The Oshawa Times, 29 May 1959, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, 2. Fridey, May 29, 1959 08 Officers of the new execu tive were installed Wednes- day night at a dinner meeting | of the Oshawa Civitan club. oe HAWA CIVITA 9 i | Installing officer for the in- coming executive was John Scott, of Scarborough, district | Shown, left to right, seated are, | CLUB INSTALLS overnor of the Civitans Ted Middlemass, vice-presi den Jim Logan, president Jack Scott, Governor, install- Planning Implications Explained To Board N | ing officer, and Ron Crim- mings immediate past presi- dent, Standing: Mal Adam. treasurer; Art Griffith, direc- | Vote Result Is Delayed Gerry Topham, chairman of the election committee for Local 222, (his 1959-60 EXECUTIVE OBITUARIES | | | i El. president-elect, and Boyce Whittaker, director. Oshawa Times Photo |g, following the death of her tor: Cliff Hayes, director; mer Williams, Seek Change In Unloading Procedure Syd McAfee, business agent for » Gi | | |ducted by Rev. C. D. C FRANK KWIATEK The death occurred at St. Mi-| chael's Hospital, Toronto, early|® of Frank|® Kwiatek. The deceased, who was | lin his 57th year, lived at 221] | Mitchell avenue. and was a for- mer resident on Howard street. | Mr. Kwiatel was injured while (working at the Ontario Malleable Iron Co. plant in Oshawa and was rushed to Toronto for sur- gery. Born in Poland, Jan. 5, 1903, the deceased came to Canada 129 years ago and had been in Oshawa for 20 years. He had also lived for a short time in Hamil. ton. | He leaves his wife, Anna, and| la son in Poland and a brother, | ienek, of Chicago. { The remains will be at the Arm-| Thursday, Cemetery MRS. Funeral services were held at the Gerrow Funeral Home at 3 John Ran- | dll who died at Fairview Lodge, | Whitby, Thursday, May 28. The |deceased, who was in her 83rd! |year, had been sick for some| p.m. time A daughter of the late Thomas Mrs. Randal was the former Edith Ellen How- in England her and Mary ard, - She and husband about 40 years ago. She| was a member of the Church of England i Mrs. ] Randall leaves two sons, | Albert anc John, both of Toronto. The funeral service was con-| tor of S Church. I today came to Canada May 28, | strong Funeral Home for requiem | {mass in St. Hedwig"s Polish Ca- |tholic Church at 9 a.m. Satur- |day, May 30, Rev. Felix Kwiat-| kowski will sing the mass. Inter-| | ment will be in St. { JOHN RANDALL for Mrs. Howard was born with n Canada. t. George's nterment awa Union Cemeterv, MRS. W. H. MIDDLETON illness of Gregory's | two | was in Osh.| | oo | George K. Drynan, | 'Liberal candidate for Oshawa | ross, rec-| Fiding, filed his nomination Anglican| Papers with Louis S. Hyman, QC, returnng officer for the riding, the field of three candi- dates for the provincial election | CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS The deceased, who was in her Two representatives from the nomical than doing them one at|to the municipalities allowing UAW, announced m Local 880 of the Teamsters' Community Planning Branch ofa time as the need arose them to work with greater know- that the results of the recount of Union, issued a statement today Following an the department of planning and| Mr. Roberts thought that an ex- ledge, and will also be used by|the votes for the office of finan- yyging ear-carrier transport com-|p. ihe the death occurred at the development, attended the Osh- tensive survey of a rural area the Departinent of Planning in|cial secretary-treasurer may not panies to correct what he termed Marnwood Nursing Home, Bow- awa Regional Planning Associa-may prove to be useless over|iis large scale work throughout be known until later this after. "hazardous conditions", which he vidi Thursday, May 28, of| tion meeting Thursday night at|the years the area. noon save have "resulted in personal jcahella Davidson, beloved wife the city ball Mr. Roberts suggested that all CAN EXTEND SURVEY The recount was demanded by physical injury to several of thelr the late W. H. Middleton. They were E. R. Roberts, (that would be necessary at the, When asked if the survey would the incumbent, Russ McNeil 600 drivers my local represents.' | pentor planner and R. B. Truem- moment to present a possible pic-|possibly extend into the Darling: after the results of last week's] Mr. McAfee made the state- goth year was born at Peter- ber, both of Toronto ture of conditions in rural areas ton area, Mr. Roberts replied pjecijon showed that he was ment because he said there have borouzh. She was a daughter of | hat the Osh Mr. Roberts said ia unique, as it awa association w would used by the Department of Lands from the main centre to all points be topographical - maps that the survey would extend out seven votes short of establishing an over-all majority over his twe is a voluntary organization. The and Forests that were directly