The Oshawa Times, 29 May 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THE TIMES Partly cloudy with scattered TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 38-3492 All other ealls ....... RA 3-3474 showers or thunderstorms Sate turday. Winds southerly. dhe Oshawa Times Authorized As Second Class Moll Post Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY-TWO PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy - nr i Bi 4 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1959 nor oved INE Show Of Force By Govt I~ ~ "By China Seen VOL. 88--No. 125 | SHAPELY BLONDE TEACHER | TURNS INTO CLUB STRIPPER OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern ng July 1. The bonds will be ment today announced creation|valued for this purpose at 101.2 of a new one-year $200,000,000 per cent. The fact that the trea: treasury bill issue whose pro-|ury bills will be dated June | ceeds will be used to help pay means in effect that those wh off a $500,000,000 bond issue fall- convert to the treasury bills wil ing due Julv 1. receive the equivalent of threc The treasury bills will be sold|yeeks additional interest on the Troops To Laos HOLLYWOOD (AP) A suburban school where she taught until last October, junior high competitive bids -- a process | 5. which will decide what the inter-| Mr. Fleming's statement saic est return will be. bills. to pelt is expected that payment foi The new treasury a 5s m |the new bills by most if not all oficred for jeader WD is lof the successful bidders will be EDT Nex gesiay, may he pail made by exchanging the 2'z-per Aten "um. |CENt bonds," 15-per-cent bonds matur-| © ' ou fg Yio 3) gerscent how INO NEW PRESSURE A finance department spokes- man said the treasury bill issue Lines Link Fas cash pressure . . Tos Mpc Tiki nigh reasury Se Pickering CNR Bypass (left) roared aloft carrying two monkeys and several speci- mens of vegetable matter in the nose cone, The monkey ran-born Rhesus, the two The missile was one of included bio-medical experiments in sup- port of the National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration's space programs. Ships cruising in the impact area tigua recovered the nose cone and monkeys. near An- | AP Wirephoto | shapely blonde school teacher who quit teaching because a school of- ficial criticized her dress has turned up as a featured strip- per in a burlesque night club. Her real name is Patricia Ann Carruthers and she says she graduated from the Uni- versity of Minnesota in 1956, But at the El Rancho Club in Los Angeles, she unveils nightly under the name of Pattie White. She says she made the name change in order not to embarrass the She sald she chucked teach- ing when one official kept criticizing her about the way she dressed. "Everything 1 did was wrong," she said. "Either my dresses were too tight or too revealing. I couldn't even wear long earrings without criticism." Does she prefer burlesque to teaching school? "It beats getting up at 6 a.m. and no one criticizes my dress. And there are no papers to correct," ' As Bombshell TOKYO (AP)--Signs are mul-| "If there will be no meeting of tiplying that Communist China is|the heads of government in the considering some dramatic new near future, we shall wait until move in Asia to emphasize her|the conditions are ripe," he said claim to a seat at any summit Thursday in an address in the conference, Albanian town of Korca. This is suggested by the simul-| Western diplomats believe taneous presence in Albania of Khrushchev is anxious for a Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush. Summit meeting, regardless of |chev and the Chinese Defence the line he adopts publicly, In a [Minister, Pen Tem-hual. (speech Tuesday he said he was Peiping's bombshell could be a pre pared lo go to the ends of show of force either by Chinese Ne art] to meet th Presi. \ 1 { Cisenhower, Prime Minister jor Communist North Vietnamese Macmillan and President de {troops at the brders of the king: Gaulle dom of Laos, hrushe Or there could be a renewal of My Asughe nev 3s sald Ms Son hostilities against the Chinese Na-|a "peace treaty with West Ger- tionalist islands off the Red main- many, cash offering to be announced in| TORONTO (CP)--Canadian Na- land. The Soviet premier again A demonstration of belligerency posed an atomic-free zone on the on the Laotian frontier would cli-| Balkan Peninsula, and again max a rising campaign of Com-| threatened to establish missile munist hostility to that tiny, land- bases in Albania if Italy and locked country, whose govern- Greece allow similar NATO ment has been accused of violat- bases on their territory, ing the Indochina armistice, He reminded the West that ® - It also would create a erisis rocket