The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Continuing cool tonight. Sunday mostly sunny, not quite so eool, winds west. THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 38-3492 All other calls ....... RA 3-3474 fe Osho Times Authorized As Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Ottawe Trice FoF Owe EIGHTEEN PAGES 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1959 BELLEVILLE FISHERMEN PARTY FEARED MISSING 7 Algonquin Park , Boating Mishap WHITNEY, Ont, (CP)--A four-| Mrs. Joe Avery, manager of man fishing party was believed Opeongo Lodge, said that when 1 lost today in Algonquin Park's!the men didn't return this morn | Opeongo Lake. |ing searchers set out to look for One body was recovered off them. | 'Windy Point early today. Search| "Tne others could have made continued for the three other|it to shore," Mrs. Avery said, § members of the two-boat expedi-|"But it doesn't look good. It was tion, The four ing are believed pretty cold last night." from the Belleville area. | .C Post of Whitney, | Opeongo Lake is north of High | DE GC os for the _-- ptr way 60 and five miles west of |e had been telephoned by somes Whitney, lone at the lodge and told one Gilbert Lavalee, guide at Ope- body had been recovered. ongo Lodge, found both 1 bade bability 4s that overturned shortly after 6 a.m, Whi pro a) A said there He also. found the one body, is no identification yet and I have VOL. 88--No. 115 | WEATHER OUTLOOK GOOD 'Not All Canada Scld On Victoria Day By THE CANADIAN PRESS 'most a week in advance as it is| before May 24--this year May 18. Canada honors two queens| being done this year." | Elsewhere, in Canada, the holi- Monday with a statutory holiday| And in Quebec, the big holiday day is one of the high points of --but not all of the country is which traditionally welcome sithe year. In Regina, swimming | sold on the idea. |spring is celebrated May 7 and| pools open and stores close to al- For instance, Premier Bennett called Ascension Thursday. In/low employees to flock to the of British Columbia told repor-|Quebec City all newspapers are| country to open cottages and cab- ters: | publishing and stores and schools |ins. "Victoria Day should be cele- are open Monday. Banks and pro-| In Ottawa, the federal eivil brated on May 24 instead of al-|vincial and federal government|gervice enjoys the holiday, but BANK MANAGER SHOT Parliament, Supreme Court and] A. W, Herron, manager of a Traditionally, Victoria Day was any other federal bodies still in| instituted to celerbate the birth- session, do not. This means al day of Queen Victoria. Later, itjarge number of workers in the was decided to celebrate the parliament Buildings, such as birthday of Queen Elizabeth II| waitresses, secretaries, elevator on the same date although she operators and cleaning staff must -- offices, however, are closed. GM Makes N] branch of the Bank of Mont- real at Timiskaming, Que., was fatally shot by two men, who had apparently hid in the build- ing. Police said Mr. Herron was shot as he grappled with one of contradicting earlier reports that| the discovery was made by Tom! Regan, lands and forests officer from Algonquin Park. WATER WAS CALM The accident is believed to have told them to leave everything alone until I arrive." A woman at the lodge, who ré- fused to identify herself, said she had been told to say nothing until provincial police arrived. She said the men before opening time. He died on the street in front of the bank. Police later appre- hended two men near North was born on April 21. work. | FEDERAL EDICT | | in i | In Winnipeg, the stay-at-homes In 1957, the Canadian govern." (oo"5" Chinatown fireworks| ment decided the holiday would| { [et ¢ fall on the last Monday Replay: vile Tote Smtarested Wt Bay about 40 miles west of | trains r to the beaches and| Timiskaming. CP Piolo OSHAWA TIMES taking advantage of extra bus) 'BOOSTS PRICE Small Cars trips to Minneapolis and Kenora. Newfoundland will not cele Costs of newspaper pro- » duction -- largely labor -- 1Scusse \ | brate Victorida Day until May 25, when the Trouters' Special leave St. John's on a cross-Newfound- have increased so substantial- ly during recent months that The Oshawa Times very Special to The Times OTTAWA ~-- Prime Minister Dicteibajer made it "abundantly 3 1126 Cars ™ This Week occurred " Friday night or early (there were "two or four persons" |today. District forester Richard |involved but she could not be | Passmore said water on the lake sure, was calm Friday night. ('I don't know who they are ex. Whitney is about 65 miles north cept they are from Belleville," of Belleville, she ed, Geneva Meeting - Takes Breather GENEVA (AP) ~-- The West tion with the Kremlin--were re. 