20 i MARY HAWORTH MAIL Girl, Emotionally Damaged THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, May 15, 1959 | By Family, Fears To Wed ee Te Station, Nationalist ( pline as punishment may be un.|daughter system are being used after their foster - fathers had right. Pre-Cooked Meals| Gaining Favor | -- | OTTAWA (CP)--If hubby sus- . Discipline, the mental, TAIPEI Formosa (AP)--About to) the meeting they had sought| a he level, as well|20 per cent of the 190.000 girls refuge with the civic organization| Pec he is being served more as punitive, is essential, Disci-|bought under Formosa's foster-|set up to help them in Taipei | ready-cooked dinners lately, he's "the most serious aspect | (1945 for making a slavery. system | en in pros A St devi: Formosa Trades In out of the former practice of tive for is as wealthy families caring for or- Ce A eer n or te wo m| FOster-Daughters [phan girs general. | Two former foster - daughters Canadians dined on 20,000,000 hereas forced labor or sold into pros- " ; & ion od : Sought to force Wem imo pros | pounds of the ready-made meals |titution, Nationalist China's inter-|titution. Formosa's foster - daughters|last year--2,500,000 pounds more healthily suppressive, |essentially bound up with incen- Gs a Tens Sa - ports Canadians ate 5.2 pounds] each of canned meat last year, up from 4.6 pounds each vious A But the Bureau reports sales of pie-filling powders the pre-(was eaten in 1958 compared with prepared ple - crust mixes 142 pounds in 1957. clined. } that and de WILSON & LEE LIMITED MUSIC STUDIOS Tie: Chun-chin told a forum|were described as falling into than in 1957. tive and motivation. The bureau of statistics also re- Canadian teach not|recently it was ironic that, while four classes: hold the respect a Nationalist China was a signer of | The fortunate ones adopted | ers in other countries, and the|the world slave abolishment pact, jy childless couples who treat| 3. Those adopted by well-to-do quality of education cannot be in|thousands of girls arc traded on theny ag their own daughters. families to serve them as unpaid advance of the qualifications of this island 'each year. : 2. Those adopted by poor domestic help. teachers The system originally provided couples t o their fut 4. Those adopted tc be sold to 7. Physical fitness is a "serious & Way of aking care of unwanted aughters-in law. brothels. facet" i | ers poor families |---- Sunni tho education au Sho be Wealthy families would buy them| and give them a chance in life.) More than 36,000 of the foster- daughters now on the island are cruelly treated by their new fam-| ilies, Tien declared. | The minister said more than 3,000 foster-daughters had been C i fei freed with the aid of a non-gov- Sain ren 38 Sead vf seNioom, we ernmental organization formed in of our study of the many advan. 12iPel seven years ago. H tages in Canadian education." |BLAMES OCCUPATION The ittee I ded| mien blamed the Japanese oc- shen hires Baven't onl ist; He Sever sues oufiied oupation of Formosa from 1958 to) ) able to get through to parents for| study by the Home and School p such help, it means of course thats. ooiations in Alberta. DANCE TONIGHT TofbdEs THE NATIONS TOP TUNES plus SQUARE DANCES BY BOB FOWLER RED BARN Mary Haworth: 1 am a sible, kindly, Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ® ACCORDION ® VIOLIN ® SPANISH GUITAR ES © POPULAR PIANO wr - © SAXOPHONE CHINESE ® CLARINET © HAWAIIAN GUITAR © TROMBONE ® VIOLA e CELLO carefully ed. Committee convener Mrs. K.A, Yonge said the report was critical because "a study which works toward improvement in any sys-| tem must naturally focus upon the deficits of that system.' "While we are suggesting cer- Chow's ® TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion ot $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. SPECIAL ON . ' =, | (WILSON & LEE LTD. ® BANQUETS ® LUNCHEONS MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Exotic Oriental and Canadian Dishes warmth, consolation and reassur- ance--all very essential food for| But I feel T am not prepared|they fumble along the road of life| for marriage yet. I don't now without Pe of earving | the 'meaning of life, and fi {how to relate cently to an- hard. to get adjusted: but equally other soul--in a deeply satistvine| THEATRE GUIDE hard to break off with him. Ijor meaningful way. And to have | want very much to have my own|been denied on this score is in- family, and a husband to be deed to be unready for marriage, proud of; but something holds|as you enter your twenties. me back. pim|LEADS TO REAL LING Possibly 1 don't love | i 1 enough to be his wife; or am If However, the remedy for this selfish? At the moment, my|afflicted condition isn't to be thought is to get away some- found in running away from a where, possibly out West--as liv- good prospective companionship, ing 'at home doesn't solve any-|such as Frank seems to offer. thing. It just makes me more Rather, the road to real living nervous, tense and weak, and|is as follows: 1. Make sure A % The. Yearling very fed up with everything. objective judgments (not wishful Marks -- e Yearling 1.40, Yet if T go out West and. break thinking) that Frank is the fine| 5.10, 8.40 p.m. Crashing Las off with Frank, I feel 1 may have|person you think him to be. 2. Try| Vegas" 12.30, 3.55, 7.20, 10.50 lost a good chance to marry. Am|to establish, perhaps with psy-| p.m. Last complete show at, 1 a big baby? Would you say|chiatric help, whether you and! 8.30 p.m. that getting away might help to/he are really congenial, in ind Pi entice ¥ ' : solve my problem, of knowingjand physical rapport. 3. If the Plaza -- ia Jesse James what to do with myself? P.R.|/answers to Points 1 and 2 are 1.40, 3.40, 5.35, 7.35, 9.35 p.m. @ CHINESE FOODS TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 Biltmore -- "La Parisienne" (Re- stricted to persons 18 years and over) 12.25, 3.45, 7.05, 10.30 p.m, | "God's Little Acre" (adult) 1.50, 5.15, 8.40 p.m. Last complete show starts at 8.40 p.m. f RA 5-4706 Brock (Whitby) -- "The Inn of Sixth Happiness" 6.45, 9.30 p.m Last complete show 9.15 p.m. 19 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA HOUSE ELVIS NEWEST ALBUM NO FOR THE FIRST TIME ON LP. THESE |ves, then go ahead and marry| Last complete show 9.05 p.m. WHY SHE EVADES him; and thank God for the op- portunity. In marriage to almost any| good acceptable man, as his wife | and the mother of children, and| Dear P.R.: The stormy charac-| ter of your parents' alliance, your nervous breakdown years ago, and the doctor's advice to Regent -- "The Journey" in tech- nicolor, shown daily at 4.05, 6.30, 8.55 p.m. Last move out of that turmoil, all sug-| with the help of prayer and psy-| plete show 8.40 p.m. gest that you have been emo- chiatric lifts as y, you) tionally damaged by helpless in- may grow into sturdy contented volvement in their conjugal war- | maturity. Which is certainly bet- fare {ter than being a rootless drifter Thus to some extent, and in a and dreamer, at thé mercy of neurotic way, you are still a baby every wind that blows. M.H. in certain respects, no doubt. Mary Haworth counsels And it occurs to me that Heaven |through her column, not by mail itself may have sent Frank into or personal interview. Write her | your life, to guarantee you alin care of this newspaper. | KEEP IN TRIM Dieters Asked To Reveal Factors That Forced a Decision ' By IDA JEAN KAIN |union was scheduled that they Excess pounds are untidy and|buckled down to diet. { miegm/oishie, Even so, 3 Jakes STARTED LAST SPRING | a bit loing to start a diet a int ! {ian with it, particularly when ity relusers. do suis oa, there is a sizeable number of ne Sncecsstat