The Oshawa Times, 29 May 1959, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 29, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 25--Pets and Livestock |BOXER, male, 3% m ou the, Tutt i white markings. RA 5.7758. 131 Ke le 20 | INFORMATION -- fab cottages and Wood Road, 208) garages. RA 3.3105 after § pom. A SHOO-IN! Rent dollars are practical: | FOR SALE -- on Scugog Lake front, ly in your hands when you use a Classi [fied to get tenants. Dial RA 38492. A any 3 tories BOARDING "trimming, "bathing, de- Phone ¥ RA 8-1920. fleeing, Waubena Kennels, RA So. ee and Found LOST -- s wristwatch, the Osh- BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, awa Shopping Hoi Bulova, engraved on back. Call Orono 122¢ Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. LOST -- Two keys, eo of Simcoe OFFICE HOURS 8 A.M. to5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted [13--Gardening & Supplies 13--Gardening & Supplies | 17--Money to Loan WANTED = field of sod, any size. 1st and 2nd Phone MO 8.3015, Whitby, wil AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and layed. Top- MORTGAGES 8---Building Trades 8--Building Trades and Sxcavat ng, JACK C. MacDONALD Riv ame, Free estimate PAINTER & DECORATOR Brothers, 26 2% _Hilleaurt Drive, Paperhaunging and Painting ainting, , odd jobs. yooh Gyptex Free Estimates CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 225 248 Taor| Please Note Deadlines now in effect for | this column: Births, Memoriams, Thonks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 , 20¢ square yard, delivered, finest lity. Roto-tilling. MO 8.3015 3 vy GARDENS and lawns plow roto- [tiled and levelled. Also Tent blade one A 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.12 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitutes a new original order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month, Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure, count os @ word, Box charge 15¢ additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the doy of publication, Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12 REGULATIONS= The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any odver tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification, In the case of display advertises ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce oll advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability if any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained therein, | PLASTERING. waterprooting Jd var od. Aus ug |ing, all building Tepe ri class work. Average sl All. Work Sul oniesd | workmanship. RA 5 51339 anytime, | 50 Nassau St. RA 3-7080 |cArPEnTER ZR ami i G ARDEN LIFETIME WRI GH kitchen cabinets, custo: work SUPPLIES T and repairs. Mortgages : arranged, An IRON RAILINGS PLANT FOODS v work guaran Guaranteed rust-proof FOR BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH EVERY NEED Most Modern Design BULK CONCRETE STAIN-FREE DAILY PHONE RA 5-2063 Phone RA 8.8695 ofter Work fully guaranteed. Pick-up and GARDEN SEEDS 6 pm. ond Saturday ening tht Tai, cal Jim Pudse, 37 FLOWER SEEDS. pl AR CT PLASTERING now, saws, scissors, knives, etc. Percy PEAT MOSS ig BUG KILLERS WEED KILLERS BOX PLANTS SHRUBBERY Nell, 102 Highland, RA 8-836 63. Plastering WOOD! S PLASTERING ROSES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS RA 8-1311 CLIFF BROWN COOPER-SMITH COMPANY (Nell, 102 Hiighand, RA 88363. GRAVEL & SAND 16 CELINA ST. LOAM RA 3-2312 Prompt Delivery RA 8-89 BEVERWYCK GARDENS or RA 36906 after Fours LAURIER McKENNA for expert paper NEW OIL FURNACES on Highway 12 North of Whitby hanging, painting, gyptexing, plastic, | mastic, lino.tiling. RA 5.2851, Estimates Buy it wholesale ond have it installed by experts. Easy IMPORTERS, GROWERS, WHOLESALERS | free, HAVE sharpened terms. Fuel oil, oil burners, furnaces. HARRY O. PERRY JOHN COX, Prop. 600 MAPLE ST, WHITBY PHONE MO 8-4184 RA 5-4360 HEATING NURSERY STOCK, roses PRE-CAST CONCRETE RA 3-3443, Nights RA 3-7944 evergreens, shrubs, hedges, lilac trees, gold leaf, etc. SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS LOCKWOOD HEATING Sheet Metal Ltd GLADIOLI, new varieties, dahlia roots, strawberry ond PATIO SLABS STEPS & PORCHES TINSMITHING AND SHEET METAL WORK raspberry plants, box plants, seeds, grass seeds. WELL THE CURBING AIR CONDITIONING BUILT-UP ROOFING FLAGSTONE loam, manure, peatmoss, fertilizer. BROOKLIN