The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1959, p. 16

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'16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 25, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 8--Building Trades --$h 13--Gardening & Supplie oo (21--pPersonal Service TALE PRS "and INTERIOR exterior painting, odd jobs. HAVE | your Jawn mower sharpened | GARDEN the Merry Way. Before you PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER und Reasonable, MO 8 clssors, knives. ete, Percy buy see the Merry Tiller Tractor in| i Years' experience, Appointment only, | So., Acetuniants a {| FREE estimates on all kinds of id: | Nell, 10 Highland, RA 8.8363. [action, Free demonstration. RA 5-6032, |C 5.1034, in Bankruptcy, 54 King Fires Favors L. Yale, CA; |iIng and repairs, new homes, commer- | POWER "and hand lawn m s sharp- diander, B. Comm, CPA, iclal and Industrial work, foundation ened, pick-up and delivered. RA 3.3266 ° and concrete work complete, framing or RA 8.6006 after hours . HOPKINS and Company, Certified a. trimming, Full contracts or sub: Public Accountants, 172 Re, a contracts. Phone RA 56037, 4 |HAVE your Jawa mover pracision/ East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5-3 dda | sharpened; free pick up and delivery - ~ {GENERAL contractors, bifek and |RA 5.4360 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | cement work and repairs. RA 5- Services offer ai "Dun igh ond BASEMENTS dug, and backfilled, ex. | 12--Dressmaking services for small business cavating, ete. RA 33898 or RA 80623, 5, 0 ogo ee rations, TED VEENHOF 45: Bonin Residence, 'RA _3.760 cuffs, shirt collars, etc. Phone 52638 Well Digging WERGER FRANKEL AND CO, ac untant Judiiers, 18% King| Bast RA 3 Cleanouts - Deepening Compresscr Work RA 8-6974 GERALD FULTON | WATER WELL DRILLING Reasonable Prices OFFICE HOURS 8AM. to5P.M, MONDAY to FRIDA SATURDAY 8 70 13 poo Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 280--Trailers COOK'S TRAILER SALES invites you to see the comp- ing models, $995 and up.; terms, 15--Instruction |10--Sharpening Service J--Accountants JANE * BLACK Slendérizing INDEX - TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION (i | ==Accountants 2-~Barristers 3==Chiropractor 4==Dentists S-=Nursing. Services 6~=Optometrists T==Surveyors 7o~ Veterinarians 8-=Bullding Trades 9==Bullding Material 10==Sharpening Service I1==Business Opportunities I1a=Business . Opportunities Wanted Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memoriams, Cards of | Thanks ~ 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- I 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc- (HARVEY Dance Academy 'Baton, "tap, ap, STRAWBERRY plants, Premier, grown | Royal Academy ballet, Highland ne ing, Steam Bath and Mas- virus-free Ra Bown, Any quantity, |ster now Ww 4% King West. RA 561 sage, 451 Simcoe Street {from |Order today. ol South, RA 5.9602 for ap- [COW mie. a Ted, San + LEARN TO DRIVE pointment, Open 10 o.m- LOCATIONi=- SCHNEIDER'S | HWY. NO, 2 AT COURTICE ton. RA 8.8976. i drapes LEN Bowlers landscaping. and &a [ | DRIVING SCHOOL 0. 29--Summer Properties 71 Albert Si, Oshowo, Ont. | LAWNMOWER & ENGINE For Sale or Wanted plant| Ing service lawns seeded soddea, fer RA |Ulized, gardens and lawns ploughed RA 8.5315 SALES, & VERVICE FO ALE, a itle Maennae -- Authorized Clinton, Lowson roto-tilled, Sidewnlk siabs, patio slabs | Everything for your en RA 8-571 8-5753 FOUR . room summer cottage, with and Power Product Services, |screened verandah, on west beach in new ond used lawnmowers, 1s Bowmanville, RA 8.8876, [tilled and levelled. Also light blade and 47. You Con Actuoll { 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD, §. {work A ize, $2 - 85. Phone RA - TEN | C [sp memes en. mee srr me work, Average size on ROTO - tilling, landscaping, cle wp GO DANCING |22 Radio & TV Repairs id 274 Pacific Avenue or RA ha _|8-1339_ anytime. |Jobs and lawn service. Phone | " {© After One Lesson At PROMPT TV service, any make, 10| BELMONT LAKE -- two adjoining cots RICH cow manure by yard or bushel,| |5-3676 and RA 5.1576. also black loam, and green sod. RA yaw g ond vurdens voto-tilied, a tt ARTHUR MURRAY amperes RA 8-5286, Oshawa, tages. modern. furnished. hydro, boat, ect J | 3 0 un [8.4274 or RA 81775. _| McDiarmid, 304 Bloor