The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1959, p. 5

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HOLD MAY COURT FESTIVAL AT ONTARIO LADIES Grade Seeley"s Bay was crowned Monday at the Court Festival 13 from elyn Sunter 7 Queen on 33rd annual Maj at the Ontario student dE SIT: FOR CUR NEW BUILD! A charter member of the I Whitby, Frank Lumb, Sunday turned the first sod for a new church build ing. T and Baptist co- founder Church, right, aith on 2 sod-turning ceremony COLLEGE ~~ Hold 53r Court Festival In celebrating the 53rd May Court Festival at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, the as- sembled relatives and friends, and the entire student body were addressed by Miss Jean Royce of Queen's University, Kingston. The Queen of the May, Miss Evelyn Sunter, entered the Con- cert Hall to begin the program that had been drawn up for the day's activities, after which the entire assembly joined in singing The National Anthem and O Can- ada. , A ballet titled "To Spring" was presented with choreography by Beth Oliver. The girls partici- pating in the ballet were: Sandra Stanway, Judith . Wolfe, Linda Silverthorne, Helen Burns, Mar- garet Witherspoon, Gail Kava- nagh. Miss Jean Royce addressed the assembly at this point, speak- ing on theme, "Love Among Re- lations" and the girls and their relationship between persons whom they come in contact with throughout their lives. Miss Royce pointed out the impor- tance of having a happy pleasant attitude when meeting people and also the values of remem- bering the days that were spent in the college and the lessons taught. COURT FESTIVAL Following the activities in the | COURTING WITH DOUG. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Moy 19, 1959 d May THURSDAY Salvation Army Women's Home League CLUB CALENDAR concert hall, the assembly re- tired to the large lawn outside the front of the college where they were able to view the Grand March and the coronation of the May Queen along with the presentation of the May Queen's pin presented by Miss Renata Pennacchiotti, 1958 May Queen, Each of the counsellors, Miss Ann Chenoweth and Miss Eliza- beth Elmslie, received pins sented br Mrs. Furlong, a gift of Miss Donna Warminger. Miss Sissons presented a pin to the May Queen of 1958 on behalf of the Senior Castle Chapter. TUESDAY { Viscount Greenwood Chap, I0DE Colborne Street Home and School Mission Circle of the WEDNESDAY Whitby Red Cross work room St. yin Anglican Church SUNDAY King Street Home and School As-|- United Church AOTS f Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. All Saints' Army Youth Fellow- Sr. Group [FRIDAY = |Salvation Army Youth Fellow~ | ship ISATURDAY Presbyteens of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church Emmanuel Reformed Church Young People's Group Association United Church Women's Christian Temperance Union Business meeting United Church YPU sociation Copies of THE 132 Following the presentations, the various student groups pre- sented exercises in honor of the May Queen. which consisted of a May Pole Dance, Spanish Caval- fero and many other exercises. The May Queen's Court' con- sisted of two counsellors, Amn Chenoweth and Elizabeth Elms- lie. Preceding the Queen in the grand march were Marjorie Max- OSHAWA TIMES Available at the followin, dealers in DOWNTOW WHITBY PLAY SAFE COLD STORE your FURS end WINTER GARMENTS with WHITBY CLEANERS 150 COLBORNE E, MO 8-2345 well with Myrna Lazarus and ALLIN'S DRUGS Susan Reid carrying the queen's train, Other girls in the queen's court were Rosemary Chapman, Caroline Reisberg, and Berta Reisberg. ' | The entire proceedings were under the direction of Mrs. C. | Hallpike assisted by Mrs. 8, L. {Osborne and Mrs. 8. Roblin, By DOUG Dear Novice, Recently, as your interest in {tennis has increased, you have |been asking a great many ques- {tions about the game, and par- {ticularly about the Whitby Ten- HIRD Novice Questions Are Answered |case at Whitby. White, of course, looks nicer atl is often a good deal cooler, but: on the local courts it is not required by law. Do I have to have a racket? There are some rackets at the Corner Brock and Dundas Streets COURTICE PHARMACY ° 117 Brock Street North PALM SPORTING GOODS 130 undas Street West RIGLER'S STORE SPECIALIZING IN i HEFAIRS ; To Washing Machines, Automatic Washers & Dryers. BUTT RADIO And Applionces 118 Brock St. 5, Whitby MO 8-3707 Corner Brock and Colborne Streets JURY & LOVELL PHARMACY 317 Brock Street South Let CL rich g PARES PHONE. 