CELEBRATE Soroptimists Close | Successful Year | The Soroptimist Club of Osh- awa and district ended an active / [year when they held their annual | 2 {ship has {meeting at the home of retiring| president, Madeline Kelly, Con-| vener reports indicated a keen' rticipation in community activ-| ities and in world service. A personal interest has been in the older citizens at (have been remembered on spe- |cial occasions and at the festive' | season. The first recipient of the Mar-| 2 garet Hancock Memorial Scholar- graduated from her |studies. During her training this [student was remembered with a| i Ismall monthly allowance and |gifts on anniversaries and holi-| |days. Great satisfaction was ex-| |perienced by the membership| over her successful completion of her training. A donation of $500 was made to M |the building fund of the Retarded | # |cer Society. Assistance was pro- ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Warner Williams . Honored on Silver Wedding A well-known Oshawa couple/were celebrating their silver wed- pital in Aklavik, North West Ter-| were honored last Saturday when ding anniversary. ! friends called to extend congratu-| The couple were married by! consignment of therapy toys and 'lations to Mr.eand Mrs. Warner|the Reverend W. R. Tanton of materials. United Nations Day| William, Elizabeth street, who Simcoe Street United Church. was marked by a special pro- |Children's School. A special din-| ner to mark the opening of this campaign was held by the Sorop-| timist Club when the guest| | speaker was Mr. Harold Lobb, executive director of the Ontario | Association for Retarded Chil (dren. Parties were given for the chil- dren in the local school through- out the year. Treats will be pro-| vided for the closing day of the| | current year on June 26. { A donation of money and a | shower of gifts was given to the Women's Committee of the Can- The Church of St. Mary of the People was the scene of the wedding of Pauline Ellen Snow and Lionel Bernard Vincent, {vided the Tuberculosis Associa- onel The bride is the daughter of |tion of Ontario County in the pur- {chasing and wrapping of gifts for CATHOLIC NUPTIALS | Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Snow and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, File Vin- cent, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland patients in Sanitoria. The Com- munity Chest was supported in a tr~aible wa; | The Club |in the Civil |has been assigned the duty filing registration ecards in {event of a civil disaster. [ | One of the members, Miss Leah| Mather, now employed in a Hos-| y. volunteered to assist Defence program and | of the |ritories, has been sent a large Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Women Dial RA 3-3474 | Samuel | GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES venirs she had collected at the different places she had been since leaving Oshawa, telling of her experiences in St. John's, Newfoundland, and also in Van- couver, British Columbia, and | Mrs. C. S. Burton was i0/many places in between; also of |charge of the devotional period. |a trip to England and Wales. |" Speaker for the evening was |Mrs. Tom Stevens, daughter of a 20% Slesed bet Temarks by say. | missionary to the Indians, and vou gather in your lives", and jase) 3 former teacher at Nor-|oqying God to bless each one. Mrs, Stevens gave an informal| Mrs, James led the silgg story of Anna Godden whose life|of the hymn, ve to Jesus "Anna of the Indians" | Gory and in the Lord's Prayer. Tea was served by the Sun- The speaker knew her personally |shine Group. Next week the |and told many incidents in this remarkable Poneer's life. Anna, |ship of Mrs. Thomas Salisbury, she stated, said that she only |will be in charge of the devotion thought of herself when she could al period. {not think of anyone else to think| about. | Mrs. Stevens was presented CORRECTION with a small gift in appreciation.