"THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 26, 1959 3 Cut Wednesday Postmaster Norman J. Moran! has announced that the service given by the Oshawa Post Office! oun Dominion Day, July 1, will be somewhat curtailed All mails will be received and despatched as usual and special deliveries will be made hut, there will be no letter carrier, parcel post or rural mail deliveries. | There will be one complete col-| lectizn from street letter hoxes | at the regular afternoon time, | The public lobby will be open | from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. but wicket service, with the exception of monev order and savings bank business, will be provided be- a Hil wembem miBam | GRADE VIII GRADUATING CLASS AT ST. GREGORY'S SCHOOL " OFFICIAL COUNT Hoy here are the boys | Dominic, igachers Join Bow- | Timothy O'Neill. Back row, | jeje, Rod Macdonald, Klaus iid | The official count for the Osha.| Who have just finished their | rie, Brandan Calder, John | from left: Chas. McGuire, Tom | Mayer, Neil Talling and Barry Grade VIII studies at St, Greg- | Mowat, Mike Connelly, Robert Richardson, Clifton Doucette, | Leach, NEW AMBULANCE PRESENTED TO OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT [ye Riding elaction was. lesion ory's Separate School. Front | Fudge, Charles Camenzuli, The Oshawa Fire Department | a number of improvements , ing more convenience in hang- | ambulancemen to replace bot- ioiss Sow Ye Ute u Roe row, from left, are: Brother J. | Mike Retchie, Charles Newell, | Donald Gallagher, Robert Ko- Oshawa Times Photo. Thursday accepted from the | over it's older counterparts. | ing transfusion bottles. The am- | tles during a trip. The 1959 - city a new ambulance, replac- | The raised roof section 'gives | bulance is capable of carrying | Cadillac ambulance has more QC. The final election count Wendi | Grade 7 -- Ruth Eichelberg, Lawrence Horne, Patsy Jacklin, ed above, the new vehicle has | patients en route, besides giv- | longer be necessary for the | and chairs Watermain To -v B At Closing Exercises Arthur! Linda Purdy, Sandra Gunn, Con- [ ] " 4, 1 " y * y " 4 . With Principal Lloyd Welder. Lynn Cuthbert, Waleene Roberts,| Middleton, Sheldon Stein, 1 Industr ' / y ick, acting as master of cere- Brian Morris, Archie Bruce, Lin-| Wherry. (Me Tullock, Sharon Hackwood. Co . ) monies, the presentation of bars,/da Wallis, Sane Bov ille, Mike| Grade 7, Basketball -- Miss CITIZENSHIP BARS y 1 letters, trophies and other Yearsley, Tom Seton, Alan Bot-|Lowery's room, Garry 8haw,| pe teachers at King Si The Oshawa Public Utilitiesthe extension of a watermain on ' k ® lawards, won hy the pupils of|tomley, Peter Maxymuik, Jim Capt; Gerald Tilk, Dennis Sib-|gcho0] have a difficult 0 Sujet commission Thursday night ap-|Westdale Ave., from Westlea to 4 gE , |King Street Public School dur- Boje ators. Bax bv Grate luck, Jim Locke, Dive Gabon, iy the pupils in their classes who proved a recommendation of city Rossmount avenues W Lh j / |ing the past year, was made at ' he oratory be vos, Y Sa 8 (ue ay nes soe nevotrk. | EHOW the most promise of bechbm- council to install watérmains on] Plans for a proposed water- / 4 4 a {the annual closing exercises|! PUpls WC Ie ast Frank Kostoff, David Shevchuk. ino the pest citizens of the: fu- the west side of Farewell Ave. main costing $34,030 on Ritson | Thursday afternoon, Carmichael i de 7 teacher.