The Oshawa Times, 5 Jun 1959, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June §, 1909 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [33.<Redis and T.V, Repaid 280--Trailers WRIALN installed, moved and I, Dlkcad: Fair rates, Phone KA B.7) Wii COOK'S 23--Women's Column TRAILER SALES sVENCER Foundation Germans -~ Reneer oundation Garments individu | py 16s you 16 see the compe ly di d. A : Mi I Hendershot dog Pars Rd, %. Oshawa ng model $995 ond up. 25--Pets and Livestock 4 POMERANIAN puppies, registered, {op LOCATION mee quality, eo ut blood line; six weeks HWY, N old. 1A '80038, |X, NO. 2 AT COURTICE BEAUTIV Ls baby budgies ready for| 39==Summer Properties raining, talking strain poly iL] Proud, 114 Kin Breet Kis " For Sale or Wanted pi Nougos Lakefront collage, Thre A SHOOJAN! Rent dollars ave practiosl LL ad ly in your hands when you use a Classi {Dedroums. lnrge beautiful wooded lot, ' fled ta ge! tenants, Dial RA 3-3408 Price Poller ones there weekends, UNWANTED. hale, vanished away with PURERRED Mexican Chitushun pups. | corraa an Hi, tin Pel 800] 11} " A Rt 00 (0-Pel a5 Flwin Street East, RA S-5211 188f (7000 Keating, HA oh ake " on ny Up h | SPRING CLEAN 9) the Jot Giswive penetrate: ane BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| Lor training, (atking strain. = Apply MYS, | Goi Nassinn™ collage and howl house Power Rolling tards growth of unwanted hair y 114 Elgin Street East for sale, Eastview Beach, Lake how 1508 Fortilizi Boor Lab. 1d, we; s10"Uranville| Broad, Trector Rote Filling wv Vaneouver 8, B.C, BEAUTIFUL © male Miniature a oodle 08, RA 5.1880 imported, " BOUGOG INLAND = Ji 3080, AND ~ Colinge," fep Sell « « Manure KERKPCTARUE gentleman In his 60's mothe Ike to meet res COTTAGE for wale, Hastings "on ie ctahle Jody Bh | 02577 for Sompanion Box - PICKERING [Trent River. Phone R pee FRR EES DOG SCHOOL | Mnunifid 'mt uon a "ay ris Obedience 16 OFFICE HOURS BAM. to5 P.M, MONDAY te FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Coll the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 (13--Gardening & Supplies |14---Housshold delivered, lines | ¥O | aut, motosiine, 40 (XH Whithy, {2 ANDES gud J a 0 Wand. bo ly : unvippr Hke } pe a lawns ts rote: Uiled and levelled, Also Nght biade|st Modern U work Avorn 'sce "". ws. hone £1 Hirao North, EH ad 190 anytime, "| OWERTERVIELDS vobulll, Ioeevered ke now. vey mere more! Our raise able, uo aan sep. rebuilt, Oshawa 10 Bond Street wer, | kal RA soli, | Trained Ad: AY your wrvies Tain visors Ore dre ma i" a Jou, RA ols | for earpeniny, painting and _handym LL -------- 8--Bulilding Trades FLUMBING and heating pipes, fina fixtures, new snd used, ehal from ii n Sn Sullding. Trades dug, and back-Ailied, ox BOD RA 53008 or BA 0823 contractors, prick mation and estimates free on any (ype|**MeNt work and repairs, RA 5-893 of of_plumbing, Dial RA 54241, J, Woley, [INTERIOR, pr ay vil odd jobs, ZT, BALMERA, WA, Barrister, Noligl,| easonable. MO 8 ar'HA B37, residence, "HA sha J JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR TOE APPLECK, BA, Barrister Paperhunging end Painting Gyptex and Solicitor Phones Offie bridge #0. Res, A B6704 Fiee Estimate All Werk Guaranteed 50 Nassau St. RA 3.7080 HENDERSON CONCRETE £| PRODUCTS LIMITED | Concrete, cinder, Maydite blocks, CHIMNEY BLOCKS, 1089 Nelson $t,, Corner Wellington RA 3-4412 RA 5.7041 10--~Sharpening Service FOWER and hand mowers, shears, scissors, ele precision ghavpened, Work fully guaranteed, Piok-up and delivery, For satistaction and & shai ening that lasts, eall fim Fudge, Chureh Street, RA 5.7616 HAVE your lawn mower NOW, saws, scissors, knive Neil, 102 Highland. RA B- HAVE we hyp er overe) in 19--Personsl ot you? Do it now ing FA wnlely and i and po Heath, Institute fiw w Ontario Street, 171, Weekdays | pm w 10am 1pm, CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or lems Cash Cherge 226 248 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column Births, Memoriams