The Oshawa Times, 20 Jun 1959, p. 9

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Scope and Technicolor, 1.45] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 20, 1959 © PERSONALS | vewnMolell [THEATRE GUIDE | [Zul ris = IT1S ed Brock (Whithy) -- "Rally Round| WS LLL. FE Te sours wer | MOST NOTORIOUS WOMAN |Schatz - Christie wedding were mer recess. The hostess directed] St. George's Memorial Church| 104) 755 and 9.40 p.m. Last| Yad. vobhing Sure Mera] ANTHONY OF AN [Miss Lillian MacIntyre, Mr. and |activities around the barbecue an| Was the scene of the wedding last " Mrs. Alex Christie, Mr. and Mrs. |was | v complete show 9.00 p.m. . |and silks, so usc a kneading mo-| AVA {Malcolm Christie, Mrs, Cather- | Rutherford, Mrs. Robert Dew-| Ann McNeill of Oshawa and Les' Marks -- "Red Skies Mountain" tion when washing them, | land and Mrs, Allan Lockard, |lie Harris of Whitby. The bride is| 1.58, 5.17, 8.36 p.m. "Broken | GARDNER =FRANCIOSA IMMORAL assisted by Mrs. Jerry Saturday afterncon of Evelyn|, |ine Christie and Ella Christie, Mr. | e b land Mrs. Howard Coates, Mr. Me's. groab-aut, Mis, 3 [tie gangiier of Ms. Nillam H.| Arrow", 12.25, 3.44, 7.03, 10.27 Mrs. hn Smith, Miss) The brid great- , Mrs, J.|\McNeill, Oshawa, and the late , Last te show 5 AT and Mrs. John iss p.m. Last complete show 8.45| { as The Duchess as The Firebrand Goya [Mary Hetherington, Mr. William |W- Clark of Oxtongue Lake was Mr. McNeill, and the bridegroom| pm Axworthy, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip | among the guests at the Newell- is the son of Mrs. William H [Wilmot Mr. and Mrs. George Shrigley wedding at St. Greg-|Harris of Whithy and the late Plaza -- "The Night Heaven J|| was she duchess |Rorrison, Mr, and Mrs. Isaac |ory's. Other out-of-town guests Mr. Harris Fell" (Restricted), 2.10, 4.05, | of anation... |Smyth, Mrs. Margaret Bell, Mau-|wete the bridegroom's cousins) The Reverend Clinton Cross 6.00, 7.55, 9.55 p.m. Last com- or mistress of | {reen Bell, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. from Detroit, Michigan, ur. ald fperiorgiie She Seromony with the| plete show 9.14 p.m TONIGHT its streets? ! |Rav Thompson, Miss Heather Mrs, Sydney Hogbin, Mr. an |organist, Mathew Gouldburn ky aS | [Ray Thompson, IN wistie Gun-|Mrs, Norman Axson and Mrs. playing the traditional music. [Regent = Warlesk", in Cinema: Tiemann lyon, Mr. and Mrs. S. Brian|Shirley Bailey The bride was given in mar- Seg s TECHNICOLOR® |Waters, Mr. and Mrs. John Rey-| 4 | riage bv Mr. Leslie T. Baker, She! Old Time 1 Srleamad thre [nolds. Mr. Thomas McMichael] Mr. John Brearton of Brad-|wore a bouffant gown of Chantilly wo fll land Dr. and Mrs, J. Alex Camp-| ford, Yorkshire, has returned lace over organza with long, point- and Modern z [bell and Barbara Campbell of Ot-/home after spending three weeks ed sleeves and a deep neckline. AA ADULT ENTERTAINMENT |tawa. with his sons and daughters in A tiara of pearls held her finger- , to i { Oshawa. He has been staying tip veil and she carried a white / STARTS | Mrs. Rex Harper, Mrs. Donald |yith his daughter, Mrs. Waclaw Bible with 2 cascade of red roses. 8:30 - 12:00 P.M. Toronto's Fabulous - : {Keeler and Mrs. Jack Thompson, Boncheck, Wilson road north.| The bridegroom's sister, Mrs. 