5.7356 51 CLEANIT SERVICE | clubhouse which are used for jun- WHITBY MO 8-4922 Ladies' College, Whitby. Above, she sits with her court on th college lawns to watch a gym nastic display put on by fellov students in her honor. She i 'MER 4 x Radio - Bro AMILY OR Rev. E. C. Corbett, left, has ministered to the flock since they first retained a minister in the spring 1952. The new church will be built on a site on Brock St. N., who of near the intersec- was conducted by the Pastor, | tion of Walnut St., adjacent to APTIST ChURE Ere NING WORSHIP GELISTIC SERWICE Lome tv Sl - from left to right, Chapman, Caroline Myrna Lazarus, Mar- Maxwell, Susan Reid and Lazarus. In the lower her court, Rosemary Reisberg, jorie Jerta counsellors, left, of Kit chener, and Ann Chenoweth, right, of Peterbo; ugh. In the front are the other members of flanked Elizabet by her e Elmslie, 1 s Turn Sod For New 1959 hy. Faith Baptis Whitby's newest turned for the Church, on Brock street The ceremony took place follow- ing. the morning worship serv- ice Turning the first sod was Frank Lamb, a charter member of Faith Baptist Church, and one of the co-founders of ithe congrega- tion in November of 1951. The other founder, Stanley Mann, died some weeks ago in Florida. Following its founding, the con- gregation first met wu the coun- cil chambers in the town hall, In 1954, the congregation em- barked on a building program which resulled in the construe- tion of the present Sunday School hall, immediately north of the site chosen for their first church. In recent years, Sunday School attendance has risen to more than 200 with a correspond- ing rise in attendance at church services. Now, the church and its AY ScHooL HAL sast CKLB SUNDAY SCHOOL 3 é : Garden Club An excellent talk on alpines and rock garden plants was heard by members of the Whithy Garden Club at -its May meeting when Charles ¥®. Dawson of Whitby was the speaker. Spiced with some humor, Mr. Dawson's ad- dress proved him to be an expert on these particular types of flora. a Sunday School hall which has been used as a meeting place for the past five years. --Oshawa Times Photo Mrs. Weatherall He is a member of the Royal Is Assoc. Pres. BROCE NOW PLAY ki A iP EVENING SHOWS 7 & 8:20 IfU Last Complete Show at 8:20 WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 ---- RT {Horticultural Society, and has de- voted the major part of his life to his interest in alpines, having been given his first plant at the age of 15 Abhorring what he "dog's cemetery" The Almonds Home dnd School Association held its annual meeting on Thursday evenine at the school. The president, Mrs. L. Tran, presided All annual reports were given The president favored the group with two piano solos. Miss Carol Smith, of Whitby sang a solo and called the kind of rock garden, where rounded stones are set row upon row, he stressed that the good rockery uses a A new era began for one of pastor, Rev. E. C. Corbett, find congregations [that the building can no longer| on Sunday as the first sod was accommodate the crowds which | Faith Baptist | attend. | north. | . Charles Dawson Is is CY : i i ruction. These can also be nis Club. Below please find the ior instruc : | swers to several of your ques- Used by any member. They are, Bnspars if oy ] however, rather light and it is How much does instruction usually preferable to have your| cost? There is no charge for in-OWn racket, suited to y o u r indi- struction to anv club member, |Vidual needs, Before rushing out The terms are the same for any !0 @ sporting goods Hore. ye Sue player, whether a newcomer or a to check wi bh the true ors. |seasoned veteran. Express a de. Your choice a rac w sir to learn to any of the in-|8reatly influence your tennis en- | photo, students at the college |structors, and you'll be taught, ioyment. Knowing what to look There's no Substitute for Experience! MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN SHIRT LAUNDERERS SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 106 Dundas Street East THE TUCK SHOP 159 Brock Street North |free of charge. for will help you greatly in your perform the traditional May | Vict ore slioes 0.1 2 |choice. Pole dance before their queen, Or at any of these .ealers in Whitby and Area Because the Whitby courts are! Are there any classes for teen- made of rolled clay, only flat agers? At present there is only |soled running shoes are permis- a program for Junior instruction. isible, Any other type of shoe This has not yet been started for leaves a mark in the court which this season but will probably be | will afféct the bounce of a ball. It started in June, If there is suffi- {should be noted that r ing |cient d d at group [shoes come with both a tennis|will be formed