| pfise Nancy Lowery, Grade 7 ture, The hardest feature of this and south of the CNR main line Rd, from Rossland road to Non-| | Track and Field bars were o the follow ng Lys Dona, teacher, presented sports bars|task is that they must be limited tracks. at a cost of $10,000 quon road, will be taken to the| |presented by Michael Zaver to Sharon Duffiele Lis i A Lg winning girls' room teams: |to not more than six pupils Chairman William Boddy voie-| court of revision to determine if . {those pupils who took part in the Date Saga, eather we ig Grade 7 Volleyball -- Mr. Car-|room receiving this award. Mr. ed the on's hope to ma-|the main would be economical 4 iv ¢ Sid " lannual School Games and won Bone ia ny yet 20 WE ar michael's room, Brenda McClurg, Maycock presented these Citizen. terially assist in securing new in-| The manager was requested to) Se 4 ., my vi ' 7 the 'Kinsman Trophy and also Ze HD a or v Hl on. Cliervi Capt.; Dale Anderson, 'Yvonne ghip bars at this time to the fol- dustry in the city, The mains will notify Principal Investments 14d. / 3 i: Ph the 'Mike Starr Trophy" last Seite, Mov Hl ery Anderson, Sandra Buchan an, lowing: service the new Industrial. Park. that the PUC will not require the # vi y > Tole ; La 4 fall at the Shamrock Games. ' ips cay Mardarel "well. | rene Cherkas, Carole Conlin,| Grade g -- Bill Corby, Faye The commission also approved space occupied by Crown Life 7 ' y y . 3 |These cars went to the follow Fo Marek Ld TMi Ret Judy Dalton, Carolyn Garrow, | nummond, Rick Johnson, Vicky Insurance Company until the] fi 2 7 ; | Grade 8 -- Vicky Koss, Faye 4, oy o 4 Loy ise) gr Dat | Diane Gay, Marlene Mason, Shar-| gcc "Dennis Elizuk, Lynn Thomp- {lease expiry date, Nov. 14, 1959.| § fa? 4 2 4 , Drummond, J: on oe OF hey oD, Smits on May, Linda Purdy, Sharon |g, Carol Saunders, Susan Pow= NG EVENTS {George F. Shréve, manager of ' ; 2 (Lougheed, Rick Jc ' pion, Glenn Ol, A Wi too (Reardon, Jannle Smits, Wanda |); 'Ruth Ann Deboski, Bev. Jack- PUC . he 4 bo Y Sandra Buchanan, Susan Winter, pac,ka Connie Wilson. A x a COMI the PUC, reported some of the ; Ciothers, Susan Powell, a|linda Crawford, Anne Butler ' lin, Jim Eddie, Wayne Warnica, PUC office staff will move into| % / y Rowden, Joe Seto, Brian Morris,/SpORTS BARS | Grade 7, Softball -- Mr. Hager-| Jerry Gaatch, Don Potter, Cheryl this space after tha' date ' |Don" Calder, Bob Juzminski,| King Street School is able to man's room, Jo-Anne Copi-\Mooney, Beatrice Saramak, Wal- Harman Park Associa The commission accepted an 4 A ; ] peter Vasko, Tom Seton, Bob!carry Ce Hine sports pro- thorne, Capt.; Mima Aru, Sandralter Malarczek, Tom Abthorpe, tion. Friday, 8 pm offer from the Canadian Westing- ky 4 } Stark, Karin von Minden, Ar-|gram in both autumn and spring | Bowers, Janice Goring, Bonnie Joan Marshall, Marion Kasper, ct John's Hall, corner [house Co. Ltd. to install a du-| Komen Wi ; BD ry ; i | |dyth Pollitt, Carol Parker, Joan|Keen comnretition between rooms Jarvis, Darlene Kadoski, Maria pat Etmanski, Alan Bottomley, Fopihls plicate 5000 KVA transformer at y | |Marshall, Julie Lesnick, Walter|is very evido: d b. ve pre-|Kluczkowski, Susan Laverty, Ar- Bob Gardner, Peter Vasko. Bloor and Simcoe. 20 cost of $18,228. The same com v3 A Ca F{jdapenadt, Julte Lesnick, Is very evident and bars are pre-j,. Fypo oy' Louise Miller, Shar- $ 8. Five BO rd ays contract to iy ; 1) ; i |Malarczek. : sented to the winning room teams. | rina A co ' 3° | Grade 7 -- Bernard Roberts, games 56 and $ | pany was awarded a contract t 5 OL Baand a] i Grade 7 -- Bonnie Hart, Donna| Alex R. Carmichael, presented oP Myers, Cheryl Phillips, Joan | Bonnie Hart, Sheldon Stein, Barry $40 jackpots {install one transformer at a cost 8 4 | na Sabol, Vicki West. Kory, Marilyn Schultz, Sharon ' [J [J ing one of the two which has | more headroom for ambulance- | larger oxygen tanks than the | space in the interior for exira was: George Drynan -- 5513; / been in use since 1953, Pictur- | men and doctors working on | older ambulances, so it will no | equipment such as stretchers |William Newman -- 8643; T. D.