1 | \ a. BASE PROBLEN MIGHT BE SoD BErORE THE NEXT orien | wig | ay LIKE Fri out for MeLaughlin Fuels, giving| LANE ON THE FROWE, i lg THE RE-CONVER! McLaughlin Fuels Score "= Inter-County Shutout McLaughlin Fuels whitewashed han, rf; Croxall, cf; Burnett, 1b; the big hitters. The latter was the 6th when Tony's loaded the He reportedly received a $50,000 Port Perry Juniors 16-0 last night|Brent, p; Cook, ¢; Carnegie, 2b; |tops with three safeties. Softball McMillan, ¢; Menzies, p; Sander-| FOLFY'S -- M. Osborne, of; Walk to Mackness and a single by | will be optioned to Keokuk, Towa, . Lowery, c; fery, 1b; Crago, 3b; Jordon, If Hurst, ss; Keltch, rf; Griffen, p. in their Inter-County League game at Alexandra Park. Other schedule action in this {league saw Hoy Pavers defeat |Foley Plumbing 12-3 while Scu- |gog Juveniles upset Tony's Re- freshments 6-4, in the best game of the night Doug Keeler pitched the shut- |the Port Perry boys only three |scattered hits, one by Burnett in the second and again to the same player in the fifth and one Ito Tero in the sixth. Keeler struck lout 13 batters. Brent. started on the mound for Port Perry and was tagged for |three runs in the second inning land as many more in the third, |this time on two walks, an error land only one hit. Three-straight walks followed in the fourth and Menzies replaced Brent. The Fuelmen got twe runs that in- ning, rested in the fifth and then son, rf; Wilson, i McLAUGHLINS OReilly. |b; Jones, 1b; Corrigan, 3b; G. Lawrence, ss: J. Lawrence, rf: | Turner, If; George, of; Claus, ¢; |Brabin, If; Tureski, 1b; Hanna, ec: ab: Cairns, Keeler, p. EASY FOR PAVERS Hoy Pavers made ten hits {count for & dozen runs as they whipped Foley Plumbing 12-3 at |Lakeview Park. Folev's (former- lly the Ebenezer entry) collected lonly five hits off Halik's slants. Jeffery hom land Crago followed with a walk |and scored later on an infield out, for their first two runs of the game. In the 6th, Jozkowski got {on via an error and scored later lon hits by Jeffery and Hurst, for | the final tally. Griffen, pitching lissued a walk and a couple o [solid hits, for two runs in the {Tony's Refreshments 6-4, in their fixtures. at Storie Park, with the ome team coming from behind |g, i " in the fourth/to do the trick. Smith replaced Ron P ning and scored later on Fegan's| . il sacrifice bunt: and | Burke collected his third-straight Wi inches ahead of the ball. .._, [the second inning, on an opening ine winners. their two-run margin. for Foley's. error, A single, an infield out by Mack- ok Wi " ie Yess and a Solid single by Snow, Aud Siblock with two apiece, were| 13 High school star shortstop Nath- aniel (Pee Wee) Olivar, St Petersburg, Fla, was signed to a St. Paul contract. w® Right - hand pitcher Bithel ® Price, all-city high school selec tion in Wichita, Kan. and out- flrs Sms of fn ok nced | vers: ees aes ne nigh school signed fo Odessa, Tex, In the 4 players and one college star.'sophomore league : for your LAWN and GARDEN SUPPLIES rao voun anes KEEP YOUR GRASS GREEN AND GROWING™ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 12, 1959 | SPORT BRIEFS $50,000 BONUS ST. LOUIS (AP) -- James T. McCarver of Memphis, Tenn., a left-handed hitting catcher and {outstanding athlete sought by at least 10 major ieague clubs, has signed with St. Louis Cardinals. |heavy financial losses last sea- | son. The newspaper says the idea can't be expected to amount to more than behind-the-scenes talk until the next Teague meeting scheduled June 23. SIGN SCHOOL STARS LOS ANGELES (AP)--Los An- bases ou DePratto's single, a bonus. The 17-year-old McCarver Jozkowski, 2b; Jef-|Snow. With none out, Peters fan-|of the class D Midwest League. ; {ned Smith, forced Hill to ground | |to the infield, and DePratto was .