as there is a sole and a gymnasim sole. The |great deal of teenage interest, tennis sole is preferable (some |Classes will probably start after clubs will not even allow a gym-|the June exams.) s |nasium sole on their courts.) | If you still have unanswered Must I wear white? Many questions concerning Whitby ten- clubs have an all white clothing nis, please call the writer at MO irule. This, however, is not the 82520, | --Oshawa Times Photos t Church The new church is expected to be completed by November of |this year but even while the first| am Individual Requirements Monumental Works 31¢ Dundas Eost MO. 8-3552 STAFFORD BROS. ALMONDS GROCERY Almonds J BENNETT'S GROCERY 832 Brock Street North | CORNER GROCERY Port Whitby isod for the new church was be-| ing turned, church officials indi-| Lawn Bowlers DAVIS SUPERTEST cated that before five more years | have passed, another new church| or an addition will have to be started. | Plan For Summer The members of the Whitby hearted support of the members | Lawn Bowling Club gathered at|in this undertaking, Mrs, Donald the Redwing Recreation Hall for Tutt, tournament secretary, re.| a dinner and get-to-gether preced- ported on the coming out-of-town | ing the opening of the new bowl- games, the first of which will be ling season. J. M. Hicks, presi-|a ladies' trebles which will be| dent, welcomed the members and held on the greens early in June. | their friends and expressed the| Dick Adams, one of Whitby's| ag reside .n'c | NOpe that the coming year would most ardent bowlers, was con-| head, p esident. of te omens) a most successful one for the gratulated on his recent bowling | as Carter, of the Happy Hour club. |achievements when he was chos- group. : | Following the dinaer, the presi-|e0 to represent Eastern Canada Conducting service was dent led in a genera: discussion on a team 'of men who flew out Pou ,. «of plans and activities for the to Vancouver and brought home Rev. Corbett, church's first summer months. Several new the Canadian Championship Tro- pastor. lideas were suggested and thesePhy for five-pin bowling. Dick "|will be put into practice at an|Placed second on the team, being {early date. During the first two Only 13 points behind the high |weeks in June, Open House will|man. ee "SHOCK OF LIFE Taking part in the ceremony were G. Knudsen, presenting! the deacons and trustees of the church; William Wilde, repre- senting the Faith Baptist Young People's Association; Glen Baker, superintendeni of the Sun-| day School; Mrs, W, Motters- the the TIMES SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO 8-31 tact him by 7.00 p.m. PHONE BELL TAXI CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first, If you are unable to con- No. 2 Highway West of Whitby GOLDRING'S GROCERY Port Whitby NORTH END GROCERY Brock North For HOME DELIVERY by Carrier Boy | PHONE MO 8-3703 111 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY Speaker FOR BURGLARS? lawn bowling will be guests of Te) ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Rob- club. ert Andrews hopes the burg- | Herb Wilson, greens chairman, (1) Mrs. J. Paterson; (2) Mrs, announced that a great deal of lars who ransacked his home and stole $70 in cash Thurs- R. VanHorne; (3) Mrs. E. R./work has already been done on Elliott, the greens and that it is hoped Class 3. Tulips, single, not.less that ia a ack enthusiasts |than three and not more than six: |will out with their bowls. [(1) Mrs, Pearl Richardson; = Mrs. Harry Lott, president of day wil Jeter, Ho promises Mrs. S. Burns; (3) Mrs. J. Pater-|the ladies' section, outlined plans Ha Ne nel shoc son, |for the women's activities at the " Class 4. Modern arrangement green, The social convener, Mrs. My Jas & patent pend: spring flowers with accessor- Herb Wilson, proposed that re- wasn't hooked up when in- ies: (1) Mrs. R. VanHorne; (2){freshments be served by the truders made their call, Miss Alma Rowe; (3) Mrs. J. N. ladies at each of the men's tourn- Wilkinson. aments and asked the whole- Class 5. Luncheon table ar-| lof FAST rangement, using five daffodils or | five tulips: (1) Mrs, R. Van- Horne; 2, Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson. Class 6. Miniature arrangement of spring flowers: (1) Mrs. E. E. Bond; 2. Mrs, G. James; (3) (3) Mrs, E. R. Elliott, Class 7. -Arrangement Progressive-Conservative Local Association DINNER-MEETING, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 6:30 P.M. HELP YOURSELF TO RELIEF FROM David Cross, of Almonds, played in cup S rough, porous stone where little two accordion solos. Mrs. H. hollows and crevices can hold a ACTION YOU WANT! and