36--Female Help Wanted |36--Female Help Wanted (37 --Male Help Wanted |44--For Rent 45----Real Estate For Sale (4 --Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 17, 1959 25 WiL or "part-time waitress wented. LXPERIENC ey WER Ne vit, | BUTC ER fully unaliied, req ired for (uREE Yoom Apartment, Ry eh JIVE tom bunsolow With garage ang App am; 3EN0S { wie c-keepi rt at Il chain store ust be capable 0 . y 3 A y 2 . y i ly Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel {Leno ledge ol book xe Spine 8 pow a «| te Xing psi dete charge, Call Mr [King West 137 garden land. Taunton Road East, $11. SACRIFICE SALE 45---Real Estote For Sale 47 --Automobiles For Sale IN llth art-time |, pl : p ¢ ) on Pi 8944, bri - bliin BY wb insti Bo lo re BR rg a har hut Times 1374 Taorudyke, RA 3-2363 1351 wo or three room apariment, kitchen (000 With $1000 down. Phone RA 8.0041 country home, 6-room ranch style frame house, Living [WE ba uf vungalows, Soguia TWO . POOR Chevrolet, two'. tone Kresge's Co, Lid, Oshawa Shopyins| ASKED rel'able woman to 100) it in en hoards and sink, hot and - Ue, y , 4 price $12,500, which will carry for ap-|paint, A-1 condition, low mileage. Phone Centre dred 140f | three children live in. Phone Wi v|Genosha Hote Loc cold water, TV aerial, Apply 89 Park] room 14 x 14, dining room 14 x 15, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms [proximately $52.70 a month, i you|RA 8-509 after 5, 140b, 7 $6,500 have # good cash payment you are in TTR ia | MO 85084, Yi | FE PORTER wanted for Whitby Bureau - 08d South 36 | and bathroom, tile floors, 4 miles from Town. Only WOMAN to care tor 14-months-old ehild a . lady or gentleman, use of Go e Homes with substantial down payment. {8 position to purchase thsse homies ut original owner, ha g " r| ROOM for while mother works. In the vicinity of ARTIST requires mode) for figure stud- of The Oshawa Times, requires Junio ; ! ' an excellent dis t, { essential en and ashing machine, clean excel count al, [kitchen and washing mac Realtor, RA 5-9870, slate Oshawa Blvd, Noith and Elgin Street. |ies, periodic evening work, Write stal-|\iatviculant experience no \ hin ahs now 0 I a b | A avi, enclosing econ' Write PO Box 100 Whitby, Ontario, quiet home, central, RA 58150, 3 § _ |country, must sell, $2500, Whitby MO Apply Box 36 Oshawa Times. 4 ! | presents BROOKLI N HOME WHY wait? Its easy to trade the home | 8.2272, 1406 photo to Box 29 Oshawa Times EXPERIENCED barber. Apple -Douss THREE - room apartment, private | | . 4 , t path, entrance, heavy wiring, laundry | Almos e o .. you have for one that will give you rr WW lr 140¢ bath, entranc § t new house. Five-room frame house with furnace ond [20 oom you i and can have, CHEV, gouvetlivie. fully loaded, look JXPERIENCED hairdresser wan Barber Shop, 27 Bond Street East, 4 " bdiv i ney RECEPTIONIST Ex Bobette Beauty Salon, RA 3.7311, facilities, couple without children, Avall The Best bath, on paved street. Modern kitchen ond lorge living room. |We have the buyers and all types of ™ilesge. RA 5-4400 after 6. AND TYPIST En able. now. 196 Park Road North, RA| Only $7,500, loan money to make your deal work, |'Sl CHRYSLER Windsor, rae |37-- Wanted a Thy : -- Pleasant Personality 37 Male Help ALUMINUM WINDOW NiY. SOT. CO0T APART Sowa » MERVYN BIRD -- BROOKLIN ek or TOT i=l To 1400 ite OR Lh 0 jan » work, Al 1 3 32007 in) . , Fadio, FULL TIME 138 | in the Northwest Cull now Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA tires. Best offer. Apply 490 Phillip iH near Mary Street, large six RT ti TV servicemen to work | i 0 TRI-PRODUCTS PA as. Write Box. 34, Oshawa Toe SALESMAN . [psasearion 75. RA Li wa 1408} PHONE 255.W Fo Rots soe cy rs Wa. Phone Rn Eu hr Xperienc essary THREE room apartment, self-con i - dows, laundry tubs, garage, broadloom | mo gore rmmrmy mn ama 31 BOND ST. DRIVING school instructor wanted, full TRI-PRODUCTS | tained. Apply 539 Albert Street. 140f N.H.A. Homes in in living room, close 0 school and (iti OMEV. excellent" eondif res ] |or part-time with late model standard - | THREE rooms with three-piece bath, BRAEMORE GARDENS J A WILL busisiess sbetion, $11,800 terms arrani Pi RA 37618 after § pm. nla, RA 8-014 |ear, high school teacher preferred 31 BOND ST. {heavy wiring, north end. RA 52767, | . . H Y . -B387, JH Cth Bn BS dR, 141d Phone Pickering TEmjple 9-2631 138f RA 8 0141 138¢ Stevenson Rd. N. and Anna- | $2000 DOWN. Ritson and 54 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, sutomatie A | CABINETMAKERS required, wo or y 1414 | BPACIOUS brick home, six rooms, al- polis Ave, : & SONS, LIMITED, REALTORS on Md Be oan m . 