The Oshawa Times, 20 Jun 1959, p. 12

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hy | . "12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, June 20, 1959 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity By The Canadian Press ed ad by 523 to 217 on the Torus Stock Exchange this week. Issues unchanged 192. Volume for the week was 14,296,000, up Brated the previous week's 13,683,000. Total sales for the year tn date are 469,967,889. unless marked §). WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO storks This Week: Arcan ans Tr Can PL Roe AV Cn 19107 i Place South U Pynamie 17517 6347! 9168 sr Sov Ya i 2.40 pr gus 2.50 pr 175 tlas Steel Auto Elec 50 Auto Fab A 100 Auto Fab B 2050 Bank Mont 4349 Bk Mon rts 17201 Bank NS 928 Bath Pow A 210 Bath Pow B Beatty 900 81332 42105 Mtn 20785 20608 Sales 116300 5 5 192 $16% $13% 13 $26% $10% % 15% (Quotations in cents High Low Close Change ny yo INDUSTRIALS $8 8 a + 8% 15% -- % 16% 13% + % 15% 26% -- 30% Y 13% 1% 10% 10% 25 138 23 155 178 28 3 142 2 192 165 Industrials $48 $6% $27% $8 390 $60 355 $79 47% $9% 14% 6% 2464 $254 24% 21% 25 $29 29 934 Beav Lumber 195 $26% 26% 100 100 16000 25 157p 90 Beav Lum A Beav Lum A Bell Phone Blue Rib pr Bowater Bowater pr $18 $18 2% $54 $7 $4414 18 18 42% 54 6% 4" Bowat 5% p 440 $49% 48% Bow Mers p 1130 $49 481% BC Pack B 2106 $17 %17% BC Pow 3814 BC Phone 1476 Brooke Bd p 100 Brown 202 Bruck A 250 1400 1035 $39 $45 $18 $124 $12% 480 $36 38 4a 18 12 Cdn Celan 2905 $21% 21 C Cel $175 p 300 $31 C Chem © Collieries 12005 $7% 80 29% 5905 $124 12 T% 7% d B 3% +1% 28% 31 2 stots 1004 1014 -- Ya $28% 21% 28% -- % C Gas B pr Copp Clark Corby vt Cosmos Craig Bit Crain RL 1185 Crestbrk 300 Crestbrk wits 350 Crown Trust 145 Crow's N 100 Dist Seag 5365 D Bridge 3797 D Dairies 1195 Dom Elec n 2640 D Fndry 3702 D Fndry pr 95 D Magnes 535 Dom Scot Dom Scot pr 150 Dosco 1145 Dom Stores 2755 Dom Tar 10618 Dom Tex t 3455 D Text pr 55 495 338 100 Econ Inv 200 Eddy A 95 Eddy Match 115 Emp Life 41 Fam Play 1610 Fanny F 1475 Fed Grain 60 Fed Grain pr 110 Fibre 500 Fleet Mig 13875 Ford US 1368 Ford A 51 Fndtn 1030 Fraser 165 Fr Pete pr 425 Fruehauf 100 Gatineau 2515 Gat 5 pc pr 9 Gat 5%pc pr 20 Gen Bake 3690 G Dev 11260 go Dynam 688 MC 1556 oP Mig A yt GS Wares Goodyear G Mackay A 780 G Mackay B 445 GL Paper 2391 GL Power 140 GL Pow wits 5 GNGas 2.80pr 25 GN Ghs wis 335 GN G B wits 845 GW Coal A 300 Great West 2275 G Wpg Gas 905 G W Gas vt 1505 GW G 5 wts 480 G 58 wis 140 'eyhnd 1350 ar Tr 42 sum rd Carpet 2734 $15% $20% $50 $65 $23% $66% $14 $12% $12% $163 $106 5 $105 $7% $19% $13 sm $32% $23 $10% $13 $47% $98 $9 $37 $46 $20% $76 $17 $11% $132 E 939% $64 $29 $67 $2314 $19%, $4212 $28 450 115 369% $176% $14% $30% 660 $7 $40% $102 $107 $10%4 $20% $55 $48% $34% $6% $8 $39 27% 825 $40 260 245 $5% $8% $11% $11% 460 565 812% 27% $47% $14% 23 15% 20 50 65 23 65% 14 12 12% 2 32% 2% 10 11% 45% 9% 8% 37 4% 19 70% 16% 10% 132 to 39 64 28% 67 p<} 18% 42% 28 435 9% 66% 172 14% 29% 630 7 39% 101 107 8% 17 53 1% 34 6% 8 37% 27% 825 40 260 5 5% 8% 11 10% 460 550 12% 21% 47% 13% p<} 66% +3% 14 --1% 12% + % 12% + % 20 32% 2% 10 13 46 9% 9 37 % 20% 70% 17 11 132 K 39% 64 28% 87 28% 18% 2% - Tor Iron A Stock Stock Imp Life Imp Oil Imp Tob Imp Tob pr Ind Accep I Ac 2.25 pr I Ac 2.75 pr = Inland C pr - 2069 Inland Gas 3250 Inld Gas wts 1100 Inld Gas pr 435 Intprov Inter PL Intpr Steel 232 3764 5 128% --1% 109 + % 5 Merc Chip 50 --8 Mid West 6825 150 --10 M West wts 3000 26 26 Milt Brick 800 5 325 Molson A 