The Oshawa Times, 17 Jun 1959, p. 26

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el al Sl el Sl IT Mu al a a ud i i a a a aed 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 17, 1959 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 25) 47 Automobiles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale ¢'% VOLKSWAGEN, bine, radio, good ONE . room cabin, three windows, cor condition. RA 3.7237 127( | bination door, eleetricity and chimne a on. : son ¢ 'i DODGE Crusader V4 fordor tu-|™A 52027 138 tone blue, deep tred tites, immaculate [FIVE - plece chrome sets, $64.95 value condition throughout, Only $1585 Van now only $44.88. Assorted colors. While Heusen Motors, open till ten they last! Terrific value. Easy terms ; Barons' Home Furnishings. 424 Sir ' DODGE, six cylinder, and '56 Ford oh, '35 Infernational cab |©0¢ Street South and chassis, * L + 'Sl Ford |SEE the spectacular new Buccaneer halfton, 'S84 Ford ometom, Eight 2513 to 35 hp. with two starting model truck tires, fifth wheel for tractors, Come in and choose your now. Trade also Allis Chalmer garden (ractor.| and terms, Cy Preece Garage, Gliddor Bowmanville MA 3.5756 lat Verdun Road "0 ipa Sto sower | TAPE recorders for rent, 85 for two W OLDS, "88" sedan, automatic power days, also all sizes of recording tape sadsing, powst brakes, new tires. Mor. "le. Also television sets for rent : 5 hone RA 312. alors 8 n1e,ghers King Street West RA or RA 52464 after 6 bres J METEOR Rideau, fourdoor, tWo-|py yyy interior, exterior, $2.95 gallos tone, with automatic shift, radlo, heater 3 all colors Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh asil white walla, 31000. MO 3-4720 aller awa Hardware and Feleotric, 8 Chure 3:30 psi 199 | girant RA 3.7624 TA Ce i ae, Yb i0 | BABYLAND bargains! Strollers $4.99 personal service at your home call RA UP: convertible carriages (may also be 2802 used as car beds) $32.88 up: full size - cribs $18.88; Lloyd carriages $39.88 up: 80 PONTIAC super Catalina hardtop, [Jumpers $9.88, etc. Fantastic values excellent condition, whitewalls, radio, Baron's Home Fuarnishings. 424 Simeor heater, hydromatic, original owner, Street South 9 thousand miles. Sacrifice. RA 8.019. | 411, ronds lead to Glecoft 1GA Super |market. Fine foods for less. Free de 52 GMC ton panel, re-bullt motor, |livery, welf-serve meats, fruit and good tires, Phone RA 5.0310 before 6, groceries. Parking lot. Open ever) '85 700 Mercury damp, sxeelieni eon. TeV! 10 10 pr dition, Phong Ajax 43) BATHINEITE rockinghorse kitchen '8 DELUXE Chevrolet fordor custom foi: 4 chairs, single bed, double bed, y radio excellent tires beautiful green |... "qioil ct ore. finish, A real holiday car for the family baby carriage. MO 8-4074 Only $495 Van Heusen Motors 136£1 0807 _earrag ! YOU break them, we fix them! At Bi) 5 METEOR (ulone biege and brown, Garage 1373 St Hire custom radio, mechanically souod, deep Mosing * learag 73 Simeos' Street tred tires, clean throughout, $795, no down payment. Van Heusen Motors, AWNINGS, plan, colors, - or gay 136f | trips, prompt service. Free esti tes. Order mow for early delivery 86 DODGE fordor, powder biue, cus: |fant™ ar(et BOE C00 Cave Fox, 417 tom radio, white walls, motor complete-| gi oo" no an ly overhauled. No down payment, only : $790, Van Heusen Motors 1361 SE VG funiture? We'll buy it. Re i frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, 