108 Rossland Road wast three men, for kitchen cabinets, shop tic makes extra bedroom, Gas heate 4 ' ¢ Al ent 2. SALESLADY work. Call Pickering 810. A rrymery Bourg | Apply 119 Huron Street. 138 ROSSLAND MANOR 1400/1773 ; ET Tr TR a Tr WA Lid, Highway 401 Station a --=Room anc loar _|THREE - room apartment for rent. M ie FIVE room brick bungalow, two Ded. | a Tn 50000 oF $10 A) Experienced young or middle | ---- ROOM or room and board for young |Apply 38 Bond Street East or phone po. pi Wand Gibbons - soome, laree living room a) out 138¢ St. EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOWS IN storms and screens, well-landse VOLKSWAGON, black, white walls aged for ladies' wear store, ALESMEN lady or gentleman, central. Phone RA |RA 8.0446, = ol Lg Mle | THREE room apartment concrete driveway and patio, many and radio, red leather trim. 2000 after 6 Full or part time. Steady leh ee ar------ . ONE singl for rent, $6 & week, | kitchen and bathroom as, Owner leaving city -- reason for ru , position. Good salary. Write Lorge national concern re- Ion, i Bes Bhai room, aren Suitable for bu ouple, RA ; See HILLSDALE TERRACE éelling, No agents please, RA S228, 954 Harmony Road South : Box h Times | quires alerf, ambitious men |week. Lots of hot water. Phone RA |5-2527 0 IM ee B.Box 28, Oshawa Time q 58352, 11 yun - room, furnished apartment, MODEL HOMES HERE ARE JUST A FEW FEATURES SOLID brick ranch style home, large | on FONTIAC Wo p i d desire equipped with car an ; i " N il. |heated, central, available now, | LF To make better than average |ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail. heals 3 130 CHOOSE 8 os E | able in private home, 82 Park Road 3-7602, fee. RA 50195, SALESLADY earnings. Stort moking paid North, 3-7 p.m. RA 08071. [THREE - room apirtment, washing YOUR LOT Choice of Ceramic Tile Vonity in Bathroom bok 57 oin:, Boose Bowmanville A A TRA Th well this _ week. FULL TIME | - after ne doys Hone. $30 ROOM and board for gentleman with facilities, private bath, IV oe a CHOOSE Bi-fold Doors Twindow - Phone RA 8.5004 or apply 26 William dolly, Sornings R, ll op single bed. Apply 195 Albert Street, 137 rally located, immedia 1394 YOUR PLAN Stained Mahogany Trim Sodded Lowns Street. ad Experienced Preferred per day. For inform " |ROOM or room and board for young ; ply in person cnly, to. Mr. [indy or gendeman. Contra. RA 8.1% FOUN, © 100, ohtin'uma wove» Aduts| Ask sALESMEN ON THE |Low Down Payments N.H.A. Financing A. J. SCHATZ SABYAN MOTOR Apply L, C. Kitchen, at the Genosha preferred. Available July 1. RA 80070. | SITE TO SEE MODEL HOMES CONTACT REALTOR SALES LTD. BASSETTS JEWELLERS Hotel Tuesday, June 16-- [SINGLE room and board close to four | 13 CALL stween 7.9 Wednes- | corners, good home cooking, board op BB four basement aparimient on) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE between | 1,77 % 'e nese tional, Also karase for vent. Apply 240 THREE . room basement apartment wl 167 PARK RD N. R JEFFERY GENERAL INSURANCE STUDEBAKER VOLKSWAGEN -- ond 7 to 9 p.m, ROOM and board for gentleman five or | THREE - room apartment, $55 a a . WHITBY MO 8.3337 . 140b/ , "8306. | month, heat, hydro, water, cupboards, a ; SALES -and SERVICE ADD six days a week, south end. RA 5.8306 | month, heel, BUILDER AND DESIGNER---RA 5-9478 OSHAWA RA 5.8461 330 RIrSON RD. SOUTH ----_ 1 SEDATA cance, TV outlet, close to PRIVATE x ROOM. and board § i Poul eps on FB AR without ull GOLDELL HOMES OF . Pl - . d board for gentleman, con- | dren RA 5-939 as CKERING 590 OSHAWA. ONT, WANTED Een Tk to rp | Your bt bi excite. | WILSON 'REALTOR -- RA 5-6588 TEL RAndoigh 33461 __ SECRETARY hii [ply 241 Ritson Road South stainer, Apply 268 Haig Street 14ob| ing in nomes for the working Hove you money 10 invast? investment? ral mon Would you like to make Tr TORS per day, $100 per week. jase be Hy ly 10 RA B-6897 137¢ 17% on. your CRANFIELD MO FOR MANAGER OF jo & SA SS board for gentle. GROUND floor front room, unfurnish-| $ Q Q 5 BRUCE STREET Grond ir 1Y in Whitby, | USED CARS Twe men to work ROOM and board for one gentleman close to four corners. 