CONCRETE OIL BURNERS Sold - Installed - Serviced SPRING DISPLAY of flower bulbs, crocus, narcisssus, hve PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone 155 Brooklin NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT acinths, tulips. Cut flowers for sale. (1 1--Business Opportunities PHONE RA 3-2511 Come and see us, open oll HIGHWAY 288 ARTHUR STREEY RESTAU RANT day ond evenings, 7 days e week. Plenty of parking 25 miles north of Whitby, space. | Cards of PICKERING DOG SCHOOL Obedience training for all dogs. For information call PICKERING 240M4 TEMPLE 9-1656 26--Farmer's Column POTATOES for sale. Phone YUkon *15-2741 after 6 p.m. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect, Bowmanville, MA 3-2679, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 27--Fuel Wood DRY hardwood cuttings, $5 and loads. Also used lumber. RA 5-262L 28--Summe Resorts da py k-filled, ex- | 0623. | Good (and Post Office. RA 8-0334. Reward. Al I BRICK and Block "work, "chimney | repair, Jasewieny waterproofing, free {es ¢ RA 8.0200. { TERING, patching and stucco, Bac foundation. Free estimates. | | General repairs. RA 3-4871. | ROOFING and siding {chimney repairs, be: 5-6821. LOST -- Small Beagle hound, 18 months old, female, light brown face, body white and tan, some black, chain col- lar, in Pickering - Ajax area. Phone Pickering 92W1. Reward, 31--Articles For Rent BIRTHS DUFFIN -- Hugh and Betty Betty Lodge) are happy to announ the birth of r son, Hugh John Thomas, 7 Ibs. 9 ozs, .on Thursday, May 328, 1950, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Thanks to Dr, McLean. GANGEMI == Deena Jo is happy to announce the arrival of her baby brother, Joel Anthony, May 26, 1959, at the Oshawa General Hospital, 7 Ibs, 14% ozs. The proud parents are Joan and Joe, Many thanks to Dr. J. E Todd. Deo Gratis. ( hee Fraser, 10--Sharpening Service POWER and hand mowers, shears, scissors, etc., precision sharpened WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 282 King St. West RA 3-4873 Ample Parking SEW and SAVE RENT a SINGER CEMENT mixer, electric, aise box 49, COTTAGES furnished, weekends or|' ouer. Phone RA 57149, vacation, refrigerators, two-, and three CEMENT _ mixer - electric, wheel room, excellent feline, boating, barrows, TV sets, also sidewalks and safe for children. RA 5-4328, gayeway curbs laid, RA 5-4274 or RA NEW cottage for rent for month or(_. season. All conveniences. Apply No. 3 cottage "'San *, Tates Beach, Bewdley, Ontario. : 123f 2 A FOR sale -- on Gull Lake, Haliburton, 3 ricles. Wanted fully furnished, three bedrooms, lake- front, Write Willlam Bow, General ha livery, Whitby. 50 ACRES of pasture for rent. a Ken Gibson, 2203 Newcastle or RA 5-1353. 124 TORRANCE. Muskoka, 1% miles off high 69, seven housekeeping sot "and cabins, running water, sai end boats, good fishing, central flush toilets, booth, also camping grounds Weekly and Tohthly rates. Write Oliver Jutehinson, "orrance or phone Bala 342-W2. cement proofing, repairs, water LANGLAIS = Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Langlais (nee Hood) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Wednesday, May 27, 1959, at the] Oshawa General Hospital, A sister for Paul and Ruth soil. Phone-- end PICKERING 889 AGREEMENTS OF SALE Evenings Ajox 431 Bought and Arranged GRAVEL LYNDEWOOD INVESTMENTS Pit run 90% stone. tor mud driveway. " SROOKLIN 303 i |FIRST and second mortgage, Anytime RA 8-0109 | agreements purchased and sold z and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King | Evenings RA 8-6096 [Street East, RA 3.7232. : 4 | CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. 1 Household Repairs | gage, Mortgage and agreements of sale CRESTERFIELDS and odd chairs re-| purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. covered like new, Get the best for less| Creighton, Drynan and Mur- st § Molen 8 Uoholstering 2 Simcoe doch. 1 for a mae 18--Loan Wanted B. A. UPTON for interior and ex- MORTGAGE WANTED -- for comple. terior decorating, roxatoning, wood fin-|tion of five-room bungalow. Box ishing. Phone RA 23-2977 after business|Oshawa Times. DUS |WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on BOB'S ELECTRICAL R REPAIR, F) Free | first and second mortgages and pur- pick-up and delivery. Repairs to TV, chase of agreements of sale. Louls S. radio and all appliances. Repairs