The Oshawa Times, 21 Jul 1959, p. 2

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OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 21, |*MOM"" WHYTE May Yet Go To Winnipeg BOWMANVILLE (8taff) (denied these were the cause for Mrs, Bertha (Mom) Whyte may | cancelling her trip. {still go on her proposed trip to| According to Mom, everything Winnipeg, if "some money comes at Whytehaven is "under control, | in," she told the Times Monday |phyt help 1s needed in the laundry, night, She was originally sched (and a nurse would be very wel- uled to fo to Winnipeg Monday come for two or three days, or with Whytehaven school teacher until such time as the 'flu is Ingrid Carlson "Dad" Whyte, over." She also said she could her son, Lloyd Whyte, and 1500 a full time nurse at the mis- children from her mission, "'to|gjon, see the Queen," o i trip was © Mom said she has received two | Mom said the an: | | {celled "because there has been a phone calls so far from Winni- Ibit of virus flu among the chil- peg asking if she was coming, dren, and she thought she should! She has numerous requests to starr at home to help out." She | speak in different churches when | added there were also flve cases she first announced she would go of hepatitis at the mission, but'to Winnipeg. 'Merchants Drub | Stouffville Club By TED MUNNS after the first two were retired The Whitby Merchants travell-|in the fifth they took over again ed to Stouffville Thursday even- and pushed across five more tal. | ing of last week and handed the|lies to bring the score to AS to 0. | home-town club the worst drub-| Isabel Eyman hit her "second bing handed any club this season |triple, this time with the bases | then they trounced the Stouffvi 1le!loaded for three of the runs, squad 24 to 1, ! RTE SRE var Van ? . HOMESTERS SCORE OP Photo, | This was very much a sur. The home club (finally "broke |prise to yours truly as I felt cer: [tain the homesters would be out|into the scoring column in the Wh Gis bi An wR WHERE SIX CHILDREN DIED IN HOME FIRE The ruins of a two-storey | children -- ages 10 to three -- | tumbling d wn the stairs, He fn critical condition, frame house in Havre Bouch- | burned to death is seen here. | suffered severe burns and Is Ito revenge the win by the locals ithe previous night in Whitby, | when they rallied for five runs in| seventh to win what was up to then a see-saw battle, | OBITUARIES MRS, MARTHA D. JOHNSON | "mpg iy practically assures the Ma tai = Mrs. Martha, .q1s the league fitle as the! Davy ohnsop, died ie the Pit Stouffville club is the only team Tuly Shara Hor Vobth bd Sha close and a win by the losers was the wife of Frank Joa of would have put them very much into the running with two games 22 Glyon road, Ajax, who sur left to play against each other. ign late Mrs. Johnson wor The locals were never headed born in Lincolnshire, England, in the game and came up with| She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Davy, She |their best defensive game of the season to back up a 20-hit attack came to Canada in 1019 the bride Only three errors were commit. | of a Canadian veteran 'of the|ted by the locals with one caus First World War, {Ing the only Stouffville run of the| The Joh 's resided in the|88Mme in the seventh inning. Pp Path ROYAL ASSIGNMENT Protest Pat [formed a delegation to Port Hope Phillp picked up a collection of presented with four gifts. The delegates, all from Hope in the Northwest Territories, and| There is a harpoon and a bird allowance, claiming it was an un- rectly from the Yukon capital to Eskimo loyla of Cape Dorset. cients wanted "to keep Port er, Nova Scotia, where six | A son, Charles, 11, escaped by | Pri Picks U 0f Hydro Cable Pp | PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Twenty. E ki i hd |eight adults and one small child S 1Imo arvings {council Monday night protesting [routing of an overhead hydro line EDMONTON (CP) Prince|photo corps, Prince Philip was near their homes. Eskimo art work Monday as he| Life-size dolls of a boy and a . flew alone to carry out royal|girl in full Eskimo costume were Brent worth Eo "pe Soneern. visit assignments in Yellowknife, presented for Princess Anne. of a 44,000 volt line along the road in Uranium City, Sask, spear of wood and walrus tusk The Queen rested most of the|for Prince Charles, Jus gructuse. | the delowat day in Whitehorse, then flew di-| A painting on sealsgkin, done bY| read to council, it was sald the Edmonton where she was ex-|Baffin Island, was presented for| pected to resume the full sched:|the