The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1959, p. 8

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Mrs. John Kent, Dr. W. M Shaw. and Mrs, Shaw and Mrs, Raskin and Dr. Norman AMONG THOS attending the Maytime - Dance at the Jubilee Pavilion were Mr. and Hospital Aux. Maytime Dance Enjoyed By Members, Guests 1. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. C enkin, Mr, and Mrs. B ner, | H A highly successful social eve: Har. agt week was the Maytim« Damce at the Jubilee Pavilic spdnsored by the Women's Auxi' | Mr. and Mrs ary of the Oshawa General Hos (Vir. and Mrs. W. P Schoenau, dital. Guests were rece 1 by|Mr. and M L. A Williams Mrs. G. D. Conant, honorary vice (Mr, and Mrs. R. Weeks, Mr, and srpsident; Mrs. C. D. Russe (Mrs, W. R. Hambly, Mr resident, and Mrs. Alan P. Ful-|Mrs, J. A. Vivash, Mr. and Mrs of, convener. R. G. Conant, Mr. and Mrs. Over two hundred couples at-/H. W. Hill Mr, and Mrs, H. 8. ended and favors were presented Polack, Mr. and Mrs. H. Faint, o the ladies. M»s. E J. Reed {Mr. and Mrs. R. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holland and Mrs.|Mrs. M. Cryderman, R. W. Bassett were responsible] Mr. and Mrs. H, Cornish, Dr. jor the garlands and balloons|and Mrs. R, J, Kimmerly, Mr. sed in the decorations. and Mrs. H. Thompson, Dr. and During intermission a profes. Mrs, C. H. Vipond, Mr. and Mrs. onal exhibition of the Samba V. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. and Cha-Cha was given by ball-| Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, J. Eth- room dancers from Arthur Mur-/ier, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Little, ray Studio Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Holland, Mr. { surprise note was introduced|and Mrs. L. V. Walker, Mrs. S. A. when Mrs, ssed | Heney. sirthday. wishes to Mrs L Mr. and Mrs, G. Johansen, Mr. who was presented with a birth- and Mrs. T. Collins, Mr. and Mrs, jay cake by Mrs. Fulton G. Whipman, Mr, and Mrs. D. Prizes, all donated by Oshawa Brooks, Dr. and Mrs. H. Webster, merchants, were won by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, G. G. Curley, Mi Mrs. S. J. Hennick, Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. T. H. Greer, Mr. and| L. Gouldburn, Mr. and Mrs.|Mrs, D. Sager, Mr, and Mrs. E.| i W. Hill, Mr, and Mrs. N. H. Kuntze, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Raike, Mr. and Mrs. Conlin, Mr. Famme, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. and Mrs. E. G. Suarez, Mr. and Storie, Alderman and Mrs, John| Mrs. Wetherup, Mr. and Mrs. G.|Brady, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Thom- Russell, Mr. and Mrs. L. Camp-|as, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bint, bell and Mr, and Mrs. N. Wilton. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gouldburn, Those attending were Mrs.[Mr. and Mrs. W. Blight. GD. Conant, Mr, and Mrs. W.| Mr, and Mrs. N. Raike, Mr. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smyth, and Mrs. R. Pearse, Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. J. Stead, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Mr. and J Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. R. W. Bunker, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. L. Perry, J. Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. R./Mr, and Mrs, C. Campbell, Mr, Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. E.|and Mrs. E. G. Suarez, Mr, and Huntley, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Rus- Mrs. W. J. MacDonald, Mr. and sell, Mr. and Mrs, N. Briggs, Mrs, K. Swallow, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham, Mr./R Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. and Mrs. D. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. |Skitch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Broad- E. Dingman, Mr. 29 bin D. pent. - McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. L. Camp- i bell, Mand Mr, W. 4. Morison. |, 2T, 20d Mss, C. M. Elliott, $ . Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hamel, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. T. McComb, Mr. : y and Mrs. R. E. Mills, Mr. and gnd Mrs. H. Suddard, Mr. and Mrs. G. Tayl Mr a Mis J . John Kent, Mr, and Mrs. |p >: BYlor, NC ar Mys. Jo Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. William Jack Mintern, Mr. and Mrs, G. F. Bellingh M d Mrs. S. R ton, Mr. and Mrs. V. Free: =" ngham, Mr. an FS. Paxton, King, Mr. and Mrs. R. J Mr. and Mrs. D. Skiteh, Mr. Murphy, Mr. and Wee ¥. 0. Maco d Mrs. E. Hall, Mr, and Mrs, (Peeters, Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell, 3 Mr. and Mrs. N. Ward, Mr. and R. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. B, Hitchins. Mr. and Mrs, H, A,|/Mrs. N. Wetherup, Mr. and Mrs. : N. Wilton. | ompson, Mr. and Mrs, J. Bino, Me re. CR: Lunn, Mr;| Mr. and Mrs. A, Jchaticen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Patshov, Mr, and and Mrs. Hayward Murdoch, Mr. Mrs. A. K. Vress, Mr. and Mrs. [and Mrs. R. Giles, Mr. and Wes A. McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. §, C.|B. Murdoch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Larmer, Mr. and Mrs, R. Gray, Swan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Step ig Mr. and Mrs, H, Brockwell, Mr, |Son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale, and Mrs. R. J. Mercer, Dr, and (Mr. and Mrs. T. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wall, Mr. and Mrs,| Mrs. G. Vice, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. J. Hennick, ---- -- | Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wil. liams, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Best- 4 \wick, Mr. and Mrs. R. Schoenau, (Mr. and Mrs. W. Newman, Mr " land Mrs. R. Donald. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mills, Mr, land Mrs, S. Smegal, Mr. { IMrs. M. Robinson, Mr, and Mrs J |H. Vice, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholls § Mr. and Mrs, G. Lofthouse, Mr ray land Mrs. G. Poirer, Mr, and Smith, and many others. and |R. K. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. W. G.|andra Theatre last night for the | (GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES | 4 at the Oshawa Advisory home of Mrs. J. K. Witherspoon, Board's annual picnic at Lake-|Manchester, On with 12 view Park, July 8. : members present, Mrs, E, Wakely, past presi- The president, Miss Mary Mac- | The May meeling of 12th Osh- |awa Scout Mothers® Auxiliary {was held recently in Harmony United Church. The president, Mrs, Fred La Salle, presided, Mrs. Lawrence {McConkey read the minutes and |Mrs. Earl Gatchell gave the {treasurer's report, Amouncement was made of the {increased rates for swimming at {Camp Samac this season, Mrs. |La Salle gave a report of the |executive Board of Scout Moth- lers' Auxiliary's April meeting. The June meeting will be held in the form of a pot luck supper at Harmony Church on June 4 at 7.00 p.m. , Ernest Jukes, scoulmastes of the 12th Oshawa Bey Scouts, was the speaker and at the con. clusion of his address he intro- duc d scouts Kenneth IaSalle Stephen Rosnik and Gerry Hos- kin who eateriained with some in. teresting Scout crafts, Refreshments were served ' Mrs, Sydney Worden assisted Mrs, Earl Gatchell 16TH GROUP COMMITEE The 16th Group Committee of the Girl Guide Association held its regular. meeting recently at St. Matthew's Anglican Church with Mrs, David J, Bowler pre- siding, The minutes and ence were read by Mrs, Preity. The tressurer's was given by | D Laughlin, edvantages in v wy the dance is always a popular. ' date on the social calendar, ~Oshawa Times Photo Raskin. An annual event spon- sored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa General Hospital, | omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 correspond- H. A, report W. Me- of holding the afternoon was and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 19, 1959 8 : Sonya Shelenkoft Miss Ruth Coolidge, all wearing identical waltz-length gowns of heavenly blue silk faille Sabrina necklines and short sleeves styled Becomes Bride Stanley Coolidge jie bodies ant a seer, with fren St. Mary's Ukrainian Gre eK their erincline skirts They wore Orthodox Church, was the scene matching picture ! short of a wedding recently when Sonya white gloves and each carried a Marie Shelenkoff wns united in cascade of red and white carna- marriage with Stanley Donald tions Coolidge. The hride is the daugh- a. Robert Weeks was best ter of Mr. and Mrs, Shora Shelen-| on