'was reported today willing to dis-|ported preparing a point-by- Fond cuss REFS Spat fron the back [ion to wg Fo rebar of unrelated issues which make any progress here impos. Immigration From Italy #4 ery, for RADIO AND television enter- | escape from death caused by a | following recent surg TORONTO (CP)--Canadian mo- tor-vehicle production this week tainer Arthur Godfrey breaks | spreading lung cancer. He left ie i New V. \ m V down at news conference in | Harkness Pavilion of Columbia | bis howe in NN . (is 0 AS Yeluclos y Y s I lls of narro Presbyterian Medical Centre, | irephoto com v y 19 °K, New Yak as betellz of 3 hy 4 [says the Canadian Automobile Godfrey Says C oodbyei: oie Ma | To Public Appearance 1,845 trucks compared with 1,801. Chrysler cars were back in the figures after reporting no produc- tion last week because of a plant rearr nt. Studebak | Packard "production dropped {the result of the strike called th: week, : recuperating Godérey had told reporters that S12"cars compared With Jen. a Jung cancer operation. 4 got a break--he (the surgeon)| "Now, these doctors. who per pared Hi 2,814 trucks com radio and television got it out, under circumstances formed this miracle of surgery "eon and truck ducti tr star left Columbia Presbyterian so trying that one slip or the other|have given me strong orders. . . .|.omnanies week and this Hospital Friday. |and I wouldn't be here talking to|I said 'What are your orders'? year to date, with last week's fig- Although aides tried to hustle you." They answered 'No conferences, ures and those for the ocorres- . him away to his New York apart-| In his statement he said: no business, no interviews, no tir] ponding period last year in brack- ment, the red-haired performer 'I know why I got the break.|ing endeavors of any kind for at ets, was: spoke to the press and asked that I got it because so many people |least 60 days. For two months you| Cars: Chrysler 1,277 (nil), 20, reporters convey his thanks to so prayed for it. I'll have to admit are to lie on the beach, If you do 318 (21,552); Ford 2,156 (2,671), ever, federal government employ- their favorite fishing spots. How- ees will have their holiday Mon- crease its circulation rates to day. No special functions are plan- ned for Vancouver, although there will be soccer and baseball for Batts fans. Several Van« meet the added expense, Con- tly, beginni next Tuesday, the single copy Price of The mgs will be land run, dropping off anglers at reluctantly is forced to in- as is The-Big Four foreign ministers conference recessed for the week- end with the Soviets still insist- ing on the signing of a peace treaty with the two German states above everything else. But hope persisted among West- ern diplomats of finding a for- mula for agreement on the future parts do dike ."H. Walker, president of * tors Canada, Lid, stated after his meeting with the prime minister this morning, Mr. Walker told reporters the prime mint had "stressed the importance and urgency of mak- ing small cars in Canada. He was very anxious that we do so," of divided Berlin. he said. Russia has so far stood firm Mr. Walker did not discuss any on its' demand for demilitariza- | specific proposals that may have|tion of West Berlin and the west. BB hg d phan In Calgary" ity ren avye: g¥0une 10 ks displays in " sort operators in Banff &nd Wat- erton Lakes National Park report a flood of reservations. five cents, part of which will go to the carrier boys. CAR HIT TRAIN many well-wishers who have fol-|that I didn't pray for it, because that you will make a good recov-| the results of his surgery. I never ask for anything for my- ery." Later Godfrey dictated a 1,000- self and besides, I have already ¢, vg GOODBYE 'So, ladies and gentlemen of; 44,675 (37,408); General Motors 4,126 (4,041), 79,981 (75,369); Stu- debaker-Packard 99 (237) 3,638 (1,343). Crash Kills been brought up at the 50-minute meeting in the Prime Minister's east-block office. He said any definite statements would have to ern powers are standing pat on their refusal to abandon the Com- munist-encircled city, State Secretary Herter is fly- Reported Up OTTAWA (CP) -- Immigration 35 Persons To Be Weekend Toll By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadians are entering their first long spring weekend faced with the knowledge that if they travel on the highways they may statistics in the fearful record of traffic fatalities. Recent moves have been aimed at halting the slaughter, and the Canadian Safety Council appar- ently is optimistic about the re- sults. However, it predicted that 35 persons will likely be killed in weekend road accidents com- pared to 37 for the same holiday weekend a year ago "In the first four months of this year the toll reached 469, one more than for the same period a year ago. In 1957 there were 753 deaths in the first quarter. The annual highway toll has been bouncing up and down in the last four years. In 1956 there were 3,164 deaths. In 1957 a rec- ord 3216 were counted and 1958, the total fell again to 3,134 The safety council said it takes heart from the decrease last year because 82 fewer deaths were recorded despite a four-to five-per-cent increase in road mil- eage. And the council predicts the trend will continue down this