39 Elgin Street SINGLE Joon, lady preferred, cent ( RITE BOX 12 WOODWORKING w men, bright, clean "rooms, hearly, ed or furnished, near bus slop. Bub At d ar tment all in one -- 2-bedroom apartment New 11 suite apartment FACTORY | OSHAWA TIMES | wholesome meals, Half block from bus, older lady, Phone RA 3-2855 ome ond on apartment ull in one #-bedroom apo bing. al suites verted. 1 BA. SERVICE -!three minutes from south GM. 286 Fron: pup NISHED house for July and Aug ond bath downstairs and 2-room self-contcined separate en | tenae. 1370 st; six rooms and garage in north For information call J, A Must be able to take dicta- : h trance up, renting at the low rent of $45.00 monthly. Good | i RAMBLERS, METROPOLITAN tion and type iy ing CANADIAN '43---Wanted to Rent os " Senden, district ox oun | residential area, paved, drive, storms,. screens, oluminum awn Daly evenings MO 8-4775 MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, cor erences ret | | ings orde anc be installed. Asking only $12,500.00 with 4 accurately. Must carry on ARMY APARTMENT or house, three rooms Awa Times 138¢ | ngs Sede 4 ong 1s be i Sele il king cniy 3 Wi w LOTS OF LOTS RILEY SALES & SERVICE, routine of office without con- or more, heavy wiring, Oshawa or vi- {UPPER duplex four large rooms, Iv. | ; : We have a number of ser THE FINEST stant supervision. Must be cinity, by quiet couple, abstainers, ex: ing room, two bedrooms, kite hen, bath- | . | ad lots: Or Gcrecges in FOR THI | intelligent, quick and thor TRAINING rit Baal a » Sati Hom, hardy i Adults' only. RA 88415 RICE LAKE BUILD! NG LOTS | Whitby, suitable for es tom REPAIR IC YSLER ough. Only experienced per- | OPPORTUNITIES WANTED -- five - room house, Osh out | 6 months guarantee | Good. lakefront lots ready for building paved road to entrance, of houses, apartments, com- FORD - RENAL . HRY | "ra sons need apply. awa or vicinity, reasonable rent, by FIVE foam Dungatow, a ihn hydro, 100 x 150', Contact Lloyd Metcalf (after 5:30 - 5-6983), mercial or industrial build- July 1. Phone RA 8-0084 140f fences, garden space. r dings. For information call s f th > : rr to children. Phone Brooklin 620R6. 13% | AAone refunded if | Motors CURVPLY Recent expansion o € WANTED -- house, three bedrooms, ty fiat." hal. y BALDWIN STREET LA Daly evenings, MO Van Heusen wie - | WOOD PRODUCTS LT Roval Canadian Corps of |Wiling to sign two-year lease if suit: THREE | 3 Te E 3 ghts, ivat ntrance, cou- . X D Yi {anie. Weite Box 35, Osawa Times, 1407 wale 2 Hr Sly 9 RA 8a753.| NOt satisfied. 3 yeors old -- 3-bedroom 5-room brick bungolow = large lot RA 5.3557 ORONO, ONTARIO Signals hae created a HLAREFRONT sotiage i Lake Qiatio 139f | fenced and landscaped ---- storms and screens -- T.V, aerial : ap i---- c need for a limited num- (Got Boek adrooms and aii conven: FOUR m apartments, range and | $12,500.00 with $4,600.00 down, After 5:30 call Dick Bar A J SCHATZ | IRS, SAMUEL --| ber of young men to be I res 3 Ama id0t Frigidaire, private, small' baby wel | ONE MORTGAGE rioge 5-6243, | Wl . +) D WN WANTED T0 RENT -- Apartment or|S0me: Apply 163 Verdun | [___WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP | 0 WINONA AVENUE {46--Real Estate Wanted NO CO-SIGNERS 140¢ STENO | trained as: duplex within 10 minutes of Four Cor. SPECIAL new self-contained three | ners, by couple with two-year-old. Best apartment, good location, 0! RADIO AND athe er "RA 5-7709 After 7 aps Hivggeoiom ref ISerator Jheluied, plents | (Ansle Subdivision) HOUSES and farms wanted for clients. | wy 2 | only, if i. | fy A CASHIER TELEGRAPH |THREE or four bedroom home, re. Of Dasiiop. Adults y A a arm ane namls: NO ENDORSERS alieq for. tamdly, mediately, 137 ; New ultra-modern 3-bedroom brick bungalow architecturally de call W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince 25 CAR SEL T 3-3651 137f SIX - room brick, three bedroom, hard . 