saucer: (1) Mrs. J. Pater-| HN A BOY...A DOG...AND A FATHER WHO tives, Mrs. C. Barchard, HAD TO LEARN TO LOVE The EIBARTOR VAN JOHNSON MARTINE CAROL 8 Spencer, of Brooklin, played two |piano solos and also played for the opening and the closing. Mrs. L. Atkinson thanked all | who took part. Mrs. Tran read a letter from Home and School {Council regarding the Home and School shop. She called on Mrs. Lofthouse, of Oshawa, who spoke briefly on Home and School and introduced the officers for: the coming year: President, Mrs. R. Weatherall; vice-presidents, Mrs. H. Huxter and Mrs. Maddeau; re- cording secretary and sponding sec., Mrs. T treasurer, Mrs, R. West; RBERT LOM corre- Wilson- execu- Mrs. J, Mrs. B. A. Law Wastle, Mrs. Racciato, Aisthorpe and Mrs. rence Mrs. Foster thanked Mrs. Loft louse and Beth Atkinson pre. sented her with a small gift, Mrs. Wilson thanked the retiring offic- Rank Organization Presents bit of earth and peat moss for {son; (2) Mrs. E. R. Elliott; (3) | BLUE ROOM--GENOSHA HOTEL | Miss M. Price. | Class 8. Spring bouquet, Novice: ) Laura Wilson; (2) Mrs. H. rown, | Winner of the door prize was) rs. 'Ernest Pellow of Hudson| Heights, Quebec, a guest attend-! ithe seeds or tiny plant roots. [Many true alpines originate in (1 far-away countries, in mountain- B ous regions where they cling to rock faces and challenge wind and yy eold to stop them from complet ing their life cycle. Speaker: HON, W. M. N on behalf of ALL INTERESTED PARTIES WELCOME! M. DYMOND EWMAN ing the meeting. Showing many fine pictures of A sale of plants brought in a delicate, and in some cases very|eay more dollars toward the cost small. flowers and leafy plants, | Mr. Dawson traced their origin to of the materials for the hanging Tibet, Japan, Greece, and ray Daskets Which is an annual proj- other lands, and proved that these small yet hardy plants can be grown successfully in Canada even through a winter such as we have just had Also shown were many wood land flowers including the lovelv Lady's Slinper, the Bird's-foot School child population appears to | Violet, and the dainty scarlet/De over in the Dundas St. School {Columbine, Most of the pictures district, Earl Fairman, super. were taken by the speaker but|Visory principal of Whitby public Predict Growth In Dundas Area The largest growth in public POSTAL $2,850 -- $3,900 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT NERVE FOOD ER. "I feel free as the breeze--free to do just what § please--at last I've found quick relief ons ridden days and restless wakeful nights!" More and more le are di CLERKS AQ CIEL D Starving JEAN ANDERSON ers. Refreshments were served manv were taken by Peter Ellins oy Mrs. Huxter and her commit-|of Whitby. It was a most inter- | tee. |introduced and thanked by the |nresident, Mrs. S. Burns. A SPRING SHOW MINERAL EXPLORERS ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) |esting address. Mr. Dawson was| |schools, stated in a report to the | board, Thursday evening, "We have discovered through our surveys that this area shows the fastest growth," Mr. Fairman |said, "this is the area where vou WHITBY, ONTARIO Details and application forms at Post Of- fices, National Employment Offices and the discovering Dr. Chase's Nerve . They're on the side--walking outside the shadows Nerve Fatigue. They've found relief from such feelings as "restless", "irritable", "jumpy", "tense". You foo can hel r nerves fast. Dr, Chase's Nerve Foot sr right in to sett : your nerves and build u r ra health, Remember to get ore ase' Nerve Food and help yourself to overcome Nerve Fatigue. due to faulty elimination RELIEVE «pismo y : ; will need to build another school | 0 the spring show which was! . re." i \ in the future iudged hy Mrs, C. ®, NDawenn i Civil Service Commission. Apply before MAY 28th, 1959, to the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO, Ontario. DONALD PLEASEMGE "i! now before the le Introducing Com*ary RICHARD WILLIAMS Screenplay by Leigh Vance Produced by Alfred Shaughnessy Directed by Clive Donner lature If He based his statements on the pre mding area which is } ') in the process of developing an- (2) Mrs. other subdivision and also on the Mrs. Harold registration of pupils for the com- |ing year, which has increased ss 2. Three Daffodils. double considerably i ACHING DR.CHASE'S BACK Kal PILLS ------ A -- -------- A nly o 1 Cl: Na exte ss sion xplorati rights in central Newfoundland. Mrs The company would undertake to/E. R spend at least $125,000 during the| Brown. extension period. I Cla " 5 ee Germaine James; Elliott; (3)

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