West, RA 3.7901 | GARDENS Roto-tilled, plowed, disced | waa sods "Youll be missing & ood DANCE STUDIOS m------ ORE |and o Sireet RA viii Deveau, 595 wot it you don't call us before Ee 1% Simcoe St. S., RA, B-1681 m TOWERS co mpletely 4 stalled, 1 Wo uy FE ui Sto © Street | UA , i --- of oo x [bionin, Je Guiiver or sel fe, . welded. All ehannel aeri , RA 3:3105 after & p.m, f |THE time, the place; 'Now's a good | a | 95: easy terms. Kelly TV, RA AJAX SOD SUPPLY aa -- {time to sell things you no need, SHAKE hands soon with the person who and the Classified section is ase { Sod delivered and layed Top- | can fill your need: describe what you to do it quickly and economieally, soil, Phone want in a Classified Ad, RA 3-3492, |RA 3.3492. AERIALS installed, moved and re. [SUMMER store or "snack bar with gos PICKERING 889 placed. Fair rates. Phone RA 5.7844. pumps, all year living quarters, on new Evenings Ajax 431 SPECIALIZED adic gm 5 3, eet Priced to ell at" $0200 OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY RA 3.9792 mall down payment. Look this over. | Waterford, Ontario. Phone No. 1 field and nursery grown sod. Fertilized, |13--Gardening § & Supplies GARD d lawns roto tilled, size, average size $3.00 |Apply Glen Munro 414 GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled, 1, Made y | ready for spring planting, or seeding, RA 5.8085, | THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll-| itor 'and Notary 'Public, 0% King | i Street Phone RA 8-176: | 2--Barristers | BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- |tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59592. Resi ashes, RA 8-0264. | (GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicitors, ete., 7% Simcoe Street South, | | RA 3.2278, Residence phon |J, M, Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; BIRTHS ' experienc Park Road gon proken lawns and gardens made BEHARRELL -- Bob and Marion South. RA 3.7887, | perfect. Ne job too small or too large. --- roto- RA 5-4 rom | (nee Greves) are happy to announce ATDEN uw Snes eh Teg Fetes; the arrival of a son on Friday, May = 1950, at Oshawa General brother for Elliott, Michael, Susanne. | REED -- Mr, and Mrs, P, WH. Reed wish to announce the birth of a daugh. pd on Friday, May 22. A sister for san. RICHARD -- Wiley and Madeline (nee | Bllanger) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra, 8 Ibs. 3 oz., on Saturday, May 23, 1950, at the Osh For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING FOUR . room cottage, inside conven ences, heavy duty electricity furnished, 1 2D 13-~Gardening & Supplies | 4==Household Repairs 15 Instruction | 6 Insurance |7==Money to Loan I8~Loan Wants" Duncan R, Phillips, 81074. | Bo--Mortgage | AP : a RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thomas Sanburvorcy |H, Greer, Associate Burtiners and Joe Honest Workmanship Awa General Hospital, A sister for | 20--Cortige | lcitors, 130 King Street East, Cathy 121a |] 21 =Personal Service 8.6246. Mortgage loans available RA 5. 4067 || 2a=Rodio Repairs MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL AND 23 ~Women's Colum? €0., Chartered Accountants, Lcenge -------- 24--Market Bosker rte WRI ALE JACK C. MacDONALD) CRAWFORD -. At the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital on Sunday, May 24, 1950 P t | rontos Hon, J. W, Monteith, POMS ME 25--Pets ond Livestock A. B, Monteith, B, Comm., | 26--~Farmer's Column [Riehl, CA, RIA: R. F. Lightfoot, PAINTER & DECORATOR | by Paperhanging and Painting David 8, Crawford, beloved husband of the late Annie Carlton and dear father of Gordon of Oshawa: Gormley ol 27 <Fuel. Wood | George W. Trethewey CA, RA Gyptex Orono: Garnet of Whitby: Mrs, L, Tran 135 Simcoe ~ Street North, Summer Resorts Whitby MO 8-5751, Trailers i Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed (Madeline) of Almonds; Lorne of Brooklin; Ralph of Whitby; Elmer of JOHN A MacDONALD, BA, Barrister Summer Properties and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North = Wants 50 Nassau St. RA 3-7080 Scarborough and Mrs, H. Sonle'y| ~ (Velma) of Whitby; also dear brother | Phone RA 8.8511 40--Lost and Found | CREIGHTON, FRASER, 3) ~Articles For Rent | MURDOCH, Butthisns, 32-=Articles Wanted ary Public, Bank of Comr of Richard of Pickering: in his 87th | 34--~Auction Soles | 5 Simcoe Street North, RA year. Resting at the Robinson Funeral | Creighton, QC! N, C Chapel, Brooklin, Service in the Chapel || 35--Employment Wanted K. Drynan, G. L. on Tuesday, May 26, at 2.30 p.m. In./| 36---Female Help Wanted mortgages arranged, terment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, || 35 _\ioie Help Wanted JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, | MONTGOMERY, Florence At To.