and the ushers were Mr. koff and the bridegroom is the kenneth Teno, Mr. Allan Cool [son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville|jgoe and Mr, Reginald Gutsole, | Coolidge, all of Oshawa. The my. eception was held in St. ouble-TIng ceremony Was CON: napy's parish hall, Bloor street ducted by the Reverend P. Za- gag he the bride's mother re-| paryniuk and the Reverend Dmy- ceived the 300 guests. She' wore tro Luchak assisted by the choir ; champagne beige sheath dress under the direction of Mr. An-wiyh a bodice of Swiss lace, and drew Loyko. : » back panels accenting the slim Given in marriage by her fa-giirt of honan silk, A flowered ther the bride wore an original hat and matching accessories full - length gown of carnation completed her costume. Assisting white silk organza over net and|y ac the bridegroom's mother satin, with circular train. Folds who chose powder blue Chantilly of the material fashioned the jace over taffeta, white hat and crossover bodice and brief sleev- matching accessories, They both es which were complemented no corsages of roses. with long mittens. The Victorian 4 : bodice was accented with a wide, For the honeymoon trip the cummerbund of braided lace, and |Pride donned a suit of petite point| roses with satin leaves highlight. French wool having a short jacket| of Osh d Miss Mari ed the billowing skirt. A beaded and sheath skirt, with harmoniz-) awa, an ss Marion Heit ing hat and accessories, and cor-| McLeod of Whitby. crown held her fingertip veil, and | she carried a cascade of red and 528 | The Elite Group held'a turkey white roses. On their return the couple will supper at Chow's restaurant for The bridesmaide were Miss reside in Oshawa. its closing meeting until fall and Shirley Shelenkoff, Miss He len| Guests were present from many then met at the home of Mrs, Brynzan, Miss Lillian Lojka and points in Canada and United H, E, McKinley, Albert street, to ------------------ -- States. |arrange for a strawberry social and a picnic at Lakeview park. |Mrs. Albert Faul won the lucky PERSONALS [prize for the month. Mrs. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen, Law street, were in Guelph on |Craggs was welcomed into the group i t the tea tables at Friday attending the graduation ing a he to be held in of their daughter, Miss Ai the chapel at St. Andrew's United |H. 'Cole, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas|Marie Allen, at Macdonald Insti-| Church on Thursday afternoon |Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs, M. B. tute, Mr. and Mrs, Allen Were will be Mrs. Randolph Marks, Reed, Dr. and Mrs, G. E. Hare, 2150 guests at a luncheon and a|yirs, Charles Rowden, Mrs. A, W |Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reed, Mr, reception at Ontario Agricultural Bradford and Mrs. Ray Mc and Mrs. J. Richardson, Mr. and College. |Laughlin, Mrs, David Low is con- {Mrs. M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J, |vening the catering "assisted bv |Janetos, Mr. and Mrs. D. Win- Mr. and Mrs. Clive S. Ald- Mrs, E. F. Cuthbertson, Mrs. lans. Mr. and Mrs. F Stukus winckle and family visited his|S, A, Cross and Mrs. W. B. pans, Lane TS: of parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ald-|White. GRADUATES At the graduation exercises held at Queen's University on Saturday, Miss Janet Kathleen Oke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Oke, Oshawa Boulevard north, received her bachelor of arts degree. Miss Oke plans to do further studies at the school of social work, University of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris, Mr, and Mrs, | R. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. R.| Jack, Mr. and Mrs S. Roblin, Mr, and Mrs, D. Hill, Mr. and {Mrs. H. Nichol. Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Roblin, |Col. and Mrs. G. A. Welsh , Mr. 12TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. dent, Invited the members to a Lean, presided. The secretary Garden Party at her home, 687 and treasurer gave their reports. | Hortop street, June 24, at 2| The Guild has been. invited by| o'clock, , {the Lyceum Club of Oshawa to) After the meeting a social was put on a demonstration of weav- held, Mr, T, D, Thomas MPP and |ing at its Garden Tea to be held | Mes. Thomas donated six door|at "Briarwood", the home prizes to be won by the register- Mrs, Ewart McLaughlin, Simcoe A. W, Crowells fed Blind. The winners were: Mrs, street north on June 9. There L. Gatchell, Mrs, M. Leask, Miss will also be handwoven articles] KING STRERY ya Ki P. McConnell, Miss F. White, on display anc for sale, Mrs, | St he 'regular meeting "é Mrs, W. Suddard, Mrs. Markma- W, D, Arnold acted as convener. Street United Church WA was ehuk. * Mrs. B. Bayley gave an inter A donation. was made to the Guide Compahy to assist in send- ing the winning patrol to a week- end camp, The last meeting for the sum- mer will be held on June 9, Refreshments were served by Mrs, T. R. Crimmings and Mrs, Brownies a treat meeting in June and to pay the transportation fee to camp for of ithe Guides, It was also decided to give the at their last The next meeting will be on September 29. Refreshments were served by Mrs, 8, Bigwood held recently, Games were pla: ~ yed and thélesting review of her recent vay resigen. Ari » Jack winners were: Miss P. MeCon- trip to Hamilion where she at- a poem. Mrs. Douglas Redpath, "ell: Mr. William Huuka, Mrs. C.|tended the Provincial Confer- the first vice-president, read the{ovel. Mes, Le Sachell, pia. | The scripture and offered prayer, |: e a 8 . Wakely. | next meeting of the Guild Mrs. 'Herbert Porter gave the| Refreshments were served by will be held at the home of Mrs, . |Lionettes Mrs. Jack Bird and!A, Boyse, Brooklin, on June 15. treasurer's report, and the min- | J ATH GROUP COMMITTEE FUR STORAGE TIME utes of last meeting were read by Mrs: Louis Hammill the secretary, Mrs. Lawrencel WEAVERS' GUILD The Oshawa Weavers' Guild The 4th Group Committee of ihe Girl Guide Association held! 1] Allin, ome pe held its May meeling at the An announcement was made of ie hitb, He monthly meeting recently af Radio Park Clubhouse with the 4 leadership training day to be o eld § rinity ted C ! Id in Trinity United Church in wesident, Mrs, Melville Coolidge, residing. Bowmanville, on May 26, The minutes of the March Phone PA 5-2722 for FREE pick-up Fashion. Village FUR SALON It was agreed that "the feast meeting were read by Mrs. John, o: the seven tables" tea will he held in the Centennial hall the ' l Black. The treasurer's report latter part of September, Two solos were sung by Mrs, Douglas Love, entitled "I walked {today where Jesus walked', and . * "0 Lord Most Holy", accom. {panied at the piano by Mrs, R, E. edical Mi Lee. | Refreshments were served bh the Wide-awake group of the WA, THE HUMORESO!"E CLUB The last meeting imtil O~tobe was held on Thursday evening a the CRA Building, Mrs. Reginald Pite, presiding, The secretary. 7 Mis. D. W, Armistead, read the i mires and the coiresnondence and Aiss Patricia McConne! ave a treasury report, The annual dance is set for Oc tober 14. The dates for camp at the Tions Club Camp at Ancas. ter is: first veriod, July 28 to Aug. 7; second period, Aug. 11 te Aug. 17. The blind people ol Oshawa and district will be 2. "For thirteen years | hed ;ouble with ae ganglion in my oft wrist. One doctor advised urgery; enother was ogoinst pergtion, Then oll ot onc the 1anglion was gone. What hap- sned?¥--C, M A, he ganglion but you were lalways s0 simple, fairly ccmmon condition in lwinich cyst-like growths form within the gopsule of joints and in tendon sheaths, Surgical re- 'moval is often advised although there are cases in which this might not be so. Many ganglions vanish following injection of a cortisone-like drug. It would be hard to say why just: melted away lucky. It isn't Ganglion is a {a fully accredited arts| personal physician. Questions di To Graduate lof Mr, and Mrs, F. R. Salt of P SILVER CROSS WOMEN senior class of Emmanuel Mis: |pypey' veins on my legs. Is regular afternoon meeting Thurs-| "Graduating from the academy forerunner of varicose veins?"