'o s Bridgitte Bardot {members of Oshawa Rebekah other members of his family are Reginald Evans, was matron of TORNADOES "Th Ni h D f Lodge No. 3, attend Grand Lodge nrg Bajorek, Carlysle Court; honor in a pink tulle dress, pink MUSIC e ig t id | sessions at the Royal York Hotel, |npicc josephi ; hat, white accessories : | Wedih sephine Brearton and Mr. accessories and a cor-| Toronto, this week and received spihony Brearton, Nassau eet |saze of pink roses. The bride's @° CONTINENTAL Featured on $ Heaven Fel 0 at flower girl wearing pink organza| go ot the 5 i North Bay T.V. A [the Degree of Lhivalry. {One son, Dennis, lives in Port sister, Jean C. McNeill was the] The Oshawa Jaycettes held a|Hope and another, Francis, on lave Witit pink sccessor] d i yeni t the hom of | Lindsay. Mr. Brearton also has| A pink ac sories an gocial evening at the home of (MCC p at Wilsden, York-( headdress of puk lace and DNIPRO HALL "1 °°, D AIR-CONDITIONED road north, on Thursday, the|shire. A commercial manager, pearls. She carried a bouquet of 681 EDITH ST. & quare Dance Caller Mrs. Douglas Knowler, Ritson Hs Brearton is concerned with | Pink ToseS RITSO! d BLOOR bh B F LER fax : 6 : Wi | Mr. Reginald Evans best SON an D [0] ow - [poultry products for ail of York pg, BS Yes bes S One Block East of Corner The fierce and fantastic m {shire and parts of other coun-| "3". as 1 | 1 ni A 4 y ption was held at the Ww, ieti SOCIAL NOTICES ties He said iat he a Pot |pride's mother's home. For the, Everyone elcome stranger- than -fiction cially struck by the vitality O%igecasion Mrs. McNeill wore alo Onl | d ENGAGEMENT the Canadians he had met and|nayy blue sheath dress of taffeta | adventure that turned Mr. and Mrs. George Twine of|was impressed by the farm 5,4 matching lace with white ac- [| | the tide in World War W's Oshawa SEAomice the gngage:| sieck cessories. The bridegroem's mo- ment of their daughter, Marilyn . ther was in a crepe dress with Patricia, to Mr. Ernest George| The ao Arbus] Convention of navy blue polka dots with navy Galloway, son of Mr. and Mrs, the Catholic Women's Leagu blue accessories. Each had a cor-| -- SOUR George Galloway of Brooklin. [Canada was held at the Royall sage of red roses : | The marriage i sake lace ai York Hotel Toro un Jute [| Later, he cou et or, wee INN MMMIMUANAAI day, July 11, 1959 at 3 o'clock. ing from 5 Gregmy's Couel Mi bride dopned a turquoise DANCE YOUR WAY 10 J were Mrs, two-piece suit with white \ AGEMENT vatiivui president; Mrs. , Ralph Jones, feather cap and white accessor- ng. Ns. se the oft archdiocesan resolutions conven-jes RR 1, A burn, Snrae He en er: Mrs. A. C. Love, president; Mr, and Mrs. Harris will make gages of Hie gide: Sapper, Mrs. C. C. Murty, past presi- their home in Oshawa on their i At i > ©, doy "¢ dent; Mrs. Philip Morrow, Mrs. return } y ype We on ye JA. Yanch, Mrs. Kenneth Cole,! Guests were present from THIS SUMMER the ie Mr Whitney The mar-| Mrs. D- R Delong, and Mrs. Port Perry, Chatham, Whitby, I ( Tidde is to take place on Satur- William i + Uxbridge and Toronto A GREAT CHANCE » becouse 3 day, August 1. at 2.30 p.m. in i i popular dancer quickly, easily urns Preshyte 0 you are invited by the Social ----------. by acting right now! An Burns Presbyterian Church i! A J Department to send in any little Arthur Murray expert will | burn : : items of interest. News of teas, COME and DANCE show you in one trial lesson | surprise parties, showers, sui, the way to new fun, new popu | anc larity. Hur. g¢ 5 ro Ea LODGES AND versaries and comings to i 4 7 LX ' ; oings are always very accept- Zw i . : x: ie g ys very ac : cy in for : from Warner