| nn 1 u 1 S Barry Kory, Jacque Menzie, Mar- "Tommy" Thomas -- 10,243. | . ilvn Schultz; Arlene Massey, Reg 3 Louise Miller, Janice Goring, Maria Kiluczkowski, Fred Mandryk, Maybeth Hoag- land, Mima Aru; Irene Cherkas, Judy Dalton, Glenn Elliott, Marlene Mason, Brian Williams, ¢ $18.088 April this year ig yw hp Pas ! |Buchanan, Jo-Anne Copithorne, sports bars to the winning Grade 148 0 : i AP Bo $513,504 " ' A in cB Bl " ' | |Louise Miller, Joanna Sabol, Ar-|8 team as follows: , SAFETY PATROL BARS Manser, Reg Webster, Arlene SER -- Ace OURS tariog enon rls pr) Bh A / : ? lene Massey, Sandra Buchanan,| Grade 8 soccer -- Mr. Zaver's| Mr, Skuce presented Safety Massey, Louise Miller, Maria Wore Dass J - i au-| | 24 ; ! | Eleanor Rifzie, Brenda McClurg, (room, Bob Crothers, Capt.: Bill\patrol bars to the members of | Kluczkowski, Fred Mandryk, Bob BINGO cessed for h yt ay ae to sian : ? Linda Purdy, Dale Anderson, Lor- Burns, Bill Corby, Wayne Fleury, the school's patrol. These were Hutchinson, Sandra Gunn, Gail A or atid faim Blwior. ot : iis ] : | raine Shaw, Bernard Roberts. Ken Bert Jalasjaa, Eric Jonés, Ronireceived by: Colin K nigh t|Jubb, David Shevchuk, Frank ANGE 'TEMPLE oi ae that may be requir. |Herd, Chuck Wayling, Da vid Lopgheed, Leonard Scribner, Tom |Capt,; Lieutenants Jane Parkin, (Kostoff, Joan Crawford, Garry CORONATION ORANGE cial 'meeting tha J / 1 ; ) |Shevehuk, Bruce Chute. |Bfnnett, Mike Cooper, StepheniNancy Malloy and Bob Croth-|Shaw, Richard Boville, Roy Boyn- SATURDAY, JUNE 27th ed ; . J id ! {Cowley John Gaatch, Rick John-lers: Ursula Rajca, Bob Owen,lton, Irene Cherkas, Sandra eee | . Sy ad FIELD DAY TROPHIES {son, David Lee, Joe Tullock. |Waleene Roberts, Doug Holtby, Buchanan, Linda Purdy, Jannie Twenty regular games. .. Ed i" a | Glen Hagerman, a Grade 7| Grade 8, Softval = Miss Fars: Michael Yenslk Patty Canipe Smits. | y teacher, presented the King|dale's room, Jerry Gaatch, Capt.; bell, Jack McClelland; nnie Mc Share the wealth P rairie Bases A i 3% Street Field Day Trophies to the Ron McKnight, Paul Darling, |Intyre, Brenda Vermoen, HeatherSCHOOL LETTERS ; 4 - $40 Jockpots to go, | ; . TT [following pupils: Junior Girls'|Gary Armstrong, VW elons a Chain, BL i Pho. Ki No - a . Speciol to | GG y tox. | Pa cole: 14:2 [ They: an wn he Trophy, Arlene Massey; Inter-{zek, Gary Slute, Richar -|Schultz, Paul Blair, Chery -jat King 00! 1 « $150 Spec go LL For U.S. Jets ? AT THE GRADUATION ex- | Penny Poole, 14 and John Low, | They are seen here with the bl i Gio y Eleanor |liams, Bob Shelley, Don Potter, |lips, Bonnie Jarvis, Lee Sayers,|School Letter. To win this covet: ercises, held at Dr, C. F. Can- | 15, were honored at the school's | Hon, Michael Starr Field Day |Ritzie: In a Be Doug Holby, Grant Evans. Yas Tim Locke, A Butler, Bever: od award, "4 i as 'TAW ) - C Sti ath shawa Ti to. | Trophy, Bruce Chute; Senior| Grade 8, Basketball = MI. "lley Connolly, Sandra ,|11 points over a two-year stay THERE IS FUN FOR THE |, OTTAWA (CF) = Cait aing| Oshawa Times Photo -- | oN "Trophy, Ardyth Polit; |cock's room, Joe Seto, Capt. Janet Rorabeck. at the school, or a total of five Senior Boys' Trophy, Peter Vas.