|| 38--Male or Female Help Wanted Fay t loan. Office, 1014 , tonto, Friday, May 22, 1959, in her 92nd || 39. Agents Wanted | Residence, RA 5.3405 year, Florence Guthrie, formerly of 40--Cooortunities | s, 306 Durie Street, beloved wife of the | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, late Daniel T. Montgomery, loved moth. || 4! =-Room and Board and solicitor, 26%4 King Street er of Albert G. and Mrs. O. Dingmar || 42----Room and Board Wante" Telephone: Business, RA 5.5501; (Margaret), both of Toronto and Jack - Ri dence, RA 8.5373 43--~Wantea To Rent I C. Montgomery of Oshawa; grand. td==For Rork | MANNIN F. SWARTZ Barrister] Jother of June Dingman. Resting at] 44-- Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso the Yorke Chapel of Turner and Porter.|| 45---Real Estate For Sale x iid loot St Ww. Funeral service In 450--Real Estate Exchange Park Lawn Cemetery. ng, . Intermen 46---Real Estate Wanted || 47=Automebiles For Sale clate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry GERROW FUNERAL 48-~Automobiies Wanted Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3.4697, | Residence, dial RA 3.4029 GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar 49==Automobile Repairs CHAPEL 50-~Articles For Sale §1==Swap ond Barter The finest service ot moderate prices. risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 5.4717, Russell | §52---Leaal Notices RA 8-6226 7 390 KING STREET WEST White House J. Murphy and James A, MacDonald Plumps For B. Comm,, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! DO IT NOW! the guitar, Special 10-week course, $1 per lesson. Classes of two or four -- Bring your friends. LAWNS SERVICED Profesional tuition, Any TREES REMOVED style. For appontiment call JOHN KNOX AND SON ALTO MUSIC RA 5-9727 RA 5-150] ELECTROHOME | - ~|16--Insurance R.C.AA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, | ae WESTINGHOUSE | so, 20¢ square yard, delivered, ai | | quality. Roto-tilling,. MO 8.3015 Whitby. LANDSCAPING GARDENING Learn fo play db Al Elliott 'street. Ko 0 Pew, HI 3.5770. FOR SALE - on Scugog Lake front, | cottage, clean and comfortably furnish. |ed, revdy to live in, hydro and well, Phone RA 8-1920, 30--Lost and Found LOST -- Small Beagle hound, 18 months old, female, light brown face, white and tan, some black, Shy, voi: oy lar, in Pickering . Alsx area, Pickering 92W1. Reward For Rent CEMENT mixe! trailer. Phone RA 5.7149. CEMENT mixer - electric, | | nie | { 28- PARKWAY TELEVISION 2- For Sale DRYNAN and Solicitors, Not e Bldg. | YAN BELLE SARDENS AULSTATE Auto Insurance. Save ret The finest in ielevision ond se y Complete garden supplies. 918 Simcoe N. Open till 10 at night, High- --- way miles Eost of Oshawa. PHONE MA 3.5757 | CROSS TOWN SOD personal Jesvice at your home, RA 5.7413. cultivated, RA 3.3043 Fra Murdoch, A 5 BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts, Old floors mades like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- teration Kitchen cabinets 0 ecialty. CALL RA 3-7196 HAYNES | | 17--Money to Loan $3000 on first mortgage. Fhone 3-293 [cries monje -- {And second mort -- factory ap- television Call ony | 12 years ex-. | weed treated i RA | For quulified 121¢| Proved uppliance, and aeriol service, firm listed below. ts of 7% sane Fl M B, "warts Tister and Notary TV $ HI-FI 3 AERIALS Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA Associated Services 3.4697, z RA 3-3427 CLIENTS' money fo loan on first mort-| Deon Kelly Enterprises | gage, Mortgage and agreements of sale A 5.5121 a Pose ater frente RA 5-685 ana Fa + 2 Ea d . ollard Radio "9512 po CR Premier T.V, .. RA 5.1179 nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King T.V. Enterprises RA 5.2905 APPLIANCE SERVICE Street East, RA 3.7232, Ist ond 2nd Christie Appliances Sewvies, MORTGAGES Lodwick Electric (Tozer) RA 5.6369 - and Star Repai* Centre RA 5.7 AGREEMENTS OF SALE 74 Bought ond