affected by the| ian opponents T. Green and J only other board like it in On WORK OUTLINED larger conti The committee pq) tario is Sudbury, said Mr So yught it was apparent that Osh a : Pt Wn K Mr. Truemner outlined the fon ji Hh vay al parent. on the McNeil ran on the slate of The boards. under the planning | work that had been carried out outlying areas President Cliff Pilkey. His clos board act, have more authority|in the Niagara, St. Catharines "~~" berts and Mr. Truem. ©St opponent, Mr. Green, was a be yr omaanize. Are k had been ci i A -unning mat sident-elect than these ol utary . or Baniza gn Th hook Bad is Somplled ner spent the afternoon in Osh puning ale of Presiden tions, he said, thus the boards ; w AR awa with members of the ass : such as Oshawa must work hard- showing Josue Je survey ciation, They drove to various lo Mr Mov han id th She Sui er to get a job done had X ations enabling them to see the Off election for ¢ ) ice DRAINAGE STUDY Maps of population zones hadinchawa pro s more clearly, Guide and also, should Mr. Mc Mr. Roberts commented on the been drawn up. Roads, divisions| George L chairman of | Neil fail to establish a majority proposed intensive study of drain of industry trends of population's eo Oshawa ociation expressed in the recount, for the office of age in rura' and suburban areas shifts and complete accounts of jc gra ie to the gentlemen for secretary-treasurer, will be held These ice Bag to establish the sub Iran, pial and urban co-operation they had given the either Thursday or Friday of knowledge on the types of sewer areas were also shown association the aid they next week connections and services that] The results of such a survey jaye offered in the future He said that the results of the would have to be used ¥hen the enable the planning to have a re balloting for -seats on the union's ated: ate deveioh d fut thet, The als i piste of % xisting situa district coungil and standing com ng uture roads is also lions articular areas. 8 mittees may be available late aded in the survey awareness enables the board to this B88 nay of early tomo ToW He thought that the association go about its planning with a ve RM : eould possibly be taking overly excessive steps in this work Apparently the cost of thor- oughly surveying both rural and urban areas would be more eco generous amount of insight A similar survey will take place incorporating the centres of Hamilton, Toronto The information will be available and Oshawa WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, Warm, | Wet On Saturday fore- weather of- TORONTO casts issued by the fice at 11:00 am Synopsis: A low 8 moving acro tario today giving scattered thundershow over night followed by ly skies and lower temperatures northwestern Southern regions will have n sunny skies and a few »d thur dershowers today with more (re quent show Saturday while northern re 1 mainly cloudy and cool today day, Regional forecasts midnight Sat ake Erie, Li Ontario, Nia southern Georgian | London, Torontc« Han Mami: with humidity and chance of dershower toda S cle with sunny widely « tte and thunde vers. Continu warm and humid. Wind erly 15 today and Saturday stronger gusts in thund rehov ers. Northern G ar land Lake, North Bay Mainly cloudy with sca showers and t! ers to day and Saturday | turday. Winds southerly day becoming northerly 15 day afternoon Tmmins-Kapuskasi Mainly cloudy with a few light sprinkles CP)-Official pressure Norther showers and cloud regior $C be and Satur jong Ww valid until B rk Su Al cool 15 to Satur RECENT GRADUATE Sobczak, south H the a Walter boulevard recently from He Thomas Lawrence 215 Oshawa who graduated geophysical engineer University of Toronto son of Mr. and Mrs Sobczak, of Port Whitby as is today cooler. Winds north to north east 1 1 and Saturday. A little 0 to 20 a ™= Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Saturday Windsor 65 80 St. Thomas 60 80 London 60 80 Wingham 60 KG] Toronto 60 80 Trenton 60 75 St. Catharines 60 80 Hamilton g 80 Muskoka 60 7 Killaloe 60 75 Fariton: .......... 45 65 1 Sudbur vs i) 70 North Bay i) 70 Kapuskasing 4% 60 White River 35 65 M mee 4 50 'Triplexes' Explained In Court TORONTO (CP A building r owner In suburban York Town ship testified Thursday at an in quiry that the firm which built the structure told him it was a "triplex" but asked him to call it "duplex with finished base- ment" on his purchase offer Max «Haiven a baker, was testifying at an inquiry into York Township zoning bylaws and fi nancial affairs concerning land deals. He was subpoenaed after officials of the inquiry visited his home Wednesday He said that Martin Peters and Roy Segal, partners in Pinewood Construction Limited, told him he was buying a triplex with three furnished apartments, three electricity meters and three boil- ors The only difference in the three floors was