prince, [Hobe the prettiest town in. Can- ule today after a two-day bout| The gift for the Queen was an n . with stomach upset. |outstanding piece of work, carved| Council supported the residents, Information officer Rod Mac-|a8 a statuette to represent the|Who pleaded for upholding of Innes, who travelled with Philip's| Queen. The statuette was of rare|rights. A resolution was passed party through the day, said the green serpentine rock with head later to inform Hydro of the local crowds obviously were disap-(and hands of whalebone, opposition, pointed that the Queen had been Kenny Pellooklook who pre. - unable to come. Most had learned |Sented the gifts and spoke to IAB W GONE that she would not be along be. Philip in Eskimo language, said LAST ARROW GONE fore the prince arrived. the Jost ol he 1%-foot statuette] TORONTO (CP) « Cutting - _|were bare because the Queen al.|torches Monday demolished the i Sue Price Joss Sharve ways lives in southern climes so|last of five airworthy Avro Ar- people today than I've ever seen |e" feet will never get cold, |rows. The remains will be dis k 0," . | In Uranium City, the prince|posed of as scrap metal. The fed- pig Wpesk %e," Mr, Macltnes visited the Eldorado uranium eral government announced in in the Chapel at the new Willlam Highway, one hall mile east of| death occurred at the Queensway | Toronto area before coming to|SCATTERS 10 HITS | Ajax two years ago. Surviving Is| Irene Kehoe was on the mound | one son, Frank Geoffrey John-ii.. (he Jocals and really scattered son of Winnipeg, two grandchll-[ig pity over the nine innings with| dren, Robert hi two. beomers, lever more than ig in any vi} 3 4 4 inning. er control was nearly] Thomas and Jack, all In England. perfect as she walked only one The funeral service will be held fy oii00 that in the ninth and rR "Shon ro Struck out two, E. Sherrin Funeral Home. No, 2 Jean Halstead pitched the first eight innings for the Stouffville nine and gave up 18 runs on 15 hits. Joan Raymer took over in MRS. GERTRUDE 1. STEERS [the ninth and gave up six more Following a short illness the runs and five hits EARLY LEAD Harwood avenue, Ajax on Wed nesday, July 22 at 11 am Hospital, Toronto, Sunday, July|™ | 19 of Gertrude Irene Petrie: be.| The locals took an eavly three-| loved wife of George Edward run lead in the first inning on Steers, 27 Roseland drive, To.|fouwr hits, with a double by Gwen seventh with a single tally, This| was scored only on an error when with the bases loaded and one out the batter hit back to the mound and forced the runner at the plate, The throw to third would have been in time to nall the runner from second but the throw was high and went out into the outfield and so the lone run| scored, The Merchants, who seemingly eased up In the sixth and sev- enth, once again took on the demon role and retaliated with nine more runs over the next two innings to complete the scoring. Virginia Brown tripled home three runs in the eighth and five| hits and two errors were good for the other six runs in the ninth, Isabel Eyman really came into her own in this game as she came through with three hits in four in Lakeview Park last Satur. in various ng competl- | day, the children had their tions and listened to speeches | own program of entertainment. at the 13th annual UAW Picnic, | There was a wide variety of CITY COUNCIL NEWS BRIEFS the federal government, Council trips and had five runs batted referred the, matter to those in to lead the locals. Two of the| Aug. 8 was proclaimed a civic|members of council on the Civil three safeties were three-baggers. holiday by eity couweil Mondav|Defence committee, The two loca- Gwen Campbell was the other night at a special meeting of (tions suggested by Lt.-Col Wotton While their parents took part lesion to use two city vocation for the installation of four 10- horsepower air raid sirens, The sirens have been authorized by CHILDREN ENJOYED UAW PICNIC rides and treats to keep them out of mischief. Here three youngsters enjoy the boat ride, which to some must have seemed like the St. Lawrence Seaway Oshawe Times Phta, FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 1] OSHAWA ( big hitter with five hits in six/council. A proclamation will beare at the south west corner of trips. Virginia 'Brown also had a Issued {Wilson road dnd King street and good night with three hits In the city yard on Ritson road " : [ seven tries and duplicated Isabel ACCEPT CONTROL south, : : « Council accepted a request ~™ with five RBI's, from the department af highways Joyce