Arranged Warner Williams Service LYNDEWOOD Centre 5-3531 Members of Service Opera- INVESTMENTS : BROOKLIN 303 perience Special contract vallable for first Mortgages and purchased, Apply Free estimates, RA 8-8639 Barrister East, Resi | | rates. SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Delivered or laid. Free estimates. Prompt deliv- ery. Phone RA 8-8868. GRAVEL | Pit run 90% stone. Good | for mud driveway. | Anytime RA 8-0109 Evenings RA 8-6096 JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris Better Schools | GARDEN S90 na Notary So ulic, 18v2 Ring Street fi ON GReTe Free delivery twice daily SUPPLIES Custom Built Homes | Additions, Alterations, Ree-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors Lawn and HUGH CROSBY | Garden Supplies | BUILDER | RA 5-3937 | Flower ano vegetable seeds, ps -- . garden and lawn tools, fer- tilizers, peat moss, insecti- cides, , sprayers, - sprinklers, hose and grass seeds, Ask about free use of our fertil- izer spreaders, R. B. Reed & Sons HARDWARE 48 SIMCOE N RA ELNA rentals. RA 52501, Straight Fowler T.V stitch and zig zag. Parkway T.V, WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 282 King St. West RA 3-4873 Ample Parking SEW and SAVE RENT a SINGER Mrs, 1 32--Articles Wanted FRAME AND TRIMMING Alterations kitchen boaids and general repairs. Custom built homes. For free estimates phone Christensen Const., RA 5-6328. cup- For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone: RA 8-6211 -- RA '8-6212 24 King St. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karns Drug Store). IN MEMORIAM | Soli North RA tors Association in co-opera- tion with the Oshawa Cham- ber of Commerce. Dial office RA 53741; residence, 5.5542 23--Women's Column E rs, Solicitors; R. H. Humphreys, QC; a WASHINGTON (AP) Im: mortgages arranged E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB, provement of the entire American w, BRUCE AFFLECK, BA, Barrister] Concrete, cinder, Hoydite a 6 King Street West. Phones: | education system, with new em- and Solicitor, Phones: Office--Ux block CHIMNEY BLOCKS. | i See Seaboard Office, RA 5.1177; Res., RA 5.4604; or Whitby, MO ¥:2761. Money to loan phasis on science, was urged by bridge 29. Res. -- RA 86704 Jos Nelson St., the White House Saturday Bent 4---Dentists Corner Wellington | E E N D "Your Lending Neighbor" No. 7 Highway, South side BULK OF CANADA LIMITED 2 miles west of Brooklin |MeGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, to help maintain the security of [13 "G. T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6 RA 3-4412 RA 5-704] 4 (formerly Bellvue) ie ven ot Sot. | GARDEN SEEDS Ornamental evergreens, shrubs, hedges, paeonies, per- ennials choice collected cedars tor hedges 35¢ and up. ORCHARD NURSERIES » SELLING furniture, ! | trigerators, stoves, etc. For top rm fa » Prince Street, Phone RA L oiial applicants for your job ------ will be reading the Classified tomorrow, Re hy t! A by dialing RA 3.3492. | PIANOS -- 10, any make or size, cash; state make and price, Write 844 Oshawa Time LITTLE BUCKEROO RANCH RIDING CLUB IADULT ond CHILDREN'S CLASSES Lesson twice weekly, $7.50 monthly, Once a week $5 first mortgages 20 Simcoe Street North. RA 5.3366, Charles C. McGib bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Q( 2. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, eitor, ete, 13% Simcoe Street : t South, Phone RA 5-2 KIRKPATRICK In loving memory. FrToPOsed financial outlay: At Simcoe Street Sou o DODD 8 SOUTER of a dear father, Hyram Kirkpatrick, least $30,000,000,000 a year--or 5--N Services who passed away May 23, 1955 double the present annual United --Nursing | PAINTS WALLPAPER Hs a uh Una days of Pain. 'States expenditure for education.