that there was. one less bedroom in the basement, he said Mr Haiven's duplex ad. joins about 160 others which wit. have testified were built township approval! but later llegally converted into tri nesses with vere plexes FIRE IN AUTO he Oshawa fire department reported a car fire at 195 Albert treet, at 630 p.m. Thursday car, owned br Edward Gen was believed to have ¢ ght 3 a result of a short circuit viring we SIDENT B OMA PRE Dr. W. W. Baldw ook Hn, was of the O tion at u the Roye to, Wedne dinner war pa A a week in Installed president ontario onl Assos mh a inl 4 or Ir York fiAx i convention hich started day i) B dent gle meet] ' arn duc in a yon ! Ontaria ¢ association. At the request of the! The high scores for games vetherlands War Graves Com- Played by the members of the on consideration is being Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club, given tw a pllgrimage to the at Adelaide House Tuesday even- 'etherlamds and Rhineland cem.!ing were: North and South "Ler ion Mrs. W. Sorby and John Hart During hex ist to Ottawal!75 points; Mrs. E. Stewart and Iuty |, Queen Elizabeth will un. Mrs. M. Bind, 70 points; Mrs. M ell a memorial to the alrmen| R Clarke and S. Sheridan, 67% ae graves ace unknown. Mrs, Points, Mrs. O Hobbs and Mrs Wigston. of Whithy, will rep Mewitt 64 points East and | the Oshawa and district West--Mrs. B. Woods and Mrs ads at thie Corewmon Gi. A. Rundle, 74 points; R. Rice One of the highlighis.of the con md J Buchanan 70% points citlon was (he report by the Mrs C. Bowra and Miss G ecient irs Low Burns, 88% points, Mrs. N. Dan witalt, of hor visit to Hay o lel and Miss R IHiggins, 67 A pons a guest of the executive of The sof BeaAherhood Throughout TRUCK RUNS AWAY Wind tor Vesce Mrs. Mock Oshawa Police reported this Asie ought back a lamp with morning that a truck, driven by wr tie oily one In Canada Jack Dunlop, of Ol Springs, | Iie association at its conven Which 'had heen left parked on ' moved og their moral First avenue Thursday morning Wport othe brotherhood inoved off while the driver was Arena Plan Is Endorsed By Chamber The Oshawa Chamber of Com decided endorse Lhe merce to recreation centre and/or arena project at its regular executive meeting at Adelaide House Thursday noon A. W. Armstrong said he would be at the public meeting to be held in the city hall Thursday night and would express the feel ings of the chamber The chamber had received letter from the mayor inviting its presence at the public meeting to discuss the motion made last Thursday and. to elect a new executive Herbert Robinson reported on the Urban Redevelopment brief presented Tuesday, May 28, to the planning board and finance committee by Eugene Henry chairman of the downtown plan ning and development commi tee The idea of the brief was to conduct a survey showing what blighted areas of Oshawa could be cleaned up in a redevelop ment scheme, Mr. Robinson said "A 1954 act permits the feder al and provincial governments to pay 75 per cent of the cost of the study." The members of the chamber decided to send a letter to the planning board, commending the committe presented the brief, on its and quality of presentation. District Association, Silver Cross Women of Canada, is holding its annual tag day on Saturday of this week The appeal is a worthy one and the members are hoping that the response by generous convention at Monts, projects Group Plans For Tag Day the Chapter Oshawa and Remembrance Members of the puolic will be recent national Ste. Agathe des Quebec a number of were considered by the Following the Convention Night At Kinsmen "Convention Night" was held by the Oshawa Kinsmen Club at Hotel Genosha Thursday night Convention Committe Chali man Jack Riseborough told the club about plans for the District Eight Kinsmen Club Convention The convention will be held at Clevelands House, Muskoka, on June 25, 26, 27 and 28. The Osh awa club will act as host for the district 3 Kinsmen Monty Cranfield, Jack Menzie and Harold Roughley de talled the entertainment for the event and. reminisced about past gatherings Gordon Bell 'reminded the members of the Kinsmen Karni at the Oshawa Children's Arena on June 5 and 6. Miss To. ronto 1958 will be guest the carnival Final Week To Hear val val star of Dorothy at the Oraan : HOTEL LANCASTER been that be permanently disabled by injuries they sustained tributing He claimed that all the injuries have occurred as a result of driv- ers having to lift the heavy steel ramps used in the unloading of automobiles from transports. sections of the 100 and 175 He said that ramps weigh between pounds and must be lifted above the head by drivers said that he felt the drivers could Mr. McAfee some of "Many of the drivers feel that the strain placed on them by un- _/ con-/ Miss L. Davidson, heart and three grandchildren. loading these a factor failure," he said