Bros. and starrin Ci ea * A By? able and hich there is no H IT] : 3 ba he I] og fier SOCIETIES Charge. Please write. or tele Mitchell Zaleski's ge the rent JOHN MILLS ON WELL-WON HOLIDAY we ph RA $354 oa Orehesl Shae ie PYTHIAN SISTERS v ting. of the' East stra A Vacationing at Castle Harbor | winners of an all-expense paid The regular meeting of the Py- The June meet a S Us it A y jotel. Tucker's Town, Bermu- | trip to Bermuda have been en- [thian Sisters was held recently | Group WA of Centre Street Unit- at the | Fo Full % hr. GENOSHA HOTEL ; BN da. are Mr. and Mrs: Gregory joying sailing, swimming and |yuit 5 \ iff ciding. (€d Church was held at the home IN n t introducing Kane, Bs: yin street, Oshawa sightseeing during their visit wii) Sige 13 ne of Mrs. N. F. Mechin Mrs, A POLISH \ trial lesson proudly presents I 5 3 The couple who were the lucky | and returned home last Sunday. led the meeting with a colorful | Elliott led the devotional period, NATIONAL | 4 hs 5 v CLIFTON JAMES 3 i ; : Come in now SIM LASH ; AS HIMSELF AND Bu po eT sal UNION HALL MONTY'S DOUBLE __,_ Boissoin Sister Evelyn Clarke re CHILD GUIDANCE repu vt Grand Towle, ie ey mai drt. YOR Banting Ave. L ry with his were Sisters Beatrice Hurst, Iva showté C0 tion of the Bible. FUN FOR ALL! ELECTRIC ACCORDION DA any A College Failure senting Oshawa Temple, Sister A short bustier Pict 15 eis | EVERY SATURDAY ARTHUR MURRAY | 5pav and saTuRDAY Sister Iva Cliff took the chair reports. A picnic will be held at 11% SIMCOE S.--RA 8.1681 NIGHTS IN THE IMS F m H m La ] |of Grand Chief at Grand Lodge. » of Mrs. L. H. Willson, .30 - Stems From Home Laity a sm a Vise er lr 2 i cm 111111110 i LAST Times By G. CLEVELAND MYERS |in college should concern parents rs, Wi ome Ee ye Sep eter meeting wil oe hed | | Hin Starlite ROOM {| TODAY A certain young man who has|*f children in high school, and gjster Mae Rutter and her com- 3 . | | | leven parents of children in the| mittee served refreshments. { | ; his master's degree from the| elementary grades. DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND rm NOTICE UN-Y F'S Massachusetts Institute of Tech- stay here." For all colleges of else will so much the United States the drop-out opportunity to qualify for college recently. Summer School with figure is estimated at over 50 per and succeed there. Worthy sident, Sister Betty at the | RON TOMLINSON AND HI R | ceided OSHAWA D HIS ORCHESTRA [ne FIRST GREAT spectacey // 7 nology wrote his parents soon ai- | SKILL AT READING | H ter chroliitients igi pec Parents should look into the! The regular meeting of the Y P i Parthibs H A WA | I A N | too much me. Be glad i can!child"s skill at reading. Nothing Daughters of England, Lodge 26, | oung People--Faren ! | Y enhance his/was held in the Orange Temple H Lo] L t D A Y - LJ ; - eent Even though he reads well, if! Atkins, presided with vice-presi-| » RUS 3" he lacks good study habits and dent Mary 'Hurst assisting The | | MOST ARE "BUST-OUTS 3 ent Mary st assisting At 8 p.m, Though a few students drop out habits of hard work at books he devotional exercises were led by| BUSINESS COLLEGE p.m, JUNE 20th, 1959 OF THE JET AGE! 5 ad 3 p 1v n i 2 I i ¥ for health or financial reasons may mot easily gain admission to Chaplain, Sister Edna Husband. Open to students from grades J BUFFET LUNCH most are "'hust-outs." college or be allowed to stay| sister Edith Taylor reported on|l Seven, Eight end High School Many of