| PAINTING & DECORATING | NTRAC Solicitors, Clients' funds available for the free world. Open evenings by appointment, 250 ------ LOANS UP TO $3,000 TORS The call was made by Presi. dent Eisenhower's science advis- ory committee in an 18,000-word | LAURIE -- In} report entitled 'Education for the| " ~ In loving memory of Eva "it was de who passed away May 25, 1950 Age of Stience. I as at Sweet memories will linger forever; [Public with an approving state-| Time cannot change them, it's true: ment by Eisenhower. ears that may m annot sev My loving remembrance of sou. | Specific rec ommendations| range from one urging "do it yourself" science experiments in| 3 ~Always remembered by family MASON In loving memory of a pr by dear mother and grandmother. Eliza. !N€ home by students after school beth Mason, who passed away May 25, hours to a suggestion for mobile 1906 Sar Lond, fog ot museums transported by trailer Orgive a allen tear, A fervent wish that she were here, trucks to bring the story of science to the hinterlands, Howling Snow : In Basutoland her so, wlovingly remembered and Missed by daughter Alice Ted, grandchildren and son, MASON In loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Mason, who sed away May 25, 1936 Mother, you are not forgotten, DURBAN, South Africa (Reut- ers) -- Africans are threatened with starvation and some may have frozen to death following the heaviest snowfalls for the last i In loving memory of a 30 years in the Mokhotlong dis- dear father Alex (Sandy) haw who Pasaed aray Moy Hol trict of the Briitsh protectorate of Basutoland, it was reported Sun- In our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last «Ever remembered by daughter Mert and Harry and sad ay BUI gnu Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before FBver remembered by son, Bill, Chris ehter-inlaw, Jean and grandchil SHAW -- In Deep in the heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest day. In memory's frame I shall keep it David Alexander, director of scause he was one of the best i r remembered by his daughter the Mokhotlong Mountain Trans son-in-law Tom port Company, who flew out with Naney his family in a light aircraft, said SHAW -- In loving memory of a SNOW lay six to eight feet deep in dear grandfather Alexander (Sandy) the area Shaw who passed away May 25, 1951. Animals had frozen to death de andfath N iF hy tnafather, you are mot for and it was feared that some Bas- Thouth on earth you are no more: Utos might have suffered a sim- Still In memory you are with us ilar fate As you always were before ny "ati 'as ~Fver remembered by Alex and Violet, Al_communication with East- ern Basutoland and the outside of a world had been cut off except by Who Jight aircraft, Alexander said. Sani Pass, the only supply route 'between Natal and Basutoland was cut and was not likely to be ever opened for three weeks, As I treasure the image of you Alexander said the situation Ever remembered by his daughter wag critical as all bulk food sup- Margaret, sonindaw Don and grand:|,jing 'were carried over the pass by jeep and pack animals. SHAW In loving memory of my and grand SHAW dear father passed away I' have only father To remember my whole But the sweetness will In loving Alex (Sandy) May 25 1951 your me memory Shaw mory, dear life through linger for | ANDEN NURSING HOME ( For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 | 107 Byron St. S., Whitby | (Licenced) KING ST. WEST. Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple (Men ond Women), Nurses ond dieticians in attendance Tray service, radio. T.V, lounge. EE -------------- 6--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist pay. accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk | Phone RA 5.4587, Sheet Metal Ltd TINSMITHING AND METAL WORK AIR CONDITIONING BUILT-UP ROOFING OIL BURNERS Sold - Installed - Serviced NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT PHONE RA 3-2511 288 ARTHUR STREET NEW OIL FURNACES it. wholesale and have it by expetrs. Easy | Fuel oil burners, SHEET Please Toronto Street |7--Surveyors G. T. HORTON and Associates, On tario Land Surveyors, Professional En fineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South,| ax. Phone RA 8.0121 | eo D H. TROLLOPE, Surveyor, 216 Alice Street 8--Building Trades PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tanks to sewer a specialty, In stallations at reasonable rates. Infor. mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 54241, J Foley FIRST CLASS plastering and repairs; also basements plastered. Dial RA 5-8702 | ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, siding, chimneys, and masonry repairs Phone RA 8.03% Al BRICK and block work, repair, basement waterproofing, estimates RA 8.0200 PLASTERING. patching parging foundation. Free General repairs. RA 3.4871 CARPENTER work framing, trim IRON RAILINGS ming, kitchen cabine's, custom work irs, Mortgages arranged. All : . N oi Tl ry Guaranteed rust-proof ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing.| 3EAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH | chimney repairs, new and old work Most Modern Design RA 5.6821 CONCRETE STAIN-FREE BULLDOZING and RA 33831. Free py DAILY PHONE RA 5-2063 Brothers, Hilleaurt Whitby JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Solic Phone RA 8.8695 piter 6 p.m. ond Saturday Ontario Land RA 5.6881 Buy installed terms furnace HARRY O. PERRY HEATING RA 3.3443, Nights RA 3-7944 oi chimney free and . stucco estimates excavating estimates Drive Dial aylor tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3.2269 NHA and private mortgages anged. ASPHALT SURFACES AND PAVEMENTS LIFETIME WROUGHT |[~ OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. LOCKWOOD HEATING GRAVEL-STONE TOP SOIL-SOD RA 3-3528 SPRING CLEAN-UP Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil « Sod - Manure HARDSAND LANDCAPING RA 5.1721 COURTICE LANDSCAPING Weed treated, field nursery sod, top soil, gravel, Com- plete service. Contract rates Free Estimates ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 GRAVEL Also STONE All Sizes LOAM Be Satisifed Dial RA 5-5279 OSHAWA OFFICE 29V2 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-112] [SEABOARD FINANCE CO. | \18--Loan Wanted FLOWER SEEDS | | GARDEN TOOLS | | PEAT MOSS BUG KILLERS . WEED KILLERS . BOX PLANTS | SHRUBBERY | Hyman, QC, oe ROSES awa, RA 34043 a first and second mortgages and pur. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS | FIRST AND SECOND | MORTGAGES and COOPER-SMITH | COMPANY | 16 CELINA ST | RA 3-2312 |14--Household Repairs alter ations, | nding, fring. $1,800 to $100,000. Home owners, residential property summer cottages, suburban | homes, tactories and acreage. Quotations by phone or mail. Prompt service. CORP. LTD. 112 Simcoe Street North shawa Days--RA 5-3568 Ing. Ajax 1492wW. : CALL Joe, RA 5.8018 for carpentry, painting and handyman, : A-1 BRUSH or spray painting. Work guaranteed. Oshawa, Whitby district, |Free estimates. RA 17, TT |YOUR local chimney cleaner. neys built and repaired, gas linin; stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free est. MOVIE and TV stars us use e hypnosis mates. RA 3.2007, |to help them with their over-weight CHESTERFIELDS and odd chairs re- [problem Why don't you? Do it now for covered like new. Get the best for less Your health and appearance safely and at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe Guickly. Consult Edwin Heath, Institute | Street North. Call RA 8.6451 for a free|0f Ethical Hypnosis, 11 Ontario Street, Nights: RA 5-1386 o1 RA 3.9484 Cnim | 19--Personal | | | monthly. Trail riding----any- time by reservation, For in formation Dial RA 5.2737. DESPERATELY © ed. Fill and of it. 26 Garrard Road North, evenings, lots chase of agreements of sale, Louls §. |GERMAN Shepherd dog, 37 King Street East, Osh-|old. Apply next to "House that Jack [ro "* King Street East, John Lieffers, 118¢ GOOD home wanted for young medium- sized male dog. Good | Phone RA 5-742, r SHoy- IN! Rent dollars are practical- 8 your hands when you use a Classi AGREEMENTS OF SALE fed" to get tenants. Dial RA 3-3492. REGISTERED purebred golden Mexi- can Chihuahuas, champion bred, 3.7679, afternoon and evenings only. | REGISTERED white, miniature 'poodle pupples, six weeks old, Cedarview Ken. nels, RA 5-5062. GERMAN Shepherds, trained, male, $125, Phone Pickering OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE J L |25--Pets and Livestock Phone RA 8.1 male, 3% months, rust with oad trimming, fleeing, Waubena Kennels, RA 5. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, Apply Mrs, talking strain, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. | REGISTERED "Dachshund pupples for | sale 875, 211 |BOXER, | WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on | White rkings, RA 3.7788. 121 Kea two years with children, 118¢c RA | 1181 | un obedience bathing, de. -6321, PICKERING DOG SCHOOL Obedience training for all dogs. For information call PICKERING 240M4 TEMPLE 9-1656 | estimate Oshawa. RA 8.0171. pm | FURNITURE repaired and _re-uphol-|.o.ns Saturdays, 10 am. . 1 p. m. 2 [stered. See our materials for re-cover.| HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles East,(malled post paid in plain sealed enve. RA 37212 lopes with price list, 6 samples CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, recovered | pe, like mew. Why pay more? Our rates Dept. Hamilton, Ont POTATOES for sale. fdas after 6 p.m, cents; 24 samples $100. Mail Order|DEAD farm stock picked up "prom A-11, Nov Rubber Co. Box 91,/ Phone collect, Bowmanville, MA 3- Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. tly. 79, are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran. teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. LEARN to live and be the master of | holstering Co,, 10 Bond Street West, | yourself. Eliminate fears, tension and Dial RA A Som1. frustration. Learn to be happy! Hap- -- [ities and health go together. Hypno- therapy is the answer to these and FURNACE SALES other problems --- skin troubles, ner. vous pains, smoking habit, nail biting, | salesman. | 27--Fuel Wood DRY hardwood « cuttings, $5 and #10 loads. Also used lumber. RA 35-2621, 28--Summer Resorts core, RAGS, Etc, n All Day Saturday RA 3- 7333 308 Bloor st E WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) !1 CASH FOR SCRAP !! WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, M. CREENBE G & SONS LTD. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, alse scrap iron and metals, ete. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone-- RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E._ CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 FREE PICK-UP OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY 100 ANNIS STREET 35--Employment Wanted RELIABLE woman would give § good care to children in her own home. | Transportation if required. RA sa, un 36--Female Help Wanted | f ] ! | stammering etc. Improve HOUSEKEEPER required, m be | capable for day care of children and light duties, live In, MO 8.3674 after 7 pm, 121¢ doar husband, Alex (Sandy) Shaw, who P roperty damage has been es. passed away May 25, 1951 Those whom we love go out of sight timated at more than $14,000,000 W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd But never out of mind in the wake of disastrous south PC BOX 305 Thoy are cherished in the hearts |Acvioan floods in which at least : AND SERVICE ship. Study easier. Consult Edwin | FURNISHED cottage for rent, June 37- PRE-CAST titute of Ethical Hypnosis, AUK. 3. Four Mile Lake, 65 miles from HM. Mackis. Co Ltd 11 Ontario Street, Oshawa. RA 8.0171. Oshawa. Three bedrooms, cabin, . . Mackie Co: 3 Weekdays 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. Saturdays hydro, hot and cold water, sandy beach, 10 am. - 1 two boats, $350. Phone RA 3.9375, 12 BEVERWYCK at Aaa Of those they left behind. . N Loving and kind in all his ways, 60 have died, Upright and just to the end of his| Rainfall was as heavy as Farid and & heart: anit wind inches in 24 hours at some points incere and true in heart and mi Beautiful memories he left behind, during the worst stages of | Ever remembered by his lovine wife, flood last week. A multi-million- Agnes dollar rayon pulp plant at Umko- vy of Gwen Maas, about 30 miles from here, who passed away May 50 was left in about five feet of silt. | God knew that she suffering, --- - m---- That the hills were hard to climb, So He closed her weary eyelids And whispered "Peace be thine." Lovingly remembered by Jor, Winnie Mardie, Rob and Barand WELLS -- In loving me Toronto Lawyer WELLS -- In lovin eimembrance Receives Honor Gwen who passed away May 25, 1950. TORONTO (CP) Ww. G Ci Memories are treasures no one can Howland, a Toronto lawyer and| Borin RIE [lecturer at Osgoode Hall Law can heal Loved dearly in lfe and living yet ident of the United Nationg Asso- I ee pearts of those who can ciation at its annual meeting ~Ever remembered by Mom and Dad. here during the weekend New members of the executive y [Include Dr. Brock Chisholm, Wal- lace Nesbitt, Raymond Crepault| and John Gwynne-Timothy The association decided to move its national office to To- ronto and combine it with the na- tional UNICEF and UNESCO of- "|tices. of heartache no one In loving memory of Gwen, who passed awa WELLS doar sister May 25, 1950 A tribute of ove and remembrance, Of a sister, one of the best: The joys that she missed on life's journey, May she find in God's garden of rest ~Lovingly remembered by her sister, arjorie, brother-in-law, Bul, and chil 19 