The Oshawa Times, 5 Jun 1959, p. 4

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The Oshawa Times "Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 68 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Page 4 Friday, June 5, 1959 Mayors Vote Against Change In Sweep Law + The proposal to make sweepstakes le- gal, for the purpose of financing hospi- 'tal construction for the next 20 years, was defeated by a narrow margin when it;was put before the Canadian Federa- tion of Mayors and Municipalities meet- ing in Sudbury this week, The majority of municipal officers felt that increased Canadian producti- vity rather than a socially undesirable and unpredictable form of financing should be used for such an essential gurpose; that no support should be giv Yen the idea that the citizen can rt ssomething for nothing; and that gan .- "ling should not be considered an instru- ~ment of national financing. + Supporters of the proposal stressed ~the argument that it would simply give legal recognition to something that very ~Jarge numbers of people were now doing illegally, > The Federation vote will not end the + argument, It will not end with a change vir the laws governing gambling, al- "though that is long overdue, « Sweepstakes are illegal in Canada, "But hundreds of, thousands of Canadians ~each year buy Irish Hospital or Army wand Navy sweepstake tickets, and the winners get great amounts of publicity. «The buyers fo the tickets include legis- <lators and law enforcement authorities. : The law in this case is treated with ithe utmost disrespect -- an unhappy «situation, because disrespect for one law 'breeds contempt for all law, But the Jaw is not consistent, It is not gambling that it attempts to prevent, but only cerain forms of gambling. It is not legal to place a bet vith a bookie, but it is legal to do so at a racetrack. What the law attempts to do, then, is to control the forms of gambling, to lessen the abuses, Most law enforcement officers shud- der at the thought of wide-open gam- bling. It is an activity that breeds crime as surely and as swiftly as a pol- luted pond breeds disease, Their prob- lem is to keep gambling within bounds; it cannot be stamped out, but it can be controlled. Public opinion surveys show that most Canadians would favor the change to legal sweepstakes, particularly if the profits from them went to some worthy community service and not into the pockets of private promoters, The social moral arguments against them are strong; there is no doubt that they are bad financing, that they breed dreams of something for nothing, that they erode the moral fibre, that they tempt criminals, that they draw the most money from people who can least af- ford it. At the same time, they cannot be stamped out, under present cor" tions they result in huge sums of money leaving the country that vould be put to good use here; and they are making criminals of many thousands of other- wise law-abiding citizens, Certainly if all those who buy tickets on draws and sweepstakes were to demand that they be made legal, the law would be chan- ged 'Questions And Answers % Are you one of those people who says, 'A couple of drinks does not both- er my driving a bit?" Well, let's see just exactly how much you actually do know about drinking and driving +» 1. Strong black coffee will offset most of the effects of alcohol. True or false? 2. Just two drinks may reduce your ~wvisual "sharpness" greatly. True or false? * 3. People who take two or three sdrinks (social drinkers) and then drive «a ear are a bigger problem than out. {end-out drunk drivers. True or false? . 4 During the Christmas holidays, about one out of four drivers involved "in a fatal auto accident has had some- {thing to drink. True or false' 8. About one out of five adult pedes- * trians killed has been drinking. True or + false? « Answers: 1. False. Coffee or other «stimulants, the National Safety Council 'eays, will not offset the effects of al- .,echol, "Only time," it says, "can elimi- nate alcohol from the blood stream." 2. True. According to the American Medical Association, two cocktails may reduce your visual acuity as much as if you were wearing dark glasses at night, "Imagine," the Council says, "trying to drive at night wearing dark glasses." 3. True, 'As a group, social drinkers can be a greater problem than obvious drunks," the Council says. Why? "There are more social drinkers and they're harder to detect. When a drunk gets be- hind the wheel of a car, he usually at- tracts attention because his actions are so pronounced others notice his impair ment. The social drinker, however, usually is able to escape detection until an emergency gets him into trouble." 