4 74 4 | where except from my hips and } | this? BF through her column, not by mail Cases when it will pay ing through the barrier of clip- | MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL (Light Clippitige {oT OWawa vials, bie, by 30. 000 _ 7 f : : Protect Lawn ting time. Any wet clippings TEACH GARDENING Self-Conscious About Her Figure Saber" limps 320 Bork se] BRANTFORD, Ont. (CPI i " 4 parks board has started an ap-| From Scorch ng Jundeuying sui, which may then presiice garidéner. pan i ap obs} Misses Out On Summer Fun me raver, commen, "ney cine ae poss. [5a fo os » curren arden { y | shortage. comes up every summer and nol v = Dear Mary Haworth: 1 have a call on his folks? Or for bis to" cems to know the answer.| When bentgrass is the main figure problem that grows worse|call on mine? -- N.P |component of the lawn . very vear, especially in summer., DEAR N. P.: Supposedly the Lawn specialists of the Ontario} Te 1 or down on picnic and hoy, not the girl om done the Department of Agriculture admit When the clippings are full o| beach parties to spare myself the| courting. Pence when he gets en-that a firm rule does not exist, It crabgrass and seed heads. Re-| | embarrassment of wearing shorts| gaged to the girl, presumably his ic the actual condition of the|Moving them will check thelr | islacks or bathing suits [parents are happy in his happi- { | Missing these outdoor social ness. So his mother writes or events makes me feel terrible:|telephones her mother, to express |put what can I do? I hate to be gracious interested approval as| {lawn at cutting - time that tells| spread {just what is to be done with the Reasons for letting the clip-| clippings, they say pings remain depend on the heat and # is even harder to listen to| Whereupon the girl's mother re-|pings on the lawn. This is cor owp Doar grass rms aud sub. {friends raving about thr narty plies in kind and a visit fro® 'he(rect if you follow a regular, fre. vf uleh i) ; | afterwards hoy's parents follows, Thus a quent mowing schedule and leave serves as a spongy layer for Dieting took off pounds every-| friendly relationship begine Such |a 'Tew clippings each time. How-|Tetaining water. Decaying clip- elng took olf: po "lis the customary social proced- ever. under certdin condition s pings supply nutrients during ure M.H not raking clippings might cause the summer. And if yon live by the grass injury. Here are somel® vacant lot, wind-blown weed to cart/seeds will have difficulty work. left out of the planning sessions: regards the plrnned alliance.! Most people do leave the pas your soil. Clippings settle legs. Can yon help me with an exercise -or other idea enrrecting! Mary Haworth counsels or personal interview. Write her @Way the clippings | [DOCTOR'S SUGGESTION : A 4 \ When the grass 15 wet at cuts [V08® ON S.°r Jat Tocuply a0. tave of Wis wewspaper), Tiles "he grees B a OE ; friend called my attention to Dr. . i _ DeForest Clinton Jarvis' book = ---- #7. generations of vigorous lone lived Vermonters, compiled in 50 0 A research / Dr, Jarvis, born in 1881. is a . gradua'e of the University of Ver- A wr {1 m~nt Me al Collere. He has| BR ¥ et KITTEN NAPKIN HOLDER Here is 8 pretty napkin | bazaar ideas. If you would like ling, to the Needlecraft De holder which can be done in | 0 obtain the easy roche! in- partment of this paper, re structions, simply se a : it Naoki der the twinkling of an eye. It will stamped, self - addressed en- questing Kitten Napkin Holder, also be most welcome in your | velope, plus ten cents for hand- Leaflet No. C-8-927 CHILD GUIDANCE Celery Was First Claims Children Learn Best On 2 Medicine The exuberan. crunch of celery is a popular sound in these salad- conscious times but it was not en ey Ie appy alwas so. In