Roberts was the best for (, (ake over the jurisiiction and the home club with three hits in!eontrol of the service road on four trips and Jean Halstead the north side of Highway 40! came close behind with two for from Wilson wead te Harmony three road. This was agreefl by the The next home game for the city In 1956, NOW! END YOUR PAINTING AND MAIN. TENANCE PROBLEMS WITH ALSCO ronto. A daughter of the late Mr. and Campbell and a three-bagger hyllocals is. tonight and the oposi- " 2 |1sabel Eyman being the big|tion will be the East York Ki-| Y.ohl Jos. ACCEPR Dolo blasts. wanis club. The locals are still ou} oy Mrs, George Petrie, the deceased had three lots accepted! by eity PERMANENT-PAINTED ALUMINUM SIDING. IDEAL FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELING. PERFECT FOR GABLES AND DORMERS. IN A WIDE RANGE OF The locals added four more in smarting from a three to two set-| ' 4 ap ATE, the third on three singles and back handed them last meeting in Sune } 2s § peu ue two errors. The fourth inning saw|Toronto and will be out for re: g7 ses acres. the locals take a 10 to 0 lead with|venge, so it points to a very in-| three more tallies on only one hit teresting game. Why not drop| START AGED HOME and four bobbles. |down and support the locals and| Construction has alrendy been By this time In the game it/let them know you are behind [started py Wilkinson Construc was apparent that it was just a them and the local merchants tion, Ltd., for the new Home for was born in Oshawa Jan, §, 1911, and was married here Dec. 21 1046, She had been a resident of Toronto for 11 years. Besides her husband she is sur- vived by six sisters, Mrs, Jack Campney (Jean), of Toronto and Mrs. Maurice Milgate (Ina), Mrs, { By - ge SUBTLE COLOURS FOR HORIZONTAL | OR VERTICAL INSTALLATION. BRANCHES OPEN TILL 9 P.M. ALSCO PRODUCTS OF CANADA LIMITED Two Whithy one Lindsay and| LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 3.9843 mine. He as presented there February that development of the ae Philp Ee and romped Presented there with a gold nug- supersonic jet interceptor was in for two-hour visits to Yellow |5¢ And a goid cigaret Vghter. being cancelled ---- Ralle-wadrs the Sarno: of Eski-| mos and the presentation of three gifts stole the show -- and Ura. TOT DROWNING nium City, PRESS NOT PRESENT ' o In Yellowknife, which he vis.| (0) S ction ited without any of the 50 mem-| bers of the travelling press and| . . | Saves hild Bert Proctor (Dorothy), Mrs, matter of how many runs the who are supporting the club. the Jucd Tne Suliiog will a C Harry Price (Vera), Mrs. An-|locals would score as they kept Whitby 304 330 006-24 20 3 PL 180.000. A FOIE WE or © angaroo May thony Smykel (Ethel) and Mrs. hitting the ball mercilessly and! Stouffville 000 000 100-- 1 10 11 Rom Ta Ad ow 3 oor o | COBOURG (Staff) Five:| Corners, when the little girl's ab. Frank Vaneott (Doris) all S---------- IES A a ! hi hd Ther . year-old Catherine Lawton, sence was noticed, She was found Oshawa, | of J ) AR re, oF ng oy Be Diet Item (daughter of Mrs, Ronald Law-|submerged in a nearby stream. | The memorial service will be| . PON ir tor ane Tropes (ton, Harwood, was saved from| | {held at the Armstrong Funeral I Ia am I i : | a : | Kerry Daniels waded in and ' . . | SYDNEY (CP) -- A United 408th by drowning Sunday after-| ied her out of the water. Shel 22." 8t.1 pn. Wednegdar, July ' | MAY INSTALL SIRENS States pet food supplier has asked pt . gy Log | was unconscious, Placing her on » ican ie be sar of) . » T Add | A letter was received from an Australian firm to send alan of Mr, 'and Mrs. W. Daniels, the ground, Scout Dennis Baxter|yent, Toronto, will conduct the 0 ress Lt.-Col. F. 8. Wotton, cil de. sample shipment of boned kan-so2 Ontario street, and Dennis|@Ppiled artificial respiration and geryices, Interment will be in| ing es 1 e fence co-ordinator for Oshawa Baroo meat, / Baxter, 13, son of Mr. annd Mrs, ID & few minutes little Catherine \fount Lawn Cemetery : and Ontario County, asking per- E. H. Spenseley, director of Harold Baxter, 218 Albert street FeBained consciousness. | y 0 stein en i SRY New England Frozen Food Dis: Dennis is a member of St. An.