: : R. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tregun- Guide, Brownie |na and Mrs, E. Mountjoy served | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 12, 1959 1} the Ci refr > ! Mother Banquet sar A special outing for the Dou- : At Kedron ble's Club is scheduled for 2% it r Par By MRS, WILLIAM WERRY | Gardens. is ool KEDRON -- The first Mother PERSONALS and Daughter banquet of the] Mrs. Cecil Tait, Seagrave, at-| Brownies and Guides was held in|tended morning service of wor-| Kedron United Church, Thursday, |ship at Kedron and with her bro-| i} with Mrs. R. Dale presiding. ther, H Brown and Mrs. Brown, i There were over 70 present for visited Leslie Brown, Fairview the event. Lodge, Whitby. A Rev. R. Love replied to the| Beatrice Mountjoy, Oshawa, ! PE oast to the church made by Joan|Mr. and Mrs. E, Norton and sons, | Kolinko. Markham, visited Mr. and Mrs. | 1 Linda Taylor proposed the toast W. Mountjoy Sunday. o the Queen, and the toast to| W. Mountjoy and E. Mountjoy, the Mothers was made by Mar-|are at present confined to . aret Maidman. Her mother, ~ s. E. Maidman, responded. BOOK "OBSCENE" ] Commissioners, Mrs. Pearce] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Post- ® © © find Mrs. Wilson, Oshawa, each master-General Arthur E. Sum- ffpoke briefly to the girls and merfield Thursday ruled out any irs. R. Bishop led the girls in|U.S, mailing of a new unexpur- nging. gated version of the novel, Lady The single men were winners in |Chatterley's Lover. The post Saturday evening ball game. master-general said the book by Members of Double's Club, Mr, D. H. Lawrence, "taken as a nd Mrs. G. Glover, Mr, and whole, is an obscene and fithy{ . A. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Iwork." | ELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2---Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ONTARIO MOTOR SALES : ONTARIO MOTOR SALES FRIDAY EVENING 2:30 P.M, 2--Western Round.-UP 5:00 P.M, T--Air Force Story 12:00 Noon 11--Family Theatre 3:00 P.M. 6--M ! 6--Summer Begins 11--Range Rotindup & Musical Pileriude $--Playhouse 7--Armchair Adventure 5--Space Ranger 4--Cgrtoon Storybook 3:30 P.M, 4--News: Weather 2----Three Stooges 7---Playhouse . 5:30 pM 6--Bowling 12:15 P.M. 7-6--~Mighty Mouse 4:00 P.M, 4--Look At Congress 4-Dinner Date Theatre | 11 Wrestling 12:30 P.M 3~-Wild Bill Hickock P.M. 7--J. Hopkins File 6:00 P.M, ie Riiadid Stakes 6---Good vite Theatre 7---Early Show ~U, 8, Open Golf 5--Little Rascals $--News SATURDAY EVE. 4--Playhouse 3---Space Pig ial 5:00 P.M. 12:45 P.M. 6:15 P.M. 11----Popeye 2-8ena p ¢--calone Flack 7--8ix Gun Theatre ie RewH 6---Jim Bowie yi Had 7--This is the Answer 5:30 P.M, 6--Ray Forrest 116--Rin Tin Tin 2-United Steelwdrkers 6:00 P.M, 5--Three Stooges 11--Century Stories 1:15 P.M M, ik Cal 3 7--Early Show 3--Playhouse g v f : ; 1 ; d 6-New Vancouver 1:30 P.M, v Auditorium 11--This Is The Life ; a i 8--Dick Clark 7--1 Wonder Why ® 00 Uf, News: Bl 4--Wrestling 6-Country Calendar § 7:80 P.M. 2--Rendezvous Room 5--Feature Movie 4 v i 7-8--Rin Tin Tin 6:30 P.M, 2:00 PM. 1) 8---Mr. Adams and Eve 11---Tennessee Ernie 11--The Christophers 6--Leave It To Beaver | S--Mr. Fixit 7--Understanding 3 : ii S5--Lawrence Welk 6--Junior Magazine i i ® ' " : M. 2:30 P.M, ® i ia vs: 11--Living Word H ovis P.M, i: [ (1-6--Talent Caravan 7:00 P.M, 7--Canisius Forum ---Disney Presents 11---Rifleman 3:00 P.M. $3-FEllery Queen 6--Ivanhoe 11-8--Speaking of Pets { 8:30 P.M, 4-U of B Round Table | 7--Texas Rasslin 11-8--Plouffe Family 3--African Patrol 3:30 PM. &~Amateur Hour 7:30 P.M. 11--Cowboy Theatre 9:00 P.M, 11--The Vise 2--Feature Film | | 114-Too Young To Go | 7--Dick Clark 6--Astronomy Steady 6--Saturday Date 4:00 P.M, 4 7--Tombstone Territory | 5,2--People Are Funny | 7--Bowling 53-M Squad --Perty Mion | 6--Comparisons &-Phil Silvers P.M, 4:30 PM, 4 9:30 P.M. 1653 par Presents 11--Rev. Roberts 11-6--~Country Hoedown 7---Jubilee U.S.A, 5--Gift of Life 7-77 Sunset Strip 8:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M, . H 4--Playhouse 4--Wanted--Dead or 11-6--News Magazine gh 83-Thin Map 1 7---Xomedy Korner 10:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 5--Bengal Lancers ! 