|Archie Bruce, Don Calder, Wayne| m, the pupils who earned the|points, if herc only one year. Only Cc Wg BARLEY PARK Iva a ee ( } = Warnica, Clarence Smith, Bob he|Grade 8 il eligibl; R 0 Canadian prairie bases by Ameri Na va ] a d i O | ko. |Warnlea, Tye highest percentage in each of the|Grade pupils are e (Hwy. 2 Just East of Bowmanville) €£an fighter squadrons, it is e n | hurch Rall | The field day banner, presented | Wen, Vayne King om. Eddie. Grade 8 classes, Mr. Zaver pre-|for this letter, With something new and dif- [learned reliably. ! [to the room amassing the great. 3 0¢ EF = og [sented the Fanny Hislop cheques. Mr, Weiderick brought 'the | The U.S. wants to establish [est number of points at the school hiv Ag nde " presented the worthy recipients were: (in|afternoon's presentation to: a . + LY { ferent every visit, | ; ; Joe) Es I a n n C 1 1 p jas Ww ger Mr, r's class), Nancy Mal- Our fine on bole diin Bog pd 1 Bg Ba Tr 1 1 g Tr 1S | T R : Held day, Was Yon by Masaaser | sports bars to the winning Grade jo: Zavars Maycock's ny Sos Dei Sng, the folowing Wieguard and swimming in- |squadrons can operate from them | 0 eview cetved tiie banner on behalf of her > girls' teams: | Carol Saunders; (in Miss Farn-Bob Crothers, Faye Drummond, | Grade 8, volleyball-Mrs. Bar-|dale's class), Valerie Smith; and| Mara Gaumers, Vicky Koss, Nan. | duty. for temporary periods | Cadet Offlo V ay iho abibindinhe. satel bo ni cd lass. J y ta? struetor always on du adet Officer R. Munday, son class rand's room, "Bopbie" Moore, (in Mrs, Barrand's class), Jim|cy Malloy, Ursula Rajca, Jane P.S. -- Water temperature | Refielling facilities for Amerl- of Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Munday, » | Mr, Hagerman also presented| 5. Too! Alt Alberta usually in the 70's can fighter aircraft are already 710 Glencairn St., Oshawa, is one an e 1e Work Award of Merit crests, and bars, | Captain; Nancy c on. Pat Lyzun, Parkin, Lynn Thompson; Carol Private and semi - private |available at Canadian bases. But! of 120 naval officer cadets of the vq |to Julie Lesnick and Brenda Mc- Beetsma, Raven OTe or Choir bars were presented to/Saunders, Jim Eddie, Brian Mor- swimming lessons available. [a supply of spare parts is re-|regular officer training plan " |Clurg, who each won 15 points at|Etmanski, Caro " ey Joan|the near-80 members of King|ris, Lynn Cuthbert, Susan Powell, Results guaranteed. Com- | quired for the planes to operate from all parts of Canada now . i : ; Oshawa Missionary College is/the school games and thereby |TTughes, s ariony M oD Caro Street School Choir by Miss' Nan'/Bob Owen, Wayne Warnica, Done mencing soon. Inquire ot [from these bases for any length|serving in five frigates of the : a scene of activity today as dele:|topped their individual age-groups| jarshall, Chery Nason, Bengal CY Lowery, who had been thena Rowden, Bev. Jacklin; Val the pool. of time Pacific Command. Their sum ; ' {gates from Sault Ste. Marie to|for the city. rR a ok. Mona choir's director during the year.|erie Smith, Colin Knight; Ardyth {mertime training program in sy ' } Quebes City representing almost| snrENDANCE BARS Sterling, Karin von Minden Chris- SCHOLARSHIP BARS oh. "Bgpble™ Moore P Crist {cludes a cruise which will take a, be igi #50 congregations of the Seventh.' I IY ds R ha . or _|SK1, oore, ne WELLSPRINGS PARK |them as far away as Manzanillo Bint i/day Adventist Church in Canada| Mrs. Janet Barrand, a Grade 8 tine Zehetofer. Sai aa oer to the Dupe who 3 Zehetlofer, Alberta Beetsma, Bay, Mexico and Balboa | are registering today for the an.