13 Blood Test THE GSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 37, 1939 § in no fit condition to drive a car. Reduces Charge 2,» = = wa doi[ pomgpy ge TURN TO PAGE 15 At this point, His Worship or- A blood 'test on Tuesday pre-|dered accused to withdraw his ~ GIGANTIC - | RUG SALE - | Present Certificates WHITBY and DI STRICT At Ontario Hospital Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson vented a 20-vear-old Toronto man 8ullty plea to drunk driving. The | On Friday, May 22, 1959, Dr. pleted the prescribed Course for accused was then convicted . D. 0. Hn Superintendent, as-| Psychiatric Aides and Attendants from conviction on a drunk driv- [fe Jeet charge and fined, " - . . sisted by Miss Helen Whitman, jas given by the Department of ing charge after he had pleaded] He told the court he could not Taxi Firm Wins Reg. N., Director of Nursing, and Health, Mental Health Division, guilty, Thomas Edward Taylor | pay the fine and Id serve the ; Richard Pryce, Chief Attendant, Miss Margarét Crowe, Reg. N..|ag told by Magistrate Frank/lme in jail $1,930 Award |at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, 1 3 the Red - presented certificates and pins to|Cross First Aid certificates and Bis in Wily Wiles Sout to Bia ide a ten Hh Hor arn sh 5 hs |dants, who successfully com-|" nv Lo iiote were as follows: His Worship carucd Wat a Slow | An Oshawa taxi company, | Mrs. Margaret Alloway, ring TE ge Te Boone Ritneriond {Onsawa)) . George Anderson, Louis Beetsima, days in yg eoy's / : e a Arnol Ber rom, Mrs, Olga Cab, has obtained a judgment for| Jailed y ear Brennan, John Cassidy, Mrs, | Kosleal} ly, Je (0d thio Sout be $1930 following the trial of action Violet Clarke, William Coe. had : money y 20d Honld » : ) wan e | | Mrs, Marion Cziranko, George heen convicted of the drunk reak-In Devries, Mrs, Janny Elgetti, Mrs. driving, he would have been| Mary Fieln, Louis Hamstra, jjahle to a minimum of seven) Terence V. Kelly, of Greer and Arend Herder, John ' Janson, days in jail. Kelly, Oshawa, appeared for A 20-year-old Port Perry man, Harry Jewell, Douglas Arm-| Pickering PC C. Box told the Rutherford, and the defendant Fred Connaghan, was sent to re- strong, Mrs. Idella Macdomald,| "oie ad watched Tay- Peter Tweel of Phillip Murre' formatory for one year definite Mrs. Catherine Misfud, Anton driving "all over the road," avenue, Oshawa, was represent- and one month indeterminate by Mueller, lon Highway 2 about 5.10 a.m. onl ed by George Drynan of Creigh- Magistrate Frank Ebbs in Whitby| Mrs, Elvira Pavioff, Geradus May 16. He said that Taylor nd in County Court at Whitby, be- .'fore His Honor Judge MacLaren of Simcoe. get the jump on the boy"sat.. Harry Donald Ltd. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY Where Your Used Car Dollar Goes Farther 'S1 OLDS CONVERTIBLE = |'56 STUDEBAKER COUPE = For carefree Summer 695 + condition, 1196 4 Driving. ONLY . . Real Sharp. '57 CHEV. 4.Dr. Deluxe -- (52 PONTIAC -- Clean, de- only 19,000 octual miles, Ow-| pendable transportation, == ner contacted if $1895 .. new tires, NO REASON. desived.'y sos vias | ABLE OFFER REFUSED, ton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur police court on Tuesday for Pennings, Gerrit Ploeger, Ms, that the cab driven by Bruce| poijonce against Connaghan Stemp. | Murray, 21, of 219 McKim street, ® taken two weeks ago at| Ernest Troughton, Jouwert| SUBSCRIBERS etre i si | 5 7, . A ste get 1 Ochawa on Nov. 8, 1958, at they had found the accused's Lulu Virgin, Hendrickus Wyde- IN WHITBY Le : 4 wallett in the route taken by a ven, James Wocdward. entered the intersection, colliding vad with the taxi, which rolled over rived on the scene, Connaghan SERVICE PHONE i : Jolles Soon) | PERSONALS | BELL TAXI 11 Elm street, Ajax, told the some hours later, with bleeding| [court that the Tweel vehicle had and blistered feet. | The annual Spring Tea under] At the service station, police . Spring A a ; or hh Tins prod i ic These are just a few of the examples of the 50 right, shows her neighbor, | Perry street, grows. Four tulips | sed, anot r bulb h~s produced [Emma street. The Tweel vehicle|and other articles in a car, stolen Ne tol Frits afternoon at thell