| It was Miss Susan Elliott who 1A report was given by Mrs. K.|received two special prizes on her |S on 2. secon) He. sale, | graduation from Branksome Hall and not Miss Baker as mention- Next regular meeting is to be ; at Mrs. Young's home on Hunter ed in yesterday's paper. tomb | WOMEN'S FEDERATION | f The Women's Federation of | Westminster United Church met at the home of Mrs. George Loft- house recently. Cheerio Group, under the fibury | Claims Fanaticism Hurtful To WCTU PEMBROKE (CP) -- The On- tario Women's Christian Temper- ance Union has been told that its work in the past has been hurt by the fanaticism of its mem- bers. Rev. 8. E. Larnman of Wesley United Church, here, told the an- nual convention, that even rong church supporters have away from the unior because of its demand for absolute absti- nence. He strongly supported the teaching of temperance, but sug- gested that too strict a policy only alienates those who might support the movement. Made world life members were Birthday Honors For Prince Philip Blacks. I in charge of devotions and chose] | the beatitudes as her theme. A short business meeting fol- in at the meeting is to be packed by Mrs. Frank Michael and sent {through the WMS to' where it is street, Wednesday, 9. | HARMONY WA I i The June meeting of the Joo Batter. Woman's Association of Harmony United Church was held recently . in the church hall with the presi- yow dent, Mrs. George Jonah I charge. Mrs. Jom Fallaise was| Hear Batten | Ld | lowed and a date was set for the |fall turkey supper which is to be| ENITH held October 17. It was decided! also to purchase new gowns for) the choir and due to the heave AT-THE-EAR church activity it was deck not to hold a strawberry supper. HEARING AIDS The clothing which was brought|| | Ze=w0 most needed overseas. This was |the final meeting for the summer | as it was decided not to hold meetings in July and August. The meeting closed with the benedic- ZENITH DIPLOMAT SLIP-ON tion and refreshments were WEARING AID served. CANADIAN LEGION AUX. Sh off i A into tiny pny. hogs insavey. MATERNITY DRESSES SEPARATES . . . for street wear and special occasions |years at General Motors before| endeavors were raised in miscel | Mrs. Williams is the former Viola gram when Mrs. Gordon Conant | Watkinson who came with her addressed the Club. Purchases of | parents to Oshawa as a small|UNICEF cards are again made girl, Mr. Williams was born here this year. and worked for a number of Funds for these philanthropic | opening his own electrical appli-|laneous ways ranging from the ' ance business on Simcoe street sponsoring of a cooking school, a ' north, 12 years ago. : | ; | Marilyn Mae. One grandson com- # | pletes the family circle i |all of Toronto; the Reverend and yield in Peterborough on June 20 . Cha MARY ANN GODDEN Top Prize Won By Whitby Girl Mary Ann Godden, 20, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank God- s den, RR 1, Whitby, received top prize in her graduation class at . the School of Nursing, Toronto East General and Orthopaedic Hospital. The graduation ceremony was held Saturday, June 6, in the Teachers' Training College, To- ronto. Miss Godden was further distinguished by being chosen valedictorian for the exercises. She was also awarded a $100 prize for General Proficiency. The "top" medal and a cation. Miss Godden, on the advice of (1959, at 2 p.m. in Albert Street | her superintendent, plans to stay United Church. i at Toronto East General for an- | other year. The next year she plans to spend at the University of Toronto. sa Sraduaie 5. Whitby High fessor who died , Miss en grew up and 1933, was the first womai = | spent her early high school years sity in| ! in Oshawa, china fashion show to the sale | The couple have three daugh- of magazine subscriptions, gift ters Mrs. L. M. McCulloch (Viola|enclosure cards, and through in- and dividual contributions from the members themselves. The Soroptimist Club grew in numbers during the vear. Four