463 26% + % Molson B 608 Molson pr 375 Mon Knit pr 70 Mont Loco 555 Moore 8653 Nat Drug 605 Nat Drug pr 170 Nat Groc pr 205 N Hos B 1400 Nat Lead 100 N St Car 2135 North Star 1757 Nor Star A 2815 Nor Star pr Nor Phone 2655 Oak Wood 3337 3345 Orange Cr Page Hers Parker Pembina Penmans Penmans pr PC Jewel pr 40 Powell R 5075 P Pipe Mig 4850 Premium 1760. Pres Elect 9100 Q N Gas 5646 Rapid Grip 645 Reichold 1440 ertson R Little A 100 Roe AV C 19107 Roe AV 5% 115 Royal Bank 3225 Russell 3425 StL Corp 14765 $18% St L Op A pr 245 $99% St Maurice 68935 125 Salada-S 12170 $14% Salada wts 3195 975 Shawin 2840 $30% 29% Shawin A pr 30 $40% 40% 40% --1% Silverwd A 610 $11% 11% 11% -- % Simpsons 2112 $35% 34% 34% --1 SKD Mig 90 200 Slatre Somville pr Southam 1580 155 $3. 10 $1 100 Spartan St Pav St Radio St Brock A Stedman Steel Can Steinbg pr Steinbg A Stuart Oil 15 15 S Propane 16 16 8 Prop wits 580 Suptest ord 15% 15% Switson 0 420 Tancord Tan rts Tamblyn Taylor PC 'Taylor PC pr Texaco 73 Texaco pr 2 Thorncliffe 11 TT Tailors $ 16 Tor Dom Bk 62% Tor Elev 14% T Gen Tr 51 23 59 37 36% 525 $38% 37% 37% 6235 $80% 78% 79 70 $100% 100 100 NK 2% -- % --a% --1% zis $15% T to % 28% 18% 9% Tor Star pr 2545 $38% 7% $36% 35 $86 T Fin 5pc 125 $39% T Fin wits 56 670 $5 'T Fin 58 wts 100 7% Th Tr Can PL 20608 $26% 25% Trans Mtn 20785 $13% 13 1610 $20 18 250 S$5% 5% Union Acc 1575 $12% 12 Un Ac 2 pr 560 S12 11% 11335 $17% 16% 305 $52% 51% 105 $22 22 160 $58 57% 140 $31 1190 $11% 86 38% 5 $1 Un Steel 11% Un Telef Vie G Tr Wainwr Walk GW Wat Equip Webb Knp Westeel West C Brew 137 $33 W Copper 125 W Cop wis 2620 340 West Groc A 70 $36 W Plywd B 400 $18 Weston A 2615 $41% Weston B 2095 $41 Wsn 4lpe pr 45 $92 Wstn 6pc pr 180 $106 1044 West A wis 3190 $19 18% White '1 pr 70 $30% 30 White Pass 350 = % Wood J A 2020 b Woodward A 1275 4 Wdward A wt 420 $11% Y Knit A 300 170 Curb 13% 32% 8 310 36 110 6 0% 4 6% 6% --% 18% 18% -- % 33 28 +H 15% + % --1% MR 1 $23 110 $15% 15% 25 816% 16 16 680 838% 38 38 400 $40 0 4917 $7% Th 3933 $41% 39 255 888% 87% 3020 $25% 24% 28 C Ingersoll C Marconi C Paper D Glass Dupont Hayes Int Pap Int Util Lob Inc MO Paper Ogilvie Ogilvie pr Price Br Third CG Inv 532 $8 Acme Gas 9100 1900 Britalta Calalta Cal Ed Calvert C Ex Gas C High Cr C Homestd 9056 C Husky 5 C Husky wt 2 Sales Se Tow Close Change High L Close Change High 46% 28x HTL - = 2.eEd 8 snuans 'S P88Z Ea RERE NE 0E Bnd BREE. sels ] & Berels 3 ° Commoil Com Pete C Allenbee C Dragon Fargo Gen Pete Gen Pet Gr Plains Northld Okalta Pac Pete 19000 18226 Pac Pet wt 230 Palliser Permo pr Peruv Oils Petrol Phillips Place Ponder Prairie Oil Provo Gas Quonto Ranger Reef Expl Rocky Pete Royalite Royalite pr Stanwell Submarine Tex Cal 'Tidal Tidal wits Trans Can Triad Oil U Canso vt Un Oils Wayne Wsburne Dalhousie SW Pete Abacus Acad Uran Advocate Agnico Akaitcho Alba Expl Bankfield Barnat Bary Expl Base Mets Baska B-Duq Beav Lod Belcher Belleterre Bethlm Bevcon Bibis Bicroft Bidcop Black Bay Bonville Bordulac Bouzan Boymar Bralorne Broul Reef Brnhrst Brunswick Buffad Buff Ank Buff RL Bunker Hill Cadamet Camp Chib Camp RL Cdn Astoria C Dyno C Malart CN inca C Nwest Cdn Thor Candore Can Erin Can Met C Met wis Captain Cariboo Cassiar Castle Cayzor Cent Pat Cent Porc C Bellekeno C Beta G C Callinan Con C Cad C Denison C Den wits C Discovery C Fen Con Gillies CG Arrow 3000 10000 200 56445 8830 175170 6900 400 15365 1025 4100 7000 1283 3008 21950 2500 3720 7535 1882 3200 241130 12934 3150 3766 8045 12500 1505 49856 4000 39716 372467 