Times, shone your carrier bo Crystal Paleshok, 7, left, the | are growing out of the one | a stem with two tulips on it. was damaged to the extent ofifrom Oshawa, which was parked Place Just Friday, ita Home bak-/} first. If you A unable to oy to 58 selection of good used cars at Harry Donald special kind of tulips her moth- | stem, a rare occurrence in the --Oshawa 'Times Photo $667.20 and the counterclaim bvlnear the service station. hing. which is always a feature of | tact him by 7.00 p.m. Ltd. doch. |breaking and entering a Brooklin Maria Reisner, Mrs. Marie Rom- | Evidence at the trial disclosed service station. |anchuk, John Severs, James TIMES Oshawa, was proceeding in a io ith : rode . : which time officers of the Whithy Tyurkstra, Miss Johanna Vander-| southerly direction on Albert tachment of the OPP, saldimote Sosenh Vanmanster, Mrs, | : The Tweel vehicle was proce man who had find from Bailey's FOR MISSED PAPERS AND ing eosterly on Emma street and|" 4 ¢ as service station when a cruiser ar-| WHITBY | WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI 4 sted by other offi- A and was completely wrecked. {had been arrest ) Sa Ah ge A witness, Ronald Truscott, of |S four miles from the scene me FOUR TULIPS ON ONE "EM MO 8-311 . [slowed down but not stopped, be- ] a the auspices of 4th troop Scouts Little Bobby Kay Duncan, 7, | er, Mrs. George Duncan, 41 [ lip world. Tn the same tulip fore entering the intersection of|found a quantity of tires, a radio and Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary took | If you have not received your = Tweel against Rutherford for this| - the: toa. wos sold as. well as i ineedlework meade by the mem-| PHONE BELL TAXI For a GOOD USED CAR DEAL, contact one of our friendly ¢ s dismissed. M W | » . | 4 k F amount, we di ! i i In granting judgment to cd kr a on atch lafiet P s 2 vireed wih ihe submission of Scout Mothers iio Ale LF on By CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN Salesmen -- GUS BROWN, TOM BARLOW OR KEN MORGAN. | agreed with the submission of| |irere Stonchouse, Mrs. A. Me: 7.7:30 P.M. ONLY BR vonk aki w ot kd> Mr. Kelly, Rutherford's counsel Lean, Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mrs. | . LI | Recess Meetings Drunk Driving |i te Seiice isa wol g8 Lean, Mrs. Jit Smith, Mos, stopped, but, realizing the taxil The 4th troop Scouts and Cubs ceiving at the door were: Mrs. A Toronto man who said he had Was so close, had braked, leaving Mothers' Auxiliary held its regu-|Clarence E. Freek, Mrs, J. Rob- a dizzy sensation after only two a 28-foot skid-mark. [lar monthly meeting in the Unit-||in and the president, Mrs. James In preparation for Thursday's DIFFERENT SEASON | drinks at a party in Ajax has| led Shuarch Hall Monday evening McBride. ame against Peterborough, the ving run wild in the OLA been jailed for seven days for, # a p.m, Ta centred aroun Whitby Millers were slated to pv they went west and driving while intoxicated. James tea held Friday, May 22, which | Mrs, Doreen DePratto, of Lee have a light workout tonight to|tcok the Minto cup in four Wakelin, 50, was convicted by {had proven very successful, avenue, entertained her group of keep the boys loosened up, after straight. This season however it Magistrate Frank Ebbs in Whithy As this was the last big proj. ladies last Mongsy evening. The their heavy weekend practice appears to be a different story Police court on Tuesday. ect for this season it was decided i ky Yioners of "e games woe, session. Club officials however at least from their loss at the , TC Peter Hollywood, of the [to make this meeting the last Ms. Vargare WH ~ decided novel twist and can- [hand g f Ld Branch, 97. Long Pickering Twp. Police Depant-| '|until September, but the mem- Mrs. A. ( ckenden. A dainty lune ecidec on a ; ands of Long Branch, 3-L LONE nent said that he had arrived at|§ bers signified their willingness to Was served by the hostess. celled the warm up. : Branch also dropped the Millers gp 0 to section of Billingsgate | © | co-operate with any Scout and Instead the whole team is to 5-4 in last Thursday's opeffer but crescent and Pickering Beach [oun activities witch: may arise in Mr. and Mrs, John Gibbons, of | travel to the Dixie Arena to see/they were hard pressed to come noaq and found a car in the I! the Tear e. . Chicago, Il, were weekend | the Peterborough Seniors and the out on top. This would indicate ditch, He said that two officers| a th tor. the guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. Culpan,| Long Branch Seniors do battle. that the Millers are certainly go- of the Ajax Pclice Department ne SDSHnE Meeting! Ey of 1015 Wardman Cres. [ Coach Jim Cherry and the rest ing to make a showing. had Wakelin in their cruiser. He lo September at 8 wm.