guar-|Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh- {anteed, 14 Church Street, RA 8.0581. awa, RA 3.4943, {Bob Hele, 19--P. al LEARN to live and be the master of |yourself. Eliminate fears, tension and frustration. Learn to be happy! Hap- pi nd health go Hyp FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE $7.50 Labour, plus parts HARRY PERRY HEATING RA 3-3443 Nights--RA 3-7944 cottage for rent, June 27-| | Aug. 3. Four Mile Lake, 65 miles from Oshawa, Three bedrooms, in hydro, hot and cold water, beach, two boats, $350, Phone RA 39975, Rd ARDEN -- housekeeping cottages on Kennebec Lake. Good fishing and Death, hydro, screen verandahs. RA 5-1763. He is the answer to these and | other problems --- skin troubles, ner- vous pains, smoking habit, nail biting, ing ship. Study or, Consult Edwin Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypnosis, 11 Ontario Street, Oshawa. RA 8-0 Weekdays 1 p.m. 9 pm. RA aL 10 am. - 1 pm. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa June 9 - 10. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. MOVIE and TV stars use hypnosis to help them with their over-weight problem, Why don't you? Do it now for your health and appearance safely and quickly. Consult Edwin Heath, Institute |_ of Ethical Hypnosis, 11 Ontario Street, Oshawa, RA 8.0171. Weekdays 1 p.m. 9 pm.; 10 am. . 1 p.m. 20--Cartage LOCKWOOD Moving and Storage, rea- sonable rates, fully insured. RA 5-2831. LOVELESS apartment moving, reasonable rates, fully insured. RA 8.8515. GALT Cartage, furniture and appliance - |moving. Reasonable rates, fully your lawn mower precision free pick up and delivery. Electric Motor Trouble COMPLETE REWIND SER- VICE TO ALL MAKES OF: WASHERS, DRYERS, SUMP- PUMPS, BLOWERS, POWER TOOLS, FANS, MOTORS. SELLING furniture. We'll . Re o |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, "stoves, ete, For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8 1131. PRINTER'S equipment wanted, Small hop items, Multiiith, Gordon press, cutter. Phdle 00 | WANTED -- good used motor, for 4 series 1945 truck. Cash. Phone RA 5-2621. 124¢ OLD glass, silver, etc. RA 3-3651. 123¢ PIANOS -- 10, any make or size, pay LAKE DALRYMPLE, two bedroom | cash; state make and price. Write Box a boat. RA 5-1241. 124a 844 Oshawa Times. | WANTED bit refrigerators, boats, Phone Jo SCRAP IRON, POULTRY V|8-4282 Whitby. . |insured. Call day or night, RA COTTAGE to rent on Diamond Lake AND FEATHER TICKS I. T ER 21--Personal Service near Bancroft, hydro, boat included, RA 3-2043 THRIFT Delivery service. Phone RA safe sand beach. $40 per week. N. H (collect) Repair Centre 49 BURK ST, RA 5.7743 CARPET and Tug re pair wall to wall installations, binding, fring- ._ Ajax 1492W. GAIL Joe, RA 5.8018 for carpentry, painting and handyman. A-1 BRUSH spray painting. Work guaranteed. Oshawa, Whitey district, Free estimates. RA 8.6617 YOUR local chimney el eys built and repaired, MIDDLETON -- At Marnwood Nurs | | | | | | | [ { AND ©O., ac- 18% King | | mates. RA 3.2997 FURNITURE and stered. See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles East, RA 37212. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, 3.4141. {Crayton RA 5-3501, evenings RA i8le Te maton Eine A os FOR RENT SUMMER HOME old? Feel years er. Balsam Lake, good shore, WHY feel old? young: Ostrex tonic tablets revitalize thousands three bedrooms, and all modern conveniences, - July past 40. Only 69c. At all druggists. or August $350. PHONE RA 5-3187 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP FOR BOYS end GIRLS 6 - 14 $15 weekly includes, trons- portation, milk, daily riding, swimming, archery, crafts, sports etc, Registered nurse. For Infor- mation Dial RA 5-2737 PINE RIDGE Why do so many people pre- fer it for their vacation? Why do they return each year; We can't take any credit for our location on scenic Gull Lake, God made it beautiful. Maybe its because we serve good meals or the wholesome happy atmosphere or the rea- sonable rates. Come and see for yourself Ron and Ev. Wood, Miners Bay, Ont. Phone Coboconk 148R4. SANDY BAY CAMP Rice Lake: housekeeping cot- tages, electric refrigerators, fully equipped for your com- fort. Safe, sand beach and good fishing. Write R. Me- Cracken, R. R. 4, Hastings for folders. 