4. False, Not one out of four--closer to one out of two, according to the Council. This is almost twice as high as the annual average. 5. True, The exact percentage in re- cent years has been about 22, And dur- ing the Christmas, 1957, holiday period, a Council study shows, more pedes- trians were killed in the first hour than in any other hour during the period. "There are a lot of misconceptions concerning drinking and driving," the Council says. "Smart drivers know you don't have to be drunk to be danger- ous." 'The Public Interest' A booklet just published by the Cana- * dian Chamber of Commerce serves a . useful purpose in making Canadians more conscious of the important stake * they have in our economic system and + the need to support policies designed to " preserve it in its healthiest form, "The way our business system oper- ates is part and parcel of the life pat- tern of every Canadian. Our success de- pends on the effective performance of each member of the team in achieving the common goal of a higher standard of living for all. To get performance, we need to have an understanding of how our business system works. If we have this understanding, then we will do the » things that need to be done." So read a quotation from this 22-page booklet entitled "Ir. the Public Interest." It tells what the Chamber -- as the spokesman for more than 750 Boards of Trade and Chambers of Com- merce, consisting of community and business leaders in all parts of Canada --believes 'we must do to keep our system strong, healthy and working to our advantage." The Oshawa Times T. L. WILSON, Publisher ond Generel Maneger €. GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa [limes combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (established 1863), is published dally (Sundays end statutory holidays excepted), Members of Canadian Poiy Newspapers Publishers Association, The Canadion fed Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Deilies Asso ciation, The Conadian Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news despatched in the paper credited to it or to The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches are also + reserved. » Offices 44 King Street West 640 Cathcart Street, Montreo!, P.O. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES » Delivered by carriers in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, » Pickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin, Port Perry, Prince *' Albert, Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, ** Liverpool, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen. Orono, Leskard, Brougham, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Fairport ch, Greenwood, Kinsale, . Roglan, Blackstock, Manchester, Cobourg, Port Hope « Pontypool and Newcastle not over 45¢c per week « By mail (In province of Ontario) outside carriers « delivery arees 12.00; elsewhere 1500 per veor AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID "16.306 presses PARAL ANSNNA. Toronto, Ontario; Some excerpts from the booklet are worth thinking about bi Too much government can ev- entually dead to socialism, the denial of our freedoms and the drying up of our initiative " . When businesses compete for our consumer dollars, our business sys- tem works efficiently and everybody benefits--Ilimit or destroy competition and everybody suffers " " . There is considerable debate these days about the prospects for a shorter work week, and higher wages and other benefits for workers. In spite of what you may hear from some quarters, business is not against these things. Business believes we can have them and other fruits of our free enter- prise system if they are earned through productivity which means the output of goods at lower unit cost, to put it ano- ther way, productive efficiency. " ... For the part played by immi- grants as producers and consumers alone, immigration is good business for you and for the country in the long run..." " ... The main hope for easing the tax burden depends on two things--less government spending, and a continuing rise In our national productivity Other Editor's Views LANGUAGE 'CRUSADE' (John G. Fuller, in the Saturday Review) From Minersville, Pa., comes news of a movement designed to correct serious deficiencies in the language. Heading the crusade is Bill Murphy, who writes "If we have hardships, we should be allowed 'softships' to counteract them. Handicaps should not be all-encompass- ing. What about 'footicaps' or headicaps! Outlines are all very well, but 'inlines' might