bases in Albania, small that might require Communist est member of the Communist The them into a vertical tunnel con-|China's presence at the summit bloc, could "blanket" all of Italy necting the levels of the mine. meeting that may be held this and Greece, The lowest level is 8,900 feet be- summer. Khrushchév said "if the devil low the surface. makes the Greek government The company said no blasting! LONDON (CP) Soviet Pre- lose their good sense, it will only had taken place for "six or seven/mier Nikita Khrushchev says he make it worse for the Greek peo- weeks" in the area where thelis in no hurry for a Big Four ple and the Greek government." |rockburst occurred, Isummit meeti INOT DISTURBED pro- Scientists Study Bud Abbott Body Space Monkeys HitBy rn Taxhuit BY M two years flight brought the the week of June 15 will be used lin the retirement July 1 of the {21% -per-cent bond issue The new treasury bill offering s the first government financing to be launched since the budget BO o : April 9, apart from the govern- Hoga) Rellwavs wi Tie Jung 2 ment's usual weekly offerings of urban communities of Malton and| Short-term treasury bills. Clarkson through Toronto town. It is the first olie-véar freasuly ship, CNR vice-president W. H. bill offering ever made, Norma Kyle announced Thursday. weekly offerings of the bills are Instead, the railway will use for 91 days and recently the gov existing lines to link iis proposed [ernment has been selling six- Pickering-Maple Toronto bypass month treasury bills as well, The the next line with the main Toronto - to- Longest JOrTn, HOARINY Til bys ont WASHINGTON (AP) Able! The space milton rail route dbo 5 some ye, 180 land Baker, the world's most re ous reactions around world 5 ~ ? KIRKLAND (CP) Ba esidents, subdividers and As well, it will be the first time ani Ba monkeys, are flying here TEE : I" PROTERYE HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Straight }, dy of one of two miners trap township officials had feared a the bills will have been sold inf, 5 press conference Saturday BRITI! H GROUP PROTESTS . [man Bud Abbott said today he ped in a broken mass of timber ss extension from Malton denominations of $1.000 -- there| prom personal experience, they From the British League has lost all his assets and is sell [and rock at the Wright-Har- would be built through areas now also will b e denominations of {know more about space travel against Cruel Sports "every ani- ing his house because of a back! greaves gold mine was sighted being subdivided for housing. $25,000, $100.000 and $1,000,000. than the government scientists mal loving pe will deplore tax audit that 'hit me like a today, mine officials said The CNR announcement said |Previously, treasury bills were who will present them this diabolical act nd feel sick- thunderbolt They could not determine im- the Toronto - to - Stratford line no smaller than $25,000. They travelled 1,500 miles, ened and nauseated by the so-| Said the surviving member of mediately whether the body was y 04, or es i 7 Dill § i han 300 miles called civilized mentality of the tho Abbott and Costello comedy [that of Peter Moras would carry bypass freight traf-| The new bill issue will be sold curving out more ft 00 mile ey civ : of the he Ap a p y| fic from Malton, to Georgetown. | through usual treasury bill chan. into space, aboard a Jupiter mis- persons who oan Subiay Jentiont team: From there, the old Hamilton-to-|nels--banks and other financial sile Thu? |ereatures to such a fiendish fate, Barrie line would be utilized to|institutions -- and can be pur- mm traffic south to Burlington, chased by the public. Probe Injuries Huard, 19, ay. oS ) 4 | 'It's the same situation as Joe| Rescue crews worked through They survived, with nary al From a Moscow Radio report|, =. = Foo get out. They|the night clawing rock aside by ae a drous rod iced here In. 1s shiccesst have taken everything I've got, hand in an attempt to reach the + . . : 8 's 'For sale [two miners, buried at the mine's aunc d at C Canaveral, round-trip through space and and now there's a p | tw Fla. They Pareto rerio back 'by two monkeys on a Jup* Fige in rout of he. fous, 1 don {2%00-foot, level, wank Sa . ity [iter i Ca- know where I" ve en the m. free of the earth's pull of Jravity let rocket launched at Cape Ca | w rst shay am. | % SG | In Athens, Greek Premier Cone B L] F H 1 1 |stantine Karamanlis said Khrush- as the missile screamed along at naveral" . house "is 'sol' p P lane. Conference- G 2 ' 10,000 miles a, hour. p= Av thin.foor-sjiire maloway-n tactics which he (Khrushchev) |chev's threats obviously were {aimed at scaring the Greek peo- {ple but "are not likely to disturb our composure," The Greek leader sald {the