Thanks 92 AM DEATHS = I AM SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 ] ! feign INSECUT| ReERTions 276 402 " id within 7 de Bor rate will op Above rates apply only 1e erigingl orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered af @ later date constitutes @ new eriginel order, P a RA 3 1 pom Baturds oth ™ Cards GARDEN SUPPLIES PLANT FOODS FOR EVERY NEED | BULK GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN TOOLS PEAT MOSS BUG KILLERS WEED KILLERS 5 fears, ten tion, to be happy! Hap: and tn together, Hypno ir the answer to thess and other problem: skin troubles, ner VON pains, mokin habit, nail biting, me improve salesman J caver, Consult Edwin ih A Instone of Ethical Hypnosis, 11 Ontarle Street, Oshawa, RA 6.017 Weekdays 1 pm, - # pm, Saturdays wam 1pm SAME DAY ALL TYPES Wh repairs, roofing siding, ehimneys, and masonry repairs RA 80904 FIRST OLASK plastering and repairs; also basements plastered. Dini RA 58708 f (and Business listings per month for 3 lines daily, $7.50 additional line $1.00 per Each month, Each initial letter, $ and ¢ vgn gure, count as @ word, Box e¢harge |5¢ additions! All Classitiod Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am, the day of ublication, Office hours: Daily 8-5, aturday 8-12 . REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in adyer!ise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, ner for more then ene Incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, ner bayond the price charged for a single Insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according te Its own classification, In the case of display advertises ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error Dial BIRTHS CHRISTOPHER ~ Bob and Flovence | nee Bradley) are happy to announce the birth of their son on Friday, June bo 1980, al the Oshawa General Hos: pital, Weight 9 Ibs Sincere thanks to Dr, Anderson GIBNER -- Mr. and Mrs. K, Gibner wish to announce the arrival of their ohosen daughter, Sharen Holly. A waster for Roger. SPRATT = Patay and Cindy very happy to announce the Yh ot their baby brother, Wayde Vernon, 7 ths, $4 ors, on June 4 1950 ot the Oshawa General Hospital, The proud , Roy Spratt, E. Rundle, (1 IDOUING "and excavating obbreviation, |B RA 3-388), Free estimates. Taylor Brothers, » Hillesurt Drive, Whitby | ROOVING "and siding. eavestroughing, yy repairs, new al old work, | on h LIFETIME WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS Guaranteed rust-proof BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH Most Modern Design CONCRETE STAIN-FREE DAILY PHONE RA 5-2063 RA 8-172) ELECTROLYSIS DINE buyers? DInl HA 83493 COURTICE P training for all LAKE FRONT cottages, in Halil y Removal of supertiveus hair For information call on Hh a Rawyers Likes, 100-11 LANDSCAPING | Removal of wertiuous i in Heach ar aw arle wrdv wi win . ree-bedroom, wer, # Wed \aehed, Je, hy | Oshawa June ®. 10. Phene PICKERING 240M4 wait: ¥ thoi As 54676 "i A 3-500 Te] nN ' store pleie service, Contraet rates Genoshe Mote' on these dares TEMPLE 9-1656 - mm, al year ar snack bar wih gas tor uppeintment ss Farmer' . Column paved through road. al view Lake on Free Estimates Lalie Sougok. Priced to sell at $6200 Siall down payment, Look this over Father recovering your lawn mower pregision' ned, free plok up and delivery, RA 5:4360 DEATHS BLIGHT ~ Entered into rest Thursday, June 4, 1050, Nora N, Medd, beloved wife of Ewart Blight, and dear | mother of Leonard of Brooklin, Resting occupies, The pubs ers endeavour to reproduce oll advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability If any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained therein at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brook: lin. Service In the chapel on Monday, June 8, 1039, at 2 p.m, Interment Grove: | side Cemetery, Brooklin, (Friends are R requested not to call at the ehapel wn FAVE, VRIEDLANDER, WONTER and Saturday evening.) Abcountants and auditors, Licensed | i vening. [Found in Bankruptey, 84 King Mrest HUTORESON Hibbert, at the | Rast, Ol B ale, CA; Community Hospital Port Perry Ont. rledland Comm, CPA, ario on Thursday, June 4, 1830, H, G, |8 ¥, HOPKINS and Compan: f (Bert Hutcheson beloved husband of [Public Accountants, fig Rig Sree the late Blanche Adu and father of | East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5 the late Ethelwyn Hy in his 88th | year. Resting at the Chapel of Mc. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario ri Aa Dermoit Panabsker Port Perry uni] | Bervie Mer somblele hokieening Saturday noon, Funeral servies from i the Church of the Ascension, Port |S Room J] Office RA 3.0307; Perry on Saturday, at 3:30 p.m. Inter ment Pine Grove Cemetery T-=Accountants RA 3.7605 MONTEITH, RIEHL AND| KONDAS -- Entered into rest in the [Trustees a Stratford, Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes: (ronto; Hon, J. W. Monteith, FCA, day. June 3. 1969 Vincenty Kondas,|A. B, Monteith, B, Comm, CA; G beloved husband of the late Karolina |[Riehl, CA, RIA: R, F Lightfoot Lesniak. in his 88th vear, Resting at George W, Trethewey CA, RA 5.3837, the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, (135 Kimeoe Street North dan with high requiem mass in St, Hed. Whitby MO 8.3731, wig's Church. Saturday, June 6, 9.30 am Interment 8t Gregory's Ceme:| WERGER Janke ror Friends are asked not to ol Brent East. RA 3.0831 at the funeral home before Thursda MP | : cil AND Co, LLY MeLEOD -- In Oshawa Hospital on BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solio) | Wednesday, June 3, 1058, Lila Hass, be tor, 314 Simooe South, RA 5-958, Resi oved wife of Earl MoLeod (119 Agnes dence, RA 80264 treet). The late Mrs, McLeod is rest ne it Funeral Home until GREER AND KELLY, Rarristers then at the Hattin Solicitors, ete, 744 Simeoe Street South Funeral Home, Bancroft, Service and Dial RA 3.3270, Residence phones: nterment at Maynooth om Saturday, ¥. M. Greer, BA, Sc, RA 5.3368; Ter fune 6, at 3 o'clock 130 (fence V, Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.5832 Duncan RR Phillips RB, Comm RA GERROW FUNERAL sion CHAPEL [THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli eltor and Notary Publie, 264% King The finest service at moderate prices Street East, Phone RA 81763 RA 8-6226 JOHN "AT MacDONALD, BA, Barrister 190 KING STREET WEST and Solicitor, 101 Simeoe Street North MEMORIAL BRONZE morning, Phone RA 88511 RAL} ANWS, » H, Greer, Associate wo risters and So lgitors, 130 King Street East, RA 86246, Marien loans available, GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Rar [risters, Solicitors and Notaries Publie, § King Street East, RA 34717, Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, | |{CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Not ary Publie, Bank of Commerce Bldg, § Simcoe Street North RA 3.3446: T. K Creighton, QC; N, C, Fraser, QC; 6G. K Drynan, G. L, Murdoch. NHA mont. gages arranged HUMPHREYS Solicitors) Thomas | dignfied memor display at Mount Direct represen: available Permanent als on awn Park pavments RA 32633 fatives and Hoyehyn, Barris RH Humphreys, Qc BA A. Hillman, | For Funera! Flower 6 King Ty Phones: Arrangements See Office, RA 31177; Res, RA 5.4004; o| LEWINGTON'S Whitby, MO 8.9761 Mn to loan | FLOWERS CARPENTER work, framing, wm. ming, kitchen cabinets, custom w Phone and repairs, Mortgages arranged All RA 8.621) RA 8.6212 as, 24 King St, East, Oshawa work guaranteed, RA 3 MoGIBRRON and HRastedo, Barristers, 12 doors from Karn's Drug Store) Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages 20 Simeor Street North, RA 5.3566, Charles CC. MoGib bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC LeRLANC In loving memory 8 dear wife and mother, Mrs, James | LeRlane who passed away on June J)! 