| Mrs. Doris Brown, of 310 on of the club executive felt that the] Earlier in the season Whitby and the two Ajax officers said | followed by nominations at the|tario street, is in the Oshawa | players might benefit more by officials scouted one of the Excel- that the accused was intox icated. R/|October meeting and election at|General Hospital where she| seeing such lacrosse aces as sior practices and they came| In his own defence, Wakelin B the November meeting. {underwent surgery. Peterborough's Moon Wootton, away feeling that the Brampton said that he had been visiting his bodied . wha considered to be Canada's fine cup were. weakened consider. mother nia on Bilingsgate ang | . | i Must Prove Liquor "in Solicitor Argues goaltender, and Bobby Allan in ably by the loss of such stars as 5, | action, {Jim McClure, Gord Thompson fiat ke had decided 0 0 or Allan, the centre of the Mann and Ford, who was probably the soncation and had put his car in| | A Whitby solicitor argued in!was "somewhat intoxicated, al- vain on Tuesday that the Crown though I have seen worse." must prove that a man has con-| Both Chief Constable George Peterborough In Action or one of the other testified that they did not 3 is back in action with Peterbor-| The Millers will be meeting] In addition to the seven days, | pr Tl St. Catharines accused was pideced to pay court 5 p calibre. and Branch six times each, costs or serve an additional seven dR oud a repeat of three 'at home, three on the FT Hia car was impounded for BURIED TODAY n sastrous "58 season the local They will book up ith Peter-| months and his licence Lon) new faces have been added, and This twist in the schedule is the Belleville General Hospital last coach Jim Cherry has been put- result of Peterborough's applica- Sunday. The funeral service {ing to the LCA if no bottle is|that Vaselesky was i ! ting the club through back break-|tion to the OLA to play an ab- was held in Colborne Baptist [available to be used as evidence. although Chief Rankine said that DAY-BY-DAY Duncan Mcintyre, defending he had seen people who were | in Colborne Union Cemetery. |consuming liquor while in the in-| ues has eogiil Jo Abert BHD 0 Dhuing He neon 5 VAI) (URAL Eee J pied on € purets susponies ver- wan raser, 34 of 2 {Crown had failed in that it had is sity of Michigan and the return Slee Driver 2507 oj Dy Mr. Dudley was active in Wiisessas, dndluding two Suerds of the high scoring speedster PY Jail on Tuesday when he pleaded Church and as a member of [2.5 per cent absolute alcohol. |think Vaselesky intoxicated when guilty to a second offence com-| the Public Library Board, He | Magistrate Frank Ebbs, who they had met him on the after mon intoxication charge. He ap (o's a marae oe the (presided in the Whitby police noon of May 15. These included Cup controversy two years ago,|league's top defenceman. Ithe ditch. elub officials are going all out tolborough, four times, twice at pended for six months. levi W. Dudley. a former mould a contending club. Many home and twice in Peterborough. | mayor of Whitby, who died in WHITBY sumed liquor as defined accord-| Rankine and PC Jack Mason said ing practice sessions. breviated 16-game schedule be- Y EXPECT GIBSON cause of travel problems. Church today. Interment was (Stanley Vaselesky on a charge of | worse, Defence counsel McIntvre then Starr avenue, Whitby, was fined ' |not proven thai the accused had at the Ontario County Jail, who $50 and costs or one month in the work of Whitby Baptist |consumed liquor of a content of all A ; should add further punch to the Miller's scoring offence. peared before Magistrate Frank °° : court, felt