The Oshawa Times, 5 Jun 1959, p. 2

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3mm ow Teo hon erp | LVIERRUPTION Ez "7 | PLEASES COURT igi PERRY (Stall) -- A little boy, whose age would be about ve, made a very im- ve intrusion into magis- le oo court in the council chambers Thursday. The boy called, "Hi there, . Menzies", much to the 4 Rant oi OBITUARIES HIBBERT G. HUTCHESON | A A prominent resident of Port) Perry for many years, Hibbert G. (Bert) Hutcheson, died at the IL BOYS' ATHLETIC AWARDS PRESENTED AT OCVI In his 88th year, he had been ail- ing for several years Pictured as they ave congra.| each of whom has amassed letters in a A Setemony at the | Topping, Dave Halliday and Born in Bowmanville in Octo-|tulated by OCVI Principal G, L, | more than 2000 track and field | school Thursday Svening. kd Graham MeMtllen. ber, Wi be went to Fon Petry Reberts: we the champion ath- | points within three years, were | the left of Mr, as a entered employ| letes VI. The students, resented thelr athletic | picture h Ropests in Oshawa Times Photo. 9 We Would Bank au 8 JYouth| ------ - py yh ay, Sob sn ; BICYCLE ROADEO PRIZES ARE PRESENTED ee hot Se . Oshawa Shopping Centre Bus. | May 30. The roadeo was con- | nessmen, Pictured above, left Rluners, Dovid oe. Ronty ail ater th Bik of Commerce, Greenbank Man Gave Liquor Christi ity Not fnessmen' s Association Thurs- | ducted by the Civitan Club of | to right, back row, are some of day presented trophies to the | Oshawa, organized by the Can- | the sponsors: Dave Crotin, | to lens-level by Mr, Hebb, " i winners of the bicycle roadeo | adian Wheelsmen, and sponsor- | | George Barrett, Lou Saltman Doug. Essery, aged two, young- than hy ane By liad Wins Acquittal | held at the centre Saturday, ed by the Shopping Centre busi- and Art Hebb, In front are the | est winner, part of that time, He also served | T I di 5 . ee em-- -- -------- eel Y He as PORT DERRY (Staff) --- igs 0 n ian { Simply A Buffer the Standard Bank in Oshawa, { " ; di Chi f Mr. Hutcheson served for many chance ot wappiving Houor wn PORT PERRY (Staff) -- . n 1an 1e on the Port Perry Council, |p. appeared before Magistrate Greenbank man, David Speais | TORONTO Lop) -- Rev. Dr. vise its administrative set-up and , i e held the office of reeve and prank 8, Ebbs He pleaded not|Was fined $50 and costs or one E. G. B. F chaplain of the/to reorganize its structure fo . Napa Meg tle JJhmicipaiity a guilty to the charge, month Thursday When he ap- Abd ad deputy Sapiain en-|terms of a new day. san 4 Spears was charged with sup. peared before Magistrate Frank of the arm rees 0: Prof. t Mont F ined $10 rd treasurer of the Villa&®| plying liquor to John Marsden, aS, Ebbs fn the council's cham- (ads, says "Christianity sands ob rea), cvs tie nell vl liso Sov oS on Sy U treaty Indian on the Scugog Is-| bers on a charge of supplying|its own feet as a great and glor-|committee appointed last year to fog ©: |land Indian Reserve, Spears|liquor to a treaty Indian on the| [lous means and as an end in it- j;yestigate the financial structure PORT PERRY (Staff)--~Ernest § , "For " | great many years he. ne did not t a claim e not buy any beer|Scugog Island reserve, Toole. ug Tamwday (a8 ministrative izath Edgar, chief of the Scugog Is-| a member and treasurer of Dr. Yana. Indian Reserve. was fined) do hoy public library board and was 87d did not oye } ® Marsden, Spears pleaded guilty to the to the 85th general assembly of| na the sugges- $10 and costs Thursday when he 3 ' one of the promoters of the hand. that oe on had direaty pread-| | charge. the Presbyterian Church in al p a report, appeared before Magistrate some library which stands on ed guilty to the charge and dis | Spears was charged following ada, said Christianity was not in- at Son bey) it Prikl deferved for Frank 8. Ebbs on a charge of| Quov rest, wi Mg, [missed the charge egainstjan Investigation by the Royal tended as a buffer or against com- consideration. possessing liquor, contrary to ring years, (Spears. __|Canadiap Mounted Police and munism, Many METHODS OUTWORN Tn Ae | a J Rr RB i WJ LM Rl | His Worship told Edgar that he bs y cellent job in