fact, even though |celery was known as early as 850 By G. CLEVELAND MYERS new sounds, as in his coos and BC, when Homer mentioned it in Over the years, I have pointed medicinal out, in this column, that the baby CRYING--FIRST SOUND Celery does not seem to have tends to make most progress uw The first sound the baby makes been used as a salad until the| learning. especially : wa Elis trying. But during the first few seventeenth century. when the and talking, when i eels hapyy, weeks he also begins to make stalks and leaves were some especially toward the ih When comfort sounds through his pleas-|times eaten with an ofl dressing other persons he is wi Le hes ure over taking food. As more|in France in 1623, but its use angry and out of Zoit , oe o% \weeks and months go. by these then was confined to flavoring. kick and strike, repeating o pat comfort sounds increase in coos| Smallage. a plant now culti- terns of motion or Set 2nd and babbles. vated for flavoring purposes, is| 5 he feels > erated? " Jovi I's when BO lh| Flora Rheta Shreiber, in her apparently "wild" celery, the! When he cries, he may repeat/Speech" (Putnam) makes muchl/countries for thousands of years. 2 narrow repertoire of sounds he' ot sho baby's comfort sounds in|If Brows in wet places over have been going with a boy for 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 bas made before, but it's when| . . : Europe, the Mediterranean e's happy that he keeps adding his early speech development. |jands) Asia Minor, the Caucasus, "Babbli is _|Himalayas. It was mentioned in abbling is a happy, SPOR yinece vitings of the fifth cen: SIE taneous utterance during which tury. | 10-18 Be juan Jorme many, many, Seventeenth - century garden- sounds at random, many more ers in Italy. France and Eng-| than he will ever use once he|land made the actually talks. In the course of ments of the wild type. They Ml his babbling he forms all the|aiso found that much of the tooo. Coffee maker used, but use vowels and consonants of which strong flavor could be elim- adult language is comprised--not|inated, making the stalks better | | only of his own language but of for salad use, by growing the LL other languages as well." plants in late summer and fall, AT Then comes the time between |then keeping them into winter. [ five and nine months of age when| By the middle of the eighteenth YY the baby repeats some of the/century wealthy families in ax sounds he has made at random, Sweden were enjoying the win- | A which, presumably, he likes most. | tertime luxury of celery that had Ul '3 He may seem to make almost been stored in cellars. From that endless repetitions consisting of time on, its use as we know it the same sounds used as two, today spread rapidly. We do not three or more syllables--da-da-da-/know what group of European da-da or ma-ma-ma-ma-ma colonists brought ,it to North |America, or when, but four cul IMITATE HIM {tivated varieties were listed in His parents, supposing he is|1806. saying Dada or Mama, imitate| Se ------------------------ him. By and by this infant may TR i be saying these words with mean-| HOUSEHOLD HINT ing. So his parents may say, af- Improved plastic wood for fill- ter the baby, other words he had|ing cracks and some holes in lat random innocently uttered and|natural finished furniture comes | connected with purpose later 2 natal go in wool Sho: | 7 e natural can colored wi | Surely this becomes an easy 0. Gn oil To soften plastic |step to deliberate imitations by rood od. alcohol sok. | |this litle child of all sorts of Wood, use denatured alconol so= |sounds he hears and likes. The|Vent so . eon cocktail was an applejack Pox something-or'other | well, there's a suggestion: but " check it i your doctor, of HS 3 Be STARTS course. M. H. features