otherwise, however, bank manager Horace Hiscox John Russell, 37 Thelma Ave., bbs in Whitby police court. | Whitby Lawn Bowling Club. [and fined Vaselesky $10 and costs and a teller in his bank, along Saturday night the Millers are| Is Fined $15 scheduled to journey to St. Cath- arines and this should be a dandy, Earlier this year the Forest Hill, was convicted of Way club managed to woo careless driving in Magistrate's ary Moore away from the Ath- Court, Tuesda: morning Whit- letics but the Millers in tum lost by when he a ing Sn Suis BIG CASH PRIZES $90,000.00 FAMOUS NAMES meme for conSUMing. A ge of being with the two jail guards. Moore to Nanaimo, B.C. [] i . ™ intoxicated was dismissed. | In his argument, Mr. McIntyre Brooklin Spring Fair the West Coast Club made im trate A. S. Mitchell and was fined PC Ernest Stoneman, of the Said that Vaselesky, who is pro- an offer too geod to refuse. Moore $15 and costs. Sl t d F h was the league's top scorer last! Russell testified that he 0 d e or une Not to be forgotten however, is ice Depa hibited from drinking liquor in hig Folie Depmvine, sil Ontario, could have been drink- j|ing 4.4 beer, which does not as he attempted to board a taxi | after leaving @ bank in Whitby, (come under the definition - of | ie said hn be smd gr gn or, Secon nthe ac. Hi season, and voted ils most valu- been driving along the highway | Vaselesky's breath and that he been. found, it was necessary for| able player, but when the OLA When he felt something pull him| After 47 years of successful) [the Crown to prove that he had in| granted him permission to go over into the soft shoulder. He operation, the Brooklin Spring the midway, which no fai . fact been drinking liquor at all. west, the Whitby club knew that stated that he had not applied the Fair will once again hold its really do ithe t. Plans alr San Passin Char e His Worship said that he could | the lengthy negotiations of man- brakes fecling sure that if he did festivities with the big day set ato Provide a Jos. tons are afoot g g |not accept that theory and levied | ager Ivan Davie were wasted wi oud go down deeper into the Saturday, June 6. The fair will yay with all Sy sas ying mid. the fine for consuming while in- { time, boulevar 24 Hitelure wed bo be held in the usual spot, the ity, of the held i 2 Hi : 1 d |terdicted. He distisiu] the divi | Moore would havc been a ter- highway 0 tne Community Park, with the la- ape represented in pid : a S 1Smisse charge. rific asset to the locals because "pC oo oy |dies taking over the arena in the of today, ways 4 ; of his "know-how" and ability to| James Gifford of Forest Hill afternoon for a sparkling display my p- . : A charge of passing a vehicle | Put he bal in the ne Ne co 155i of the many fine leces of work te Brookin, Fair which ac an a curve wes cismiseed again | WHITBY | Although Moore had no inten- i" coe driven by the iis that they make as well as other Rally opened for the first time in| Joseph O'Reilley, RR 1, Lind. | tion of staying in St. Kitts for Ses a, ed Fin} items of interest 1 » Was situated during the first say, when he appeared, in Mag- | 1 this season because of employ- found him to be a very careful] It has been reported that there nd rod She isn dp Joiore "ong TENNIS CLUB My nd, fair direc. A. 5. 1 gd S { ment problems, the St. Catha- driver, will be a complete livestock show Bo ; i 3 rine"s club will no doubt feel with representations of cattle and tor ever since its opening, now in Whitby, : Tt r - rather cool toward the Millers. aa ged that he br horses from many of the farms This should provide for some wheel and had therefore slipped|in the surrounding area keen rivalry between the (WO off the road. Plans for a full afternoon's en- clubs. As an indication of the Magistr ' 1 joyment will commence with a way the power has shifted in the gp .