-- ing. The minutes of the last meet-|\qemy and college, Mise Salt at-/A [* Spider burst" veins are not the | N | [ Gibbs gave the treasurer's report. gps "yiaral arts colioge, for two (nels that run just beneath the Saturday, May 30, all members| Before coming to Emmanuel Miss 8 alt|Occasionally, without any obvi- {thur Wigston, 1st vice-president |tarial wi conference of The tiny veins are sometimes ing Monday to attend the Na-iawa and in the offices Seventh- else, So far as is known, nothing | The next evening meeting and |p | liberal PYTHIAN SISTERS MISS JOYCE SALT y . C hawa Girl 10DGES AND | In Michigan y Margaret Joyce Salt, daught SOCIETIES Oshawa, has been named to o graduate with the 9l-member A 3) ond hove virsdy The Oshawa and District Chap- sionary college, Berrien Springs, phere anything to do for these ter Silver Cross Women held its Michizan, on May 31 unsightly blemishes? Is it a day in the Legion Hall. Mrs. at Oshawa Missionary college, a|Miss N, B V. A. Cope, president, presid-|Seventh-day Adventist run aca- i ios of the | ee . Not much can be done. ng were real yrs, Nitended Washington Missi | |Hogan, secretary, Mrs. Charles| i100 hi Dos Onn [same os varicose veins, "Spider" ! { : veins are thread-like blood chan- Final arrangments were made years fou the 'Tag Day" to be held ' skin surface and often spread (were ed be it tec [Missionary college, out from a central pool or point, | Mrs, Cope, president, Mrs. Ar-|spent several years doing secre- qs injury, the veins rupture and ork in the office of the| ; | (Whitby): Mrs. Edward Holland|Canadian Unfon produce a dark spot or bruise, {and Mrs. John Hogan are leav-\Seventh-day Adventists in Oshe|treated by injection but they al- tional Council Convention at Ste. |General conference of of theimost always pop up somewhere Agathe for three days. [Day Adventists in Washington, | |social will be held Monday, June {1 in Simcoe Hall at 7.30 p.m, The regular meeting of the day Ad Pythian Sisters recent- recently chosen as the site for the ventist denomination, was| columns when possible. 3 was held " {ly with Sister Iva Cliff presiding. Adventist university and theologi- | "sister Dorothea Johnston was|cal seminary. The post-graduate linstalled to the post of Protec-|schools are scheduled to be trans. tor. {ferred to Berrien Springs from | Sister Iva Cliff appointed Sis-| Washington, D.C., this autumn, ters Ann Holt, Mae Rutter and the Seventh-day Adventist Au- {Kay Glover as auditors. (tumn Council announced last It was decided to send $10 to October. 28 King St. E Answers do not necessarily refiect the opinion of all doctors. Emmanuel Missionary college, diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's RA 3-462 hor WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT: will prevent development of new crops of "spider burst' veins. Q. Doctors sometime advise ol- cohol snong ng to reduce fe Cin yeung chi'dren be sponged in this way? A. Yes, but don't go too heavy on the elecohol. The usual method is to employ equay parts of water ond rubbing a!cohol. This is spanged on the skin ond allowed to evaporate . Evaporation of the alechol-water solution is what reduces body temperature, Q. "Is it true thot o blow on the head con couse a broin tumor?"==Mrs, D, A. It's possible, A stiff whack on the héad might result in bleeding beneath the cellophane-like cov: ering of the brain, The pool o bloed could clot, forming a solir mass, The natural tendency | for the bedy to wall off suc clots, thus forming a tumor-like structure. Most brain tumors, however, just seem to form for no apparent reason, Regardies: of the cause, the logical methoc of treatment is surgical removal The outlook for persons with brain tumor is much better today than it was formerly, With ap propriate surgery, about 40 pe cent of all brain tumors can be completely removed, Whether the victim can be restored to gooc health depends upon the size character and location of the growth, The rected to Science Editors, P.O. Bo» college operated by the Seventh.| 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in thess Oshawa the Cancer drive. A gift of a sil |ver spoon was sent to Sister {Marion Clark for her new son, | Sister Evelyn Clarke will repre-| sent Ontario Temple at Grand |Lodge this year, Sister Marjorie Carey and Jean | Fitches were given a vote of {thanks for donating so much of |their time for the penny sale. | A tulip tea will be held Wed- |nesday, May 20, at the home of |Sister Jessie Goyner 18 Hillcroft Istreet, Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Campbeil,| Go we" Bonniebrae Lodge, and|-- Py Dr. and Mrs. W, M. Shaw, Dr. A | and Mrs. H. Rowsell, Dr. and other Oshawa friends on Sunday. | Mrs. C. C, Stewart, Dr. and Mrs. Among those at the Royal Alors Grant, Dr. and Mrs, ,{Doherty, Dr. and Mrs. .