|a force-out at the plate then Ber-| VICTORIA (CP) -- The Times wick forced Snow at 2nd, to end|says a possibility exists that New the inning. Westminster Royals and Victoria Robinson, tf: Hallk, p: S.| The Juveniles tied up the game Cougars may join forces for the ss: Lvzun, 2b. in the fourth inning, all after 195960 Western Hockey League ce an there were two out, when Peters season. Both clubs suffered fairly JUVENILES FLASH SPEED gia ted it with a double, then -- == Scugog Juveniles defeated young and Wright both 'hit {doubles and Siblock singled, to, make it a three-run splurge. Sam Ith in th fit fir i in i . the fourth and in the fifth inning, Burke singled in the first in-|ypa..h opened 'with a single then ' TEAMS MAY JOIN HOY PAVERS -- Kornylo, s& Wrubel, 2b; Brown, ef; Welsh, You con feed your lawn right now with Golden Vig- oro, complete lawn food . .. i's safe to use on grass thet's green, grass that's wet, even on new gross. No burn! a choice playijit of the game and then with hich saw Burke slide home|. Mapes doubled, scoring Ve. <4 . {March and Burke came home on Tony's picked up two runs inguqqard's sacrifice fly, to give|¥ et un wy followed by DePratto's| " i | bin ¥ fod 16 yor IPs nor too late! > {Burke with his three hits, Wright You can still 'give your lawn the help it needs for season long beauty, |best for the winners while Tony's ir corooN, | cLeveLAND tRvavacsr, who: I NOW... - feed your lawn with s GOLDEN : VIGORO exploded for eight runs in the second inning and from that point (in the next frame, they doubled | batters were DePratto and 6th, as Jones, J. Lawrence wmilon, Hoy Pavers scored in every their total, on a walk to Hill igs, "he former having three Turner all hit doubles while|inning, three runs in each of the|Bryan's two-bagger, a choice singles and Swow had a pair. O'Reilly and the Lawrence boys 4th, 5th and 6th frames. Errore play that missed and an infield TONY'S -- Hill, cf: Berwick had two aplece. and walks were big factors in error. However, from that point if: Brian oo Varga ' 3b: Arm. PORT PERRY -- G. Menzies, (their scoring success, with|on, Dan Peters kept them under al, Ra: Ri wr 3b: Tero, ss: Birkett, If: Carna- (Cairns, Tureski and Welsh beingicontrol. His best effort was in strong, ss; Dy : . iness, 1b: Snow, of; Phillips, p: and so did Jordan and with two Smith, > in ir ke a re a Houdaille Nips Merchants 20 did Jordan and With SCUGOGS -- Burke, ss; Fegan, Oshawa Dairy Turn Back Houdaille Industries Markham later in the game, to be the top hitters oi the night, each with a out, coach Jack Logeman homer-|c. Mapes, rf: Suddard, 2b; Oshawa Dairy 5-3 in their Osh- Oshawa Merchants turned back perfect night, four-for-four for Ni- ed to complete the rally, Peters, p :Young. cf: Wright, if; Nichol was the big hitter of Siblock, 1b and March. 3b. awa Minor Bantam League ball game, last night at isphawa Real Estate Board| One big inning decided the Alexandra Park Markham Aces 6-3 in their South. % . u . y defeated Marion Auto Limit- game for Dept. 84. The teams| The winners scored three runs Ontario County Softball League thet and Hires » for + three for (14-5, In their UAWA Softball had madé a mutual agreement 0 i, the first inning when Jerry game, last night at Alexandra = : Tue schedule Slash last night play only seven innings and going |Gaatch was safe on an error Park. MARKHAM -- Holman, rf: Pro- eview Park while in an-|into the top of the 6th, Paint Shop {hen Bob Kem ged out a a mo cennu, of: Tilsbury, 3b; Atkinson, 4|® bit of league action. Dept.