raising money in| Port Perry. with ho, acBument the dele. COMMittee has every confidence should set a good example for his| » Bin Ly the village and district in the| Manv Entries They found Spears and two In. oi. heard greetings and d praise in the executive secretaries of people. "You can drink as : ; ; Victory campaigns, dians, John Marsden and Ernest Jae Rt. Rev. RE Ww Uikinson, the Presbyterian boards and much as you want in a beverage ; : " & A devoted member of the Edger, drinking in the Marsden Anglican bishop of Toronto. and sO dey oat room", he told Edger, "but you| : 7 > 4 : Church of the Ascenion for 70 | A E t d house, located on the Seugog Is-|weve welcomed by Mayor Phil- being impaired by outworn meth can't bring it back to the reserve. | , 4 ; |years, the deceased served Fd Ie xpec (S] [land Indian Reserve, lips. J. Keiller Mackay, lieuten- ods Jominitiatiog and dupll 4 [warden and was active ant-governor of Ontario, brought ston of Mito. It is a strange law, but that's the i 4 way it stands", % 90s Ee raising of money and the a. th committee--follow- : [tion of the parish hall ' At Rifle Shoot [Brumton, 1096 Ys, Eater OB ahor Wilkinson Jou the as-|108 an analrsis by a firm of bus Edgar was found drinking beer| BES i 4 Sith oh the home of John Marsden by d or ; 5 | For more than 50 years, Mr.| |The homson, Toronto, 1538. Sharp-|gembiv: RCMP and Port Perry Po- wy i [Hutcheson was a member of the| On Saturday, June 6, Whitby shooters: Stan Frost, Port Hope,| 'We are conscious of the debt Chief Archie Menzies, May 23 p 3 hr a masonic order. He was a. past| yi pe host to the shooting rifle|1543; Gerry Brewer, Toronto, |that we hold to the Pre t 10.15 p.m. | id sib: 4 4 ' district deputy grand master of oni} siasts in competitions open|1540. Marksmen: Gerry Ag Church, to its theologians, schol-|co : Cr A % HoH : Ontario District and was a mem: |, a1; Ontario, |Port Hope, 1529; F. Dyke, To- ars, preachers and missionaries 3 . . | ' yo bet of Taeuy Lodee, Ay In | This annual event has become| |ronto, 1522. and to the influence It exerts Indian Is Fined | FAW : ter "ol de AF and AM |2 main attraction in the shooting| On Saturday, June 13, at 1.30(Doth here and throughout the pop ¢ . . | % ; Oshawa. program over a wide district of [the annual elub shoot and picnic World. The committee found "a oh "For Having Liquor d/the province since the closing of will be held, when the postponed MARK FIRST of suitable organizational Mr. Hutch was pred wife, the former Blanche Long Branch Monger. indoors championship matches ial d it the| cedures for the co-ordination nd by his All club memb ted|will be concluded, and the frst rh a Pres. preparation of ya anced had | and a , {i ' - " PORT PERRY (Staff) -- John ONTARIO REGIMENT HOLDS PAY PARADE Adame in 1648. His only Shit, be 'on hand to heip in this al Jupions. aud emsccs moatens wij. day. [received a Reps Marsden, 71, of the Sci Is- Indien Reserve, was Members of the 1ith Armor- | day, June 6. This camp is con- | bers volentcered for this job. |wynne), predeceased him five|day event. be decided, all in one SAP a days in| od (Ontario) Regiment lined up sidered to be the testing ground | The band of the Ontario Regl- |years ago, i Last week the d aheaiche Small . 2 Ragin on church the treet armories, | for the year of training just | ment is expected to play at th The remains are at the League Whitby the local ranges. | a wg yg 4 gd in pay : eral (the following winners in the ag-| The finalists in the winter|terloo, oF of Jail on a charge of Dp I completed, June 2, a" 100.| Old Woodb tack fo [McDermott = Panabaker idan Tuuveay Hg OO. 2 ous | completes, Die x Pius i os Home, Port Perry, for service in/gregate of all matches, highest/league will also shoot off for|laincy Sommitiee, suggested ot unt. i rat resbyterians serv- liquor contrary to the before s| awaited event, It's the first pay | members of regiment will go | amuse crowds awaiting the a He 8. Fbbs a Noga | parade since January, Final | to Toronto to help with erowd | Queen's arrival. the Church of the Ascension at possible score of 1600. Metro Club Cha p the| Preparations were made for | control during the Queen's | 2 30 i Saturday, June 6, Rev.