The Oshawa Times, 15 May 1959, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 15, 1959 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 45--Real Estote For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale barb, . sion in gud weeks time, Supt. Pogees 0 ing Street East, tid uM ALL-YEAR-ROUND | bungalow, thr three bedrooms, four-piece bath, garage, 25 fost from lake, $7500, some furniture, , William's Point, near Caesarea, 114b 'Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres ~~ new modern bungalow, no barn, full line of machinery. Asking price , $12,000, Terms, +30 acres --= 7-room house, wlorge barn, henhouse, very "good soil. Price $9,500. Easy terms, » "32 acres with nice stream, 29 acres workable, Price $3,200. Terms, 20 acres near Newcastle -- 8 acres workable, pond. Ow- «ner must sell. Give us an i offer. 210 ocres near Orono -- 10 «building lots: Price only $3,000 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS 169 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 5-6544 NORTH WEST Low down, new 3-bedroom homes, tile baths, large clos- 47--Automobiles For Sale new, $1730. MArket 3.001, 8 's9 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, radio, ashers, etc. le, can finance, Washars privat DODGE truck, S-speed, gear box, good tires, Phone RA 5.6047, blue and' S188 (08 ,000 47 --Automobiles For Sale «ws <-Automobiles For Sale white, automatic mileage. » ela as 8 Whip inside and out, | inf. white walls, $1195 Lease sale, sale, King West Motors. 110¢ 53 FORD, new tires, excellent runring order, $350. RA 58731, Mr. Fair. 112(|;55 "49 PONTIAC, good condition, Phone RA 35-6802. 112¢ S55 OLDSMOBILE 86 sedan, blue and transmission, small | tul offer. and age, top condition, RA 88512. 113¢ 51 ou $175. After 8 p.m. apply ih i 3 A, OLDS., hydramatie, power condi- '51 PONTIAC with new '53 motor. Must sell due to automatic trans mission, alls, $1295, Sans Sxpiring sale King in Motors, Centre Pitot | MO 108 |e Word, 37,000 actual mileage. $400 radio, ete, tion, $600 or nearest offer. Can finance. 83262, Whit! itby May 28 , take over payments or $950 cash. Apply 356 Ritson Road North afiep x pm, 53 BEL AIR Chevrolet, four -- sedan, heater, radio, back up lights, heater, outside | 5s MFTEO CHEVROLET a; good_motor, clean inside and out, RA 5-8503 after 5.30 p.m. 1100 '57 FORD customline sedan, vone, indow engine shade, excellent condition. RA 39216. loash. Aj '53 CHEV, sedan delivery truck, Phane RA 3-3798, radio, small maculate interior, Ford expert says oe perfect mechanically, new tires, $1495, King West Motors, tame expiring ale ets, aluminum storms and screens, located near schools, shopping and churches, in very select section, only four left. For inspection call Bill Sworbrick ot RA 5-6544, CUSTOM BUILT Choice lots and designs built to the plon you select, we will arrange financing, with mini- mum down payment, For cy- ditional information ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544, $700 DOWN $700 RITSON & ALICE STS. 6-room brick, garage, new oil furnace, new elec. hot water tank ,modern kitchen, clean home, close to every- thing, if you are looking for a good home, not too old, and easy monthly payments on existing mortgage, phone now for Jack Apleby at RA 5-6544. NEW -- NEW "80 PONTIAC coach, good shape. BY... RA 8-8208. CAR radios installed, rear seat speaker and dual aerials optimal, Ba Basy budget terms. Dominion 48 Bond Street West. 58 MERCURY Lucerne sedan, popper ho la; $2795. King West Motor: opposite Shopping Centre. 1 '31 "MODEL A" Ford, Pris Victorian Exceptional condition. RA 8-0405. 110f blue, radio, nearly new tires, immacu- late Interior, guaranted $1995, Lease expiring sale. King West Motors. 110f "52 METEOR, nice car, $375. RA 3.7512 11 '50 Ford, $175; ONE, - g Hitlas $125; best offers, 'ontinc, $100; Or pig ty good. condition. RA 5.7759. 113¢ '52 FORD customline sedan, radio, heater, window washers, excelelnt con- dition, 'A. Appleby, RR 1, Ashburn, Claremont 31407, 114c '58 CHEV. Biscayne four-door sedan, excellent condition, coral and white, au- tomatic, radio, white walls, washers, 13,000 miles, private, $2300. Cash only. A 3-3467. 