9 y | OPERATORS I i avbmient = NI Hours. nour Motors, very cen signed with this double ottached garage ---- broadloom in living Fy Oshawa, RA 3-2512; Whitby MO TRADE UP OR DOWN RADIO AND land "rig JopIH apartment IR OVE tral. See owner svetings ® a1 rhe room, dinette and master bedroom rodiont heating, ceramic | LIENS PAID OFF Household Finance | TELEGRAPH floor or basement preferred. Call 8.6321 4%! Tent yeasonabie tiled bathroom, decorated and landscaped Price reduced to {47 Automobiles For Sale | or RA 3.3474, ext, 13 137 THREE - room, apaitment, young cou $18,000.00 NSU Super Fox, low mileage Has an O enin MAINTENANCE WANTED ~ furnished apartment for 4p Srelerre g 140f i equipped with windshield, buddy seat, WIL A P g TECHNICIANS [four girls, starting September 1, close fed ; Dives eave ola. AGNES ST, -- $1,000.00 down -- 6-room brick 2-storey semi heavy duty battery. Apply 152 Pontiac » bu 1b 5 and FOUR - room house, 3 ) h ! for a A Sagan, Co eoween 8 and 6 pam. ST Tor rent, trade. or sale, North Oshawa. | detached home in 'good repair. Total price only $9,800.00, [Avemse. 1 137 KING W. DRIVER 4 RAS32748 after 3 p:mm, | THREE MODELS [blue "and white, custor v | vhite, © m radio, window " CAPABLE GIR Y, t be 18 1.35 | THIRD floor guisted arient for| INCOME HOME washers, whee! discs, tires like new, RA 5 0732 | ou mus e (e] pil R H two adults, all convene ) 4 only $1085, Van Heusen Motors, 136] ----------_---------- L Tong ule a tees woh | 5-6 00M HOUSE [aiiies to 1050 Simcoe 3 t Bout Ji) FULL PRICE $2,500 DOWN $2,500 {'s6 WORD V8 tudor metallic green WEEK END t 100 fl spacious, unfurnis : Who has typing and short. | aptitude and educational or un 3 ow [spariment floes _Spavions: aif convent 8-r00m house wm 5 rooms. down. 3-room opt. up: rented, 1 Hin with atehing interiop Sustom radio. hand. Good appearance t B g ences, verandah, and garage. Write en- ished room in basement, aluminum storms and screens on most |Van Heusen Motors, 1361 n ras. t South. - p---------- pleasing personality, and the standards auinies To 1050 Simicod BHIeet Bow $1 1 9095 | of house, oil heating garage, decorated, lovely lorge londscaped |'5% DODGE Regent fordor, metallic SPECIALS i | ) p ) re Ne lat interior, h ability to get along well with [ Enduite now from your Best of References |MODERN three-room basement apart " ot, close to schools, bus and shopping for only $11,500.00 with |&reen terior iti | 50 . | $2,500.00 down. After 5:30 call Dick Borriage 5-6243 {ally sound, Only 3485. No down pay- - m + \ ge . ou Hetvest Army Recruiting (ADULTS) j ment Par RA Rr . Tova Architect planned bunga- | ment Van Heusen Motors, open "10 52 PON I IAC SEDAN | ti : . - h = n-------- { Station located at Apply: BOX NO. 32 FOUN Toor basement SpAEUNERt: lows, in three different plans. | N.H.A. HOMES 53 FORD, good condition, with over NEW TIRES bulltin cup-| Ranch style, centre hall and | drive, slip covers, . RA 5-10 | | | | the public. For an interesting _positiom, in the pleasant 507 " S modern office, providing ell College Street, OSHAWA TIMES furnished or unfurnisi Whe latest employe ds,, steel sink, newly decorated, | = [.gh h | . *" benafjts. Toronto, Ont. 44--For Rent Shower, hath continuous' hoi water.f | grnbe With large rooms i fl 1 . en---- a-- Ee -- emi-private entrance, close You are invited to apply to | Tel: EM 6-834] |TWO partly furnished housekeeping and transportation. 216 .| piece bath completely tiled Local 277 rooms, sink, use of washing machine, el partially finished basement, +1039, Choice of homes in 2 top locations. Harmony Heights and Crest- | 196 MECHANICALLY A: view gardens -- ravine lots low down payments custom |'51 DODGE station wagon, radio and 295 00 built to your specifications. Prices from $12,700.00 up with heater, clean inside and out, good rub. . ot 0 an 4 $1,378 down. We invite your comparison to any other homes ber, A Park Road ad Apply 48 Drew Street. RA 3-4152 | ppp pi hedroom house, ofl heat, avatl-| some walk-out basements in Oshawa, Call this office for an appointment ninth ------D-- '51 FORD COACH HOUSEHOLD Please provide me details on Fda 139 able July Ist, Phone Ajax 1323. 13(| with picture windows ond pay "Pudge | Royal Conadion Corps of |neal 'elhcail" comp wmtosbats (LARGE, furnished hed . iffing foom,| patios. Sodded lawns, private LL [{erms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond | CUSTOM RADIO Signals career opportunities, washing facilities, located lomatie kitchen and bath, furnished, gravelled drive. All electric | Street West MECHANICALLY A-1 |'58 C FINANCE ing suiable for two girls { | h - rc | would like on interview ot |PIP¥ Centre. RA 3.9471. Metro Apart-|co ie" phone RA 3-242. 