THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 21, 1959 § 3 Members Buck Debenture Issue Three Oshawa aldermen ob-| Ald, Thomas thought there was jected Monday night, at a special (a more urgent need for class council meeting, to a request|rooms. According fo Ald. Sydney from the Board of Education for|T, Hopkins, a delay in the proj- a debenture issue of $350,000 to|ect would add to the cost of the construct a new administration | building, and maintenance building at the "1 think the members of the south - west corner of Rossland board of education are men and and Stevenson road, women dedicated to education in However, a majority of alder-|the city, If the people of Oshawa men, including the mayor, voted think they are unwise or foolish tor approval of the debenture|in making this request, they will issue, be dealt with at the next elec-| Ald, Christine Thomas wanted tion," commented Ald. Ernest | to know what type of building Marks. i would be constructed and all the, Mayor Lyman A, Gifford said details of equipment required for|he thought it ill behooved the the bufldings. She claimed the|rouncil to stand up and tell the | board of education did not know board of education how the the answers, money is to be spent, "Perhaps | "1 feel that we Lave a bigger we should scrutinize our own cap-| woblem at city hall over space ital expenditure, before critieiz-| than the board of education has," ing another board," said the | sald Ald, Thomas. mayor. | | has just | season that is only few months away he was a boy and a started carving a few more for the approaching duck hunting TAME, AREN'T THEY? No, | Tauntes road east, carves de- they're not real ducks, they're | coys as a hobby, He has been hat seoers, Jom Gorey, of [oii foe sus ever Nos Duck Decoys Rap Reckless Driving pyc.' Of Some Teen-Agers gs Hobby Speeding and reckless driving % CHILDREN KNOW HOW TO KEEP COOL There's nothing like an ice | discover at the UAW Picnic, | of the hundreds of children cream cone to cool one down | Saturday. The children of Mr. | who enjoyed the rides and re- at a pienie. Cindy Bryan, four, | and Mrs. Joseph Bryan, 348 freshments at the annual pic- teen-age girls convicted of caus- halls and be at home by 10 p.m, |of the Ontario Regiment this com. wife took an interest in the youth | | See Beauties world, winning many prizes in | NO REFERENCE | Weston Band The Oshawa Times has learned | H {that Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs, In P ays ore {passing sentence July 5 on two ing damage to E, A, Lovell Pub- Th d lic School, did not make anv ref- urs a erence to The Red Barn dance . {hall, specifically, but told the The members of Weston Silver girly to stay away from all dance Band will be guests of the band The girls were also ordered to|Ing Thursday at the McLaughlin report to the probation officer Band Shell at 8.30 p.m, : each week for two years and dis-' This band had its inception in soclate themselves from one an.|1921 under the late bandmaster | | other, G. Sainsbury, who along with his | | 3 of the community and worked very hard in teaching and train-| f ing a great many young people, | t Since then it has attained a| | «11s high respect in the brass band 101 Orill | various competitions, ! Il la The band's present director, W. | ts from Mason, a brass band teacher and a Aboot » ik og bus conductor of distinction, who re-| he haw 3 y UP cently took over the direction of | a 'convertible race' on Athol In three months time, by "younger" drivers in Oshawa has drawn the criticism of many citizens, Ald, Albert V, Walker, chairman of the traffic commit. tee, sald today street east, with two cars travel ling at astounding speeds through| a residential section where many young children were at play on|as th Fortunately run sidewalks and lawns sound of ve migrating ducks and gees the annual gauntlet of dead-|yariev, president and vice-pres the and cars last Saturday morning shotgun blasts will echolror a plenie In Couchiching Park {through the marshes of Ontavio|in Orillia, el Mrs, Hayhurst and Mr, v the band, came from England| and her brother Joey, three, Arthur street, they were two nic. --Oshawa Times Photo some 12 years ago and commands wide respect in this country as an outstanding musician, He has prepared a very enter-| taining program for Thursday | evening and has included the| Verdi Overture "Nabucco'" and| Eric Ball's "Holiday Suite," the| Spanish Dance "Fl Relicario" | and the two famous marches| "Volce of the Guns" and 'Pun: Bus Committee Seeks Assistance Of Experts Foster's no tragedy occurred in this case, ly pellets (dent, respectively, greeted the but this fact could in no way bel The flying "V' formations | group as they arrived at the park accredited to these two very fool have lured hunters to the fly-land. after an enjovable plenie ish young drivers Ways each season for many Box (dinner, escorted the group to | RATION erations to baz a few ducks for|gome of the civie beautification] ASR CO-OPERATION | "Soerh the family table {projects of the Orillia society, Ye ae Joe in? thi he rte Tom Gormley, of Taunton road| The first project was the tion of all citize nel a \e" least, has heen hunting for more|arboreteum in which about 1000( Lo 5) he. Osha. Clty .C 1. bualin obi MM If you witness a definite case Off. 49 vonrs in the marshes trees of different varletles are". wo... wilt The Oshawa City Council bus|in obtaining Mr. reckless driving, make a note of bordering Lake Ontario. His|planted and cared for by the tel he Bas 8 ng ont 8t wi be the \commiltee is trying to decide vices is $1200 the licence number and report ol . Fran ' y 0 elevision accordionist star, Mike whether or not the city should favorite iocatior is Frenchman's| members along with evergreens Cockeram, 18-year-old virtuoso, [take over the present Oshawa | SEEK ANSWERS Mr, Foster will be asked to| the details to Police Headquar- gay 4 gheltered basin of water y, (| and shrubs, ho idly becom ters. No actual charge can belansroximately 16 miles west of) A tour of the grounds of the who is rapidly oming a top|bus system « 4 " i tizen's " ; i | artist in the entertainment world.| To help the committee in its|supply the answers to the follow-| ® laid on the basis of a citizen's/oghawa, ling questions: the present con:| dition of the buses, the present | i | {Ontario Hospital at Orillia had| "eg Wy Paver | . : ; report. | tor mings will be NRE drorkp . ow |G. Bull, Acting Mayor of Wes- decision, the members met wit report, but stern warnings v Mr, Gormlav, who worked forthe members viewing a beautiful | a lawyer by profession and|H, R. Empringham, general sec 1 the useful life expec- ALD, A. V. WALKER The police force is doing its ut- most to cope with- the situation, Mr, Walker continued and Chief Herbert Flintoff is 'greatly con- cerned" about the problem In a statement issued today to The Oshawa Times, Mr, Walker sald: "As chairman of the Traffic Committee of City Council, 1 have be ¢ o m e increasingly con- cerned with the speeding and reckless driving being carried on by some of the younger drivers in our city I have received many phone calls complaining of these matters, especially speeding. Our police force is doing its utmost to cope with the problem, but nat urally cannot be continually in all sections of our city, "I have discussed this matter at length with Chief of Police Herbert Flintoff and he, too, Is sengers carried and comments or suggestions in regard to same; what would be the possible finan cial results from operation by the city and the rates of fare, AT DEAD END Ald. Albert V. Walker said he did not think the committee could advance any further without ems ploying the help of an outside consultant's advice, Ald, Christine Thomas agreed that it would be wise to get some one who knows what they are talking about tc help the com- mittee in this problem. "The sum of $1200 for this man would be unimportant if he can supply us with the answers these eight questions," sald Norman Down. ser- issued In each case reported and the CNR many . years, takes vegetable garden and beds of| f bei i » for hy " band enthusiast, will accompany retary of the Canadian Transit value and h H = od Thakoietied of sare So pride in the fact that he was an shrubs and 7 nials, [the band and act as poh of a hon. to eps "this frans.|tancy of same; value of present Julhe i. frie seeking the|CMPlovee of the Grand Trunk| While Oshawa watched and) oon ones, . Oshawa's own|portation problem garage equipment; value of stores oa Are IU our. Young railway which Yas, one of the{hoped for rain, Orilla wasinp ovo "Gifford will be on| Through Mr. Empringham"s re:|and maintenance parts on hand; moteriet in this problem, Driv- first ines Bult in Canada. drenched during the afternoon| ti Sion me the band and commendation, the committee|value of office equipment; what a To I etivie. Which| ae silice ho was 4 boy, Mr. which slightly Sige pe plans introduce the master of ceremo-|will meet with A. H. Foster, an/immediate expenditures should has been awarded to you for Gormley has carved his own de-|of the group for further SIghis|nig, |employee of the Toronto Transit|be made for new buses and what your pleasure, you can be de.