also be helpful. Who opposes the righteous? Obviousy, the 'lefteous.'" Bible Thought When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. --Joshua 24:24 We have a solemn duty to put right- eous men in authority. NEWS ITEM © 7 ) 44 O. STMPKING READERS' VIEWS THIS SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU? EST NEXT CENSUS PRY MORE DEEPLY INTO PR. TE LIVES CANADIS**™ VAD YOU A FEW QUES. UNS ABOUT DADDY AND MOMMY ? City Orchestra Support On behalf of the board of direc. tocs of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Society, I would be most grateful if this letter were published in your paper For many years, a number of community-minded music lovers and musicians have been watch. ing and waiting for the day when there appeared to be enough genuine Interest and enough players to organize a civic orchestra of satisfactory standards. Early last Spring a group met and organized a pub- lic meeting which was well at. tended The meeting chose a board of directors authorizing them to make a broad survey, and if the results were satisfac- tory, a rehearsal date could be announced Through nothing less than mar- vellous co-operation from The Oshawa Times, CKLB and the CRA, sixty-five people came to the first rehearsal in response to announcements and work done by these three organizations, which to my knowledge have never refused to generously sup- port any project that would be an asset to the city or district, ORCHESTRA PROGRESS The orchestra now pumbers forty-five acceptable players and has every air of permanency. In its repertoire are the follow- ing major works: Schubert's 5th Symphony, Schubert's Unfinish- ed Symphony, Haydn's Military Symphony, the: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik of Mozart, Beeth- oven's 8th Symphony is pow be- ing In addition to these major works, the orches- tra has prepared several over. tures and light classics. NEED FOR GRANT The board of directors, the conductor, the assistant conduc tor, the librarian and the mem- bers of the orchestra have given their services without a fee of any kind. All of these people have worked very hard to give Oshawa a fine orchestra The orchestra is now a reality. We have a capable conductor, we have about one dozen scores which were donated by Wilson & Lee, Ltd, Alto Music Supplies, the CRA and members of the orchestra. We have contacts for splendid solo instrument players. In short, we have created a symphony orchestra for Oshawa with the hope that; its citizens will find that it is of sufficient value to them and their children in the years to come that they will assume the per capita cost of 10c (ten cents) per person per year. USE OF GRANT It is the objective of the Sym- phony directors, to build a fine orchestra, in fact it is their de- sire to build the best small-city orchestra in Canada. We see no reason why Oshawa should not have as fine an orchestra as Kitchener, Guelph, St. Cathar. FOR BETTER HEALTH Urged ines or Kingsion, The Kitchener orchestra owns music and in- struments to the value of $45, 000 The Oshawa Symphony is ask- ing for $5000, not a large amount considering the size and prosper- ity of the cily, The citizens of the Town of Whitby grant their band over $4000 per year. It would be a sad reflection, in- deed, upon the citizens of the City of Oshawa, if they did not vote in favor of the orchestra grant, To quote actual figures, the fol. lowing are some of the expendi- tures that will have to be made: Conductor's salary--not less than $1000 per annum; the concert master, the solo or first desk players and the union members must be paid a nominal sum. For example, we must hire a solo horn player who can train three local horn players. We can provide the talent in Oshawa, but we must import specialists on h Then, each year we must spend all we can raise for the purchase of the more expensive instruments, We can develop players, but we can- not expect the average person to buy a $1000 instrument, Music is expensive, We were quoted almost $100 for the score of one selection. WHAT TAXPAYERS GET The board of directors has the following objectives which it hopes to reach within a two-year period providing the grant is available: 1. Two fullscale serious con certs bably with guest soloists, 2. Some 'pop' concerts of lighter music with a low admis. sion charge, 3. Free concerts for school children, along the lines of the Leonard Bernstein music appre- ciation shows, 4. To be available for the more important civic and charitable functions, 5. To give some free concerts in the bandshell 6. To provide an opportunity for the hundreds of Oshawa school