28a--Trailers and service 2591. recovered like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran. teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 5.0311, FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co: Ltd. RA 954 Clgonout Service-- $7 labour plus parts 15--Instruction PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience. Appointment only. Call RA SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, alse scrap iron and metals, ete. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone-- RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 * RESIDENCE -- RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP ! 1 CASH FOR SCRAP !! WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, Etc. Open All Day Saturday M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. RA 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E. 35--Employment Wanted CLASS THIRTY FIVE MARRIED man would like job on a farm, fully experienced, in Whitby. Oshawa district. Phone Port Hope, TUrnet 5-5208 collect. 135b 36--Female Help Wanted JEWELLERY SALESGIRL_ REQUIRED Full-time position, experience preferred but not necessary. Apply, between 10 o.m, to 2:30 p.m., to Burns Credit Sellers Ltd, 32 King St. 124 | | | | | | | | | 12--Dressmaking | DRESSMAKING, alteration, drapes, zippers, buttonholes, mending, pant, cuffs, shirt collars, etc. Phone RA 1 5-263 13--Gardening & Supplies LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden ing service- lawns seeded, sodded, fer. tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, roto-tilled, Sidewalk siabs, patio slabs Everything for your garden RA 8-5753 CALL grant for sod. 20c. »q, yd, de livered anywhere. Sod laid. MO 83018, Whitby, and be satisfied June26 RICH cow manure by yard or bushel, also black am. and green sod. RA 5.4274 or RA 8-177. STRAWBERRY plants, Premier, grown from virus-free plants. Any quantity. Order today. RA 5-8978. COW manure, $7 a load; chicken man. ure, $5 a load. Load approximately a ton. RA 8.8976. GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled, ready for spring planting, or seed Call RA 5-8985. SOD broken lawns and gardens made No job too small or too large. RA 54342 from 10-12 JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio. Slenderizing, Reduc- ing, Steam Bath and Mas- sage. 451 Simcoe Street South, RA 5-9602 for ap- pointment, Open 10 o.m- 10 p.m. on No. 12 highway. Owner for 7 years. Forced to sell, ESSO PUMPS LARGE HOUSE All Conveniences $5000. CASH YUkon 5-2023 REIMER -- Mr. and Mrs. Reimer | baby boy Wednesday, May 27, 1959, at the Oshawa General Hospital A brother for Billy and Japet. "The Lord | hath done great things for us; whereof | 1--Accountants |MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL AND |CO., Chartered Accountants, licensed | Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- |A. B, Monteith, B, Comm., CA; G. W. KWIATEK «= Entered into rest in St. Riehl, CA, RIA: R. F Lightfoot, cA; | Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Thurs: George W. Trethewey CA, RA 5.3527, day, May 28, 1950, Frank Kwlatek, in 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; | strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Sat _ , Pls polo niBir pry eur «| YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Church at 9 a.m. Interment St. Greg | Co. Accountants and auditors ranting ory's Cemetery. Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King Street] Y. me | Friedlander, B. Comm, CPA, ing Home, Bowmanville on Thursday, |S. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certified May 328, 1959, Isabella Davidson, be- Public Accountants, 172 King Street loved wife of the late Willlam Herbert East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 53509 J. Bruce McGregor (Helen), Oshawa, in har Po your. The Inte Mrs. Middl: Services llr complete, woekkecping| ton is resting at Molntosh Funeral |gribe lor SUH Pusaess: 4, Bor Service in the chapel on Satur. Home. | Residence, RA 3.7605 Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough. | countants and auditors, | Street East. RA 3.0221, Paris, on Wednesday, May 27, 1959, Geore R, Muckler, beloved husband | 2----Barristers of Rhoda Bath and dear father of Wil- | - -- a liam and John, Mr. Muckler is resting (BOWMAN, David L. "Barrister, Solici- Paris, where service will be held on dence, RA 8.0264. Saturday, May 30, at 2 p.m. Intermen |G --- 4 , O GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, is Taréview Cemetery, Midland, Ont | Solicitors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South ' J {Dial RA 32278. Residence phones: RANDALL -- After a lengthy illness | rence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8-5832; tn Fiirview Lodge, on Thursday, May Duncan R. Bhi [ \ 3, 1969, Edith Ellen Howard, in her pig Ps, 'B. Comm., * RA 83rd year, beloved widow of John R d | THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll- Street East. Phone RA 4:1763. | RALPH LA JONE 8, BA, ar and Thomas |H. Greer, Associate Barristers a So- he nn | lietors, 130 King Street E 1 DODD & SOUTER PAINTS -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Rich Loam Top Soil, Gravel Brick Sand, Cheap Fill Levelling or back filling lots, RA 5-2156 ASPHALT SURFACES AND PAVEMENTS W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd. P.O. BOX 305 RA 8-8132 Brick Work, Block and Cement Work too An A-1 job guaranteed for you. Estimates free. Coll us ond see what reasonable rates we calculate. RA 5-2204 TED VEENHOF Well Digging Cleanouts - Deepening Compressor Work RA 86974 GERALD FULTON | WATER WELL DRILLING Reasonable Prices Honest Workmanship RA 5-4067 are happy to announce the arrival of a | we are glad." Psalm 126:3, | {ronto: Hon, J. W Monteith, FCA, MP; Ww |-- his 37th year. Funeral from the Ari Whitby MO 8.5731, | East, Oshawa; B, L. Yale, CA; Middleton and loving mother of Mrs. |p, ™6y ANCY'S Ontario Accounting day, May 30, at 1 p.m. Interment WERGER GRANKEL MUCKLER ~ At the Wilett Hospital, | at Bruce B, Smith Funeral Home. tor, 314 Simcoe South. RA 5-9592. Resi- M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; Ter- dall and loving mother of Albert at | clitor and Notary Public, 26% King Interment was in Union Cemetery. wo ATION. Sheldon -- In 1 fall -6246. Mortgage loans available. Hospital on Wednesday, May 27, 19 REER, Murphy and MacD Sheldon Watson of Port Whitby, be: risters, § loved husband of Helna M. Brooks and /¢ King Street E: M J. J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. dear father of rs. L. Heard (Isabel) of Whitby, and James of m7' |JOHN A MacDONALD, BA, Barrister Ithaca, N.Y., and Harry xl |and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. h Phone RA 8-8511 tby, in his 70th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whit- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and by, for service in St. John's Church, MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Not- Port Whitby, on Saturday, May 30, at/ary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg. 3 o'clock. Interment St. John's Ceme-|5 §imcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; T K tery, Members of Composite Lodge Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC: will hold a Masonic service Friday ev: |G K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA ening at 7.30 p.m. In lleu of flowers mortgages arranged donations to the Canadian Cance Society would be appreciated 124b| JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, | Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% King Stieet East, Oshawa. RA 8.8232; Residence, RA 5-3405 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and solicitor, 26% King Street East, Telephone: Business, RA 5.5501; Resi dence, RA 8 | MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, | Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Asso. |clate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 2614 King Street East. RA 3.4697, Residence, di RA 3-4029 HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris ters, Solicitors; R. H. Humphreys, |G. E. Boychyn, BA: |LLB, 6 King Street |Office, RA 5.1177 | Whitby, MO 82761. Money to I l= SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solicl- tor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street North. Office, RA 5.3741; residence, RA 5.5542. | MeGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street | Norn, RA 53566, Charles C, McGib- on, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, {sonN A. CAMERON, iy Solic- | tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street [East. RA 3.2269 | mortgages arranged |W. BRUCE AFFLECK, BA, Barrister {and Solicitor, Phones: Office--Ux- ridge 29. Res. -- RA 8.6704, | Dentin 0. OLAN LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE Authorized Clinton, Lawson and Power Product Services, new and used lawnmowers. 