210 Mary| fixtures, Heavy duty cable. | i 3 CHEV. coach, radio, alr condition 5 00 Biri ments 139 | SOUPK Also some with combination | 3%2 Simcoe St. South Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 [hater needs Job." 4580. Dial RA 19. 4 TWO bedroom apartment, separate en: FoR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, $1 triple aluminum storm and Lil SEL i DIAL |'58 Pontiae sedan, 1 condition, fully at the recruiting station trance, heavy wiring, adults preferred ] OSHAWA vacant August 1, Phone RA 3.9850. 1391 | Coch per night, Cabin tratlexs 845 weel'| screen windows and only AFTER 5:30 he y . acant / , 59, 191 ; MO . le od, Apply 220 Clark Street, 140f Nome Ju one ly Wilde Rental Service, Whitby. MO| $100 more on down pay. | DICK BARRIAGE--5.6243 JOE MAGA--5.919) STuEbed._Abuly 220 Clark Stren k Motors PP 0 bedroom apartment, modern |8-3226 ment LLOYD METCALF--5.69 |'5S1 MORRIS Minor, 4-door, A-1 con- SHOPPING CENTRE Address > |refrizerator and stove, washing and |cOMFORTABLE double upstairs room, : --5-6983 dition, $205, RA 8.5091 after 8. 140b parking. Available June 30, 111 G for two gentlemen to share. Phone RA 141o| " a 137 KING W. City/Town ..... don Road, Apartment 203, Whitby, 140f Hind PRICES ARE AWAY -- - en -| RA 5.1 139 Province .. LIGHT housekeeping room, with use of | APARTMENTS for rent, 301 Cordoval UP ON FUTURE CON- BUYING OR SELLING RA 5 0732 Phone deere iii refrigerator, centrally located. 20 Elgin Road, Large rooms, all conveniences, s, - |- oTae £59.15 Street East. RA 5.4154, 140f [ parking, available 15th of June, Apply STRUCTION SO BUY H ce vib {ONE single new! urnished room for |464 Eulalle, ¥ -- er -------- 141c 1410 oun wn or a) Pr Soon Joe pa and _doudie ToOmS, cooking NOW. TERRIFIC VAL. | TED CAMPIN a | Street. RA 3.7370, 140f [privileges i desired, gentleman only. NE OEE Ne INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD : MOTORS i RAMBLER | SEVEN - room house, centrally located room apartment, sood_ location, TV ONE MORTGAGE | $07 KING $1, == 0 ) the {on King Street, Bowmanville, ol heat.| Outlet of parking. Adults only. Phone REAL ESTATE igh fore of Wien xo) SALE SUCCESS [ | ROTO ATLL Ie ' ry |ed, tiled floors. Phone MArket 3.3935 plenty of, NG, gardens, lawns. |FOR BALE -- Quebec Cook stove, uo RA 5-8831 SENSATION Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA 8-1386 suitable for summer cottage. Good ROOM in private home, very central,| oi | ume ¥ | CLEAN, § tack eaing A private home FOR RENT -- Three room, unfurish. condition. MO 8-410, CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room, spring mattress; suit gentleman, 103| DAYTIME ----- RA 3-2265 The Supreme D . 0 d rive Une an Discover 141a | parking space available, very reason. | 1 brick, 3-bedroom home has been' transferred and wants his home | Endurance, Reliability WHY ed apartment, private entrance, two|FOR SALE -- Boat and: trailer and |Able. Apply 229 Nassau Street dog |E-A8tR,_ Street Tast, JOHN A. J sold. Home is just 5 years old, most of the work is done. | -NOW: ON DISPLAY -- WELLMAN MOTORS LTD.! bedrooins, no objection to children.|S hp. Eito motor. Phone MO 8429. | FURNISHED four ONE room in new house, for one or | W. T. LAMSON | YOU SUNBEAM RAPIER | Yes? you are in the driver's seat. The owner of this S-reom Performance & Safety Eastern | o | 9 > FOR SALE --One wh THREE - artment, cerator TWO -room apartment self.contained, The price is , | . 41a e wheel trailer box, REE - room apartment, refrigerator | IE a oun Bel BOLAHOOD price is right, terms can be arranged. So give a call now WELLMAN MOTORS LTD, AUTHORIZED DEALER Mrs. Maude Boyes, Queen Street, tage, two bedrooms, Muskoka district office workers. Very central. RA 3.4915 able in private home. 82 Park Road --- Brooklin, Saturday, June 27, 3.5., au.{on Lake Wood. MO 8-4102, Whitby. 