plant that bas been known current book "Your Child's|setery in "the © Mediterranean WHO ACTS FIRST? TODAY_ MUSIC STORE ------ FORMS SOUNDS and southeastward toward the have never met and 1 want to ADULY 8Y THE AUTHOR OF THE FAMOUS 'DOCTOR' FILMS first improve-|y,. regular manner for the type is va country doctor's level-eyed SOUTH Norrotion by ORSON WELLES inventory of the health secrets of| RITA RANDALL 4 A JiCHNICOLOR Former Stor. of 'the S SCHEDULE OF SHOWS ARD PRICES! p MATS: Wed., Thurs, Fri. at 2:00 P.M. $1.75 & $1.20 WEBB PEARCE SHOW | | "ui i id roid ht ih 9 mC AND ATTENMSOROUGH A Ste Evening of 7:30 PM, $240 & $1.7 ER vc ianp Lie WITH THE TORNADOES ay Seog CE ony A i TR pet PRY { i wi BOX OFFICE OPEN DA AOR "wolk Medicine," published in RESERYY 1958 by Henry Holt and Company SuspensE " A DANCE TONITE I on and now in its ioth printing. It R 7. EE FEATURING J FOR THE \ CR kat a T | pri f ) from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Barre, Vermont, since 1909. His| {f.2 a ds IS A ADULT ENTERTAINMENT RED BARN MPERIAL Ahoy Bin FA, yo interest in the fo'k' meficine of \ 4 Hh Vermont began soon after the 1430 BLEURY AV. 8.7102 of his medica) practise; and| 0 2 sy ADMISSION $1.00 rr start of his medical practise; ard} { , | . ' CANNOT AND WiLL NOT BY SHOWN IN ANY led finally to this venture in au- [5 a | MORE § STARTS TOMORRO - ee , --re -- ENE Sm ---------- thorshinp Jarvis sets forth a Vermont felk remedy "to hring about a dis appearance of excess fat' - . INCHES OFF THE BELT WILSON & LEE | In effect, he says that if a LIMITED woman whose dress fits tightly : Pe will sip two teaspoonfuls of apple - : cider vinegar in a glass of wa 4 4 ¥ . tet: of ath meal, generally soe a Th Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments will find at the end of two months 4 oo mages 50 of is book. ast Day "THE GIANT EEGEMOTH" aouir "SPEED CRAZY | ~~ that she: can take her dress in 4 y prac # | one inch at the waist, At the end a . # ' yy TE KY ACCORDION CLARINET of two months she will have lost Be 4 z \ VIOLIN HAWAIIAN another inch; and by the end of the fifth month. a third inch SPANISH GUITAR phi 4 He adds. iat if a man has a 2 by, A 60 <JAR (£5 POPULAR PIANO TROMBONE paunch, he will lose th? paunch LA oy oies : SAXOPHONE VIOLA {in two years' time, on this home CAMERON remedy Says he. "The ponte Comm I R05: F. § PY | NGL. onicRorT. ou 1. con : TRUMPET CELLO |eider vinegar will have made it' gr " AA PANORAMIC PRODUCTION - Relassed by 2008 Contry " possible to burn the fat in the Adult C . : body. instead of storing it. . ." u INEMASCORE _ is Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion My friend who urged me to = at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an D hics his Odyssey. its use was mainly read the book for information «onan, Plus This Added Laugh Hit! ann : Ag accordion during that period which is taken (not that 1 need it for girh's sake!) is a lean sinewy New Eng-| STAN LAUREL @ OLIVER HARDY land type. fond of good food and drink. however. He says this ap-| n ple Juice routine pven nis ner. § 1 HE BOHEMIAN GIRL" home for practice. DEAR MARY HAWORTH: I six months and we plan to be| married next month. Our parents ANOTHER MERRY, MADCAP MOVIE know--is it up to my family to/§ gnrertainment RICHARD GORDON ICED COFFEE For iced coffee, make coffee in double the amount of coffee three to four tablespoons for| each cup of water. Pour the 138 \p, = ; ® - freshly made hot coffee into tall} : ; \ | glasses filled with ice cubes. | : y | fran 7 A YA Fine flavored iced coffee cannot / ; { { 4 \ be made with regular strength, JOHN GREGSON PEGGY CUMMINS MOTOR HOTEL RE>1AURANT colee or with leftover coffee. | DONALD SINDEN NADIA GRAY | vr a2 Speaking of . . . LAST 2 DAYS! AIR-CONDITIONED