mine, deepest in North Amer- | lice 2 i 200 feet i . . follows against Greece and the RECOVER ¥ ARTICLIAGH il i hd thet Miles Ron fe} . GENEVA (AP)--The Big Four| "The four foreign ministers had speeches which he makes in ey, Survi od the uring re ra on reign Ministers annouticed to- an opportunity on the aircraft of towns on our border by no means re-enizy J the ellis wos fe ls 35. |day after a transatlantic sky con- reviewing the progress of the encourage these intentions of Be Tied of Antigua. The at | ference that they had a useful Geneva conference and to discuss ours." i» g Uramowski was dug out alive| © TF . : ery of their nose cone vehicle ATnowS exchange of views on their over-| certain details of their respective] Meanwhile, a military delega- and taken to hospital with head ight flight f \ 3 | Constable Moore, of thejical Centre sald he treated Mrs. from the sea by navy vessels was laceration, Moras and Huard ™8ht flight from Washington. |positions. All agreed that their|tion from Communist China: ar- Brechin detachment, Ontario Pro-|Lawson for chest and other in-lalmost an anticlimax. They agreed to start the final exchange of views had been most rived Wednesday in Tirana, the C ittee Cut Funds For Bomarc i See om vincial Police, is conducting an| juries, He said she complained] Able is a seven-pound rhesus "It was nerve-wracking work," round of their Geneva talks on|useful. The four ministers agreed|Albanian capital, for a six-day investigation into the circum-|that she had been struck in the monkey, Baker a squirrel monkey | WASHINGTON (AP) --' The early decision by the Pentagon in said Adam Wagner, a member of German problems, the Berlin|t0 Meet again privately and in. 800dwill visit, The Chinese mis. stances surrounding injuries sus-|chest by her brother, weighing only a pound. Both are apmy scored a viclory over the|the air defence missile contro. the party that rescued Uramow-|crisis and the prospects for a formally at 5 o'clock at Mr, |Sion has been touring Soviet-bloe tained by Mrs. Lemay Lawson,| He said she gave her brother's females, air force Thursday when the versy. ski. "We could hear Uramowski summit conference at the villa of Lloyd's Geneva residence." {countries, 73, a resident of the Claremont home as RR 1, Claremont, She| Through electronic instruments yiouse of Representatives ap-| Saying billions of dollars are in- distri stations - Srevnsa. «com «ws A LEE ~The hardest dollar to earn is the one you've already spent, talking to us so we knew where British Foreign Secretary Selwyn|GIVES DETAILS i i ; ¢ . We he cut through |Lloy '4 yi A ot. |said she came from Montreal but(that radioed back such informa, nriations. committee slashed volved, the group whose recom. ne Was. We h i) to out go Lloyd at 5 p.m. (noon EDT). The four Ministers took off ' 1 ; tion as pulse rate, body heat and the lining of the manway and dig] The U.S. Air Force pl from Washi ; : Dr. S. P. Kandel, of Porthad been staying with her brother blood sure, they told scien.|[UNds for the air force's Bomarc mendations rarely are overridden through a lot of loose rock and rying State Secret PC rar | ram Fo pgton, 31 id-after. u es state Perry, said the elderly woman on his farm for some time, ac- pressure, Yiey tod st anti-aircraft missile and allowed in the House declared 'it is time yimber until we reached him." A Sate Secretary Christian noon. For the first hour they| claimed she had been beaten by cording to the doctor. juste pel: sol whit oy hap- ia full amount requested for the to re-examine what we are get: Wagner and his boss, Jimmy ier Herter, Sovies Foreign Minis. chatted informally and read news. | . her 71-year-old brother. Howgver,| *I treated her for chest wm-{Po0 Monkevs' fonds on 15. army's Nike-Hercules. ting for our money.' Brick, had been on a shaft in-|ga. (iene! A. Gromy 0, Foreign | papers ai magazines. Then they| Go T he added, she was in a nervous|juries and sent her to Port Perry minute trip is hailed as an auspi. The committee, in sending al (A few hours earlier in Ottawa, spection- and had gone to the jo» ph Sai vy M. ord ot Brie about Fr posting and ee es 0 1 ow and confused state and unable to Hospital for further treatment|pjous forerunner for the projected $38,848,339,000 defence money bill Canada's Defence Minister 2,500-foot level just before the de Murville Yorded oe rouve hour and a half as 0 8 A att EW Y: 4 give comprehensive details, and examination," said the doc- orbiting around the earth of hu. (to the House, said it was cutting Pearkes told a Senate committee blast to pick up their gear. airport here at 12:54 p.m "onian roared through the sky at Sircrajl NEW YORK (AP) -- Secretary 'Her condition is only fair," tor. 