52 (9 OLDK. hydramatice, power pri etc, For top cash offer, eon vieering, vadio, ete, Immaculate cond! tact 19 Prince Street Phone RA 8-1131 tion. $600 or nearest offer Can finanes - Y a MO 83262, Whithy VACUUM cleaner repairs, all 1 s Rich in flavour... rich in quality . .. rich in food value rn attachments, brus gua d " *'HMF > . & week 4 SHOO-IN! Rent dollars are practical tod rebuilt machines es free treat your family fc RICHMELLO Ice Cream this week! ly ib your hands when you use a Clanyl peat Vaeuum Cleaner Repalr Ser ' oo Lit'a tral Sa . self Aasakt fied to get tenants. Dial RA 3.3492 A S108] anytime It's easy and it's economical, Serve as a delightful dessert, % METEOR Niagara tudor hardtop, | pREEZER chest, big 420 Ib. new '58 tritone green, automatic, cwstom radio, | model, door lock, &-inch fibre glass in white walls, fully powered. Only $1605... 1ation, 5-year warranty, $240.05. Kelly Pick up a brick of delicious RICHMELLO Ice Cream every Van Heusen Motors 136f (Ty, RA 5.512) or as a refreshing afternoon or T.V. snack Tia fold y o Ne) There are seven exciting flavours o . OLDS os convertible, radio. | THREE - burner avy duty Gurney time you go shopping. There are seven exciting 1 ater, elec [i windows al eat, 3" N " 1 condition, 36 a power steering, power brakes white | $5" Arle Move B Soa: oh, «+. you'll want to try them all wall tires. Phone RA 8-664) 1411 eae EE - 5 BUACK Meteor car. good condiion, one. Westiiouse radio 0 record ll SOFT ABSORBENT TOILET TISSUES FAMILY PACK . E02: } BONE! ESS ROUND - Gregor Street after 4 p.m 141¢ cellent co! ho 1 ® Eh i aida : i "82 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, best offer . n over $300. Radio, turn signals, good Used TV's and ROLL running condition. RA 8-883! 1411 |appliances. 171 Bond Street Faust. RA PKG SAVE 4c ' MERCURY, black, custom radio, #6051. We buy and sel) . C white walls, new motor and transmis: | EXTENSION table oak and | OR sion, best offer. RA 51005 141f | chairs, RA 5.2237 141b BOOTH 4 Li i} erib, springs and spring filled 48--Automobiles Wanted [LARGE cb rr oiieher Phone FOR YOUR LAUNDERING LIQUID 3c OFF PACK LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| RA 8.0754 . 1411 . 4 for wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA |3¢6 Wilton rugs, ® x 12 and 8 by 10 ® -L161 or RA '3.1181 excellent condition, very low priced 32.0Z WANTED "S1 to 34 Ford or Meteor|6 to 9 p.m. 60 Harris Avenue 1414 -l . convertible in good condition, Will Pay oes Li" Bhiles, new condition. RA BOTTLE C 16-02 c ROUND END ROAST cush, Private buyer Please phone RA |? 141 ) 10066 8-6530 hi PKG. . ~| FRESH picked strawberries, right CAR wanted, Chev, or Pontiac, approxi), = "0 pores patoh to you, 3%¢ quart rata Sie. Phone RA SOUT.__10 por" sa Ser one bores diierid MAKE WORK EASY HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER SAVE 7 K'S BODY SHOP 1 BUCK'S BODY SHOP |, amon sisctic "na wm 43 © { MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED 2 CRYOVAC ; c ® EE EE eens] JING & Span Pre. SNOWFLAKE POTATOES z eT rence rams | COTTAGE ROLLS 55 d H. MARLYN, Prop land West 361 BLOOR ST. ¢ COLONIAL PANTRY SHELF 2 DEVON BRAND SIDE 1 LB. PKG. RA 5.4513 or RA 5.7456 ALUMINUM COMBINATION 3 49¢ wi S RS AND HIGHEST PRICES NSO, SERS a una (IKeS ie PAID FOR Manutactured in our Whitt C 4 Good clean cars. Trade up or plant Before buying tome