|teacher, presented the following Grade 8, Softball -- Mr. Zavey bert erage GEOL OF Dols Alan Bottomley. ; No. 12 HIGHWAY AT 47 The young officer cadets, hav neal summer conference of the pupils with attendance bars, for| room, Lynn Thompson A Mrs ely presented the| The closing exerclses and pres. ; hy ing just finished the academic 1|Church in Ontario and Quebec, [perfect attendance and punctual Faye Drummond, arcs: vi *|Sehol hi bars to the following|entation of awards usually take 18 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY year at the three Canadian Ser . According to Pastor Harvey|i: | Jane Parkin, Nancy Maloy. Fr pupils at this time: [place in the lower hall of the {ices Colleges and at Canadian ® " -- i Helm, of Toronto, associate min-| Grade 8 -- Judy Amey, Bi ae Koss, Eva Kob-| Grade 8 -- Bill Corby, Bob school. Because of lack of ade- Filtered Swimming Pool, Playground univer igs ba € : Biready poy I------ ind iver of Je, Fist Seventh-day Corby, Faye Drummond, Mar ajar Maureen McMaster, Judy Crothers, Mara Gaumers, Bert quate ' accommodation, the . ro- . en days in the frigates in the | Adventis hurch in that city)|G rs, Eva K i Va rav. \ , J j i ol and Picnic facilities, Refreshments first phase of their summer sea anare Saal Sy Caugiers, Eve Koblak, Vie kY!hmey, Carol'm Locke, Sharon Jatasisn, Vicky Zon Nancy Ma) |gram hae heen ymited othe ) raining: They. ste eibaried 3 Togistratic ; ; ! oss, Nancy Malloy, Jane Par-|cyrran, Dorothy Gibbs. |loy, Jane Parkin, Ursula ajca, pup ew representatives Maximum Admission Per Family--$1.00 jai Gy ste n rk in reg) ra on Somininee, top at-|kin, Lynn Cuthbert, Waleene Rob-| 1 pagerman presented the/Lynn Thompson, Carol Saunders,|of the board of education, and hip ussexva tettler, dance for the first week i " " ravlay P! © iu 3 | i 1 (Swimming Included) iSte. 'Therese. Beacon: Hill amid Ehectel bo ae wee Os | CTLS Donna Rowden, Beverley [sports bars to the winning Grade|Jim Eddie, Lynn Cuthbert, Brian the home and school association, 9 New Glas all membe of Se xceed the 1.200] Jacklin, Wayne Warnica, Brian|, bovs' teams: |Morris, Sandra Kalynko, Bo b|who help financially, in provid. DEW a asEOW m8 Tne . ris we Marence|' SYS. Ee +. |Owen, Wayne Warnica, .|ing the: TS SPECIAL RATES FOR CHURCH the RON, Fourth Canadian Ei | Emphasis of the session will be Hg BE ie aESucst Grade 7 soccer -- Mr. Welder-|jq, fy Donna Rowden, Va. | This Seo 2 hs i Re AND OTHER GROUPS cort :. agion ides Joe som on the need of the church to| Campbell, Beatrice Saramak, Ron |1¢X'S room, Dick Be ern jorle Smith, Joan Petre, Colin/shown by the parents who wish- Da of aptain A. Porter, maintain an alert awareness of McKnight, Cheryl Mason, Ardyth [1van Black iy Robert Liston, Knight, Julie Lesnick, Marilyn|ed to attend this highlight in the I aivesn 3 Cand te the nt its mission and message in a|Pollitt, Eugene Tymchuk, Alberta| ya. Raszem David Middle. Larmer, Jim Lyzun, Marion Kas-|school' year, that the program | ween June 6:and he of troubled world, In line with this|Beetsma, Karin von Minden, P. ty rden Stein, David Walker,| Re" Roberta Moore, Alberta was held out-of-doors on the west SOMERSET ficer cadets underwent pilotage| CADET OFFICER R. MUNDAY theme delegates will study ways|Holvk. Christine Zehethofer, &%/ton, Sheldon Stein, David wal eT: Beetsma, Joan Marshall, Pe t e r|campus. Invitations were sent training in southern British Co. ~~ lof improving its communications| : Eel ner. | Don Barnoski, David a% Yi |Maxymuik, Alan Bottomley, Pat- home to the parents, to attend if flumbia waters. That ten.daythere July 28. They will remain|and information program on the|. Ot2de 7 -- Ruth Eichelberg, Kory George MacDonal g Ros ricia, Etmanski, Christine Zeheth-|they so desired, and the response several days in in San Diego until Aug. 3. and|community level. Better organi.