een the | School, was elected rational prev WOOD'S PLASTERING CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS PATIO SLABSe STEPS & PORCHES WELL TILE CURBING BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone 155 Brooklin 10--Sharpening Service ¥ CLIFF BROWN POWER and hand mowers shears, GRAVEL & SAND [Won ty Suariemeision Sharpened. | | LOAM delivery, For satisfaction and a Sharp. | Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] RA 8.8132 Rich Loam Top Soil, Gravel Brick, Sand, Cheap Fill Levelling or back filling lots, --- RA 5-2156 PLASTERING New cond plasterirg stucco. cement proofing, repairs, water | RABI Church Street RA HAVE your lawn mower sharpened | {now. saws. scissors, knives, ete. P er | | Nell, 102 Highland, 86. GARDENS on Highway 12 North of Whitby IMPORTERS, GROWERS, WHOLESALERS JOHN COX, Prop 600 MAPLE ST, WHITBY PHONE MO 8-4184 NURSERY STOCK, evergreens, shrubs, hedges, lilac trees, 'gold leat, etc GLADIOLI new varieties, dahlia roots, strawberry and raspberry plants, box plants, seeds, gross seeds FLAGSTONE loam, manure, peatmoss, fertilizer. SPRING DISPLAY of flower bulbs, crocus, narcisssus, hv- acinths, tulips. Cut flowers for sale. Come and see us, day and evenings week. Plenty of poce. roses open all 7 days @ parking ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa June 9 - 10. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. 20--Cartage {GENERAL HAULAGE, sod, and | soll. RA 5.4237 RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- oid labour plus parts FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE $7.50 Labour, plus parts HARRY PERRY HEATING RA 3-3443 Nights--RA 3.7944 sonable rates, fully insured. RA 5.2831. | ROY "LOVELESS apartment reasonable rates, fully insured, 8.8515. GALT Cartage, furniture and appliance moving. Reasonable rates, fully insured. Call day or night, RA 5.4498. Electric Motor Trouble COMPLETE REWIND SER. VICE TO ALL MAKES OF: WASHERS, DRYERS, SUMP- PUMPS, BLOWERS, POWER TOOLS, FANS, MOTORS. STAR Repair Centre 49 BURK ST, RA 5.7743 21 --Personal Service | |EXPERIENCED lady wants work in| | alterations and repairs of men's and | ladies' clothing. Special invisible mend | Ing. Box 948. Oshawa Times uw JHRIRY Delivery service. Phone RA piel "machine repair and servi ® all makes, Elna. RA 5.250 a ARDEN -- housekeeping nn eae hydro, Teen 2 ue 18-1763. COTTAGES furnished, vacation, refrigerators, two-, bedroom, ebec Good weekends and th excellent fishing, safe for children. RA 5.4328 moving, |All RA Phone RA 5.4632, after 6, RA 3.2707. JOR rent at Jasper Park, Balsam Lake, |three furnished cottages, ; | veniences and boat, on beautiful sandy SALESLADY for ladie's ready-to-wear | bathing beach, one of these for whale | tore: Tperienced preferred, season, one from June 26 to July 17, one from August 15 to Labor Day; one Manville, MA 3.3334, o-- {small furnished cottage ho weeks and last three w 1% | Jasper LOCKWOOD Moving and Storage, rea. | Lindsay, BALSAM LAKE -- Cottage for rent, swimming. | with all con for Forman, 45 Francis FA 4.5308 conveniences, Good 118 ps1 av, LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP FOR BOYS and GIRLS 6 - 14 $15 weekly includes, trans- portation, milk, daily riding, swimming, archery, crafts. sports etc, Registered nurse. For Infor- mation Diol RA 5-2737 ; Cottages on nd RA | first two eeks of season, |son Road South. | DISHWASHER wanted saleslady for lad ress shop. Please Liv desired, references Write Ex 942, Oshawa Times, but » B for apy FULL or part-time waitress pply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hote! GIRL for lunch counter, Apply 343 Rit. 21 "for part time | work, Apply Mr, Campbell, Hotel Gen. OF osha? 1208 ree 0 boating, EXPERIENCED les* state experience, preferred, uf not ow 119¢ wanted, 1. |STORE help for flower shop, experi- jence necoasary in selling, ailable, Apply R, B, Reed |Sons Florist, p Oshawa, | WAITRESS wanted to work in s |bar, part time. Phone RA 35-0970. |DAY or weekly care, for infant {small child. RA 86056. COUNTER girl wanted. Apply in Victory Grill, in person EXPERIENCED saleslady ready to wear Good wages, and 104 King Street West, i acl Tet or to 50 Simcoe Street North, 120e for ladies Good salary, steady position, Apply Box 910 Oshawa Times,

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