children who are now learning to play instruments to continue their music after they have leted their schooling Without the grant however, the above plans are impossible. Oshawa has good stores with first-class merchandise, it has much splendid industry, it has good homes and prosperity, but it does not promote the arts, let- ters and sciences, It would be a catastrophe if pr we developed a city of fine build- _ ings, and beautiful parks, but u city that is deaf to the beautiful sounds of music and the finer things of life ! WALLACE YOUNG. President, Oshawa * Symphony Orchestra Oshawa . More Persons Become Allergic to Penicillin HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD Penicillin has saved countless . There is no doubt about that, Yet more and more persons seem to be becoming allergic to this valuable drug and this pre- sents a sizeable lem. PERCENTAGE OF REACTIONS It is estimated that injections of icillin cause reacti of one sort or another in 25 per cent of the children to whom the drug Is given, to 5 per cent of non-allergic adults and to 15 per cent of allergic patients Moreover, the number of reac- tions appears to be increasing by about one per cent a year. Naturally, serious allergic re- actions to penicillin occur mare often after repeated intramuscu- lar injections. IMMEDIATE TYPE Reactions take various forms Anaphylactic shock, for example, is an immediate type of reaction ge may even cause death. And delayed reaction, character. ized by skin eruption and fever, many, mi times than it taken, but it mately is estimated the penicillin However, they found that this doesn't prevent immediate reac- tion because there just ian't enough time for the drug to exert any protective action Thus far, the best answer to BY-GONE DAYS 35 YEARS AGO Mrs. F, W, Cowan, president of the Red Cross Soclety, an- nounced the opening of the On- tario Reformer campaign for funds for giving needy children of the city a holiday at the Red Cross Cottage at the lake. Gordon D, Conant, who was erecting a boys' club house at the lake, received a communica- tion that Lake Ontario had risen four inches in the previous 18 days. George W. McLaughlin was presenied with several gifts on his retirement after 38 years' service in the industry which be. gan here as the McLaughlin Carriage Works and later be- came General Motors of Can- ada. , General Motors announced the p ment of J. H Beat to the position of general sales man- ager and the appointment of C, E. "McTavish as general parts and service manager. H. E. Duncan, formerly of Sudbury, was ap ed local m of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, to succeed H. E, Tylor, who was transferred to head office in Toronto, A drinking fountain was ' ine stalled at the corner of King and Simcoe streets, C. A. Kinnear was elected presid of the Osh branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Others elected were: G. W. McLaughlin, president; H. M. Gilchrist, vice president; J. H. R. Luke, secre tary, and R. N. Johns, treasurer, the The War Memorial to town's fallen heroes was un- veiled by His Honor Lieut.-Gov- ernor Henry Cockshutt, in an im- pressive ceremony. David R. Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Mitchell, won the Governor-General's = special prize for the highest honors at Trinity College where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in the course of Arts and Medicine. Fruit trees in the district were Just coming into bud, due to the cold wet spring. the problem seems to lie in the administration of oral penicillin instead of by injection, whenever advisable, LOW RATE The estimated reaction rate to oral penicillin is only about 0.2 per cent, a very low rate. When reactions do occur follow. ing administration of penicillin by mouth, they usually develop slow- ly enough to permit effective treatment to combat them. QUESTION AND ANSWER B. E.: Is there any way to pre- vent baldness? Answer: No. Express Buses direct to NEW WOODBINE RACES Saturdays & Wednesdays June 3rd, to July 11th Leave OSHAWA 11:30 a.m. Daylight Time RETURN INCLUDES FARE 2.65 ADMISSION Leave WHITBY 11:40 a.m. Daylight Time RETURN INCLUDES FARE 2 40 ADMISSION Return After Last Race Tickets and informatics ot Oshawa--Oshawe Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street, Phona RA 3.224 ' Whithy----Harry Donald Ltd, 300 undos Street East, Phone MO 8.3675 OTTAWA REPORT Hon. Paul Martin May Withdra By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA -- Big news atfe convention last year. So it is with a very genuine regret that I now anticipate his withdrawal from our public life, Paul was one