my readers know of a there. He needs to be self-dis-lcards and flowers sent to sick] Teen-age typing' classes UNE. HALL TT of youths Who have come; CD. ned members. Several items of busi- ts becis eer ay $5.00 PER COUPLE 68 BLOOR ST. E I x) collage after AropPInEl 0° self-disciplined, he will pecs were under discussion. FREE BULLETIN BLOGR out g : need to have been disciplined at correspondence from Grandj Ae.g Now, Dial 5-3375 | A rE home by his parents, especially || oqge was read by the secre- | Cc ow, Why? How many of these stu-/in his early years | tary, Sister Doris McDonald. Sat-|] Make Your Summer Count dents finish college elsewhere My bulletins, "Parents Canisfactory reports were given by| Naturally, such failure is hu- Help Child Succeed at School" the various committees |- ee si-- % " miliating and di uraging | h and Thome Hoips tu Pons Ie 2 During goners] Dusiness the 200 TINNY HOR ¥ 7 ROBERT ROBERT RICHARD MAY LEE $0 Oh . ¢ am a ad by|tickets were drawn for the prizes. aon ; SADDLE ) . out" and to his pare Neigh-/sending . a self-addressed, U.S. The aluminum tray was won by Deborah y REY 2 MITCHUM: WAGNER 'EGAN 'BRITT -PHILIPS > WD Ol And relatives may hear all! stamped envelope to me in care|Mrs, L. Crawford; a hamper of ELN ; KERR +" § PETERS: HUNTER SMITH dh - | CINEMASCOPE and METROCOLOR sorts of reasons other than the of this newspaper groceries won by Sister Marjorie sarring a | Robert [6% | LURE OF THE eS: misfortune comes to] PARENTS' QUESTIONS : Carey: a hamper of groceries MITCHUM IL. © pA | p= ' ROBERT TAYLOR Q. Our twin boys will enter B et Non Xo Re: MONDAY | Va 'Hea en K* WILDERNESS a # ; 7 4 £ vy a An * CARLES NeSRAN he Ww ace reality y " 4 : | to h . him or out the best better for them to be in the same | for Sisters Jean Fitches and Knows 4 : A : rit heil or different rooms at Sarah Harmer MORNING UJ g ot A COLOR by DE LUXE 1C¢ > This was the last meeting of the %: Allison A TWO BIG RITS en CINEMAS cOPE DONALD CRISP vour son or daughter ( ould to fa y ch in the fall. Would it be possible program. 5 proved his ability by beir 2 hogan . season and refreshments were { ! a -- mifted to a college, he might Different rooms, where com- S*¢ Be Si rerc. Fite b ji ' . § mind fo» college, be might Deen toon, et served by ster, Picnes wnd| QFRIAL NO, [ BAL cise / | COOLED 10 YOUR COMFORT! aja nearby n ht college or at a You can to let them develop as dd : | sammer session af almost any individuals No meetings will be held until ii . college § is ee oe | Tuesday, September 1. Bon voy SALE posi SMoK STARTS MONDAY | iILT yy > . age greetings were expressed to | 06 LOGEs | A J ALL-COLOR PROGRAM LACKED EFFORT Colleen Shrigley Sister May Skea who is going to A ~ England 1 New Williams-- 4 85 I AST + | SMOKING IN THE LOGES " sav. "Broken Arrow" plus "Red Skies Over Montana" a bi tllese hoi re ! No. 285990 lacked effort, as a student, he Pychanges Vows = Singer Treadie-- 10) BQ | ya ede Se REWS BRIEFS |, a 1080) =m pe py Jy LJFE many of these vouths to th ¥ ronan. ss0s15 49,00 | ee. vice they will h We "opportunities Colleen Evelyn, daughter of BANC RIVL MODELS $inger. Portable 25.00 EAT ouT MO 2 5B. AP) | GA375165 . L) . ih: dnd RE OFTEN : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shrigley, and| to cont pst f they have 9 4 : | o continue study if they have fro "Fy. Newell, son of Mr, Mannequins dressed in the attire Zephyr ambjtion . : 'ari J | ) st hese. vouths land Mrs. Reginald Newell, all of of the Cariboo gold rush era of | £9 00 For most of these youths it's a Oehawa. exchanged nuptial vows|the 1580s will decorate the inter 23332116 .. L question of metivation. Parents NR ircoory's. Roman Catho. ior of restored buildings in this Aristocrat-- 99.00 sens » can do much to recharge these. 