1987 IN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Solle tor and Notary Publie, 18'% King Street East, RA 3.339, NHA and' private mortgages arranged of VAURIER MoKENNA for expert paper hanging, painting, gyptexing, plastio, | mate, tino. tiling, RA 5.23851. Estimates | fre have passed RANTING, ¥, SWARTZ Barrister Since our great sorrow fell Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Asso The shock that we received that day ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, RA, Henry No one can ever tell; | Block, 38s King Street East, RA 3.4697 God gave us strength to meet it | Residence, dial RA 34088 And courage to hear the hlow Bul what mean to lose her WARE habs rater | No one will ever know Sadly missed hy hushand daughters Doreen, Eva, A and Lois and sons, Prank Two sad and lone veurs James, dence. RA i hel JOSEPE P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, | Vid. 'Solicitor, Money to loan, Office, 1444 | SETON -- In everloving memary Hy | Residancn: a, aa, 14 San a very dear husband, Thomas M, Seton, | oo who passed away June 3, 1836 We treasure still, with love sincere Dentists «Lovingly and family SETON dear father passed away In loving Thomas M June I 10% memory of a who remembered by Tom, Elsie Lovingly and daughter-in-law son n | ae RA 3.3443, Nights RA aller Phone RA B.-B695 6 pm. and Saturday PLASTERING New end plosterirg stucco, cement proofing repuirs water */WOOD"S PLASTERING, RA 8-1311 NEW OIL FURNACES and have it Easy burners, Buy it wholesale installed by exper! terms, Fuel ol, oil furnaces HARRY O. PERRY HEATING 1.7944 LOCKWOOD HEATING Sheet Meral Ltd TINSMITHING AND METAL WORK AIR CONDITIONING BUILT-UP ROOFING QIL BURNERS sold Installed Serviced NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT PHONE RA 3-251 288 ARTHUR STREET "ANP & SOUTER ANTS WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CON (RACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St. 5. Whitby Rich Loam Top Soil, Gravel | Brick Sand, Cheap Fill Levelling o RA 5-2156 ASPHALT SURFACES AND PAVEMENTS W. B Bennett Paving Ltd P.O. BOX 305 RA 8.8132 Brick Work, Block and Cement Work too An Al job vou. Estimates ond see wha! rates we calculate "RA 5-2204 TED VEENHOF Well Digging Cleanouts eepening Compressor Work RA 8-6974 SHEET baek filling lois guaranteed tor free Coll us reasonable GERALD FULTON Garden Supplies WATER WELL DRILLING Reasonable Prices Honest Workmanship RA 5-4067 HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR experts, Qld floors like new. Hardwood Carpenter work al Kitchen cabinets Floor made or tiling Miatiers * ERA 3.7196 Harwood Avenue South, TE ---- | Custom Built Homes Additions, Alterations Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards Tile and Hardwood Floom HUGH CROSBY BUILDER RA 5.3937 FRAME AND TRIMMING Alterations, kitchen boa:ds and general repair Custom built homes. For tree phone Christenser cup Beautiful memories of one so dear, BR. _WRED ALLEN, mn Kin Sireat ant ours (0) pm. including remembered hy hs wife wrdaye RA +310 DR, G. T SOIUK, Office hours § to § SETON In loving memory of a Open evenings by appointment. 239 dear father, Thomas M ton, whe Simeoe Street South. Phone RA 5.3923 passed away June 5. 1904. Always remembered hy his Baughter S--Nursing Services Phyllis, son-in-law Jim and Jim Jr ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licenced) KING ST, WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo ple (Men end Women . [ Nurses and dieticians ormer al attendance Tray service, | radio. T.V. lounge Official Dies nara C, W. TUCK, RO. Optometrist. Please re Pay accounts at downtown Toronte | TORONTO CP James R. Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street! McLaren, 81, former comptroller hhene RA §. of the Canadian National Rail. 7--Surve ors ways, died Thursday y GT. HORTON and Associates. On Born in Perth he joined the tare Land Surveyors. Professional En Grand Trunk Railway in Brock. fineering, ™ ville in 1892. Prior to his appoint. Nu. oh i ------. ment as CNR comptroller ing OPE, Ontario Land Montreal in 1930. he had been motu Alice Stresl RA Sel, general auditor, auditor of reve- 8--Building T Trades nues, travelling auditor and chief WANTED digging basements, grading clerk and backfilling, Phone RA 3.3888 In 1935 he began drafting the PLASTERING. patching and stucco on, Free timate bill for the CNR capital structure | Genera) repairs. RA 3-40) mat. revision enacted by Parliament ; pa BA UPTON for interior and ox n 1937 and 1930. From 1930 to terior decorating, rexa atoning, wood fin 1937, when he retired, he ap. ishing. Phone RA 33077 after business peared annually before the Par Mur liamentary committee's annual SLASTRAING, eroroating and pars review of CNR accounts Ra) Suliding teats. iret class Mr. Mclaren was recalled FREE estimates on - kinds of build from retirement in 197 to set up ™& and repairs, new homes. commer a new accounting and budgetary Sig And industrial work, foundation control system for the Ontario und trimming. Full contracts Northland Railway contracts. Phone RA Sent - He appeared as a financial wit ness in the 1919-1920 Grand Trunk Railway arbitration case on the CLIFF BROWN valuation of preferred and com Vv SA mon stocks and represented the GRA EL & ND railway in Washington over com LOAM pensation for Grand Trunk Lines Prompt Delivery taken under United States fed eral control from 1917 to 104. | Const. RA 5.6328 ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS 1194 KING ST Tile and Mardwood Laid Floors Sanded ond Refinished CALL RA 3.7251 Bent hang Ww. lot ® nrg BOX PLANTS SHRUBBERY ROSES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS COOPER-SMITH COMPANY 16 CELINA 57 RA 3-2312 BEVERWYCK GARDENS on Highway 12 North of Whitby IMPORTERS, GROWERS, | WHOLESALERS JOHN COX, Prop 600 MAPLE ST, WHITBY PHONE MO 8.4184 NURSERY STOCK, evergreens. shrubs, hedges, PRE-CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS WALK - SLABS PATIO SLABS STEPS & PORCHES WELL TILE CURBING BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone 155 Brooklin 11-=Business Opportunities | URED car lof, iarge size commercial lot, good location on whieh located a house, office and garage, City and on | tario Class A garage licence, For sale or long term lease. Apply Box 108, Oshawa Times 108f 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alteration, drapes . n gippers, buttonholes, mending, pant, lilac trees, gold leat, etc cuffs, shirt collars, ete. Phone RA| GLADIOL| new varieties LLL dahlia roots, strawberry and Sa raspberry plants, box plants 13--Gar Gardening & Supplies seeds, gross seeds CA grant for sod 900 N livered anywhere, Sod aia, FLAGSTO vy foam Whithy, and be satisfied peatmoss, HY ner TREE removal and trimming, wood SPRING DISPLAY of flower cut with ehain saw, free estimates, RA DUIS, €rocus, narcisssus, hv STM acinths, tulips. Cut flowers for sale Come and see us oper all day end svenings, 7 days e | week, Plenty of parking | space A. L. CRAWFORD FILL roses manure Junedd WANT sod? You'ti he missing a wood bet if you don't eall us helove vou buy We deliver or sell in field, RA 80048 LEN Bowlers' 'andseaping and aries Ing servige- lawns seeded sodded, | tillred, gardens and lawns hen roto-tilled Sidewalk si ato slabs Evervihing for vow ea RA 84783 RICH cow manure by rd or bushel, also black loam, and green sod, RA 5.4974 or RA 81775 YOU'LL do even better Classified Ad, YOU as trained Advisers for suggestions! RA 5-3756 COW manure, 87 a load; chicken man. PROMPT DELIVERY ure, 35 a load, Load approximately a | i lawns roto-tilled, made LANDSCAPING GARDENING ready for spring slanting. or seeding Call RA S808 SOD broken lawns and gardens made LAWNS SERVICED TREES REMOVED JOHN KNOX AND SON RA 5.9727 OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY JORAEEKERS turn to the Classified Qshawe Ne | daily. Ave your joh eppertunities being PHONE MA 3-57357| nursery grown sod Fertilized, offered there" Dial RA 334982 VAN BELLE GARDENS CROSS TOWN SOD | "ed SUPPLY perience GARDEN CENTRE Complete garder supplies Open till 10 at night. High: rates rolled tertilized sod, cut fresh daily Delivered or loid Free estimates. Prompt deliv. way 2? 