|COY8 from cedar logs. How he|seeing. : ith 'pl Commission since 1928 until his|program should he established greatly concerned with the prob- db ] of that privilege if you!" Arid carving decoys has a| They arrived home peas retirement two years ago, and|for future purchases and replace- fem and is doing everything pos-|mined to stamp out this practice |p od ih on pas eR oui imple explanation lant memories during the early A AX OINS IN now a consultant in the transport: ments; description of present | abuse rive etul'y In his early teens, Mr, Gorm-|evening. ] ation field. The cost to the citylroutings, mileage operated, pas- AJAX (Staff). -- The "gas war' has spread to Ajax and ---- Notice -- RED CROSS SOCIETY NEW TELEPHONE LISTINGS 24 HOUR SERVICE RED CROSS OFFICE 933 south on sible to curb the situation Quite a number of speeding : "Many of our young drivers are|/charges are lald each week and | city streets Jemember, after ley wanted (0 §o duck hunting,|---- using our main arterial streets as|an even greater effort will bea tragedy occurs it is too late to/ pe yad (ittle money, but enough 'raceways' and we are deter-'put fosth, Last week, 1 witnessed be sorry, to buy a shotgun, The next prob- -- - lem was where to get some de-| £ en orm TI an enewa {coys. This problem was easily Crash Causes |overcome, he found himself a| motorists are benefiting by a . urc es n straight cedar log and carved his 10 cent réduction in price. decors or wers Six of the seven stations were al t XP ane . 75 D A carving can be completed selling at 32.9 cents a gallon. amage in an evening and then the decoy| A tender from Northland Grad. re dation put its price back Members of the Rotary Club of] Mr. Henry told the club that aca 101 C 00 is painted and varnished to giveling and Earthmoving Co. Ld. » 0 39 cents Monday eve: |Oghawa were told at their lunch ity council committees have in- [. An accident at the intersection|it a lifelike appearance, Mr. of Downsview, amounting to| DIE. . [eon meeting Monday that thel oo" ec of th lect: y neldl Mrs. P. R. Duncanson, Mrs [of Ritson road and Eulalie ave: Gormley has about 40 decoys|§20,686.27 was accepted by Osh:| One operator said he didn't [institution of an urban renewal/stituted studies of the project; Closing gi ig eid Sau: | pu ig Walt h caused an estimated $370 and Is constantly adding to the|awa city council at a meeting] Mind the war too much, plan In Oshawa could prove to|while the planning Board has. aps Xin iL 1 the Tindale Betty Bigwood, Eliza. |d0mage Monday collection Monday night for sewers and At least we are selling [he an incentive to Oshawa from proached the provincial depart Caner Vacation Bibel beth Dyer, Judy Britton, Marion! A car, driven by Hans Kress,| "My only problem today," Mr. watermains gos, ng we wen Nok selling the standpoint of industrial ment of planning and develop School. More than 100 children Garlichs. 575 Howard avenue, was pro-|Gormley said, 'ls to find cedar| The sewers and watermains wy on." he a pomo war growth as well as from a busi- ment, It was possible, he said, were registered and provided an| Kindergarten department |conding Ritson road rails. Logs are no longer found will be installed in the Industrial R 8 ness point of view. that by September city council] interesting evening for their par-\Mrs, Sylvia Clark and Mrs, R,/When It Was ents and friends as they dis: Magill, co-superintendents; Mrs, [500 with a vehicle driven by played their work. {Robert Sheffield, Misses Jo-Anne Geore Macko, 473 Ritson Children representing 12 differ. Barge, Betty Gabona, Bonnie| South ent churches took part In the|Avers, Jean Terwillegar, Lynn| Macko was proceeding wes! school. The churches were St. Cuthbert, Lois Cuthbert, Shirley across Ritson on Fulalie when Paul's Presbyterian, First Bap-iCarter, Donna Allin the accident occurred tist, Ukrainian Baptist, Eben-| Mpg, Sheffield, music director;| Police said the pavement was ezer United, Simcoe Street Unit-|Mps. Harry Blakely, director of slippery at the time of the mis. ed, St. Andrew's United, West: school hap mount United, St. Matthew's An-| 4 glican, Harmony United, Knox| Presbyterian, Seventh-day Ad involved in a coll: in the size 1 need, so 1 have had to resort to using cedar rail road Some rails 1 have now are near- ly one hundred years old Quebec Pupils Visit Oshawa from Rimouski, Quebec, are vi The school opened July 6 with children between the ages of six and 12 years registered. Rev W. G. Dickson, pastor of Centre Street United Church, acted as dean, The school was junior, primary ten departments the staff were Junior department Rev W. G. Dickson, Dean of School; Rev. R. B. Milroy, Rev. D. Allen, Rev. M A Bury, Mrs Douglas Redpath, superintendent; Rex Harper, Mrs, John Fisher Mrs. Nick Gullenchyn, Miss June Murray and Mr Wilfred Pogson Primary department Mrs Harry Rlakely, superintendent