|was leading 4-3 but a seven-run (jong hit. wimp hanged Phi ao Boyes piictied Pe ay Jor Ib; Huggins, 2b; Cross, If: Lunau, shipped Paint Shop 12.7. parade in the sixth then two mores walk later and Dave Mitchell rs tight spots and getting ex- 5 Middl. ton, p; Macklem, c. | 'RED EARLY {in the 7th, clinched the win for|tripled to score Lee. In the fifth, [cellent support from his mates. MERCHANTS -- O'Connor, ss: je Realtors won their game in Dept. 84 Bob. Montgomery was hit by aTwo singles and a walk falled Buzminski, If; J. Jordan, 2b; M. {| first inning, scored six runs| McLinton walked in the first in Pitched ball and then Gaatch was |io produce a run for Markham in!Jordon, 3b; Logeman, rf: Knigh le total of five hits, a walkining and scored on Snow's single safe on an error. scoring laterithe second. In the fourth, Atkin-ic; Nichol, * of; Courtney, Ib; one bad outfield error, with|and Stacey's sacrifice. In the/on Kemp's infield out, to com- son walked and Huggins doubled Boyce, p. Maesln's triple being the big|fourth, Coutu, Arnold and Engley plete Houdaille's total of flve/then after Atkinson scored on|~---------- ¥ of the rally. With B. Shear- all hit safely and added to a bob- | TUNS. Lunau's. sacrifice, Middleton sin- Harman, Sarnovsky, Malloy ple in the outfield, it meant two Oshawa Dairy got more hits off gled to score Huggins, Markham Wilson all hitting well, the more runs. Ketchen walked in the Dave Mitchell than either Brady had runners on bases in the fifth, gers added to their total fifth and scored on Duffield's sin- | or Turchin together, allowed the seventh and eighth innings but rd Ming las Yo Nahe: gle, to make it 43 winners, but * the Milkmen they didn't get their final run un- of building up an 8-4 lead at Ea couldn't 3 ung. Inltil the 9th, when Middleton was a Seay oars Hors bb. ove un i Sol bunch thers or Fu. LL on a arrr, an tem. he Ane preseniaton wil be made o , B. Maeson and Sarnov. on an error then Howard singled|two out, Holman and Procenko| Qusen Klizaeth here June 5. as well as two triples for fol. |each hit singles. Holman was the| and one by Birkett were lonly Markham batter to get two : punch blows, as Lyons failed ts +wtop them #ovsky, pitching for Real- In the 6th inning, Stacey weak- '3, gave up two hits for one|ened It started with an infield | | i In the third and two walks, error on DeGray's grounder and| gtigle and infield aut for one|then a series of solid hits ,plus| in the fourth then yielded two three more errors and the odd| a walk she fifth, after two out, on an wild pitch and passed ball, en- | Va0ced on an erfur, Rose walked -- ---------------------------- d error, walk and long hit abled Dept. 84 to push seven run. | With two out and got the same i jdertiose. Another walk and ners across the plate, to take a|break from Houdaille catcher, ss; Bottomley, rf; Montgomery, gle, followed by an infield (104 lead. In the 7th, they added |ihen Spencer clicked with a time- jj; gave the losers their fifth|two more and Paint Shop camel, hit to score Rose, for their \§i final run in the 6th. Sutton, |back with three, 'on as many|third and final rym. {Spencer, 1b; Howard, of! | ome, Atkinson, Marshall and (hits, Snow, Blair and Coutu db-| HOUDAILLE Gaatch, 2b; Zarowny, If; Wysotski, rf; Pow-| g\d , were the best at the | ing the hitting, but this wasn't|Kemp, cf; Hickey, 3b; Lee, c;|lenchuck, 3b; King, ss; Crosmas, | Marion' nearly enough Mitchell, p; Adair, 1b; Tureck, 'e; Brady, p and If; Turchin, p. | Not a blade will |be burned when {Golden Vigore Is used in the re commended am. ounts of | to 3 Ibs. per 100 sa. ft. Golden Vigore supplies the nour. ishment thet gi needs from the soll. Its benefits last for longer! It's made right for our lawns! Use Golden Vigoro, Use it now! BILLY MARTH 70 4% NATURAL POSITION AS A ZNo BASEMAN, CHNULL MAKE WM TRIBES BEST Buy ~ AND CENTER SHOULD BE TAKEN CARE OF BY W156 FORMER SPAR: MATE AND NEW 784M MATE, JM PIERSALL, lealtors and Dept. 84 dapture