dister, voported.) THE SKY'S THE Li MGM sursinrs mw METROCOLOR =o JOHN WAYNE = DAN DAILEY + MAUREEN O'HAR -- op T0-NIGHT DANCING Son BACKWELL TRIO MALTS & SHAKES SAVE 1I¥ This Thurs, & Fri. only | «w= WARD BOND PLUS MORE ACTION ! Members 75¢c~--Non members $1.00 Y.W:C.A. | 199 CENTRE ST. FRESH-FROZEN FLAVOUR 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. | | BOX OFFICE OPEN 8:00 P.M. -- SHOW STARTS AT DUSK | | | pounds to be lost, | "Something you wrote in your| AT TAUNTON RD. 3-FEATURE MIDNIGHT SHOW THIS SUNDAY To this dietitian's way of think- i | : Armd oy column last spring hit me right] ing, the most significant angle of |; bs the eves. You said. "If ny ISH cing my is 0 Biel von don't start to reduce this pounds los .|spring, you may be overweight prodged, the Overweichs Mio tak. for the rest of your life.' 1 felt Ing respiuile action. as if you were writing directly | weight writes to request a diet, to me, for T had ¥ ntending| the letter often includes a com: to reduce for the last 10 springs." | ment along this line, "I've been|q "oto tric after she had re-| reading your column for years, ced 25 : 5 ' pounds. Her only regret and T've finally made up my, "u.t che hadn't lost the ex- BOBHOPE RHONDA FLEMING AT THE DRIVE-IN. ok ALIAS Fa Batls 7 = gy ¥./ JESSE JAMES i." a. ~~ WENDEL COREY Ranson hon ter by DE LI + ant a 0 70 Tm You'll skim Hi A HD I cess pounds 10 years sooner. what finally jolted you into mak-| Another dieter, a career a, § ALL THIS WEEK! § the vast Pacific ing up your minds to stop shilly.|Teported that it took a shock to 4 : t her into action. When she met | shallying and take determined ac-|B€ © » jon, your dietitian will use that a friend whom she hadn't seen in info the Montreal exofic blue , years, she ventured to ask: "Do Sg Ts man wstare folymt think I've changed much?" when asked what was the hardest The Sriond diau's Pull her pum ches thing abou dieting, snevered 3 have: change vou us to get started." For years have put on 40 pounds. How could they had talked about reducing,(¥0U lef Josdi Bet this but it wasn't until a college re- = ape' IP overves t con -- ided that she knew she had gained, but had secretly thought |/it wasn't too noticeable. That honest answer from a friend did know what prompted you to take action? The very helped you to get started may| serve as an incentive for some-| hy ick d sh k off th 3 AAS AIS AAA me [ei] {STARTS Tomorrow § thing that Los} Day "GOD'S LITTLE ACRE" Adu Can You See... splendor of the SOUTH W TV'S LAFF-FAM EDS FUNSTERS TY DAN GREAT PRESLEY HITS! LT FOR LP FANS ONLY FOR L.P. FANS ONLY That's All Right + Lawdy, Miss Clawdy + Mystery Train + Playing for Keeps « Poor Boy + My Baby Left Me « | Was the One + Shake, Rattle and Roll + You're a* Heartbreaker + I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone. EXCLUSIVE ON RCAVICTOR MEAGHER'S 5 KING WEST RA 3-3425 LPM-1990 Hing & Vetetman MOTOR HOTEL RESTAURANT NT MARTIN PPT TA 2 OnA mine Cinemas cop MARTHA HYER LE EHASON NTA TALBOT MUSSEL Resor on JANES CLES «RN MCIVER sed PA ANDCESON | The NEW-| = SOUTH SEAS VENTUR Narration by ORSON WELLES _TECHNICOLOR SCHEDULE OF SHOWS AND PRICES! SEAS! A CARL DUDLEY Production Sees ~~ ADMITTANCE 10 PLIONL TEARS o AK ov Plus -- Brigitte Bardot as "La Parisienne' SAS ay 1 one else. What helped you to {there any psychological or diet-| ary tips that you would like to! {pass along? How long were you| {overweight before you took ac- ition and, most important, have |you kept your weight down to |{i\i¥ {normal? This information will || {help other overweights to stop {daydreaming and get started on {the happy road to fewer pounds. | | Submit Report | Of Tong Research | ' In Education EDMONTON (CP) -- Canadian students are not given the same challenge in education as students are in other countries, says a re- {cent report submitted to