| Master Class, Gil Boa, Toronto, Further information rding(ing full-time in the armed serv. = * Marsden pleaded guilty to the sumer camp starting Satur- | visit. Thursday night, 35 mem- | --Oshawa Times Photo E. W. Fuller, rector of the|1567; Jack Taylor, Hamilton, these matches may be ices should be Lg ghd ers sharge. -- ere - a-- | church, will conduct the services. (1563, Experts: W. Longheed, from Larry Hall, Club Secretary. without waiting for th ease Interment will be in Pine Grove ----r to civilian life--a practice fol- Prince Albert, loved in in the Church of Scotland. Marsden was found drinking i inerment poe a Fre ager by No Substitutes Local 222 FUNERAL oF WEATHER FORECAST The assembly was asked to re- Fur Storage Police Chief Archie Menzies. . LA arch do, Sa : Motorcyclist 'Plant Cuts Seen For 'Gospel wlio Vote Result fot Tuesday. vee Ta is Ontario To Get Suff ors es]. ome PREMISES. six new ministers concluded the|goodwill toward others by Tefus-| A d United Church's 35th London con-/ing to make unnecessary p.m. Thursday, June 4, wa ; are desired. ference with a simple and solemn/demands on them for their serv. nnounce Rev. Derek 'Allen, minister of ore un eat 19 ear ud Sei ov or ta ceremony Thursday night. ices on Sunday, he said. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, [] inj ot HorwD Gerald Topham, chairman of onducted the services. Inter | the motorcycle he was en FREE PICKUP Two missionaries were also| Dr. Herpert Ashford of Tor-| he ae aan, Shahn sented to the president of the|onto, secretary of the missionary the Loca election cOM:| ment was in Oshawa Union| TORONTO (CP)--Official fore and Saturday. A few ge rn a, Bran Co. Malle- hr oy conference, Rev. Gordon and maintenance committee told mittee announced today that the(Cemetery. The members of the|casts issued by the weather of-|thundershowers today and again yas In Sollinion ith 4 cup &t the PHONE n and Brass Co, Ltd.|guit of Windsor, for the cere-|the conference the United Church|run-off for the office of guide|Oshawa branch of the Canadian/fice at 11 a.m. EDT today: {late Saturday. Much cooler Sat-|, eqn RA 5-6312 Whitby, were laid off work this mony of dedication and sending is maintaining about 14 homes for will take place today and tomor-| corns Association, under the di-| Synopsis: Cool air in the most urday. Winds southwest 16 today, ht-S Hoe the dri of the week, due to a slow down & veal forth. They were Rev. Mary L. unmarried mothers across the row, rection of Frank Hughes, con. northern sections of Ontario eb 16 Saturday. olice Topas 8 3 ik he Bess, it was reported by the fac-|Mclnally, who will go to Trini-|country. The homes were always| Union members will be casting|ducted a service at the grave. (edging slowly down bringing| Timmins - Kapuskasing region: : Bloor St W. Sha acler, MORRISON tory manager, William Pringle.\dad, and Miss Jean Walker, full and overflowing their ballots in the union hall The pallbearers were Don|cloudy skies and occasional show-|Cloudy with a few sunny period hy A w was removed | The fact that the building has|going to Portuguese West Africa.| "The problem of unmarried from 10 am. to 6 p.m, Friday Rowe, Joe Reid, Al. Prout, [rs Temperatures in those areas|today and Saturday. A few show. to the Oshawa General Hospital} 12 KING WEST -- OSHAWA been mentioned to be up for sale] At the ordination sermon the mothers is changing. Whereas in and from 10.a.m. to 2 p.m. Sat. Teed Seith David Brown | Will all show a considerable drop ndershowers this .|suffering abrasions and sprains, ; Sinclai "by Saturday. Central Ontario, Constable Robert Ross investi- FURS bad nothing to do with the lay off, Rt. Rev. Angus J. MacQueen, former times they were mostly urday Robert Sinclair and "Red 4 was reported. moderator of the general council|working girls in industry and" Va however, is expected to remain of the United Church of Canada, household service, now they are oh ition Jose op Hight silt Hardy. [Howey air with only the chance of cooler today and tonight. ag hy motorcycle and $10 : The company, which has been denounced creeds which find a also from colleges, schools, of- . 