1 miles Fast of Phone RA 8.8868 GRAVEL LOAM with your ane of our RA ouitivated tield and treated. 12 vears ex Special contract Fred estimate: RA 8-8639 GRAVEL Also | STONE Sizes LOAM Be Satisifed Dial RA 5-5279 '14--Mousehold Repair FURNITURE repaired and ve-uphol stored. See our materials for recover yy Bruce R. Dalton, 73 Charles East RA smd Al BRUSH or aranteed. Fog estimates. RA s46it GARDENS and lawns rototilied. Made ready for spring planting and seeding. Call RA 3-898. CARPEY and wall to wall instal ng Alax Ww BOR'S ELECTRICAL REPAIR, plok-up and delivery, R Tadio and all appliances. antesd. 4A Church Wheat, Bob Hele Al ery Lawn and Flower enc vegetable seeds, garden ond lawn tools, fer tilizers. peat moss, insects cides sprayers sprinklers hose ard grass seeds. Ask about tree use of our fertil ier spreader, R. B. Reed & Sons HARDWARE 48 SIMCOE N RA 3.4032 ee delivery twice daily AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and layed. Top. sil. Phone PICKERING 889% Evenings Ajox 43) GRAVEL 0% stone € friveway ting. Werk in distriet ou repairs, alterations ations. binding. fring a ood un 'o mug Electric Motor Trouble COMPLETE REWIND SER VICE TO ALL MAKES OF WASHERS, DRYERS SUMP PUMPS, BLOWERS, POWER TOOLS. FANS MOTORS STAR Repair 'Centre 49 BURK ST RA 5.7743 Anytime RA 8.0109 Evenings RA 8.60% OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD GRAVEL-STONE TOP SOIL-SOD RA 3-3528 | ge. M | Jublie, RRL -- ave, ED KNOWLTON RA 56047 | FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE M, Mackie Co Ltd, RA 54 Cleancut Service $7 labour plus parte FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE $7.50 Laber, 8] plus parts HARRY PERRY HEATING RA 3.3443 Nights=--=RA 3.7944 15--Instruction PRIVATE teacher, 15 years' ox Call RA 31084 LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S DRIVING SCHOOL Albert $t, Oshawa, Ont, RA 8.3315 1 For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING You Can Actually GO DANCING After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS 11% Simcoe St, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! LO IT NOW! to play the guitar, Special 10-week course, $) per lesson, Classes of two or four = Bring your friends, Profesional tuition, Any style, For appontiment coll ALTO MUSIC RA 5.1301 Learn student counsellor, rience, Appointment enly, S., RA, 8-168) 16--Insurance ALEATATE Aula Insurance. Save wp TH [te 30 per cent, six lo LJ Jen Jeon on af [17==Money to Leen ina And wecond | meri agreements purchased and nek and Hennlek, Rarristers. 3 Street East, RA & Sra LYENTH' money fo loan on fire mort: Pa reernents of Ages Arve) Drynan and Morte purehased Crelahton, Frame, dooh CLIENTE' monies available for frst and second mort, of B Swarts, B LLY King Hii FIRST "AND SECOND MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800 to $100,000, Home owners, iesidential property immer cottages. suburban homes, tactories and acreage, Quotations by phone or mail Prompt service OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP, LTD 112 Simcoe Street North Oshawa Dovs- RA 5.3568 Nights: RA 3.1306 & RA 39404 Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE Bought and Arcanged LYNDEWOQQD INVESTMENTS SROOKLIN 303 NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor" OF CANADA LIMITED (formerly Bellvue) LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 29145 Simcoe St. South RA S112 SEABOARD FINANCE CO. WE RAVE XK ey ool we weed SWIMMING Qntarie's fin Open dally p.m. 28¢ per perso ing te erganized Trail riding by reservation LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH Harmeny Rd, N,, RA 5:2737 CHILD FOR ADOPTION KEVIN==is 7V4 years old, of Protestant Anglo-Saxon back ground, He has an average build, blue eyes, fair hair and @ round face with a bright sunny smile, Kevin demands a lot of attention, high, strung end his progress in school has been slow He