114 '52 DYNAFLO Buick, real good ap tion; 9 ft. plywood boat, 3% hp out- beard motor, good condition. Apply ai of | Buckingham. ing to U.S.A. Best offer. RA 52533 1955 AUSTIN, Ao, for sala. Phone A [0 5-1204 after 6.30. 50--Aificles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale nearly [PAIR Berkel scales, cash register and greasing |g ayer, Church Coca-Cola machine. Pickering Tem, 9-1566. iH FABULOUS savings in end tables, blonde 2nd waltut tisishes, {aney cary ed Regular. to 929.95, While Jaki 3405. "Night (abies, wit 12.99, Town '-Fussinuse, _ 20 CCM CLUB racer With gear change, racer With gear change, good condition. RA 3.2484. BEAT the con ot Ting 5 To gas tank at the gas at Free Texaco « credit 56 CADILLAC Fleetwood, all electric autronic eye, white w. 13¢ {and terms. ackizs Van and 1id., Phone days 5-4622 3-4992, '50 METEOR, good condition. cash. Apply 178 Bloor St. 55 PLYMOUTH coach, 22,000. Will take older car the balance can be financed. $1175. RA 35-2783. | cards available. OUTBOARD im oloss, name brand, huge WHITE enamel meat counter, "x Set Avrly % Celina Street ® x 12 Oriental wine rug: i, 1155 Verdun: Road, Re par to all 2.5 type h- jus. Pi a er- was! BARGAINS! JstaTe Auto Insurance. Lo up to 20 cent, Six months to pay. For 130 personal 'service #4 your home call RA MARLIN 22, semi-automatic rifle, ex- cellent complete condition, kit. RA 8-1 5 FORD custom 300 Tudor, r, medium | HOLIDAY SALE! AT SPENCER CAR MARKET 146 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY We have a large selection of guaranteed used cars. All cars have been thor- tonneau cover, seat belts, 14,900 miles, | 1 oughly reconditionsd and most carry the finest war- ranty available. FULL YEAR GUARANTEE CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B.A. SERVICE, RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MOORRIS, M.G.,, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. HOLIDAY SPECIAL '56 CHEV. Bel Air Sedan-- Tutone, clean .. $1295 '54 BUICK Century Sedan-- Radio, heater ... $795 '51 BUICK Sedon -- A-1 condition $350 These cors can be bought with low down payments, BUCK'S BODY SHOP je Paddy's Market, Hampton. Ma 3-2055 $12; chester fleld and chair, $25; HD Bowmanville. $49; | bedroom suite, $49; refrig- ve, |erators, Siti gne sets, beds, won etc. For Street. Phon p RA ba Feats contact 8-1131. Rangette, $12; ; cedar chest, refrigerator and ran rang- the cottage. RA sul. suite, Sine pine Sood KELVINATOR ette, ideal for desks, rugs, 19 Prince SEWING machine, sews forward i dams, Full price | price $52.50. Free home de i 112¢ 10 AP Joh stripes, prom Order now #0r early delivery, and table re: ials. Cleve Fox, 412 Sim- coe North. PAINT, inte: gior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, all colors. G taranteed, flat, gloss. Osh- awa Hardwa lo Electric. Terms to suit. RA 5.3423. |Street, RA . 8 Church YOU break } fom we fix them! At Bil Bill | M Simcoe oring's Ga rage. 1373 Tigi (North, AWNINGS, plain, colors, |croRE arden pt service. Free estimate, cultivator, 2% hp. 865 Stone Street 1 rh i between Oshawa and Whitby way 2. USED tires, $3, up. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. SEWING machine, repossessed, 8uto-| used. matic, ug Zag, does beautiful over- asting mbroidery work. lly itrhesd Terms $2.78 weekly. BL on High. 5 HP '56 Scott Atwater outboard \ a cruise-a-day tank, $125, in excellent condition. MArket 3.7022, DOUBLE bed and dresser, bab; crib, playpen and two gates. RA 8- iol VACUUM cleaner with all Sd, Terms to suit. Free home demonstra- tion, RA 35-3422. 112¢ | to tric, ment, B. F. GOOD] [ICH Stores, tires, batter- refrigerators, budget plan RA las, Kelvina or jon, Thrift SPOR r Aon General Elec- freezer compart. 11 cubi g foot, tele- ightly | 5! room condition, reasonable. Phene RA bg 14 FT. cedar strip Peterborough boat, Fis controls, ygshiele, centre te deck 18 Evinrude es A real buy, like new. "Riso COM Club racer. Phone 15 Brooklin. 113d 15 FT. boat, trailer, and 14 horse power treet | motor, $350, Apply at 230. Bloor Street West. 113¢ Master ga tractor with plone RA FIFTEEN Ft, cedar strip boat, com- plete with windshield, controls, and 35 hy 1010! COMBINATION wood and gas stove, idea) for Sokiage, | $10. Apply 330 Simcoe treet South or RA 3-9438. 