'I have nothing further to/man 'mercury astronauts" hv funds for the Bomare to focus at- that there will be "very shortly" ON REINFORCING JOB The four Hine. in a/tude of about 15,000 feet, A Rus. of State John Foster Dulles left said Dr. Kandel, 'She is spitting say." [the United States some time in'tention on the necessity for ana string of Bom re Below them the three men joviel mood. Herter, host of ne sian adviser and several Ameri- te bulk of his considerable es- blood and when a person reaches - across North America were reinforcing manway timber "flying carpet conference" was Can officials were seated near the tate to his widow in his will filed 1 2 i Pr rh . y he A rence 8 i , . ATS T " av i -- ~, her age that could indicate some- | (There was no immediate indi ing in Ww hat the company de first out oF Hie oi oT conferring group of ministers. Thursday in Surrogates Court. thing dangerous. We have her cation how the U.S. committee's scribed as "a stope full of broken bali ail ny Eventually, it goes to two of his 'Q «8 C r yas J y under observation but can't say {action will affect the Canadian ore Stope is 3 mining lev or as he Walked Tp ag tive Shiliren. more definite yet." defence program. Canad s/a large excavalion in V 1 : . Dulles, who died of cancer andl said there were no wry = 'get the on ol B is blasted ftom Sie Seding. t Ane a ome ary u Sane: THOUGHT FOR TODAY 24, made specific A | 3 hd v A Wagner saic he rockburst, a re rding, who had ri x " R . p q 4 3 J A more th 5 outward signs to indicate the (in 1961, while the S. committee sudden fall of rock which dis-|den in an accompanying aircraft. Xx r than $250,000. But associ- woman had been beaten. 'She was dealing with procurement of places air and causes a concus-|issued a statement on behalf of ates said it is too early to at. Jas not owt yp Be marked gud [the Shorter range omarc.A) siom, has also caved in the 2,500. the four: | frempt an estimate of his total e stated, 'but she said sh | A Tew hours later, Defence Sec- t level ahead of them, Immed- ---- ii been kicked in the stomach." {retary Neil H. McElroy told re- Jon le ihadhe were called to the] Jim Martin, of Uxbridge, porters the Pentagon expects to \ | Mrs. Lawson was taken by {have a master plan for U.S. air m- HITTING THE HUSTINGS Uxbridge ambulance in a couple of ber, loose rock and muck," Wag- ; N | lower level. "It was a broken mass of ti aid the to {defence ready | weeks, town Hospital she olhce Port Perry According to our records at a doctor's taken to hospita trip was made at CHEST INJURIES A do the 1 Bjax Youths Rrrested On Rape Charge PICKERING (Staff) I Uramowski told them as they : ' : nd LJ |carried him out that one of the] lother two men *'was working not| \ ar 1€ [too far away from where the | ; ucation rock fell." |centre. He went from there to that the "Liberals were given Over Weekend When other rescuers arrived | the Llood bank where he paid charge of the department of edu. they were faced with the prob | TORONTO (CP) Roadside roof of the manway to hold loose| n ea t tribute to the emergency blood cation." lem of timbering the walls and {detours on sections of Ontario's/Tock in place. | prograr f p ross. pro m of the Red Cross. Mr. Wintermeyer said his party highways are expected to slow USING GREAT CARE | |traffic movements during this/ William Sampson, underground] By THE CANADIAN PRESS LIBERAL CHIEF BUSY would divert more funds to stu. Mr. Wintermeyer went through 9€nt aid beginning with an im- | weekend, the department of high. Mine superintendent, issued a; Two leaders made promises one of the busiest days of his Mediate grant of $300 to students [ways reports. statement saying rescue work and the third tossed a counter- The department has listed de. \V@S Progressing "as quickly as attack in Ontario election cam vigorous campaign, speaking at|3tending universities outside Goderich, Mitchell and Stratford/their home towns, {tours on these highways possible but with extreme care so paigning Thursday Queen Elizabeth Way from injuries to the Premier Frost said his govern: and stopping to shake hands at Students wishing to train as were Road Detours ner said, | | vas pi aid. The 9.50 p.m i he or at xbridge Med As to avoid any rescue parties ol | Oakville to Highway 25 ta ment plans to extend hospital in- la. llles Jighway 2a Highway Only four men could work at surance coverage to Na | Highway 10 Orangeville to Cam. rock removal at any one time nursing homes and Liberal ila: Highwe 27 at Higl oo. because of the narrow space, he'Leader John Win t ermever Lai ghway 27 a IRhway 2: caid, Twelve others and four su- pledged a - Wi ighway 27, one mile north of 8 2 Jrogram 10. provide Ajax youths have been arrested and charged with and in