year despite a predicted further five - per - cent increase in total mileage travelled LAUD NEW SYSTEM In On'ario where 19 died last Victoria Day the new driver demerit has been lauded br governn officials as responsible for a 50- per-cent deere in traffic acci persons ekend system W age yn he I In 1957 there deaths and in 1955, 1.1 red vehiclés in 195 totalled 1,868 903 second with 821 T in the first quarter fied and in 1956, 803 : 1953 with 901 dea*"s i red Vehicles in 1958 totalled about 1,000,000. Alberta was third, with 295 dead, British Columbia fourth with 282 dead. CITY EMERGENCY NIATE M[TIPTRG POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 in| 10 Lua, of the workers on their member- ship rolls. The combined two say y brotherhood the fourth estate and, through you, to my wonderful friends| throughout the land, I say au re-| voir. I will not bother you again| for 60 days. . . . "But look for me after I get| [the okay to go ahead because 1| {mean it when I say I am grate-| Traffic fatalities in March on Jn Sor Luis break an Vi Jy ta] Canadian highways increased to After spending some time at his | 177 from 172 a year earlier, the home here, the 55-year-old God- bureau of statistics reported in frey will go to his 1,500-acre Vir- Ottawa. ginia farm. | Fatalities for the first quarter] According to generalized fig-| of 1959 dropped to 469 from 536 ures from the American Cancer| last year. Society, the chances are 25 to 1] The death toll for Ontario in to 50 to 1 against Godfrey's sur-| March was 67 compared with 72 vival. There is no immediate way| last year. The quarterly death of knowing whether the cancer in| toll was 204 compared with 213 the left lung spread from the lung | Battle For Labor Control In Seaway PLEBISCITE FEUD FLARES A charge that misleading statements are being circu- lated concerning the Oshawa bus franchise to be put to a city-wide vote on June 8 was levelled today by Ald. Albert V. Walker, chairman of Osh- awa's transportation and traf- fic commilice. He took particular ex- ception to remarks made by Ald. Christine Thomas to a meeting of the Oshawa and District Labor Council last Tuesday. "It would appear Mrs. Thomas was either mis- quoted or completely unpre- pared to adequately explain the propozed bus franchise agreement," he declared. On Page Three of today's Oshawa Times, Ald. Walker lashes back at his city coun- cil colleague, replying to her objections statement by state- ment. be made by the prime minister himself. The GM president did say that no incentive by the federal gov- ernment, to assist manufactur- ers in producing small cars, had been offered. ? Mr, Walker arrived at the par Cobourg Man COBOURG (Staff) -- A young father died tragically Friday night when his car literal ly exploded after a collision with a CNR passcnger express. Maurice Patrick Finn, 28, of RR 3, Cobourg, was killed in- stantly when his car smashed into train, breaking windows in the front cab of the engine. Finn was married, and is re- ported to have one child. Sgt.(liament buildings shortly before Homer Seale and Const, Lloyd|9.30 a.m., accompanied by Wil- Huskilson investigated for Co-liam Austin and Larry Gough. bourg police department, They had flown here from Osh- ing to Rome today for a one-day goodwill visit. French Foreign/ffom Italy in the first three Minister Maurice Couve de Mur- months of 1959 continued to out- yille is going to Palf = Sos strip arrivals from Britain, sultations- with President de Gaulle, Soviet Foreign Minister immigration department Andrei"A. Gromyko and British reported Friday that of the 16,955 Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd|immigrants who came to Canada are staying in Geneva. 3 ie three months a pial of Gromyko and his adviers--pre-|>/07% OF more than one third, sumably in long-range consulta- were from Italy. The crossing where the acci-|awa jn a private ¢ y plane. dent occurred has been the scene The meeting was originally in- of several such accidents in past(tended to run from 9.30 to 10 years. am. when S. G. Hogan, execu- There are no signal her |tive vice-president of Chrysler of lights or safety gates at the Canada, was due to see the prime, |crossing, where seven CNR and minister, However, Mr. Walker CPR tracks intersect the road|remained in private session with used by employees of busy 26(Mr. Diefenbaker and Labor Min- Central Ordnance Depot, ister Michael Starr until 10.20 Council at present is "reported am. Mr, Walker and his company to be starting work on a $400,000 colleagues left for Oshawa im- overpass, mediately after the meeting. the diesel locomotive of a Mont- real-Toronto flyer. An eyewitness said Finn was driving south on the Darcy street crossing when he collided with the westbound train about 9.40 p.m. Force of the collision was such that the engine of the car completely smashed and thrown clear. Bits and pieces of the front end of the auto were found strewn for hundreds of feet along the track. NO PUBLICATION be coresoing pers