|Morris, Dr. and Mrs, G. B. opening of the Dominion Drama | M. L. Festival were Mrs. A. E. Mec! D. E.|Kibbin, Mr. and Mrs, Henry |Chapman, Mies Madeline Tooley, | i et oer eveap---------- SHOP 14 DAY FREE TRIAL! Buy « Floating Action Bra comfort and fit guaranteed or YOUR MONEY BACK! Mrs. R. Aker, Mr, and Mrs. A.|~ {Derumaux, Mr. and Mrs. F.| [Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mec- Cullough, Mr. and Mrs. R. Scho- |field, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Croth-| lers, Mr, and Mrs. T, E. White, 00LWORTH' FIRST HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN since you enjoyed the fine food and relaxing atmosphere of the COFFEE SHOP in the GENOSHA HOTEL? At the annual meeting of the Dominion Council of the Woman's Association of the | United Church, Mrs. A. A. | Crowle of Oshawa was elected | Visit SNAKE EYES REMOVED | had a smart aleck come into the shop the other day ond asked if we removed spots. "'Certainly," | said, "re. moving unwanted spots is our business. We do it every day." _All items baked "Swell," said he, 'see if you can remove the snake eyes treasurer. from this pair of dice." Well, perhaps that was his idea of a very funny joke, or WALL-TO-WALL Broadloom INSTALLATIONS A 12 x 18 living room requires 24 square yards of broadloom. We offer complete installa- tion including padding, smooth-edge, and oll lobor for o room this size for 21 20 . only OR EASY TERMS FOR ONLY s10 RA MONTH ROSS E. MILLS COMPANY LIMITED ° 80 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 838-6218 perhaps he was just trying to get even for being taken to the oleaners by that same pair of dice. But either way, it does give me © good lead to tell you ebout our expert spot re- moval service. Removing spots and stains from fabrics requires a great deal of "know-how. There are hundreds of different stains, ond dozens of different stain removers. But unfortunately for the amateur not all stains will reuct favourably to the some stain removal method ' For instance, in removing spots from fabrics our experts must first determine whether they sre decling with enimal, vegetable or mineral stains. Also, in neutralizing e spot or stain it is essentiol that they do net harm the dyed colour of the fabric or herm the fibers themselves. (54" Reg. 3.98, | That's why it's always a good idea to pin a pencilled | note. to any stain or to. any place on the fabric where you have spilled any chemical substance . . . even if no stain is | visible at that particular time. By doing this, you are helping our spotter give you the perfect cleaning job you've come to expect from GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE. -- Now that's not | osking too much, is it? Kom Jilted iy 24 HE. I CONT \ a TELEPHONE SERVICE NEW MODERN STORE and NEW LUNCHEONETTE our Pastry Counter Special ! CAR BLANKETS FRUIT and JUICE | 48-0Z. CAPACITY Only 37¢ each Our re fresh every day a x 72") Sale 2.49 AINER CIRCL-O-FORM-- Style 372. 4 sec- tion single needle circle stitched cup in broadcloth or satin. Low- cut neckline. Elastic insert at centre, $2.50. Stitche Both floating action bras have' the famous, original tangent strap feature. Anchored at the." sides, these fabulous straps hold up the entire bra frame, notjust the cup. You move freejy, the bra always snugly in place... no drag on tender shoulders, ever. Department store selli sieres. The sales perso: pletely satisfied, your with a DATED sales ¢ OFFER STARTS TO-DAY RUN SN CO*STAR--Style 172. Spoke d uplift cup. Lattice. stitching. Conforming torso band with centre elastic insert, Broad. cloth or Satin. $2.50, Simply go to any Specialty, Ladies' Wear or ng Exquisite Form Bras- n is qualified to advise you which of these bras best suits your figure, Wear it for 14 days. Then if you're not coms full purchase price will be refunded. Just send your bra back along heck to Exquisite Form, Dept. 14, 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. ++. EXPIRES JUNE 15, 1959 i, ou), Brassiere (Canada) Lid.

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