UAWA Games i ! OPTIMISTICALL y PREPARING FOR HI6 FIRST RULL SEASON AS A Bis LEAGUE PILOT: Wy King Feotures Syndicate | the game. He singled in the fourth and was driven home by O'Con- nor. Nichol doubled in the sixth but was left stranded while both he and O'Connor added singles GOLDEN VIGORO is also 'available with Chlordane added for ants and white grubs, By applying 50 Ibs. per 1600 square feet you will be d of p i t ants and white grubs. © nipped Heating Problem ? For the finest in * OIL HEATING * GAS HEATING * GAS WATER HEATERS See all 7 models plus the ride-on Legion } Loafer at your dealer's today " «H-QUIET 19 CRUISO-MATIC 21" 18" STORE MOURS AFTER MAY 31 MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY-----8 AM, TO 6 P.M WEDNESDAY--8 AM, TO 5 P.M~SATURDAY--8 AM. TO 12 NOON Don't Delay--Order Today ! MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA 54 CHURCH ST.--FREE CUSTOMER PARKING--DIAL RA 3-2229 DELUXE 21 1 8 SPECIAL 18" rr FCONOMY 18" oy JT OUTBOARD MARINE Al CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD. Poterhorough Canode Lowwda's Largest Monvlacterer of Power Mowers bc] Installation by Experts W. Borrowdale HEATING SALES RA 3-4878 GIFTS FOR ROYALTY TORONTO (CP) Princess Anne and Prince Charles each (will receive skates on behalf of minor hockey leagues in Toronto BOWER'S SERVICE STATION 261 King East PHONE RA 3-4733 i] i Dept, 84 had 'got each of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th in- nings and they were all homers. Terwilliger had two of them, in!With one out and Zarowny the 2nd and 4th while Gay hit one !0Wed with a double to score OT in the third inning Rose. be The losers had a runner on, Gordie Nichol opened the scor- bases every inning after that ex-|iDE with his homer in the second cept in the sixth but they didn't | inning and then Merchants scored | score again until the 7th when | four runs on as many hits in the Crosmas walked with on t. ad-|third. Boyce doubled, O'Connor simp iy ore owe, 86 sacrificed then Buzminski singled | To The Motorists of Oshawa! ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. announce the leasing of White Rose Service Station Located at 177 BOND St. West QSHAWA DAIRY -- Rose, 2b; "OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS | Do you DREAM... of a home like this?? } ---- PER aca S--" RN MALE YOUR DREAM HOME A REALITY! It all starts with a visit v or phone call to Oshawa Wood Products. HOME CONSTRUCTION DIVISION. Complete home remodelling, additions, end repairs including all sub- trades. Available at all times, QUALITY MATERIALS AT REASONABLE PRICES. ¢ MORTGAGES ARRANGED e Your DREAM HOME Headquarters 'OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS | LIMITED Main Office and Showroom COURTICE--RA 8-1611 é An unsurpassable FREE HOME PLAN- NING and ESTI- MATING SERVICE. % At your convenience ©... TWO MODERN SHOWROOMS TO SERVE YOU. To offer BETTER and MORE COMPLETE SERVICE TO THE MOTORING PUBLIC OF OSHAWA, we have leased the "WHITE ROSE" Service Station located at 177 Bond $t. West, Oshawa, (almost directly across the street from This New White Rose Service Station will be under the effi- eient management of . . , "RUSS" BOSWELL ~~ ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. GARAGE AND SHOWROOMS, 140 BOND ST. WEST--OSHAWA--SERVICE STATION, 177 BOND ST. WEST PHONE RA 5-6501 PHONE RA 8-6151 our garage and showrooms) and just west of our huge Used Car Lot. We invite the motoring public to visit this new "WHITE ROSE" station for all lubrication, gasoline, 1 Downtown Oshawa | 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--RA 8-1617 ® 9 Telephones To Serve You ® ILLE--MA 3-2130 AJAX---ZEnith 2-9600 { BOWMANYV 4 ® DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. ® I ram we