THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 13, 1959 "ROLL KING" GOLF CART A. Relax on the fairways -- enjoy the ease ond con- venience of this lighi, tubular metal cart with its rubber-tired wheels ond ball-bearings, Folds com 315INg ywering the handle Total weight only 13 Ibs Boxed, ready for assembly. EACH 1 1 A9 ""NADCO 55" GOLF CARTS B. Another version of an energy saver is this sturdy, Fitted with wheels, with treadless tires, ball-bearings and strong light aluminum cart, 10" "whirlaway' bag straps. Handle folds easily for transport. Boxed, ready for use wn 17.95 BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 26) HEAD COVERS FOR WOODS €. Covers for woods Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4--well- made of durable leather lined inside to protect woods, with elastic gusset to hold firmly in place. Light tan uo 08 "SATELLITE" GOLF BALLS D. For greater accuracy in flight , . . golf balls have steel power centre, high compression winding for added distance, and rugged cover made to take plenty of play. EACH 95 eolour, "Satellite" PHONE RA 3.7373 Gift Suggestions For A 'Sporty' Bad... GOLFING GEAR FROM EATON'S "STROKEMASTER"" GOLF SETS 1. Men's left and right hand, women's right hand only. Matched set consists of two woods, Nos. 1 ond 3, and five irons, Nos, 3, 5, 7, 9 and, putter, Both woods ond irons have stepped-down '"True-Tomoer" steel shafts; irons have weighted flange sole, straight line face scoring. Woods have quality persimmon head with inlay face, Both hove 3-tone leather grips. Two woods and five irons in set, EACH 490.50 "WATERPROOF" CANVAS GOLF BAGS PF. Modified "Keystone" ring -~ l4-club oval, with two- club separator, has large boot pocket, selector ball pocket, sombined sweater pocket and travelling hood, plus acces. sories' duplex pocket. Made of durable cotton canvas with rubber backing, trimmed in vinyl with moulded rubber base, complete with carrying strap. Three-stay construction, colour is green with beige trim EACH 13.95 PHONE RA 5.737% BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 26) Special purchase ! MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Summer comfort in Men's and Young Men's Casual-And-Country Sport Shoes With Heavy-Duty Lug Soles! Rayon Gabardine WINDBREAKERS Smart trans-season style from noted maker! ORDINARILY 9.95! EATON Special Price, each Here's a windbreaker every Father will casual and country wear now --- and righ Fall! Handsomely styled in ardine 5.95 appreciate for through next shower-resistant rayon gab with self trim, rich rayon satin lining, elastic at waist, zipper front two deep slash pockets. Choose from two fabric types sizes 36 to 46 included PLAIN SHADES . . . light blue, taupe, sond, dark grey ond black! Please state second color choice when ordering, NEAT FLECK WEAVE . . . grey! dark brown, Men's and Young Men's cool, lightweight rayon Summer Slacks ORDINARILY 8.95! EATON ? i 95 each . Special purchase brings you these handsome ot on y low price in time for Father's Day buying! ® LINEN-LIKE RAYONS e NEW RAYON SLUB WEAVES ® RAYON-AND-MOHAIR TROPICALS DISTINCTIVE RAYON TWISTS Crisp, sturdy, wrinkle-resistant slacks from a leading Canadion maker! Neatly tailored in the pleated-front-style -- for Surmmer sports and leisure or spec Excellent for Men and Young Men who want lightweight slacks that are good-looking and practical -- yet reasonably priced. Various shades of blue, grey or brown. Waist sizes 30 to 44 included. Please state second colour choice FATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 229 PHONE RA 5.7372 sand end light DELUXE HOSE All vinyl-plastic , . kink= and prox. Ya" crack-resistant! Green transparent hose, ap~ inside diameter; with stondard, solid brass replaceable couplings. EATON Prise' w 3.95 5 6.95 ww. 9.95 oo 12,98 5 Practical shoes for sports, gardening, hiking -- all casual wear at camp or cottage, in city or country! Popular moccasin vamp style in brown side leather well-made with 'per- mar' heel counters that should not break down; storm welts; rugged 'lug' rubber soles for sure-footed comfort and walking ease. Buy a pair at EATON'S now, and enjoy wearing them all Summer! Sizes 7 to 11, 99 == Pair EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 237 PHONE RA 5-7373 smooth, WATERING CANS Hot galvanized finish; treated to resist leaking or rusting; with Eoiunized. ro rose. 3-qts. 2.29 7Va-qts. 2.49 10-qts. 2 99 COPPER HAND SPRAYER 32-0z, copacity; eontinuous operation. Fully adjustable, brass nozzle, Brawn copper body, brass base, BACH .........0civisranemam aeawos e's Budd . Stretch Ankle Socks Excellent quality . . . only at EATON'S all-nylon ankle socks thot wash They retoin their good fit; come in smart vertical stripes, allover ' patterns, and plain shades. Predominant tones: grey, navy, maroon, powder blue, brown, beige. ® A boon for 'Summer Bachelors' easily, dry quickly; stretch to fit sizes 10 to 13. EATON Price, pair A 'esa vanwan BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 PHONE RA 5.7373 st wt G tt 0 ¢ woe cot ow ®t OF prt "* W SATURDAY--THE LAST DAY OF THE REMINGTON SHAVER CLINIC Bring your Remington shaver down to EATON'S -- and give #* & new lease on life!' Remington's own experts will be in our razor deportment-- te eleon, oil ond check your shaver. There is no charge for this service. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, S515 SATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253