Rubbish, Hay Fires Quelled The Oshawa Fire Department had a busy night Monday when the fire fighters answered two fire alarms and responded to one ambulance call The first alarm called firemen 10 Stevenson road south to the farm of Cecil Bint. They extin guished some bales of hay that had caught fire Rubbish at a new home on the corner of Marion street and Fern nll boulevard caused wo dam age ' COMING EVENTS FERNHILL Park Ginge tonight an 8 pm, 20 games $6 and S10 #10 jackpots, Free door prizes KINSMEN BING Tuesday, July 21 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION EXTPA BUSES JACKPC divided into Members of Ava Seven 16% FS 5 . and 3 168b ventist and King Street United. | k Truck C and kindergar-| Mrs, | rashes rom Rous | | | Oshawa city council, Monday| nd Inight, approved a request from | Trou Tl e {the Junior Chamber. of Com-| {merce to sponsor a civic banquet | for these students. They are be: By JOHN MILLS vehicles to earn a livelihood. \f{tween the ages of 14 and 17 | Stfaf Reporter [there have to haul lighter loads,| The students are visiting Osh-| {or take longer routes to avold|awa under the student exchange | | Most of the bridges are in fair) condition, despite the passage] of time. Others have suffered from floods and general wear and tear. In the past five years a progressive program of bridge re. truck wit DAC gravel | i brs Kk it My loud. of bridge, | CTOSSIng a load Hmit bridge program sponsored by the Cana: | illustrating dramatically a prob-| Picture appears on Page 1.)/dian Council of Christians and | lem confronting the Ontario coun-| o yy ==|Jews. The 25 students arrived in ty road and bridge committee Oshawa Friday, July 17, and will The bridge, near Cannington Oshawa Free stay until July 31, {was built in 1907. It was a per fectly sound structure, but it was not designed to carry the loads carried on county roads today Of Gas War CELEBRATING | The truck was licenced tof BIRTHDAYS carry 80,000 pounds. A 10-ton| . | : {load or even a 20-ton load could| John 'Kent, president of the Congratulations and best Ibe carried safely by the bridge, [Oshawa branch of the Ontario] wishes to the following resi: but 40 tons was expecting too|Retall Gasoline and Automotive| dents of Oshawa and district much of the structure. Association, said today that the| who are celebrating birth. The sad part is that the county | Kasoline price war had definitely| days today committee is well aware of the"! yet started in Oshawa | Clifford Mills, 13 Beech situation whieh exists throughout| Mr. Kent said that in spite of| «treet, Ajax: Peter J. Dean, the county. There are 160 the fact that the price cutting] 88 Oshawa boulevard, north: bridges, some on county roads, [had spread as far east as AJAX] W\ps, Patricia Mathieu, 172 others on township roads, which{he was still hopeful Oshawa| Fasthaven street; Mrs. Ellen come under county jurisdiction, dealers would resist the move:| Kucherik, 262 Conant street; Many were built near the begin. Ment. Mrs. Murray Stacey, 719 Em. | ning of the century when traffic] He felt Oshawa dealers would| erson avenue: Mrs, Peter | {was much lighter. refrain from a gas war unless the| Soltys, RR 3, Oshawa: Peggy practice spread to the edge off Henderson, 439 Drew street; the city from other directions. John MeConkey, 102 Buck- In that event, he admitted, one| Ingham avenue; Eddie Sol. dealer would probably begin and| ski, 630 Albert street: Joni the rest would be forced to fol.| Penfound, RR 4, Oshawa: {low suit Roy Munro, 22 George street, placement has been carried on,| The association has some 20 Ajax; Peter Blasko, 116 Bar. in an attempt to meet changing members in Oshawa rie avenue: Mrs, Lorraine traffic conditions | -- Crawford, 747 Glenforest | street; Shelly Cirka, 305 Gen- In general the practice has | avenue: George F Bech SNe An id NEGOTIATE FOR PLANES a 0 deal with hose bridges + ~ Tal Ta which are in the worst state of SAN FRANCISCO (AP) An repair. Last vear five new bridges|wnidentified Canadian lumber built. This. year other firm is reported negotiating to| |bridges are being replaced, in-|puy i | uy four huge NM ving s | |cluding one other in Brock town-|, ° ie Murs fiving boats | ship, which broke up a few weeks|\ Storage here, for use in fight |ago. ng forest fires, Hugo F. Forster, Posting load limit signs on scrap metal dealer, said the 32. many of these bridges may be alton planes have been in moth moans nrotectin the county ¥ ) \ € Lit also im > costly restriction on CTY 7.000 gallons of water, in who depend on their!frefighting duty. eva Shreve, 37! King street east: Mark Cordy, 10 Colborne street east The first five persons to in. form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will