The Oshawa Times, 27 Jun 1959, p. 13

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FIRST AID TO THE RAILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN YOUR GARDEN USING PAINTERS' CLOTH (Cleaning, 73556 Wisconsin Ave., has small dents, but an un - QUESTION: At various times| Bethesda, Md., has a free book-| scratched. finish? I seem to re- Flowering Shrub abuse, Moreover it is seldom at- BAN BATHING DRESS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 27, 1959 13 tacked by insects. It does do, ROCHESTER, England (CP)--| best, however, in half shade and| The diocesan review in this Kent| in an acid soil, i The third shrub, one of un- gays: "The Dean bids all tourists brought forth 102 novels compet- |usual charm is the Viburnum| welcome. However, he believes it|ing for the $4,000 prize, The |Carlcephallum which is an im-|his duty to inform you that there judges deci none was worthy. proved variety of the Carlesi.|fs no swimming pool inside the ---- S-- quotes a notice on the door Fine Arts was a dud. The com- nounced a joint plan to set up a lof a cathedral in France which|petition announced in 1957 million-dollar radio telescope ex- |pected to surpass Britain's Jode rell Bank equipment for tra-king earth satellites, The project will we have noticed your reference] let on Treatment of Rug Mis-\member a method using a warm haps. to "painters' cloth" to cover cracks in walls or ceilings. We have a rather old house in good condition, but ceilings in our liv- ing and dining rooms crack even after they have been repaired smoothly and evenly; not seri- ously enough to have a whole new plaster job. We've been.un- able to obtain painters' cloth in several stores, Can you furnish information where same could be obtained? How is it applied? SOUNDPROOFING WALLS QUESTION: family house made into apartments. Is there any way stopping the sounds through the walls. The walls a plasterboard on both sides. insulation between the studs w I have a one- fo ' two 'putty stick" now available in gree, is perhaps our loveliest. coming| in ANSWER: Blowing rock wool |with turpentine, At Peak By A. W. RUNDLE The June garden, many will iron and a blotter to swell the wood. ANSWER: The simplest way, now, is to fill the dents, using a of/most wood colors from dealers\mpe profusion of bloom from plywood, The following is the spring flowering shrubs and re|method for swelling the wood phe are, of course, the princi- studded with 2 x 4s and %-inch|fibers. Remove all wax and oil pal contributors. In our garden from the dented area by Wiping + the moment the most out-| pentine, to permit water standing of these beauties are| ill|to soak in. Then place wet cloth, |i flowering almond, azalea and help stop the sounds coming|or blotter, over dent, replenishing yihurnum, | prov type has larger blooms of church, It is therefore unneces- In June |pinky-white, The fragrance isisary to visit the cathedral in New hap or torch azalea gives perhaps notable and although remarkable beach attire." TELESCOPE |be financed by the Organization (AP)--The Neth-|of European Economic Co-opera. erlands and Belgium have an-)tion. the most brilliant show of color|in the Caricephallum, is more in the garden, This shrub bears|potent in the Carlesi. These vi- COMPETITION FLOP orange and red blossoms in very burnums are not particular as to] MEXICO CITY (AP) -- The great quantity, The flower itseif|soil requirements but do prefer|first continental novel competi: is large and possesses a vibran-|a cool, moist, fertile type. They| tion of the Nationalist Institute o cy in color tone unrivalled by|will do best if planted in full) -- : any other shrub. Another attrac-|Sun. tive feature of this azalea is the! The delicate beauty of the al- fine display of autumn foliage mond, the deep brilliance of the it yields later on, the leaves azaleas and the unmatched per- WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE ANSWER: The best thing through. Also an acoustical type water as it soaks in or evapor-| mpe flowering almond or pru-|turning a bright crimson. This\fume of the viburnum will com- would be painters' muslin, which {shrub will thrive without any at-\hine to make your June garden of paint coating for all types of ates. After several hours, place nus glandulosa is a wonderfully tention and even in spite of outstanding. may be obtained at a building|walls has just been made avail- Warm -- not hot -- iron on the|, mental supplies dealer, or where wall-\able through some large paint/damp cloth, the heat and moisture] gay with such abundant bloom | paper is sold. It is applied like/ and building supplies dealers. 1t{ will bring the wood fibers back], | wallpaper and can be painted OIL STAIN ON WOOL CARPET|and quick-drying. Best of all AILROAD TIES QUESTION: I spilled a neats- would be to build a false wall onl ® E comes in an assortment of Up. Polishing will remove any in-| he tiny button-like flowers are |colors, plus white; is odorless|jury to the surrounding finish. spring flowering| ck|one can scarcely see the stems. |a delicate pink and come in |either single or double varieties. Standard or shrub types may be IRON FIREMAN S00T is unburned fuel Designed for the approval of all municipal and township 'by-laws. Quality is unconditionally guar- anteed. Deliveries are made ON TIME, SEPTIC TANKS QUESTION: terraced the lawn, using old rai foot oil compound (for condition: one-inch furring strips. Heavy Last summer we ing leather) on my wool carpet-|drapes along the common walls| 1 soaked Xp what J Sule wig also help absorb sound a cloth a phoned a rug- " the following day. They) BASEMENT WINDOWS? |. had as well. As a specimen, on road ties. These were painted your front lawn for example, | Sr Fa but this washed off in the rain. In nothing will surpass the we CUSTOM CUSIC 8 | [hot weather, the tar or creosote(0f & standard, wi single stem SEE ty M k Il advised using only water; any-| QUESTION: During the sum-| keeps oozing out. Is there any.