'jn recently historic gold rush town 81049 hd ® youths with hope and ambition The Very Reverend Dean Paul . 7 i a | The tragic problem of dropouts{y, Sor D.D officiated and Mr NOT BASHFUL a J ; : | 3 . ' | AYLMER, Ont. (CP) -- Dale EARLY BIRD SALE ack Dr 1 ola " Jack Driscoll played the wedding Daharme was. the omy . music x sigh ; among 45 girls to complete aif |! Singer Feather. 99.00 The bride was given in mar-|gwimming instruction course held waight----AH341885 . I I about» li Mississiboi Riva Z <~ : - I wei ae 99.001) 7 RRGY NRA Rugee) | | | SERVED FROM 11:30 AM. TO 8 P.M. shrigley. She wo! - U338508 p + a i gown of chalk white em NURSING GRADS Reg. 300.00 159.00 2, a sophisticated Bachelor, about ov a | dered nylon organza with a| MONTREAL (CP) -- Thirty | A ; a ; § For lowing skirt and pointed members of the student class of basque. The portrait neckline was 45 graduated in 1934 from the outlined in embroidered rosettes. Montreal General Hospital school Her waistdength veil was se-|of nursing attended the 25th an- cured by a crown of mohair in- niversary reunion. 7 terwoven with pearls. She carried REN wee SEWING A the a white Bible crested with yellow| LONG SERVICE : ALEVE ; ; roses COWANSVILLE, Que. (CP)--| ; - D b {Mrs. Jane Leggatt, 94, is be- CENTRE r an, | 2 ine y Ta The maid of honor was Miss yoy eq Canada's oldest member Doris Newell and = the brides : y A . Ee x . - . lof the Women's Institutes. She | 8 n . ' § ms ids were Soe Soudive has been a member since 1912 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "~ " > y = : 44 [J y / J and voatdie » a ia Sr or. of the Missisquoi County Wom- RA 5-2591 . : hs I blue gowns with white access ol en's Institute, of which her grand- 2 : / and carried nosegays o Vel aught now is president." | a " iam Nowell was best = | ph} Ponce LESLIE NIELSEN - WALTER BRENNAN | n 8 | FROM 5 PM. UNTIL 8 PM illiam Newell was best| ; bert Shrigley and | MALA POWERS -SIONEY BLACKMER-MILORED NATWICK waFay Wray i Sew "| SELL YOUR PROPERTY FOR CASH! TUS FO ATO | $ was held auditorium. The 1 will buy your property in Oshawa mother received in a ap = gth gown of blue silk and or Whitby if it is located in the i f a REELECTED iui | DOWNTOWN SHOPPING DISTRICT || Rf .< * &) | CENOSHA HOTEL The couple are honeymooning | your added pleasure and enjoyment Mrs. Clayton Lee wa Y 0 fanhattan Island, New York. | | am interested in revenue producing office, store, or resi- I a 1 elected as prov rin v left on their wedding | dential buildings. Older or newer buildings acceptable. : q / tendent of the rent of the bride was wearing a Coll collect or write with details to { : : $ | Completely Air-conditioned Medal Guntests at he anr tal s h and duster ensemble of | | t___. mcrme . I embroidered taffeta | JOSEPH MENDEL ALSO STARRING CANADA'S LORNE GREENE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-4641 ented rr Bl th white accessories. © 3981 St. Lawrence Blvd. Montreal 18, Quebec ey te : urch Pen ! ir to live on Orchardview boule- Vea Yictor Som CHILDREN wnderi12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON broke

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