TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK cadet ra WN HOME DESIGN No. 423 Here's an "L'" design that packs a lot of living space into its floor plan, Front entry has plastered archway into a beans tifully proportioned living room featuring corner fireplace with raised hearth, Sliding door in dining area leads to a perfect dream of a kitchen! All appli ances including freezer ave built-in; all cabinets have natural wood finish; family size breakfast corner Is 'windows wrant" and sliding door leads to landing from which rear door, basement stairs and lava tory with stall shower are ace cessible, Rear Master bedroom has sliding door to lavatory. Full bath is located between the other two bedrooms, Sep arate, well planned laundry room has work tops along wall area and an extra size fruit room, Large recreation area takes up balance of basement, Standard Builders' blueprints costing $0.75 a set may be ob- tained for this design No, 423, For further information write to; Builders' Page Editor, The ( Times, Oshawa. A new Home Plannor book entitled "71 Se. lected Low Cost Homes for Canadians", price The, includes this design and may be obtain. ed at the newspaper office or by writing to this same ad dress Toye # KITCHEN 12. 9411.9 LIVING 20.7512:10 LES JaARMG RA elas desk aaa BLD RM 12.11510.0' The Building Editor, The Times, Oshawa, Ontario, ) Please send me further details about how te obtain standard Building Blueprints for Home Design No, 433, Plans entitled *'71 Nelected low cust Homes for Canadians," (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times Name Address 'i eat vival 4 FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE wax and cleaning are made so that the amount of (available hardware humidity can be carelully con trolled, 1 doubt if any humidifier set for narma! living conditions would ever bother exterior paint In other words, go ahead and have it put in TILING ON CONCRETE QUESTION: I am considering laying asphalt tile Wn my base ment, However, the concrete floor was painted with a rubber base paint six years ago; this has worn off in the most « travelled areas, but other paris are almost like new, What do | have to do about the paint on the floor be fore putting down asphalt tile? HUMPED FLOOR aluminom UESTION: Wet clothes were Preparation oh on a wooden floor for quite stores) will keep it looking nice, some time, causing the boards INSULATING TILE STAINED to hump up. How can this floor QUESTION: A roof leak which be made flat agall ; , , has been repaired caused a dark ANSWER Rahing a¥glem stain in the tan insulating cell operation may dry moisture in p00 oo my cottage. How can wood and floor may return to the stain be Temoved® original flatness, To speed this PRs condition, place some heavy ANSWER: Because of the por: weights on the high spots of the ous nature of the tile, the stain boards, If there is no improve. can't be taken out, it goes ment in a few weeks, and the clear through the tile, 1 suggest height of the hump is not too Painting the whole ceiling if the great, the surface could be sand. SWI 1s conspiouous. A water ed down or even planed. down Mixed paint can be used with to the level of the surrounding Mo other preparation, If you use floor area. Touch up the floor an ofl:base paint, first give the na with the same finishing material ©®lling a coat of primer-sealer, ANSWER: All paint should be on the rest of the floor, RUNNING WATER IN TANK removed before putting down the | tile. The easiest way la to have INSTALLING STORM SASH QUESTION: Water ia always it sanded off with a vented floor | QUESTION: Recently we had Tunning from the flush tank inte sanding machine, Otherwise, it a large three - pane window in the bowl The tank fills but the is a tedious job: use an infra stalled in our kitchen. The centre Water doesn't turn off. What ped lamp, held about a foot from panel opens oul, | am consider. Causes this? Can we repair It (he palit surface until the paint ing installing storm sash. What ourselves . has softened; then scrape off the would be the advantage of ANSWER: The trouble is prob paint with a putty knife. Or