35580 10450 4500 26333 4750 28250 1500 17231 28230 5850 8130 5500 C Haliwell 308700 Con Howey C Marben 2820 4300 This Week remem 1059 High Low Close Change High Low 150 255 $16% 150 255 15% 150 300 7% 2% 255 15% $151 143% 14% $16% 15% 16% e wBE¥ als £2 wy 3 ¥ E488 885s se.Banedrulu.n Sansnaus = 8Z=88. we 18% 200 4S 18% 200 a Lio N 215 17 4 apfz¥oadatan S=8g 3 gardananit 3 > > «2 ul se ude grelen Bs.mszuguey $ "esses aszsz Bane 58 rao. nriis eS 58 Bopla nx > 58%a F us Pio 23 LPP ETT PT) 1 'F 2 zag8ss. ud ¥ = R.88:2 meee This W @€ Kreme Sales High Low Close Change High bo Lew 25680 29 25 y 4H 27000 11 8% 15% 9434 32 Stock Eureka Expl All yA Falcon 24% | Aluminum Die Plant WINDSOR (CP) Chrysler Corp. of Canada announced Fri- day that it will build a new alum- inum die casting plant here for Announced By Chrysler pany that is being formed by Chrysler Corp. of Canada 14d. as majority owner and by Aluminum Co. of Canada, Itd. (Alcan) Mr. Todgh said. production of engine ts jtiast vib will supply the aluminum for building Chrysler cars |and A in Canada and the United States, he added. The Chrysler statement didn't mention a figure, but it is that the plant here will cost eral million dollars. Mr. Todgham said the new die casting plant will be located +"'|close to the present engine plant at Chrysler centre. Faraday Fara wits 17760 12105 F"west Tung 1500 Fatima Francoeur Frobisher Frob debs Geco Mines Genex Geo Scien Gnt Masct Gold Eagle GF Uran Grandroy Grandue Inspr'tion Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Cop Iron Bay Iso Uran Jacobus Jaye Expl Jellicoe Jonsmith Jowsey Kenville Kerr Add Kilembe 1870 66700 26700 16175 23500 32000 5000 24100 19327 7500 9647 15705 Kilem C wts 20925 Kirk Min Kirk Town Labrador Lake Cin L Dufault LakegLing L Osu L Shor L Wasa La Luz Lamaque Leitch Lencourt Lexindin LL Lac Lorado Lorado wis Louvict Lyndhst Lynx Macassa Macdon Macfie MacLeod Madsen Magnet Malartic Maneast U Maralgo Marcon Martime Martin Matatch Maybrun Mcintyre McKen M cMar McWat Mentor Merrill Meta Uran Midrim Milliken Min Corp Min Ore Moly Moneta Mt Wright Multi M N Goldvue N Harri N Hosco N Jason N Kelore Nickel MS Nick Rim Nipissing Nisto Nor Acme Noranda Nova Beau Norvalie Nudul Obaska O'Brien O'Brien rt Oka Rare Rainville Rayrock Realm Reeves Rexspar Rio Rup Rix Athab Sullivan Sunburst Surf Inlet Sylvanite Taurcanis Taurcan vt Teck H Temag Thom L Tiara Tombill Torbit 15 Res Tribag Tn _Chib 270 99425 232500 400 8600 5166 7700 5075 2000 910 3708 29450 a 2; in 9000 2900 7500 Vit Shaw 81000 $26% 25% 81 7 7 13 56 9 3 13 $1 7 263 245 $81 81% $19% 17% 31% 147 150 25% 100 geesliiasaz.anenuiary ® os 1 gafofarsentifasanzeranein sens BEX t The Chrysler president said in- vestment in and employment at the plant will initially be "relati- vely small." "The ne7 company will fur- nish a major portion of aluminum ingots needed by Chrysler of Can- ada and a portion of ingots re- quired by Chrysler Cor, (in the v. S.)," he said. | Alcan's = Beavharnois, Que., | Production of ofl pump and water pump components is slated to begin during 1960 model pre- duction, with other types of castings to be added later. in time for Chrysler's 1960 mo- del A rveler President Ron W. Todgham in making the an- nouncement said: "'Aluminum ingots for the plant will be supplied py Chryslum 1td., a new jointly-owned com- Debentures Retired By Min TORONTO (CP) Faraday Uranium Mines Lid. has reported to shareholders that it will be able to retire its debentures by the end of 1960 leaving a little