of oe ON VICTORIA DA rresponding period of 1958, Italian immigrants at 5,679 rep- |resented an increase of 845 over {the 4,834, who arrived in the first In common with news- [three months of last year. papers across Canada, The | Of the 124,851 immigrants ade Oshawa Times will not be |mitted to Canada in 1958, Ital published Monday, May 18, |ians formed the largest group, Phich & pooing observed as numbering 28,564. British arrivals a Day. totalled 26,622, being below Ital fan arrivals for the first time. A torn piece of metal identified" as the inside of the car heater was found about 400 feet away. BODY ON TRACK Finn's body was found 92 feet along the track, police said. Locomotive engineers said fly- ing debris showered over the OTTAWA (CP) battle for says it has around 620. The board control of labor along the Cana will have to sort out the claims dian section of the St. Lawrence sibly seaway is nearing a finish, possibly ordering a vote of those Three unions are involved, with in the bargaining unit. {the final say in the hands of the| Friday's closing session of a Canada labor relations board. The two-day hearing was acrimon- Rg inv ,, IN i | workers involved are mainten-|jous The SIU tried to prove that ance and operating personnel on locks and canals. the brotherhood handed out mem- All three unions started out as Pership cards without collecting TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontario rivals, but Friday two of them dues, a violation of board rules.|racing commission has been told suddenly reversed strategy and The brotherhood contended it had (PY Attorney - General Roberts to joined up against the third not done this, and accused the put a stop to teen-age betting at In the alliance are the Seafar- seafarers of "chicanery" and Toronto's Old Woodbine Race ers' International Union (CLC) mud-slinging in trying to prove| Track. nd the Dominion Canal Workers' the: point, The action followed complaints Association, not affiliated with the Canadian Labor Congress. The long hand is being played the Canodian Brotherhood of LATE N Railway, T-ansport and General| Workers (CLC), largest all-Cana- ---- dian union with some 40,000 mem- . " - bers. Family At Dulles' Bedside JOIN FORCES WASHINGTON (AP)--John Foster Dulles' condition is The SIU and the association worse. His family has gathered here. On addition to his wife merged forces Friday after it ap. and brother, Allen, who heads the central intelligence ag- peared the brotherhood was on ency, they include his three children and three sisters the way to winning out in the . . fight to get certification as bar- Timmins Bear Hunt Under Way gaining agent for about 925 sea- TIMMINS (CP)--Notth 0's. bi way employees. t MMINS -Northern Ontario's big bear humt to Hs. " the re-hat Buckingham Palace Guards got away to a pre-dawn Boat rane rout ut w Jon start today when 40 hunters headed into the bush. The hunt- an Tuer eel grant certl-| ers, Jed by Mayor Leo Del Villano carried weapons that in- Ry Fallin Nat away, x cluded German eight-millimeters and old army rifles. the= two had aske" or nece : 4 al representation for differen' Eskimos Sign Notre Dame Guard sections. "<DMONTON (CP)--Edmonton Eskimos of the WIFU to- Both factions claim a majority) day announced the signing of guard Al Ecuyer, 21, who play- last season with Notre Dame. Ecuyer, five-feet, 10-inches end weighing ds, was ch on several all-Ameri- can teams. End To Teen-Age Betting Urged by two school teachers that 'stu- § {dents between 13 and 15 had been| placing bets almost daily at the! track since its summer racing' season opened May 4. Mr. Roberts instructed Magis- trate S. Tupper Bigelow, chair- man of the racing commission, to investigate the complaints and to take action to stamp out teen-! age betting, | The Outario Jockey Club has a policy not to allow boys under 18 th bet at the mutuels, It also does not allow minors admittance to the track unless accompanied by| {parents or other adults respon- sible for their conduct. "But it is perfecily legal for children to be at the races and they don't have to be accom- panied by adults," Magistrate Bigelow said, "There is no law that a child at the racetrack " , can't bet." | Teach. rs Grant Gibson and) FOR THE VENER Gordon Lowry of Toronto's Beach Oars of the ancient - type | dy of the Venice-born Pope, a district schools said they made| ceremonial galley sweep in | Saint of the Roman Catholic at-the-track investigations after| stately time as the body of | Church, had been brought to | hearing reports of school children| Pope Pius X is borne along | St. Mark's Basilica in Venice betting. Venice's Grand Canal. The bo- | for veneration by his home HTION OF E SAINT city's citizens. Later the boy pe trails in the wa. was returned to Rome's St. Peter's Basilica. Here a fleet | ter from the flower-decked gals of gondoliers leads the galley | ley. toward the old Rialto Bridge. | Funer=] ore AP Wirephoto.

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