decen assault Pit township police Whithy } \ $135.000 ape by and are kering Ri In beau age age 19, all of Ajax police alleged offence 2% \ Ajax vere took that told 1 place red d R {Haliburton to 1124, McKellar to two miles north; Nobletn; Highway 69, Nobel to Shawanaga River; Highway 121 Minden 501 at Highway Port Severn pery are Highway work," said Mr. isors were standing by. "The most experienced miners being used in the rescue Sampson The men were moving the rock night. He said Mr by hand and dumping it behind pe | LATE NEWS FLASHES free university education. CCF Leader Donald C Wednesday Frost usually by Premier Frost had no answer to criticisms. The premier spoke in Ottawa where he began an Eastern On- tario tour by opening a rehabilit- Red Cross ation centre and a blood bank Mac- Donald answered an attack made y univers sorted to name-calling when he Seaforth, Wingham, F o¥ m o s a teachers particularly in and Mildmay. need of financing. Education of His chief topic for the day was/Ontario children "should not suf- the Liberal proposal to open up|fer because of their (the Con- v education to all, re. Servatives') inability to finance gardless of ability to pay. This Properly." would be one of the major goals DEFICIT FINANCING of a Liberal government He said the Coram t At a meeting of 80 in Goderich using deficit financing, Instead he charged that the government of a surplus as the government was not doing the job it should|claimed, .there was actually a in the education field. After 16 $60,000,000 deficit last year and PRAISES PROGRAM He called the government's {hospital program "a mighty pro- {gram for the betterment of the health of our people." "Our present plans call for emphasis on 'convalescent and chronic heds and steps are being taken to include in the (hospital) vears of Progressive Conserva-| there would be a $129.0 tive administration it 'was time deficit this ear, Hw The Liberal leader repeated his challenge to the Conserva- HOW WILL MAYOR (5c VOTE ON BUSES? ftom plan well-equipped nursing homes} have announced a platform and | How is the mayor going to which will meet a reasonable this alone "is sufficient reason to turn out the present govern. . Ny vote on the bus franchise ques- ment. Red Chinese Shell Quemoy Island stan dard and will assist in reduc-| tion June 8 That Ra | Mr. MacDonald told a Kenora : i {ing the pressure on active treat Ming ¢ . TAIPEI, Formosa (Reuters) The Chinese Communists [ment SM abi od > 5h being asked by many Oshawa lobbed four shells at Nationalist-held Quemoy Island off the | Later, in an interview, the pre-| people these days as the con. rally that Mr. Frost's govern. ment was "tottering from cor mainland port of Amoy shortly after daybreak today, the de |mier said the main stumbling troversy bolls back and forth fence ministry announced [block is establishing uniform| I" Saturday's edition of The ruption from within" and was best serving the interests of big A ; health and safety standards for, Oshawa Times Mayor Lyman PM Asks Diplomats For Restraint mt home "Buf we're pi Gifford will give the answer OTTAWA (CP Minist Diefe business He said the fact that Mr. Frost tiny . e said telling flatly and why vised dinlomats to use rs versial utterances' in their speeches Russ McNeil Re-Elected By Local 222 Gerry Topham, UAW election committee chairman, an- nounced that Russell McNeil, was re-elected to the office of secretary-treasurer of Local 222, UAW. Mr Topham refused to release any figure resulting from the re-count but stated "as far as the election committee is concerned McNeil is elected." A reliable source said, unofficially, that MeNeil was found to have one vote more than nec essary to estab. lish an overall majority over his opponents thes evening of] she wa mmer Squire's Beach May 25. The gir! taken into a vac tage. She to Ajax allege an cot | was later driven back and left at the ~~ SLIDE BLOCKS CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY foot-high cliff covers U.S. High- | motorists only because they | the cliff, plunge the vl r I Q n noed a red traffie b i | SE i CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 | © i 107. I. ea HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | aud rocks hit the highway with | yard of a landmark mansion, | he stands it were she fo \ where as speech wu that he had no in to- defence MacDonald's wrongdoing by the ives, 4 haker yan \ N I ak toda . ost made his remarks to Don't miss had called him names in a Gait m ned the property -AFP Wuepuowo rmerly ow reater rest y « greater re Aint in making in this country. at the of St row's Times (Vincent Hospital's rehabilitation opening penin of Conservat

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