111 If you have not received your Times, ohone your carrier boy first. It vou are unable to con- tact him by 7.00 p.m. PHONE BELL TAXI CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY from Nigeria, Africa, niece and Presbyterian Church AT ST. JOHN ST. England, Pamela Anne | --|Searle, 21, a willowy five-feet,| WHITBY BROC Phone MO 8-3618 NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7 & 8:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURES BYRON ST. 5. 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM. BEGINNERS CLASS AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 8rd Concession West of Broek N. FAITH BAPTIST 42) BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th. Assistant: Mr, R. Roxburg 9:15 AM, RADIO BROADCAST . 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR 11 AM. AND 7 PM. Our Pastor speaking at both services. Guest Soloist: Mr, Harold Kemp EVERYONE WELCOME WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John Smith, B.A., B.D Minister J. Beaton, A.R.C.T. Organist 2nd Whitby Cubs left on Tues- day for a week's vacation to be Miss Kojima succeeds Colom- bia's Luz Marina Zuluaga. 11 a.m.--Dutch Service 11 a.m. --Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone HOOD | io, as, LO hid ie fo hd di The Captain preferred the merry maids on land to the mermaids at seal lec g "all at sea" NEW! RIOTOUS! Michael Balcon % IS YOUR FURNACE SAFE? FUNDS FOR EDUCATION is Heartily Welcomed ing Mr. and Mrs. A. Bridger, ground was found in which black|™ ) parents of Mrs. Kent oozy fluid appeared. The mineral | seven-inches, 36-24-36. : Mother Tells | Miss Brazil, Vera Ribeiro, 19, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keenan, | ac that the Port had oil under- la leggy brunette of five feet, their sons Michael and Murray neath its surface | | ' ; > b | | sures 37-23-37 | nue, have returned after spend-\ment officials tes a Br | | ment officials tested the Brock] | CANADIAN HOMESICK Black Lake, near Haliburton oil findings which proved to be| BUFFALO (AP)--A 21-year old] Canada's entry, blonde Eilleen sgative. ' i .i.|mother, the upper part of her Butter, 25, of Ancaster, Ont. said On Sunday, Kenneth, son of | negative. although certain resi-|™ pper pa > SM i i from a house Friday and told|to get back to her job as a re- Cochrane St.. will be celebrating small quantity of oil underneath|irom IS ) gf J h ou J rieng ; rims -- ee | ture, {eliminated Thursday night in the| Kennel many happy returns of T k Mrs. Renate Helbling accused preliminaries. { W estern Irac living of beating her with a black-| has had a movie offer and plans spent at Roblin Lake Salvation gar. He also burned her daugh-|% |Army Camp under the super- ters, aged 1 and 2, she said, and NEW YORK (AP) | ie Yon ¢ ! The man, Joseph Noah, 39, was Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Keddy stock frauds involving a fictitious i seph Nos hi and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Seheehan Canadian ra c e track ! Lefkowitz said] The torture began, the woman weeks vacation camping at Friday. said, after Noah accused her of --|a Supreme Court order directing|™an. {16 firms and individuals to ap-| She escaped through a rear OXFORD, England (Reuters)|called "one of the most ruthless|---- | Agreement in principle between high-pressure boiler room and| | | | | i | Don't go through another winter without having us give your furnace a FREE INSPECTION No cost! No obligation. We'll check your furnace for safety, economy and possible trouble. Be sure if it's 0.k. we'll tell you so. If it needs a minor "tune-up", now is the time to have it done. If you need a new furnace let us help you ~hoose an ANTHES furnace to suit your needs. Call today. was similar to oil and speculation {seven inches from Rio who mea- and daughter Cathy, of Lee ave-| During World War 11, govern-| Of Tortures ing one week vacationing at|street area of Whitby for possible] " lai 3 itby . a|body bruised and burned, burst|she is homesick and will be glad ME Rr To of dents claim that Whitby has a A | & i . > |its earth: | police a story of four days of tor- ceptionist. The Canadian was| his 2nd birthday. Friends wish! la man with whom she had been| The new Miss Universe said she U d I F d jack and burning her with a ci-|to make a test next week in Holly- sed In Frau |vision of Mr. Carr Investors| made her watch. nave been mnlcted of $500,000 in| arrested. Attorney-| are planning to spend their two General Louic J Honey Harbor The attorney-general obtained |having an affair with another pear for examination in what he door. Canada and India was announced bucketeering operations in recent | Whitby Bapfist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.CM. Thursday for the use of funds years." Guaranteed |worth up to 3,750,000 ($10.500,- The order prohibits dissipation | 000) to develop technical educa-|of funds of Jack Kissel, Hemp-| tion in India. The funds became Stead, N.Y.; K. Medann Com- available through disposal by In-|Pany. Garden City, N.Y.; the |dia of Canadian wheat gifts un- Garden. City Securities Corpora-| lder the Colombo Plan. tion, Garden City; and Kissel 8| | wife. | | Lefkowitz said Kissel and the| OPPOSE RED CHINA Medann eompany promoted sale | en i of stock in 'Victoria Raceway, | SYDNEY (Reuters) Exter- Winnipeg," Canada," a non-exist-| nal Affairs Minister Richard Ca- ent track. with the claim that the sey said in a speech Thursday|Canadian zovernment guaranteed that Australia would continue to|the stock and that the track] oppose Communist China's ad-|would be opened officially by the| | mission to the United Nations. 'Queen. Roofing ® Asphalt Shingle ® Tar & Gravel ® Built Up Asphalt | 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM. Girls and Boys 9 years and over 11 AM. and boys under 9 vears 1AM infant Care -- Junior Worship 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11. AM. MORNING SERVICE Morning Soloist: MISS MARGARET FROST 7 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP Roofing by men with experience, GET AN ESTIMATE BY PHONING MO 8-3724 C. B. FOSTER & SON LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- EASY TERMS Albert Randall & Sons Lid. 102A BYRON ST. S.,, WHITBY -- moO 8-299) " LIE LR J a ssnvesasasod NN Girls SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 P-M. ¥