over for shareholders when the company's contract with Eldor- ado Mining and Refining Litd., ex- pires in 1962. A. W. Johnston, president, told the annual meeting there are $5,200,000 in debentures still out- standing. He said there would be sufficient revenue to retire the debentures on or before 1960 leaving at least 15 months of profits under the contract for shareholders' equity. This should |amount to at least $5,000,000 or {well over $1 a share. The company reported a profit| for the five months ended May 31 of $1,511,000 compared with $879,000 in the same period in 1958. Profits were figured after interest and taxes but before writeoffs FAMOUS BELL The historic ie Linens, rty Bell at In-| Philadel Segond 2,080 BT { COST ANALYSIS Required by a large expanding Canadian manu- facturing company. The man we are seeking must have a strong back- ground of product costing and inventory control in a durable goods industry, Preferable experience will include flexible budget control operations with- in a multi-plant organization. Educational qualifications may be either a Univer- sity degree, or grade twelve coupled with an R.1.A standing or equivalent. Our employer-client also requires a COST ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR with sound experience in factory costing of durable goods. This is a line responsibility offering growth oppor- tunities for a person with supervisory ability and a background in product costing and budgetary con- trol. STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | East Kootenay Power Co. Itd., year ended March 31: 1959, $118,- 780; 1958, $126,756. Lundberg Explorations - Lid., Enquiries invited in confidence. year ended Dec. 31: 1958, net loss $79,056; 1957, net profit $10,430. de pret profit 104] JOHN HOLT STETHEM AND COMPANY LTD. ended Feb. 28; 1959, $191,342, 18 . io) ve A * cents a share; 1958, $149,731, 17 ve F cnets. Viceroy Manufacturing Co. Litd., year ended Feb. 28; 1959, $135,008; 1958, $76,807. Location: Ontario. 1454 Mountain Street, Montreal -- A 8-5274 New Baleigh Bicycle and 50 Rocket Radios Every Week. Grand Prize--A Trip to Canada's West BOYS AND GIRLS --THIS IS YOUR CONTEST Kids, Fi Elmer, the Safety Hlepbont Whe Mover Fosgets. My pennant Plus ou the Bago At stkoos WN) aver Stans, 18 Nvind JO 91 My. WG or seiping #08 of Seviduen my first safely rele: "LOOK POTN WAYS BEFORE YOU CROSS THE STREET" Now here's the contest snd hore's whet you can win! Every week, in an announcement Ske this, I'Nl give you the first fowr lines of 8 limerick about ome of my safety rules . . . and I'l give you the safety rele so you the last Nine of the limerick to swit the rule Pi) blank and mail it fo me. Get mother one of the prizes for the week. Whee limerick covering all six rules. The porent, guardian, teacher or any adult of oud gut busy. Gnad buch 1. Jo enter, make up Bmerick shown. Entries will be whe public, parochial, Piper school during 1959 may enter. 3. Children of employes of this 6. Judges of the contest will be people whe ore teach: writers und trifle sufely Indges' decisions ave book Both Ways Before You Crom The Street ---- rn SH RIORP SE MRO | OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK MAIL TO: white Elmer the Safety Elephant, e/o The Ontario Safety Leagwe, 1170 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. Plecse point) : AGE LIMERICK NUMBER ONE re when you're crossing the street moving your fest HI in thie Nine) (Please print)

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