130 140f [North 5 7 p.m. RA 18-8671 spices Whithy Chapter Order Sta room apartment [two gentlemen. Apply 637 Albert Street| REAL ESTATE LTD | practically new, used twice; '59 plates, |and stove, built-in cupboards; also two. Private entrance, ond let me show you this home tod o ay. Coll Bill McFeeter Nonquon Rd RA 3-443) 18 Byron _ South Mle 141c {Would rent rooms separately with GARDEN TEA, bake sale, home of FOR RENT -- Furnished summer cot | chen privileges to yo men. Prefer ATTRACTIVE furnished Joome, avail: 141c STRAWBERRY TEA, Friday, June 19, Reasonable price. Apply F. Sushynsky,|room apartment, very central. MO |{rigerator, rangette, RA 5-9870, how 211 Brock Street South (Oddfellows|713 Green Street after 6 p.m 140c [8-2398, Whitby 140 | TERE er Sei. coRtAtRed ape t LIMITED REALTORS evenings, RA 5-1726, | NONQUON RD. RA 3.4431 . 4% | Hall), Admission, 35¢c. Auspices Wo. duty men's Institute. 2 4il 4, HR il Se BR RIE Se bo Ti Rg ig 169 SIMCOE $ WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY AN ORIGINAL | . THE SMARTEST PEOPLE TRY THE REST TAS etitus 185.3119 Whitby. 140¢ | home. Write Box 37, Oshawa Times $200 DOWN, large four bedroom semi 1411 | stop. RA 5-6106, 1414 Yes, this lovely home stands out. 6-room brick | Va-storey 4 FOR RENT -- Mode 1-bed detached, i m edroom a roe Soild' brick, Wd Actechh, Sucor partment, kitchen, living room, dining | FIVE room bungalow, oil heated, very TWO - room apartment, completely RA 5-6544 | home located on Cadillac Ave. S., close to King St The living T™ EN BUY HILLMAN ae IT'S THE BEST 140f|T00m and ceramic bath, stove and central, RA 3.9860 Hale furnished, bath on same floor, in pri. room is 21" 'long with a natural fireplace. Family-size dining . - refrigerator included, paved parking, Bo. w vate home, close to bus and hospital; 0 } 5 ' ot FOR RENT -- One mew two-bedroom |very centrally located, Call Jim Daly, THREE canoer Unfurnished, self.con |, os or girls preferred, Call RA| raom, B Dright cheerful 16' kitchen. 3 good-size bedrooms LUXURY AND COMFORT spain, sme Sei $0 3. Sh esto, Mo BST. 14 ur RR he 5 nae 5888 DOWN | 3m bcs of clover sate. Completed secroum in basement. | | EG 8 HEAD ROOM FOR SIX FOOTERS Ty ap, ole Os rRera toi [FOR SALE -- Wrecking '51 Buick Stove, parking space for car, located at| ry Toor anality Toralshed path. Trim bac yard not too large, just the right size for privacy, yet | Oeidinid Dynaflow, all parts for sale; also 's2| 822 King Street Fast at bus stop. Avail.| , refrigerator and stove, private easy to manage. The paved driveway to a garage that will HIGHER CRUISING SPEEDS FOR SALE -- Baby tenda, good con.| Buick for sale. MO 8.2810; 140n 2Dle, abstainers. For appointment, RA path and entrance, business couple, 292 take care of the modern car. For further information, please dition, chrome with arborite top. 5-57. 141¢{ Huron Street after 4 pm Lb ii - call Bob Davis, evenings RA 8.6326 : i: GREAT ECONOMY aon : iid FOR SALE -- 2linch TV, 1% years... vert to child's play table, MO 8 old, 8159, Wardrobe $19.50, Rangette| TWO unfurnished rooms, upstairs, rea-' yw five room big bungalow, in Cour HOD 915° New chrome suite "$44.50, New |sonable, heat and lights included. Phone ice,' acreage, for rent or sale: immed. Madern kitchen, sliding cab- 4 BEDROOMS -- SPLIT LEVEL ALL WELD UNIT CONSTRUCTION FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, davenport sets $89.50. New rugs, any on. RA 8.0194 inet doors, three bedrooms, , . \ ' g 00 I'm j RA 8-53 D ' st one year old. My owner and | were gettir getting along available July Ist. MO 8-2691 140¢ (size and many other articles to choose | APARTMENT, self . contained three slid wo aval 1 MENT, . 2 : > ods in los 0 H i ize h [ FOR RENT -- d4-room self-contained ini) so ah MO arate iid HH > ie nd Safusiyahed, Reavy HED a a olin Jy oo FR n Ful Polendidly, now he has been transferred. He has been very ydraulic clutch--King size hydraulic brakes apartment, available July Ist, with -- - of |wiring, heated and water, downtown, Alleges, 57 Montrave Avenue after $ wh, one ind to me, trying to get all my 8 rooms in shape m 2 and 4 doo wagon deluxe sedan and convertible refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, MO|FOR RENT -- Furnished 3 rooms and ddults only, $60. RA 8.8175 Eh R A * 11g ortgage. Phone Bill Rot has been done. | have a 26' living room with ah Bi eh | z J b 88) 3 | 3 ¢ C (8 indows 82446 after 5:30 p.m 140¢ (bath on ground floor, apartment bulld- | ROOM and kitchen, furnished, for cliffe at RA 5.6544 that ¢ | gin, |= , rlook a treed e.My kitcl S ing; range, refrigerator; $70. RA 35-3214. (Phone RA 81720 141f| FURNISHED bedroom in a new home. | ve Q treed ravine y kitchen has the finest of cup Sch Shdbinnid Lily ' i ec furthes ' p05 | sards wible . \ F HY chool girl would like position HOUSE and Bungalow wanted, CFTR Foon Tor reat ik For further information, RA 2.0504. 