ap- aluminum and how could 1 handle ably with the rubber ball which ply prepared paint remover, the problem of the centre win: SOvers the outlet at the hottom available at paint stores, follows dow panel opening outward? tof the tank, You can repair this ing label directions ANSWER: The easiest solution Yourselves easily. This is the " .Ivalve which is raised when the OPEN WOOD PORCH to centre panel would be to in ibibo stall inside storm sash. One fea. flushing handle is operated, QUESTION: We want to add an open poreh and steps at our back ling for a truly fh 4] = portation FAMILY GETS CITIZENSHIP PAPERS A big bundle for this family of M, Olezok, Port Hope, who poses happily with RCMP officers from Pelerbo ough who took part in Friday's citizenship ceremonies at the Canada Is | United Counties Left to right, are chard, 7; Michael, George, aged 5, Mr, holds Anne Marie, 2, w sixth ehild, five - months » Dick, 8; Ri: 6 and Diosok hile a old Must Welcome New Canadians COBOURG (Stall challenge today Is to assure that those who* Join our soclety as partners are assured of full bene. fits of the Canadian way of life sald John Sharp, department of eitigenship and immigration speaking al Cobourg Hotary Club Friday, Speaking on Canada's heritage Mp, Sharp spoke of the role and importance of the immigrant in the Canadian Canada is outstanding for its po tentinl wealth, he sald This wealth included not only econom lo but also moral considerations I'he freedom of Canadian part of thelr wealth, he said In spite of this Canada is still in the process of building a na tion, with Canadians still work national concept Canada's scene He sald that one of Canada's problems was owning so much territory, vith a too small popu lation to work i Canada the resource increased population, he sald reminded the club of the for has quences of a low birth rate dur Ing the depression of the 1930's, Canada was starved for con umers In the lower age grouns and found It necessary to import people to balance things The contribution of Immigrants to Canadian culture cannot he underestimated, he wald, Too little attempt Is made to assess] thelr value to the country New Canadians came herve hy cholee, he reminded his audience, and not by an accident of birth courthouse, | Mark John, was left at home, Mounties are Ken Mel Calverly, Ross and =Times Staff Photo SPECIAL REQUEST 'Plan Revel | Of Brownies By MRS, A, L, HOORY BOWMANVILLE Girl Guide and Brownie mothers met at the home of Mrs B, Elliott, with Distriet Commissioner Mrs, L, Lucas presiding It was announced the Brownie Revel would he held In Orono Park June 6 with all Brownies in| the distriet teking part, Trans. # being arranged The Girl Guides will deliver cookies May 29 and 30, for which orders were taken some weeks ago, There will be 1200 boxes dis. I d, | The Association donated 815 to: wards a new $275,000 Toronto headquarters bullding, All guide companies and packs have been asked to contribute to the fund, | It was stated there Is an ur. gent need for leaders and uwsls: (ants for Bowmanville Guides and| Brownies, | The annual Assessment was authorized to be paid to the On. | tario Counell of Girl Guides Asso |elations, In 1060 Canadian Guides will celebrate 50 years in this work, To commemorate the occasion 300 goldon tulip bubls were order: ed to be planted in September, 1050 at a 'central location station, | Mrs, A, L, Hoooy was appoint. od as a representative to the | Steam Yacht To ' Cruise Lake Ports MONTREAL (CP) ~ The 1.900. ton steam yacht Stella Maris Public School Board will not re. |168ves Montreal today on her subdivision, Ample school facili ester, N.Y ties are avaliable for residents in Carrying 140 first-class passen- that ares, it was stated at 8 gers (he steamer is to begin » hoard meeting Thursday weekly schedule of short cruises Authorization was granted for between here and lake Ontario the recreation denartment to get| ports, grounds in eondition snd eveel oe - heniches for softhall at the Cen tral Rchool grounds, Recreation director Doug Rigg will allot use of the grounds during the sum mer for ball games, carnivals, or