retelve double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The cur rent attraction ts "Hercules." Revnorts on birthdays wil? be received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 am | alls since 1950 ane could MSOs a truckers, Park, Malan street, the new sepa- rate school and the Home for the Aged. Two tenders were received. The other tender was from Farhan Construction, for the sum $35,391.18 The Northland Company was {awarded the contract, subject to [the approval of the Board of \Works committee, 8. | Twenty - five boys and girls 8 Fine Company For Breaking Trailer Bylaw PORT HOPE (Staff) The maximum fine of $50 and costs was imposed against Luby Con- struction in Port Hope police court Monday, for violation of a township trailer parking bylaw. Magistrate R. B. Baxter told treasurer Louis J, Luby that Hope township, the plaintiff, could bring new charges daily while the bylaw was being vio. lated Each successive conviction could add up to $50 costs per day, he was told, Court was told by township deputy clerk Hector Inch the trailer had been parked on a sec- tion of Highway 401 since May 12 without payment of a required $10 monthly tax. of| The speaker was Eugene Hen- ry, of Ottawa, head of Industrial Development Services, who ex- plained the steps being taken by the Oshawa Downtown Mer. chants' Association to have city council undertake an urban re. newal study. The speaker was in. troduced by Rotarian Geoffrey Andrews while the appreciation of the members was voiced by President Dr. D. E. Sturgis It was explained that in April of this year a delegation from the Downtown Merchants' Association had been received hy city coun- cil and subsequently conversa- tions had been held with various city officials and the planning board Mr. Henry stressed that such a scheme would cover the whole | Seek Larger Work Subsidy A resolution from Kingston City {Council was concurred in by Osh-| awa City Council Monday night for a winter works program. Fred E. Crome, city engineer, commented that the total payroll for the winter worke incentive program last year totalled $61,885.80. The city expects to collect a subsidy of $30,042.90 from the federal! government and a sub. sidy of $15,387.72 from the provin- cial government, making a total of $46,330.62 as a winter works subsidy. city and not the downtown area The Kingston resolution pro-/alene. It would entail the clear. poses that the subsidy be pald on|ance and rehabilitation of blight. the total cost of the work. Mr. [ed and sub-standard areas, Crome said he could see some, Due to the high level of taxa- merit in having the cost of equip-|tion such a plan would impose a ment operation included along heavy burden on the taxpayers. with the payroll, However, the feders]l government "It would avold having a job|is prepared to assume 75 per done in an uneconomical manner cent of the costs of engineering with hand labor when equipment | studies as well as 50 per cent of! could be used more efficiently," the cost of acquiring sites for sald Mr, Crome. rehabilitation. The provincial The recommendation was en-|uovernment had also indicated it dorsed by the finance and assess- is willing to contribute 25 ment committee, t of the cost of acquiring and {clearing sites, | | | would be in a position to say| whether a study is desirable and| its possible cost HOMEMAKER SERVICE RA 3-2933 an' CAN YOU BEAT For The Best CHARGES LAID | TORONTO (CP) --. Donald] McPhee of nearby Richvale has been charged in connection with the finding of a German shepherd GOOD FOOD AIR-CONDITIONED FAHRENHEIT FIRST WITH QUICKSILVER While Galileo was the ther mometer's original inventor, Fahrenheit was the first per son to use quicksilver in the tube instead of alcohol in 1714, a great improvement in the instrument. Classified ads are great in struments for solving every day problems. Renting a room, selling a radio or hin ing a repairman --~ Want Ads do it! Phone RA 3.3492 for an ad-writer See you tonight in the Starlite AIR CONDITIONED dog tied up crazed with hunger and thirst. Her six pups were nearby. The charges are causing unnecessary suffering to animals and abandoning them. DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF STAN BRYNING OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE $12.45 WITH TRADE 670 x 15 'UTILITY' Tires of them all! DOMINION ROYAL GUARD TIRES Here's the bargain you've been waiting for. DOMINION ROYAL tires! «+. at this new unbelieve ably low price. 4-ply--Black EASY BUDGET TERMS 2.00 DOWN DOMINION j ROYAL | TIRES | 1.00 WEEKLY 420 ELIZABETH RA 8.5358 FOOD CHAMBERS &: 65 UNDERWRITERS RD, (0) SEER REL: Dominion 48 BOND W, Tire Store RA 5-651