|Lynd: Donald, Patsy Jacklin,|McPhee, Bernard Roberts, ROD ioror Alan Topp, Ardyth Pollitt. was very gratifying. iperiod included SWIMMING POOL {the Patricia Bay area (Vancou- from that California port will sail'yaq welfare and disaster relief! Brenda Vermoen, Maralyn Adam-|Sutton, Arthur Wherry. : \ all the for Esquimalt, returning son, George MacDonald, Cheryl| Grade 7, Softball -- Mr. Wel ver Island) where cadets f to their service will be reviewed had an air familiarization course home base on Aug. 10 | Phillips, Fred Mandryk, Bonnie|derick's room, Ivan Black, Capt; | Dick Barnoski, non Public School this week, | outstanding athletes® for 1959. | Trophy. | Canada's role in the denorRina- 5 4 v= - with aircraft of the Navy's air -- Jarvis, Joanna Sabol, Vicki Wes rnoski 1 avy's é ' aha = nd , Joa Sabol :i West,|Don Rarnoski, ! END OF SWITZER DRIVE squadron tion's overseas missions pro- ipo, piicsell, Lois Cuthbert, Susan|David- Gay. Michael Clarke, Jim N (0) T | C 3 gram will be restudied The frigates returned te their Night of t ; A «, Cheryl Steenburgh, Mar-{McPhee, Bernard Roberts, Klaus | (home port to take part in the CELEBRATING |the oS Sure Sowitons ay {1 Mason, Doug McMahon, Kaszezuk, Arden McLaren, David | H {Pacific Commands annual | tain countries Chureh|ken Herd, Irene Cherkas, Mar- - { Now open to the the Public regatta, staged over June 18-19. | BIRTHDAYS a Stal Sounthse. Sjurchfvin Suddard. : T Ad I R id The officer cadet's long cruise| Bi3iz Vauarters w dia [4] ult Residents . . I] io os ongratulations and hest [quarters will lead out in this dis- YEAR BOOK BARS Sparkling Filtered Water Sommen ed June 22 Whe n the! wishes to the following resi- cussion. Intensive study will also| To {1 to " tin CITY of OSHAWA . rigates left Esquimalt for sonth lents of Oshavw te (De given t lan for . | To the executive of "The King of East Whitby T hi ern waters. They will be at Mz dents of Oshawa and district given to a plan for person-to- Street Revue' the chool 1 y owns ip e al Man: who are celebrating birth. Person evangelism involving ev-| y k Spacious picnic grounds ES whi i I Uh, mer abe ah bk we recs tel COURT OF ff owe ymumizamion of day visit, leaving again on July ' i 3 y | Kenneth Rose. 250 Highland 'delegates during the nine-day ) ghlana g Y presented Year Book bars to the stopover, the ships will sail on| w+ Tat le] Ed.), Jim Eddie, Mara Gaumers, | south Mrs \letro Luecyk, [Quebec Conference of Seventh | Valerie Smith, Jerry Saath. Notice is hereby given that a July 17 for San Diego, arriving cq), x 4 ALL RA 8-57 -- - : &{ Columbus; Ernie Fisher, 633 [day Adventists will open the|« : | isi i mareateerm---- 1 y. sts {"B a" M "|| Court of Revision will be held Hortop street; Jennifer Dob- [session tonight and deliver Hee roo. as Boom: in the 3rd floor Board Room, . = 5 | 145 . . by, 501 Crerar avenue; Mrs, |keynote address of the conven-| Ci y, 5 ; 3. Mrs, R . a ity Hall, 50 Centre Street, on Nine Babies R. V. Gallagher, 242 King [tion. He will also preside as rer Sandra Gunn and Judy Dal-| Toda duly Tem or 70 0 AGAINST street east: Mrs. Eric Miller, (chairman of the conference : p.m., to hear appeals against 610 