ramps is towards CITY AND DISTRICT THREE The CANDIDATES nomination Was held yesterday in the court room of the Oshawa Police station Louis Hyman, QC read proclamation which granted a poll | H No new candidates ap- The candi- dates had already registered their June 11 plied for nomination nominations previous to meeting. They are: Thomas meeting for electoral district of Oshawa "a rash of mishaps at Co-|{;« 1ate Mr. teau Landing, Quebec, where sev- eral Ontario companies unload Davidson and Mrs. James) A resident of Belleville for the past 35 years, Mrs. Middleton had previously lived in Peterbor- ou; gh. She was a member of st. | |Andrew's Presbyterian Church, | | Belleville, and had been a mem: her of the women's association) and the women's missionary so-| ciety of the church for many | years Predeceased by her husband in the 1951, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. | J Bruce McGregor (Helen), of Oshawa Also surviving are a sister,| of Vancouver, | The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh Funeral Home, |Oshawa, at 1 p.m. Saturday, May '30, followed by interment in Little Lake Rev. R. awa, will conduct the services. THOMAS TWENTYMAN Cemetery, Peterborough. Congratulations and best LIBERAL CANDI Kis was completed. Caught by the camera as Mr. Mrs. James Beal, personal sec- retary to Mr. Drynan. Af rear are Harry Millen, official agent % DATE FILES N REE Bi OMINATION for the candidate; Mrs. Everett Drynan filed | Warne, president of the Osh. | his nomination, front from left, | are Mr. Drynan, Mr. Hyman, awa auxiliary of the Oshawa Riding Liberal Association and John Caineron, secretary of the Oshawa Riding Liberal Associa- tion, --Oshawa Times Photo vision street. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The ecur- rent attraction is "Al Ca- Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m, and 10 a.m. wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Mrs, Mildred Carson, Taun- ton; Mrs. Mary McDermaid, 297 Oshawa boulevard north; Laura Francis, RR 1, Hamp- ton; Harvey Parker, 166 Ste- venson road south; Bernard Legree, 776 Phillip Murray Laurie Crew, 693 Barbara Marks, 797 stglen drive; Stanley Russell, 167 Mill street; Wayne Boynton, 206 Eulalie avenue Allan Dilloff, 361 Kingsdale avenue; Ross Ball, 259 Mary street; Fred Smith, 21 Elgin street east; Francis Compston, 238 Golf street; Lioyd Calhoun, 42 Di- STREETS CLOSED Four streets will be closed for B. Milroy, minister of construction today and over the {Knox Presbyterian Church, Osh-|weekend, the city engineer's of-' FUNERAL OF fice reports. Closed are: Ritson {road north from Rossland road |east to Alice street, Simcoe street north from Nonquon road to The funeral service for Thomas Taunton road, Annapolis avenue Twentyman, who died at the Oshawa General Gibb str 88 d the ospital last Tuesday, was held ons street and Rossland road the Mcintosh Funeral Home| |at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 28 e services were conducted) (at 397 Beverley St., | {by Rev. C. D. Cross, rector of Thomas, Willlam Newman, and Cemetery George K. Drynan DUPLICATE BRIDGE away for a short time crossed the rallway line and ran lito a pole. Damage was est! nated af $225 The truck | The pallbearers were T. Clark, | |W. Sargent, L. Smith, O. Myers, | loughby and Ww. wil ON | | SOTO COLD | Fur Storage THE PREMISES No Notice required when Firs are desired FOR FREE PICKJIP PHONE RA 65-6312 MORRISON 12 KING WEST -- OSHAWA FURS W. Osmond. the gi George's Anglican Church. In- D. {ferment was in Mount Lawn from Stevenson road north tol west partially closed from Bess- borough drive to Nipigon street, to be avoided if possible. ! THIS WEEK-END ONLY! So bring the family to the 522 RITSON RD. S. TOWN LUNCH FROSTY TREAT (Soft Ice Cream) CLIP THIS COUPON FOR FREE CONE '2 BLOCKS NORTH OF 401 HIGHWAY) the ai URGENTLY REQUIRES 4 so that others may THE NEXT CLINIC live ,. . give blood YOUR 2] Hele]: reatest of all Your OSHAWA BRANCH of the Canadian. Fad. Cross BLOOD DONORS IS BEING HELD AT ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM on THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, at 1:30 to 4:00 and from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Yes... make your move now when at this time of the year all building, remodeling and fix-up problems are at their lowest ebb because of the fine weather. Right now Millwork & Building Supplies has a complete supply of all the needs for these jobs and are able to sell them cheaper because of the large demand. You will also receive valuable assistance from our experts and they will come to your home to give you a free estimate. Only at MILLWORK & BUILDING SUP- PLIES can you receive all these extras. 1279 SIMCOE N. » LTD MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES RA 3-4694

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