141{ $200 MOVE IN bag t Souble stainless te sinks, All kitchen odors are taken ' . an up Good { DY / in stor music store if possible quiet | 3 Phone Whitby MO 8.2878 140c [down payments. W McAuley Realtor home, close to downtown, abstainer|STORE on 68 King West, 21 x 40, for yf Sway on electric fan, | have a large eating area. If the | kids drop something on my tloors, the finest tile are easily densa |MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 only. RA 8-0863 mornings 14lc rent July 1. W, E, Ward, 17 Colborne | . OR RENT -- Five. pment 28 nese ES ROTEE or Aichi, . Ve 0415 A FOR RENT -- Pive-room apartment. | HENRY, General Contractor, West. Ra 50415 SH Eom wWossISiey. Paved cleaned up. | have 2 tiled bathrooms, A 4-pc. upstairs and CHEAPER HERE THAN IN THE STATES $4302 Oshawa 1304 Repairs, SAlterations, Cement, Carpen- LLOYD REALTY [BRAND new, th eehedroont bunksiaw, street, sidewalk, close to | 2.2 pc, down. All the neighboring homes like myself have INCLUDING HEATER, SIGNALS, TWO-TONE, SERVICE, FOR sale -- Small business, handling | yo mere J LB a TLR RC TH bus, close to store. Phone | Leen built by Kassinger Construction. | would like you to coll TUBELESS TIRES, OIL FILTER, wew product, work in spare time. May : ive room bungalow, RENTAL AGENCY 141 Bill Ratelitf t RA 5.65 RA 5-0243 and ask for Henry Stinson He would lik be Bought for small down pasment. |children welcome, $95 per month, Mr . ps LEB 6544, | me to you Ould like to show GAS AT BACK , .., NOT IN YOUR LAP Write M. E. Real, RR 3. Uxbridge, 138¢ Green, MO 83154 Qur fee is less than ao FOUR room unfurnished or semi YOU SIT ON A SEAT NOT ON THE FLOOR TIVE poultry. "alto feathers wanted, |DRESSMAKING and alterations. wults,| vacancy, only screened ond | lirtished sparment, stove and efile $500 DOWN NORTH -- SOUTH . jedding go : ator, av y 1. 141 sit -- EAST hint, asker prices paid. Plvne, col [Diliermaios, voting. Loves. For a tickle lenonm, . yo hon ois bl RT Bodhi iB | Bungalows; 1142 storeys; 2 storeys. Our EST $295 DOWN---36 MONTHS ON BALANCE A ieee . gE ---------------------- P------------ ea shawa) Lic | For this 6- | ringing with | y CALL Grant for sod, 20c v : a room home Q people wanting all different ty, LOWEST USED CA | | GALL Grant for wd, Wc sq 3d. de GRAVEL & FILL 101 Simcoe St. N. THREE-ROOMED South part of town i sections of the city, MWe need listings Yypes of homes in all : OWES CAR PR CES IN TOWN Whitby and be satisfied June 26 ------ RA 8-5123 | UNFURNISHED large lot, well maintained are considering selling why not 'let us help iy Ey If you 51 PONTIAC ..... $145 $3 CHEVY, .. .. $648 ST. JORN'S Heating, MO 26, fur Driveway Gravel, $7 per load ONE BEDROOM f garden with fruit trees, close Real Estate Selling -experience is at your finger tips Jears of : Radio 56 hy Rs $995 " mplete overhauling, y . y J R $7.50. Furnaces Hed 5 Cement Gravel, $1 60 APARTMENT fo shops, schools and trans. id | 34 JORD. radio, A One owner, immaculate. ous types of heating Same day serv. | per yd. Retired couple preferred. Apply month, must be seen. Call | | One owner, two-tone, de- luxe sedan. 60-day guer- port, and all for only $7 ' APARTMENTS y $75.00 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board tke new 57 HILLMAN . $1195 July 3| For Delivery Phone | Immediote possession, elec- Bill Swarbrick at RA 5.6544 '55 CHEVS $1095 cuffing and alterations, men's | i y 25 PRINCE ST. : a ------ 141 * wear; dr ERIC BRANTON trically equipped, best loco . res emesis ogee a 3'%0 choose from FH Bl 139¢ OWNER bullt, resale, brick ranch bun.| TOO much house for mre. gr rd antee. +! (a5 R n E alow Lj years old, on Cunningham doubtedly one of the Van Sunes un] 57 CHEV. $1695 '56 BUICK $1495 te t---- i | ' Avenue (North West), Th vi 4 "bedroom ¥ WANTED to rent, six or seven room | MO 8-2660 ! RA 8-8676 | ki - state For Sale ---- [bedrooms, spacious and well© an ik uivwa i have ad 30 date; larte 80 Deluxe, Twartons, radia, Hardiop -- o beauty. house, in or close to Whitby. Reason = THREE + bedroom brick bungalow | YEA | Kitchen, complete and very desirable |excoptionalie puro C® ated landscaped, 59 RAMBLER Hardtop -- "Ed Wellman's car, small mileage, able Fobvhosid Call Brooklin_643R31 | FOR RENT == Lawn rollers, | ONE-BEDROOM eT Ea TurTs any sctecus, TV {home on a quiet street safe for chil. 