| flowering amend. ot | E NEw al thing else might affect color. The|mer, should basement windows thing we can use as a perman- The azalea Kaempferi hybrid| ACE spot got twice as big. The carpet-|De left open? |ent finish for the ties? We would ; OlL FURN ing is a dark and light brown! ANSWER: Basement windows|like to finish them in a white and white tweed, Is there any-| should be left open when the wea-| paint. | thing 1 can do to get the spot|ther is clear and dry, lo gel a¢\ ANSWER: Ties of this kind| out? much ventilation and air circula- have usually been treated with ANSWER: The best thing|tion as possible. When the Wea" creosote, According to the depart-| would be to have a professional | ther is hot, humid or rainy, base-| ent of agriculture, creosoted| rug cleaner get the spot out. Thertnett windows should be Kkept|g faces must be weathered for| following may affect the color|closed. Tt as several years before Leing paint-| some what, but since area is RADIATOR NOISE rn) ed. Then apply several coats of a stained, might be worth trying:| QUESTION: Four years ago We go0q quality house paint Apply a noninflammable liquid | bought an older type house. Six a Taper seni i uaace, ad ol rer (ve ive A, some housewares dealers Allow|hot water heat). m ume to MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE to dry, repeat treatment, if|lime, we hear a noise in our radi-| Jones & Greer necessary, then brush pile|tors, sounds like the pipe is hit gently, National Institute of Rug i a hammer. What causes this? ANSWER: If this noise de- veloped with the installation of Barristers & Solicitors 130 KING ST. E. | DENTS IN TABLE WORKSHOP the new furnace strongly recom- | DIAL RA 8-6246 | QUESTION: Could you repeat THE HOME mend having service man check If noise developed recently the method of restoring the +» EE may be due to worn part requir- | pearance of a table surface that Capacities Available: ® 400 GALLON ® 600 GALLON ® 500 GALLON ® 750 GALLON ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER Broo klin CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS ARRANGED PHONE 155 BROOKLIN 5-1044 WHEN YOU NEED EXTRA- } FAST SERVICE Keep our number handy . . . Plumbing trouble may occur anytime of the day or night. Immediate service! Low rates! LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 758 Mary St. -- RA 5-1044 " 117/1.1434 UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY PLUMBER METT PLUMBING "YOUR FRIENDLY PLUME -YES INDEED = CO. LTD. 23 CELINA RA 5-3279 1S A FRIEND TO HAVE, i INNEED! // | RC W.R. THOMPSON inspection by service man |ing repiacement, also calling for | | By RUTH W. SPEARS | While this sketch shows a cabinet for a small kitchen sink, the pattern includes variable di- mensions for adapting the con struction tc a sink of any size; or to extend the cabinet along the side of the kitchen. Each step in construction is illustrated in large perspective drawings - on| pattern 335. The two containers| for dish-washing supplies attached to the inside of doors are made from quarter-inch plywood. Trac- = diagrams for these are in size on the pattern. To get pattern 335 only, send name and address with 40 cents. And for the Kitchen Remodeling Packet which includes the sink pattern, send $1.76 with your order. Ad- dress orders to The Home Work-| shop Dept.. Tha Times, Oshawa. | --- RES meen. Beautify your home the modern func- tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now. | MOOR-A-MATIC COLOR MACHINE AT EDGAR'S PAINT and WALLPAPER Ha for you-No J The color of your choice from BENCHES ASTIN TD on )uni.g Outdoors is a joy with this saw-buck table and detached benches. Note the trough under the table for supplies. Pattern 279, which shows the steps in making this set, is 50 cents. This | pattern also is one of four in the Lawn Furnishings Packet No. 87 -- all for $1.75. The handsome brick barbecue with storage cup- boards is made with Pattern 243 which is 50 cents. Address. or- ders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa. ROSS E. MILLS | CO. LTD. Introduces a New Service Do-it-yourself Rug Cleaning We rent you the appara- tus and sell you the Snam- poo and you can easily clean your rugs at the low cost of less than three cents a square foot, YOU GET MORE OUT OF LIFE WHEN YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF ELECTRICITY Anytime, any day--your favourite snack is ready, fresh and appetizing in your electric refrigerator-freezer. With an electric refrigerator-freezer you can store all kinds of out- of-season foods for enjoyment all year round. You can buy in quantity too (it saves you money) . . . cut down on trips to the store . . . eliminate trips on rainy days. When you entertain, an electric refrigerator-freezer gives you more time with your guests, because you're able to prepare food ahead of time. An electric refrigerator-freezer is safe, clean, and modern. It costs just a few cents a day to operate. More than 2,000 pain' colors for Living Rooms Bedrooms and Bath-- for all interior and | terior surfaces. Household fiat by Gone. Olam, Before freezing, most veg- etables should be scalded or 'blanched to preserve flavour, colour and food value. 3 | Choose your favorite colc +++ See it made automat: cally with famou: Benjamin Moore Paints BE bea You get more out of life, when vou get the most out of electricity. ® MOORE'S HOUSE PAINT ® STUCCO GUARD ® MARINE ENAMEL ® MOORE'S WALL SATIN ® SATIN IMPERVO ENAMEL ® IMPERVO GLOSS ENAMEL To keep this low cost serv- ice in successful operation we ask that the customer pick up and return the unit to the store. HYDRO 3 is yours Bas. TCC 53° ® ALKYD ODORLESS SANI FLAT ALL AVAILABLE AT EDGAR'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 34 KING WEST RA 3.735 Elashieity dos 30 wach... .coits 20 (tly Please come in and have this service fully explain- ed, we are sure you will be very satisfied. ROSS E. MILLS CO. LTD. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 8-6218 For further information on your electrical problems contact your electrical dealer or . . . THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA WM. BODDY, Chairman GEORGE F. SHREVE, General Manager

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