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S. 22--Radio & TV Repai PROMPT TV service, any make, . 10 years' experience. RA 8-5286, Oshawa Electronics. TV TOWERS completely installed, year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, 4 rivets, all welded. All channel aerials from $20.95: easy terms. Kelly TV. §-5121. AERIALS installed, moved placed. Fair rates. Phone RA Fy SPECIALIZED radio and television service. All makes, Fred Thompson, 157 Elliott Street, Call RA 3.9792. PARKWAY TELEVISION ELECTROHOME R.C.A. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television and service, 918 Simece N. -- RA 3-3043 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL-STONE TOP SOIL-SOD RA 3-3528 A. L. CRAWFORD GRAVEL -- LOAM -- FILL RA 5-3756 PROMPT DELIVERY LANDSCAPING GARDENING LAWNS SERVICED TREES REMOVED JOHN KNOX AND SON RA 5-9727 VAN BELLE GARDENS GARDEN CENTRE Complete garden supplies. Open till 10 aot night. High- way miles East of Oshawa. PHONE MA 3-5757 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Delivered or laid. Free estimates. Prompt delive ery. Phone RA 8-8868. OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY No. 1 field ond nursery grown sod. Fertilized, AARVE e Academy Royal Academy ballet, Hanland. ext ster now. 424 King West S612 LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S DRIVING SCHOOL Albert St.,, Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-5315 Barrister, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service at moderate prices. - RA 8-6226 "390 KING STREET WEST 71 | For Fun, Popularity and Success Y DANCING You Can Actuall GO DANCING After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS nh Simcoe St. S., RA. 8- 1681 For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone: RA 8-621] -- RA 8.6212 24 King St. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karn's Drug . Store). "MEMORIAL BRONZE made 8. WANT sod? You'll be missing a good bet if you don't call us before you buy. 'We deliver or sell in field, RA 8-094 TREE removal and trimming, wood cut with chain saw, free estimates. RA 5-7754 GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. de ready for spring planting and seeding. Il RA 5.8985, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! DO IT NOW! Learn to play the guitar, Special 10-week course, $1 per lesson. Classes of two or four -- Bring your friends. Profesional tuition, Any style. For appontiment call ALTO MUSIC RA 5-1501 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. personal service at your home, RA 57413. 17--Money to Loan CLIENT®' monies avallable for first Mortgages and factory ap- television Call any ia For qualified proved cppliance, and aerial service. firm listed below. TV's -- HI-FI -- AERIALS Associated Services RA 3.3427 Dean Kelly Enterprises RA 5-5121 RA 5-1685 RA 3-3043 RA 3-9512 and private Permanent, dignfied memor- ials on display at Mount Lown Park. Direct represen- tatives, payments available RA 3-2633 IN MEMORIAM ottison -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Douglas R.| Coulson, who passed away May 29 ANDEN NURSING HOME Wa be with us in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today. | KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home tor «lovingly remembered by wife convalescent and elderly peo- son, ple (Men and Women), Nurses and dieticians in attendance Tray service, radio. T.V, lounge NURSING home for elderly people) JACKSON -- In loving memary of a (men and women). For further particu dear*father, Charles N. Jackson, who lars, call YUkon 5.7967, Port Perry passed away May 29, 1052 What would I give to clasp his hand | = His happy face to see, |6--Optometrists To Doar his voice and see his smile, | -- Thal meant so much to me C. RH. TUCK, RO. © y , R , ptometrist ~Lovingly remembered by pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 and family. Phone RA 5.4587, COOK'S TRAILER SALES invites you to see the camp- ing models, $995 ond up.; terms. iy FRED ALL 172 King Street | East. Hours 9 19 6 p.m., including Sat- lurdays. RA 8-517 | DR, G. T SCIUK Open evenings by Simcoe Street South ne Lawn and Garden Supplies | Flower anc vegetable seeds, garden ond lawn tools, fer. tilizers, peat moss, insecti- cides, sprayers, sprinklers, hose and grass seeds. Ask about free use of our fertil- izer spreaders, R. B. Reed & Sons HARDWARE 48 SIMCOE N RA 3-4032 Free delivery twice daily Fowler T.V Parkwav T.V, .. Pollard Radio .. Premier T.V, RA 5-1179 T.V. Enterprises RA 5-2905 APPLIANCE SERVICE Christie Appliance Service RA 5-1179 Lodwick Electric (Tozer) RA 5-6369 Star Repair Centre RA 5.7743 Warner WillRms Service Centre A 5-3531 Members of Service Opera- tors Association in co-opera- tion with the Oshawa Cham- ber of Commerce. 