¢ Citrate heel son good large parade starting off from league, lacrosse fans are looking driving record he must learn that the Brooklin' Senior School at lives. Having operated in a very| Magistrate Mitchell stated that [successful manner for six years he hoped O'Reilley had learned a {the fair was closed through the (lesson and would think twice be- period of the first war but re./fore passing anyone on a curve opened right after the war's end again. His Worship pointed out bas been in full operation ever 'hat it was a very dangerous Opening CONTEST GAME , 7 y sine thing to practice and could lead) at Monday's 9-7 game between he has a responsibility to other 12.30 p.m. led by the General slice h to a serious mishap. | THURS. MAY 28th the Long Branch Monarchs and drivers and that it is his respon- Motors Pipe Band, marching In the beginning we only had! ------------------------ rome | y the Brampton Excelsiors. Last sibility not to fall asleep. His Over a pre-arranged route to the @ spring horse show, with a year the Brampton club trampled Worship pointed out that the ac- fair grounds where the fun will switch being made tc hold a com- ] A cordial invitation over the league dropping one con- cused could have had this mishap begin bined horse and caitle show in NOW! NOW! NOW! test in the i$ game schedule and on a srowded 2 Snway and 0 OTTING RACES 1912," the Fair Diroctor stated, Is The Time For to all. that one by only onc goal. icaused a bad accident. " Moving » Erie y y onc § During the early part of the anvig in ig progress FUR STORAGE afternoon the dust will fly to the sports, the f. H Ing interest in REFRESHMENTS ; | enjoyment of all, from the fast (he pew he ixir muied ig! lo WHITBY CLEANERS SERVED BRO WHITBY trotting feet of those horses|ypere there a. LR 150 Colborne St. East, MO 8.2343 | . (which pull the well known sul taresti yn : C Phone MO 8-3618 [ikies, with fun for ali and 10 games Savy. 20d football] -- ® » EVENING SHOWS 7 & 8:20 | spills but lots of thrills, it is Yel ¢ tit $ hoped FIRST RACES i \ EL gy » Lovers of baseball will receive The Brooklin Fair remained the la treat later on in the afternoon same down through the years £4 when two well matched softball with the horses, catile and base. . teams go on the field in a tourna- ball and football until in 1954 it ment game that is reported will was decided that there should be be the best yet. The teams parti- some sulky races. Now Playing Last Complete Show at 8:20 Lacrosse for full details, see today's A TRUE A cipating have not been named as "They were run of y y off that SPY STORY yet, but Jack 'Wallace, secretary and went over real big," Tot O.L.A. JUNIOR |of the fair this year, let it slip | Vipond 4, "so we | | OF WORLD [that there are plans afoot 10 cided that we would I Just der oo ee Tor ae om them on wm teu thy || PETERBOROUGH WAR NII jout there for all to see, at least|gpowed they were as he puts it, there will be a any more." dinner of hot dogs and soda pop, PlaiM. "and it looks like they're procurred from the several re. N€r® to stay too, since they have freshment booths to be on hand, 2€en Putting on a wonderful show or possibly finishing off the last|Vith lots of wonderful displays." | potato chip they will be able to "Everyone is invited to attend irelax in the arena and watch [the big fair which attracts peo- |two lacrosse teams fight it out|Ple from far and wide, but it for the honor of winning at the also gives people for at least 15 |miles around a chance to meet once a year anyway, where they | fair. SCHOOL ENTRIES can talk over old times and have | A Another interesting item at the a real good ' get-together, which - game worth remembering and/ i = A by definitely worth watching The ladies first came into the vs : a During the evening hours when picture about three or four years ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DEBORAH KERR. DAVID NIVEN JEAN SEBERG MVYLENE DEMONGEOT » BONJOUR. TRISTESSE Thursday, 8.30 p.m. WHITBY ARENA 4 GEOFFREY HORNE air this year is the showing of at they might Te ae er. at Tbig Xi ge ADMISSION ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25¢ FOR HOME DELIVERY TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 5.5181 OR WRITE JULIETTE GRECO WALTER CH least 400 entries of writing and Mr. Vipo 1 oot n ' s ig ; " Tra WY REL aED IY RCHIAR! a art entered by the ts of very likely eg it e os "Enjoy An Evening Of Action Filled Sport" TE: JoRONTO ys, 1) enim STREET, Sta public schools throughout the sur. ing so long and so well," he 'rounding municipalities. added. l | . J Sa a A Ja