| Dr. D. Mikel was called and| KENNETH C. VAN COURTE [one Oshawa entry will represent (ppimam al) i CATCHES STURGEON ffinitors sald he was negotiat-|grew's hoy scout troop. [the girl was taken to Cobourg| The funeral service for Ken: District 14 in the Eastern On-| 0 DGE (Special) -- The| , Go one (CP)--Iisher- g with the government for per- A number of adults and chil-|District General Hospital from neth C. Van Courte, who was|tario plardowns of - the * Ontario phenomenal success of Ontario whining mission to export 12,000 pounds of dren were attending a picnic at|where she was reloased Sunday killed when an airplane crashed Provincial Lawn Bowling Asso- county junior farmers in compe: man Jerry Miller caught a 400- the meat, worth $1,000. {Cornish Grove, north of Precious 'night. [Sunday at MacKenzie Lake -in|ciation championships at Belle. (tition of various kinds this year pound nine « foot + long stmgeon Kangaroos have reached plague [the Bancroft area, will be held|ville on Wednesday of this week. (has led to a big upsurge In ine) onié fishing with a gillnet@yr in portions In some parts of at the McIntosh Funeral: Home District winners were decided at|terest the Fraser River. being Made 1 Teduce helr hum CITY AND DISTRICT at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 22, Peterborough Monday night | As a result of Saturday's suc- being made to reduce thelr num.| Rev. N. T, Holmes, minister off In the singles event Dic k(Cess at Peterborough, it is anti. bers, x Harmony United Church; wiki Adams of Whitby won out over|cipated Share wil be abe Ju The United States also is re.| WARRANT ISSUED et sland west: [conduct the services. Internment{Albert Maunders, of Peterbor- [out of farm folk at Ken Holli. orted interested in receiving Oghawa Police said * Monday| Rossland a ~ Glen. Will be in Oshawa Union Ceme-|lough, in a thrili-packed game.|day's farm at Brooklin for the eless goat meat from South(that a warrant has been issued cairn street to Gibbons street;|! Australia for use In the manu jor the arrest of a man being Nipigon street, closed at Ross- ery. The Liftlock club bowler was|dairy princess competition Wed- A son of the late Charles and|leading 20 to 19 with one end to nesday. The competition starts at facture of small goods for the|sought in connection with the at-|land road west; Gibbons street|Josephine Van Courte. the de-igo in the 2l-shot game but§ p.m, and will be followed at human table. tempted theft of. merchandise closed at Rossland road west, [ceased was born at Watertown, Adams counted three on the final 7 pm. by the county Holstein The management of the state|from the National Grocers ware-|and King street west from Park|N:Y., Sept. 7, 1923 and was mar-lend to take the wih [Club's twilight meeting. government freezing works at house. Two men 'entered theroad to Gibbons street William Port Lincoln announced killing warehouse on Bloor street last street closed from Church street Hed in Toronto Ju ou was wsed{paie, Wh hy Hl Somposed if } 3 a ona utt, skip; MacDon: Booth, of Cobourg, in their f would begin at once for the Adel- week but were frightened away to McMillan drive, Whenever pos: i Th aide agents of Philadelphia meat/by the night watchman. |sible these streets will be par car sales manager at Ontariolaiq Harry Lott and Bobby An o 8d, y La ) "game but lost out to Sid Elsdon Motor Sales Limited, was a|4ap5on, defeated rinks from Co-land Lloyd Davis, of Lindsay, in packer Arnold Zitin | KILL 1,000 A WEEK Killing would be increased to 1,000 goats a week by the end of July, The meat will be chilled and packed in plastic containers for shipment, Hair from the goats will go into Australian carpet manufacture, The first week's killing had to be postponed when 500 goats that had been rounded up escaped back to the bush, Wild goats are reported to be in great numbers in northern South Australia, In the more normal line of meat shipments, the United States International Shipping and Export Agency is buying 200,000 lambs a year. The former coastal vessel Westralin has been spe. clally fitted to carry lambs across the Pacific for American dinner tables, The first shipment of 30,000 lambs will be accompanied by a Sydney University professor, six final . year veterinary students and six experienced stockman. They will take care of the an. imals during the 21-day voyage to San Diego with a special diet TOOK AUTO Michael Hickey, of Oshawa, was found guilty Monday of tak- consent by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, Hickey was find $50 and costs and was given one month in which te do so. VISITORS AT ROTARY Charles Barton, president of the Rotary Club of Regina and guests at the meeting Rotary Club of Oshawa on Mon: day. FIRM INCORPORATED The current issue of The On- tario Gazette carries the infor- mation that letters patent of in. corporation have been granted to Watson Drugs Limited, of Port Hope. GIVEN REMAND