23--Women's Column LITTLE BUCKEROO RANCH RIDING CLUB ADULT and CHILDREN'S CLASSES | _ Lesson twice weekly, $7.50 monthly, Once a week $5 monthly. Trail riding--any- time by reservation, For in- formation Dial RA _5-2737. DE JOSEPH'S | brand new five-year coverage plan. One portrait of your baby each year for five years, only $6 complete. This is De Joseph's second LOCATION: -- HWY. NO. 2 AT COURTICE MONTY'S B.A. TRAILER SALES AND RENTALS SIMCOE ST. S. AT GIBB RA 5-913] Invites you to enjoy a family holiday in a new cabin trail- er. See Ontario's new park at Presqu'ile, or mony others Special weekend rates, dur- ing June. Office hours 9 to 6 appointment. 258 Phone RA Jan, three shifts, top wi 53-3433 between 9 RELIABLE woman wanted as houses keeper, fond of children, Call RA 57420 123¢ 5--Nursing Services KITCHEN help with some experience, Apply South End Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street East. 122¢ A COMFORTABLE home in Brooklin, and remuneration for widow or pension lady, in exchange for care of three school-age children while mother works. Brooklin 122¢ WAITRESS for p part-time, noon hours, evenings, nly Apply Mr. Fun. nell, Genosha Hotel. 122¢ GIRL or | woman for laundry work, Ap- ply in person. Star Laundry, 13 Celina Street. 1a (Licenced) and | "Barrister and Notary Oshawa, RA {m. E. Swartz, | Public, 26% King East, 3-4697. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES end AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800 to $100,000. Home owners, residential property summer cottages, 'suburban homes, tactories and acreage. Quotations by phone or mail. Prompt service OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. 112 Simcoe Street North Oshawa Days--RA 5-3568 JACKSON In loving memory of a dear husband and father. Charles Nel. | son Jackson, who passed away May 29 1952 | --lLovingly remembered by wife and family. | HAYNES | BUILDING CONTRACTOR | Floor experts, Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- terations. "Kitchen cabinets oul ialty. " CALL RA 3.7196 OFFICE SECRETARY, three afters noons per week, hours 1-5 p.m. Ki state experience and salary Box 936, Oshawa Times. 122¢ HOUSEKEEPER required, must be capable for day care of children and be duties, live in. MO 8.5674 after 1244 - i NGED shampoo girl, must be neat, clean. RA 3-3925 123¢ GIRL for lunch counter. Avily Modern Grill, 345 Ritson Road South. 123¢ DISHWASHER wanted for part-time work. Apply Mr. Campbell, Hotel Gen- osha? 120f EXPERIENCED saleslady for ladies' dress shop. Please state experience, wages desired, references preferred. Write Box 942. Oshawa Times 19¢ 120 | re | | | | | in | Ornamental evergreens, shrubs, hedges, paeonies, per- ennials choice collected cedars hedges 35¢ and up. ORCHARD NURSERIES No. 7 Highway, South side 2 miles west of Brooklin. Please Toronto Burk Street son Ken cultivated, 124¢ 29-- Summer | Properties For Sale or Wanted PIDGEON Lake, fuly furnished, five. Toom cottage, large boat house with channel, dock, shade trees, lot 100 x 200. Asking $6000 with $2000 down. Wal. ter Frank McQuay and Kidd, Realtors, MA 3-3986 Bowmanville. 23¢ 50 MILES north, fully lined, furnished Custom Built Homes Additions, Alterations, Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors HUGH CROSBY BUILDER RA 5-3937 JACKSON -- In loving memory of a Yor dear father and grandfather, Charles N. Jackson, who passed away May 29, 1852 --Ever remem Clara, hig wn, LL CARD OF THANKS T--Surveyors daughter |G. T. HORTON and Associates, On. | Karen and taro Land Surveyors, Professional ol * |Kineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, | Ajax. Phone, RA 8.0121 DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. 