Bloor street east which is slated to close a week ORATORY BARS |{ charges for sidewalks, sewers, . Mo Nn ste 4 B Nn O | 4 tae rst [five Deron An wom Senirday Miss Shirley Farndale, Grade 8] granular bases and pavements, Ie d 1Ze the mn rtd joa Times of Highlighting the conference teacher, presented Oratory bars] Which have been constructed as . ir birthdays each day will |yij)] be the visit of H. M. §./for partaking in the Red Feather|] loca! improvements. | receive double tickets to The Richa 3 1's f i . . Nr hs Richards of the international/Campaign for the Community|] DATED at Oshawa this 26th SATURDAY JUNE 13 | Nine babies were baptized dur. Re Re ot Theatre " good for a [vice of Prophecy broadcast. He/Chest, to the following pupils: [| day of June, 1959. {ing the morning service of wor OPN. Jorioc.. The Cur will be accompanied by the] Grade 8 -- Bill Corby, Bob IS RECOMMENDED {Sip cently at King Street rent Sitrastion Js The Sound [King's Heralds quartet that sing Crothers, Mara Gaumers, Bert L. R. BARRAND, | nited Chureh when the sacra.| and The Fury [for the Mi dast every ,.|Jalasjaa, Vicky Koss, Nancy Mal- City Clerk. 8 : : 16 PRIZES OF $10 ment of infant baptism was ad-| Reports on birthdays wil Bhi iwi Bsn PI Ee ig Bnd This service is being offered without cost at present ministered by the minister, Rev e received only hetween the | |Carol Saunders, Sus: ell, | ici i Siluslered by (Se minictes Je received uily hetween 4 | s, Susan Powell, | by physicians in your area. 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 | 'They were Terrence Wayne TALLY-HO un of Mr. ana Mis. peter TALLY-HO TO OBTAIN THIS PROTECTION YOU NEED ONLY SHARE THE WEALTH Dragomatz Cindy Lou daughter No Danger Seen TALLY-HO Marie Lavender wishes to announce that | TELEPHONE THE OFFICE OF THE DOCTOR OF and Mrs. Rubert Gay AIR-CONDITIONED Kevin James, son of Mr. and In Ex : she has resumed mana t of 3 : Kevin, James, son of Mr_ avd periments CAS anagement o | YOUR CHOICE FOR AN INITIAL APPOINTM ST. GREGORY S AUDITORIUM yEric, son of Mr. and Mrs, Poul! OTTAWA (CP) Defénce Min- HOTEL TER ls Hermansen; Terri Lee, daughter oy aap . 1] " | y g ister Pearkes said Thursday he UN H I SIMCOE STREET NORTH {of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Musor-| is satisfied there is no danger te} | i ROTECT YOURSELF onchan ulie Ann, daughter of volves n germ warfare experi NORLAND, ONT. 3 ! germ arf X I | ADMISSION 50 CENT Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Stacey: {ment yeing conducter v the! Np S 2 Tomothy Alan, son of Mr. and ents Re Being fF » J DID YOU KNOW 1 AND TH : INCLUDES DOOR PRIZE TICKETS Mee Al A Thonweotts, Doral an Sau and will be pleased to see all : Ar 1 he hd {6 for Balboa and arriving there! ...n Billy F conference is yA 3 ue illy Flintoff, RR 1, | rence | fol i ils: Can s FOR INFORMATION "Fron Balboa after a three-day Oshawa; Mrs Arthur All. | Pastor H. D. Henriksen, of lowing Tb. Crothe Sa T , 8 rec-day man, 84 Oshawa boulevard [Oshawa, president of the Ontario-| py X roters Jaw ALL AD UL S Suffie TO BE DRAWN 1 NE 27 farie, daugh of \ d M bh 3 t the burger served in the defences jAustin of Scarboro. . against germ warfare, ie Commons. di Cotter. Shop the GENOSHA her friends and customers . a, and Karen Dar e, daugh- the experiments are aimed at as- | HOTEL is of the finest Red Brand || / 2 EXT RA ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W.|certaining the best Beef that con be boudht aryw |} Orders will be taken for Homemade Pies, Cakes, Br ght anywhere? 3 , Bread, ete. LJ