other activities The property committee will meet with sehool principals to ar- range for summer painting and repairs for schools, A new flag nole will he erected at Ontario Street School ' Suggested names for the new school to be constructed on 7! gin street north have been sub. mitted to the hoard, The bullding committee will study the names submitted, First, second and third prizes Board Makes Summer Plans BOWMANVILLY. (Staff) The will be awarded for best en tries in the school name contest. Supervising principal A, Thompson and princlapl Paul Chant were given permission to attend a school trusttes' associa tion meeting in Ajax May 27. CCAR on th Pirie nie WATERLOO, Ont, (CP) = Po. local Girl Guide camp commit | lice here politely declined a re. |lee quest from a woman who wanled a constable to babs-sil at her home while she went to the police station to pay a parking fine, Ee a, MORTGAGE LNANS AVAILABLE Jones & Greer Barristers & Solicitors 130 KING ST, E. DIAL RA 8.6246 When 5-1044 FOR SANITARY CLEAR, CLEAN imitations. The only Formica itself, "40 Million Copper Smelter For B.C. | VICTORIA (CP) Bethlehem Copper Corporation has an nounced plans for a $40,000,000 copper smelter in the rich High land Valley area near Ashoroft| in south-central British Columbia 150° miles northeast of Vancouver V. M. Reynolds, Bethlehem 's socretarystreasurer, said in an in terview the company plans open: pit mining, a smelter, a concen consestrator and a townsite, wu 1 GYPROC WALLBOA RD CAVES MONEY! costs less than USED BY BUILDERS EVERYWHERE 2 per sq. foot DRAINS , , , Residue In drains is unsanitary FRIENDLY PLUMBER LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 750 Mary 51. == RA 5.1044 328 RITSON RD. N, | wal ' ws rs you are buying kitchen When it's penitine You'll sce this mark on 1h product cabinets, furniture, or any other product represented to have a Formica top, look for this ident ification directly on the surface, Accept no thing like Formica is ' ond can couse serious, stops % pages Don't take chances Call NOW for free estimate! | . OSHAWA RA 3.981) " H 0 w " - EMERGENCY SERN * * * rowm ANVILLE TELEPHONE MA 3.3345 "WHEN" . "WHERE" . TO PLANT Dozens of drawings and illustrations Send 50c IN COIN - SEND NOW BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERY XCANADA'S FINEST COLORED GARDEN GUIDE: SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY 140 PAGES o 68 COLOUR PAGES o 260 FULL + * o COLOUR PICTURES ONTARIO 2 Ww Kk kk kk kk kk kk kk kk For Your Convenience STOVE OIL Is avallable in any quality ot the following , . VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATIONS ® OSHAWA eo ture of aluminum is that it does Either the ball doesn't seat itsell not require painting, although squarely over the outlet; or it every now and then" care with has rotted so that there is no Jonger a gps tight nel. If hy atter is the case, replacement is , THE HOME WORKSHOP | necessary, In the former straigh- tening the rod which holds the MAKE FISHING {ball 1s all that's necessary, RUST STAINS IN TUR QUESTION: There are several |brownish, rusi-like stains i the {bottom of the bathtub. How can they be removed? ANSWER: Saturale a piece of cloth with peroxide, then sprinkle entrance, would you recommend to use? What kind of lumber ANSWER: Generally, red or black Southern Cypress is prefer red because it is highly decay-re- sistant, But any good seasoned lumber, thoroughly treated with a good wood preservative, should give good service SINGLE CHIMNEY QUESTION: An upstairs room which we no longer use is going to he converted into a den. We'd like to bulld a fireplace in it, Can 78 BOND ST, WEST SIMCOE ST. SOUTH at Lakeview Park KING ST, EAST at the Townline ® WHITBY eo 500 BROCK ST. NORTH ® AJAX o HARWOOD AVE. N, WALL-TO-WALL Broadloom INSTALLATIONS A 12 yard tion x 18 living room requires 24 square of hroodloom. We offer complete installa. eluding padding, smooth-edge, and all Beautify your home the modern fune. tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now, this be connected to the same chimney as the fireplace in the living room underneath? ANSWER: There should never be more than one opening inte a flue, Two fires connected to a single flue will interfere with the draft of both, RRIGHTER RREEZEWAY QUESTION We use ow bhreezeway as a kind of patio and find the grey concrete oor dull Is there any way to color and make it hrighter® The concrete is vight on the ground ANSWER: There ave special concrete paints now available at masonry and building supplies deal [liberally with scratehless scours Ing powder and eream of tartar When the ponders become well dampened, rub the stains well and allow the paste to remain for about a hall hour Rinse well | (with clear wates PATTERN 21 | SPIDERS " aE QUESTION: 1s there any way Ry RUTH W, SPEARS of getting vid of spiders? My Pime to relax when you go cellar is always ful of spider fishing. So, take aloag this com: webs, especially the windows fortable folding seat, a reel line ANSWER: Spider eggs dev elop drier, a good minnow bucket and in crevices. Clean off the webs a halting scoop, You can make with a vacuum cleaner being them all with pattern 421 which sure to erush each insect. Then gives actualbsize cutting guides spray all crevices with a special and is only 40c. This pattern also insecticide Is in the Sportsmen's Packet M . . Nak for bunters as well as fishermen, "NSTALLING HUMIDIFIER Price $1.73 QUESTION: We have a gas base paint would be hest, Follow Address orders to The Home furnace, We were told that ine label instructions cavefully, Be Workshop Dept, The Times, Osh. stalling a humidifiec on the fun sure the floor surface is thorough awa nace will cause too much mais Iy clean before applying paint, - _ ture to go through the house, ve. With all grease and grime re br -- = omy y TOK ad \ | a ing, and also in mildew. Is this tile could well be used too | true® At present our throats feel simi very dry when the heater has been turned on ANSWER: Good - \ sulting in the paint outside peels Moved. Asphalt or vinyl asbestos 3 gE SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 WH you have net received your Times, phone your vier boy first, If you are unable te cone tact him by 7:00 p.m. humiditiers POPULAR FENCES FRE" FOR MISSED PAPERS ¥ you have not received your Times by 7 pom. salt AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m, Ey) Tl PAT TERN wm bS hood ahi Wve, 186 The finishing touch for many of today's homes is a lence of just the right type to harmonize with the house. Pattern 386, which makes suggestions for the right fence to use and shows how te build 18 different kinds, is 0c, his pattern is" one of five in Homestead Improvement Packet No. 30 all for $1.73 Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept, The Times, Osh. awa, TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAX) Colla Accepted Between 77:30 pm. only As the concrete floor is ~ divectly on the ground, a rubber! 80 SIMCOE ST. N, abor tor a room this size for 2u 20 only L] OR EASY TERMS FOR ONLY s10 A MONTH ROSS E. MILLS COMPANY LIMITED RA 8.6218 4 PRECAST CONCRETE Saves You Time and Money BY ELIMINATING THE OUR QUALITY SEPTIC TANKS PRECAST STEPS RAILINGS PATIO SLABS ALIST N ( WAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, IS GUARANTEED Current Range of Products include: RISKS THAT ARE AL. WALK SLABS CURBINGS WELL TILE CHIMNEY CAPS » K . » CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED ® BROOKLIN eo JECT. 7 & 12 HWYS, PAINT UP TIME IS HERE: Here is your opportunity to get a first quality SATIN Finish Latex Wall Paint for your living room, bedrooms, and many other rooms of your home. Available in four beautiful pastel colors and white. SPECIAL PAINT SALE OFFER: GOOD TO MAY 3st ONLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GEN. UINE BARGAIN + A Te SantesApply Latex Interior Paint | + with you love to see at dollars a gellen ) iF paints. Just vay ba BL or & new ream! GALLON TOM PRECASTING ® PHONE 155 BROOKLIN 436 RITSON RD. N. OSHAWA REPAIR... IMPROVE... REMODE' Your Assurance of QUALITY, SERVICE and SATISFACTION FREE Estimates FREE Delivery FREE Advice BROWN'S LUMBER & SUFPLICS LTD. endugh to give the average sized room wow look! RA 5.4704