new members joined the organi- zation in the persons of Miss Evelyn Moore, Miss Viola Me- Dougall, Mrs. Cyril Weyrich and Margaret Rose), Lorna Gail { Among the guests were Mrs. {Irvine Harrison and Mr. James 'Stuart, both of Oshawa, brides-| [fasid 3nd best man at the wed- ding 25 years BEo. Miss Sally Parker | Guests from out of town includ-| A Joint installation of new offi- fed Mr. Everett Lovell of Mont-| org from the Peterborough, Port real; Mr. Frank Watkinson, Mrs. gape, Cobourg, Belleville, King- E. Morrison, Miss Rose Coward. ston and Oshawa Clubs will be {Mrs. Paul Field and daughter. Ruth Mae, of Dixie and Mr. and Mrs. Rae Cowling of Whithy. Personal greetings re- ceived from the Honorable Mi- chael Starr MP and the couple re- ceived numerous messages cards and gifts. Come-Double Clu Holds Installation § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 12, 1959 Talk on Schooling in Ireland Enjoyed By Edinburgh H&S The guest speaker at the regu- program, Mrs, Douglas Clemens, lar monthly meeting of the Duke|Mrs. John Snyder; music, drama of Edinburgh Home and School and art, Mrs. James Morrison; Association was the Reverend hospitality, Mrs. Lloyd Magill; Derek Allen of St. Paul's Presbv- ways and means, Mrs. Stanley terian Church, who chose as his|Lockey, Mrs. William Moring; subject "Schooling in Ireland".|publications, Mrs. William Reverend Allen's most interest-|Owens; pianist, Mrs. S. J. ing address was followed by a Seneco; health, Mrs. K. A. Rose; question and answer period. radio and TV, Mrs. D. L. Bowen; Mrs, Gordon Jackson presided religious ec _cation, Mrs. C. N. over the meeting and extended a McDonald; citizenship, Mrs, Wal- welcome to Mrs. Jack Shaw, ater Kuch; children's reading, former president of the Associa- Mrs. Harry McGrath, Mrs. P. T. tion, who now resides in Toronto. | Wright; school education, Mrs, The secretary's report was| Bussell Wicks; press, Mrs. R. L. read by Mrs. Roy Pearse, and] urn. Mrs. Albert Jubb gave the treas:| Mrs. C. T. Hewer volunteered urer's report. to convene the graduation party. The attendance banner was won Mrs. Gordon Jackson an- The Ladies' Auxiliary met on Tuesday evening with president | Mrs. Herbert Bathe presiding. A| "| tine report of the zone rally held | recently in Oshawa was given by secretary, Mrs. Alyn Elliot. | The annual visit to Sunn ybrook | Hospital on June 17 was discussed | and 400 parcels will be taken up| for distribution. As so few mem-| bers are taking this trip, not even| enough for a small bus, it was| decided the transportation will be by private cars. The sympathy of the members| | goes out to Mrs. Samuel Clement | |in the loss of her husband. | Mrs, C. E. Vermoen gave a| |good report on catering done re- cently and a substantial profit was given in to the treasurer. Next business meeting on Tues- | day June 16 at 7.30 p.m, SA HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Sal- vation Army Home League was held on Tuesday afternoon, June | | dow EMT EYEGLASS NEARING AID World's most attractive, in- conspicuous hearing 8 worn right at your ear © inconspicuous ond lightweight © Worn entirely ot the ear ond related profes. sional services in cone nection with Zenith Eyegloss Hearing Aids are available only throvgh your ophthalmologist, op fo Mor Yow Looks Such wonderful wearables for waiting days! You'll find all the latest fashions in our group of maternity clothes in cool organza, sheers, checks, plain and prints, and embroidered linen ete. Separates from 3.98 nounced that the following have consented to act as chairmen of committees: social, Mrs. Joseph {by Miss Ruby Reynold's class. A highlight of the evening was |{the presentation of trophies. Mr. A. S. Winter addressed the par- fometrist, or optician. DEFERRED PAYMENTS W Desired 9, with 73 present. OPEN TONIGHT TILL § PM. Mrs, William Saunders led in| the singing of a few choruses, | prize was a gold Rees, to David L. Andrews, son lj scholarship for of Mr. and Mrs. R. Het shoud be that « graduate study in Nursing Edu- At Camp Pretoria Elliott; membership, Mrs. M. F.