'awnings, in north east Oshawa, Excel new guarantee Priced to cleor SEPTIC tanks "cleaned the Sanitary| seeders, mowers, garden [two weeks possession, low down pay- dren Al achiogls Slate by. $14,400 list {lent for children, $3000 down Ch { ce. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 59870. | B N A 5-987 : 30 Chastant West: phone MO ase] tillers, post hole diggers APARTMENT ment, or cash to mortgage. MO sqord| J Dedroom, S.room brick [= a | CHOIR aaa Y ip 3, 5, 4 Whitby 1w7t| bungalow, Emerald Avenue, |WELL - furnished boarding house, two| CHOICE acre of land with house. suil. BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO TRY new A . |bathrooms. sparkling clean, central Able for church or public building, in| "HONEST ED" "IRISH STEW" or vo - 0 all TWO - storey, half-brick, In goodprepair, aluminum storms, screens |location, a going concern, only $3000 built-up residential street, sewers June, July and A t, 3 4 he facilit asp " 4 2 y ugus railers open| ond skill saws, drills, grind- | acilities asphalt driveway, good garden, in easy| and bus stop. If you want @ |Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3-2512 THREE bedroom NHA 1 EASY TERMS, WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND MORE AT "KE bedn NHA resale in the . " aU ) Joseph | And Many More July § paint sprayers, cement mix- " vy Of % h FOR RENT -- One cabin trailer. Open| ers, wheel barrows, chain | Stove, refrigerator, washing "|finished attic, four bedrooms, heat,| ond doors, opposite school |down, Hurry for this one. W. McAuley Water. RA 3-3807 i August 15 on. Apply Wilde Rental! walking distance to downtown and to {Whitby MO 8.3231 Service and Sales. Phone MO 8-322 centre. on Glad well built, clear E 7 Rae i' " - | Avenue ean, comfort | | ast end of city Close to scho 13 Canoes, cor-top boats, mot. | Phone RAS 3815 RA 8.8302 able home. look WHITBY income six-room bungalow, transportation and on paved aeons' -- - 1401 into this at stree | ors, boat box and cabin . Be plus good, three-room furnished base |Asking price $10,900 | | LAKEFRONT cottage $900 d | once. Owner transferred t | y base of 3 Call Bob Davis, trailer tent | : down, five « 0 ment apartment. two baths tv f evenings RA 86326, da R FOR C.IL PAINT | pn 1 90. Samping MODERN TWO anit 4 Nia ed, andy beach at Orillia Must be sold at once | places, two kitchens, all well godin Schofield Insurance gms RA len | 4 » 8 price. Carri p| O J g. Rarage. large 3 - BEDROOM [for $35 per month. Call BiH aches hone Jack Appleby at RA [Oil heaing. garage. large lot. Good 137 HILLMAN--RAMBLER FOR na : investment as is or occupy part a » "RE call OR SALE---New ond used [Co Tid. RA 3.9810 or RA 54162 even.| "-6544. [lot the balance, 35.200 down. A good] " ACRES with cottage, 30 cleared, 130 boats, motors and trailers, APARTMENT ings \40f h Hg ; d timber and wood, runn DODD & SOUTER o" : i ST We Rui, var Lie - -A43 Paint & Wallpaper St WILDE RENTAL All conveniences. Parking | arage. wee ti kemiouse, ofl heated, OPEN EVENINGS a LT me" nate" Osh. | NONGUON ROAD RA 3-443) r r in i t ~ A arag he , $3 |SEVEN room house, tw rooms, | Price $2500 or will trade akeside | pop ore SERVICE and SALES area, Northway Ap 630 down RA 88661 daytime, evenings JA MEMBER OSHAWA AND |Proadioom and drapes A bli gl LR, men { OPEN TILL 9 P.M 5.4819 107 Byron Street South 1415 DUNDAS ST EAST Simcoe N. Available June | DISTRICT REAL E p.m. 133 Cadillac North 1394 | : 1G 3 ' STAT 141f -- c-- ----apt Apply: 341 Division St., after |¥IGHT room house, rug brick, $2500 BOARD E |iNbusTriAL property, 8 acres, Bloor | NEW five-room bungalow, three bed TT Te MO 8-5231 WHITBY -- MO 8-322 down, moder: re - : 5 6 | é | down, lern kitchen creation room, Street West and Stevenson Road. Ed |rooms, lar v : § § N Ss, Re lot, $3, | two bathrooms, central. RA 5.9238. 1a' Hinkson. RA 8.228, 260¢ 306 Pacific Avenue, 0; Sawn, + /L (Continued on Page 26) )