Pay 20c for 6" and get 6" FREE || RY) AWA I "nr Dinner Manu Based on Current Prices Fresh Lobster Cocktail Relish Tray more he likes the person from | A LA CARTE APPETIZERS | 2 < Soup du Jour {which a sound comes, the more] MORE SENSATIONAL ON { y Consomme {ready he is to imitate it | The moral for Mother and THE SCREEN! f x i | 9 r § a Father is obvious, Parents should | i) - : i w Grapefruit Juice Tomato Juice not suppose, however, that letting toms, We. a y | iS < 4 Pineapple Island the baby and young child Jetting rz v " v PP an {have what he wants and always! ORSON WELLES . DIANE VARS doing as he pleases will guaran-| TWO-IN-ONE fee Jia "happivess and fondness| DEAN STOCKWELL + BRADFORD DILLMA PLUS ADDED ACTION! Pan Fried Imported Rainbow Trout, Lemon Butter CiNnenmaScoPE By ANNE ADAMS (My bulletins, "Love and Re-| Shape-maker sheath with a straint," and "The Young Child's cool curve of neckline, neatly Speech," may be had by sending] nipped waist. It travels into fallja self-addressed, U.S stamped | with fashion's newest topping --|envelope to me in care of this TARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE BEGINS | Deep Fried Sea Scallops ADULT gi hr 4 i = MN Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce ENTERTAINMENT | Trt wo no [ » J yr 4.1," ao Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus . : | Roast Stuffed L f i the dashing tunic. Tomorrow's newspaper FEATURE TODAY AT, .. 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 - 7:35 - 9:45 GORDON SCOTT ed Loin of Pork, Dressing pattern: Teen sun'semble Printed Pattern 4680: Misses' PARENTS' QUESTIONS Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16] Q Our daughter is afraid of A Are Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions Southern Fried Half Chicken, Corn Fritter dress takes 2% yards 39-inch; water at the beach, even to put tunic takes 3 yards. her Feet into water Should we Printed directions on each pat- force her into the water? | I} tern part. Easier, accurate A. No. Take enough time to| Chow s Send FIFTY CENTS (50 ¢) in help her, very gradually, to have coins (stamps cannot be accept-\fun paddling and wading in shal- ed) for this pattern. Please print|low, quiet water plainly SIZE, NAME ADDRESS. | : : Cc STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat-| H tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. | SUBSCRIBERS Exotic = TMETIMES . | © Oriental BOWMANVILLE and FOR MISSED FOR MISSED PAPERS AND PAPERS | BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SEKVICE PHONE I you hove not received your STEVEN'S TAXI AJAX TAXI || MA 3-5822 PHONE Times, phone your carrier boy || first. It yo. are unable to con- AJAX 333 [| ve tims 700 pm TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI 19 Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only AN cells must be placed befors 7:30 p.m Breaded Milk-Fed Veal Cutlets, Tomato Sauce Broiled Centre-Cut Pork Chops, Apple Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Salad Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown or Creamy Whipped Potatoes ; Rolls Muffins : Butter SPECIAL ON oy > ; ome Es Assorted Pies (a la carte) p Canadian LUNCHEONS , Fresh Fruit Jello with Whipped Cream CHINESE FOODS Creamy Peach. Pudding Strawberry Parfait "4 OF YOUR FAVORITE CARTOONS Cheese Tray Tea f i TAKE-OUT FREE DETROIT TIGER CRESTS | 0 Coffee Milk ORDERS FOR THE KIDS TONIGHT! OUR SPECIALTY BOX OPEN AT 8:00 -- SHOW STARTS AT DUSK | Steaks a la carte: Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon DIAL : New York Sirloin RA 5.2543 "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" | | oe (Served with Mushroom Caps)) KING ST. WEST | IS COMING SOON! OSHAWA | HIGHWAY 401 Bowmanville Cloverleaf i id tL F 4 5 oa as eG BS