11-8-5-3--Cavalcade of 11---Frontier 4--Face The Nation Sports 7--Lawrence Welk 2-TBA 6--Naked City 5:30 P.M, 4--Brenner 11---Lassie $-2-Black Saddle 7--Lone Ranger 4~Pergmn To Person 9:30 P.M, 6-Boyd Q C. 10:45 P.M, 11-6--Great Movies 5--All Star Theatres 11-6-Jim Coleman 5-2---Cimarron City 4--College Bowl $4-Jaskyot 25 id 4--Have Gun, will Trav- 6:00 P.M. | ol | 11-6--Bob Cummings nress 43 News Sports | 10:00 P.M. 7--Sergeant Preston y [] y y y 15 P.M, 7--Sammy Kaye $e dast Tue Press i i i iB Playhouse 4~Gunsmoke 4--Col. Flack - L] 8--Viewpoint 10:30 P.M 23-Tugboat Annie | [ = 6:30 P.M. F=Walt chell i Uy P.M. a i -Boii S--Maverick . 11:00 P.M. 420th Century » 11642--News; Weather: | 3--Bishop Sheen Automatic & Radio Sports 7:00 P.M. Paar H 7---Playhouse 11-1 Love Lucy S--Rescue 8 7=You Asked For Ii E i 1:15 P.M 6--December Bride ; 8:30 AM. 11--Late Show 4--Lassie § 4--Popeye Playhouses | ¢_TBA $--Trouble With Father 3 -Rumpus Room 3--Just Music 7:30 P.M. 11:30 P.M. 11-8--Showtime S--Briefing Session 8--Movie 7--Maverick { 4--Science Museum 4--Playhouse 8-3--Suspicion § 3--Farmer Alialfa 3-NY_ Confidential 4--Jack Benny 9:30 AM. 1:45 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 3-Oft To Adventure Wining 11--Loretta Young 4--Capt. Kangaroo 12:00 Midnight 6,4--Ed Sullivan 3--Junior Auction 8-Late Watch 8:30 P.M, 3:48 A.M. | SUNDAY 11--The Naked City : La 4 B--Cartoon Theatre 2:30 AM Lawman y X 0 AM. 3--Cartoons 5-U.S. Marshall v ; ; 9:00 AM. 2-Pete Kelly's Blues ' 7-Test Pattern 9:00 P.M, Fa_Ruit au Rready 8--Christian Science 11-6--World's Stage R Ry Ae Let's Open The Door | 7--Colt 45 VICTOR SEDAN 6 v A 5,2--Chevy Show $3--Fury 9:15 AM. Bi Heckie ana Jecite | $--Man to Man Gr Dean i ; ' 2 DOOR SEDAN pM 9:30 sa_ilil AN. LLL | 116-GM* Presents With radio and in beautiful repair. RB 3-Simple Science 7--Frontier \ obi. oslo 10:00 AM | 4--Alfred Hitchcock % 7--Uncle Al ** | s--cChristophers | 10:00 P.M. R sr Story 4--Lamp Unto My Feet | 7--Crusader § 4--Cisco Kid 2--Church Invitation | 5-2--Loretta Young #8 2 Dance Party 10:20 AM, | 4--Private Detective 12:30 P.M. | 8--Industry on Parade | 10:30 P.M i ol = Ra 2 DOOR SEDAN | DELUXE SEDAN SEDAN HARDTOP HARDTOP STATION WAGON 6F' i Words Wrestling +--Uncle Jerry 11.6-Fighting M | 3--~Morning Gospel | 7--Playhouse 3 Last of the Mohicans | i BE { arouse iy Lins \¥ 9--Modern Almanac 3--Look at Congress | 3--Byline x 4--lone Ranger | 3--Faith of Israel | 1:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M, 11:00 AM. Jat Sew Weather Y---Adventure 6--Church Service Sports 3-2--Baseball Game §5--Children's Corner | 8--=News Hilltes Americans at Work 4--Eye on New York 11:15 P.M, -Juausiry on Parade | 11--Late Show ceili | oais |Eigee | 53 PONTIAC | 54 PONTIAC | '55 CHEV. '57 BEDFORD | '54 OLDS. |'55 PONTIAC 4--Baseball Ord "Perform. | 11:30 P.M 7--Off To Adventure ance | &=Theatre pl poe le oy METI 2 DOOR SEDAN | DELUXE SEDAN | 2 TON PANEL PANEL Sedan, Automatic | V8 SEDAN Auto- ; & Radi tic & Radi CROSSWORD PUZZLE adio matic & Radio ee mm| [775] 845 | 795 | | 595 +1005 51295 pains 8. Brightly- 8. Dandies colored fish 285. Sloth 9. A frolic 7. Small 26. Color. 10. Source of bottle ing gold (Bib) 8. Effeminate pig. 12. On the left boy (collog.) ment side (naut.) 9. Sylvan 27. Loop. (RIUILILIENNS WIEIDIE] ISIEJEILIS] BEES 13. Lift deitt hol - 55 ; . . 34. Cloth from 11 Plexus 20, Place IEICSIMAAE ' v : ; mulberry 15. Fourth 80. Biblical Yesterday's Answer 53 FORD SEDAN 3 '08 (H EV SEDAN bark caliph country [| " Terrified 18. General 31. Harass 38. Measure of . . . . of o 32. Sin, time (abbr.) 21. River of Sigs ; VERY CLEAN 17. Eduard --, Latvia 36. Disemb = | | +695 +1595 | = | +2245 24, Plague 28. Swiftness | A 30. Warp-yarn 33. Warbled 34.G. W. Russell 85. Real estate 37. Man's name 89. Brazilian ; Im 40. 83 A patriot nN 41. Midd le (law) 42, Shofe recess 43, Bushy ; clumps #4. Biblical En 1 | 140 BOND ST. WEST LIMITED RA 5.6508 2 Harvest *. Of heraldry