PLUMP TENDER down, isms pgid. of} int tow room oi | 34 CHILDREN LOVE IT INSTAN DODD MOTOR SALES @ Simece St. Sand see our STANT SAVE 19¢ BIRDSEYE FANCY disploy or ' RD Re ol Oirwe mA MAPLE LEAF GLAZED PORK : Mahal © ng ee | Chocolate Toddy 2 ¢ LIMA BEANS | MACKIE MOTORS COLONIAL COOKED HOCKS Ib. 33: = $ 12.02. asod shies cor ALUMINUM 29° bg Bh, Sel spi 134 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA ALL POPULAR BRANDS PES: : ant. . Yeade up or down SEE HOME APPLIANCES NEW LOCATION OSHAWA LTD S FOR KING. STREET easy | 70 SIMCOE SOUTH Foi CARTON Formarly Varcoe's Drive-In YALES AND SERVICE 4 RA5-5743 Dome Ne oy Tels OF 49--Automobile Repairs = 200 TELEVISION Fe DKW & FIAT : SALES & SERVICE from $100 One year war $10 down, S6 month MAXWELL HOUSE SAVE 20c SERVE FOOT LONG rant ANDY NAGY'S | i heoem Tv. 140 Sc Soe © Eu soz HOT DOGS FRUITS EV 408 King. 5. W.ooRA 3.7132 |. The in radian made 1S in 0 ee JAR Cc GENERAL BAKERIES FOOT-LONG CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE ONT. FANCY aluminum mbination BRAMLEY MOTORS dow: and prime wind : PURE TOMATO SAVE Se WIENER BUNS SPY SALES LTD price, only $49.50 127) SIMCOE NORTH Finest aluminum awnir ° PRG 25¢ Quay outs ooo | Heinz Ketchup 24% 45 | |" = b i on Ea te APPLES RA 3.9851 : SHOPSY'S FOOT L ONG wpecialists in Ford Servic and parts. Whee! alignment i | wheel balance, with latest EXTRA SERVE CHILLED BRIGHT'S FANCY save 2c | WIENERS ... 59¢| : FIRST OF THE SEASON CALIFORNIA THOMPSON y type equipmnt. Newest 1ype For a better buy on aluminum : sttnans rep pm rwanda T o 27 SEEDLESS GRAPES 39° J 50--Articles For Sale er 2ilings pre tok AH i omato Juice feo. ( 1 valle, To, am Li garoges done tex CARRY IT HOME AND SAVE GEORGIAN NO. 1 YELLOW FLESH 17 ar trom $7 barr y enna, both new $30 App) i fe ALUMINUM DEL MONTE--FANCY : save «HOMO MILK { PEACHES war DG° seen en wh | Pruid C kt 45 coo sions ono | Fruit GocKial © 32.57 FLORIDA LIMES ~~ 39° 3 pear Suatanise, Perfect condition, 0, LARSON BOATS PLUS DEPOSIT IN GONTINPNEAT bed. single. sod | PETERBOROUGH BOATS . ' Ton, 315. WA samo "0% #004 con | TCEV/INRUDE MOTORS DYSON'S--PLAIN OR GARLIC SAVE 4c FIRST OF THE SEASON CALIFORNIA NO. 1 ome men ne | Daffo Dills 95 +n | SANTA ROSA PLUMS 27 39° now Term Open evenings and i TRY THE BEST bhi APE Pai eD Fil | MOTOR OIL FIRST OF THE SEASON--ONTARIO GROWN FROM 12 SAR TOPS oa oY an : ; Bro. SAVE de ny 25¢ 4-QUART e S T R A WwW B E R R | E S 21° CRUISERS Cheez Whiz 95¢ is Th 95 4 tor all your boating need: MARINE STORAGE FOOD & FREEZER PLANT ARRIVING FRESH DAILY ATTRACTIVELY PRICED SCOTT OUTBOARD $1540 0 w per tamily of four, includes approx FOR YOUR SHOPPING ' fd SALES AND SERVICE " Sun). gros diy REGULAR SOLO SAVE 3c CONVENIENCE WE ARE 2 © down pay =. ¥ swowane = | Margarine TL \ EveERvIHNG is GunRANTEED | CALL 1266 AJAX FOR SALE LIONEL AND FOR SALE--A antit ste model typewriters: 3 or ELECTRIC TRAIN GOLD RIBBON £ years old These have beer AND ACCESSORIES FRIDAY ; coloced by new modes 6nd | in Excelloms Condition Dog Food NIGHT Price each, $75, an excellent p $40.00 C buy for students. Phos nA HH - 20 Y er ne ONE RA 5-4626 til 9 VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORES IN OSHAWA unt p.m. JUNE 17-18-19-20 DOMINION STORES LTD. 5.3375 These may be seen ot the Oshawa Business age, between 8 ond 5 , Conitnued on Page 27)

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