1G | isolated thunderstorms Be pas 0 yeas. manuiactues tte (0 he Sospel. licen and the nursing or teaching Gy. Tricey to 3:20 am. Satur Mer Ertl diag at] while southern Ontario' continues], TORONTO (OP) -- Tempera: i sts, human- focal ' 3 h | buckles and brass fittings for the pi La Cem To professions." he sed. 0 in.| The runoff for guide was oc-Faiview Lodge, Thursday, June|With the fine 80-degree tempera: ures » forse trade while some work is jected the gospel. For the Com-| ived in a University of Western casioned when, in the previous|4, following two years illness. ture of the past day or two, | n. also performed in the cattle busi-\T0 lei "yo a parson's fairy. 0 teC Hh EEE Cm, com. election the two leading candi-| Born Nora Nubby Medd at| Regional forecasts valid until Dawson ............. 37 1 5 Bess field. Snap locks and other|;... + mitted itself fo support a United dates; James Lee and Fran k|Utica, Ontario, she was in her midnight Saturday: Victoria ... 50 #tems have been made for cattle NO SUBSTITUTE Church college in Northern On- |O'Connor, failed to receive an|7ist year. A daughter of the| Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake . ve Bl ' Balsers, it was ig sg He said there was no substitute|tario. A $1,000,000 pete raising Sveral] Majority Seer Tels two late 2 ax Mrs, Jams Medd, { Diitario, Magara Nylons. Wind- Ra . 51 . esent time the com- » beg this fall tablish 8 a ow. sor, London, Toronto, Hamilton . At the pr [for the gospel, for the revelation drive begins this al hi fart McKinley Bethesa following her marriage, [Mainly sunny jiay and Satur- Fort William ny employs some 35 workers, | the revelation a church- sponsored institution of . om are laid off temporarily. Je God's Love, Joe © ad women higher education at Sudbury, The count of votes in that race|Where her husband farmed. She day, Slight risk of an isolated White River ........ W. Pringle stated that the first/in God's name, for the doctrine Sault Ste. Marie or North Bay. you: " Lee ig 0 Connor, ik a resident of Brooklin for| Hinde Bowes Lee hid Mcrucos Kamickasing . y Dr, Ashford also told the con- evens -- an icKin- years. a . very §.S. Marie . he knew, and all he knew, about|of salvation from sn and for the r. Ash ey en survived by her Tus vers Wits mathweor 10 Sun iors oe i §rsennnrne late Saturday. Turning much gated. Damage was estimated at | hope. ference the church will ie hig Bit in he Resi ation or) VeGarth, $4,000,000 in the next two years| Mr. Topham also annouriced|band, Edward Blight of Brooklin,|mary for Saturday -- continuing Toronto ... er. [general secretary of the Lord's on new missionary projects at|that the votes had been counted|® son, Leonard, of Brooklin: two very warm, Ottawa .... or [Day Alliance, said the alliance home and overseas. He said the for the permanent committees. granddaughters, Mrs, Shirley), an Bay, Haliburton reg- | making every total missionary budgets for 1959 Those elected and the number of Hoskins, of Oshawa and Mrs, orth Bay, Sudbury: Sunny| Victor Rout (Phyliss), of Osh- heir a few cloudy periods ay |aims merely at . htful person appreciate the and 1960 were $8,000,000 and $10,- votes they received are as fol. ' : CITY AND by for rest. on Sunday. Every 000,000 respectively. lows: .. Two great-grandchildren and Saturday with a ow seat. GET THE BEST : {nee | Political Action Committee: |also survive, tered thu nd doping For Less At ! : | |elected--Fleming, 3095: Cook | The remains are resting at the|each afternoon a uuing. Oe " | ew own . DISTRICT St k B A t 2865; Pllkey, 2776; Brady, 2734: Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brook- Having ven Yas, 8 soup. _ MODERN : CELEBRATING TUCK DY AUTO verry. 235; defeated wc. in, Tho tuneral service will belicot 10 i Summers | UPHOLSTERING | + WINS FISHING PRIZE : 1676; Bedford 1525; Stevens, |be held in the chapel on Monday, [SOREN . 3 Al, Altert Walk SiR BIRTHDAYS Chil d I ». 