113¢ autom Atic Chrome kitchen suite, black for- Wied, table to) §, red leatherette chairs. Apply after 6 p.m., 633 Masson Street. to 35 hij make store #'terations. below . Pam) iway Ne ision, 111 HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. tact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, f| parts, (it actor, large size, wood | 113¢| starting Many items 918 | FLAGSTONE 813 per ton. Apply 216' VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, Park Road Nokth. 111 12 ONE garden ve | condition. Pho w RA 8-894. SEE the spect: Rcular new "Buccaneers! 2¢|3 wi two * models. Come im and choose yours now. Trade and tenis. Cy Preece Garage, wh. Gliddon at Verc tin Road. MUST clear all J(Vs, radios and Hi-Fi's attachments, brushes, guran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. RA 8-108] anytime. NATURAL dinette, four chairs, table and buffet; canvas awning 9 feet wide; Gendron doll carriage. RA 5-0159. 113a ELECTRIC Seamstress sewing machine, table model, in' good condition, Also a bridesmaid's dress worn once, excellent condition, RA 8-8784. nt 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HAZEL AMELIA BATEMAN, DECEASED All persons having cloims ogainst the Estate of Hazel Amelia Bateman, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of November, 1958, at the said City of Oshowa, are required to file proof of the same with the under- signed on or before the 3rd day of June, 1959, ofter which date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED ot Oshawa, this 12th day of May, 1959. HAROLD VICTOR BATEMAN, Administrator of the Estate of Hazel Amelia Bateman, By Manning F. Swartz, 26Y2 King Street Eost, Oshawa, Ontario, his Solicitor. NOTICE TENDERS IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF JOSEPH ROBERT McCORMACK OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, FORMERLY TRADING UN- DER THE NAME OF ""Mc- CORMACK HEATING", Sealed tenders for the pur- 361 BLOOR ST. E. Open all weekend PHONE RA 5-4513 or RA 5-7456 cost. Simcoe Street Mg rth. RA 3-304: HOOVER Sales and ty new or |used, guarantee vacuums. Nu-Way | Rug Sales and § ervice. ho 5-1202. FREEZER chesly big 420 1b, new '50 model, door lock, 4-inch fibre glass in- tion, Svear w arranty, $249.95. Kelly TV. RA 5-5121 USED y 'friges, aerials, air condi 81 King West. d- FRIGIDIARE del te, cu. ns $340, uly wn 199 Yeh trade. down. ay Appliances. s5121, 24 hours da il. SPECIAL discountd ET cent off to used as second car. Phone RA Same, UPEJGHT '59 food freezer. Big 448-1b. 13 t. Regular $499, sale $277. Free five year Ld food policy. Kelly TV, 81 King Wi WE pay pia prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni. ture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South, BOATS, motors and trallers, New and used. Easy terms at Dominion Tire|_ 48--Automobiles Wanted |siore, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| PETERBOROUGH hardtop, 15 foot for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA boat, 35 HP Johnson °57 onibosse, sle Ses. 5-1161 or RA 51162, Serum, extra oe een ; WANTED '53 Studebaker Champion or poiy. Orae's Marine, front end of same. Will top any wreck- Pott Perry, YUkon §-2351. anf er's price. RA 5-494, 112f {TWO hand lawn mowers, and two win. -- dows with frames Jo pening, wr by 37%". Phone RA 3 builders, apartment or Rome owners on | pilin , cool ing tops, dishwash- HIGHEST PRICES USED Frigidaire TT. 12 ze ers etc. Kelly Applig ices, 81 King West. PAID FOR out: Good clean cars, Trade up or foot or summer cottage. RA 3-0807, "|BEAR front end si ignment and wheel down, Liens paid off. balaseing. Morihy's Garage, 1373 Sim- coe h. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. RA 3-942 BUCK'S BODY SHOP collision work Painting, Towing Cars bought go! $11,100 FULL PRICE These new homes are located near shopping centre, fea- tures 3 bedrooms, brick cen- struction, 4-pc. baths, oil heat, sodded front lowns, and many more extras, You can't afford to pass up a price like this for a home like this -- call immediately for. Bill Rotcliffe ot RA 5.6544, |46--Real Estate Wanted |ovsEs "and farms wanted for clients, All cash or your equity. For quick sale| call W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince gush Oshawa, RA 3-2513; Whitby MO chase of the following assets will be