nesds patient and under standing parents, able to en courage and guide him Couples interested in adap! ing Kevin are requested to write to! THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO t biltered posl from 2 7:30 Caolerr plenie _|20---~Cartage | ooK {sonable rates, fully insured, RA 3.2831 {Hoy "LOVELERR apartment (reasonable | | | | ¥ | M od gor Norgages Loh and N NN Oshawa, NR moving rates, fully insured, RA GALY Cartage. tu Jrniture aw Shpitanse [me avin: Call day or nit, RA Sai. 21=Personal Service DRERAMAKING, Tadies' and ehiidron's L) wear, wedding gowns a specialty 06, hoe and loader, septic Vanke, | OK |dvaing, ditehing, MArket 3.2061 Ten Delivery service 6G machine repair JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studie, Sienderizing, Reduc ing, Steam Bath end Mas sage. 45) Simcoe Street South, RA 5.9602 for ap pointment, Open 10 am 10 pm 0. OLAN LAWNMOWER & ENGIN SALES & SERVICE Authorized Clinton, Lawson and Power Product Services new end used lawnmowers 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD FIELD AVIATION COMPANY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT OSHAWA, ONTARIO Designers and manufacturer of tools and dies, for leading industrial companies, Over haul and repair of industrial equipment, Welding of alum num, stainless steel and structural steel, Overhaul of hydraulic components. Free estimates, 3b {22---=Radie & TV Repair SPROTALIZED radio and television service, All makes Fred Thompson, 187 Billott Street, Call RA 91% {PROMPT TV service, any {yoars' axpevience. RA & make, 10 A6, Oshawa Klectronies. vy TOWERS Tonpiney matalied, | RA batts, "| vow. AN 1 a NY erm Nun. | TV's = HI-FI - 018 Simeon N. = RA canon) aerials Kelly TV, RA PARKWAY TELEVISION FLECTROHOME RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television end service, 3.3043 For qualitied ftoctory ap proved lionce, television ond aerial service. Call any firm listed below. AERIALS Associated Services RA Dean Kellv Enterprise RA 5-312) RA 5.1683 RA 3.3043 RA 3.9512 Premier \ RA 5.1179 T.V, Enterprises RA 3.2905 APPLIANCE SERVICE Christie Acapliance Service 3.3427 Warmer Wiliams Service Conte RA 5.333) Members ot Service Opere- tony Aueigtan in co-opere- ton with the Oshawa Cham bar of Commerce. Phone RA pr: ahd service {te all makes, Eins RA 5.240 BLUKWHEAT S160 & bushel, A vill DEAD farm I Mii HORNE | Phone | FOR Rule Ire 180c Phone Phone RA R470 CLE foto 10 weeks old, lavke $2R1H stook ploked up Howmanville Farm, Tyrone Aromptn. lone eolleet 1.0670 will Fw manure RA 0.0807 Manure, hay and straw 19h 5 a lon delivered, itvee ol (dress department [Please Leo Pew, Waterford, Hi 36770 Ontario, Phone INFORMATION = prefab cottages and invages, RA 38100 Alter 6 Som _ 30--Low ond Found NT = Fairweather Co, helieved taken in error Urgently return to Falrweather Ringwood Farm, east on highway 401, | 60000 Whithy flo 28---Summer Resorts 1 ge August 22 0 COTTAGES vacation, refrigerators, two bedroom, safe for TORRANCE | Mghway 69. tages and cabins Hutehinson Hawi ORCHARD BEACH cottages ottes Hughes, RR 4 FOR RENT i beach Dalrymple, twohedroim ool available July 11 to August 2 and Labor Day wee CAPT] AKE nd, HA weekends and thr hoatin furnished excellent fishing enlldren, RA 5.4500 Muskoka, 11 seven Write Torrance or phone refrigerators, hoats running Water, 530 weekly Plgotn, Ont = Cottage, Write Box # Oshawa Times and DOALK 131g RA ARDEN = housekeeping cottages Kennebeo nd | WOOD Moving and Storage. rea (Dench, ALL aver town thousands turn to the Classified columns dally tention for ALLE] Lake, Good Hshing hydro, screen verandahs, your offer by dialing RELI BALA ROYAL LODGE Beautifully situated on Lake Muskoka, in Bala, featuring natural send beach, modern lodge, cabins, or annex, De licious meals, dancing, boats ing, fishing, archery, water skiing (free instruction). TV and tuck shop. For your ideal vacation, reserve early. Fold ers, P.O Box 30, Bala, or 64 John Street West, Water loo FOR RENT