1443: Scott, 1368 id Stovell [June 8. Rev. 8. T. Hiller will or % turday -- continuing Very ll g2615 SIMCOE ST. N., Sawa er on or the Oshawa City Council 'Lill njured By atin na Suiiduet dhe servic Intement iE Kirkland Lake region: Cloudy(] "4 #448! or RA 3413 . "ee . Traffic and Transportation Com-| Congratulations and best HE a Committee: elected Bb dls are requested| With a few sunny periods today mittee, was advised yesterday| wishes to the following resi- | A four-yearold Oshawa boy, ge a 8 Groat, Xe: h "til : : , 2384; Hagerman, 211K: See the various designs and floor plans that he had been awarded the! dents of Oshawa and district (William Cortis Jr., 157 Olive Ave, G A Saturday evening. prize for the largest fish caught who are celebrating birth: |wae struck by a car Thursday|amem dois neon ed---V al re pallbearers will be John CITY OF OSHAWA th h f in the Ontario Traffic Conference| davs today: and sustained a fractured left leg Wagner, 1826; Herstead 1801 and|Graham, Locust Hill; Herbert at you can choose from such as the one Fishing Derby at Lake Wahnapl-| C. 8, Martyn, 222 Kendall 4nd bruises, He was rushed to|Heiningen, 1680 " Brooks, Port Perry; Walter Ro- displ : : tae near Sidbury held last avenue: Garnet Lalonde. 178 (dhe Oshawa General Hospital by| Recreation Committee: . Epsom; Corlius Ashentursi, TENDERS FOR on display with 3 spacious bedrooms, a e orize, a Hibbert street; Tommy Scott, |ambulance |ed--McCormick, 3373; Maclnally, kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. rod and Mitchell spinning reel] Kendalwood road; Mrs. Dave he Sudbury) Gatchell RR 1, Oshawa; Ken | Police say the boy ran from 2084; O'Connor, 2066: Badgley, ond 3 : S0- winning| McCalden, 575 Dean avenue: | DNR INC PUES SN Ct he 8 Ce 201 Anal. 1700+ Secvell, This large design can be purchased exactly Osh was #4". loke rout, | Harley Davis, RR 3, Oshawa: |2Ath,0f 3 our driven by Wiliam) Young, 281: Angi, 170; Stovall 117: Maken, 00 | ; it stands th STREETS CLOSED Mrs, Wiliam Campbell, 114 |Constable Cyril H. Smith invest. ---- er a Sealed Tenders, addressed to Chairman, Board of 98 1". siongs then erected on your own lot Five streets will be closed for| 70 Fernhill boulevard: Ersul |5ated Works, ¢/o City Clerk, and endorsed "Tender for within a 100-mile radius of Oshawa entirely onstruction today and Saturday,l ox 8590 Wilson road south; | Demolition or Moving" will be received until 5:00 § Th vig city engineer's office reports.| meresa and Chris Lindholm | ACQUITTED OF MURDER p.m. EDS.T. ree. Then you can finish it to your own Closed are: Simcoe treet north| (twins) 895 Simcoe St. north: | NEISON. B.C. (CP) -- John THE FOOD PLAN THAT Monday, June 15, 1959 tastes. from Nonquon road to Taunton| xr. Earl Cross. RR 3, Bow- { road, Annapolis avenue from| pone' Ba Store, 221 Loan fan Popolf, 37, was acquitted for the demolition or moving of any or all of the gf Murder hers Tiurddey in the H Ja S Pp R OV E N ITS E LF following houses located in the City of Oshawa: Glenwood crescent; Ellen C. beating death of Clarence Dou 1026 Somerville (1a, Garrett, 35, last October. ue 250 Mary Street w* ¢ '¢ Ye avenue; William Kashul, 360 |prowh Oshawa boulevard south. Diothers Fy Popul, Bo STAN BRYNING 245 Kendal Ave. itson road to Jarvis Jeet and Mig iy Sve yersoms = {hanged Aug. 18. 240 Dearborne Ave, road we Sireet closed at Romiand| 0 eh days wich day will OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE Time allowed for complete of work will be 30 da receive double tickets to The i -- 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 Tender forms end further informetion may be MILLWORK & BUILDING GRASS FIRE Regent Theatre goo¢ for a See Mise The obtained ot the office of the undersigned. Game Bre wae Departament. rent attraction 8 "The Mat GIGANTIC | C x A M [5 ib R S FOOD Highest or ony tender not necessarily accepted. SUPPLIES LIMITED This grass fire Thursd ing. G Figg a 3 the Ap Bom A a, on birthdays wil RUG SALE CLUB I F. Ek. Crome, P, Eng., on MacMillan Drive.| be received only between the Now in progrem at 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. [e) GR 'BET:]:! Sin Engineer, 1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3.4694 C shawa, Ont. N° Jriiiiance eall was s- hours of 8 3m. and 10 am 2 ane NU-WAY RUG--174 Mary

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