accepted by the Trustee until 3 P.M. FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1959 Lot No. 1--Furnace vacuum with base, no attachments, Lot No. 2a0--Pipe vice, pipe cutter, pipe die. 2b--Electric saw (Sowzall), Lot No, 3--1957 Chevrolet Pick-up truck. GIRL'S size 10 to 14, $10 lot. Furniture and dishes, suitable for cottage. RA 5-5015, 14a "11 acres on No, 2 Highway, nice gorden lond. Price $4,000. +4 acres near Newcastle, nice view, good soil. Price ogly $1,200 » Commercial lots on No. 115 "Highway at $20.00 per foot, 1 One acre with trout stream, «Priced to sell. '55 MONARCH 2-Dr, Hard- top, has automatic, rad- io, w/wall tires, tutone. A beautiful car in every way. CHEV, BEL AIR -- 6 cyl., radio, w/wall and tutoned in turquoise ond white. We invite you to examhe this truly fine car. OLDS SUPER 88 -- Fin- ished in ivory and grey, power steering, power brakes, radio, auto trans- mission, padded dash. Priced to sell. PONTIAC 2 - Dr, --- Automatic, radio, tu- tone grey and white, equipped with power brakes. Road test this car and compare, CHEV. 2-Dr. Station Wagon. This cor was privately owned and used only as a private vehicle, A very scarce model in perfect condition, OUR SPECIAL FOR THE HOLIDAY -- 1955 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN AUTO- MATIC. In very goo con- dition, Priced at Only $1295 '54 OLDS 4-Dr. Sedan, with automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, rod- io, etc. Test drive this beauty today. FORD Country Sedan 9- passenger -- It's been o long time since we have seen one os sharp as this, FORD Custom Tudor, finished in beautiful red and white with w/wall tires. A good, sound and economical car, GMC, V2-Ton Pick-up: MERCURY 14-Ton Pick Up. 88 PONTIAC 4-door station wagon, automatic, undercoated, ofl filter, Less | than 4000 miles. New-car condition. RA 5- 8885. 114f 55 FARGO %-ton pick-up, Very good condition, ready to work. One driver since new. Apply 214 Celina Street after 5 1114 gray 57 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan, and white powerglide, heater, white! walls, discs, windshield washers, out. st, ndition. One owner. Call RA 3-3034. 1 1955 MONARCH Lucerne sedan, spot- | less two-tone blue and white finish, | tr radio, rear| seat speaker, four nearly new white wall tires. Special for this wéek only, $1395. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby. Open till 10 p.m. 111e DON'T overlook the many offers in the Classified section every day. And don't overlook a Classified ad as the simple Solution to your problems. Dial RA 3.3492. EXTRA !! For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair. vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St, RA 5-243] Whitby, MO 8-4633 113b finges, washers, TV ioners, ete. Kelly TV, 1° 0 RA 7-room frame house in excel- lent repair, oil furnace, both- room, full bosement. A-] location. Price $13,000. Terms, "NEWCASTLE 7 - room frome house, oil furnace, gar- age: Price only $7,000. Eosy terms, BOWMANVILLE -- 3.-bed- room bungalow, bathroom, os furnace. Price $6,500, asy terms. Tenders must be accompan- ied by a certified cheque, payable to the Trustee equal to twenty percent of the tender, The goods may be in- spected by appointment with the Trustee. - The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted HOUSE FOR SALE Offers to purchase will be accepted on the property at 1188 Ritson Road South, Oshawa, consisting of a 6- toom brick home and a fin ished recreation room in basement; subject to a first and second mortgage of ap- proximately $8,800. Terms are cash, tenders must in- clude o certified cf payable to the Trustee, equal to twenty percent of the cash payment. Gordon W, Riehl, CA. R.ILA., Licensed Trustee, 135 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario. Tel. RA 5-3527 MO 8-5731, Large #ize crib, bed, all complete spring filled mattresses. walnut finish, chest of all g condition, RA 5-9476. Af 11 STOVE, inch General Electric, $75. GE refrigerator, nas nearly new. gO 35-4330. peas ih ure, selling out -- rugs, electric app! ces, in perfect con- dition, etc. Phone §'A 3-7244. 