SUMMER HOME Loke, good bedroom and modern conveniences or August $350 PHONE RA 5.3187 BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP FOR wo GIRLS shore ofl July Balsam three LITTLE BOYS ( 14 $18 weekly portation, milk swimming a trans nding craft ng ive daily archery ports ete Registered nurse mation Dial RA 5.2 PINE RIDGE Why do so many people pre ter «t fo their vacation? Why do the return each year? We can't take any credit for our scenic Gull Lake God mace it beautiful Maybe its because we serve good meals or the wholesome happy atmosphere or the rea: wonable rates. Come and see for soursel! Ron and Ev Wood Miners Bay, Ont Phone Coboconk 148R4 SANDY BAY CAMP Rice Lake ovation on housekeeping got ages refrigerators fully equipped for your com tort. dafe, sand beach ond good fishing Write R. Me Cracken, RR. 4, Hastings for folders LONE MAPLE CAMP Housekeeping cottages all conveniences. Weekends available in June. Write Box 28 Bobcaygeon or Phone 45:22 POW-WOW Come and enjoy the tun at Pow Wow Fon Lodge, Huntswil e All summer sports delicion meals American plan, $39.358 weekly. Write direc call Huntsville §44J3. ATRO resort electric 280-- Trailers "we Roe WM GENERAL red Tad 39M Ht Shafta. sleeps & Street East or p Apply Sidoot beaut sell white property or and ie on Phone RA x SEE THE CANADIAN EXPLORER Comg ond Boot Trailers S150.83¢ New and sed Traile Very PURDON ¥ AJA MARINE 2 Highway, Ajax, Om Aje--1286 Ne miles off housekeeping ool TURNING Water, sand beach, boats, good fishing, central flush toilets, hooth, alse camping arounds, | Weekly and monthly rates, ll Housekeeping rang: | {OEM 3 rooms, July trailes July 84, modern conveniences, sand Get their al RA! SOPRANO soloist, 3B one RA 32988. nit house trater, Condition. \ for WE Fairweather LONY Fi S200, a Heatly Avenue, Rewar peddlers rd. RA 37074 L |= --Articles For A Rent HA CEMENT (barrows, TV sels, Ad driveway eurbs laid, RA 5.4874 or RA eleoirie, also sidewalks and miner (oan, SEW and SAVE RENT a SINGER ENT mixer Phone ELNA rentals iver | Rala eleetrie, BA a4 RA 02801, fc stiteh and wig wag or ploni WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE 282 King St, West RA 3.4873 Ample Parki |32--Articles Wanted | REELING Hirai frigerators, re. We'll Buy 1, wove, ste. For 10] 18 Prince Street. Phone RA 8 113), PIANOS 10, any make or sh, cash! state make and price, Wri #4 Oshawa Times WANTED SCRAP (RON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS | TURNER RA 3-2043 _leolleew) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Want crap car ron for wrecking, alse ond metals, etc bought Open Saturdov all dav. Phone RA 5.2311 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK. Pp | '! CASH FOR SCRAP 11 BUY STEEL METAL BATTERI SAR Act I ERIES, M SREENGRkS & SONS RA 3.7333 ne Bloor St, E am 1 Kye HIauses In oases by em in ares of Millinery, needed w Black change purse, contain lioenee, on 100e whee) "alse Now "eiraigh Java of ale TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Re washers, pianos 'oni Oita, conan NB 89 BLOOR E. 35--Employment Wanted YOUNG Duteh maried woman w any Kind of A, Phone wi IMO 84132 after 7 HAVE a vacation! "Wu -- (howe and oh ly . y ok Middle hy ER ED RS aR BE Ne ment. a RA aime TWO ladies would like © at nigh able for weddings, ole. Fees reasonable. Oshawa Times ATTRACY your ation JR RN id Phone RA hy oy - a Ve Classified. Phone RA 338 3¢--Female Help Wanted © CRAMRERMAS. Wil or parttime. v Me Hote WOMAN 0 do occasional Lanvaste Work from $3 in good, private a Phone RA dass EXPERIENCED presser, steady plavment, good condition Apply ors, 3B! Olive Avenve. RA 3118. EXPERIENCED wll SPOTtIwear department, A Co. Oshavne Centre EXPERIENCED waitress required Young's Restauramt Wn W ¥, Above between 12 and 3 wr a Sonne Modern Diy 'Clean oa Hwee sadesc ey "a for Anny am MARRIED woman 10 work I whack Dan, evenings. 1.30 to midnight fab e100 wares ar axperienee & nea

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