the Ed-| {monton Branch of the Canadian | finally make up your mind? Are Mots, Wed. 2 p.m. $1.75 and $1.20. Mat. Sat. and Sun., 2 p.m. $2.00 and $1.50. to Sot.) 8.40 p.m, $2.40 ond $1.75 30 p.m. $2.40 ond $1.75. BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY from 10 a.m. to § o.m. MATS: WED. SAT. SUN. AT 2:00 P.M. J EVES: MON. THRU SAT. AT 8.40 P.M. SUNDAY EVENING AT 7 SNS Pe | a1 PM Eves THEY TAMED A sunday night, 7 TROPIC WILDERNESS! MGM presents GREGORY JANE AS A nm 1430 BLEURY 'AV. 8.7102 All seats reserved - Phone AV. 8-5608 CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE SHOWN IN ANY/LOCAL OR NEIGNBORHOODINEATRL » THE NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN MUSIC OF "THE SENTIMENTAL GEMT'EMEN" TECHNICOLOR An GM Materpaee Rept Vl i : 2.3m, MAF {Federation of University Women. | § | The report was the work of the {group's six - member education | committee, prepared after] GAY SUNSUITS mms of rebar The committee boiled the re. By ALICE BROOKS port down to seven 'fundamental These sunsuits will be the/issues" in the Canadian educat- children's favorites. They are so|ion system which 'merit further easy to sew, you can have them study." i made in no time. The issues: I Each sunsuit takes only 3%, 1. The need for clarification of vi and a scrap of contrast. the role of the school. "The school Pattern 7037; transfer; pattern has taken upon itself or had! sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 included. thrust upon it such a variety of Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS roles that confusion reigns. (coins) for this pattern (stamps| 2 The role of the home must! canjot be accepted' to The Osh- a5 be clarified because uncer-| awa Times, Household Arts Dept., tainty in parental attitudes must | A man past faith... A woman past innocence! MGM mesom DEBORAH KERR Yul BRYNNER « ANATOLE LITVAK'S PRODUCTION STARRING WARREN COVINGTON Advance Tickets -- 2.50 AT KINLOCH'S LTD.--KING ST. WEST! Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly; . : . ra 3 NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN|Lcviabiy lead w isecurity in NUMBER. | : Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS! 3. Provision must be made for {individual differences in students. 1 ft 1] h. i igo Sg to Ee aor [This issue concerns social behav- ing, knitting, embroidery, quilts, 10, pace of learning and differ- dolls, weaving. A special gift, in ences of temperaments and in- the catalog to keep a child hap- tellects i pily occupied -- a cutout doll and 4 The lack of challenge in| { DOOR TICKETS .....$2.75 "Monday, May 18th JUBILEE PAVILION FEATURE AT . . 1:40-4:05-6:30-8:55 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE clothes to color. Send 25 cents|learning is 'one of the most for your copy of the book. fundamental problems," perhaps] % Weekend Dinner Menu Fresh Lobster Cocktail Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-8 Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Half Spring Chicken, Crabapple Jelly Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Broiled N.Y. Cut Sirloin Steak, Fried Mushrooms Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Deep Fried Sea Scallops Tartar Sauce Broiled Loin Cut Pork Chops, Green Applesauce Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Breaded Milk-fed Veal Cutlet, Mushroom Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of two fresh vegetables Oven Brown--Broiled--or Whipped Potatoes Rolls Muffins - Butter Assorted Fruit Pie, Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream Mint Parfait Tea Cheese Tray Coffee French Pastry Milk A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER: Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served with mushroom caps and French Fried Onions HIGHWAY 401 Bowmanville Cloverleaf Pe ---------------- aa LA peso veo ERS di