Ernest Mueller was Monday to Aug. 10, Council asked for the remand in Magistrate's court. of food concentrates, | REMAND ACCUSED Stewart. Conrey, 152 Tyler tially open to permit movement of local traffic Extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain, {may result in the closing of other ing an auto without the owner's sireets. HOSPITAL REPORT Following gs the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the |week ending Julv 18: admissions 265; births, male 21, female 27; {major surgery 32; minor surgery 81; eye, car, nose and throat 41; {John McClellan, of Whitby, were, oo rants 53; casts 10; physio- (therapy treatments 319, IMPOUND AUTO An Oshawa man was convicted of drunk driving in Oshawa Ma- |gistrate's court Monday, James McRobbie, 167 Bloor street east, [was sentenced to seven days in jail, had his driving license sus. pended for six months and had his car impounded for three months. Witaly Selensky, 207 Valencia road, charged with wounding | STEAM CAUSES ALARM remanded | Defence ment window was the cause of a Steam issuing from a base: fire alarm which brought the Oshawa Fire Department to the home of Howard and Henry Fit chett, 309 Arthur street, at 10.50 |a.m. today. The trucks left again | Cres., charged with drunk driv-(almost immediately. CROP DUSTING DANGEROUS rg Mos remanded until August 1 EDMONTON (CP)--Two per sons have died In the last week) in plane crashes while crop Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs Monday. FURTHER REMAND William Thornton and Vincent HEAVY RAIN | While Oshawa escaped with a {light shower Monday night, the {area around Columbus received a {downpour of cloudburst propor spraying in Alberta and Sask-lGorman, both of Oshawa, were tions. atohewan, Jack S. Rankin, 31,| was killed when his plane crashed in the Carrot River area and Robert Granley, 23. of Ed monton died of injuries suffered when hjs light plane looped into the grovad. {Nipigoa street, given a further week's remand. The crown asked for the remand in court Monday STREETS CLOSED The following streets will closed today for construction Welland av- MANY LOCAL ENTRIES member of Harmony United 4 3 : A {bourg and Cannington to win the| Chureh, Lesion Jotge AF and right to play in Belleville, Flying Club, | He is survived by his wife, the former Grace Duff; a daugh- ter, Penny and an aunt, Mrs Janet Keddie, of Hamilton, In the Colts competition Jeff] Authors, William Joyce and Clar-| ence Foster, of Oshawa, beat lout a Port Hope trio in another| close game The Oshawa players scored two on the final end to MRS. ELIZABETH SALTER fon. Oe doubles Jack B A n the doubles Jack Hunter an Mebyo iow Re. Tog Woy {George Jackson, of Oshawa, de-| widow of George A. Salter, died feated Freeman Bell and Maurice! their second game. GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH AIR-CONDITIONED HOTEL LANCASTER at the South Haven Rest Home| Bowmanville, Tuesday, July 21.8 87th year. was born at Glossip, England, | Mar. 3, 1878 and was married at Courtice, Ont, Jan. 3, 1892. | A resident of Canada for 75| years, Mrs. Salter lived all that time tn the Oshawa district. She| was a member of King Street United Church. | July 18, 1945, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. William | Doyle (Mae), of Toronto and| Mrs. D. Reader (Doris), of Spo-| hush Emergent All M breth LEBANON LODGE AF. & AM, 139 ow d to attend @ kane, Washington and five sons, Roy, Albert and Lloyd, of Osh- awa; Fred, of Turner Valley, Al. berta and Melville, of Toronto. Also surviving are three sis.| ters, Mrs. Alice Hill, of Toronto, Mrs, Ann Hobbs and Mrs, Ger trude Hobbs, of Bowmanville; a brother, Moses, of Courtice; 14 grandchildren and 14 great. grandchildren, { The memorial service will be] held at the Armstrong Funeral | Masonic Quite a number of the mem: Home at 2 pm. Thursday, July, bers of the Oshawa Lawn Bowl. (23, followed by interment in Osh. ing Club will be taking part in awa Union Cemetery be the mixed doubles tournament for|A. Bury, minister of King Street Wor. Bro, C. Templar M Secretary Rew, the Mackey Trophy in Lindsay United Church, will conduct the services. on Wednesday of this week. are urgently Masonic Service for BRO. KENNETH VAN COURTE 7:30 o'clock at Mcintosh Funeral Home Tuesday, July 21st, 1959 our late Clothing * Wor, Bro, A. C. Hall Master HIGHWAY NO WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd ONLY SALADA DEEP FLAVOR Tea Bags LIMIT 6 TO A CUSTOMER MEATY, FRESH PKG. OF 40 4) Pork Hocks: 19:

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