| Mrs. William Sheridan; |€nts and introduced Mrs, Jack '|Shaw who presented her trophy | Northminster Come - Doub | May, wy 01 e SOCIAL NOTICES |ciub held its last meeting for the| to the outstanding pupil, Douglas season at Camp Pretoria with refuge", and to strive for self Sutton. Mrs. 8. ENGAGEMENT (Mr. and Mrs. Earle Huntley as|power and self control and to feel! On behalf of the donor, ME} conveners. a sense of loyalty and responsibil-|G. Saywell, Mrs. J. W. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Mor-| Mr. Jo MacMillan led the wor-|ity to those whose lives we touch presented the girl's athletic tro- gan, RR 2, Oshawa announce ship service. The Reverend H. A. today. phy to Denise Parkin and Lynn the enagement of their daughter|Mellow gave some = timely! Installation of thc new officers Kilpatrick, who won it jointly. {Glenna Ann, to Mr. Gerald thoughts following the theme! for the coming year was conduct-| Mrs. Lloyd agill pr .| She displayed a number of sou- Mrs. David Ewen led in prayer, | Mrs. William James led in the| singing of the hymn, "Trust and | |Obey"', { | Mrs. Major Rankin introduced | |Mrs. Brigadier Roberts of Toron- ito, former corps officer in Osh- |awa, who spoke on "Souvenirs". IMPERIAL OPTICAL 22Y2 Simcoe St. S. RA 5-1741 BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH |Ewing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robe taken from the scripture lesson|ed by Mr. Mellow. the boy's athletic trophy to John |ert Ewing of Omagh, Ireland.Jin Ecclesiastes "Cast your bread| The new presidents, Dr. and Higgins for the third consecutive |The marriage is to take place upon the waters, for you will find Mrs. Gordon Adair took over the year. quietly on Saturday, July 4, 1959 |it after many days". He said we remainder of the meeting. A past president's pin was pre- must be prepared to meet our- Friday, November 27, was an- sented to Mrs. J. W. Owens by selves forty years hence and ob-|nounced as the date of the club's|Mrs. Jack Shaw, who thanked serve what marks we have left|annual dance to be held at the Mrs. Owens for the work she had Fro upon those whose lives we influ- Airport with Bernard Tierney's done for the association. Big ence now. We should try to| orchestra in attendance. Following the meeting, buffet "|refrain from fear and indulgences) The remainder of the evening refreshments were served by the Leona and instill in others what our be- was spent around the campfire mothers of Mrs. Gertrude Pen- "God is our/and with lunch in the club house. man's class. | MARRIAGE | Major and Mrs. E. R. Llewel- lyn of Washington D.C. |ennounce the forthcomin, iriage of their daughter, J. Andrews | ---- of Oshawa. The ceremony is to | take place on Saturday, June 20, COLLEGE LEADER Eliza Ritchie, psychology pro- in Halifax in |gmor of Dalhousie University in MOOR-A-MATIC PING You'll Last Longer! Don't overplay your health this Sum mer. Enjoy the fun ¢ise--IN MODERATION. Take care lest you become over-tired or over-heated-- PLAYED OUT by week's activity into a weekend. Easy does ft--and you will have a better time of your life this Summer. If you have any doubts about what you can, or can- not, do--ask your doctor. He is well qualified to advise you on the safe limits of play. "Compounding Prescription is LIM O0SHAWA--BOWM Jury & Jowell "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" COLOR MACHINE EDGAR'S PAINT and WALLPAPER It Easy - and benefits of exer- trying to crowd a More than 2,000 paint colors for Living Rooms, Bedrooms and Bath-- for all interior and ex- terior surfaces. Choose your favorite color as See it made automat cally with famous Benjamin Moore . Paints Bd Your Physician's our Profession' wel 34 KING WEST RA 3-7381 ITED ANVILLE--WHITBY Walking Room Eating Room More and more smart people who are going places, Sleeping Room Living Room