of Mackenzie King's "bright young men", be- ing in the first group selected by him to mount the newly.created promotional platform as parlia- mentary assistants. to cabinet ministers. He was 40 years old then; when two years later, he wi y from cabinet work, would leave an open- for appointment of a new minister from Toronto. Readers columi will have noticed frequent mention of the name of David Walker, the Queen's coun- sel of great professional repute and high political promise from Toronto - Walker represents the Conserva- tive party's most outstanding un- used ability in the House at the present time;" and I continued: "J. M. Macdonnell may be re- placed by David Walker, who is custom-made for the role of Jus- was appointed to the cabinet, he seemed well on the way to achieve his worthy ambition to be prime minister of Canada, He was defeated for the Lib eral leadership last year, largely on the somewhat immature grounds that he is a French-Can- ~ adian Catholic, and hence under the rotational custom ineligible to succeed French-Canadian Catho lic Louis St. Laurent as party leader, Now he seems again balked by another rotation, wo that as an Ontarian he could not succeed Ontarian Lester Pearson. POOR MP TO RICH QC This column recently drew at- tention to an experienced back- room pclitician who has only re- cently donned the grey flannel suit of the public relations prac- titioner, Liberal brain - truster Maurice Lamontagne. He is doing a super-colossal job to build up Ontario-born French - Canadian Catholic Lionel Chevrier; newly representing a Quebec riding, he is evidently being groomed as leader of the Quebec wing of his party, and hence as the probable party leader, This, I believe, may mark the successor to Mike Pearson as thwarting of Paul Martin's ambi- tion. So one can blame only the low level of parliamentary pay for his foreseeable decision--to re- tire to private life, whee he could build up his long-neglected law practice to a point where it will offer financial security for himself and his family--such as cannot be won in the House of Commons. LEADING TORY TO RETIRE? Through 12 tough years, Jim Macdonnell fought the good fight with skill and-wisdom as the fin- ancial critic of the Conservative tion in Parliament, When s party came to power, he tice Mini NEW QUEBEC MINISTER? Mr. Macdonnell's retirement may touch off, earlier than the previously anticipated date of the end of the session, a minor cab- BOY ELECTROCUTED KINGSVILLE (CP)=-A coron- er's J has concluded that Kingsville boy, whose body found in the charred ruins small shack in a vel here May 9, died from el tion. The jury decided that Denis St. Peter, 11, was electroct fire, Ottowe petition 59-1156A, cipal services), Citizens Up to $7,320, Compet Division, Northern Aff Ottowe SION (propellers and sho Ottawao. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Northern Administration tion 59.1207 $5,580-$6,780. For details and o CIVIL SERVICE of CANADA requires PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL ENGINBERS (for design and development of electrical power apparatus), National Defence -- Navy, $6,360-$7,320 MUNICIPAL ENGINEER (with experience in design of muni- SUPERVISORY PLANNING ENGINEERS. Engineering Services $6,840-$7,860 MECHANICAL ENGINEER -- MARINE $6,840-$7,860 National Resources, Ottawa MECHANICAL ENGINEER (heating, ventilating end air eon- ditioning design), National Defence -- Army, Ottowe. Competition 59-1209. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, OTTAWA Please quote appropriate competition number or numbers. ond $7,500-$8,580. Com- hip ond Immigration, Ottawa ition 59-1251, ond National Resources, Competition 59-1255. ° POWER TRANSMIS. fting), National Defence---Navy, Competition 59-1208 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER, Branch, Northern Affairs ond $6,840-$7,860. Competi airs pplications, write to would have been the Do You Need ALUMINUM Coreens & Storms Combination Self Storing Type? DON'T . .. Wait 'til Fall - DON'T . . . Use your Xmas fund ENJOY THEM NOW DON'T TILL PAY FEB. 1, 1960 No Interest No Down Payment FREE USE FOR 8 MONTHS PAY CASH IF YOU WISH ON FEB. 1ST. " There is no Interest PAYMENTS START FEB. 1 As Low As 1.95 Per Week Approved For HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN At Your Bank Call DUMONT RA 8-1651 FOR A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION ® No Obligation To You © A COURTEOUS REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL 9 AM. to 9 PM. DUMON ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA

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