1108 BRIGHTEN up your home for spring with lovely new flog r coverings. Many patterns and colors 'from 37 cents per foot. Inlaid linoleums . heavy duty, can. 114f | ya backs, regular $k 99 sq. yard. While they last 99 cents sq. ywrd, Congo rugs, bordered, large, by 1} and 9 by 13%. Out they go, $12. Wil spn Furniture, 20 Church Street. 110f OUTBOARD cruiser 1 9 ft. x 7 ft. 4 in. New, custom built fr 2 Americas de- singer's 'prints, $995. ilson Road South. 109¢ MAGNATONE GUITARS AND AMPLIFIERS Spanish and Hawaiian. Save up to 60%. Buy direct from Lloyd Hahn, Wholesale Rep- resentative, 59 Billingsgate Cresc., Ajox. 113¢ Make three people happy by Listing your property -- we Sell it. You'll be happy, the buyer will be happy, so will we, that makes three, BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 47 --Automobiles For Sale '47 OLDSMOBILE 6, original mik S100, good tires, Very clean. $100, "RA 1l4e rrp Estate For Sale ng and Dinette table, ood | 57 CHEVROLET deluxe two-tone, $1475 or best offer RA 8.0094 after 4.30 p.m 111d Wood eondition. Phone 11 a "CHEV. tn 58 CHEV. "tudor, brand new tires, ex- cellent. condition. Apply - 324 Wilon Road South, 11 's5 FORD Customline sedan, green oo white, excellent tires, new motor guar- anteed by Ford dealer, nice clean in- terior, $1095. Lease expiring sale, King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, Expert Welding, and Storage. ond sold, H. MARLYN, Prop. 361 BLOOR ST, E. RA 5-4513 or RA 5.7456 MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good elean ears. Pay off liens. Sell on consign- ment. Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W.--RA 3-7132 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings ond weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 4-room bungalow on Highway 2 -- nice lot, hydro, good well, o Price $4,200 -- down 0. Food and freezer plant. $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approxi- mately 90 per cent gro- ceries and freezer, no down payment, for ap pointment. No obligation. Phone RA 5-3709. 52--Legol Notices The management of Oshawa Structur- al Steel ( Limited wishes to an- ' SINGLE door wardrok.« with full view mirror, size 2' wide 5" {vigh, Reavanavle offer. Phone between p.m. and p.m. RA E1087: STUDIO couc continental bed, kitchen sink wiih aus ets, 24" fluores- cent light, rangeite, wardrobe, suit. able = cottages. Good condilon, Phone RA 3-3703. 189 SCUGOG ST. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3644:% 1140 Holiday Special COME DOWN AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN GET FOR THE LOW" PRICE OF $12,995 6-ROOM SOLID BRICK RANCHER BUNGALOWS OIL HEAT---HOLLYWOOD KITCHENS MAHOGANY DOORS--ARBORITE COUNTER TOPS PRIVATE DRIVES--LARGE LOTS SALESMAN ON JOB THIS WEEKEND PARK ROAD SOUTH -- EAST ON WENTWORTH AND SOUTH ON CEDAR TO SHARBOT AND SCUGOG STS. KAMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. 114a The Supreme SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance & Safety Endurance, Reliability NOW ON DISPLAY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. NONQUON RD. RA 3-4431 BUYING OR SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494, Res, 5.5574 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN | SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-346! 110 40 hp. Johnston PD with ii TB 14% ft, tral 3 windshield, fan latex uphol- Sons patlin, 5 life other ac- 1106 stery, battery, lights, ty jackes, oars, surf Ccessories, $1200. RA 8-8/ as, FOR SALE LIONEL ELECTRIC T1'RAIN AND ACCESS>ORIES In Brelient gation PHONE RAS 51-4629 COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOOM:S AND AWNINGS Manufactured in our Whitby plant. Before buyin g come into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. ond mee our display or for @ hom # dem- onstration call. Osha wa RA 8-857 FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL. ALUMINUAA 134 Simcoe St, !5. Oshawa pany as Structural Steel Company Ltd., Otvave "william Ridgely Per Frank McLellan, I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Edythe A. Gates, or any other persons, on or after this date, May i 1959, -- W. Gates, formerly 315 Celin Street. 1st The finest Canadian made aluminum combination win- dows ond prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum awnings. Remember sold only by your local deoler. ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, RA 3.9851. Family Day At Brooklin By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- A large congre- gation assembled at Brooklin United Church Sunday for special Christian Family Day services. Ralph Milner, Sunday school superintendent, conducted the service. Heather Vipond read the lesson and the Junior Choir pro- vided music directed by Mrs, Kenneth Holliday, with Dianne N~<hitt at the piano. Mrs. Gordon Hunter told a story Rev. S. H. Hillier spoke on the importance of family worship. The following infants were bap- tized: Ian Alexander, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Bell, Meadowcrest; Diane Elizabeth, and Donna Margaret, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton, Meadowcrest; Patty Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnston, Brooklin; Susan Linda, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William D. Croxall. HOME AND SCHOOL MEET The Home and School Associa- tion will meet Tuesday, May 19 at 8.15 p.m. at Meadowcrest Jun- ior School. Gordon McMahon, meniber of Whitby township council, will be guest speaker, ABC GROUP MEETS Mrs. W. Medland was hostess for the May meeting of the ABC Group of the WA, with leader, Mrs. W. Heron, presiding. The committee, Mrs. W. Ormiston, Mrs. C. S. Thompson, Mrs. W. Parish, conducted the service. Mrs. Thompson spoke on the as- cension and Mrs. Ormiston read scripture, Mrs. C. Davies present- ed an article on prayer. It was decided not to enter a group exhibit at Brooklin is Fair in June. Mrs. W. A. Jackson reported on the WA Presbytery at Tyrone. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Noble Stevenson and family, Burlington, were guests for the weekend of Mrs. Walter Stevenson. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley visited her father, George Avery, Little Britain, Sunday. Helen " Alves, of the Kingston General Hospital, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alves. TENDERS FOR SUB TRADES Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, Tuesday, May 19, for the construction of a building and warehouse for the Beaver Lumber Co., Ltd, Whitby, Ontario, MEL-RON CONSTRUCTION 212 ST. PETER STREET WHITBY -- MO 2592 'th '54 '54 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a moldea hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26°. See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX Wilson & Lee Lid MUSICAL SPECIALS used Frontalini 120 Bass Piano Accordion & Case. Medium size, good condition new Hohner 120 Bass Piano Accordion : Cose Medium size, full year guarantee. Reg. price $280.00 used Scandelli 120 Bass Piano Accordion & a, Full size, like new | used 48 Bass Piono Accordion & Case, like new. 1 used De Armond Flat Top Guitar, pick-up .. New Stewart Guitar Pick-up (easy clip-on style adapt- able to almost any instrument) : Miller Guitar Pickup for Arch Top Guitar Slightly used Hawaiian Electric Guitar, complete with case used Harmony Guitar 'Arch Top ....coveves used Harmony Guitar Arch Top .. used Michigan Tenor Banjo & Coase .... 2--'51 METEORS. '50 PONTIAC Deluxe, '55 MONARCH 4-Dr., io, etc. FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS -- TRY Van Huesen Motors 149 King West RA 5.3557 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. 50--Articles For Sale BOAT-trailer, A-1 "condition. Town line south, second last house east side. 113a ONE 'bicycle, CCM; two pairs boxing gloves; one aquarium: one outboard motor; one car radio: 6-volt ynen. Call RA 5-3347 after 5:30, 113¢ rad- ~ Robinson Motors (OSHAWA) LTD. $74 Ritson Rd. S. DODGE - DESOTO . SIMCA Sales -- Parts -- Service RA 5-6518 THE SMARTEST PECPLE TRY THE REST THEN BUY HILLMAN ... IT'S THE BEST LUXURY AND COMFORT LEG & HEAD ROOM FOR SIX FOOTERS HIGHER CRUISING SPEEDS GREAT ECCNOMY ALL WELD UNIT CONSTRUCTION Hydraulic clutch--King size hydraulic brakes 2 and 4 door wagons, deluxe sedan and convertible $1,795.00 and up CHEAPER HERE THAN IN THE STATES INCLUDING: HEATER, SIGNALS, TWO-TONE, SERVICE, $§ TUBELESS TIRES, OIL FILTER. GAS AT BACK . . . NOT IN YOUR LAP YOU SIT ON A SEAT, NOT ON THE. FLOOR $295.00 DOWN -- 36 MONTHS ON BALANCE QUALITY USED CARS VANGUARD. . $450 '53 CHEV. Radio, overdrive, one Outstanding value. owner. '5S FORD $1098 CHRYSLER $250 Two-tone, good motor, Custom radio, clean. CHEV. $1198 '57 FORD Cae $1695 Two-tone, attractive. Custom radio, '56 RAMBLER HILLMAN $1295 Two-tone, one owner. A good one AND MANY MORE BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO TRY "HONEST ED" or "IRISH STEW" EASY TERMS, WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND MORE AT WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED HILLMAN--RAMBLER NONQUON ROAD -- RA 3-4431 OPEN TILL 9 PM. These are a few of the fine Cars we offer for our Holiday Weekend Sale. COME IN TODAY NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of HAROLD EDWARD RED MAN, late of the City of Oshawa, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executrix, on or be- fore the 10th day of June, 1959, ofter which date the Estate's assets will be distri- buted having regard only to claims that have been re- ceived. ERNEST MARK" Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, 113b CW. H. McEWAN and SON 3- and 4-BEDROOM HOMES OF DISTINCTION DESIGNED BY ONE OF ONTARIO'S FOREMOST ARCHITECTS. $199.95 $2312.75 ONE oslo Slectric hot water tank, 1 ch slat spring and mattress IRA 5.9436. 4 PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $2. This includes full size erib, as. mattress and bumper pads. Unbe- Jicvable value! Barons' Home Fur. s, 424 Simcoe St. §. priasThee refrigerators, 'all makes, LY a ondition ed. 90-day free warranty, from 50. Irvine ances, 50 Bond East. AV WE buy and sell new and used cycles, bargains in all golf, tackle po camping equipment, dew worms and live bait. Open Thursday and ir '1 9 p.m. Sportsman's Corner, 108 . Byron Street South. MO 8.4511, ONE beautiful wedding dress, in . call after 5 FS pm. A 83-6564. THE Dutch Nahant Toe Used TV's = Sphliances. 171 Bond Street East. RA We buy and sell. od ranges, all makes, pletely reconditioned. 90-day warranty, fram $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond $28 9.95 QC. $ '§9.95 $ 9.95 495 192.50 $ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of LILY NORA ARMSTRONG, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Lily Nora Armstrong, late: of the. Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario, House- wife, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of March, 1959, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned executors on or before the 25th day of June, 1959, after which date the assets of the estate will be -dis- tributed hcving regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have notice. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this 11th day of May, 1959. Charles Herbert Neal ond Charles Edward Bowman, Executors, Buvia J. 'Cuddy, 3 vi , 111 Dundos St. Ew Whitby, co-ed 444.95 197.95 1.4.95 249.95 75 20 years of building experience have gone into the making of these homes BUILT IN WHITBY'S MOST EXCLUSIVE AREA 83 $695 Mexican Maracas, per pair . . | new Fleetwood Automatic 4-speed ead Player. $69.95 . Two speakers (demonstrator). Reg. 54.95 50 $ 1 used Floor Model 3-speed Combination Radio Record Player (reconditioned) Walnut R.C.A. Victor Clock Radios. Regular $42.95 1 only Spinet Piano with Bench, 400 Lon prices,. 4 RCA ii Portable Sone 4. apoed. Players. Regular $149.95, each $115L50 EASY CREDIT TERMS--3 YEARS ON PIANO S TRADE-INS ACCEPTED WILSON & LEE LIMITED 87 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5.4703 "-~ Individually styled in Ranch, Colonial, English and French Provinical Priced To Suit The Most Discrim- .inate Buyer. OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND LOCATION--LOT 16 FAIRVIEW DRIVE IN THE NORTH-WEST AREA WHITBY CALL MO 8-2527 "88 $ 79.95 $ 3295 $5243.00 $1295 ASW alr conditioner, % hp, el ance, $169. Parkway Television, -3043. | Simcoe Street North. RA 3 {TWO piece green Kroehler chesterfield suite, Jord condition and reasonable. {RA 3-254 114a heh nie heavy duty stove, suitable for cottage, $15. RA 8-1944. ue ER 213 Arthur Street. Phone RA - da SELL YOUR BOAT? Boats sold on consignment. We obtain all cash for you! Large display aree. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. 'Rinablin Aes ~ "ois like new .99 "ann USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 1140 ve

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