12 years ex- Special rates. Free estimates. oA 88639 weed treated. by perience. contract Ontario Land | RA 5.6881. SPRING CLEAN-UP lakefront cottage, MA. Earl Snudden wishes to con. vey her sincerest thanks to her many friends and neighbors and relatives for their lovely gifts, flowers and cards Special thanks are extended to Dr. D. Russell, 'nurses and staff of 4th floor, Oshawa General Hospital, my sincere thanks. Mrs. Jack James wishes to convey her sincerest thanks and gratitude to 8--Bui ding Trades x FREE estimates on all kinds of build ing and repairs, new homes, commer. clal and Industrial work, foundation and concrete work complete, framing and trimming. Full contracts or ub contracts Phone RA 5.6937. EE wm-- PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, fixtures, new and used, changing from |septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In- relatives friends and ig s for their kind expressions of sympathy, ecards and floral tributes, kindly deeds shown. in a recent bereavement of a loving husband. Special thanks extend ed to Dr. R. A. Gill, Dr, H. R. Rowsell, Dr. Telford, nurses and gtaff of the Oshawa General Hospital, to the Mc Intosh Funeral Home for their kind mess and all others who, by their thoughtfulness helped her through her time of sorrow. 3 at rates, Bitar. {mation and estimates free on any t of plumbing. Dial RA 54241, J. Foley. | FIRST "CLASS plastering and re repair also basements plastered. Dial 58702. ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing siding, chimneys, and masonry repairs. | Phone RA 8.0304 GENERAL contractors, brick and | coment work and repairs. RA 3-500 RA FRAME AND TRIMMING Alterations, kitchen cup- boards and general repairs, Custom built homes. For free estimates phone Christensen Const, RA 5-6328. Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure HARDSAND LANDCAPING RA 5.1721 HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Concrete, cinder, Haydite blocks, CHIMNEY BLOCKS, 1089 Nelson St. Corner Wellington RA 3-4412 RA 5-7041 COURTICE LANDSCAPING GRAVEL Also STONE All Sizes Weed treated, sod, top soil, plete service. field nursery gravel. Com- Contract rates. Free Estimates ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 LOAM Be Satisifed 'Dial RA5-5279 sea BO. NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor" OF CANADA LIMITED (formerly Bellvue) LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 2912 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-1121 ARD FINANCE CO. wis June are eligible for special SPECIAL -- heat permanents, anniversary for the baby of the month contest, All babies photographed in anniver- sary prize. Enter now! At De Joseph's Studio, Ajax Shopping Plaza (above Ajax Cleaners). No appointments nec- essary. Just drop in. Only 10 minutes from Oshawa. 124a SPENCER Foundation Garment -- Spencer Foundation Garments Ifividy. ally designed, Reg. Corsetier. Mrs. Hendershot 208 Park Rd. N. Osh heat pers $6.50; cold waves, $5.50. Page ge. Sairdressing, 39 Pine Avenue, RA 5-536 25--Pets and | Livestock SIX-YEAR-OLD black ¥ stallion saddle. RA 3.6708 broken 12! WA -- good homes for « tens trained. Call RA 8.1694, REGISTERED Dachshund puppies tor sale, Phone RA 8.1 "ye ~ |nished, $3000. Write Box | T mes large screen porch, inside Tonvenjehess: spacious lawns; wooded area. RA 3.7902. 123f NEW cottage, ot located, wooded lot, 100 ft. frontage, Lake Simcoe, three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, 45 minutes from Whitby. $5200 furnished. Contact Howard Godfrey, Port Bolster, RR 2, » Cannington. 124c LAKE FRONT cottages, in Haliburton, on Beech or Sawyer's Lakes, 100-ft. frontage, three-bedroom, power, and water. Phone RA 5-4676 or RA 3-3689. SMALL cottage for sale on a 90° x 120° wooded lot at Caesarea, Ont. Fur 2, Oshawa | SUMMER store or snack bar with gas | umps, all year living quarters, on new FULL or part-time waitress wanted. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. EXPERIENCED saleslady for ladies ready to wear, Good salary. steady position, Apply Box 910 Oshawa Times. 120 HOUSEKEEPER for Toronto, top wages, excellent home. Must be fond of children. RA 8-0811 1230 HOUSEKEEPER Ig two adults, sleep in. RA 5-6163 123¢ WE are offering part-time work ¥ you are available an average of two days and possibly three consecu- . as a replacement during vag ation time. Please contact office Nabob Foods, ajax, 14, [paved through road, at view Lake on|'J® {Small _down payment. Look this over. [Leo Pew. Waterford, Ontario. Phone ha Lake Scugog. Priced to sell at $6200. PRODUCE CLERKS. Experienced od supermarket. five-day ng salar Ap Iv kot, Adns week, good start. <in's Food Mar. 128¢ "tre

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